Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
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Assessment of Sediment Quality in Hussainsagar Lake and Its Inlet Channels Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques[Full-Text ] Dr. A.Sridhar Kumar, Y.Seeta, M.Satyanarayana, Prof.P.Manikya ReddyConcerns about the sediment quality in lake Hussainsagar located in Hyderabad, India have been rapidly increasing recently due to urbanization and industrialization pollution. This study analyzes twelve chemical and heavy metal parameters at the four sampling stations during the year 2013 by using multivariate statistical techniques like Hierarchical clustering, principle component and factor analysis. FA identified five factors responsible for data structure explaining 71.05% total variance and allowed to group selected parameters according to common features. Cd, Cr, Zn, Ag, Ni, & As were associated with similar contributions from anthropogenic sources, whereas SO4-2 and Cl- are derived from natural sources.
Association of Diabetic Neuropathy and Low Serum Calcium Levels in Diabetic Patients[Full-Text ] Suresh Kumar P, T. Ramakrishna, E. SreekumaranDisturbances in Calcium (Ca2+) and phosphorus metabolism were observed in uncomplicated type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. Hormones like PTH, calcitonin etc are involved in it. There is a growing body of evidence that sensory neuropathy in diabetes is associated with abnormal calcium signaling in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Abnormal calcium signaling in diabetes has pathologic significance as elevation of calcium influx and cytosolic calcium release has been implicated in other neurodegenerative conditions characterized by neuronal dysfunction and death. Serum Ca2+ levels were assessed and found that 53.1 % males and 46.9 % females, whose calcium was analyzed, are having low serum Ca2+ values. Mean serum calcium values of hyper-insulinemic patients was 8.06 mg%. Males had lower values in both hyper insulinemic (7.94 mg% for male vs 8.26 mg% for female) as well as low insulin groups (8.2 mg% for male vs 8.8 mg% for female). It is essential that we have to look beyond blood sugar and lipids, and that it may be important to assess serum calcium and other relevant micro and macro nutrients levels and to correct any deficiency by supplementing the same.
Evaluation of patch based image processing for image enhancement[Full-Text ] Mr. Dattatraya B. Zine, Prof.Natikar S.BThe objective of image enhancement is to process the image so that the result is more suitable to the for use of the image.. Image en-hancement is a field that is being used in different areas and discipline as well. Recent advances in the field of information technology and signal processing have invented new horizons to digital image processing, design and implementation of various new innovative approaches. This paper involves the use of patch based approach that may in capacity to behave as better approach. In proposed patch based approach we are classifying the patches basically corrupted patches into two or more than two groups based on their Euclidian distances which discovers the patches after applying different permutations to these corrupted patches. The resultant patches are now arranged so that we expect smooth image for applications. Patch based enhancement of image is an application of patch in the area of feature extraction for enhancement of a image. The images will be used for patch based and noisy patches will be rearranged and image will be enhanced in the features we desire
A Survey of Message Filtering & Community Detection in OSN[Full-Text ] Rahul Nema, Dr. Anjana PandeyToday a large number of users access social networking websites. During access of online social network a large number of users who are un-authorized also access data and sometimes posts unwanted messages on the social network. These networks may sometimes contain hidden structure to link between numbers of users. For the detection of communities various algorithms are proposed in which WEBA and Greedy are the techniques used for the community detection. The concept of community kernels means the shared properties of various community groups so that the groups can be distinguished based on their entities. Here in this paper a complete survey of all the techniques that are used in online social network for the message filtering and community kernel detection techniques, hence by analyzing various advantages and issues in the techniques a new and efficient technique is implemented in future.
