Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 is in-process.
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Compact Low-Cost Digital Medical Ultrasound Imaging System[Full-Text ] Mawia Ahmed HassanThe objective of this work is to develop a compact low-cost digital medical ultrasound imaging system that has almost all of its processing steps done on the PC side. The new system was implemented using Analog Devices ultrasound analog front end chipset interfaced to a Virtex-5 FPGA with an 8-lane PCIe interface. The system was plugged into a Pentium 3.0 GHz Core 2 Quad PC with 8 GB memory. The system using serial LVDS interface protocol to, allow the output from an ADCs to come as a serial bit stream with drivers on both the ADC and the FPGA to recover the parallel data. This alleviates the need for designing the sampling and the signal recovery filters while maintaining an optimal performance at significantly lower power consumption. The procedures for the system are: first the derivation of the analytical signal in our design has to be on the digital side. The Hilbert transform can be used to derive the analytical signal from its real part. The 24-tap FIR Hilbert transformed is design with acceptable normalized RMSE with the analytical form of the signal. The FIR Hilbert filter zero tap coefficients are not computed and therefore an order L filter uses only L/2 multiplications .Second, downsample id done for a Hilbert transformed single channel signal from 50 MSPS to a mere 5 MSPS without losing any information to reduce the size of the data, Third: The processing steps which done in the PC side include: the beamforming steps (dynamic receive focusing, aperture growth and apodization), envelope detection and compress the dynamic range. The new system has the potential to lower the cost and speed up the development, thus offering new opportunities for more cost-effective systems.
Identification and Computational Analysis of Chicken Alpha-1 Collagen Sequences[Full-Text ] Z. Islam, M.M. Islam, S. Saha, C.A. Jahangir, B. Basak, M.N. Islam, M.S. Islam, S. Paul, M. KhalekuzzamanCollagen is a protein that is found in cartilage, bone and other tissues in animals and humans. People utilize collagen from chicken for medicine. It is used to treat joint pain associated with many types of arthritis and surgery, with back pain, neck pain, and pain subsequent injury. So far, 26 genetically distinct collagen types have been described. However, there is not sufficient information to know if chicken collagen is safe or what the side effects might be. Other collagen products, such as bovine collagen and gelatin, have caused allergic reactions whereas chicken collagen has low amount of allergic reactions. It is recently found that collagen alpha-1 is involved in osteogenesis imperfecta phenotype in cattle, but there is no such type of information in case of chicken. So, attempting to figure out information about their structural features chicken alpha-1 collagen sequences are carried out and analyzed. This investigation reports a comparative analysis and characterization of the alpha-1 chain of chicken collagen sequences using different computational tools. Amino acid composition, physico-chemical, secondary structural, functional and phylogenetic classification were done, based on which, Alpha-1 (XIV) collagen, Collagen alpha-1(XIV) chain precursor and Collagen type XII alpha-1, which belong to the Fibril Associated Collagens with Interrupted Triple helices (FACIT) collagen family, can be recognized as potential players in diseased conditions, because of certain unusual properties such as very high aliphatic index, low percentage of Glycine and Proline residues and their proximity in evolutionary history. These collagen molecules might be play crucial role in cosmetics, foods on top of in medical industry.
Self-tuning based on radial basis function neural network of a linear system[Full-Text ] Gaber Elsady, Abd-El Meged Mohamed, Ashraf Hemeda, Asmaa FawzyThis paper introduces the inverse control design using neural network based self tuning regulator (STR). The control algorithm performs equally very well to both minimum phase and non-minimum phase of linear plants. The controller is the radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) and acts as inverse of the plant. The plant parameters are estimated online using the system identification method where uses the Autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) model which depends on the input and output values of the plant. The difference between the output of the plant and the reference signal is used to adjust coefficients of ARX model. These coefficients of ARX are used to update the weights of the RBFNN. The weight update equations are derived based on the least mean squares principle (LMS). The output tracks the reference trajectory though the self tuning regulator (STR) structure exposed to different types of disturbances for wide range of operating conditions. Then, the algorithm compared with the self tuning of proportional-plus-integral feedback (PI) controller. The proposed algorithm is successfully verified using simulations for both minimum and non-minimum phase of linear plants counter to using PI.
