Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
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Enhanced Co-digestion of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes with Cow Dung and Poultry Droppings using Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio Proportioning[Full-Text ] G. Usman, C.S. Ajinomoh, J. A. Muhammad, Y. MuhammadBiogas production was remarkably improved by the anaerobic co-digestion of manually sorted, size reduced simulated organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) with cow dung (CD) and poultry droppings (PD) by mixing the substrates to achieve reported optimum carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N). The experiments were performed in four sets of laboratory scale, 4 litre slurry biodigesters in triplicates. The Modified Gompertz equation was used to effectively describe the cumulative gas production from the process and zero order kinetic equations adequately described the COD removal rates of the effluents. The modified Gompertz equation showed that when simulated OFMSW is mixed with 38% and 22% CD and PD respectively to achieve a (C/N) of 30:1, biogas evolution was improved by 17% and 25% respectively under ambient conditions.
Skew Detection and Skew Correction in scanned Document Image using Principal Component Analysis[Full-Text ] Basavanna M, S. S. GornaleSkew detection and correction in a document image processing has become an imperative technology in the field of Digital Image Processing and pattern recognition which will take vital role in automation of office documentation. Skew is in exorable introduced into the scanned document during scanning, and it has direct effect on the reliability and efficiency of the segmentation and feature extraction stages for various applications. Hence, skew detection and correction in document images are critical steps before layout analysis. In this work a novel skew detection method is presented for skew detection and correction scanned document Images using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The experiments which we have carried out on scanned document images are satisfactory and the performance of the proposed method is compared and analyzed in detail and the promising results and findings are presented.
A SOCIO-CULTURAL STUDY OF DELHI BY KHUSHWANT SINGH AND TWILIGHT IN DELHI BY AHMED ALI: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. M. Shahbaz Arif, Hina GullThe research is designed to explore the similarities and differences in developing socio-cultural discourse about ‘Delhi’ by two writers of different times, cultures and religions. Framework developed for this research is based initially on the works of two anthropologists cum sociologists Scupin and Erikson. Qualitative methodology is used to explain the derived aspects of culture: material culture and non-material culture. These aspects of culture have been discussed to explain the archaic and human history of the city, being propped up by three standard works on Delhi. (1) Celebrating Delhi (2) City Improbable: writing on Delhi (3) The Crisis in the Punjab from the 10th of May until the fall of Delhi. Social aspects of the novels are discussed according to the derived paradigms regarding socio-political and religio-historical aspects. In this comparative study of two novels both the texts are analyzed under the finally coined aspects of culture—‘material culture’ and ‘non material culture’. These two aspects of culture are discussed in the light of cultural theory presented by Faiz (2004).
Performance characteristics of direct injection diesel engine running on Mackerel fish oil biodiesel / diesel fuel blend[Full-Text ] Pavan Pujar, B. K. Venkanna, Basavaraj Mudhol, Pavan KulkarniTriglycerides and their derivatives are considered as viable alternatives for diesel fuel. Highly viscous Mackerel fish oil biodiesel can be reduced by blending with diesel fuel. The present research work is aimed to investigate experimentally the performance characteristics of direct injection (DI) diesel engine, over entire load range when fueled with Mackerel fish oil biodiesel (FOB) and diesel fuel (DF) blends (B20, B40, B60, B80, B100; example: B20: 20% FOB + 80% DF by volume).The performance parameters such as brake specific fuel consumption, brake specific energy consumption, brake thermal efficiency, air fuel ratio were analysed. Results showed that all blends follow the same trend as that of DF. There was no much difference between the performance of DF and FOB. At higher loads both specific energy and specific fuel consumptions were low for FOB (B100). FOB can be used in the DI diesel engine as an alternative fuel without any engine modifications.
Studying and Measurements Of An Introduced Composite Poly(1,2,3 trihydroxy 4,5 phenylene) Polymer[Full-Text ] Mazhar B.Tayel ,Sherine S.El GarfPolymers are one of the most important materials that have special chemical, thermal, magnetic and electrical properties that can be used in many fields nowadays. The goal of this paper is to focus on the electrical properties of an introduced polymer composite poly(1,2,3 trihydroxy 4,5 phenylene) polymer that was previously prepared by El-Garf et.al method [1].The samples of this polymer were prepared in two ways, with and without additives. The properties of the prepared samples are measured and are presented in this paper. The measurements show that additives drastically change the electrical parameters of this polymer.
