Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Comparison of Fusion Techniques applied to Medical Images: Discrete Wavelet Transform and Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform Using Wrapping Technique[Full-Text ] Suvarna Wakure, Satish TodmalImage fusion is an important research topic in many related areas such as medical imaging, microscopic imaging, remote sensing, computer vision and robotics. The term image fusion is an approach to extraction of information acquired in several domains. The purpose of this paper is to obtain an image with more detailed information from two complementary featured images. Wavelet based image fusion technique is useful for objects with point singularity and it has limited directivity and does not provide information about edges clearly. Whereas curvelet based fusion technique is very efficient in representing curve-like edges. Now-a-days image fusion is used in medical imagining, in this paper the medical images, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) and CT (Computed Tomography) are fused using discrete wavelet transform and fast discrete curvelet transform using wrapping technique. CT image and MRI image gives the complimentary information which is helpful for diagnosis of disease. The proposed algorithm combines Discrete Wavelet Transform and Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform based image fusion which gives optimal sparse representation and reconstruction of organs with edges and make image smoother. This approach is further optimized and compared visually and statistically such as Entropy, MSE and PSNR.
Practical Applications of Wireless Sensor Network Based On Military, Environmental, Health And Home Applications: A Survey[Full-Text ] Ananya chatterjeeThe past few years have witnessed accumulated interest within the potential use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a very big selection of applications and it's become a hot analysis space. This has been enabled by the provision, notably in recent years, of sensors that are smaller, cheaper, and intelligent. These sensors are equipped with wireless interfaces with that they will communicate with each other to create a network. This survey paper aims at reportage an summary of WSNs technologies, main applications and standards, options in WSNs style, and evolution.
Simulation of Dam Break Using Modified Incompressible Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (MPM-I-SPH)[Full-Text ] Mahmodreza mollaeinia, satar ahmadian, hamzeh ebrahimnejadianGenerally, hydrodynamic problems can be analyzed using the three different views of Lagrange, Euler and a combination of Lagrange and Euler views. Choosing any of these methods depends on the nature of the problem and its characteristics. Using the existing numerical methods, which are based on network production, for the analysis of such problems can be time consuming and problematic, also numerical propagation error in Euler's methods which may arise through discretization of transfer terms in Navier-Stokes equations, could have a negative impact on the accuracy of results. Considering these problems, it seems that only Lagrangian numerical methods without grid are suitable for the analysis of hydrodynamic problems. This study aims at simulation of dam break using MPM-I-SPH. This approach has been primarily based on integral interpolation theory. In this method, various fluid parameters such as density, velocity and pressure are specified, and the value of a dependent variable is calculated by summing over neighboring particles. Differential equations can be converted to integral equations using an interpolation function. In this paper, the governing equations for free surface flows are described based on the Lagrangian SPH method . Gradient and Laplacian terms modeling, execution of boundary conditions and the predictor - corrector standard method for the solution of dam break equations were presented The good accordance between modeling results and experimental results proved the capability of the resultant numerical model for simulation of complex phenomena.
A Performance Criteria for parallel Computation on basis of block size using CUDA Architecture[Full-Text ] Ashis Kumar DashGPU based on CUDA Architecture developed by NVIDIA is a high performance computing device. Multiplication of matrices of large order can be computed in few seconds using GPU based on CUDA Architecture. A modern GPU consists of 16 highly threaded streaming multiprocessors (SMs). GPU named Fermi consists of 32 SMs. These are computing intensive devices. GPUs have been found to be the best platform for massive data parallelism. CUDA architecture is based on the heterogeneous platform comprising of both CPU and GPU that offers enormous potential to solve complex harder problems with high speed. In most applications the sequential part of a program is executed using CPU and numeric intensive part on GPU. But mere execution of numeric intensive part on GPU will not increase the performance of the computation. Since GPU consists of highly threaded multiprocessors, threads must be well organised into Grids and Grid into blocks to maximize performance of parallel computation, depending upon architecture of the GPU. In this paper an organization of threads of a particular GPU is discussed and block size is determined to maximize the performance of parallel computation through matrix multiplication.