An Approach to the Development of Close System Industries through Finned Surface and Improved Exhaust System in order to Reduce Utility & Maintenance Cost include Safety[Full-Text ] Md. Hasibul Haque, Sabiha AkhterIn rapidly challenging market competition, one of the foremost amendments to be done in the industries is to diminish the overall costs of production. Thus reduction of unusual costs along with unnecessary costs vastly depends on the working environment of the industry. It has been acknowledged that a lot amount of supplementary expenses like utility cost, maintenance cost etc. which causes obstacles to the development without concerning the comfortable working conditions within an industry. This paper deals with reduction of unusual cost and also enhancing the working environment by use of advanced and radical finned surface and better exhaust system. The main upshots of the analysis is to offer better air circulation, humidity control, improved safety and working condition, enhance product quality, using better technologies, improve and mend productivity and also make the maintenance and other utility cost lesser than the customary one relating to various Bangladeshi mills, garments, production shops and industries. In this paper, some suggestions has been provided about how the industrial sector could be benefited as well as promoted like never before by applying these techniques.
The Effect of Secondary Flow on Heat Transfer from a Rotating Sphere to Oldroyd-B Fluid[Full-Text ] S. E. E. HamzaThe subject of this work is the study of the effect of secondary flow on heat transfer from a rotating sphere to Oldroyd-B fluid. The Navier-Stokes equations governing the steady axisymmetric flow can be written as two coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations for the stream function and rotational velocity component. Slow flow approximation is used to solve the equations of motion and the energy equation. Therefore, all dynamical variables in the governing equations are expanded in power series in terms of Reynolds number Re, and Deborah number De. The solution of the obtained partial differential equations is valid for small values of Re and De, and all values of Prandtl number Pr. The analysis of the obtained solution shows that, the stream function consists of two additional secondary flow parts caused by elastic and inertia effects. So, the properties of the resultant stream line pattern depend on the relative magnitudes of the two parts. If Re and De differ from each other appreciably, then one is dominant and imprints its character on what happens. Under certain conditions, the superposition leads to a different situation. At some critical values of Re and De it is noticed that, a spherically shaped stagnation stream surface is formed in the fluid. The radius of this surface is calculated. The effect of the secondary flow on the temperature distribution and heat transfer rate are calculated and analyzed. Flow patterns of velocity distribution, temperature profile and Nusselt number are presented at and for different values of Re and De.
Training Infrastructure and Training Needs of Prison Personnel[Full-Text ] Sarju GuptaThe jail administration in India is regulated by the Indian Prison Act of 1894 and the Jail Manuals of various States. The States have the primary role, responsibility and authority to change the current prison laws, rules and regulations. Day-to-day administration of prisoners rests on principles incorporated in the Prisons Act of 1894, the Prisoners Act of 1900, and the Transfer of Prisoners Act of 1950. An Inspector General of Prisons administers prison affairs in each state and territory. The Central Government provides assistance to the states to improve security in prisons, for the repair and renovation of old prisons, medical facilities, development of borstal schools, facilities to women offenders, vocational training, modernization of prison industries, training to prison personnel, and for the creation of high security enclosures.
Cross-sectional study of infertile males with toxoplasmosis in Baghdad province[Full-Text ] Husam E. Abdulla, Nada M. Al-bashier, Ula Al-kawaz, Arwa M. Abdullah Al-Shuwaikh, Ahmed S. AboodToxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by a protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii which infect all mammals and birds species throughout the world. some studies shows that toxoplasmosis have adverse effect for male reproductive system, parasites are isolated from different parts of animals even from semen but there are little information about the effect of toxoplasmosis on fertility in animals and humans. The present investigation dealt with studying the prevalence of chronic toxoplasmosis with in infertility patients. A total number of 83 individual, in which 64 infertile male patients, Include 25 males with primary infertility and also 39 males with secondary infertility. Blood were collected in a period between April 2104 and August 2014. Serum samples were studied for determination of chronic infection with toxoplasmosis, by using ELISA technique. This study showed clearly that 23 (27.7%) of individuals participated in this study having IgG Toxoplasma Ab, among those 3 samples (15.8%) were control, 20 sample were infertile and the infertile group sub divided in to 6 (30%) primary infertility and (14 70%) secondary infertility. The Toxoplasma infection have no effect on male reproductive parameters.
