Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
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Survey On: Theory Online Examination With Short Text Matching[Full-Text ] Pooja Kudi,Tejaswini Dhatrak,Kavita Daware and Amitkumar ManekarIn traditional Online Examination System, only objective type questions are assessed and according to that marks are given to the student. However, this technique lacks the capability of evaluating descriptive answers. In university examinations, there are many types of question included for evaluation of the students. Therefore, the automated system must be capable of evaluating the descriptive answers. The online examination system checks the student answer by matching the answer with predefined set of answer. The predefined answers are saved on the server and evaluation is done automatically using the automatic assessment tools. Here the machine learning approach is used to solve this problem using text mining. Measuring the similarity between, sentences, words, documents and paragraphs is an important component in various tasks such as text summarization, information retrieval, automatic essay scoring, document clustering, and machine translation and word-sense disambiguation. In this system JSON is used for transferring data between web application and server, serving as an alternative to XML.
A Novel Dbscan Approach To Identify Microcalcifications In Cancer Images With Noise[Full-Text ] Mrs. Sandhya G,Dr. D. Vasumathi and Dr.G. T. RajuCancer is the most deadly disease among the human life. Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancers in this industrialized world and it is the most common cause of cancer related death among worldwide. This paper presents our new approach of identification of cancer cells in the images containing with noise and the performance analysis.
BDI Approach To Build An Agent Based System[Full-Text ] Dr.Smitha Rao and Jyothsna A.NAgent Technology is hailed as the next break-through in software development. Today agents are being used in a wide variety of applications ranging from web spiders, email filters, air traffic control systems etc. An agent based system is capable of autonomous behaviour. Agents encapsulate both state and behaviour. Difference between object oriented systems and Agent based systems is that in an object oriented system the object whose method is invoked has no control over the execution of that method. In contrast an agent based system mandates autonomous behaviour hence requires that the agent has control over the actions it performs. Beliefs, desires, and intentions are the three primary mental attitudes and they capture the informational, motivational, and decision components of an agent, respectively. This paper explores the Agent based system implementation based on BDI model.
Negative-differential resistance effect in ternary chalcogenide semiconductorInGaTe2[Full-Text ] A.T. Nagat, J. A.M.Abdulwahed, S.R. Alharbi1, E.M. Saed and H.I. El-SaeedyIndium Gallium ditelluride single crystal, were prepared by a special high efficiency, low cost, design constructed locally, based on Bridgman technique. A special Perspex sample holder and quartz cryostat were used to investigate the switching phenomena in InGaTe2 single crystal. Current-controlled negative resistance (CCNR)has been observed for the first time. The switching effect observed in such crystal shows memory. The CVC of the compound show two different regions: an ohmic region at low-current densities and a negative differential resistance (NDR) region at higher current densities. This behavior has been explained by an electrothermal model. The results strongly indicate that the phenomenon in our samples are sensitive to temperature, light intensity and sample thickness as well. Switching parameters (Ith,Vth, Ih, Eth, Pth and ROFF/RON) are found to depend on the surrounding conditions as well as sample thickness.
Renewable Sources Grid Interfacing System[Full-Text ] Fariha Khan, Hamza Talha and Haroon RasheedEnergy demand throughout the world has been increasing rapidly. The present energy sources such as oil reserves, coal deposits, natural gas are exhaustible and getting limited in supply. Therefore, there is an urgent need to conserve available resources and utilize energy as much as possible. In this paper we propose “Renewable Sources Grid Interfacing System” for effective conservation of renewable energy resources. We exploit multiple energy sources at the same time implying load sharing principle. This investigation explores the aspects of Load Sharing phenomenon of a grid connected Hybrid Energy System (HES). In our model solar and wind energy sources have been considered. The acquired results depict that the performance can be improved by changing the phase angle and modulation index of grid inverter. Hence Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy can play an important role in eliminating the energy crisis in our country if utilized properly. Most of the renewable energy systems are operated in stand-alone mode, which only supply power to fixed loads. Interconnection of this system with utility is the current design trend.