An Approach to Improve the Process Cycle Efficiency and Reduce the Lead Time of a Mango Juice Processing Line by Using Lean Tools: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Md. Monir Hossain, M. Kamal UddinThis study was a case analysis of the effective performance of lean tools adoption in a mango juice processing line-1 of X Food Industry in Bangladesh. This work addresses the implementation of lean tools in order to evaluate present Process Cycle Efficiency and lead time prior to develop an improved strategy to bring the improved PCE and to reduce the lead time. Value Steam Map and Pareto analysis were applied to evaluate the present and future state PCE and lead time. At the present state, the PCE was found 15.28% and after the implementation of lean tools it would be 34.05% at future state where lead time would also be reduced by 55.10%. The production flow was optimized by minimizing several non value added activities and time such as bottlenecking, machine breakdown, queue time, waiting time, material handling time, etc. Eventually, this case study will be useful in developing a more generic approach to design lean environment in management system of the studied X food industry.
Multilevel Inverter-a survey for MV and HV applications[Full-Text ] Ashraf Yahya, S.M.Usman Ali, Nusrat HusainMultilevel inverter (MLI) technology is gaining considerable attention of present research and is a potential rival of conventional Sine wave inverter technology. It however faces limitations of its applications in medium voltage (MV) and High voltage (HV) such as Electrical Power Transmission & Distribution, Medium Voltage (MV) AC motor drives and a few Low Voltage (LV) applications. This is because of large hardware and complex control circuitry is required for MLI. At low voltage, 2-level PWM Inverters still prevail. Present researches in MLI are towards minimizing hardware and improving upon its performance parameters, and owing to its high Power quality, it could be seen to be replacing 2-level PWM inverters in future. This paper takes thorough review of the Multilevel Inverter topologies, control strategies and commercial applications as well as recent advancements carried out in this area.
Design and Development of an Image Processing Based Traffic Control System with GSM and GPS Interface[Full-Text ] Jagtap Varsha SureshWith the increasing number of vehicles on the road, it has become difficult to properly control the flow of traffic especially in large cities like Pune, Aurangabad, Mumbai etc. The proposed system uses a digital camera mounted on a stepper motor to sense the traffic on the road. The decision to open the lane is done after monitoring the traffic load. The heavily loaded side is turned on for a longer time. Thus the system is intelligent because it is not using the fixed time frame. The system is also integrated with GSM and GPS, thus the signals can also be controlled with the help of mobile in case of an emergency. MATLAB programming environment has been used in simulating and developing the system. Thus the system is smart because it can manage the traffic problems in smooth and efficient way and also it can handle the emergency cases like ambulance by using GSM and GPS.
Genetic Algorithm Optimized Multi Objective Optimization for Medical Image Watermarking using DWT and SVD[Full-Text ] Mr. .Venugopal Reddy .CH, Dr. Siddaiah.PIntegrity of data has to be preserved at all cost especially in the case of medical Images. Watermarking has been used a primary tool in marinating the integrity of the medical images over a period of time. The primary objective of the proposed work is to design a tool for watermarking and encrypting medical images to protect integrity and provide authenticity. In this work is multi objective optimization function is proposed for medical image watermarking to ensure that the watermark maintains its structural integrity along with robustness and imperceptibility. Genetic Algorithm optimization is employed to optimize the objective function to choose a correct type of wavelet and scaling factor. The water marking is proposed to be implemented using a hybrid approach which encompasses Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique. The encryption is proposed to be effected using RSA and AES encryption algorithms. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) which enables the user to have ease of operation in loading the image, watermark it, encrypt it and also retrieve the original image whenever necessary is also designed and presented in this paper. The robustness and the integrity of the watermark is tested by measuring different performance parameters and subjecting it to various attacks
The Development of Multivariable Road Fatality Predictive Model for Provinces Region in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Supratman AgusThis study investigated the development of multivariable road fatality predictive model for provinces region in Indonesia. It was carried out based on a consideration that Indonesia has still used Smeed (1949) and Andreassen (1985) models as road fatality predictive models, despite the fact that two variables in these models including population and motor vehicles numbers are not suitable with infrastructure and facilities characteristics of Indonesian road transportation. The sample used in this study was West Java Province as the representative of 34 other provinces in Indonesia with the highest numbers of populations and motor vehicles, the longest road infrastructure in Java Island and the third rank in the number of road fatality in Java as the most densely populated island in Indonesia. This study aimed to explore the use of Smeed/Andreassen variables, to develop these variables into multivariable and to develop Artificial Neural Netwok (ANN) model to forecast fatality based on road transportation infrastructure characteristics in the research site, West Java Province, Indonesia. The findings showed that (1) three-variable ANN model with two hidden layers (ANN3-2HL*S) is the best fatality predictive model in Indonesia province areas; (2) ANN3-2HL*S model is able to reveal 97.5% of data reported by RI National Police Department and hospitals survey fatality result; (3) Andreassen predictive model is unsuitable for Indonesia. This research recommends two following aspects: (1) ANN3-2HL*S predictive model can be used in Indonesia provinces with similar research site areas characteristics, and (2) ANN3-2HL*S can be used for completing RI National Police Department fatality data.
