Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2015 Edition
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A Model to Evaluate the Capacity of Public Road Transportation System: A Centenary Review of Transport Planning and Focus on Implementation in Australia, Progress in Planning[Full-Text ] Siavash ShahsavaripourTransportation is one the most important pillars of economic growth and development. However, due to geographical and economical conditions, flexibility of road transportation and presence of sufficient infrastructures, the road transportation is one of critical importance in Australia. Vehicles are one part of road transportation and hence, evaluating the capacity of road transportation system or vehicles is very crucial in transportation programming. In the current research, a model is presented for determining the demand to different types of vehicles in various states of Australia. Since a multi-criterion capacity evaluating program has been considered, the idealistic programming method is used in modeling. Due to the nature of the problem, zero and one variables are introduced to the model which, in turn, caused to transform the model to a non-linear complex rational number programming problem. As solving such types of problems is difficult, especially for large values, an innovative method, regarding the structure of the problem, is presented to transform the non-linear problem to a linear one. Moreover, this study is performed for various conditions such as increase of container transportation.
Investigating the Role of Integrity between Total Quality Management and Technology Management in Determining the Quality and Innovation Functions: A Study About Productive Companies in Kerman Province, South-East Iran[Full-Text ] Sepideh MoshrefiThe current paper is prepared based on a descriptive study and through it, the integrity between total quality management (TQM) and technology, research and development (TIM), along the prediction of organization’s functions in quality and innovation field, are examined. This investigation shows the relationship between TQM and TIM with focusing on two important issues: first, the integrity between TQM and TIM is focused via studying the gap between these two important sections, which are separated in organizations and have different duty descriptions. Second, the impacts of integrity between TQM and TIM on function indices of quality and innovation, which are the first and most important resources in taking competitive advantages for organizations, are examined. The required information for this study is collected from 148 managers of productive companies with more than 500 personnel, in Kerman province, and the constitutive equations model technique is used to analyze the collected information. The results show that: TQM has strong predictive power for qualitative functions of organization but it has not any clear and significant relationship with innovation functions. TIM also has predictive power for qualitative functions of organization but its intensity is lower than TQM. However, TIM has a stronger relationship for predicting the innovation functions of organization than TQM. Finally, TQM and TIM have a correlation with each other. The most important result obtained from the current study is that technology, research and development management is a suitable resource for applying along with and in accordance with TQM which the result of this cooperation is improvement of qualitative functions, and with higher importance, is support of innovation functions in organizations.
Determining the Direction for Rapid Transportation by Maximum Cover Method: Case Study in Sydney, Australia[Full-Text ] Siavash ShahsavaripourRouting for public rapid transportation is defined as determining the optimized location or position of stations and direction of route in a city. This problem can be solved as an optimization problem with target function of maximizing the cover of stations and distance of stations and length of direction as constraints. At the other hand, researchers have interested by heuristic or explorative methods due to their simplicity and fast performance in solving various problems. In the current paper, an heuristic method is represented for step by step developing of direction based on maximizing the criterion of population covered by stations and accessibility to important urban locations so that it is expected that the trip cover of direction – as target function – is maximized. The solving method is originated from two previous methods of population cover and trip cover. The population cover, trip attraction, diametric direction and length of direction are used as criteria. The proposed method is used in network of Sydney as case study. 20 answer directions with selected departure point are constituted by this method and two previous ones and the trip cover and their population are calculated and identified by comparing the results. The trip covers of directions in new method are increased compared to two previous methods. The maximum trip cover produced by one of the directions proposed by new method and by trip cover method is 58869 and 46962 trip, respectively. Comparing the new method and population cover method is showed that the population covered by the proposed method is 21.4% lower than the original method and the trip cover is 3.3 times greater than the original method. The answers of the proposed method have more trip cover than the maximum cover trip method as about 16.5%. For more precise concluding, a comparison is made between directions with same trend proposed by the presented method and the maximum trip cover method and it shows that for each of 4 same trend directions, trip cover is increased between 12 and 67%.
