Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
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Effect of Cutting Parameters on Surface Finish when Turning Nitronic 33 Steel alloy[Full-Text ] Vincent A Balogun, Isuamfon F. Edem, John Bonney, Emmanuel Ezeugwu, Paul T. MativengaNitronic 33 steel alloys are metallic alloys that exhibit characteristics such as high strength-to-weight ratio, outstanding corrosion and erosion resistant properties, and the ability to withstand cryogenic conditions and elevated temperatures. These characteristics of Nitronic 33 steel alloys make it popular in the fabrication of chemical processing, pollution control, aerospace equipment, and for steam and autoclave applications. Nitronic 33 steel alloy is classified as difficult-to-cut materials because of its high nitrogen content and the capability to form martensite as a result of high temperatures generated during mechanical machining and other subtractive manufacturing processes. This resulted in increased capacity and tooling cost during manufacturing. Therefore, there is the need to evaluate the optimum parameters when machining this alloy for sustainable and resource efficient machining. In this work, tool life, tool wear, surface roughness, cutting forces and power demand when turning Nitronic 33 steel alloy under different cutting environment were investigated. The result presented an optimum turning conditions at which Nitronic 33 steel alloy can be manufactured with minimum tool wear and surface integrity. The research outcome also addresses some of the problems encountered during the high speed machining of Nitronic 33 steel alloy that could influence manufacturing cost reduction. This work will also aid the general understanding of Nitronic 33 steel alloy with respect to sustainable and resource efficient machining.
Estimation of kenitic and isotherm parameters for sorption of Cd2+ unto hydroxyapatite from aqueous solutions[Full-Text ] L. Chafki, I. Ismi, H. Elaidi, Z. Hatim, A. Lebkiri, E. H. RifiHydroxyapatite is an effective adsorbent for removing cadmium from aqueous solution. In this study, Hydroxyapatite was used to investigate the removal of CdCd2+ in the concentration range of 25-144 mg.l−1 and the effect of contact time was studied. The application of kinetics and isotherm models of cadmium sorption on Hydroxyapatite was thoroughly examined. The adsorption kinetics well fitted using a pseudo second-order kinetic model indicating the adsorption process to be chemisorption. The intraparticle diffusion model described that the intraparticle diffusion was not the only rate-limiting step. The adsorption isotherm data could be well described by the Langmuir as well as Temkin and freundlich equations. The maximum adsorption capacity of Hydroxyapatite for CdCd2+ was found to be 113.64mg g−1 at 297 K. Thermodynamic parameters (i.e., change in the free energy (△G°), the variation of the energy of adsorption (△Q), were also evaluated. The overall adsorption process was exothermic and spontaneous in nature. These results suggest that Hydroxyapatite could be employed as an efficient adsorbent for the removal of cadmium from contaminated water sources.
Diagnosis of Liver Tumor from CT Images using Digital Image Processing[Full-Text ] Dr. Alyaa H. Ali, Entethar M. HadiThe detection and diagnose of liver tumors from CT images by using digital image processing, is a modern technique depends on using computer in addition to textural analysis to obtain an accurate liver diagnosis, despite the method's difficulty that came from liver's position in the abdomen among the other organs. This method will make the surgeon able to detect the tumor and then easing treatment also it helps physicians and radiologists to identify the affected parts of the liver in order to protect the normal parts as much as possible from exposure to radiation. This study describes a new 2D liver segmentation method for purpose of transplantation surgery as a treatment for liver tumors. Liver segmentation is not only the key process for volume computation but also fundamental for further processing to get more anatomy information for individual patient. Due to the low contrast, blurred edges, large variability in shape and complex context with clutter features surrounding the liver that characterize the CT liver images. In this paper, the CT images are taken, and then the segmentation processes are applied to the liver image which will find, extract the CT liver boundary and further classify liver diseases.