A Details Study of Data Transformation for Privacy Preserving in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Syed Md. Tarique Ahmad, Shameemul Haque, SM Faizanut TauhidThe field of privacy has seen rapid advances in recent years because of the increases in the ability to store data. In particular, recent advances in the datamining field have lead to increased concerns about privacy. While the topic of privacy has been traditionally studied in the context of cryptography and informationhiding, recent emphasis on data mining has lead to renewed interest in the field. The problem of privacy-preserving data mining has become more important in recent years because of the increasing ability to store personal data about users, and the increasing sophistication of data mining algorithms to leverage this information. In this paper, we study the previos work regarding Privacy Preserving Data Mining.
Cybercrime and limits of Internet user[Full-Text ] Ankit DongreCybercrime is emerging as a serious threat. Worldwide governments, police departments and intelligence units have started to react. Initiatives to curb cross border cyber threats are taking shape. Indian police has initiated special cyber cells across the country and have started educating the personnel. This paper is an attempt to provide a glimpse on cybercrime in India. This paper is based on various reports from news media, news portal and other web based survey reports etc.
Incompressible Viscoelastic Flow of a Generalised Second Grade Fluid in a Porous Medium between Two Infinite Parallel Plates[Full-Text ] Dhiman Bose, Uma BasuThe flow of a viscous incompressible fluid of generalized second grade type between two infinite parallel plates embedded in a porous medium has been studied here. An analytical solution for the velocity field has been obtained utilizing integral transforms technique in series form in terms of Mittage-Leffler function. The affect of fractional calculus and porosity parameters on the velocity field have been illustrated graphically. The two limiting cases have been discussed as the results of the velocity field of the generalized second grade fluid.
Optical and Mechanical Properties of PVA Films using Spectrophotometry & XRD Techniques[Full-Text ] Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Arfa Mubashir, Madeeha MubashirPolyvinyl-alcohol based reactive red 195-A films (PVA-R) were irradiated by Cs137 ?-source in the range of 200 Gy-105 Gy. The effects of gamma irradiation on optical and mechanical properties of PVA-R were studied using spectrophotometry and x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique to check its feasibility in radiation processing. The found values of the ?max and the molar extinction coefficient of the dye were 520 nm and 48 Lgm-1mm-1 respectively. Parameters such as effect of dye concentration and pH values, Electrical Conductivity, % decoloration, Strain , % crystallinity, crystallinity Index (C.I.) and crystallite size (d) have been selected for the dosimetric and mechanical strength evaluation. Linearity between specific absorbance and absorbed dose showed that acidic samples of PVA-R films can be better chemical dosimeter as compared to alkaline ones in dose range of 200 Gy-10 kGy. At high dose i.e., 100 kGy of gamma irradiation, change in mechanical strength was found due to decrease in crystallinity, crystallite size and increase in strain values.
Simple Discussion on Stepper Motors for the Development of Electronic Device[Full-Text ] Tanu Shree Roy, Humayun Kabir, Md A. Mannan ChowdhuryThis paper is designed and developed to have the general as well as basic knowledge about the modern electronic device named ‘Stepper motor’. A step motor can be viewed as a synchronous AC motor with the number of poles (on both rotor and stator) increased, taking care that they have no common denominator. Additionally, we have discussed about its characteristics, classification, operation, advantages and electric magnetic effects.
A Common Fixed Point Theorem under A Contractive Condition of Integral Type[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar, Arvind GuptaIn this paper, we study for some of the fixed point of mapping for a self map on a metric space under a contractive of integral type.
Thermal Analysis of Cement Paste Partially Replaced With Neem Seed Husk Ash[Full-Text ] Nuruddeen Muhammad MusaChemical changes that occurred during cement hydration at microstructure level can be identified using thermal analysis method. Calcium hydroxide (CH) is one of the major hydration products that determine both the hydration characteristics and the degree of hydration of a given cement paste. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) methods were carried out on cement pastes partially replaced with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% Neem seed husk ash. The chemical changes at various stages were identified, while the Calcium hydroxide (CH) contents were calculated for each sample. The results show that the CH contents increases with increase in Neem seed husk ash replacements, and it is deduced that Neem seed husk ash is not acting as a pozzalana but rather as filler.
