Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Acoustic Analysis of Female Voice during Menstruation cycle with reference to Assamese Language[Full-Text ] Mousmita Devi, Laba Thakuria, Purnendu Acharjee. Pran Hari TalukdarHuman voice is the medium through which one can communicate and share ideas and thoughts. It also provides a rich source of information about an object and its attributes such as body size, developmental stability and emotional state[4].Recently number of studies said that female voice characteristics changes across the menstrual cycle. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and provide information about the effects of the acoustic variations during a menstrual cycle. Besides, the paper also obtains certain statistical acoustic variables during the menstrual cycle like Mean Fundamental frequency, Jitter, Shimmer, Amplitude Variation, degree of voice break, Noise to Harmonic Ratio etc. The objective of this study was to examine if there is a change in vocal quality of female during different phases of menstruation cycle viz. menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, Luteal, and premenstrual when subject’s language is Assamese Language.
Different Models of Wind Speed Prediction; A Comprehensive Review[Full-Text ] S. M. Lawan, W. A. W. Z. Abidin, W. Y. Chai, A. Baharun and T. MasriThe energy crisis witnessed in the early seventies is a serious problem that had happened in the universe. Hence, induction of renewable energy into electrical power generation mix can serve as an alternative source to cater for the limited reserve of fossil fuels. Wind energy is promising and has emerged as one of the safest, cleanest and fastest growing renewable energy in the recent years. The bottleneck of this type of emission free energy is the variability, stochastic, unpredictable and complex nature of the wind speed. To harness the energy content in a wind efficiently, it’s of utmost importance to accurately predict wind speed and energy with minimum accepted errors for security and economics of wind power utilization. For this reason, it becomes necessary to appraise different types of models used in the wind energy forecast. This paper present review of available wind speeds and power prediction models and discuss their applications and current developments. Moreover, the survey also highlights an overview strength and weakness of these models.
Geophysical investigation of road failure the case of Opoji in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ebhohimen Victor, Luke MamahShallow geophysical investigation for road surface failure using 2D Wenner array electrical resistivity image profiling was conducted to produce models of the subsurface revealing horizontal and vertical geological discontinuities. Pseudo sections produced from electrical resistivity profiles show resist ivies of the substratum ranging from 273.94 ?-m -3566.7?-m in profile 1 to 1561.2 ?-m -4062.4 ?-m in profile 2 and 714.36?-m -3856.4?-m in profile 3 and 700.06?-m – 3994.65?-m in profile 4. An average of 2168.17?-m suggested a sedimentary environment while the low resistivity spectrum suggested areas of low permeability or clay intercalation. Geotechnically the high end of the resistivity spectra were attributed to competent zones. This result is in consonance with Weaver’s rip ability rating chart.
Cooperative Machine Learning For Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] Ravindra Bhosale, Sandip Mahajan, Dr. Parag KulkarniFirewall is employed for defense however they are doing not offer full protection. This ends up in implementation of intrusion detection and interference system. Intrusion detection system collects the knowledge from system event, system logs, or from network packets. Implementing intrusion detection system victimization single agent is easy however its simplicity ends up in degraded performance, as single agent might not ready to handle every event to supply correct result on time i.e. may not deliver the goods real time demand of the network. Also number of attacks and vulnerability areas are rising. This problem ends up in implementation of intrusion detection system using multi-agent approach wherever single agent works for particular operation. During this new projected multi-agent intrusion detection system the agent posses few data with him. Using influence diagram each agent generates the local decision and learns from the choice that updated in local information. Each agent sends his call to al l alternative agent. Victimization this as further call with native calls every agent tries to enhance his call capability.
Treatment of liquid waste by sorption of toxic metal (Cr) using one-step steam pyrolysis corn cobs activated carbon[Full-Text ] H. M. H. Gad, A. M. A. Hasan, M. A. Mahmoud, and T. F. MohammadenIn the present study, a low-cost adsorbent is developed from the naturally and abundantly available biomass (corn cobs). The removal of Cr (VI) from synthetically prepared aqueous solutions and laboratories effluent of Nuclear Materials Au-thority was studied. The batch experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of type of the biomass and method of preparation, initial pH, contact time, temperature, adsorbent weight, and initial Cr(VI) concentration. The equilibrium data for the adsorption of Cr(VI) on steam pyrolyzed at 750 oC corn cobs activated carbon (CC-S75) was tested with various adsorption isotherm models; Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin equation. The Langmuir isotherm model is found to be the most suitable one with maximum adsorption capacity of 109.53 mg g-1 at an initial pH value of 1. The adsorption process follows the second-order kinetics. Desorption of Cr(VI) from loaded CC-S75 using acid and base exhibited a higher desorption efficiency. The interference of other ions which are generally present in the laboratories effluent streams on the Cr(VI) removal was investigated. Finally, the prepared CC-S75 is applicable for treatment of wastewater and laboratories effluents containing toxic heavy metals.