Diagnosis of DJF Rainfall Climatology and Associated Circulation Mechanisms over Zambia[Full-Text ] Libanda Brigadier, Banda Noel, Kapita PrinceIn order for a developing country like Zambia to be able to positively respond to and withstand the social-economic impacts of droughts and floods, scientific analysis of historical rainfall patterns and associated circulation anomalies is significant. In this paper, we describe the rainfall climatology and trends from 1960-2010. Monthly rainfall data for 38 meteorological stations archived by the Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD), monthly precipitation datasets from the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) and reanalysis datasets are used. Composite analysis was deployed to understand the circulation anomalies during the time of study. Analysis of wind, velocity potential and divergence/convergence over the study area showed that wet years were characterized by convergence in the lower troposphere implying rising motion and divergence at the upper level. On the other hand, dry years were characterized by divergence in the lower troposphere implying sinking motion and convergence at the upper level. A relationship between variations in rainfall patterns over Zambia and El Niño Southern Oscillation was explored and found. The study found that El Niño conditions (warm phase) bring drier than average conditions in the wet summer months (DJF) in the southern half of the country, whilst the north of the country simultaneously experiences significantly wetter than average conditions. The reverse pattern occurs with La Niña (cold phase) episodes, with dry conditions in the north and wet conditions in the south.
Optimum and Quasi Optimum Adaptive Planar Arrays Design Using Evolutionary Algorithms[Full-Text ] Marian Farouk Mikhail, Mohamed S. El-Mahallawy, Mohamed A. Aboul-DahabIn this paper, a design procedure for the adaptive beamforming planar arrays under multiple constrains using the evolutionary algorithms, namely the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is introduced. Both algorithms seek optimum values of weight coeffi-cients and inter element spacing. The constraints are divided into two categories, one deals with the array parameters, and the other deals with the evolutionary algorithm. The constraints dealing with array parameters are the first null beam width, the first side lobe level, and a null imposed at certain direction, whereas those of the evolutionary algorithms deal with the weights of the cost functions, the limits of array weight coefficients and the spacing between array elements. For the ease of im-plementation, quasi-optimum weights are devised which are quantized values of the optimum weights. For this purpose, an additional constraint is imposed to the cost function of the algorithms. Computer simulations have been carried out to evaluate the performance of using GA and PSO algo-rithms in the design of the planar array and to investigate the effect of the used quasi optimum val-ues on the planar array performance. The evaluations indicate that the PSO superior performance over that of the GA in both optimum and quasi optimum arrays.
Support Vector Machine Classification using Mahalanobis Distance Function[Full-Text ] Ms. Hetal Bhavsar, Dr. Amit GanatraSupport Vector Machine (SVM) is a powerful technique for data classification. The SVM constructs an optimal separating hyper-plane as a decision surface, to divide the data points of different categories in the vector space. The Kernel functions are used to extend the concept of the optimal separating hyper-plane for the non-linearly separable cases so that the data can be linearly separable. The different kernel functions have different characteristics and hence the performance of SVM is highly influenced by the selection of kernel functions. Thus, despite its good theoretical foundation, one of the critical problems of the SVM is the selection of the appropriate kernel function in order to guarantee high accuracy of the classifier. This paper presents the classification framework, that uses SVM in the training phase and Mahalanobolis distance in the testing phase, in order to design a classifier which has low impact of kernel function on the classification accuracy. The Mahalanobis distance is used to replace the optimal separating hyper-plane as the classification decision making function in SVM. The proposed approach is referred to as Euclidean Distance towards the Center (EDC_SVM). This is because the Mahalanobis distance from a point to the mean of the group is also called as Euclidean distance towards the center of data set. We have tested the performance of EDC_SVM on several datasets. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the EDC_SVM classifier to have a low impact on the implementation of kernel functions. The proposed approach also achieved the drastic reduction in the classification time, as the classification of a new data point depends only on the mean of Support Vectors (SVs) of each category.
SPAA Aware Multiplier Accumulation Unit For Error Tolerant Digital Image Processing Application[Full-Text ] Sudhir S. Kanade, Padmanabh D. DeshpandeDigital Image Processing (DIP) is finding its way into more applications, and its popularity has materialized into a number of commercial processors. As we know every Digital Image processing applications like FFT, FIR, DCT, Smooth filter etc are require multiplier and adder unit. These adder and multiplier unit is heart of those algorithms. As we know there are many applications in DSP and DIP which are error tolerant so for those application we can design error resilient Multiplier and accumulation unit make justice with SPAA (Speed, Power, Area and Accuracy) metrics. In this paper we propose energy aware error tolerant MAC unit which has reduce the hardware complexity and make justice with SPAA metrics. We also implement one of most important algorithm 2D Gaussian smooth filter, on these algorithm we apply proposed multiplier and adder unit for analysis of application efficiency. We also use many image quality parameters for analysis of generated image from proposed design. Those parameter are like PSNR (Peak signal to noise ratio), SSIM (Structural similarity image parameter), RFSIM (RIESZ transformed based feature similarity index), FSIM (Feature similarity index) and GMSD (Gradient magnitude standard deviation).We also propose a hardware unit of proposed MAC unit and compare propose design with existing designs.