Prospects of energy resources and analysis of hybrid energy at Bhola island, Bangladesh: A realistic way to alleviate energy demand[Full-Text ] Rashed Al AminPower is one of the most important factors for a developing country like Bangladesh. Human lives are closely bonded with electrical power. Like the rest of the countries of the world, the demand for power is increasing day by day in our country. The rapid increase of gap between demand and power supply has created power crisis in Bangladesh. This paper focuses on the fact that how proper district based investigation on the resources and its proper utilization can help to give an easy realistic solution on the way of sustainable energy security of Bangladesh. To make the renewable power system more stable and reliable a Hybrid Power System is introduced by interconnecting both conventional power sources and non-conventional power sources to increase optimized source of energy.
eXtreme Software Development (XSoft)[Full-Text ] E. Karunakaran, P.RadhakrishnanThe management of software cost, development effort and project planning are the key aspects of software development. Throughout the sixty-odd years of software development, the industry has gone at least four generations of programming languages and three major development paradigms. Still the total ability to move consistently from idea to product is yet to be achieved. In fact, recent studies document that the failure rate for software development has risen almost to 50 percent. There is no magic in managing software development successfully, but a number of issues related to software development make it unique. The basic problem of software development is risky. Some example of risk is error in estimation, schedule slips, project cancelled after numerous slips, high defect rate, system goes sour, business misunderstanding, false feature rich, staff turnover. XSoft addresses the risks mentioned above.. XSoft is a new methodology to manage software development successfully has been evolved and it is derived from Extreme Programming and COSMIC-Full Function Point and named as EXtreme Software Development (XSoft). XSoft covers the reasoning behind the XP process. Based on the experience gained on the original XP project, this paper describes what makes XSoft work, day to day and month to month from estimation to release. Successful software development is a team effort – not just the development team but the larger team consisting of customers, management and developers. XSoft is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XSoft facilitates the needs of customers with the abilities of programmers and steering (managing the project to success). A complete case study gives the idea of developing software by XSoft methodology. A XSoft tool is developed to manage the XSoft projects.
Modified Slots Loaded with Four E Shaped Patch Antenna for Multiband Application[Full-Text ] Razin Ahmed, Mohammad Tareq, Dewan Ashraful AlamWireless communication has been growing exponentially over the last decade, where multimedia application, satellite and radar communication have developing with it, as well as demand for multitask features in same device has drawn attention to the consumers. Integration of Microstrip Patch Antenna in wireless equipments helps to fulfill requirement due to its miniature dimension, robustness and inexpensive attributes. In this paper, a modified slots loaded with E shaped patch antenna with dielectric substrate layer on the top has been illustrated. The proposed antenna has the capability to operate in eight different multiple frequencies having single radiator. The antenna has been design on the top of the dielectric substrate of permittivity 4.3 and thickness of 1.6mm. The proposed antenna resonates at 5.54 GHz, 6.51 GHz, 7.75 GHz, 8.15 GHz, 10.49 GHz, 11.98 GHz, 12.96 GHz and 16.11 GHz with impedance bandwidth of 44.51 MHz, 33.28 MHz, 330 MHz, 102 MHz, 1.101 GHz, 483 MHz and 4.532 respectively that covers C, X and Ku band. The design scheme and simulation results of proposed antenna are presented.
Environmental Science Federated Cloud Platform in the BSEC Region[Full-Text ] H. Astsatryan, A. Hayrapetyan, W. Narsisian, V. Sahakyan, Yu. Shoukourian, A. Stanciu and G. NeaguVarious types of research infrastructures available in the region of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) make it possible to handle large data sets and provide significant computational resources. The environmental science community has a vital role in the region by exploiting the available computational and storage resources using several digital models, special data infrastructures and tools. The main aim of the article is not only to present the extended federated cloud platform for target user communities, but also to introduce the environmental science potential and geoprocessing facilities that may benefit from the suggested platform.
Simulation for remotely detecting Asthma attack using Gaming console-Kinect[Full-Text ] Yogesh Chauhan, Shivam PatelThe main aim of this research paper is to explore the use of a device which can perform the dual function of detecting an asthma attack without the intervention of any specialist for potential victim and also notify the emergency services. Attack can be tackled if it is detected in short time and appropriate measures are taken instantly. The research paper illustrates how a device called 'Kinect' can further be used to detect an asthma attack and the symptoms experienced along with it. It explains the steps of how this hardware could be programmed for the detection of attack. If an attack is recognized by the system an alarm is sounded and an alert sms is sent to relatives and emergency services. Using Skype a person round the victim can have a video conferencing with doctor and simultaneously take immediate action. Thus a person can be saved by programming this hardware for such medical safety purpose.
