Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 is in-process.
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Reclamation of Heavy metal Contaminated kaolinitic soil by OPC-FA Immobilization[Full-Text ] Aneke Ikechukwu Frank, Agbenyeku Emem-Obong EmmanuelThe reclamation of contaminated soils from domestic or industrial waste have been found to be cost demanding and involves further treatment requirements. The migration of potential contaminants from generated leachate is reduced by stabilization approaches involving the incorporation of cement-based hardeners. Samples of natural kaolinitic soil contaminated by heavy metals from landfill domestic waste and stabilized by the addition of commercially available cement blended Fly ash (FA) in comparison to plain Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in varying proportions were tested. The influence of immobilization of the kaolinitic soil on the density, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and the leachability of heavy metals were investigated. There was clear indication that the use of blended OPC-FA as hardeners reduced the density and UCS of the samples and was more efficient in the reduction of the leachability of heavy metals contaminated kaolinitic soils than plain OPC.
Monitoring and Prediction of Urban Growth Using GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Dohuk City Kurdistan Region of Iraq[Full-Text ] Hussein D. Mohammed, Muhsin A. AliGIS, Remote Sensing Techniques and Information Technology are today used extensively for managing , controlling and predicting the rapidly growing urbanization of large cities, towns and villages. Urban growth is the expansion of towns and cities with respect to the increase of the size of a built-up area. Urban growth mainly depends upon the city requirement, facilities available and industrialization. These causes migration of people from rural to the urban areas, putting immense pressure on infrastructure, natural resources and lead to formation of slums or uncontrolled urban expansions. Urban growth areas increasingly encroach on the surrounding rural areas causing enormous pressure and dense on the limited scale of infrastructure, very often leading to the unplanned and unsustainable development. Urban growth is a recent phenomenon in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as result of regional development plans that started during the end of 90th of the 20th century. The urban growth made in the study area has been occurred as a result of the stability of the security situation and the growth of the economic situation in the region.
Big Data: Intelligent Scaling of Query Service[Full-Text ] HemaMalini B. H, Dr. L. Suresh. Dr. Radhika K. RCloud is a good concept of using the existing resources efficiently, but still there is lot of room for improving the efficiency. The present work will be focused on Amazon web service namely EMR service. Today the user has to pay for 1 hour even he/ she uses the service for just 20 minutes. Similarly, if the user uses the service for one hour and ten minutes, he pays for two hours. A company who does extensive data mining, running 1000 instances of data nodes, running couple of thousand jobs for a week, will be paying a huge sum of money. The proposed tool or framework will help to reuse the existing clusters, without shutting down; saving bootstrap time & making sure the jobs are queued properly for execution.
Effect of the Hollow Cathode Geometry on Nitrogen Glow Discharge Plasma[Full-Text ] Shamoo Kh. Al-Hakary, Shreen Muhamad, Luqman MS. DoskyAn experimental study of DC hollow cathode glow discharge plasma at different nitrogen pressures ranged from (0.015 to 0.75Torr) has been proposed.Investigated was carried out under the influence of the hollow cathode geometry such as diameter and depth of hollow cathode at fixed discharge current (Id=1.88 mA). Langmuir double probe method has been used to measure and calculate the plasma parameters as well as a computer MATLAB program is performed for this purpose. The results shows that the electron temperature increased with the increasing both inter-cathode distance and depth of hollow cathode for the low range of pressure (0.015, 0.038, 0.06) torr, while this behavior is inversed in high pressure ranges (0.15, 0.375, 0.6, 0.75) torr, due to the hollow cathode effect. Electron density tends to increase by decreasing hollow cathode geometry. On the other hand both floating and plasma potential increases with the increasing geometrical factor. It's observed that the results have satisfactory agreement with previous work reported in this field of hollow cathode.
Node Level ANN technique for Real Time Power System State estimation[Full-Text ] H Nagaraja Udupa, Dr.(Prof.) R. Kamath, Ms. Minal, Ms. Thoshi MishraThe growth of modern power system is phenomenal. The increasing demand for quality energy for various purposes, initiated both business and technological transformation. Today’s modern hybrid power system is on the lookout of complete SCADA implementation for better, reliable, efficient energy system. The major challenging task here is to solve complicated, non-linear system equations of large power system in very short interval of time. Because the control and security of the power system is being the highest priority and the real time solutions should yield results in mili-second to multi seconds for appropriate implementation. In any SCADA based Energy management system (EMS), real time state estimation is very essential. The conventional state estimation solutions (like NR method) are being slow, many researchers have worked on predictive solutions like AI, tracking, ANN etc. However, the compromise in mathematical modeling for the sake of fast computing is really not acceptable looking at the importance of the power system.