Application of the Superposition Method to the Coreless Induction Furnaces[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Ali K. Al-Shaikhli, B.M. Al-Shemery, and Hydier YosifeThe coreless induction furnace is one of the most important applications of induction heating, because of its wide utility in large industrial plants. This paper will discuss the electrical characteristics of coreless induction furnace by the superposition method. Also, a comparison was done between practical and theoretical ampere-turn arising from the superposition method. The percentage of error between theoretical and practical case will reach the minimum value 5.47%, (when the input power is 0.183 kW), as being closet to the optimum frequency of operation under certain circumstances of current, number of turns, load... etc.
Tensile and Interfacial Strength Analysis of Midrib of cocos nucifera Leaf for Polyester Reinforcement[Full-Text ] Neeraj Dubey, Geeta AgnihotriIn the present scenario world is facing a serious problem of the polymer wastes due to its non biodegradable nature. Production of the natural fiber composite is one of the noble approaches to minimize this problem and modify the polymer based materials as partially biodegradable. In last two decades many researchers have been investigating and exploring new natural fibers and their composites with polymers as matrix material. Due to various advantages and eco-friendly nature, natural fiber composites are replacing conventional materials and glass fibers in moderate strength applications. Strength of natural fiber/polymer composites highly depend upon interfacial strength between hydrophilic fiber and hydrophobic polymers. In this paper potential of a new natural fiber as midrib of coconut palm leaf is investigated for the purpose of synthesis of a new natural fiber composite. Tensile properties of midribs and interfacial strength between midrib and polyester resin and critical embedded length are determined by tensile test and fiber pull-out test. Results show that midrib of coconut palm leaves have potential for development of natural fiber composite.
Discovring Frequent Item Sets from attribute and tuple uncertainty data model[Full-Text ] Mr. Avinash Arun Pund, Prof.Prabhudev I.The database used in upcoming applications like RFID system, GPS system, location based services; sensor monitoring systems are fre-quently inaccurate in nature. The important problem of finding frequent item sets from a large uncertain database which is interpreted under the Possible World (PW). This issue is technically difficult because an uncertain database contains an exponential number of possible worlds. This can be solved by creating approximate algorithm that can efficiently and precisely find frequent item sets in a large uncertain database. The important problem of maintaining the mining result of a database that is growing (e.g. inserting new tuple).In particular incremental mining algorithms which allow Probabilistic Frequent Item set (PFI) results to be refreshed. So by using incremental mining algorithm reduces the need of re-executing the whole mining algorithm on the new database again, which is a lot more expensive and unnecessary. We observe how an existing algorithm that find exact item sets as well as approximate algorithm which support incremental mining. Also finding frequent item sets when providing range by using decision tree
Quantification of Dynamic Business Environment by Development of Ontology using Task Reduction[Full-Text ] Diwakar Yagyasen, Manuj DarbariThe paper highlights the use of Multi-Agent Task Reduction technique in developing a framework for Dynamic Business Environment. It uses the concept of problem decomposition in dynamic environment. It provides a framework which can support sustainable environmental impact of goods and processes, beginning from extraction of raw materials to the final movement of end product.
The Effect of Natural Products Extract on Stability of Orthodontic Implant an Experimental Study[Full-Text ] Assist. Prof. Mustafa Muath Hamed Al-Sultan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Rajih Al-KhatibThis study was conducted to estimate any possible effect of the natural products extract on the stability of orthodontic implant. Methods: twenty five white mature male rabbits, classified into 5 groups one control and four experimental, with five rabbits each group, were used in this study, fifteen orthodontic implants were inserted in right tibia of each rabbit, with two implants in each tibia. Four different natural products extract were used in this study include; Curcumin 15mg/kg, Nigella Sativa oil 0.5 ml/kg, Cissus Quadrangularis 1000mg/kg and Virgin coconut oil 2 ml/kg. Each product given to each experimental group start from the day of implant insertion for four weeks healing period, the implant stability tested at the time of implant inserted (primary stability) and again after four weeks (secondary stability) using periotest machine. Results: the results of this study showed a significant differences between primary and secondary stability for all groups (control and experimental) except for Nigella Sativa. A significant difference detected on comparing secondary stability between Curcumin and control group. Conclusion: Curcumin, Cissus Quadrangularis, Virgin Coconut oil and Nigella Sativa could be used for possibly increasing the stability of orthodontic implant.