Design of an evaluation system and performance management of supply service: case study[Full-Text ] Naciri oumaima, Alami Ayoub, Herrou Brahim, El Hammoumi Mohammed. The purchasing department is one of actors of supply chain who must be controlled because of its heavy weight on the performance of all business functions. This control requires a good implementation of measurement tools. In this context, we consider to measure the performance of service provision by indicators that inform policy with such a function in the supply chain. The methodology is to propose indicators based on the concept of Balanced Scorecard edges. Next, based on a questionnaire to collect the most useful indicators for the proper management of service provision within Moroccan companies.
Availability And Various Statistical Measures of Two Units Redundant System With Three Types of Failures Under Waiting Time To Repair With Common Cause Failures[Full-Text ] DIGVIJAY SINGH, VIRESH SHARMA, SMITA SHARMA In this paper, the author has considered a transient system composed of two identical units in a standby mode, which can fail due to hardware and common cause failure. Initially, one unit is in operational mode and other is in standby mode. The operator unit may fail partially or totally. In case of total failure of first unit, standby unit becomes operational and system works with full efficiency.
Stochastic Behaviour of A Transit System Having Mixed Networks Under Head-of-line Repair Policy[Full-Text ] VIRESH SHARMA, DIGVIJAY SINGH, SMITA SHARMAIn this paper, the Author has considered a complex system consisting of two subsystem A and B connected in series. Subsystem A and B are connected in series. Subsystem A consists of N non-identical components in series, while subsystem B consists of four identical components in parallel redundancy..
Availability Analysis of A Two-unit Standby System With Delayed Replacement Under Imperfect Switching[Full-Text ] VIRESH SHARMA, DIGVIJAY SINGH, SHIV KUMARThe author has considered a complex system composed of two identical units one operative and other in cold standby. Each of the units of the system has three modes viz., normal, degraded and total failure. The system fails when both units fail totally, and may also fail due to common cause failure. The time taken in replacement of a failed unit by a standby unit is a random variable. The switching device for standby unit is not perfect.
Seamless (Fully fashioned) clothing their Advantages, Disadvantages, Applications and Design Possibilities[Full-Text ] Sweety Jaggal, Puneet Garg, Dr. Anupum KumarTthis paper represents a perspective view on seamless clothing, which is generally created in a single and continuous knitting process that eliminates the side seams of the garment gives more comfort and better fitting. There are some problems with seam. Seamless garments have more advantages. These are those garments does not have to cut and sewn.
Performance appraisal System of cooperative banks in pune region: Its implication to employee’s performance.[Full-Text ] Dr. Manisha PurohitA performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an individual employee’s job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives. It is a vital tool to measure the frameworks set by any organization to its employees. It is utilized to track individual contribution and performance against organizational goals and to identify individual strengths and opportunities for future improvements and assessed whether organizational goals are achieved or serves as basis for the bank’s future planning and development. This study examined the status of the performance appraisal system of cooperative banks and its implication to employee’s performance.
Estimation of the Reliability Function for Four-Parameter Exponentiated Generalized Lomax distribution[Full-Text ] Anupam Pathak and Ajit ChaturvediThe four-parameter exponentiated generalized Lomax distribution has been introduced. The uniformly minimum variance unbiased and maximum likelihood estimation methods are the way to estimate the parameters of the distribution. In this study we explore and compare the performance of the uniformly minimum variance unbiased and maximum likelihood estimators of the reliability function R(t)=P(X>t) and P=P(X>Y) for the four-parameter exponentiated generalized Lomax distribution. Approach: A new technique of obtaining these parametric functions is introduced in which major role is played by the powers of the parameter(s) and the functional forms of the parametric functions to be estimated are not needed. We explore the performance of these estimators numerically under varying conditions.
Heat and Mass Transfer in Free Convective MHD Flow through a Porous Medium in the Presence of Radiation, Chemical reaction and Hall current with Periodic Suction[Full-Text ] Suresh RanaIn this paper the effect of hall current, chemical reaction, radiation on a free convective MHD flow bounded by an infinite porous flat plate with variable suction under the influence of uniform magnetic field, which is applied normal to the surface , is studied . The flow becomes three-dimensional because of the variation of suction velocity. The problem is solved analytically and expressions for velocity, temperature, concentration, rate of heat transfer, stress component and Sherwood number have been obtained. The effect of permeability, magnetic number ,hall parameter , radiation parameter ,Grashof number ,modified Grashof number ,chemical reaction on velocity ,temperature ,stress component and heat transfer are obtained and shown respectively with the help of figures and tables and are discussed in detail.