Simulation of DOS, DDOS attacks & Design Test its Countermeasures[Full-Text ] Aditi Srivastava, Deepak ChaudharyNowadays every organization uses an information system to maintain data and a web based network to make it available to its departments and outside customers. Various techniques have been developed to secure these systems and networks. Amongst various online attacks obstruct IT security, Denial of Service (DoS) has the most disastrous effects. It has also put immense pressure over the security experts lately, in bringing out productive defense solutions. These attacks could be implemented with diverse number of code and type. DDoS attacks are one of the crest security problems which is heavily affecting networks and damaging services to legitimate users. The indispensable step in dealing with DDOS attack is the network’s ability to find out such attacks.
Surface engineering of solid supports; Cellulose, Nitrocellulose and Nylon to increase the efficiency of antibody immobilization in diagnostic systems[Full-Text ] Mohammad Heiat, Ali Mohammad Latifi, Milad Mohkam, Ahmad Gholami, Fatemeh Abolhasani, Mohammad SadraeianImmobilization of antibodies is a critical stage for design and manufacturing of sensitive biological sensors. In this study, in order to increase the capacity of antibody capturing by the supports, different materials and polymer layers such as Cyanogen bromide, Acetonitrile, PEI and MAMEC were used for processing the surface of Cellulose, Nitrocellulose and Nylon, respectively. Increasing the surface charges in nitrocellulose and creating new active groups on the surfaces of activated nylon and cellulose were the most important chemical modifications on the mentioned solid supports. Assessment of immobilized antibody showed that the chemical modifications applied on the surface of supports have had significant effects on increasing their capacity to accept antibody, compared to control samples. Efficient immobilization of antibody on the supports can increase the sensitivity of immunochromatographic-based diagnostic systems. Immobilization processes can alter the physiochemical features of supports such as their capillarity, flexibility, surface charges, delicacy etc. which may intensively influence the quality of immobilization.
Resource Isolation Analysis on Virtual Server Performance[Full-Text ] Mardhani Riasetiawan, Ahmad AshariVirtual Server on cloud technology environment has advantages on maintenance, scalability, security and control. Virtualization have capacities on operating system, storage and network resources allocation. Virtualization Machine Management is manage the several machine to deliver the services through application such as Proxmox, Openstack and Eucalyptus. Virtual Machines performance need to be analyse on resource isolation to manage the computation process performances. The paper works on analysis on virtual machine simulation, benchmarking on Proxmox VE 2.1, Ubuntu Eucalyptus Faststart 2.0, OpenStack Essex. The analysis goal is to determine the resource isolation performance in each vritual machine on handling computation process. The analysis has resulted Eucalyptus have the resource isolation performance better than others. Openstack has speed performance better than other on computation process.
An Efficient DBSCAN using Genetic Algorithm based Clustering[Full-Text ] Lovely Sharma, Prof. K. RamyaData mining is widely employed in business management and engineering. The major objective of data mining is to discover helpful and accurate information among a vast quantity of data, providing a orientation basis for decision makers. Data clustering is currently a very popular and frequently applied analytical method in data mining. DBSCAN is a traditional and widely-accepted density-based clustering method. It is used to find clusters of arbitrary shapes and sizes yet may have trouble with clusters of varying density. In this paper an efficient DBSCAN clustering using genetic algorithm is proposed. DBSCAN clustering provides some problem such as the algorithm is not efficient for noisy clusters; hence it is enhanced using genetic algorithm. The proposed technique is efficient in terms of accuracy and execution time.