A Assesment the Effect of some Bio-Control Agents and OrganiCul-ITM for Controlling Root-rot and Damping-off Diseases of Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill Caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn[Full-Text ] Dr.Nihad.Habeeb.Mutlag AL-ElzerjawiThis study was carried out under green house condition in Al-Najaf province to evaluate the efficiency of some of bio-control fungi and abacteria individually (Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viridi , Chaetumium globosum,Bacillus subtilis,Pseudomonas fluorescens,Azotobacter vinelandii) and incombination as OrganiCul-ITM,commertial products(Trichoderma harzianum,Trichoderma viridi, Bacillus subtilis,Pseudomonas fluorescens, Azotobacter vinelandii) to protect tomato plants against Rhizoctonia solani ,the causative agent of root rot and seedling damping-off diseases.The antagonistic and promotional abilities of T.harzianum , T. viride, ,C.globosum, B. subtilis,P. fluorescens, A.vinelandii were achieved against R. solani in vitro in dual culture assay and in green house.Antagonistic test showed that T. harzianum isolate was significantly reduced the mycelial diameter of R. solani which reach to 16.10 mm on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium incompare with R. solani Kuhn isolate that was 90 mm, so the inhibition percentage of mycelial growth of R. solani Kuhn by T. harzianum was 82.21%.OrganiCul-ITM gave asignificant differences in seeds germination percentage of tomato in green house pots which arise to 89.7%, whereas reached to 18.7 % for treated seeds with R. solani in compare with control treatment that amounted 79.6 % . T. harzianum also revealed high ability in germination percentage of tomato seeds.Treating tomato seeds with OrganiCul-ITM gave significant results than individual treatments in reducing the infection of root rot and damping off diseases which reached to 5.4,6.6 % ,respectivelyin compared with that in untreated one in greenhouse soil artificially infested with a R.solani Kuhn .
The Effect Of Temperature On The Rate Of Digestion And Biogas Production Using Cow Dung, Cow Pea, Cassava Peeling[Full-Text ] Ukpai, P. A., Agbo, P. E and Nnabuchi, M. N. Biogas production from 3-batch biogas plant containing different ratio of mixture of Cow dung, Cassava and cowpea peeling was studied for a period of one month. The ambient and slurry temperature were taken into consideration. Different regression models were used to describe the biogas cumulative production from the plants and the effect of temperature on the volume of gas produced. The study showed that for increase in gas production, a temperature of between 32-40OC is favourable and optimum. Our result revealed that gas production is dependent on temperature of operation of the digester and the nature of waste used.
Immunohistochemistry and histopathology study of breast cancer patients in Al-Najaf Governorate.[Full-Text ] Dr Musa Nima Mezher, Hayder Muhsin Khalfa and Ali Hassan Abood Breast Cancer occurs as a result of mutations, or abnormal changes, in the genes responsible for regulating the growth of cells and keeping them healthy. Cells that have been mutated gain the ability to keep dividing without control or order, producing more cells and forming a tumor.This study is designed to investigate the hormonal and histopathological changes that take place in breast cancer cells in patients who undergone surgery for breast tumour removal in Al sader hospital at Al najaf governate between the period of January 2012 and December 2013.The study examines the role of hormone Estrogen and progesterone in breast cancer patients to outline the involvement of such hormones and study their impact on cellular changes in breast cells. Furthermore the study investigates the histological changes that take place in breast cancer cells in patients suffering from breast cancer in Al najaf governate. A total of 60 female participants ageing between 30-90 years have been identified who attend the oncology clinic at alsader hospital in Al najaf who are suspected of breast cancer. Fine needle aspira-tion (FNA) smears were obtained from the hospital histology department and staining for progesterone and estrogen hormones were preformed. After undergoing breast tumour removal, tumours have been stained with Haematoxylin and eosin to examine their histopathological changes. Our results shows significant age pattern in patients with breast cancer and that woman aged 40-50 are those likely to get breast cancer in Al najaf governate. There is an apparent histological changes in their cell structure and their estrogen receptor expression was dominated by ER positive results which indicates its involvement in the tumor growth process. This study provided a specific age pattern in which patients in Alnajaf governate likely to acquire breast cancer and which hormone receptor there are likely to express in their immuno assay.