A review of Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine[Full-Text ] Gowthaman S,Sathiyagnanam A.P Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine uses a relatively new mode of combustion technology. In principle, there is no spark plug or injector to assist the combustion process, and the combustion starts at multiple spots once the mixture has reached its auto ignition temperature. The challenges over the operation of HCCI mode engines are the difficulties of controlling the auto-ignition of the mixture, operating range, homogeneous charge preparation, cold start, controlling knock and emissions of unburned hydro carbon (UHC) and carbon monoxide (CO), and need to be overcome these difficulties for achieve successful operation of HCCI mode engine. This paper reviews the implementation of HCCI combustion in direct injection diesel engines using early, multiple and late injection strategies and reviews the different strategies of Homogeneous mixture preparation by external (manifold injection) and in-cylinder mixture preparation methods. Although this review focus on governing factors in HCCI operations such as injector characteristics, injection pressure, piston bowl geometry, compression ratio, intake charge temperature and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) are discussed in this review. And also review the effects of design, combustion control technique and operating parameters on HCCI mode engine emissions, particularly NOx and soot are investigated. For each of these parameters, the theories are discussed in conjunction with comparative evaluation of studies reported in the specialised literature. Form this study we will be concluded that the efficient method of homogeneous mixture preparation and will be identified the parameter to achieve the combustion in HCCI mode engine.
BEHAVIORAL DEFICITS IN WISTAR RATS SECONDARY TO ALTERED ANDROGEN LEVELS AFTER TREATMENT WITH CHICKEN FEED AND RAW SOYBEAN[Full-Text ] Saara Ahmad, Iftikhar AhmedChicken meat is the most favorite consumable commodity current days. The eminent demand for the chicken meat is satisfied through the poultry farms operational day and night feeding the chicken feed as a chief basis for the untimely growth and weight growth of the chickens. The aim of the present study was to investigate the consequences of the commercially available chicken feed and raw spinach on mood alteration in rats. Seventy five female albino wistar rats were used in the experiment. Animals were randomly allocated to three groups (n=25), control rats fed on standard rodent chow, chicken feed treated rats and raw soybean treated rats for a period of 6 weeks. Serum androgens levels were estimated before and after the treatment. After 6 weeks behavioral alterations like lateral attacks, biting and muricidal behavior was monitored in rats. Components of chicken feed were analyzed through Pakistan council of scientific and industrial research (PCSIR) laboratories. The present study showed that the behavioral deficits and serum androgen levels of the feed treated group rose significantly as compared to control group and spinach treated group. It was as a result, concluded that the chicken feed treated rats showed increased serum androgen levels with increase in lateral attacks, biting and muricidal behavior. The finding maybe suggested that the potential alterations in mood and behavior are due to chicken feed additives of animal by products that may lead to increase androgen levels in chickens. This finding may be of relevance to the dietary inclination of population more towards chicken products which may lead to alteration in androgen levels and behavioral changes.
MHD Radiative heat and mass transfer Nanofluid flow past a horizontal stretching sheet in a rotating system[Full-Text ] M. M. Mukitul Hasan, Md .Wahiduzzaman, Md.Mahmud AlamUnsteady radiative MHD heat and mass transfer nanofluid flow through horizontal stretching sheet under the action of strong magnetic field have been investigated. To obtain the non-similar coupled nonlinear momentum, energy and concentration equations, usual non-dimensional variables have been used. The explicit finite difference methods with stability and convergence analysis have been used to solve the obtained numerical solutions of the above problem. The stability and convergence analyses have been used for measuring the restriction of the useful parameters. The obtained numerical results have been presented graphically and discussed in details. Finally, qualitative comparisons of our results with published results have been shown in tabular form.
Some Physical Properties Of Neem Seeds And Kernels (Azadirachta Indica) As A Function Of Moisture Content[Full-Text ] M.A. Adedeji and O.K. owolarafeThis study was carried out to determine the e?ect of moisture content on some physical properties of neem seeds (Azadirachta indica). Neem fruits were collected from a plantation. Ripe fruits were sorted and neem seeds were obtained by manually depulping the ripe fruits, washed and sundried to about 5.10 % (wb) moisture content. Moisture content adjustment by rewetting was carried out to obtain three levels of 9.95, 14.17 and 18.69 % (wb). Physical properties (length, width, thickness, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, aspect ratio, volume, surface area, 1000-seed mass, true density, bulk density, density ratio and percentage porosity) of the dried seeds and the embedded kernels were determined. Data obtained were statistically analyzed to obtain the descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that the seed ranges in values for length (14.15 to 14.51 mm), volume (4.55 to 4.57 mm3), surface area (238.2 to 240.1 mm2), 1000-unit mass (216.2 to 326.9 kg), true density (555.8 to 594.3 kg/m3), bulk density (354.19 to 375.12 kg/m3), density ratio (156.95 to 158.40), while the width reduced from 6.97 to 6.94 mm, thickness 6.7 to 6.6 mm, aspect ratio 49.4 to 47.9, percentage porosity 36.15 to 36.04. Similarly, for the kernel, the length ranged from 11.02 to 11.27 mm, 1000-unit mass 336.0 to 347.4 kg, true density 797.1 to 954.3 kg/m3, density ratio 139.70 to 182.18, percentage porosity 28.29 to 45.02. Likewise, the width decreased from 4.49 to 4.42 mm, thickness 4.2 to 3.9 mm, geometric mean diameter 5.9 to 5.8 mm, sphericity 0.54 to 0.52, aspect ratio 40.9 to 39.4, volume 3.08 to 3.03 mm3, surface area 109.2 to 105.4 mm2 and bulk density 571.4 to 523.6 kg/m3 as moisture increased. However, seed geometric mean diameter (8.7mm) and sphericity (0.6) remained constant. For many of the properties considered, moisture content significance at (p<0.05) but was not uniform on both seeds and kernel.