Raspberry Pi and image processing based Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)[Full-Text ] Md. Maminul Islam, Md. Sharif Uddin Azad, Md. Asfaqul Alam, Nazmul HassanElectronic voting machine has already been developed and widely used in many developed countries. But most of them use Radio Frequency ID. In developing countries RFID for each person does not exist. And using RFID is still a costly solution. Some of the developing countries use image processing technique to detect citizens. But the problem is not solved yet due to high price of host device (e.g. computer) to run. Implementation of image processed toll systems are only limited in some places. Keeping these problems in mind we have developed this project where raspberry pi will be used as host. This minicomputer has the ability of image processing and control complete voting machine system. A camera will be used to take picture of citizens national ID card and identify that this user is valid voter for that region. If the citizen is valid and also didn’t vote then the person will be allowed to submit his/her vote. Each voting machine is locked by finger print access module. As the user is identified his/her finger print will be sent to a specific machine for voting.each voting machine is networked with the central raspberry pi voting identification system.
Analysis of Housing Area with Sustainable Community Approach[Full-Text ] Andi Hildayanti, Nur Adyla Suriadi, Happy Ratna SantosaIn line with the city development, especially in meeting the needs of residential, public housing areas increasingly demanding healthy, safe and comfortable. To achieve the criteria of a healthy, safe and comfortable there needs to be some effort environmental friendly development. Not only the residential area of the environment itself, but also of building occupancy. A healthy environment can be realized from the community that participate in its implementation. So the purpose of this study was to determine the physical form and system of housing construction in the area in Surabaya with green development approach and the extent of community participation in achieving environmental friendly development. This research is a case study with the collection data methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that the building construction system has been good enough in practice. Most of the existing home form has been far different from its original form so that the community has shown the form of participation in creating environmental friendly buildings such as the procurement of building openings, the application of landscaped grounds, and components and eco-friendly products that have been used. Whereas in respect of public participation in the residential area are nearing a sustainable society but actively participate in managing the natural environment still needs to be improved. Therefore, it needs the support of a sustainable community that can help implement sustainable development. Residential neighborhood, healthy home, and sustainable communities can realize sustainable environmental friendly residential areas. The current development of environmentally sound development is being targeted today by the issue of global warming that has worldwide.
Passenger Bus - Seat modification to avoid accident damages and for comfort level[Full-Text ] Sriram Srinivasan, Prasanna S, Sambasivam S MA bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers.Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses. Bus manufacturing is increasingly globalised, with the same design appearing around the world. Buses may be used for scheduled bus transport, scheduled coach transport, school transport, private hire, tourism etc.Buses generally run on internal combustion engine with diesel in it .The reason is that diesel can withstand heavy loads because of its high compression ratio.In addition cost of diesel is also less.But because of its high compression ratio and continuous detonation, the engine runs rough causing vibrations. The engine of the bus will generally be placed in the leading end without any proper casing and proper vibration dampers (generally viscous dampers).The seats in the bus are supported to the base by a pair of rigid fixed column (frame) which reduces the ease of movement of the passengers during turns and sudden braking. Lack of comfort of the passengers causes health difficulties and mental stresses for the individual and because of the rigid base, the load acts on the passenger causing body pain.
Design and Fabrication of a Single Slope Solar Still with Variable Collector Angle[Full-Text ] J. D. Obayemi, F. O. Anafi, S. T. Azeko, E. K. Arthur and D. YiporoThis work presents the development of a flexible, efficient, robust and low cost single solar still. Experimental investigations were carried out on two single slope solar stills: a modified solar still with variable collector/inclination angle (still A), and a conventional solar still with rigid angle of collector/inclination (still B). The significance of the design is its ability to be able to optimally function properly by variation of the angle at which solar radiation is optimally incident on the system at different locations and time. Also, the experiment was carried out at latitude of 11º 20' in Samaru, Zaria – Nigeria, during an average period of solar radiation. Experimental results between the hours of 8.00 am and 5.00 pm for a period of 5 days were carefully obtained and analyzed. The results clearly show that distillate peak yield occurred between 2.00 pm and 3.00 pm while minimum yield was obtained between 8.00 am and 9.00 am during the period of experiment. It was observed that, still B had an average yield of 1.366 liter/day/m2 as compared to still A, (1.407 liter/day/m2). Furthermore, the results obtained for the two single slope solar stills were analyzed using a statistical model (a paired T-test). The outcomes clearly suggest that, there is no significant difference between the distillate of still A (efficiency of 42%) and still B (efficiency of 39%). Implications of the results from the design are discussed for the development of robust and dynamic single slope solar still systems with variable collector/inclination angle. This has the potential and capacity to produce distilled water for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes irrespective of the geographical location.