Free Convection Effects On The Oscillatory Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of A Visco-elastic Fluid Past An Infinite Vertical Porous Plate With Constant Suction And Heat Dissipation[Full-Text ] A.P. Mishra, G.S. Roy, S. Biswal, B.K. Patra, S.S.S. Mishra and A.MishraThis paper deals with free convection effects on the oscillatory magnetohydrodynamic flow of a visco-elastic fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate with constant suction and heat dissipation. The problem is formulated developing equation of continuity, equation of momentum and equation of energy constant suction and dissipation have been taken into account. Above equations have been solved with the help of small parameter regular perturbation technique pertaining to the allowed boundary conditions. It is observed that the strength of the external magnetic field reduces the mean velocity of flow like the elastic parameter (Rc).
Hall Effects On Hydromagnetic Convective Flow Through A Rotating Porous Channel With Heat And Mass Trasnfer[Full-Text ] S.S.S. Mishra, G.S. Ray, A.P. Mishra, N. Dash and A. MishraThis paper deals with the effects of Hall current on the combined free and forced convection flow of an electrically conducting viscous incompressible fluid between two horizontal perfectly conducting plates rotating with an uniform angular velocity about an axis normal to their plane under the action of a uniform transverse magnetic field applied parallel to the axis of rotation. After formulation of the problem, solutions of the equations of motion, energy and concentration are obtained. With the help of graphs and tables drawn through numerical computation, the flow behaviour including heat and mass transfer has been studied. It is observed that the increase in Hall parameter (m) increases the skin-friction (?1) at the lower plate of the channel and decreases the skin-friction (?2) at the upper plate of the channel.
Heat And Mass Transfer In The Mhd Flow of A Visco-elstic Fluid In A Rotating Porous Channel With Radiative Heat And Chemical Reaction[Full-Text ] S.S.S. Mishra, P. Paikaray, N. Dash, G.S. Ray, A.Mishra and A.P. MishraThis paper deals with heat and mass transfer in the MHD of a visco-elastic fluid in a rotating porous channel with radiative heat and chemical reaction. The problem has been formulated with the physical conditions involved, subjected to the adequate boundary conditions. Walters’ fluid model has been used to develop the equation of motion and the constitute equations of motion, energy and concentration have been solved with the help of complex function. Expressions for velocity, temperature and concentration are arrived at. Flow characteristics are known through graphs and tables drawn by numerical computation varying the values of fluid parameters. It is observed that the increase in radiation parameter decreases the secondary flow velocity and similar result is obtained in case of external magnetic field strength.
Magnetohydrodynamic Non-newtonian Flow And Heat Transfer In A Rotating Channel[Full-Text ] S.S.S. Mishra, P.K. Mishra, P. Paikaray, G.S. Ray, A.Mishra, A.P.MishraThis paper deals with hydromagnetic non-Newtonian flow and heat transfer in a rotating channel. Constitutive equations of momentum, energy and continuity are framed. These equations are solved with the involved boundary conditions. Graphs and tables are drawn after numerical and computational analysis of the expressions of velocity and temperature of the fluid with the variation of fluid parameters. It is observed that the rotation parameter K2 influences the flow characteristics appreciably.
Virtualization security in Data Centres & cloud[Full-Text ] Prof Sarita Dhawale.In the past decade, with the unprecedented growth in tech companies and advances in cloud computing, it has become increasingly common for companies to incorporate virtualization in their data centers to fully utilize their hardware resources. As a result, virtualization and virtualization security have gone through major transforms in the recent years. Virtualization and its unique architecture have many characteristics and advantages over traditional non-virtualized machines. However, these new characteristics create new vulnerabilities and possible attacks on a virtualized system. In addition, there are new challenges due to the infrastructure of virtualization. Luckily, solutions to the vulnerabilities have been developed or are in the process of being developed. Most of the solutions target either the virtualization architecture itself or the infrastructure. Some virtualization security companies have already utilized many of the solution concepts into their products to combat the vulnerabilities that are present.