Survey On Face Image Retrieval[Full-Text ] B.Tamil Selvi , R.AghilaFace image retrieval, a technique which searches a set of faces from the large scale database based on user’s query. It is an enabling technology used in many recent application such as face verification, crime investigation etc., however it is still a challenging problem because of similarities between images, irrelevant attributes and low level features like pose, texture, and color. This paper deals with study on different methodology used in retrieval system to resolve above issues.
A Comparison Between Lean Implementation and Critical Chain Management [Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzyLean is managed by visual controls that warn and reflect the performance of any process in a firm and the value that is making. Visual controls that can help decision makers or even improvement seekers; to optimize their decisions based on real inputs from those controls and measures which are supposed to be managed with discipline and precision to lead to the targeted “lean” culture and what makes the culture cultivating throughout the process of getting lean is the “reward system” that is complementing the lean culture to sustain the cycle of improvement. However, many tools have been generated from lean systems as a continuous improvement for the lean itself by many experts and scientists. However, one of those outcome tools is the Theory of Constraints (TOC). TOC is enclosing the common idiom "A chain is no stronger than its weakest link" as a new management paradigm. This means that TOC is always looks at the weakest ling in the chain, and by extract the max out of that constraint to improve the delivery of that chain. However, TOC has been developing over years and producing some operations management initiatives such as the Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM).
Treatment of Industrial Wastewater in Sand-based Surface flow Constructed wetland using Typha Orientalis as Macrophyte[Full-Text ] Oladejo Oladipupo. S., Oladiran Bolaji J, Dauda Idris, Oyewale David M, Fasina Tomisin J.A laboratory-scale free water surface-flow constructed wetland was set up at the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso, Nigeria in May 2013 to demonstrate the performance of sand- based constructed wetland, using Typha Orientalis as a viable low-cost efficient treatment option for Industrial wastewater from Pharmaceutical Company. The nutrient removal and performance evaluation of the constructed wetland in treatment of kitchen wastewater against retention period of ten days was investigated. During the 10-day retention period, the sand- based constructed wetland set up with Typha Orientalis had improved the wastewater quality significantly as it had reduced the concentrations of BOD5, Nitrate, Sulfite, Magnesium, Turbidity and Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) by 46.96%, 50%, 63.63%, 42.96%, 31.03%, 63.63%, respectively on the average, respectively and the initial offensive odour of the raw water was no more noticeable. The final effluent was found to be suitable for non-drinking purposes like crop irrigation and keeping aquatic animals. However, it was noted that a 7- day detention time was optimal for the treatment of domestic wastewater from kitchen. The treatment system was found to be economical, as the cost of construction only was involved and maintenance cost very minimal. It was environmentally friendly as it was free from offensive odour and insect invasion. The prototype scale is recommended for in-situ use, especially for wastewater from kitchen.