Chitosan and Surfactant Impregnated Chitosan Beads for Removal of Textile Dye Brilliant Black BN from Aqueous Solution.[Full-Text ] Shadeera Rouf, M.NagapadmaChitosan and CTAB (Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium bromide) impregnated chitosan beads were prepared and used for the removal of dye Brilliant black BN from aqueous solution. Batch experiments were conducted to study the effect of CTAB concentration, contact time, agitation speed, adsorbent dosage, initial dye concentration and pH. CTAB concentration was varied from 0.01% (v/v) to 0.04% (v/v) and maximum adsorption capacity was attained at 0.02%. Adsorption was initially rapid and attained equilibrium after 5 hours. Adsorption capacity increased with increase in initial dye concentration and decreased with increase in pH. Equilibrium adsorption data were analyzed using Langmuir and Freundlich models and data agreed very well with Freundlich isotherm. Kinetic data showed better fit to pseudo second order rate model than pseudo first order rate model.
Steady flow in pipes of equilateral triangular cross-section in magnetic field[Full-Text ] Dr. Anand Swrup SharmaIn this paper we have investigate the Steady flow in pipes of equilateral triangular cross–section in magnetic field. We have investigated the velocity, volumetric flow and vortex lines.
Analysis Of Single Queue-Single Server and Single Queue - Multi Server Systems using Simulation: Case Studies of First and Eco Banks[Full-Text ] ADAMU MUHAMMEDThis research study is analysis of single queue – single server and single queue - multi server systems using simulation in Banks in Zaria and Minna which are cities in Nigeria. The data collected was analyzed and simulation was performed to reveal the problems associated with the case study Banks. The result revealed that the Banks can reduce customer waiting time as a tradeoff or an opportunity cost. Economic analysis of these costs will help the management to make a trade-off between the increased costs of providing better service and the decreased waiting time costs of customers derived from providing that service.
Planning and Design for Commercialization of Biogas Bottling Plant for Production of Green and Low-Cost Fuel with Utilization of Biomass Resources[Full-Text ] Harsha D N, Aravind Rao Yadwad, Raghu and MD Nadeem MKeeping in view the energy shortage in the country there is a need to tap biomass resources such as cattle dung, kitchen waste, agricultural waste etc. for generation of biogas through the involvement of entrepreneurs and industries to set up decentralized biogas based energy infrastructure in the country, at the potential sites where biomass available is plenty. Under technology demonstration of new RDD&D Policy of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), the Ministry took up a new initiative for bottling of biogas to demonstrate an Integrated Technology-package in entrepreneurial mode on medium size mixed feed biogas-fertilizer plants (BGFP) for generation, purification/enrichment, bottling and piped distribution of biogas. Installation of such plants aims at meeting stationary and motive power, cooling, refrigeration and electricity needs in addition to cooking and heating requirements. There could be a huge potential of installation of medium size biogas-fertilizer plants in the country. Under this review paper work detailed studies will be conducted for analyzing the commercialization of biogas bottling plant for green and low-cost fuel in India.