Virtual Machine Monitoring & Management in Cloud Environment[Full-Text ] Kamalesh Karmakar, Tamal Mukherjee Cloud Computing is becoming a popular paradigm. In recent trend lot of new services are based on Cloud Environments, and a lot of peo-ple are using Cloud networks. Since different types of service providers coexist and their billing strategies are different, a VM monitoring system is being introduced to monitor VMs and to migrate VM in different Cloud. To automate VM migration a broker module has been introduced based on VM monitored data. In this paper a Broker Architecture has been designed to reduce effort of cost calculation and VM deployment.
Biosynthesis of Cubic Gold nanoparticles[Full-Text ] M. Jannathul Firdhouse and P. LalithaGreen leafy vegetable (Amaranthus dubius) was used as reductant and capping agent for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. The nanogold synthesis was carried out under various conditions to evaluate the rate of reduction of gold ions. The formation of gold nanoparticles was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy. The shape of the nanogold was found to be spherical and the size was analyzed by XRD and SEM analysis. The FTIR measurements confirm that the protein molecule present in the extract aids the formation of gold nanoparticles. Hence green leafy vegetable mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles may find applications in nutraceuticals.
A Novel Method for Placement of Batteries in a Distribution Network[Full-Text ] That storage device like batteries can substantially improve performance of power distribution system is well established. These improvements can include attributes like reduction in line loading, reduction in losses, improved voltage profile, better voltage control by minimizing voltage deviations. The extent of improvement can provide clue to placement of the batteries. In the literature, the placement are generally based on only considering one of these attributes. This paper attempts to take an integrated approach considering simultaneous effect of all the above attributes. The feasible plans are generated by eliminating a number of generated configurations. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to assign the weights to different attributes. Data Envelop Analysis (DEA) is used to judge the feasible plans on common platform considering normalized values of the at-tributes. The plans with high efficiency can help in decision on placement in an integrated manner with proper trade-off of attributes. The proposed methodology is illustrated on a IEEE 14 and 30 bus distribution system.
Software Selection for Analysis and Computa-tional Calculations of Split Cycle Engines[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zeeshan Rafique, Suhaib Hanif, Muhammad Tariq ChThe internal combustion engines are one of the world boosting machines on the earth. The world new upcoming leading approach in engines is split-cycle engine, in which the compressed air in one cylinder is transferred to the other cylinder which is in phase through the crossover passage. The compression in cross over passage helps ignition when the piston is moving away from TDC and that process enhances performance with reduction in pollutants. In order to understand the breathing issue & low thermal efficiency concept in more critical and better way, a proper calculative study of these issues is necessary before practical calculations. This calculative study can only be done through certain softwares which will help to attain computational values which lead to geometric modes. The research regarding software selection results in use of CFD analysis under NSYS atmosphere and use of CATIA for improvement in valves and cross over passage construction.
Pre Defined Trajectory Algorithm for Mobile Anchor Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Ms.S.Divya, Mr. P.PurusothamanAccurate and low-cost sensor localization is a critical requirement for the deployment of wireless sensor networks in a wide variety of applications. Many applications require the sensor nodes to know their locations with a high degree of precision. Various localization methods based on mobile anchor nodes have been proposed for assisting the sensor nodes to determine their locations. However, none of these methods attempt to optimize the trajectory of the mobile anchor node. Accordingly, this project presents a path planning scheme, which ensures that the trajectory of the mobile anchor node minimizes the localization error and guarantees that all of the sensor nodes can determine their locations. The obstacle-resistant trajectory is also proposed to handle the obstacles in the sensing field. Later this path planning algorithm is adjusted so that it suits most of the effective localization algorithms. The performance of the proposed scheme is to be evaluated through a series of simulations with the ns-2 network simulator.
Optimization of Well Placement at Water Injection and Surfactant Injection in Fractured Reservoirs by Algorithm Genetic[Full-Text ] Reza Ashourizadeh, Mohammad Amin GholamzadehAlthough waterflooding is an effective process, surfactant flooding is used to recover oil from reservoirs by wettability altera-tion and interfacial tension reduction. Economical effectiveness is a main challenge in feasibility of any EOR method. In this study, we compare oil recovery of both surfactant and water flooding in Reservoirs with various conditions. One of the im-portant optimization variables is well placement. Various methods have been suggested for this problem. Among these, direct optimization, although accurate, is impossible due to the number of simulation required. Optimal placement of up to three injection wells was studied at two fields. One of the Iranian conventional field and a hypothetic fractured field. Injection rate and injection time was also optimized. The net present value of the surfactant flooding projects was used as the objective function.