Karanja and Rapeseed Biodiesel: An Experimental Investigation of Performance and Combustion Measurement for Diesel Engine[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kumar Duran, Maninder Singh, Hardeep SinghThe interest on alternative fuels is continuously increasing to meet the growing energy requirement and protect the environment. The comparison of fuel performance and combustion characteristics of two biodiesel (Karanja biodiesel and Rapeseed biodiesel) with diesel fuel has been carried in direct injection diesel engine and best one for diesel engine application was evaluated. In this research work the detailed investigation on performance and combustion characteristics of four stroke single cylinder engine with karanja and rapeseed biodiesel and its blends with diesel (in proportions of 20% and 50% by volume) under various load i.e. at no load, 25%, 50% and full load was assessed. At full load KB50 (karanja biodiesel blend) has been recorded lowest rate of pressure rise. KB20 has lowest recorded BSFC as compared to all others of biodiesel for all loading condition even than diesel. The RB20 (rapeseed biodiesel blend) recorded maximum BMEP at full load. KB20 was recorded with maximum brake thermal efficiency at full load. So on the basis of performance and combustion parameters KB20 appears to be best alternative fuel than other blends of karanja biodiesel and rapeseed biodiesel even than diesel.
OPERATIONAL AVAILABILITY OF A POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM WITH ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS UNDER PREEMPTIVE REPEAT REPAIR POLICY[Full-Text ] Sapna Jain and Ajay Kumar SinghalThis paper deals with operational availability of a three state power distribution system consisting of two subsystems with environmental effects under preemptive repeat repair policy. A mathematical model for a power distribution system under service restrictions has been developed for exponential failures and general repairs. Supplementary variable technique has been employed to obtain various state probabilities and then the operational availability is obtained by the inversion process. The study state behavior, reliability, and MTTF have also been analyzed by some graphical illustrations to explain the practical utility of the model.
USING HUNO ALGORITHM DESIGN DATABASE FOR INTERLEUKIN[Full-Text ] N.Deepak Kumar, Dr.A.Ramamohan ReddyWith interleukins, a new class of potential drugs has been introduced into clinical researchA database manages information and allows organizing data, ensuring completeness and integrity, and transforming the data from one form to another. It make search through the data efficiently to find the desired information. In the present work a database for Interleukins (proteins) have been created as the data related to Interleukins is increasing day by day, it has become difficult for researchers to manage their structure, classification and functions. There are 32 Interleukins have been discovered by the researchers and many more may be added in the future. Interleukins study is mostly useful for diagnosing and treating all the diseases of a human body.
Web Clustering techniques- a Study[Full-Text ] Miss Justina G. Nadar, Mrs Sharvari S. GovilkarWeb clustering is one of the most important research areas today because of the large amount of information available on the web. Due to the vast amount of information available on the web, a technique to classify the relevant data is a necessity. Clustering is one such data pre-processing technique. Web mining is the finding of the web resources or web users. Clustering is the process of grouping based on some common properties. In this paper we study different clustering techniques, advantages and their limitation.
Plantain Ratooning Pattern and Associated Plant Parasitic Nematode Densities As Influenced by Paring and Organic Mulch Types[Full-Text ] M. Omolara OlaniyiThe study assessed the effects of paring, oil palm bunch refuse and sawdust mulches on growth performance of the first three suckers following plantain mother plant. A 2 x 3 factorial experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design on the field in Akure, Nigeria. At flowering of each mother plant, growth parameters of each of the three suckers were measured and population densities of plant parasitic nematode in the rhizosphere of the flowered plants were assessed. Results showed that mulching and paring impacted positively on suckering pattern. The better growth performance was obtained on mats mulched with oil palm bunch refuse and this is related to the higher nutrient level obtained in the rhizosphere compared with that of the sawdust mulch and the control. Therefore, the result of this study placed emphasis on the importance of the quality of the selected mulch materials. Generally, paring enhanced the benefit derived from mulch but the level or extent of the benefit is accentuated by the quality of the mulch material used. This signified that cycling rate is enhanced when planting materials are “cleaned” by physical disinfecting before planting. This is expected to reflect positively on cumulative annual yield. Helicotylenchus dihystera, H. multicinctus, Meoidogyne spp., Pratylenchus coffeae and Radopholus similis were recovered from the rhizosphere of the flowered mother plant. Higher densities of the nematodes were observed in the non-pared treatments compared with the pared and this established paring as an effective pre-plant cultural practice aimed at cleaning plantain sucker planting materials. Additionally, mulch depressed the densities of P. coffeae but not that of R. similis implying that organic input may effectively control the former and not the latter. This underscored the complexity of managing plant parasitic nematodes as a result of concomitant parasitism.