A Comparative Study of Hidden Markov Models Learned by Optimization Techniques using DNA data for Multiple Sequence Alignment[Full-Text ] A.Priyanka, K.SathiyakumariEfficient approach are based on probabilistic models, such as the Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), which currently represent one of the most popular techniques for multiple sequence alignment. In order to use an HMM method for MSA, one has to perform the parameter learning that is, to find the best set of state transition and output probabilities for an HMM with a given set of output sequences. In previous system, inspired by the free electron model in metal conductors placed in an external electric field here propose a novel variant of the PSO algorithm, called the random drift particle swarm optimization with diversity-guided search (RDPSO-DGS), and apply it to HMM training for MSA. In proposed system the two novel algorithms such that random drift firefly with diversity-guided search (RDFF- DGS) and random drift bat optimization with diversity-guided search (RDBO- DGS). It has ?ne adjustment of the parameters in this algorithm. In proposed algorithms are well effective than the existing system in terms of efficiency rate and computation cost of the system. That the HMMs learned by the RDFF and RDBO are able to generate better alignments. The experimental results show the RDBO-DGS gives the high accuracy 95% comparing to other algorithms for the herpes virus DNA data set it implement in MATLAB R2012a.. 100 data items are used for this research work, further can also use any Virus DNA for this alignment. It gives corresponding accuracy based on the data set. The remaining paper is organized as follows; Section 1. Describes introduction about the multiple sequence alignment. Section 2. Covers HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS FOR MSA. Section 3. Converse the related works behind in multiple sequence prediction. Section 4. Focus on experimental results comparison. Finally, Section 5. Discuss about the conclusion and feature work.
Effects of Salvia officinalis L. (sag) leaves Extracts in Normal and Alloxan-Induced Diabetes in White Rats[Full-Text ] Kareem T. Khashan, Karar Abbas Al-khefajiThis study was conducted at the laboratories of the faculty of Science / university of Kufa from October 2012 to April 2013. The study was undertaken to investigate the effectn of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Sage (Salvia officinalis L) leaves at concentration (100) mg/kg in dosage on albino rats for 14 days, on blood glucose , serum cholesterol and triglycerides (TG) level in induced-diabetic rats by alloxan (150) mg/kg compared with the reference drug Glibenclamide, Also, an evaluation of the active commercially available Sage Oil were analyzed by TLC . Results showed significant reduction (P< 0.05) of fasting blood glucose level in alloxan-induced diabetic rats treatment with plant extracts and glibenclamide drug as compared with infected control group. And the sage leaves extracts gave a good results, even better than glibenclamid drug for lowering blood sugar. The results also, showed a slight increase in fasting blood glucose level in normal rats when treatment with plant extracts as compared with healthy control group and showed a significant increase (P< 0.05) in the level of cholesterol compared with the healthy control group , also shown significantly decreased (P< 0.05) in the level of TG when treatment of diabetes rats with alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the plant leaves compared with the healthy control group . Rf values of spots and UV spectra (with and without adding the specific agents ) and compared with the literature data it was determined that the isolated compounds were Anetole,Thuijone,Camphor,a-Humulene,a-Terpinol,Gernaiol and Limonene
Preparation and characterization of some transition metal complexes of 4-amino-N-(5-sulfanyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide[Full-Text ] Bassam Abdulhussein Hasan Alsafee1, 3, 4-thiadiazole – 4–aminobenzenesulfonamide compounds are important because of its versatile biological actions such as antibiotics, antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, anti-diuretics, anti-inflammatory, anti-HIV agent, urinary-tract infection, or antiepileptic drugs. In the present study The solid complexes of Co(III), Fe(III), Cr(III), Cu(II), Ni(II) and with Synthes of 4-amino-N-(5-sulfanyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide have been synthesized and characterized by using the spectroscopic IR,1HNMR, Mass as well as by elemental analyses C,H,N and Molar conductance they were studied . It may be concluded for all the complexes the ligand acts as a bidentate and coordinated through sulfonamide oxygen and thiadiazole nitrogen atoms. This view is further supported by the appearance of a band corresponding to the metal–nitrogen and the metal–Oxygen stretching vibration at 583–597 cm–1 and 476-482 cm–1 in the complexes. The physicochemical data suggest the octahedral geometry for all complexes except for Cu and Ni complexes which where tetrahedral respectively.