Kinetic Energy Recovery System[Full-Text ] Pottabattini naveen, Mamidi ranga rao, Novle Krishna, Aashish ambekar, Monica naga sai latchireddyThe introduction of Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS) is one of the most significant technical introductions for the Formula One Race. Formula One have always lived with an environmentally unfriendly image and have lost its relevance to road vehicle technology. This eventually led to the introduction of KERS.KERS is an energy saving device fitted to the engines to convert some of the waste energy produced during braking into more useful form of energy. The system stores the energy produced under braking in a reservoir and then releases the stored energy under acceleration. The key purpose of the introduction was to significantly improve lap time and help overtaking. KERS is not introduced to improve fuel efficiency or reduce weight of the engine. It is mainly introduced to improve racing performance.
Modern Home Automation System Based On AVR Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Mohammad Arif Hossain, Md. Nazmul HasanAutomation is the demand of present, was demand of past and will be demand of future. It has become a buzz word in the world of technology as it has unveiled a new era for technology lovers. Lately, automated system is being preferred as the system is time and power saving as well as reduces the complicacy of human work. Home automation is a widely used automated system. It may include mobile technology or involve voice recognition or have wireless technology. Now-a-days, most of the automation systems are microcontroller based. The paper presents an approach to control the electrical and electronic home appliances according to the attendance of person using an AVR microcontroller rather than 8051 microcontroller which has quite advantages over 8051 microcontroller. The system involves an infrared sensor circuit which can sense the presence of a person which is more effective than another sensor circuits. The system will be activated automatically when a person enters the house and the appliances will be controlled according to the attendance of persons. As a result, the system has become cost effective and power saving as well as an approach to minimization of human work. A future extension of the work has been proposed in this paper which can attribute more conveniences in automation system.
Investigating Cointegration between Some Indian Stock Indices[Full-Text ] Vishal DeoIn recent years researchers have taken keen interest in studying the long term relationships between stock markets of different nations and many studies have also been done on the cointegration of stock indices with major macroeconomic variables. In this study I have tried to investigate the possibility of cointegration between four indices of Indian stock market viz. CNX Small Cap, CNX Mid Cap, CNX Nifty, and CNX Nifty 500. All these indices have different market capitalization and it will be of great interest to study their co movement over a long period of time. I have used Engle-Granger test and Johansen Cointegration test for testing the presence long term relationships among the chosen indices. Results confirm the presence of at least one cointegrating relationship between the four indices.
DESIGNING OF THE CONICAL CORRUGATED HORN ANTENNA[Full-Text ] Divya GuptaThe objective of the paper is to provide the overview of the principle of operation and designing approach that is used to design the conical corrugated horn antenna. This paper deals with the designing of the conical corrugated horn with large aperture and narrow flare angle of 15 degree using brass plates that would produce symmetric radiation patterns, good impedance match and low crosspolarisation which would be used as feed horn for the Cassegrain antenna working at 35.6 GHz for cloud radar. The final design using High Frequency Simulator System (HFSS), shows successful simulated results with symmetrical E and H radiation patterns with good impedance match and low cross polar levels.
Using Dulong and Vandralek Formulas to Estimate the Calorific Heating Value of a Household Waste Model[Full-Text ] Jean Fidele NZIHOU, Salou Hamidou, Medard Bouda, Jean Koulidiati, B. Gerard SegdaIn this paper, Dulong, modified Dulong, Vandralek and direct formulas have been used to calculate the higher calorific value (HCV) and lower calorific value (LCV) of the waste model of the combustible fraction of the town of Ouagadougou. Different results from these formulas have been compared to experimental results obtained form measures made with a semi-industrial calorific heating value measurement apparatus. Comparison shows that the Dulong and Vandralek HCV formulas calculation gives us the lowest relative errors or differences in respect of the experimental LCV. On contrast, the direct LCV calculation formula give use the biggest relative error. This suggests that Dulong and Vandraleck formula could help quickly estimate the calorific value of a household waste combustible fraction model.
An investigation of the role of DNA as molecular computers: A computational study on the Hamiltonian path problem[Full-Text ] Alireza HeidariThe ability of silicon to make faster computer chips ends soon. Thus, scientists have introduced DNA as a proper and clean alternative and source. Research on molecular computers is at initial steps. Molecular computers, in their current state, are composed of DNA and enzymes and there, still, remains a long way to achieving this dream. DNA computers will hopefully useful in various fields including treatment and complex computing.