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model[Full-Text ] Divya Singh, Asst. Prof. Rakesh PanditAs in present scenario the credit cards or netbanking is very popular and most preferred mode of transaction.The security of these transaction is also a major issue.In this paper we have given the theory to use three key factors of check on any transaction which is firstly trained by the HMM.This is to make the transactions more secure than the previously given theories.We firstly create the behavioural pattern of any user using HMM,afterwards if the transaction is not accepted by the given model than we consider it as security threat or fraud and send an alert to user to verify.
Properties of wavelet coefficients of self-similar time series[Full-Text ] Vyacheslav V. Lyashenko, Zh. V. Deineko, M. Ayaz AhmadThe analysis and processing of sequence of the data presented in the form of time series, is one of the prevalent methodologies in studying of various processes and the phenomena which are concerned to different fields of activity and researches. As a practice shows, the most of investigated time series have a property of self-similarity. At the same time, among existing variety of different ways and methods for the data processing which are presented in the form of a time series, it is possible to allocate the ideology of a multiresolution wavelet-analysis. The essence of such ideology consists in carrying out of wavelet-expansion of investigated data and the subsequent analysis of corresponding coefficients of such expansion – wavelets coefficients. Thus, necessity in answer to a question about properties of such wavelet coefficients is objective. It makes a basis of the given research. Hence, the basic properties of wavelet coefficients of self-similar time series are formulated and proved on theoretical level in this work. Also, there are presented the results of experiments which have confirmed a theoretical substantiation of the basic properties of wavelet coefficients of self-similar time series. They have shown that the considered properties are characteristic for time series with different correlation structure.
COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC VARIABLES IN ADULT LITERACY TEACHING: AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH REPORT[Full-Text ] E. OLUWAKEMI AUGUSTUS Ph. DThis paper examined the relative effectiveness of three communication or instructional strategies; drama method, audio-based instructional package and conventional teaching method on the learning of selected concepts in Social Studies by adult learners in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. A 3x2x2 quasi-experimental, pre-test, post-test control group design was employed. The subjects for the study were three hundred and four (304) intermediate class adult learners from sixteen (16) purposively selected adult literacy centers in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Three hypotheses were generated for the study and data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) and Scheffe post-hoc test. The results revealed that there was significant main effect of treatment on learners’ achievement in Social Studies (F(2,303)=19.92; p<0.05).It also revealed that there was a significant main effect of learners’ socio-economic status on achievement in Social Studies (F(1,303)=5.225; p<0.05) and learners’ attitude towards social studies (F(1,303)=8.970; p<0.05).