A Secured Cloud System using Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptography[Full-Text ] Mrs. S.Selvi, Dr. R. GanesanSecure and efficient data storage is needed in the cloud environment in modern era of information technology industry. In the present scenario the cloud verifies the authenticity of the cloud services without the knowledge of user’s identity. The cloud provides massive data access directly through the internet. Centralized storage mechanism is followed here for effective accessing of data. Cloud service providers are normally acquires the software and hardware resources and the cloud consumers are avail the services through the internet access in lease basis. Cloud security is enhanced through cryptography technique applied to the cloud security to avoid vulnerability. The intractable computability is achieved in the cloud by using the public key cryptosystem. This paper proposed the approach of applying Hyper elliptic curve cryptography for data protection in the cloud with the small key size. The proposed system has the further advantage of eliminating intruder in cloud computing. Efficacy of the system is to provide the high security of the cloud data.
Different Systems to Store Nucleotides Information[Full-Text ] Carlos Llopis, Silvia Llopis, Jose Daniel LlopisIn the last years a lot laboratories and scientific centers around the world generate a huge amount of genetic information, one reason is because the price of massive sequencing is down, being very cheaper, if you compare previous years, to sequence part or whole genome of any living thing. By this reason, they generate huge amount of genetic information, which part of this genetic information are discarded or transformed. In this article we can describe several systems and methods to store whole nucleotide information, also these methods can reduce final file size, being later these files very easy to manipulate.
Presentation of Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Effective Feature Selection[Full-Text ] Hamideh Ganji Arjenaki, Mohammad Nadimi Shahraki, Nasim NoorafzaMany sciences encounter large volume of information with advancement of data collection and storage capabilities in recent decades. Nowadays, substrate data creates new challenges in data analysis while traditional statistical methods are not responsible for these data analysis due to the increase in number of observations and variables. Feature selection was used for solving this problem. In selection feature, the best combination of features is surveyed and it requires time and high processing. This paper tried to use the combination of genetic algorithm and artificial neural network for solving this problem. A single-layer Perceptron is topology of artificial neural network. The results of the study showed that the best combination from set of features was found in the shortest time and more optimal way.
Analysis of effect of cutting parameters on responses Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate for En 19 work-pieces material with and without heat treatment[Full-Text ] Roopa K Rao, Vinay Murgod, Dr. A S. Deshpande, Dr K K JadhavThis paper provides an insight to the effect of cutting parameters on surface roughness & material removal rate for turning operation. In any machining process, apart from obtaining the accurate dimensions, achieving a good surface quality and maximization of metal removal are of utmost importance. The objective of this paper is to provide the of effect of varying cutting parameters like Cutting Speed, Feed & Depth of cut over Surface Finish and Material Removal Rate on En 19 type steel with and without heat treatment.
LINEAR PROGRAMMING APPROACH FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMAL PROCESS PARAMETERS IN THE PHYSICALLY REFINED VEGETABLE OILS[Full-Text ] Egbuna S.O, Ujam A, Nwosu D.CIn this work, the optimal process conditions in the physically refined vegetable oils have been determined. The oils involved in this analysis were Palm Oil (PO), and Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). The oils, obtained from a local market in Enugu, North – East province of Nigeria, were characterized with a view to finding the ordinary values of the variables that were optimized, especially in the degumming, bleaching, and deodorization sections, as well as the cost of refining and the revenue accruable from the sale of the products. The AOCS method of AOCS, [1], was used in the analysis. Graphical method of linear programming and Sinplex Alogrithm methods were also used in order to optimize the variables. The objectives and the constraints were formulated into standard models with temperature, pressure, chemical concentration and clay dosage as the variables. It was found that optimal values of phosphotide in the refined oils, measured as Phosphorous, were 0.0105 and 0.0047Ppm; Colour pigment, measured in Red Units, 1.92 and 1.35, for PO and PKO, respectively, and odour, measured as FFA, was 0.1 and 0.05%, accordingly. The optimal cost of refining which was analysed using Simplex Alogrithm, gave N583.95 and 676.24 per tones, each of the PO and PKO. Optimal revenue was obtained as N 106,400 and N128,700, per tone of the refined oils. Based on the optimized cost, while profit accruable per 100 tones of the refined raw oils, based on the sale of the products was N 1,399,344 and N2,106825 for PO and PKO respectively. The results confirmed the standard values from the literatures.
