Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model[Full-Text ] Jinal C. Thosani, Prof. Chetashri Bhadane, Harsh M. Avlani, Zalak H. ParekhDue to a rapid advancement in the electronic commerce technology, the use of credit cards has dramatically increased. As Credit card becomes the most popular mode of payment for both online as well as regular purchase cases of fraud associated with it are also raising. In this paper, we model the sequence of operations in credit card transaction processing using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and show how it can be used for the detection of frauds. If an Incoming credit card transaction is not accepted by the trained HMM with sufficiently high probability, it is considered to be fraudulent. At the same time, we try to ensure that genuine transactions are not rejected.
Approximate Measurement of Brachial Artery (BA) Diameter with Response to Flow Mediated Dilation (FMD) Through Image Analysis Method from MATLAB Computation[Full-Text ] Zabariah Zakaria, Hisham Mohamad Desa, Siti Afifah Mohshim, Naszariah Mohd NoorThe analysis for the trend of change for diameter of the brachial artery (BA) during baseline (normal relax) condition and flow mediated dilation (FMD) response by using MATLAB software. Data and image (using ultrasonography technique) of BA diameter are taken from three healthy subjects. Results of the analysis reveal that after the release of blood flow blockage the trend for BA diameter change is rapid increase followed by gradual decrease due to FMD reactive response. The trend of BA diameter change as measured by the sonographer is more variable and the pattern of reactive hyperaemia response is less obvious when compared to the results from MATLAB computation. This shows that computation method (using MATLAB algorithm) produces more smooth BA diameter change and obvious reactive response when compared to the measurement by the sonographer indicating that MATLAB computation produces better accuracy than manual estimation by the sonographer. The main objective to employ and experience the learning process of performing essential image processing has been achieved.
Study of Optimum Safe Hydraulic Design of Stepped Spillway by Physical Models[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Abdulhussan Al Shukur, Dr. Safaa hashim, Ishraq m. Alsharifi This study based on laboratory experiments aims to determine the optimum slope and step height of stepped spillway models, by investigating the flow characteristics and energy dissipation rate on a twelve physical models on conventional step at angles (a= 30, 40, 45 and 550). Each angle was modelled with three different heights of steps (h=3, 6 and 10 cm) under different flow regimes (skimming, transition and nappe flow regime). The experiments were done and the hydraulic parameters of flow over the models were measured and energy dissipation was calculated. Results showed that, the optimal height of steps in skimming flow regime was (h=6cm, number of step N=5) at high discharge but with reduction the discharge and tendency toward the nappe flow regime, the optimal height shows decrease (h=3cm, N=10). Also the results of investigations indicated that, the optimum slopes of stepped spillway models at (h=3cm) was (a=300) at all runs, but with increasing the height of steps to (h=6cm & h=10cm), the optimum slope increasing to (a=450& 550) according to the ratio of critical depth to the height of steps(yc/h).
Voltage control improvement in electrical power distribution systems using solar resources[Full-Text ] Mohammad Karami, Mahmoud Zadehbagheri, Amin HajizadehUsage of distributed generation systems is increasing. One advantage of using distributed generation system is the stability of distri-bution network voltage. A distributed generation resource is photovoltaic systems. Photovoltaic systems are used along with energy storage component and incident angel tracer to be able to inject a monotonic flow of power into network. In this paper, the photovoltaic system is used without the mentioned equipments. To evaluate the effect of this system upon network voltage, a sample 33-bus network is introduced and the photovoltaic system is used on bus 18. The results have shown that if the radiation angel tracer is not used, then voltage of the bus on which the photovoltaic system has been installed reaches 0.986 near noon. Before sunrise and after sunset, when there is no sun rays, this bus voltage reaches 0.948 indicating 4% of changes in the bus voltage.