Micellization Behavior and thermodynamic properties of N-Alkyl Trimethylammonium Bromide Surfactants in aqueous media at different temperatures[Full-Text ] Md. Manwarul Islam, Mohammad Rezaur Rahman, Md. Nazrul IslamKnowledge of Micellar behavior of a surfactant is essential for its wide range of applications. Studies have been done on the micellar behavior of some of the cationic surfactants individually, by different methods, which is not sufficient to correlate the trend of change of properties of the surfactants in a particular series. A comprehensive study of Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) and thermodynamic behavior of Tetradecyl Trimethylammonium Bromide (TTAB), Hexadecyl Trimethyl ammonium Bromide (CTAB) and Octadecyl Trimethylammonium Bromide (OTAB) has been herein conducted by conductivity measurements to represent the trend of micellar and thermodynamic properties of N-Alkyl Trimethylammonium Bromide Surfactant series, at different temperatures. The CMC studies have been utilized to evaluate the empirical relation (Stauff- Klevens rule), i.e. log CMC= A – Bn, for this homologous series at different temperatures. It was found that the value of B of this relation changes from 0.283 to 0.271 with increase of temperature. Thermodynamic parameters (?Gmo, ?Smo and ?Hmo) for these surfactants were calculated over the temperature range of 293K- 328K. It was found that ?Gmo values become more and more negative whereas ?Smo becomes more positive with increase of chain length of the surfactants. From the thermodynamic calculations it was found that the micellization processes of these surfactants are enthalpy and entropy controlled.
Synchronizing Chaotic Systems CHEN-LUby Fractional Order Using Active Sliding Mode Controller and Optimizing Parameters by PSO Algorithm[Full-Text ] Toktam Motamedifar , Dr Mahdi YaghoobiChaotic behavior of dynamic systems can be observed in many real applications such as circuits - power systems – medicine – electrochemical biology. Chaos is one of the most interesting subjects attracted specialists’ attention in different scientific areas. This research is aimed at studying chaos in fractional order systems CHEN – Lu. A sliding mode controller is then considered for synchronizing fractional order chaotic systems with based and follower structure. For optimization ofthe parameters of this controller, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used. Finally, the numerical simulation shows that this method needs less time for synchronization than similar methods.
Study and Determination of Antimicrobial role of Polymeric Schiff based Resins[Full-Text ] Zeenat M. Ali, Kiran Mehboob Bana, A. Q. Laghari, Samina Saleem, Hussain SaleemBackground: Schiff based polymers possess strong antimicrobial, anti inflammatory, antihypertensive, analgesics, antitumor, antituberculous, anticonvulsants, antihelminthic, antioxidant and antiviral activities and seek attention in pharmacodynamics and other related fields. Methodology & Results: The classical synthesis of different diamino compounds like 1,2-diaminopropane, 1,3-diaminopropane, ethylenediamine, and urea were treated with methylene bis napthaldehyde in an inert atmosphere to form Schiff base polymers. The dialdehyde and its synthesized Schiff based polymers were thoroughly characterized spectroscopically, thermo-analytically. The intrinsic viscosity of all compounds was also examined for their antimicrobial activities. Conclusion: This experimental study revealed significant outcome against the antibacterial and antifungal properties of four synthesized Schiff base polymers.
Exploitation of Available Water Reservoirs for Downstream Users of River Indus[Full-Text ] Zeenat M. Ali, Kishan Chand Mukwana, Hussain Saleem, Samina Saleem, Abdul Jabbar LaghariWater is a precious commodity. None of the living-beings can survive without it. Man can live without food for about twenty days but in the absence of water can hardly survive for four days. As a matter of believe, there isn’t any planet except Earth in this geo-spatial universal system that have plenty of water. With the rapid growth in population and increasing demand of food, our fresh water resources are vanishing rapidly with the passage of time. The available existent sources are being exhausted quickly. With another perspective the remaining reservoirs are getting polluted due to release of toxic chemical substances from industrial processes and municipal wastes from residential allotments making it unfit for human consumption as well as for agricultural purposes. The worldwide planners have realized the value of this commodity recording the usability measures to consume it in a sustainable way. This paper focus on the importance of two naturally existing fresh water reservoirs, located in the right bank of River Indus in the Sindh Province of Pakistan. Both the reservoirs namely the Manchar Lake and the Hamal Lake have the potential to store more than 1.5 Million Acre Feet (MAF) of water. Downstream users therefore could utilize the stored water in the dry period available in the enclosure of Kotri Barrage Command area.
Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) of Solar Hybrid Power Solution to GSM BTS Telecom Sites[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kumar Singh, Meenal AroraSolar Energy is becoming an important source of energy all over the world and especially in India .Solar powered base station is a new concept in India. However this concept is not much technically developed to execute such a system nor is there enough awareness amongst the cellular operators. This paper presents the Project Implementation details & various factors for Installation of Solar Roof top to power BTS stations. This paper presents real data obtained from working Site and elaborates on how such a system could allow better energy management of a tower site, along with reduce emissions and proceed towards sustainable energy. In this Paper,it covers all the Design, Purchase & Execution Related data & Parameter which has been considered during Project. Being running project during real time execution it has been covered all the aspects/problems which comes during implementation of a Solar Rooftop PV project
A Review of DMADV: Methodology, Customer Satisfaction and Research Area[Full-Text ] Devendra G. Pendokhare, Taqui QuaziThe purpose of this research note is to examine the use of six sigma Methodologies in order to increase customer satisfaction, profit maximization and future research areas mostly by using DMADV method. In the era of cut throat competition, especially in automobile sector, success of an organisation resides in its ability to respond quickly to the needs of its customers. These customer needs must be attended with minimum manufacturing costs, minimum lead time to launch the product in market and delivering better performance than the existing competitors in the market. Therefore, Indian companies in order to compete with global companies, it is very much essential to be at par, in all spheres of business aspect. Cost and Quality are two very important aspects to be globally competitive, to capture market share, to retain customers to be in business and to achieve business excellence. Integration of Six Sigma Methodology, Lean, Knowledge Management and Cost of Poor Quality is a approach for such a systematic innovation management and improvement of processes. For problem solving using six sigma methodology (DMADV) and Lean, based on the project work and investigation of lean and six sigma methodology, blank soft template is designed, developed and used for implementation of six sigma case studies as guide for step by step problem solving and for continuously updating the project status phase by phase or as per the reportable status is completed.
Automatic car control during heart attack with an emergency messaging and comprehensive health monitoring system[Full-Text ] R. Punitha, G. Suchithra, A. SujithaTraffic accidents are one of the leading causes of fatalities.Accident due to drowsy is prevented and controlled when the vehicle is out of control. And also the drunken drive also prevented by installing alcohol detector in the vehicle. The term used here for the recognition that the driver is drowsy is by using eye blink of the driver. In recent times drowsiness is one of the major causes for highway accidents. These types of accidents occurred due to drowsy and driver cant able to control the vehicle, when he/she wakes.The drowsiness is identified by the eye blink closure and blinking frequency through infra-red sensor worn by driver by means of spectacles frame. The alcohol consumption is also verified during the starting process of the vehicle using alcohol detector. If the driver is drunk then the buzzer indicates and the vehicle doesn’t allow the driver to start the vehicle. Health parameters {heart rate,blood glucose level,body temperature} are also continuously monitored. When an anomaly is found in the above parameters, the car fails to start and gives a warning indication. In this paper, we describe a real-time online safety prototype that controls the vehicle speed under driver fatigue. The purpose of such a model is to advance a system to detect fatigue symptoms in drivers and control the speed of vehicle to avoid accidents. The main components of the system consist of number of real time sensors like gas, eye blink, alcohol, fuel, impact sensors and a software interface with GPS and Google Maps APIs for location.
Meta-analysis on the Role of Mathematics Backgorund in the Performance of BSCS Freshmen in Computer Programming Subjects[Full-Text ] Dr.Isidro L.DuranThis study examined the relationship between the mathematics background and the performance of BSCS freshmen in computer programming subjects. Descriptive research design was utilized in the course of the study.
Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of piperidine-4-carboxamide deriva-tives in mice.[Full-Text ] Saima Yaseen Baig, Shamim Akhter, Arfa Kamil, Lubna Bashir, Shazia Naz, Nausheen Alam, Ghazala Raza Naqvi, Tooba Siddiqi, Syeda Talat Naqvi, Mirza Tasawer Baig.Present work comprises of synthesis of sulfonamide and amide derivatives of piperidine-4-carboxamide via amino–de-chlorination and amino-de-alkoxylation reaction. Structure of the analogues was confirmed by different techniques i.e. IR and 1H NMR. Piperidine derivatives had found to be potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Synthesized derivatives were also shown to relieve pain and to achieve analgesia in mice. The antibacterial activity of the derivatives was also assessed with the parent against a series of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The synthesized compounds showed diverse antimicrobial profile among which most compounds possessed a comparable or better activity in comparison to the parent.