Solution to implement e-learning system based on cloud computing[Full-Text ] Gangi, Beenazir, Jafari, ZahraNew information and communication technologies have impacted education system. E-learning as an important approach for today's education system used is one of the effects of new technologies. These types of training, suggests the use of information and communication technologies to improve the quality of teaching and learning through easy access to educational resources and services. Many educational institutions, does is not have.e-learning platforms, resources and infrastructure necessary to implement this type of training, the need for high cost of basic infrastructure and applications challenges related projects with which it has to face. The use of cloud computing can help to significantly reduce the cost of infrastructure, software and human resources. In the cloud computing resources and services are as a service over the internet, and easily tailored to the needs of the consumers. This technology for dynamic scalability and efficient use of resources has become an attractive technology. In this paper, we describe the concept of e-learning and cloud computing, how to implement e-learning system based on cloud computing, the efficient utilization of hardware resources and software in a learning environment.
Modal Analysis of Small Frames Using High Order Timoshenko Beams[Full-Text ] Chadi Azoury, Assad Kallassy, Pierre RahmeIn this paper, we consider the modal analysis of small frames. Firstly, we construct the 3D model using H8 elements and find the natural frequencies of the frame focusing our attention on the modes in the XY plane. Secondly, we construct the 2D model (plane stress model) using Q4 elements. We concluded that the results of both models are very close to each other’s. Then we formulate the stiffness matrix and the mass matrix of the 3-noded Timoshenko beam that is well suited for thick and short beams like in our case. Finally, we model the corners where the horizontal and vertical bar meet with a special matrix. The results of our new model (3-noded Timoshenko beam for the horizontal and vertical bars and a special element for the corners based on the Q4 elements) are very satisfying when performing the modal analysis.
Scheduling the fixtures for the African Cup of Nations Football Tournament: A “no seeding” approach[Full-Text ] Oluwaseun A. Otekunrin, Charles O. AminobirenIn this study, we designed an alternative schedule, which excludes seeding, for the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) Football Tournament. Assuming all other constraints and factors are as arranged by AFCON tournament organizers, a simple random sampling without replacement technique was used to randomly allocate the 16 qualified teams to preliminary groups: A, B, C, D; 4 teams per group. The concept of symmetric Latin square design was used to schedule the teams’ preliminary stage group matches. The quarter-final, semi-final and final stage matches were scheduled using tournament designs. In the resulting schedule which excludes seeding, the teams have equal probability of being assigned to any of the preliminary groups in the tournament. This is an advantage over the schedule being used by AFCON presently.
Design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor[Full-Text ] Prajakta Shankar Shinde, Dr.A.G.Thosar, Punit Lalji RatnaniPermanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) have been widely used in many industrial applications. Due to their compactness and high torque density. The PMSMs are particularly used in high-performance drive systems such as the submarine propulsion. The permanent magnet synchronous motor eliminates the use of slip rings for field excitation, resulting in low maintenance and low losses in the rotor. The PMSMs have the high efficiency and are appropriate for high performance drive systems such as CNC machines, robotic and automatic production systems in the industry. Generally, the design and construction a PMSM must consider both of the stator and rotor structures in order to obtain a high performance motor. However this paper focuses only on the design of the permanent magnet rotor and uses the stator structure from an existing induction motor without changing the windings. That is, the squirrel cage rotor is replaced by a newly designed permanent magnet rotor. This paper discusses design of PMSM. MATLAB tool is used to compute the design parameters for the given PMSM machine.