Assessment of Parking Space Demand in University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria: Case Study of Faculties of the Social Sciences, Law and Education[Full-Text ] Olugbenga Olufemi Soyebo, Oluwole AjayiThe demand for vehicular parking spaces has hardly been given proper attention in the dynamics of physical and land-use development alongside demographic and socio-economic development of communities and cities. Similar trends exists in university campuses which particularly attracts very high traffic volume and consequently generates considerable measures of parking demand. The study assessed the demand for parking spaces in selected faculties in the University of Ibadan through investigative parking utilization indices survey and the parking facilities users’ behavioral survey. Findings reveal a mixture of inadequacy of designated parking facilities for staff and students in particular, and the under-utilization of some other parking provisions. This is indicated by a range of 60.7% to 133% peak parking occupancy ratios through the designated parking facilities only. Also, parking behaviours reveals strong preference (46.3%) for proximity to destination and (33.2%) for tree-shaded areas found mostly in un-defined parking situations and some stretches of on-street parking. The study portends the need (as recommendations) for more parking supply for staff, students and visitors based on the current parking demand excesses over the existing parking supply, and the parking generation capabilities of the faculty activities. Thus recommends that improvements on existing parking facilities and the planning and construction of new parking facilities be given due consideration to capture to a large extent, the convenience, comfort and ease of parking for the major users. Finally, effective parking management strategy should be put in place to fore-stall future burst in demand for parking in the event of space limitation for parking.
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Rainwater Harvesting: A Case from Goa, India[Full-Text ] Dr. Sanjay D. GaikwadPresent paper deals with the application of RS and GIS in rainwater harvesting through case study of Quepem tehsil of Goa. An attempt is made to elaborate the application of RS and GIS in the field of identification mapping of impervious surfaces and roof top area as potential sites for water harvesting using tassel-cap transformation (Kauth and Thomas 1976[1], Cris and Cicone1984 [2]). Terrain analysis, DEM, hill shade, aspect direction of flow of streams, stream network and stream ordering are the features considered for hydro morphological analysis of the region. Land use and land cover, soil, vegetation, water availability, water loss through various sources including evapotranspiration are considered for estimation of water resource up to village level. Water requirement of domestic and livestock is calculated from daily demand, crop requirement is based on FAO’s estimates of ETcrop. The estimated potential roof rain water may contribute in minimizing the gap between demand and supply of domestic sector as well as to some extent the agriculture of the region.
Anaerobic treatment of organic wastewater at ambient temperature [Full-Text ] Aya Abd-Elfatah AKl, Nesrin Elmehy, N.S.M.El-tayebWater is one of the most valuable resources on Earth. Which becomes scarce globally. And due to discharging untreated wastes of high levels of inorganic pollutants in rivers and lakes that increase the impact loads on the ecosystems, so cleanliness of our lakes and rivers became one of the pressing goals for environmental protection. Biological treatment processes are widely used in the wastewater treatment industries. Anaerobic treatment is used for industrial or domestic purposes to converts the wastewater organic pollutants into small amount of sludge and large amount of biogas, it has the advantages of lower treatment costs with no secondary pollution, It is frequently used for medium to high strength wastewater, in our research we used chemical oxygen demand (COD) as a main parameter to indicate the ability of wastewater to be degraded by anaerobic treatment under ambient room temperature (approximately 35°C) by evaluating the start-up process and the operation performance during the experiment process we got closer to our COD target then Suddenly for unknown cause the COD started to increase again while methane gas still evolves.
Modular versus Monolithic Digital Circuit Design: Effect on Propagation Delay and Glitch[Full-Text ] Adeniran Adetunji, Akande Ademola, Babalola M. FlorenceThis paper reviews the concept of modular design method with respect to digital circuit design.It discusses the propagation delay and glitches as expected in a real digital circuit design, using full adder circuit as an experimental example, an analysis of a monolithic versus modular design methods of full adder circuit shows a better performance when digital circuits/systems are designed in modules.