A Comparative Study of Factors Affecting Performance of Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Variant along with Distance Metrics for Face Recognition[Full-Text ] Er. Kirti Sachdeva, Dr. O.P.VinochaFace recognition based on local feature extraction approaches has gained a lot of attention in recent times. Among these approaches, local binary pattern (LBP) is one of the most useful face descriptor. LBP generates threshold binary codes for each image pixel which finally contribute to the feature set. The original LBP stores these binary codes in 256 bins corresponding to each gray scale value. It presents invariance towards monotonic gray scale illumination and computationally simpler approach. However, still the challenge remains in the selection of appropriate set of LBP features along with the precise classifier for recognition task. In this study, our focus is on some major factors which relates to the efficiency of the LBP based face recognition methods: 1) performance analysis of the original LBP (with 256 features) in comparison to uniform LBP (containing 59 features) 2) Include/Exclude non-uniform patterns from final LBP feature set 3) division of face images into optimal sized patches 4) selection of appropriate distance metric. After thorough evaluation of above factors, we have located an effective combination of the LBP feature set and the similarity measure for different kinds of variations present in the face images. The extensive experiments are carried out on three standard face databases namely FERET, ORL and YALE.
Electro-Catalytic Activity of Nano-Sized Pt-Ni Bimetallic Alloy Particles Supported on Carbon for Methanol Electro-Oxidation[Full-Text ] Ajay Kumar Agrawal, J. RangarajanA series of Pt-Ni bi-metallic electro-catalysts supported on carbon (Pt-Ni/C) with varying content of Ni were synthesized by an organic precursor route. The metallic composition and crystal structure of these bi-metallic catalysts were determined by EDS and XRD. The size of the alloy particles and their distribution and appearance were examined by TEM. Methanol electro-oxidation activities of these catalysts were evaluated by preparing a porous gas diffusion electrode (PGDE) and performing cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M H2SO4 and 0.5 M H2SO4/1 M CH3OH medium. The specific activity, roughness factor and electrochemical surface area values obtained from CV analysis for Ni containing Pt electro-catalysts were more than Plain Pt electro-catalysts supported on carbon. The CV obtained in presence of methanol also showed that the Ni containing composition gives more predominant methanol oxidation peak than Pt alone electro-catalyst.
A Comparative Study of Fentanyl and Clonidine on Hemodynamic Response to Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy[Full-Text ] Ravi Prakash, Brij B. Kushwaha, Subodh KumarAims - To compare the efficacy of clonidine and fentanyl for attenution of hemodynamic response to pneumoperitoneum. Method – Sixty patient of ASA grade I and II were divided into two groups: Group A: patients receiving 2 mcg/kg fentanyl, as premedication Group B: patients receiving 2 mcg/kg clonidine, as premedication Patients were given general anaesthesia and hemodynamic response to pneumoperitonium was noted and patients were monitored for postoperative analgesia and sedation. Data obtained were subjected to stastical analysis. Result -SBP in subjects of group B remains significantly lowered during the different phases of treatment as compared to group A (p<0.01) from at intubation to till end except 5 min after intubation. The mean DBP in subjects of group B remains lowered during different phases of treatment as compared to group A. HR in subjects of group B lowered significantly (p<0.01) from at after 5 min to till end as compared to group A.Pain in subjects of group B (4.60 ± 1.43) just after surgery was found to be significantly (p<0.01) lower as compared to group A (6.00 ± 1.03) while in other periods it did not differed significantly (p>0.05) between the two groups i.e. remains statistically the same.Just after surgery, the mean sedation in subjects of group B (3.50 ± 0.76) were comparatively high as compared to group A (1.40 ± 0.50).