Application of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Optimum Iterative Learning Control Model[Full-Text ] Mahdiyeh Eslami, Reza Seyedi Marghaki, Mahdi Shamsadin MotlaghThis study introduce the robust iterative learning control (ILC) model for uncertain single input-single output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTI) control systems. In large cases of industrial robot employments it is a fact that the robot is learned to do the same task repeatedly several times. By looking at the control fault in the independent and several iterations of the same task it becomes obvious that it is actually highly repetitive. The ILC permits to iteratively compensate for and, therefore, cancel this repetitive fault. In this article different issues of iterative learning control are investigated. Although stability margin is the main significant in practice the model aspect is also bolded. some design schemes for iterative learning control techniques are introduced, consisting 1st order as well as 2nd order iterative learning control and parameter balancing. The basic characters of the model are that: The control signal is continuous and the coefficient of controller is optimized. Therefore it is chattering-free compared with the robust ILC using conventional 1st-order sliding mode method. In the suggested method, free variables of controller have valuable figure in the performance of system. Hence we propose Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) for selecting the excellent value of these parameters. The suggested method is examined on robotic manipulator case and computer simulations show that the proposed method has high performance.
MULTILEVEL INVERTER CIRCUIT WITH IMPROVED OUTPUT AND REDUCED HARMONIC DISTORTION[Full-Text ] Bhargav Y.S.S, Niranjan Padhi,Mrs.R.A.Priya, Shaik Abdul Jameel Ahammed.The dependence according to the procurement, the A.C or the D.C power is used. The generation of A.C is cheaper and the transmission of the on electricity is greater than any other resource or any energy in this fast growing planet. The reason for this is that the generation and transmission is easier. However D.C component is cheaper. However, this may not be met to the standards until the emergence of power electronics, where the conversions of the Alternating to Direct and the vice versa is possible and the devices that are used in power conversions are called as the power converters. The power converter that can convert a D.C power to an A.C power is called as an inverter. In this paper a cascaded multilevel is presented so as to obtain an improved sine waveform from a straight line signal.This inverter ‘s switches have an automated gating pulses that are derived from the S-PWM and this multilevel inverter may operate by the usage of subsystems and hence there is not much need of the bulky circuit to be concentrated at one place but this inverter is flexible to operate by the usage of subsystems and a good waveform can be obtained.
Approach to Video Watermarking Methods on Mobile Devices[Full-Text ] Venugopala P.S., Dr. Sarojadevi H., Dr. Niranjan N. C.Video watermarking is the technique of embedding cryptographic information into the video file for the purpose of copyright protection. The user viewing the video cannot identify the difference between the marked and unmarked video. Security factor of the watermark should resist the attempt of attack by sophisticated attackers to remove watermark in video without changing the original video quality. Watermarking can be done is spatial and frequency domain. Here a spatial domain and a frequency domain method are implemented. Video watermarking on a mobile device is a challenge due to the limited resource of the device. Various methods of video watermarking proposed in the literature are having their own merits and demerits for applying to the mobile device. In this paper we made an attempt to implement few image watermarking method and extend the same to video. Results of the experiments are compared in terms of noise introduced to measure the quality.
Particle Filter Based Ownship Evasive Maneuver under Torpedo Attack[Full-Text ] Kausar Jahan, A.Sampath Dakshina Murthy, S.Koteswara RaoParticle filter is proposed for tracking a torpedo using bearings-only measurements when torpedo is attacking an ownship. Towed array is used to generate torpedo bearing measurements. Ownship evasive maneuver is used for observability of the bearings-only process. Particle filter combined with Modified Gain Bearings-Only Extended Kalman Filter is used to estimate torpedo motion parameters, which are used to calculate optimum ownship evasive maneuver. Monte-Carlo simulation is carried out and the results are presented for typical scenarios.
Public Batch Auditing For Secured Cloud Storage[Full-Text ] Tushar R. Puranik, Avani B. Pagar, Mayur B. Bagad, Amruta J.DhanmeherCloud computing is a great invention in computer science by using which user can remotely access data from cloud. But storing data on cloud has no security to the data for providing security to that data people developed the term TPV. TPV stands for “ Third Party Verifier”, TPV is the third party tool which provide special type of scheduler, scheduler provides a watch on that data after a specified time. In day to day life it is very difficult to secure your data on cloud any intruder can access your data easily so prevent this attack on cloud we are developing system “Public Batch Auditing For Secured Cloud Storage”. This system basically provides a security to those users who storing data on cloud. In this paper we are extending the previous system by using automatic blocker for privacy preserving public auditing for data storage security in cloud computing. We utilize the public key based homomorphism authenticator and uniquely integrate it with random mask technique and automatic blocker to achieve a privacy-preserving public auditing system for cloud data storage security while keeping all above requirements in mind. Extensive security and performance analysis shows the proposed schemes are provably secure and highly efficient.