Kitchen Wastewater Treatment with Constructed Wetland Using Water Hyacinth[Full-Text ] Oladejo, O. Seun; Owoade, Nelson Adeshina; Kusamotu, Kolawole; Taiwo, Stephen Adedeji; Adegbite JamalA laboratory scale constructed wetland, with dimension of 0.9m in length, 0.9m in width, and 0.3m in depth, was constructed at the department of civil engineering, lautech Ogbomoso. The experiment was carried out to investigate the enhanced removal efficiency for water hyacinth with constructed wetland in treating kitchen wastewater. Wastewater from Alata milk and honey was selected for the treatment plant. Influent and effluent were analyzed for pH, B.O.D, Turbidity, Nitrate, Sulphate, Magnesium, Chloride, Conductivity, D.O., Color, for continuous 10 days. From the result obtained, there was a maximum of 60.5% increase in pH, 77.5% reduction in D.O., 66.7% reduction in nitrate, 93.3% reduction in sulphate, 80% reduction in turbidity, 43.6% reduction in color, 34.6% reduction in chloride and 70% reduction in magnesium. This study emphasizes that water hyacinth plant could provide an alternative aquatic plant system for wastewater treatment.
Different Types of Attack in Image Watermarking including 2D, 3D Images[Full-Text ] Dr. Sanyam Agarwal,Priyanka,Usha PalDigital Watermarking is a method through which we can authenticate images, texts and videos. Watermarking functions are not only authentication purpose, but also protection for such documents against malicious intentions to change such documents or even claim the rights of such documents. The aim of Watermarking is adding “ownership” information in multimedia contents to prove the authenticity.In this paper, we used DCT technique and different types of attack for digitally watermarked 2D and 3D images .Common attacks to watermark usually aim to destroy the embedded watermark or to impair its detection.
Design and parametric studies of spring comprised piezoelectric energy harvester[Full-Text ] K.Viswanath Allamraju Srikanth KorlaIn this paper investigation on design of Spring-comprised Piezoelectric Energy Harvester (SPEH) for random vibrations, are modeled and analyzed. The work basically focuses on development of a novel spring comprised piezoelectric energy harvester with hitting masses, which is capable of harvesting energy from the ambient vibration. By properly designing the parameters, such as the length, diameter and mass of the shell and hitting masses, we can increase energy generated. Parametric analysis is carried out in SIMULINK for finding these parameters. The main aim of the research is to get maximum voltage & power output. Analysis is carried out by varying the stiffness of spring and support excitation. The design of SPEH has performed based on the analysis, and conducted experiments on the vibration shaker at a resonance frequency of 37 Hz., at support displacement of 40 mm and developed a voltage of 8 volts as a output.
APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS (ANNs) IN REACTIVE POWER OPTIMIZATION[Full-Text ] Kamel A. ShoushThe reactive power optimization problem is one of the most important problems facing dispatching engineers when they are operating large scale power systems. Reactive power optimization is mathematical approach of the power system optimization problem which is to determine the least control movements to keep power system at a most desired state. It is very flexible and powerful tool which can address a wide range of planning and operation circumstances. However the complexity of reactive power optimization often discourages the user. This paper proposes a new artificial neural network-based approach (ANN) for reactive power optimization of interconnected power systems. Feed-forward ANN with Back Propagation (BP) training algorithm is used and the training data is obtained by solving several abnormal conditions using Linear Programming (LP). Considering generator voltages, reactive power sources and transformer taps as control variables, and load bus voltages and generator reactive powers as dependent variables. The relations are derived according to sensitivity relations based on Newton-Raphson load flow equations. The 220 kV network of the Unified Power System of Egypt (UPSE) was used in this paper to test the suggested approach.
GPS - GSM Integration for Enhancing Public Transportation Management Services[Full-Text ] V.Prabhakaran, S.K.Monisuthan, P.Sam DanielDue to non-availability of prior information about the buses arrival schedule, people have to wait longer on bus stops especially in morning when they have to reach the offices in time. The buses are overloaded for most of the times which often results in some kind of fault occurrence in buses and people get late further. This project proposes a solution for enhancing public transportation management services based on GPS and GSM, parameters like location of the bus, traffic density, no of passengers inside the bus is shown to the user in their mobile phone.
Review on A Clinical Decision Support System for Risk Based Prioritization Using Soft Computing Technique[Full-Text ] Faiyaz Ahamad, Manuj Darbari and Rishi AsthanaThe position of healthcare industry in India is poor in terms of – adoption of IT infrastructure and capability to harness its benefits. Both these factors entangle to form a catch-22 situation. The fundamental problem lies with either getting insufficient advantages or arousal of new loop holes in the IT solutions. In this paper initially conduct a literature review to have broad knowledge of Decision Support System Using Soft Computing Techniques and some Related work, they are used Clinical decision Support system. After that provide a architecture that provide the facility to analyze, mine and assess the data and for findings reflect what type of limitation and Problem of Clinical decision support system in Practice and Next do a comparative analysis on Decision Support System.