Optimum placement of SVC in electrical power distribution systems using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Alizaman Zamani, Mahmoud Zadehbagheri, Amin HajizadehPlacement of static voltage compensators and bus compensators in order to enhance the voltage is a common and fundamental issue in the power field. Nowadays, electrical systems are one of the most advanced man-made systems in terms of size, technology and price. Therefore, economical usage and optimization are very important. Developing facilities and increasing network load lead to fragile systems such that there have been some obstacles in the field of power stability due to voltage instability worldwide. One fundamental component of static voltage compensators is bus capacitor which plays an important role in static voltage instability. System loss and voltage profile are very important in optimal resource design. Therefore, placement of the mentioned parts plays an important role in enhancing the voltage stability. In this article, genetic algorithm is used to enhance voltage. Stimulation results have shown that genetic algorithm is very useful.
An Integrated approach to mapping the concentration and pathway of leachate plumes beneath a dump site in South-western Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Adabanija, M. A. and Alabi, T.O.An integrated approach involving Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), and Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) methods has been used to map the concentration and pathway of leachates plumes beneath Laka dump site in Ogbomoso Southwestern Nigeria. In-situ analysis, specifically, Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) were also carried out on water samples collected from hand dug wells, bore holes and stream around the area. The objectives of the study were to describe the physical/hydrogeological conditions in relation to the extent of the zone of contaminated groundwater in the aquifer.
Alternative Outliers Detection Procedures In Linear Regression Analysis : A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Moawad El-Fallah Abd El-SalamA Common problem in linear regression analysis is outliers, which produces undesirable effects on the least squares estimates. Many widely used regression diagnostics procedures have been introduced to detect these outliers. However, such diagnostics, which are based on the least squares estimates, are not efficient and cannot detect correctly swamping and masking effects. In this paper, we attempt to investigate the robustness of some well known diagnostics tools, namely, Cook's distance, the Welsch-Kuh distance and the Hadi measure. The robust version of these diagnostics based on the Huber-M estimation have been proposed to identify the outliers. A simulation study is performed to compare the performance of the classical diagnostics with the proposed versions. The findings of this study indicate that, the proposed alternative versions seem to be reasonable well and should be considered as worthy robust alternative to the least squares method.
Research on Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Stainless Steel – An Overview[Full-Text ] D.Devakumar, D. B JabarajGas Tungsten Arc welding (GTAW) or Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) is an electric arc welding process, which produces an arc between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the work to be welded. TIG is used very commonly in areas, such as rail car manufacturing, automotive and chemical industries. Stainless steel is extensively used in industries as an important material, because of its excellent corrosion resistance.TIG welding is one of the welding processes, often used to weld similar and dissimilar stainless steel joints. In this paper, an attempt is made to review and consolidate the important research works done on GTAW of stainless steel in the past, by various researchers. It has been observed, that most of the works done, is on austenitic stainless steel, which is the most widely used type of stainless steel in the world. Major areas of research have been in characterization of weld, dissimilar metal welding, parameter optimization, process modeling, failure analysis and automation of TIG welding process. This paper is aimed at, to give a brief idea about the research works done in the past, on TIG welding of stainless steel by various researchers, by highlighting the important conclusions and results arrived at and thereby providing the right direction for fresh researchers for future research in this particular area.
STUDY OF SERUM IRON,TIBC & SERUM FERRITIN LEVELS IN RURAL WOMEN SUFFERING FROM IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA[Full-Text ] Ms.Shaik.Haseena, Dr.Zahida Nasreen, Dr.Mohammed Siddique Ahmed Khan, Dr.N.V.S Choudhary, Dr. Ghouse M. Ali.Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world .It affects particularly women of reproductive age and constitutes a major health issue in many developing countries. The aim of the present study is to investigate the levels of Haemoglobin, serum iron, TIBC, serum ferritin in women of reproductive age group suffering from iron deficiency anaemia. There is significant difference in serum iron values among cases & controls with mean serum iron value of 18.6326± 6.05080 in cases & 69.0408±23.5248 in controls. There is significant difference in Hb values among cases & controls, with mean Hb value of 11.6184±0.9064,among controls & 6.544±1.5992 in cases. There is significant difference in TIBC values among cases & controls, with mean TIBC value of 447.245+31.3166 among cases & 340.7347 + 30.4451 in controls.There is significant difference in serum ferritin values among cases & controls, with mean serum ferritin value of 13.6747±38.2765 among cases & 61.4241 ± 56.4806 among controls.The normal physiologic iron losses among menstruating women make it inevitable for many women to develop anaemia if they do not receive supplemental iron. In developing countries, anaemia is often aggravated by repeated &and closely spaced pregnancies as well as by intestinal parasites. Well documented consequences of anaemia include diminished learning ability, reduced work capacity increase morbidity from infections and greater risk of death associated with pregnancy &child birth.Serum ferritin is the index of total body iron stores, whose levels predicts the events of iron deficiency anaemia & other infections .Serum ferritin level is decreased in iron deficiency anaemia where as it remains in normal range in some infections & sometimes it may be highly increased in the cases of chronic inflammatory disorders, infections, neoplastic disease & in chronic renal failure, there is a disproportionate increase in serum ferritin levels in relation to iron stores. TIBC is increased in(>420µg/dl) in iron deficiency but these values may fluctuate in a number of common clinical conditions and hence are less reliable indicators of iron stores than the serum ferritin. Serum iron is usually low (<50µg/dl).This in combination with serum ferritin, gives appropriate results of iron deficiency anaemia than single.