A Survey on Design Approaches towards Quantum ALU using Reversible Logic Structures[Full-Text ] Vijay G. Roy, Prof. P. R. Indurkar, Prof. Mrs. D. M. KhatriReversible logic is emerging as a promising computing paradigm in the recent years due to its ability to reduce power dissipation. It has numerous applications in low power VLSI design such as quantum computing, quantum dot cellular automata, optical information processing, DNA computing and nanotechnology. Fundamental reversible gates used for reversible logic synthesis are Feynman Gate, Fredkin Gate, Toffoli Gate, Peres Gate etc. Many researchers have investigated the design of reversible logic elements with different approaches. In this paper, we describe the significant contributions by various researchers in their literature towards the design of reversible logic structures and arithmetic logical units. In these literatures, reversible circuits has been designed that do not lose information and reversible computation in a system can be performed only when the system comprises of reversible gates. The efficiency of such circuits can be realized by comparing them in terms of quantum cost, garbage outputs, constant inputs, quantum delay and complexity of gates.
Synthesis and Characterization of Ceria Zinc Aluminate Nano-powder for Thermal Barrier Application[Full-Text ] T.Lurthu Pushparaj, V.Janakiraman, BalamuruganPresently zirconium based oxide materials are used for thermal barrier applications. The major difficulty associated with this compund is peak stabilization.
Finding an Alternative Method to Convert Ambient Acoustic Energy to Electricity[Full-Text ] Mihir KumarThis paper presents an alternative mechanism to the conventional method of converting ambient acoustic energy to electric energy. The proposed mechanism produces alternate current by harnessing the energy of background sound waves which can be converted it into direct current to be used by an electronic device. The proposed mechanism can remove the limitation of portable devices having to carry primary cells and provides an environment-friendly manner of using acoustic waves for energy production. Furthermore, it reduces the intensity of ambient acoustic waves and hence reduces noise pollution.
Development of new system for earthquake data based on ARM[Full-Text ] Miss.N.S.Marne, Prof.Dr.M.S.Nagmode,Prof.R.D.KomatiSeismology would be a very different science without instruments. The real big advances in seismology is done from around 1900 and onwards and was mainly due to advancement in making more sensitive seismographs and so that earthquakes could be properly located. the importance accurate measurement of the true ground movement became evident for studying seismic wave attenuation, and the magnitude scale depends on calculation of the ground displacement from recorded seismogram. In the last ten years, recording devices based on digital technology have completely replaced their old analog System. The latter systems are costly, require specialized maintenance and are incompatible with computer data processing and analysis. The Seismometers which uses now a days are costly, require specialized maintenance and consumables, and are incompatible with computer data processing and analysis. They are no longer produced although being still in operation at many older seismological stations and network centers.hence we are developing new system which required less maintenance and easy to processing with computer that means compatible with data processing.
Effectiveness of UV-Technique for Water Disinfection in Dhaka City[Full-Text ] A.M. Redwan, S. Ghosh, M.M. RahmanThis study concentrates on evaluation of microbial quality of drinking water and relates it with the performance of various purification technique used at household level of Dhaka city and analyzes feasibility of UV disinfection technique within several socio-economic groups at various locations of Dhaka City .The study areas were selected based on the vulnerability to water borne diseases. Various income groups and institutions were considered to reflect impact of water quality and disinfection technology options on the economic and social aspects. In this study it was observed that most of the drinking water samples were biologically contaminated. This study also tried to identify the probable reasons behind the poor quality of drinking water at user’s end. GIS based maps were developed to identify most vulnerable locations of Dhaka City with respect to microbial water quality. This study observed that UV inactivated general bacteria, total coliform and E.coli in almost all cases and the performance of UV did not depend on locations or the income group using it .This study discusses people’s choice regarding management of UV-system and source of power for operating UV-system. Finally some strategies were suggested for implementation of UV-disinfection system in Dhaka City.