Characterization and Phytochemical Screening of n-Hexane Oil Extract from Cissus aralioides Seeds[Full-Text ] Akinsanmi A. Oduje, Anthony Awode, Alexander Edah, and, Itse SagayThe aim of this research work is to investigate the physico-chemical properties and phytochemical screening of cissus aralioides oil using solvent extraction method, with n-hexane as the extracting solvent. The Phytochemical analysis was determined using GC-MS, which reveal the presences of Diethyl Phthalate; 6-Octadecenoic acid and Octadecanoic acid, 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy) ethyl ester. The phytochemical screening shows a positive result for alkaloids and steroids. The AOAC method of Analysis was employed in the determination of the physico-chemical properties of the oil. The chemical properties of the oil determined include saponification value, free fatty acid, iodine value, peroxide value and acid value. The physical properties of the oil determined are specific gravity, refractive index, cold test. The values obtained are; Saponification value (130.58 ± 0.30mgKOH/g]]free fatty acid (2.13 ± 0.025mgKOH/g), iodine value (80.74 ± 1.53gI/100g), peroxide value (34.67 ± 0.10mEq/kg), acid value (4.24mgKOH/g), Relative density (0.9220),Refractive index at 25 ?C (1.4758 ± 0.0002) , and cold test (Low Turbidity). The moisture content of the seeds was 25.1 ± 0.18 and the oil yield was 23 ± 0.55. From the results obtained it can be seen that cissus aralioides oil, has a great potential in cosmetic, soap and pharmaceutical industries.
Texture, rheological properties and microstructure of soy protein gels coagulated by CaSO4 and the effect of soybean soluble polysaccharide on the gel performance[Full-Text ] Xiaofeng Xia, Mandour Abdalhai, Matabaro Emmanuel, He QianThis study was performed to investigate the impact of SSPS (soy soluble polysaccharide) addition on the gel behavior of SPI (soy protein isolates) gels, CaSO4 was applied as coagulant in this research. Soy protein gels with different SSPS addition were prepared and the Young’s modulus value, rheological properties, WHC (Water Holding Capacity), microstructure of which were also determined. The Young’s modulus and G’max of gels decreased as the SSPS concentration increased from 0% to 1.25%. The core size of the gel microstructure increased and the WHC value decreased at this SSPS addition range. In addition, the viscosity of SPI-SSPS solvents increased as the SSPS addition improved from 0% to 1.25%, while the transparency of the solutions decreased in this duration.
COMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF COGNITIVE AND TRADITIONAL TASK ANALYSIS-BASED INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDES ON STUDENTS’ SKILLS ACHIEVEMENT IN ELECTRONICS WORK[Full-Text ] RAYMOND, EMMANUEL, OGBUANYA, T. C This study was designed to determine the comparative effects of cognitive and traditional task analysis-based instructional guides on technical college students’ skills achievement in electronics work. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design. The population of the study was 174 Technical college III (TC III) students of all the technical colleges offering Electronics Work in North central, Nigeria. The entire population of 174 students was used for the study from which 90 TC III students comprising of 79 male and 11 female constituted treatment group assigned to cognitive task analysis-based instruction, and 84 TC III students comprising 65 male and 19 female constituted another treatment group assigned to traditional task analysis-based instruction. Two research questions and three null hypotheses, tested at 0.05 level of significance, guided the study. The instrument used for data collection was Electronics Work Troubleshooting Skills Achievement Test (EWTSAT). The instrument was subjected to face validation by three experts in vocational and technical education. The inter-rater reliability was employed to determine the reliability of the EWTSAT. The inter-rater reliability was calculated using Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance and the size of the concordance was found to be 0.76. Mean was used to answer the research questions; while ANCOVA was employed to test the hypotheses. The study found out that cognitive task analysis-based instructional guide is more effective in improving students’ skill achievement in electronics work than traditional task analysis-based instructional guide. There was an effect of gender on students’ skill achievement in electronics work favouring boys. The study found out that there are no significant interaction effects of treatment and gender on technical college students’ skill achievement in electronics work. It was therefore, recommended among others that Electronics teachers should adopt the use of cognitive task analysis-based instructional guide in teaching electronics, and More encouragements should be provided to the female students to improve their performance in skills-related courses such as electronics.