RESEARCH ON FOOD-DRUG INTERACTIONS:A NECESSARY STEP FOR BETTER THERAPEUTIC APPROACH[Full-Text ] Chandaluri.Pragathi, G,Bal vijaykarthik, Afreen Sulthana,M.Prabhanjan, M.UmeshThis is a retrospective research study conducted on 800 case studies of various departments of private medical hospitals in Hyderabad and Mahabubnagar of which 260 cases were reported with food-drug interactions(FDI). The most commonly recorded FDI accordingly are categorised in conditions of infection(30.76%), followed by allergies(23.07%), which is preceded by arthritis,fever and pain accounting(21.15%), cardio-vascular disorders(17.30%) and the least was seen in asthma(7.69%). The given statistical data on research study can be useful in wide range of pharmacological, pharmacoepidemological studies. It is most common form of food-drug interactions occuring due to lack of knowledge and can be prevented by providing basic therapeutic patient counseling to improve the efficacy of treatment. Thus, it is the most common yet important role of a clinical pharmacist in the health-care system.
Angstrom Constants for Estimating Solar Radiation in Sokoto, North-Western, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] N. N. Gana, Jitendra K. Rai, and Musa MomohDetailed information about the availability of solar radiation on horizontal surface is essential for the optimum design and study of solar energy conversion system. For Sokoto (Latitude 13.00ºN, Longitude 5.25ºE and altitude 304 meters above sea level), the economical and efficient application of solar energy seems inevitable because of abundant sunshine available throughout the year. In this paper, a new set of constants for Angstrom-type correlation for first, second and third order, to estimate monthly average daily global solar radiation, has been obtained using global solar radiation and sunshine hours data for the period (1990-2005), capable of generating solar radiation at any given location and other surrounding towns of similar meteorological conditions. These results are then compared with other three models and the calculated global solar radiation data. The calculated global solar radiation for Sokoto (1990-2005), North-Western, Nigeria will enable the solar energy researchers to use the estimated data with confidence, because of its good agreement with the three applied models. Moreover, the maximum monthly average sunshine hours and calculated global solar radiation for Sokoto (1990-2005) on a horizontal surface are found to be 8.99 hours and 24.33MJ/m2/day respectively, and this occurred in the months of November and June. To test for the performance of statistical significance of the models, mean bias error (MBE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean percentage error (MPE) and t-test values were adopted, however, the MBE, RMSE and MPE gives a fairly good estimates while the results shows that at both confidence level of 95% and 99% for Sokoto, they are significant.
Estimation of Global and Diffuse Solar Radiation for Kebbi, North-Western, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] N. N. Gana, Jitendra K. Rai, and Musa MomohSolar energy is one of the most promising renewable sources. It is environmentally friendly, plentiful and easy to utilize. Energy plays a pivotal role in socio-economic development by raising standard of living. A detailed and accurate knowledge of the solar radiation is essential for the optimum design and study of solar energy conversion system. The paper is to assess the applicability of solar energy utilization for Kebbi (latitude =12.47° N and longitude = 4.3ºE) for the period of fifteen years. The global and diffuse solar radiation was analyzed using the data obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for Kebbi (1990-2005). In general, measurements of the global solar radiation and sunshine hours data are utilised, but for many applications diffuse and direct fractions are also needed. The diffuse solar radiation was maxima during the months of July and August and as well as minima during the months of November, December and January. The result obtained shows the variation of Direct and Diffuse component of solar radiation in summer and winter months. The percentage of diffuse solar radiation contribution to global solar radiation is low during winter when the sky remains bright and clear. Hence, the presence of direct solar radiation in February, March and April which are 30.96MJ/m²/day, 32.60MJ/m²/day and 31.87MJ/m²/day, will be very useful for utilizing it for solar concentrators, solar cookers and solar furnaces and other solar devices.