OPTIMAL DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT BY USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS METHOD[Full-Text ] Dr. Abdul-Hassan K. Al. Shukur, Dr. Mohammed Abbas Al. Jumaly, Hawraa Ali HusseinThis paper shows the optimal design of reinforced concrete box culvert based on minimum cost (economical design(. The Genetic Algorithms )GAs( is the proposed method to optimize the structure which used as a tools box in MATLAB software version 2011, and the results of these method were verified by using Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method which also used as tool box in MATLAB software version 2011. The formulation of the problem includes 11 design variables: two geometrical, and 9 structural variables for the reinforcement set-up and the thickness of top, bottom, and the thickness of side walls. A parametric study was conducted to specify initial population and population size and concluded that the optimum results were obtain for initial population= [1.8 1.8 0.2 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.000232773728 0.000232773728], and population size=100.
ANALYSIS OF SPREAD SPECTRUM IN MATLAB[Full-Text ] Vishal Sharma, Richa SharmaIn this paper, various techniques like DS, FH, PN sequences are discussed using MATLAB. Bit rate and error probability of these techniques is main focus of analysis in spread spectrum communication ,for this MATLAB SIMULATION is performed and a comparative study among various techniques is achieved. For comparison the parameters discussed are error probability, noise, power spectral density, error rate performance, interference and bandwidth.
Investigating the Combustion of Diesel Engines Fueled with Hydrogen-Methane Mixture[Full-Text ] Reza Nazari, Mohammad SarabianDiesel engines are widely used in to protect environment due to their high thermal efficiency and low Carbon Dioxide emission, as well as strict principles of Nitrogen Dioxide and particulate matter. Meanwhile, fuel mixtures significantly influence engine exhaust gas pollutants. Considering the appropriate characteristics of Hydrogen as a fuel source, the present study has attempted to investigate the combustion of diesel engines using Methane-Hydrogen mixture as gas fuel. In this regards, all speeds in full load and all loads of engine in two most common speeds have been tested to obtain a complete pattern of Hydrogen effect. The research findings have revealed that the power, torque and volumetric efficiency of the engine are decreased with the increase of Hydrogen fraction in Hythane mixture. Also, the increase of Hydrogen fraction in Hythane mixture cause CO and HC decrease but NOx increases.
ALBA-R: Load balancing geographic routing in wireless sensor networks[Full-Text ] S.Sujeet, Mr.P.Karunakaran and Mr.C.VenkateshIn this paper, we focus on load balancing algorithms for back-to-back packet transmission, reduce delay, solving the problem of dead end. This paper gives a brief introduction to various load balancing techniques have been discussed and a detailed study has been performed. The comparison table shows it clearly that an algorithm satisfies the load balancing requirement.
Recurrence Relations for Single & Product Moments of Generalized Order Statistics from Generalized Power Weibull Distribution & its Charecterization[Full-Text ] Taruna Kumari and Anupam PathakGeneralized power Weibull distribution was firstly discussed by Nikulin and Haghighi (2006). In this article recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics (gos) for Generalized power Weibull distribution have been driven. Moments of order statistics and k-upper records are discussed as special cases. Characterization of generalized power Weibull distribution through conditional expectation is also presented.
Application of DoE to Determine Factor Settings for Optimum Internet Speed[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiPeople have different opinions about what affect their internet speed at home, and since I’m one of those people I decided to use my industrial engineering skills to find the optimum factor settings to obtain a fast internet connection.
Scientific - Analytic Theory Of Life And Death Systems[Full-Text ] S. K. Srivastava, Yashodhara Verma, Avinash VarmaLife and death are some usual natural phenomenon known to human beings since long time. Humans cannot control them. Life is complex in nature. Such happenings make us believe about the existence of some super natural power. An effort has been made to understand these happenings on the basis of a new scientific theory based on order and disorder concepts. The roles of time‘t’ (order parameter ‘O’) and energy parameter (disorder parameter ‘D‘) towards the actions of life and death systems have been investigated. Interesting results have been observed. The existence of some super natural power, a time dependent entity has been realized. There are openings for life sciences and medical sciences to explore other secrets of nature.