A Novel Approach to the Methods for Fostering the Champions in Sport: A New Study and Investigation[Full-Text ] Mostafa KhonsariEach athlete can become a champion if he/she try but, certainly, each champion cannot become a coach. Coaching is a very complicated work. In addition to dominating the technical skills of the considered sport, a coach should be known about how is the teaching method of those skills. Further, a coach should be a psychologist, mentor, and a moral standard for athletes. As it is clearly demonstrated that the behavioral influence of coaches on social character of athletes is inevitable, the personal beliefs of coach and his/her character, behavior and act are played a basic role in this issue. Since the role of coach is not, only, upbringing of champion and a coach is responsible for developing the public sport and character of athletes; he/she needs to a comprehensive program. Usually, coaches have not been a program, firstly, to follow coaching. Coaching is an inherent issue. An educated person will not be necessarily a paramount coach.
Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals (Ar, Cd, Pb) Using Transgenic Rice Plants - an Overview[Full-Text ] A.S.M.H.K Chowdhury, P. Das, I. Sarkar, R. Islam, L. Aksharin, F. Parvin2, Z. Islam, M. Faris and M.P.E. ShaekhPhytoremediation is the use of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment or render them harmless. Phytoremediation is a new technology in which plants are used to remove pollutants from water and soil. The use of metal-accumulating plants to clean environment contaminated with heavy metals is the most rapidly developing component of this environmentally friendly and cost-effective technology. The ever-increasing environmental pollution in agricultural soil caused by heavy metals due to application of sewage sludge, city refuse, and heavy metals containing fertilizers or pesticides, is becoming a major problem in modern agriculture. This review aims to provide a concise overview of plant metal tolerance and accumulation mechanisms. Another goal to present an overview of recent research considered to improve the phytoremediation capacity of plants by transgenic plants. Phytoremediation is based on the removal of contaminants from the soil by mechanisms such as phytoextraction, phytodegradation, rhizofiltration, phytostabilization and phytovolatilization through transgenic plants. This article reviews will provide more valuable information when phytoremediation process will be studied.
Moses in Islamic and Jewish Theosophical Traditions: With Emphasis on Fusus Al-Hikam by Ibn Arabi and Zohar by Moses de Leon[Full-Text ] Masood Ahmadi AfzadiMoses is a great messenger of Abrahamic (or Semitic) religions, especially, Islam and Judaism. Moses has a special stall in holy texts of both religions. Moses, his prophecy and the Israelites (Bani Isra’il) have mentioned, in a particular manner, in exodus, the second book of the Old Testament, and also is various suras of Quran and interpretations related to these holy texts. This reminiscence is not limited to prophetic texts and has a considerable spread in theosophical contexts. Fusus Al-Hikam, by Ibn Arabi, as one of the greatest references of theoretical theosophy in Islam, and Zohar, by Moses de Leon, as the greatest text of Kabbalah, which both have been published, simultaneously, in Andalusia (Spain), are of special attention to Moses. The current research compares the features of Moses in these two theosophical traditions.
AN EFFECTIVE APPROACH FOR AUTHENTICATION USING IRIS RECOGNITION[Full-Text ] Sonu JoseBiometrics which refers to automatic identity authentication of a person on the basis of his or her unique physiological or behavioral characteristics is inherently more reliable in and more capable of discriminating between an authorized person and imposter than traditional methods. This paper uses a Biometric-based personal verification and identification method which have gained much interest with an increasing emphasis on security. The main concerns of this paper include the use of biometric system in low cost for border control application. Iris recognition is a fast, accurate and secure biometric technique The main stages of iris recognition system are:1) The preprocessing stage and 2)The matching stage
Genetic characterization of 22 of Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum L.) genotypes using SDS-PAGE method[Full-Text ] Attyaf Jameel Thamir AL-Tamimi, Nidhal Abdul Hussein Al–Badeiry, Sinan Qais KhayoonThis study was conducted for characterization of 22 tomato varieties based on total soluble seed storage protein using electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) .Sex varieties show distinctive fingerprint (Sanam, Helam, Oula, Kenanh, Shady lady, Carioca) and low polymorphism (46%) was observed. The overall analysis of the results reveal high level of homogeneity was detected. Reduction in the genetic diversity among modern tomato cultivars may be attributed to the recent trend towards breeding for similar plant and fruit characteristics.