Identifying the ARR3 gene responsible for a cone dystrophy using genetic browsers[Full-Text ] Hayder Muhsin Khalfa , Ameer Ali Shakir and Noor Hassan KhalfaThis study aims to identify the gene responsible for a cone dystrophy within a family. Prioritizing several possible genes that can be associated with cone dystrophies this task investigates the gene with cone associated function and highest expression in the retina. ARR3 gene has been found to have the highest expression within the retina compared to other genes found on the locus of the X chromosome. Using different website and electronic genetic databases the section on the x chromosome has to be identified and examined. Identification of the genes in the region on the X chromosome is essential since all genes have to be analyzed. Each gene found need to be assessed in terms of function and region of expression within the human body. Genes expressed in the retina posing a photoreceptor function are prioritized to narrow down the focus on a particular gene. Top priortised genes are also assessed on how many EST (expressed sequence tags) they have. Top priortised genes are also assessed on how many EST (expressed sequence tags) they have. After the top gene has been selected thorough analysis is required to identify the function of the gene, this is achieved using literature search to determine the association of the gene and photoreceptors. The selected gene contains exons which are the coding regions of the gene, primers have to be designed to amplify the sequence of each exon present in the gene. ARR3-201 transcript of ARR3 gene found in the region between the two different microsatellite markers provided has been analyzed and primers have been designed to amplify its exons. Evidence has been provided in the literature that this gene is localized in cone photoreceptors and its associated with different functions in the cones photoreceptors furthermore the expression rate was significantly high in the retina which provides more evidence that ARR3 gene is possibly associated with cone dystrophy identified within the family.
The Effect of the Amplifier Length on the Gain and Noise Figure of the Er/Yb Co-Doped Waveguide Amplifiers[Full-Text ] O. Mahran, and A.A.Samir The variations of the amplifier waveguide length on the gain and noise figure of the phosphate glass Er3+-Yb3+-co-doped waveguide amplifiers (EYCDWA) are calculated from the rate equations and the light propagation equations under the uniform dopant and the steady-state condition. The gain increases as the amplifier waveguide length increases then decreases for further increase in the length and noise figure increases as the amplifier waveguide length increases then saturated for further increase in the length for our case of calculations. In our analysis, the pump power variations make improvement for the gain and noise with the amplifier waveguide length variations, also we have neglected the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and have introduced the initial energy transfer efficiency.
Comparing Decision Tree Classifier Models for Deriving Optimized Rules[Full-Text ] Anita Chaware and Dr.U.A. Lanjewar This paper evaluates the Different Decision tree classifiers performance on the basis of statistical indices like sensitivity and specificity and the generated confusion matrics. Our research is to find the best classifiers which generate the tree. This will help us to obtain the optimiesd rules from the tree. This research uses 5 different classifiers namely, Ramdom tree, NBTree, Simple Cart , ID3, J48. WEKA software, a open source collection of machine learning tools to generate the Classifiers tree model. The accuracy performance measures based on the statistical indices, like the confusion matric is used to comapare the models performance. Looking at the skewed type of database, the research further included the performance measures AUC(area under curve) for each generated model and finally compares all the AUC to get the best performer. The experimental results shows that the NBtree followed by J48 can be used as good classifiers for prediction in the skewed dataset or where the dataset in which cost of misclassification is much higher.
Survey-Project based analysis of traditional inverters compatibility with Solar[Full-Text ] Manoj Kumar Panjwani, Naseer-Ud-Din, Dr Ghous Bakhsh NarejoConsidering the price statistics of emerging consumption of solar inverters, the design and development of affordable, feasible ‘Low Cost Solar Inverter’ appears to be the primary need of a local man. Industries need to develop market statistics on ever increasing solar market and provide the solution to meet the desired needs and demands of the market. As per the surveys made in cities across Pakistan namely Karachi, Hyderabad, Khairpur Mir’s and Sukkur, it was observed that there is a need low cost inverter through converting the traditional inverters compatible with Solar at low installation cost, hence making the traditional inverters to retain their state from losing their value as scrap.
The novel phenomenon of spin strain coupling in perovskite structures[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoThe paper attempts at exploring the novel physical phenomenon yet unexplored. A background on the charge based vs. charge less logic is provided. Later, the computational and other methods are compared as viable techniques to explore the novelty. Finally, the coupling between the electron spin and crystalline lattice is discussed.
Anomaly in Elastic properties of Rutile TiO2 and tetragonal BaT iO3[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoFirst-principles computational techniques are employed on Rutile TiO2 and tetragonal BaT iO3. The computations done for the second-order elastic constants (SOEC) and equations of state. The bulk modulus is computed by two independent methods and compared with experiment. A variety of potentials and basis sets are used. The impact on the computational values due to the potentials, basis sets, and the crystalline geometry optimization is discussed. A novel computational formalism is employed to extract the anomaly in the elastic properties of tetragonal BaT iO3.