Oscillatory Hydromagnetic Free Convective Flow of A Visco-elastic Fluid Past An Infinite Vertical Porous Flat Plate With Hall Effect[Full-Text ] A.P. Mishra, G.S. Roy and S.Biswal, S.S.S. Mishra and A.MishraHall effect on Oscillatory hydromagentic free convective flow of a visco-elastic fluid past an infinite vertical porous flat plate has been studied with numerical and computational analysis. The constitutive equations of continuity, velocity components and temperature of the visco-elastic fluid under consideration are obtained in Cartesian co-ordinates pertaining to the physical situations of the problem. These equations have been solved by using complex variable technique. Expressions for velocity, temperature, shear stress and the rate of heat transfer are obtained. Velocity and temperature profiles are shown in graphs where as the values of the skin-friction and the Nusselt number are entered in tables for variour values of the fluid parameters Rc, m, G, Pr and ?. It is observed that the Hartmann number, Hall parameter, Grashof number, Prandtl number, Elastic parameter and the frequency parameter influence the flow field to a great extent. Temperature of the field is measurably affected by the heat absorbing sink. The permeability parameter produces a reverse effect as regards to that of the magnetic parameter.
Novel K-Means Clustering Approach for Compressing Hyperspectral Image[Full-Text ] Nutan Malekar, Dr.R.R.SedamkarThe hyperspectral imagery can be very large, with a single image potentially occupying hundreds of megabytes making acquisition, storage and transmission increasing complexity. This paper is proposed to compress the hyperspectral image by using k-means clustering. The compression ratio is improved by using k-means clustering approach by clustering pixels into classes based on pixel spectral similarity with other class members. Reconstruction quality is measured with a signal to noise ratio (SNR) in decibels, peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR), mean-square error (MSE) and compression ratio(CR).The performance of the proposed approach is compared with PCA and DWT. Experimental result demonstrates that Novel k-means provide 90% compression ratio of the original image.
Effect of Nutrient Management on Soil Availability, Plant Content and Uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium under Rice Cultivation in Black Soils of Kerala[Full-Text ] Danish Tamuly, B. H. Choudhury and Betty BastinA field experiment was conducted during 2012 to find the effect of nutrient management on availability and plant content at critical growth stages as well as uptake of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium under rice cultivation in the black soils of Kerala. Higher available N (335.55 kg ha-1), total P (0.18%) and uptake of P (26.91 kg ha-1) and K (142.69 kg ha-1) was found with the application of treatment T11 (STCR+ZnSO4+FYM) as compared to control. Higher N uptake (149.40 kg ha-1) was found with application of T7 (farmers practice +ZnSO4). Total dry matter yield was found to be highest in T2 (farmers practice) followed by T9 (STL+ZnSO4) which was 6688.54 and 6427.35 kg. Application of ZnSO4 reduced the yield. Application of water soluble phosphorous is recommended for the black soils of Kerala.
Experimental Study And Analysis of Harmonics Generation In Uncontrolled And Controlled Rectifier Converters[Full-Text ] Aslam P. Memon, Ahsan Zafar, M. Usman Keerio, Asif Ali. AExperimental studies of power converters rectifiers, their performance with different loads and their analysis is included in this research. These results are laboratory based in which controlled and uncontrolled rectification (FW, 1-? & 3-?) are observed with different loads (R, R-L) with their output rectified waveforms. Software models are developed, bases on the attained parameters in order to compare their precision with laboratory models and the final harmonics and total harmonic distortion produced by the power rectifier converters due to non linear loads are concluded.
Structural, Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Sr1-XZnXTiO3(x=0.5) Ceramics[Full-Text ] K.Chandra Babu Naidu, T.Sofisarmash, T.SubbaraoThe present study deals with structural, morphological, dielectric and electrical properties of Zinc doped SrTiO3 powder particles which have been prepared via conventional solid-state route method. These were ball milled for 8 hr and furthermore calcined at 10500C for 8hrs and sintered at 12500C for 2hrs.The dielectric constant (K), dielectric loss (tand) and thermoelectric powers (S) were computed. The obtained results using HIOKI 3532-50 LCR HiTESTER showed that the sample exhibited high dielectric constant of 246.6 at RT (100 Hz) and low loss of 0.50195 at RT (10 kHz).The samples were characterized using XRD, SEM,FTIR, EDAX and TEP for structural, micro structural, functional group, elemental and thermoelectric power analysis respectively.