A Survey of different methods of clustering for anomaly detection[Full-Text ] Sarita Tripathy,Prof(Dr.)Laxman SahooAnomaly detection is the process of identifying unusual behavior. It is widely used in data mining, for example, to identify fraud, customer behavioral change, and manufacturing flaws, data mining techniques make it possible to search large amounts of data for characteristic rules and patterns .With the ever increasing amount of new attacks in today’s world the amount of data will keep increasing and because of the base-rate fallacy the amount the false alarms will also increase. Another problem with detection of attacks is that they usually aren’t detected until after the attack has taken information. Most current network intrusion detection systems employ signature-based methods or data mining-based methods which rely on labeled training data. Clustering is now the most widely used technique for intrusion detection.
A half-space problem in the theory of fractional order thermoelasticity with diffusion.[Full-Text ] Moustafa M. Salama, A.M. Kozae, M. A. Elsafty, S.S. AbelazizWe consider in this work the problem of thermoelastic half-space with a permeating substance in contact with the bounding plane by employing the fractional order theory of thermoelasticity, the bounding surface of the half-space is taken to be traction free and subjected to a time dependent thermal shock. The chemical potential is also assumed to be a known function of time on the bounding plane. for the inversion of the Laplace transform based on Fourier expansion techniques. The temperature, displacement, stress, and concentration as well as the chemical potential are obtained. Numerical computations are carried out and represented graphically.
A 20 GHz High Speed Mixed Mode Signal R-2R DAC[Full-Text ] Prof. N. V. Uma Reddy, Dr M V Chaitanya Kumar4-bit high speed R-2R Ladder Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) design is presented in this paper. The high speed DAC design uses a high speed InGaAs/GaAs HEMT device in its summer block. This paper justifies the use of HEMT devices for high speed converter applications. A detailed analysis of the DAC parameters and errors is presented. DAC performance up to 20GHz is presented and it shows very good DNL and INL performance, and stable offset and resolution over the frequency range up to 20 GHz.
Hybrid system based intelligent controlling and monitoring of green houses by zig-bee[Full-Text ] Hemant R. Borse, Sanket R. Joshi, Vishal S. MogalGreen house are required by sensitive crops like any expensive flower, grapes as they required very fixed weather condition. In green house the weather condition is kept constant irrespective of outside weather but in current green house light conditions control via curtains. This paper discuss the system monitors the temperature , humidity, moisture, light intensity, CO2 level & water pump on/off control by sensing the water level in the well. This system introduces a new technology which moves the operation of green house towards the energy efficient system, by introducing hybrid network system. System collects the information from the different sensor from different green houses and control there parameter simultaneously. System introduce the PIC16F877A which is the heart of the system Communication link communicates over 2.4GHz ISM band using CC2500 Zig-Bee trans-receiver. Graphs give fixed crop weather conditions with outer greenhouse environment to make system versatile.
Microscopic and bulk properties of symmetric nuclear and pure neutron matter with chiral N3LO nucleon-nucleon force[Full-Text ] Kh.S.A. Hassaneen, H.M. Abou-Elsebaa, E.A.Sultan1 and N.N. Abd AllahWe have studied the single-particle properties and the equation of state (EOS) of symmetric nuclear and neutron matter within the framework of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach extended by including a phenomenological three-body force (3BF). Adding the 3BF to the initial two-body force (2BF) and applying a partial-wave expansion, G-matrix calculations are performed in pure neutron matter as well as in symmetric nuclear matter. The 3BF is shown to affect signifi-cantly the nuclear matter EOS at high densities above the normal nuclear matter density and it is necessary for reproducing the empirical saturation property of symmetric nuclear matter in a non-relativistic microscopic framework. The calculations have been done using the charge-dependent chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction at order four N3LO potential and compared with both the CD-Bonn and Argonne V18 potentials plus the three-nucleon Urbana interaction. It is found that the calculations with the N3LO potential alone for symmetric nuclear matter at high density is strongly over bound in the BHF approximation.