Comparative analysis of UC-CMA and SD-CMA for Reduction of PAPR above 90 percent in MIMO-OFDM/A[Full-Text ] Gurijala Rajasekhar, Charumitra AgrawalOFDM have a several attractive features which give many advantages for transmission of fast and reliable data, high spectral efficiency, and easy equalization. During the transmission of this OFDM signal PAPR is a major practical problem involving OFDM modulation. PAPR in signal is usually undesirable because it usually strains the analog circuitry. To overcome this problem constant modulus algorithm is an efficient scheme which can decreases PAPR (Peak to average power ratio) gradually. In this paper, SD-CMA (Steepest Descent constant modulus algorithm) and UC-CMA (Unit circle constant modulus algorithm) are used for the reduction of PAPR. OFDM signals are generated by using these two algorithms and then compared with the originally generated signal the comparison gives an idea for the algorithm more efficient for data transmission with above 90 percent PAPR.
Visual Teaching Objects for Programming Structures Using Presentation-Based Tools[Full-Text ] Abdullah Ahmad BasuhailThis paper presents an approach for the design and implementation of presentation-based visual animations that we have adopted during the teaching of the structures, techniques and algorithms in computer programming courses. Specifically, presentation-based animations and graphics are utilized to illustrate the concepts of programming to novice undergraduate science and engineering students. The developed components are considered as teaching objects for the programming topics and concepts. The contents can serve as hands-on experience for the learners and trainees that can help them in visualizing the flow of control and execution process of the programming structures. Using the developed teaching objects by this methodology does not require any external software, plug-ins, or add-in modules. The main features of our approach are effectiveness, attainability, and rapidness of the development process. It is also characterized by the reduction of the manpower and cost. The teaching objects that we developed here are also characterized by the reusability and integration into e-learning systems' environment. This technique could be extended to other fields and disciplines of science, technology and engineering.
Development and Strength Characterization of Honey Coated Alchite Fibers for Bio Medical Applications[Full-Text ] Muzammil Mehmood, Dr. Shahid Raza Malik, Dr. Rashid MasoodCurrent research work aims at producing composite alchite fibers( core material made of alginate polymer + outer surface made of hydrolyzed chitosan) by wet spinning technique incorporating Pakistanis origin honey and then characterizing the strength of fibers in order to access their suitability to be used for the production of non-woven burn wound dressings. Nine control fibers were produced by varying the concentration of sodium alginate solution in the dope tank from 3.5 w/v % to 4.5 w/v % and that of hydrolysed chitosan solution from 1 w/v % to 2 w/v % in the coagulation bath. The developed fibers were then coated with small bee honey and 50% aloevera gel + 50% small bee honey by volume mixture to enhance antimicrobial and liquid absorption properties.The strength of uncoated fibers was found in the range 0f 40~50 cN.The strength of fibers showed slight decline after coating with small bee honey and 50% honey-aloevera mixture. Even after coating the fibers with honey and honey-aloevera mixture, the strength was found in the range of fourties which suggests its suitability to be used for the manufacturing of non woven dressings. The wound dressings made from these fibers would permit a trauma less replacement as they would keep the wound surface moist attributed to excellent gelling properties of the core material and would not leave debris upon removal attributed to high strength of fibers.
Enhancing the Power System Loadability Using STATCOM Device[Full-Text ] Anwar S. Siddiqui, Manisha RaniIn the current power system much concentration is given to the efficient transmission of power from generator side to load end with minimum power loss. To achieve this, the newly introduced FACTS technology is being used. FACTS device such as STATCOM (static synchronous compensator) is used in this paper, for the efficient power transfer between transmission lines. To enhance the loadability of transmission lines an adaptive search algorithm called Improved Gravitational Search Algorithm (IGSA) is proposed. In the proposed approach the velocity of each agent is improved. If the agents’ velocity is at maximum only then the optimum solution is obtained. In IGSA maximum power loss of the system is used as fitness function to improve the maximum power transfer capability. The proposed algorithm is implemented on IEEE 57 bus test system using MATLAB platform and the maximum power transferred is evaluated using STATCOM device. The results using IGSA are compared with traditional GSA.