A Survey of Message Filtering & Community Detection in OSN[Full-Text ] Rahul Nema, Dr. Anjana PandeyToday a large number of users access social networking websites. During access of online social network a large number of users who are un-authorized also access data and sometimes posts unwanted messages on the social network. These networks may sometimes contain hidden structure to link between numbers of users. For the detection of communities various algorithms are proposed in which WEBA and Greedy are the techniques used for the community detection. The concept of community kernels means the shared properties of various community groups so that the groups can be distinguished based on their entities. Here in this paper a complete survey of all the techniques that are used in online social network for the message filtering and community kernel detection techniques, hence by analyzing various advantages and issues in the techniques a new and efficient technique is implemented in future.
Survey on Algorithms for Data Compression in Wireless Computing Systems[Full-Text ] Upasana Mahajan, Dr. Prashanth C.S.RData compression is a technique in which the same amount of data is transmitted by using a smaller number of bits with the help of an algorithm. Different compression algorithms are compared and based on their performance the optimal algorithm is selected. In this paper the different data compression algorithms have been selected and their performance evaluation is done. One of the best and easy algorithms is Huffman’s Encoding but the result of evaluation of performance shows that the Huffman’s algorithm has some drawbacks, and can be overcome by new algorithm named as Selective Huffman’s algorithm. The paper focus on a new technique for compression named as semi-lossless text compression, which states that instead of compressing the whole data if only some portion of the data is compressed the time and space can be saved. The paper also attempted to explore each layer and shows what are different compression techniques can be used in TCP/IP model.
Modelling and analysis of Cooperative Spectrum sensing potential by Cognitive radio Using Systemvue software[Full-Text ] Deven Pradhan, Dr. Rabindranath BeraCognitive radio is a promising technology which provides a novel way to improve utilization of available spectrum. Spectrum sensing is a fundamental problem for cognitive radio. Cooperative spectrum sensing is an efficient way to detect spectrum holes in cognitive radio network. In this paper we review that in cooperative sensing for data and decision fusion we conduct some hypothesis test and on the basis of that we detect the presence of primary user.
Image Steganography using Non Embedding and Average Technique in Transform Domain[Full-Text ] N Sathisha, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R VenugopalThe steganography is an art and science of hiding information into a given media to ensurethe security of information over the communication channel. In this paper we propose a Image Steganography using Average Technique in Transform Domain (ISATT). The Lifting Wavelet Transform (LWT) is applied on both cover image and payload. The Diagonal band (CD) of cover image and Approximation band (PA) of payload are segmented into N x N blocks. The N x N matrix of PA is divided by N x N matrix of CD to generate resultant matrix based on Non Embedding Threshold Value (NETV) fixed by key. The average value of N x N resultant matrix is calculated and used to divide PA to generate modified CD. The average value of each N x N block are scale downed by key and embedded into corresponding N x N block of horizontal band (CH) of cover image. The inverse LWT is applied on stego object to derive stego image1. The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is computed between cover image and stego image1 for different NETV values till maximum PSNR is obtained and the corresponding stego image is considered as final stego image. The capacity and PSNR values are high in the case of proposed algorithm compared to existing algorithms since non embedding and average technique is used in transform domain.
Design of Turbojet Combustion Chamber[Full-Text ] Abolgasem Mesoad Alarami and Abdulhafid M. ElfaghiThe modern gas turbine engine combustion chamber industry needs a simpler and faster optimum design methods to facilitate the development process. The combustion chamber design procedure requires the selection of optimum empirically derived formulas. This paper shows the optimum design procedure of a turbojet combustion chamber by identifying the main design requirements and the selection of best configuration that matches the design key features with optimum performance. The combustion chamber input data and geometry of annular type designed with central vaporizing unit is selected as an example for the design procedure.