Innovation of Touch Projector Technology and its purpose[Full-Text ] Noor Azian Mohamad Ali, Alyami Mona Majed M.The primary objective of this article is to explain of touch projector technology concept, and how to use it. This paper will give intention and look at; to present the touch projector as a new technology aimed to enable performing tasks during a huge touch screen. To reviews the historical background and three recent devices which are (TouchPico, Cicret Bracelet and Dell Interactive Projector S520) with their uses in business, education and entertainment. To find out some extremely related weak points such as returning value and surface problems. To suggest some fixing ideas to make the devices more better.
Design and analysis of wimax e-government network for the city of baghdad[Full-Text ] Aied k. al-samarrie, hayam alyasiri, aseel h. al-nakkashWiMAX is an efficient broadband wireless technique. It is adopted by the ministry of communication in Iraq to be the access network of the E-government. In this work, the design, analysis, and evaluation of an optimum WiMAX proposed network is performed according to this E-government project requirements in the city of Baghdad. However, the design of WiMAX network imposes some challenges like power control, frequency assignment, choosing the suitable antenna height and tilt, and other design parameters that must be chosen precisely. This is to get a maximum coverage at minimum interference level with satisfactory QoS and user's demands. These conflicted factors can be compromised by accurate planning and dimensioning of the network, using an efficient simulation tool to reach the optimum design of the network. In this work, ICS Telecom software is used as a simulation tool. The network planning and dimensioning is performed in three stages; these are the coverage planning, interference mitigation, and capacity dimensioning. The designed network covered about 75% of the city of Baghdad area. One thousand as a total number of subscribers is covered based on the field strength and bit rate control, while 92.3% connected subscribers is covered based on their QoS requirements. Various approaches are investigated and simulated to mitigate the interference, such as; frequency assignment, MIMO schemes and tilt adjustments. Combing all these approaches together in the proposed network decreases the overall interfered area by 52% and increases the average carrier to interference and noise ratio (C/N+I) by 14dB. Good Interference mitigation is achieved by enhancing modulation and coding schemes distribution over the network.
ESTIMATION OF GENE ACTION FOR FIBRE TRAITS IN UPLAND COTTON[Full-Text ] Zahoor Ahmed Soomro, Altaf Ahmed Simair, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio, Naqib-Ullah Khan and Muhammad Umar DahotThe experiment was laidout in randomized complete block design with four replications in the experimental field of Botanical Garden, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam for assessing the gene action for quality traits in a 5x5 complete diallel cross having five varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L.
The Value of Big Data: Marketing vs. IT[Full-Text ] John Akpesiri Olotewo, Samson Oluwaseun Fadiya, Samuel Olukunle SogekeThe notion of big data holds a processing and technology background. In an era that has become noteworthy for the widespread availability and addition of larger data sets in exploiting the massive amounts of data comprised therein (LaValle et al. 2013). Its definition has undergone a considerable evolution as evidenced by its shifts away from its original connotations, which revolved around the control of data varieties, velocity, and volume. The term currently incorporates renewed attention, which emanates from open source technology combinations aimed at the storage and manipulation of data. It has come to include an enhanced importance in the contexts of business intelligence, as well as decision-making and value opportunity. While a significant degree of marketing, endeavors are retrospective in nature. The promise provided by the concept of big data lies in its capabilities, to facilitate predictions and decisions upon which it holds a basis (Gantz & Reinsel, 2011). This idea plays a significant role in eliciting excitement for businesses. The analysis of data results in enhancing the possibility of the revelation of trends and the determination of correlations upon which companies can undertake their operations in an efficient manner (Gantz & Reinsel, 2011). Organizations can only realize the significance adopted by big data and its components of interpretation, intelligence and analytics in scenarios where they can employ the relevance and right data perspectives (Gantz & Reinsel, 2011). The realization of these two metrics results in driving and affecting operational priorities. Active organizations highlight an understanding of the value as opposed to technology that requires practitioners, executives, and data analysts operating in varying functions that require the acquisition of a digital mindset. From a marketing and marketing management perspective, the challenge here is significant (Gantz & Reinsel, 2011).