Improvement of load ability in distribution systems using distributed generation[Full-Text ] Nozar Rahimi, Mahmoud Zadehbagheri, Amin HajizadehTraditional approach of delivering the electrical power to end-users was done in the way that after required power was generated, huge power plants increased the voltage up to a desirable level using transformers. Then, electrical power was delivered via long-distance lines to the destination. After one or two stages of voltage reduction, consumers received the delivered power. Recently, due to higher demand for electricity and higher output of generation units, small power companies are more likely to exploit the mentioned units in their distribution system and near the consumers. These small units attached to the distribution systems are called non-concentrated generation or distributed generation. Nowadays, distributed generation plays a vital role in electrical distribution systems. For instance, reliability improvement index, stability improvement and loss reduction are some good examples. One main aspect of using distributed generation is to displace these resources in distribution networks. Loadability in distribution systems and its promotion are some keys in power systems. Up to now, displacement of distributed generation resources in order to promote the loadability of distribution system has not been discussed. It is obvious that displacement and usage of distributed generation using genetic algorithm improvement maximize the loadability in distribution systems. After the considered flowchart has been extracted, this method is used in IEEE standard 12-bus network. Results have shown the efficiency of the mentioned algorithm.
New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions of Toda Lattice Equations By Using New Mathematical Model[Full-Text ] S.K.Elagan, M.Sayed, and Abd Allah AsadIn this paper, we introduce a new mathematical model to obtain new exact travelling wave solutions for Toda lattice equations, we obtain the solutions and the results are presented graphically. By comparison our new solutions by the other results we found that our solutions are new and not be found before, also these solutions take the form
An Evaluation of Production Factors Productivity in Agricultural Holdings Producing Mazafati Dates: A case study[Full-Text ] Ehsan Asadabadi, Alireza AbdpourAlways, lack of resources has been considered as the critical limitations in the manufacturing process. Hence, due to progress of science and new technologies in the world today, identification of productive resources and optimal use of them should be considered as the main factors to achieve success in economic development, so that political and economic prosperity of every nation depends on exploitation and use of all facilities, abilities, and material and spiritual talents of the society. Studying the status of agriculture in developing countries shows the fact that lack of sufficient knowledge regarding the production resources and low productivity and efficiency of agricultural production factors leads to fail the agricultural development goals in these countries. Therefore, paying attention to the issue of productivity and efficiency in the agricultural economy of developing countries such as Iran is very important. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the productivity of production factors in agricultural holdings producing Mazafati dates which has been conducted as a case study in Bam-Iran.The data has been gathered using questionnaire and personal visit. The sample has been selected using stratified random sampling including 149 orchardists of Bam Township in 2011.
Magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) synthesis for removal of Chromium (VI) from waste water[Full-Text ] Adeleh Aftabtalab, Hamed Sadabadi, CH. Shilpa Chakra, K. Venkateswara Rao, SarahShaker, Eubert Privilege MahofaIn this study adsorption behavior of Cr(VI) investigated by high adsorption iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticle under experimental conditions of the initial concentration and pH of chromium hexavalent by Fe3O4 nanoparticles from waste water. Magnetite nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel method and characterized by UV- Visible spectroscopy, XRD, EDAX, SEM and TEM. The adsorption efficiency was explained in terms of Freundlich equation. In this study we conclude that magnetite (Fe3O4) have potential in removal of chromium hexavalent from waste water.
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF JAMMED HYBRID DS/SFH SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Abd El-moneim M. FoudaThe conventional Direct sequence DS, and the frequency hopping FH are the common spread spectrum methodologies. The new trend in the spread spectrum communication systems is to use the combined hybrid techniques. The use of a hybrid systems attempt to capitalize upon the advantages of a particular method while avoiding the disadvantages. The paper presents general closed form of the system bit error rate BER assuming noncoherent hybrid DS/SFH employing M-ary frequency shift keying MFSK over Rician fading channel. Moreover; the effect of partial band jamming PBJ on the system performance will be analyzed. Two performance measures are considered; the average BER and system capacity (number of users utilize the system) against SNR for the hybrid DS/SFH is presented. The hybrid DS/SFH performance analysis will be investigated with and without BPJ effect. Moreover; the effect of the rice factor in the system performance will be investigated.