Towards Cloud Adoption in Africa: The Case of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akilu Rilwan MuhammadAdvancement in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) over the years has brought about changes to dynamic business in developed societies. However, due to lack of access to ICT infrastructures, majority of under-developed and developing societies are unable to take advantage of these business opportunities. The advent of cloud computing, a recent shift in computing paradigm presents the potentials for enterprises in under-developed and developing societies to embrace new business models and explore market opportunities, as well as cost effective and delivery of efficient services to government agencies. Despite the promised business benefits of cloud computing to enterprises and government agencies, its successful adoption is full of challenges, requiring in-depth understanding of different technologies and expertise in various domains, of which guidelines are currently inadequate for adoption and building trust. The contribution of this work is to provide clear understating of cloud computing, alongside the drawbacks and challenges for its adoption in the developing economies of African states (the case of Nigeria). Though cloud adoption is foreseeable in the near future, the research sought for convergence of efforts from both government and IT practitioners to overcome the obstacles to its adoption.
Shear Wall Analysis and Design Optimization In Case of High Rise Buildings Using Etabs (software)[Full-Text ] M.Pavani, G.Nagesh Kumar, Dr. Sandeep PingaleDue to increase in population spacing in India is needed, especially in urban areas. Also due to increase in the transportation and safety measure the FSI (Floor Spacing Index) in Indian cities is increasing considerably. Structural engineers in the seismic regions across the world often face the pressure to design high rise buildings with stiffness irregularities, even though they know these buildings are vulnerable under seismic loading. Today’s tall buildings are becoming more and more slender, leading to the possibility of more sway in comparison with earlier high rise buildings .improving the structural systems of tall buildings can control their dynamic response. With more appropriate structural forms such as shear walls and tube structures and improved material properties. The general design concept of the contemporary bearing wall building system depends upon the combined structural action of the floor and roof systems with the walls. The floor system carries vertical loads and, acting as a diaphragm, lateral loads to the walls for transfer to the foundation. Lateral forces of wind and earthquake are usually resisted by shear walls which are parallel to the direction of lateral load. These shear walls, by their shearing resistance and resistance to overturning, transfer the lateral loads to the foundation. In the present study a 45 storey high rise building, with podium up to 4th floor level is considered. After podium level (4th floor level), there is no sudden change in plan because if there is any sudden change it may result in the stiffness/torsional irregularities of building if a small seismic forces or any other less magnitude horizontal force strike the structure. The optimization techniques which are used in this project are firstly considered the size of shear wall is same throughout the building and then analysis is done from the result the failed shear wall dimensions are increased to resist the whole structure, in this way the optimization was done for number of time till the whole structure comes to stable to resist the forces .In this present project shear wall design and optimization is done by using the software Etabs and the shear walls are arranged in such a way to resist the lateral forces in zone III region throughout the structure according to Indian codes.
Kinetic Study of the Methylene Blue Adsorption on White Clay as a Local Absorbent[Full-Text ] Egbuna S.O, Ugadu E, Chime T.CThe adsorption isotherm and kinetics of the sorption pigment (Methylene Blue) from aqueous solution onto Enugu White Clay as a local adsorbent was investigated. The kinetics and isotherm were carried out using batch experiments. The experimental data was analyzed in terms of intra-particle diffusion, rate of adsorption, isotherms and thermodynamics. The results showed that Methylene Blue (MB) adsorption follows second order kinetic model with adsorption rate constant of 0.2279g/(mg.min). The adsorption rate was within about 100 minutes, and 96 percent of the pigment was removed from the solution. The activation energy showed that the MB adsorption was endothermic and that the rate limiting step is surface diffusion. The results indicated that Enugu White Clay has good adsorptive potentials and can be used as a local, cheap and effective adsorbent for the removal of pigments from aqueous solutions.