Evaluating Construction Management Techniques in perspective of International Law of the New Construction Technology[Full-Text ] Saleh Salehi Fereidouni, Seyed Mohsen MoghaddasiAt the international level, some rules have been determined and the present paper intends to study the rules in relation with assessing construction management technologies. Taking advantage of scientific methods and new technologies and materials are considered as one of the fundamental necessities to achieve qualitative development in the construction industry. Methods such as industrial construction lead to development of construction industry in many of the societies. Applying new technologies needs investigating technical, executive, and economic conditions of societies, as well as considering international law related to applying these methods and technologies.
Performance analysis of TCP in an IP network using fluid-flow models[Full-Text ] N.G.Goudru, B. P. VijayakumarThere is a strong demand for Quality of Service (QoS) in the internet. One key element of QoS is traffic management during congestion. Congestion occurs when aggregate load exceeds the capacity on bottleneck link. In this paper, congestion is caused by heterogeneous traffic. A queue builds up in the router servicing the bottleneck link. We advocate RED (random early detection) as AQM (active queue management) policy to decrease the generated load when congestion detected and increase the load linearly in order to probe for available capacity when congestion subsides. The decrease and retransmission of packets due to drop persists decrease in TCP (transmission control protocol) performance. Large portion of the present work is to analyse and understanding of nature of CBR (constant bit rate) flows which are non-responsive to network traffic, on round trip time, TCP flows, packet losses, queue length. It is observed that CBR flows misuse cooperative nature of TCP flows. The unresponsiveness of CBR flows capture the bandwidth and make TCP starve without resources. The CBR flows benefit from their noncooperative behaviour and TCP flows suffer poor performance.
Steganography & tools used for Steganography[Full-Text ] Manisha Saini, Gaurav SainiSteganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity. Steganography is not only valid for images but it is valid for any digital media such as images, audio files, video files, and text files etc.
Component Retrieval Techniques-A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] NIDHI, AMAN JATAINWith the development of the component technology and the expansion of component library, representing and retrieving components has become a major issue to reuse the components. Many papers have been published providing various techniques but none of the paper has given a systematic review of these techniques. This study discusses the current state of the reusability techniques for the retrieval of components. The result of the review is classified on the type of approach and the type of approaches to validate the approaches.
Automatic Segmentation of Kannada Speech Signal into Syllables and Sub-words[Full-Text ] Hemakumar G, Dr. Punitha PThis paper addresses the problem of Kannada speech segmentation. The designed algorithm automatically segments the continuous Kannada speech signal into syllables and sub-words using the dynamic threshold computation by the combination of short time energy and magnitude of signal. The proposed method first pre-processes the original Kannada speech signal then framing is done for every 20 millisecond with an overlapping of 6.5 millisecond. Secondly frames are passed through hamming window using the same size of frame. Thirdly voiced and unvoiced part is detected through computing dynamic threshold using short time energy and magnitude of signal. In this paper 20 unique sentences are used for experiment which can be used as commands to simple mobile sets. Each of these sentences was recorded for 10 times and segmentation testing is done for each signal and computed accuracy rate of segmentation. The automatic segmentation success rate of individually uttered of sentences in experiments is excellent and has reached accuracy rate of 96.69% and miss rate of about 3.31%. Computations are done using Mat lab.
Improving Customers Service at IKEA Using Six Sigma Methodology[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiIKEA is an international home furnishing company with a goal of creating a better everyday life at affordable prices. However, in one of their international branches, IKEA has reported substantial revenue loss in 2011 attributed to numerous customer complaints.. We executed Six Sigma’s DMAIC methodology aimed at revamping the existing business process. SIPOC was used to define overall flow, Data Collection and KANO model for measuring and understanding customers’ discontent, Pareto Chart to identify the vital issues, Ishikawa Diagram to analyze the root causes, Affinity Diagrams for suggested improvements, and finally Control Charts to monitor the process implemented. The project successfully reduced the number of complaints from 333 to 43 per month.
Development of a Mobile Application Using the Lean Startup Methodology[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiKnowing that 90% of startups fail, entrepreneurs often search for ways to reduce their risk and improve their chances of success. The lean startup methodology suggests a scientific way to start startups. After coming up with a good Idea, We decided to implement the lean startup methodology during the development of news service mobile application.