Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Fungal Analysis of Water from Yusmarg Health Resort of Kashmir Valley[Full-Text ] Javid Majeed Wani, Asma Yousuf and Azra Nahid Kamili To assess the density and diversity of fungal flora, a study of aquatic fungi along with some physical parameters like temperature and pH was carried out during the month of November and December 2010, in Yusmarg area of Kashmir valley at four sites differing from each other markedly in terms of biotic and abiotic factors. During the study the fungal flora showed variation in relation to the physical parameters. The colony count was maximum at Site IV Reservoir outlet (197) followed by Site III Reservoir Inlet (75), Site I Dudhganga (67) and site II Tank Area (52). The total fungal population was maximum at Site IV Reservoir outlet (1.0×104 in Nov and 0.9×104 in Dec.) and minimum at Site II Tank Area during both the months (0.3×104 in Nov and 0.2×104 in Dec.). Among the different colonies identified it was found that about 53% of the isolated colonies belong to Pencillium spp. 31% belongs to Aspergillus spp. and 16% were identified as Candida spp.
Context aware computing algorithms using Location Management Scheme[Full-Text ] Mrs. Sini Anna Alex, Dr. Anita kanavalliContext awareness (CA) refers to systems can both sense and react based on their environment. The systems may have information about the circumstances under which they are able to operate and adapt their behavior accordingly based on rules or an intelligent stimulus. Such systems are a component of a mobile computing environment. Currently context has been considered as part of a process in which users are involved, hence specifying and developing context models are needed to support context-aware applications to adapt interfaces, tailor the set of application-relevant data, increase the precision of information retrieval, discover services, make the user interaction implicit, or (f) build smart environments. Context related to human factors is structured into three categories: information on the user, the user’s social environment, and the user’s tasks. Likewise, context related to physical environment is structured into three categories: location, infrastructure, and physical conditions.
Effect of Frequency on Fatigue Lifetime of SBR and NBR Compounds[Full-Text ] Abdullah Mohammed, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Nemat-Alla, Prof. Dr. Karam M. EmaraFatigue behaviour of rubber is a very important characteristic due to its extensive use in many engineering applications. In most applications, rubber is commonly subjected to fluctuating loads, which often lead to failure due to the nucleation and growth of defects or cracks. Due to their viscoelastic behavior, rubbers have a high damping ability. Very often rubbers are subjected to different frequencies in the service, such as engine mounts. The effect of frequency on the fatigue lifetime needs deep investigations. In present work, the effect of frequency on the styrene butadiene (SBR) and nitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) with 0,20,30,50 and 70 Phr of carbon black was investigated. It was found that the fatigue lifetime decreased with the increase of the frequency. Increasing carbon black (CB) contents in rubber improved the fatigue resistant and increased of the fatigue lifetime.
Studies on EWMA Control Chart in Presence of Autocorrelation[Full-Text ] Ajit Goswami, Harendra Narayan DuttaControl charts are used to monitor a production process. While using control charts, a standard assumption is that observations from the process at different time periods are independent random variable. However, the assumption of independency in observation is not always true rather they are dependent in many cases. For example, in many chemical process industries, the observation taken at different time points are often correlated due to the dynamic nature of the process. Sometimes, some process inherently produced data that are autocorrelated. The presence of autocorrelation in process observations can have a large impact on traditional control chart developed under independent assumptions. When there is significant autocorrelation in the process observation, it is not advisable to apply traditional control chart methodology without modification, as there is typical effect of the autocorrelation on the control limits. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the effect of autocorrelation on EWMA chart which is used alternative to Shewhart Control Chart specially in detecting small shifts in the process. Both for positive and negative autocorrelation, the effect on EWMA control limits are studied and in order to account for the autocorrelation, control limits are adjusted with the modification of EWMA control chart parameters.
Bioinoculants as a tool to improve total bacoside content in Bacopa monnieri L. (Pennell)[Full-Text ] Rakshpal Singh, Sudeep Tiwari, Sumit K. Soni, Deepmala Singh, Rashmi Singh, Sivesh Pratap Singh, P.V. Ajay Kumar, Rakesh Pandey, Alok KalraThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential of five efficient bioinoculants [CRC1 (Pseudomonas monteilii, HQ995498/MTCC9796), CRC2 (Cedecea davisae, HQ995499/MTCC9797), CRC3 (Cronobacter dublinensis HQ995500/MTCC9798), CRC4 (Advenella spp., HQ995501/MTCC9799), CRC5 (P. aeruginosa, HQ995502/MTCC9800) useful in enhancing biomass and secondary metabolite content of Bacopa monnieri. The bio-inoculants treated plants, over two harvests, produced significantly higher (P=0.05) shade dried shoot biomass. The substantial improvements in herb yields were achieved with P. monteilii (CRC1) (17%) followed by C. dublinensis (CRC3) (12%), when compared to un-inoculated control plants during both harvests over two cropping seasons. The results of Fourier transform near infrared (FT-NIR) method showed a significant improved (16-24%) total bacoside content when plants were treated with bioinoculants. However, the higher concentration of bacoside content (24%) was estimated in the suckers inoculated with P. monteilii (CRC1). A significant improvement in nutrients (NPK) concentration was also noticed in bioinoculants treated plants compared to the un-inoculated ones.