Performance analysis of isolated Bangla speech recognition system using Hidden Markov Model[Full-Text ] MD. Abdullah-al-MAMUN, Firoz MahmudHere we present a model of isolated speech recognition (ISR) system for Bangla character set and analysis the performance of that recognizer model. In this isolated Bangla speech recognition is implemented by the combining MFCC as feature extraction for the input audio file and used Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for training & recognition due to HMMs uncomplicated and effective framework for modeling time-varying sequence of spectral feature vector. A series of experiments have been performed with 10-talkers (5 male and 5 female) by 56 Bangla characters (include, Bangla vowel, Bangla consonant, Bangla digits) with different conditions. So, it this proposal achieved 85.714% efficiency for isolated Bangla speech recognition system.
Optimization of Axial Flow Turbine for Mean-Line Design using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] S V Ramana MurtyIn present study, Optimization is carried out for the meanline design of an axial flow turbine stage by considering aerodynamic performance, creep life and weight of the turbine stage. The mathematical formulation for the aerodynamic performance, creep life and weight for the turbine stage is brought out. The optimization is carried out using gentic algorithm in the present study. The fitness function is defined as a weighted average of parameters representing turbine isentropic efficiency, creep life and weight of the turbine. The design variables are flow coefficient, stage loading and turbine exit swirl angle with lower and upper bounds and the various constraints have been specified. The results of the study are presented in the paper.
License Plate Recognition using Color based Segmentation and Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Gurjinder Pal Singh and Navneet BawaNumber plate identification using image processing methodology is used for extracting and identify vehicle by reading through number plate. The existing system suffers from the problem of orientation of the text on the plate. If the systems are enriched with Number plate recognition of the vehicle for the last few days where the vehicle has been passed by, that may be of great interest while tracking the theft vehicle. The kind of information bank has been provisioned in the presented approach. Although many intensive research studies have been conducted in other countries in the area of license Plate identification to our knowledge. However, identification is an essential area in the development of intelligent traffic management systems and surveillance. Given the current security situation in the world due to various conflicts, this is one of the areas where there is an urgent need for the development of devices that could be used in variety of situations to ease the security concerns.
Variability Management in Software Development using FeatureIDE : A Case Study[Full-Text ] Asif Irshad Khan, Md. Mottahir Alam and Wajdi Al JedaibiSoftware Product Line (SPL) Engineering is a widely used strategy for the efficient development of family of software products that have common as well as variable features. In this approach, software artifacts such as requirements specification, system architecture and design, components, etc are reused across the family of a product line with/without some adaptations. SPL helps in producing quality software products at a relatively shorten time to market as well as reduced development cost through the systematic reuse of software artifacts. This paper discusses the variability concept in software product family using feature based modeling. A case study is conducted to explore all valid combinations of features in order to generate a set of unique products in a family using a variability management FeatureIDE tool. Further, the paper highlights the cross-cutting concern in Variability.
Institutional Repository: A Road Map to Open Access and Resources Sharing in Nigeria (Issues and Challenges)[Full-Text ] Sani Murtala RidwanNigeria with higher number of universities and research institutions compared to any other country in sub-Saharan Africa produce large volume of research outputs that are of paramount value to scholarly. Institutional repositories are contemporary services academic research institutions render to its community members in the form of managing and disseminating of their intellectual works through a digital medium, open access IR have been found to play an important role in the preservation and dissemination of institutional research outputs which will in turn become a constituent part of a global research outputs especially in Nigeria with that higher number of universities and research institutions. This paper highlighted the conceptual framework of institutional repository, definitions, benefit, institutional repository software systems, open access institutional repository in Nigeria, resource sharing and some the challenges in Nigerian institutions.
ENERGY BASED ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Oisik Mishra, Sanchari ChakrabortyThis paper is on Energy based Analysis of Mechanical Systems using Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach. These approaches can be used to understand the non-linearity and further to control a dynamic system efficiently by using the Kinetic and Potential Energy of the system. Here, we choose an inverted Double Pendulum System as the mechanical system for our analysis. We determine the equations of motions for the double pendulum system using the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics and further we implement these concepts to analyse the non-linear properties of the system and further simulate the system in MATLAB.