Ab-initio quantum mechanical model for spin-strain coupling in ferroics[Full-Text ] Ghous B NarejoThe quantum mechanics is employed to analyze and model the novel inter dependence between the electronic properties and how they are coupled with the lattice structure. Various classical as well as numerical models have been compared with the quantum mechanics to strengthen the argument in favor of the latter. Finally, a viable model is presented before the general reader as well as the physicist to assist the fundamental materials science and engineering.
Communication Strategies and Socio-economic Variables in Adult Literacy Teaching: An Experimental Research Report[Full-Text ] E. Oluwakemi Augustus Ph. DThis paper examined the relative effectiveness of three communication or instructional strategies; drama method, audio-based instructional package and conventional teaching method on the learning of selected concepts in Social Studies by adult learners in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. A 3x2x2 quasi-experimental, pre-test, post-test control group design was employed. The subjects for the study were three hundred and four (304) intermediate class adult learners from sixteen (16) purposively selected adult literacy centers in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Three hypotheses were generated for the study and data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) and Scheffe post-hoc test. The results revealed that there was significant main effect of treatment on learners’ achievement in Social Studies (F(2,303)=19.92; p<0.05).It also revealed that there was a significant main effect of learners’ socio-economic status on achievement in Social Studies (F(1,303)=5.225; p<0.05) and learners’ attitude towards social studies (F(1,303)=8.970; p<0.05).
Study of Modeling and Simulation of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation[Full-Text ] Mokhless boukhriss, Habib ben bacha, Kamel Zarzoum and khalifa ZhaniInvented in 1960s, membrane distillation is an emerging technology for water treatment attracting more attention since 1980s. There are four configurations of membrane distillation including air gap membrane distillation (AGMD), direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD), sweep gas membrane distillation (SGMD), and vacuum membrane distillation (VMD). DCMD and vacuum enhanced DCMD (VEDCMD), a variant of DCMD, were employed in this research. The objective of this study is to develop design tools for scale up of DCMD by analyzing the characteristics of membrane suitable for DCMD, influences of membrane structure (hollow fiber membrane) and pressure on membrane performance, and modeling the energy efficiency of DCMD with varied process parameters.
Relative Performance Analysis of Major Virtual Machine Monitor in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Samjhana Rayamajhi, Asif Khan and Zinnia SultanaCloud Computing uses various virtualization technologies. A Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is a piece of that computer software, firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines which makes multi-tenancy possible which is also known as hypervisor.
Effects of Balanites aegyptiaca (leaves, seeds, stem bark) extracts on serum level of certain biochemical markers of liver on Nevirapine-induced hepatotoxicity rats[Full-Text ] Hauwa’u Yakubu Bako, Ja’afaru Sani Mohammad, Maimuna Zubairu, Maryam Ibrahim, Markus Didam Augustine, Timothy Bulus, Adamu Nuhu AbubakarThe present study investigated the possible effects of Balanites aegyptiaca (leaves, seeds, stem bark and combination of extracts) extracts on serum level of certain biochemical markers of liver on Nevirapine-induced hepatotoxicity rats. Group I was the normal control, neither administered with Nevirapine nor extract. Groups II to X were orally administered with 6mg/kg Nevirapine for six (6) weeks followed by administration of 100mg/kg leaves, seeds, stem bark and combination of extracts to groups III to VI and 200mg/kg leaves, seeds, stem bark and combination of extracts to groups VII to X respectively for one (1) week. Groups XI to XIV were orally administered concurrently with 6mg/kg Nevirapine and 100mg/kg leaves, seeds, stem bark and combination of extracts and groups XV to XVIII administered concurrently with 6mg/kg Nevirapine and 200mg/kg leaves, seeds, stem bark and combination of extracts respectively for six (6) weeks. Oral administration of 6mg/kg Nevirapine for six (6) weeks significantly increase the activities of liver marker enzymes with the simultaneous reduction in urea but has no effects in the concentration of creatinine, electrolytes and plasma malondialdehyde. Administration of 100mg and 200mg aqueous extracts of Balanite aegyptiaca for 1 week significantly increased the concentration of urea, creatinine and electrolytes (HCO3, K+, Cl- and Na+) and restored all liver marker enzymes to near normal control levels but the concentration of plasma malondialdehyde was not affected. Oral administration of Nevirapine with Balanite aegyptiaca aqueous extracts concurrently for 6 weeks significantly increase the concentration of urea, creatinine and electrolytes (HCO3, K+, Cl- and Na+). The activities of liver enzymes was significantly reduced after the co-administration but has no effect on the concentration of plasma malondialdehyde. The results showed that administration of aqueous extracts after induction of liver damage may have some curative effects as significant decreases in liver enzymes activities were observed. The oral co-administration results showed significant decreases in the liver enzymes activities compared with the test control. This indicates a protective effect against Nevirapine hepatotoxicity. The decreases in the activities of liver enzymes may be due to the Phytochemical constituents of the plant. The increases in renal parameters could be due to dehydration brought about by the administration of the aqueous extracts.