Maximizing Achievable Rate Of Cognitive Networks By Uncoordinated Beamforming[Full-Text ] Abhilasha SharmaOne of the recent trends in wireless communication are cognitive networks. But, these types of networks do have some drawbacks, main one is the interference caused by the cognitive user to the primary user or primary user to the cognitive user. This drawback will totally affect the performance of the entire system, to overcome from these kinds of problems we can use a technique called beam forming vector design at both sides i.e, at the receiver and the transmitter end. The beam forming vectors are designed such that the interference caused by the cognitive transmitter to the primary receiver and the interference caused by the primary transmitter to the cognitive receiver is completely nullified while maximizing the rate of both the primary and secondary links. The proposed algorithms also maximize the achievable rates of both links through uncoordinated beam forming. With beam forming the channel knowledge is exploited at the transmitter to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver by transmitting in the direction of the eigenvector corresponding to the largest Eigen value of the channel.
ABSTRACT OF ZANTHOXYLUM IS USED AS MEDICINES FOR CARMINATIVE, STOMACHIC AND ANTHELMINTIC IN SANTHAL PARGANA, JHARKHAND, INDIA.[Full-Text ] DR. KUMAR SOURAVZanthoxylum alatum is the species commonly known as” tumbru” in masanjore hills in Jharkhand. It is prickly dioeciously evergreen tree or shrub with dense foliage mainly found in tropical region. It grows widely in the hilly tracks.
A study on architectural spaces from psychological perspective emphasizing the autism rehabilitation clinic[Full-Text ] Navid mirzakhani araghi, hossein soltanzadehWith regard to the increase of autism among children, it is possible to save autistic children via recognizing the required spaces and therapeutic centers for the autistic children. Unfortunately, there are not such places in Iran. The purpose of making such centers is to support the social services development for autism and support families of the autistic children. It also intends to gather data related to the required space for designing and making proper clinics for autism n the world. In order to study autistic children’s behavioral change at the time of facing architectural spaces, 19 parents of the autistic children were investigated via the field study. In this study, a questionnaire was designed based on the qualitative study of parents’ observation on children with the mild and severe autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome. The questionnaire was designed in relation with service, therapeutic, and educational spaces, moreover, the research had a comparative and descriptive-analytical nature. According to the research and field observations, using light colors, and avoiding colors that stimulates children and also disturb their concentration are recommended. A range of colors or a dark room could be used to enhance autistic children’s concentration and decrease their stress. It plays a positive role in their therapeutic process. Moreover, the architectures should provide flexible spaces with regard to children’s needs in order to help the autistic children and their parents.
Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Based On Space Vector Modulation with Adaptive Stator Flux Observer[Full-Text ] Sajida Shaik, Naseeb KhatoonThis paper describes a combination of direct torque control (DTC) and space vector modulation (SVM) for an adjustable speed sensorless induction motor (IM) drive. The motor drive is supplied by a two-level SVPWM inverter. The inverter reference voltage is obtained based on input-output feedback linearization control, using the IM model in the stator D–Q axes reference frame with stator current and flux vectors components as state variables. Moreover, a robust full-order adaptive stator flux observer is designed for a speed sensorless DTC-SVM system and a new speed-adaptive law is given. By designing the observer gain matrix based on state feedback H8 control theory, the stability and robustness of the observer systems is ensured. Finally, the effectiveness and validity of the proposed control approach is verified by simulation results.
Healthcare Spending and Economic Growth in Saudi Arabia: A Granger Causality Approach[Full-Text ] Abdulkarim K. AlhowaishThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between healthcare spending and economic growth in Saudi Arabia and the causal direction between them over the period 1981-2013 using Granger Causality approach. The result from the Granger causality test shows that there is a unidirectional causal relationship running from economic growth to healthcare spending. Economic growth positively Granger cause healthcare spending growth at one percent significant level while healthcare has an insignificant effect on Saudi economic growth. Economic growth as measured by GDP is strongly exogenous and whenever a shock occurs in the system (Saudi economy), healthcare spending must be reduced to maintain the long run relationship. In order to sustain Saudi healthcare system, Saudi health policy makers needs to formulate a long term healthcare policy that de-linking or insulate healthcare spending from current oil-revenue dependency.