Mobile Agent Based High Performance Distributed Data Mining Algorithm in Real Time Applications[Full-Text ] S.KAVITHA, Dr. K.V. ARUL ANANDAMThe massive amount of data spread in the fields of the industrial, scientific and commercial applications. Analyze large data sets maintained over geographically distributed sites by using the computational power of distributed and parallel systems is essential. A distributed computation paradigm (message passing, remote procedure calls, mobile agents) and the used integration techniques (Knowledge probing) in order to aggregate and integrate the results of the various distributed data miners. The pruning technique is an efficient method which can obtain the approximate maturity but obviously reduces the size of result of data mining process. Mobile agents act autonomously, does not waste the bandwidth because the agent migrates to the server and in addition with the parallel processes. Mostly, research has focused in the improvement of the efficiency of discovering association rules but still a gap in the practical application rules. This paper shows that DDMA-3 algorithm increases efficiency of the data extraction from distributed databases than other algorithms and shown with the experimental results. The ultimate goal of this algorithm is to extract huge amounts of data and to solve the problems associated with the model in the practical applications.
Structural response of High rise Building with open ground storey [Full-Text ] Miss Jewalikar Gauri Anantrao, Prof. Sangave Prakarsh AThe typical multistorey with open ground storey configuration is arising rapidly in India. The unreinforced masonry wall may not contribute towards resisting gravity loads but it contributes under lateral loading. Masonry infills, which generally have high stiffness and strength, play a crucial role in lateral load response of reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings. However in practice the infill stiffness is commonly ignored in frame analysis, resulting proper estimation of stiffness is not done. Hence, Indian code IS1893 (Part1):2002 gives provisions for soft storey analysis and design. It is instructive to study in detail the provisions of soft storey analysis and design with regard to assess a better approach for the soft storey effect under seismic loading and also in various seismic zones. Therefore, a comparative study is carried out considering different analytical models for soft storey behavior, and also the detailed study of provisions of soft storey as specified in IS1893(Part-I):2002 is carried out. Unreinforced masonry infill is modeled by using Equivalent Diagonal Strut method approach.
Biodiesel Production Using the Visceral Organs of Apple snail (Pila globosa)[Full-Text ] Sadhana D. Deshpande and Shekhar PhadtareBiodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel that is produced from vegetable oils and animal fats. The world meat production from pork, poultry and beef is 42.7%, 33.4%, 23.9% respectively including non edible organs. Most of these organs like intestine, head and fat bodies etc. contain lipids. The organs of Pila globosa contain lipid and it is good alternative source for biodiesel production. Lipids react with methanol in presence of NaOH, which results into biodiesel and glycerol. After separation of biodiesel and glycerol by separating funnel, biodiesel can be used as a fuel and glycerol can be used in manufacturing of colors.
REMOTE MICROCONTROLLER BASED MONITORING OF SUBSTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM THROUGH GSM MODEM[Full-Text ] Dr. Ghous Buksh Narejo, Engr. Shahyan Pervez Bharucha, Engr. Danny Zarir PohwalaAs complexity of distribution network has grown [7], automation of substation has become a need of every utility company to increase its efficiency and to improve quality of power being delivered [5]. The proposed project which is GSM cellular network based controlling of substation [5][12] will help the utility companies, by ensuring that their local-substation faults [8][9][10] are immediately realized and reported to their concerned departments via GSM, to ensure that duration of power interruption is decreased. The measured parameters will be sending in the form of SMS messages. The microcontroller will interact with the sensors installed at the local substation and perform task as commanded [3]. Electrical parameters like current, voltage will be compared continuously to its rated value [13] will help protect the distribution and power transformer from burning due to overload, short circuit fault, over voltages and surges. Under such conditions, entire unit is shut down via the control section comprising of relays sensing it, and immediately turning the circuit breaker off. SMS alerts can also be generated to indicate this. The use of GSM makes the substation intelligent [4] in the sense that it is able to transmit alerts and information and receive commands. This enables to reduce labor cost at substation and saves time. Thus the monitoring and working efficiency of the sub-station will drastically increase.
Modeling of Corona Effect in AC Transmission Systems[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ahmed Dawood, Dr. Ghous Buksh NarejoCorona effect has been considered as a source of substantial loss particular to High Voltage AC Transmission lines. The project report presents comprehensive account of development of a Matlab Simulink based model for the Corona Effect which is designed considering Peek’s equation. The model provides analysis of Corona loss impact on Transmission power in response to the variation in the factors on which Corona effect depends upon. The transmission power has been simulated to plot Corona losses based on variation in Temperature, Conductor Radius and Conductor spacing.