Waterways finding in the province of Kirkuk- Iraq based on hydrological analysis of digital elevation model[Full-Text ] Ehsan S. Jaseim, Faisel G. MohammedThe digital elevation model of great importance as it contains very valuable information "can be used after extracted by special programs in this research was to find the waterways in the province of Kirkuk in Iraq through the digital elevation model. The creation of the model by downloading from the site of US Geological Survey and is relevant dimensions of 90 meters. After conducting a hydrologic analysis of the digital elevation model using the ArcGis10.2 program.
Formulation and Design of Useful Logic Gates Using Quaternary Algebra[Full-Text ] Sarah Nahar Chowdhury, Asif Faiyaz, Khandakar Mohammad IshtiakMultivalued logic is preferable over conventional binary logic operations for speed optimization and information handling capacity. In this paper, a set of contemporary special operators using quaternary logic have been derived from basic gates. These novel special logic gates along with their corresponding equations and truth table can be implemented to function individually and in logic blocks resulting in a reduction of circuit complexity and better speed processing in integrated circuit technology.
Effect of Silica Fume on Concrete Properties and Advantages for Kurdistan Region, Iraq[Full-Text ] Mezgeen Abdulrahman RasolThis research describes the importance of the effect of silica fume on concrete properties and the advantages of its use in the Kurdistan region, Silica fume can either be ‘addition’ (added separately at the concrete mixer) or incorporated into a factory-produced composite cement. This paper explores the merits and practical considerations of using both methods and how each is governed by Standards. As with conventional concretes, silica fume can generally be used with chemical admixtures, and it is usually used with a super-plasticiser. The performance of admixtures may depend upon the properties of the individual source of the cementations material (as with OPC cements), and tests should be carried out to establish the appropriate dosage levels. The conventional compressive strength-w/c relationship is followed in concrete made with silica fume, but strength is increased at a given w/c ratio. Silica fume is not universally available or practical for use, particularly where conventional raw materials used in concrete are more economical, but in some specific areas of the world the production and application of silica fume have been investigated. Its effectiveness in Kurdistan has not been investigated, thus this is a pioneering study concerning increasing the compressiveness of concrete in reinforced concrete structures.
Analysis of Heat Distribution for Different Types of Traveling Wave Induction Heater Based On 3D FEM[Full-Text ] Prof. A. K. Al-Shaikhli, Asst. Prof. Abdul-Rahim T. Humod, Fadhil A. HasanTraveling Wave Induction Heater (TWIH) is very promising and attractive tool in the field of heating flat materials. Analytical methods are more convenient for the integral parameters determination and analysis, while the numerical ones are more universal and particularly useful for investigating the induced current and power distributions. This paper presents the numerical analysis of such system based on 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEAs), taking into account the nonlinearity of the workpiece permeability. The available 3D finite element program ANSYS R15 PC codes are used to simulate different TWIH entities and geometries. The presented 3D simulations verify the performances of the selected methods, and gives comparison between the distributions of magnetic flux, eddy current, power densities, and temperature along the position of the strip for different TWIH systems. The presented 3D analysis provides a powerful solution of the TWIH electromagnetic problem.