Determination of Geometry Factor of Crack in Dented API 5L X65 Pipeline Using Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] Arianta, Ricky L.T, Ahmad T., RildovaOil and gas transmission pipelines during its construction, laying and operation period may undergo local plastic deformation due to mechanical impact, which some of them can be in the form of dent with crack. With the presence of crack, the acceptance criterion is no longer used alone where design or operational pressure are compared to SMYS. Therefore additional different acceptance criterion must be used based on fracture mechanics, where the stress intensity factor is compared to fracture toughness of material. Stress intensity factor depends on the geometry of pipe, size of crack, and the magnitude and direction of the loading system acting on the pipeline. The study was conducted based on the experimental test and numerical models using steel plate as one approach to large pipe diameter. The steel plate is made of a piece of material API-5L-X65 gas pipeline. Result of the research was the geometry factor of dented plate with crack. The geometry factor equation of dented plate with crack was then used to modify the geometry factor equation of crack pipe based on standard API RP 579. The value of geometry factor of crack in dented pipe was limited to ratio a/t = 0.5, a/c = 0.4 and 0 < Hr/t ≤ 2.
FSO Communication Characteristics under Fog Weather Condition[Full-Text ] Mazin Ali A. AliIn this paper, the performance of an FSO wireless communications system is theoretically analyzed, using NRZ-OOK and 16-PPM modulation formats and a Si PIN photodiodes receiver over fog weather conditions. Four fog models are used for optical beam propagation horizontally at different wavelengths, the visibility of weather and received signal power is analyzed. The characteristics of bit error rate BER for NRZ -OOK and 16-PPM optical modulation formats are studied. Simulation results indicate that the performance of 1550nm is more suited for an FSO communication system. On the other hand, we discuss the suitability of fog models under these modulation formats.
Gravity and Density Relationship (Forward Modeling)[Full-Text ] Mohamed El-Tokhey, Mohamed Elhabiby, Ahmed Ragheb, Mohamed SheblThe Gravimetry technique is mainly used to measure variation in gravitational field at specific locations on the earth's surface to determine subsurface densities. The variation in gravitational field is clear in zones that having a greater or lesser density than the surrounding material. However, the problem is the ambiguity in gravity anomaly interpretation However; a unique solution can be obtained by incorporating some a-priori information such as assigning a simple geometry to the causative source.
Combination of Multi Classification Algorithms for Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] Dr. Maiwan Bahjat Abdulrazaq, Azar Abid SalihClassification is one of the common tasks that are involved in data mining to build models for the prediction of future data. It performs its task by different classifier algorithms. This paper provides an approach based on information gain to determine the most distinguishing subset features of each attack class and combine multi classification algorithms which includes (Decision Tree J48, k nearest Neighbor and Naïve Bays). These classifiers are used for the task of detecting intrusions and comparing their relative performances. The goal of this work is to analyze the performance and accuracy of classification algorithms in order to identify the most efficient algorithm for each attack class, and then build accurate intrusion detection system. The proposed model has been applied on KDD Cup 99 data set using 60% of them for training and 40% for testing. These experimental results show that multiple classifiers work better than a single classifier. Also, multiple classifiers are more accurate and have abilities of distinguishing among the different attacks and normal connections effectively.
An Efficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Bashir Yusuf Bichi, Tuncay ErcanToday the field of cloud computing is gaining more recognition to the public and sometimes refers to as public utility which allows the user to focus on his actual business without wasting valuable time on installation and maintenance of other important devices, as the cloud service providers takes full responsibility of installation and maintenance of such devices. Cloud computing is meant to scale up or down, enhance quality of service (QoS), cost effective and also simplified user interface so that the user can appreciate the benefits behind cloud computing idea. In this paper we develop a new framework based on Max-Min algorithm which aims at distributing load to a set of virtual resource system using a particular balancing technique.
A REVIEW OF MICROBIAL ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY: CURRENT DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE PROSPECTS[Full-Text ] O.A. Omoniyi,F,AbdulmalikMicrobial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) is a tertiary oil recovery technique that employs the use of microbes and their byproduct to enhance residual oil mobilization in the reservoir. This work considers MEOR technology application based on economic, technological and environmental stand point as against other EOR techniques. Successful field trials are studied and their success stories analysed. The technology (MEOR) is not without some limitations which shall be overcome with constant research and field application/field trial. It has the potential to be one of the reliable technologies that best suits the economic constraints of the current oil markets. The technology is a potential alternative to other EOR method as it is being implemented in most parts of the world with satisfactory results not only from economics point of view but also from having lesser environmental impact.
Extending the features of E-EDID in Common User Interface (CUI)[Full-Text ] Prof.Anuradha,G., Dr.B.Persis Urbana IvyGraphics drivers are responsible for running the graphics cards, connecting them to the operating system. These drivers are different for each graphics card and delivered by the manufactures of graphics cards. Graphics driver displays related information such as optimal resolution, supported modes, horizontal and vertical size etc. This information differs panel by panel. According to the needs of resolution manufactures incorporated the information in the panels. To know this information, a standard data structure EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) which describes the functionality and capabilities of digital display is used. EDID is a VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) standard data format that consists of monitors’ simple information including vendor information, maximum and minimum size of image, color characteristics, timings, and limits of frequency range and strings for the monitor name and serial number. This paper focuses on fetching the EDID from display devices such as Monitors, Digital Displays, HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), etc. This is followed by parsing of raw data by using the VESA spec and converting into a readable format and transferring to the Intel Graphics Control Panel. This information is used by the manufacturers to understand the specification of the panel.
Emotional Intelligence and Instructional Performance of Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work Teachers in Niger State[Full-Text ] Raymond Emmanuel (PhD) & Hassan Yunusa JamiluThe study sought to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and the instructional performance of electrical installation and maintenance work teachers in Niger state. Two research questions were answered. Emotional Intelligence scale (EIS), Instructional Performance Scale (IPS), and Teacher Rating Scale (TRS), were administered to measure the emotional intelligence, self-reported Instructional Performance and student rated Instructional Performance of the teachers respectively. All the teachers and students of electrical installation and maintenance work in Niger state comprising 250 respondents were used for the study. Data obtained was analyzed using statistical software (SPSS, 20.00 version). Mean, standard deviation, pearson r correlation and t-test were used to determine the relationship, predictive values and differences in the variables under study. A positive correlation between EI and Instructional Performance on both self-reported and students rated scales was discovered. Among the ten components of EI considered in the study; emotional stability, self-motivation, managing relations, self-awareness and integrity emerged as the best predictors of Instructional Performance. Gender differences on the scores of EI and Instructional Performance was insignificant. In line with the findings of this study therefore, it was recommended among others that government of Niger state should come up with EI intervention programmes aimed at developing the emotional intelligence of the teachers of electrical installation and maintenance work as well as other related fields so as to improve their instructional performances.