Evaluation of Passive Target Tracking Algorithms[Full-Text ] Sai Sowjanya Ch., Lova Raju K., Dr. Koteswara Rao S., Dr. Mallikarjuna Rao P.The performance evaluation of various standard passive underw ater target tracking algorithms like Modif ied Gain Bearingsonly Extended Kalman Filter, Parameterized Modif ied Gain Bearings-only Extended Kalman Filter and Particle Filter coupled w ith Modif ied Gain Bearings-only Extended Kalman Filter using bearings-only measurements is carried out w ith various scenarios in Monte Carlo Simulation. The performance of Parameterized Modif ied Gain Bearings-only Extended Kalman Filter is found to be better than all estimates.
Heuristic Analysis Approach for Malware Detection on Internet Banking[Full-Text ] Gaurav Sharma, Utkarsh Mehta, Dilpreet Singh SachdevaNo field has been exempted from the effect of malware and internet banking is one of them, nowadays malware is a serious problem, malware is a big threat to internet banking.It has become a threat to users.Hence many researchers have made many detection techniques to lower and overcome this problem. Heuristic Analysis or Pro-Active Defense is one of the best ways to alleviate this problem but it also have some issues many times this technique was questioned by researchers about the proper working of this approach.In this paper we will work on Heuristic Analysis or Pro-Active Defense techniques with the help of Signature based mechanism. In previous time there were many techniques to attenuate this gigantic problem unfortunately; hackers were successful enough to crack today detection tools.
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Column Structure of a Petroleum Storage Tank[Full-Text ] Inegiyemiema Morrision and Nitonye SamsonColumn structures are used extensively in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria to position drilling platforms and petroleum storage facilities in the offshore environment. To avoid failure of the structures it is necessary to carry out hydrodynamics analysis of the columns in order for them to withstand environmental forces of wind, wave and current. The designed column will be subjected to other different forms of load such as the dead weight and light weight besides the environmental loads, but the project focuses only on the environmental loads in which environmental data will be obtained from agencies and applied into Morrision’s equation to analyse and obtain the von misses stress, tensile stress and compressive sress. The results obtained are verified by carring out software analysis using ansys. The accepted result is subjected to API Code to ensure that it fails within an allowable limit.
Improved Energy Efficient Protocol using Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks (IEEP)[Full-Text ] Sreevidya R C, Nagaraja G SWireless sensor networks are made up of large number of inexpensive devices that are networked via low power wireless communications. Sensors depend entirely on the battery life which cannot be generated or substituted. The design of energy efficient protocol to prolong the lifetime of the network is necessary. In this paper, we present a mechanism for improving the efficiency of a Wireless Sensor Network by considering levels of clustering and chain mechanism for routing data packets to base stations. The design of energy efficient protocol to prolong the lifetime of network is necessary. The proposed protocol, Improved Energy Efficient Protocol (IEEP) using clustering balances the energy, saves the node energy and prolongs the network lifetime. The performance of the protocol is analysed with the comparision of various network parameters which includes cluster formation, cluster head selection, chain formation, data aggregation and communication. The experimental results are simulated using NS2 simulation tool by considering set of parameters.
STUDY ON NEW SHRIMP DISEASE “Internal mortality syndrome†OF EXOTIC SPECIES litopenaeus vannamei[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar MoolaAquaculture is the fastest growing food sector globally and is established itself as high protein resource to fulfil the food demand since the natural resources exhibits over exploitation. But presently various biological and non-biological agents causes’s mortality of cultured shrimp. Unusual shrimp mortality was reported in Nellore region of Andhrapradesh. The signs and symptoms of the disease are not matching with any of the disease reported so far for cultured shrimp species. Due to its symptoms like Internal mortality with no moribund/ surfacing of the shrimp and white to yellowish faecal matter it was named as “Internal mortality syndrome†A study was conducted to found out the etiology by using microbiological, molecular, histological, immunological disease diagnostic and water quality analysis techniques. The study shows there is correlation between water quality parameters like hydrogen sulphide(> 0.03 ppm) dissolved oxygen( < 2.5 ppm) and vibrio bacteria count found in the hepatopancreas(>5.0 X 106) and mid gut of the shrimp. The study reveals the there is no virus involved.