Boundary Layer Flow & Heat Transfer of an Unsteady Dusty Fluid over a Stretching Sheet[Full-Text ] S.K.Mishra and A.K.RautaThe unsteady flow and heat transfer of a viscous incompressible dusty fluid over a vertical stretching sheet is studied. The governing partial differential equations are solved by reducing into ordinary differential equations using similarity transformations and the solutions have been found using well known Runge-Kutta method with help of Shooting technique. The effect of pertinent flow parameters such as Unsteady parameter, Froud number, Grashof number, Prandtl number, Eckert number, Volume fraction, fluid interaction parameter etc on heat transfer are investigated with help of tables and graphs. We have found that our result is good agreement with previously published results. It is found that the thermal and momentum boundary layer thickness decreases on the increase of unsteady parameter and the temperature of both fluid phase as well as particle phase are enhancing on the increase of Eckert number. It is also noticed that the rate of cooling is faster for higher prandtl number and unsteady parameter.
An Exploration of Collaborative Database through Query Recommender System[Full-Text ] Shruti Patil, Prof. Dinesh PatilDatabase Management Systems interact with the user to capture and to analyze data. The non-expert user of SQL or the user who is not familiar with database schema face great difficulties in analyzing and mining interesting information from this system. In this paper we have taken a review of Query Recommender System to help these users. This system tracks the querying behavior of each user and identifies current user interesting parts of the database related to the corresponding data analysis task by locating those database parts that were accessed by similar users in the past. It then generates and recommends the queries that cover those parts to the user.
PREDICTION OF IMPACT WEAR IN MULTI-SIZE PARTICULATE FLOW OF DENSE SLURRY[Full-Text ] Mr. Swapnil Jain, Dr. Deepak SharmaSlurry erosion is caused by the interaction of solid particles suspended in a liquid and a surface which experiences loss of mass by the repeated impacts of particles. The objective of the present work is to predict impact wear rate in multi-size dense slurry flow in a pipe for an impact wedge. Impact wear of different material has been evaluated in a pot tester for multi-sized particulate sand-water slurries. The wear models for impact wear mechanisms account for the particle size dependence. The effect of various operating parameters such as solid concentration, Reynolds no., particle size distribution, impact angle, velocity on impact wear have been analyzed. Different turbulence model like k-? model has discussed for CFD modeling of dense slurry. The methodology comprises numerical prediction of two phase flow which is accomplished using Galerkin finite element method.
Thermophoretic Effect on Double Diffusive Convective Flow of a Chemically Reacting Fluid over a Rotating Cone in Porous Medium[Full-Text ] S. Hariprasad Raju, B. Mallikarjuna and S.V.K. VarmaIn this paper, we analyzed buoyancy driven convective heat and mass transfer flow of a chemically reacting fluid over a rotating cone in porous medium with thermophoretic particle deposition. Darcy law is used to describe the fluid flow in porous medium. The governing equations for mass, momentum, energy and concentration equations are transformed into non-dimensional nonlinear ordinary differential equations using specified similarity transformations and then solved by employing shooting method with 4th Runge-Kutta method. The numerical results are reported graphically for various physical parameters, namely chemical reaction parameter, thermophoretic constant and thermophoresis parameter on tangential, circumferential and normal velocity profiles as well as tangential and azimuthal skin-friction coefficient and rate of heat and mass transfer and thermophoretic particle deposition velocity near the cone surface.
Implementation of Lamp Dimmer And Fan Controller System: A PSoC Approach[Full-Text ] Madhura Mohan Arole, Dr. Gengaje S.R.Today, people are more concerned about home automation which is the residential extension of "building automation". A home appliances control system integrates control of many electrical devices in a house with a single control. With the invention of the microcontroller, the cost of electronic control can be reduced rapidly. Remote and intelligent control technologies can be adopted as they offer the end user easily accessible and/or greater control of home appliances. The aim of this project is to build home appliances control system such as the controlling brightness of lamps and speed of fans at lowest prices using PSoC CY8C38KIT development kit by ‘Cypress Semiconductors’. PSoC CY8C32KIT development kit is a true system level solution providing microcontroller unit (MCU), memory, analog, and digital peripheral functions in a single chip. Proposed system includes wired control of lighting with various degrees of intelligence and automation which also provides greater degree of comfort, ease and energy efficiency.