Effect of cover on bond behaviour of fiber rein-forced high strength concrete[Full-Text ] Ahmed. K, Mahmood. A, EL Rajy.A, Goraya. R.A.Inclusion of steel fibers reduces the brittleness of high strength concrete. These fibers carry the circumferential tensile stresses, arrest the longitudinal bond splitting cracks and increase the bond strength. Experimentation was carried out to study the effect of increase in cover on bond strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete. It involved Pullout tests for different cover to bar diameter ratios. The steel bars of different diameters were selected for this study. Embedded length was kept constant for all the samples. Tests were conducted using linear variable displacement transducers and strain controlled universal testing machine. The results of the experimentation concluded that by increasing the (c/db) ratio bond strength increases for all the bar diameters. This increase was from 50% to78 % for pullout samples of 13.0 mm, 19.0 mm and 25.0 mm steel reinforcing bars. Moreover the failure was ductile showing a post peak bond yielding zone. The test results may have an implication of on cover provisions of fiber reinforced concrete in the building codes
Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Using Ethanol as Fuel Additive[Full-Text ] Navaneeth Jayachandran,Jayabalaji, Dr. S. ThirumaliniAir pollution is the most serious environmental problem across the world. Diesel emission also the major part of the air pollution. The global pollution of environment is generally caused by using of fossil based fuels. Many researches on the reduction of pollution have been in progress. For this purpose, some of the researches have been focused on fuel additives to reduce harmful emissions. So my aim is carried out to analyze the performance of engine and level of variation of exhaust emissions on single cylinder, four stroke, CI engine by adding ethanol in different ratios to diesel. Starting from 0% to 15% ethanol in steps of 5%. It is observed performance increases in terms of efficiency that the exhaust emissions CO , HC,CO2 NO and soot are considerably decreased
Prolonged Curing of Green Concrete from Domestically Derived Cassava Peels Ash (DDCPA) and Laterite[Full-Text ] Agbenyeku Emem-Obong Emmanuel, Aneke Ikechukwu FrankThis study incorporates two locally available materials; Domestically Derived Cassava Peels Ash (DDCPA) and Laterite in concrete production for construction purposes. The abundance of these materials in West-Africa paved way for this study. The effect of partial substitution of cement with an agricultural waste-DDCPA on the compressive strength of Laterized concrete (LATCON) was investigated. Results of the physical and chemical tests on DDCPA and Laterite revealed them to have satisfactory characteristic properties for concrete production. A total of 48 cubic specimens of 100mm dimensions were cast and cured by complete submergence in water for 56, 90, 120 and 150-days hydration period, adopting a 28-day targeted strength of 25MPa as control. The cement/DDCPA and sand/laterite replacements ratios ranged from 0 to 30%, with a view to determining the best compositions matrix. The density and compressive strength properties decreased with increase in DDCPA and laterite content. However, a gradual strength development in the DDCPA-LATCON was observed as the curing age increased. Hence, the 150-days density and compressive strength of the normal concrete was 2373Kg/m3 and 73.57MPa while the 10%DDCPA+10%Laterite sample (i.e. best replacements matrix) had 2310Kg/m3 and 75.64MPa respectively. The strength of the DDCPA-LATCON (75.64MPa) was higher than the strength of the control sample (73.57MPa) at the 150-day, which makes it suitable as a construction material and proves that pozzolanas can produce concrete with close characteristics as normal concrete beyond age 28-days. As such, it can be adopted in the construction of simple foundations and masonry units as reliable alternatives to the scarce and expensive conventional materials for prime cost reduction in rural housing and development without compromising standards.
Blended Rice Husk Ash (RHA) Concrete; A Marginal Green Construction Material from Extended Hydration[Full-Text ] Agbenyeku Emem-Obong Emmanuel, Aneke Ikechukwu FrankNumerous research findings have shown the cost saving benefits and potencies of using pozzolanas in blending cement without compromising standards. The use of artificial pozzolanas as Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) in concrete engineering is well established. In the continual search for substitute building/construction materials, the introduction of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) as a cementitious material in green concrete was investigated. The availability of this material provided the impetus for the study of the compressive strength of concrete using RHA as a partial replacement for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). Chemical analysis on RHA showed it to have significant qualities of a pozzolana. A total of 60 cubes of 150mm dimensions were cast with the percentage cement replacement by RHA ranging from 0 to 40% while 28-day targeted strength of 25MPa was adopted as control. The cubes were cured at a relative humidity of 95 to100% and temperature of 22-250C in a curing chamber for extended periods of 56, 90, 120 and 150-days. The results and analysis showed trends of strength development, revealing a decrease in the density and compressive strength of samples with increase in RHA content. The 150-days density and compressive strength of the normal concrete was 2459Kg/m3 and 77.03MPa while the 10%RHA sample (i.e. best replacement matrix) had 2395Kg/m3 and 78.79MPa respectively. The strength of 10%RHA/OPC concrete (78.79MPa) was higher than the strength of the control specimen (77.03MPa) at 150-days; which proves that pozzolanas can produce concrete with close characteristics as normal concrete beyond age 28-days, thereby making it a suitable green construction material. It can be a major cost reduction factor in rural housing and development; where buildings of less structural emphasis are needed. As such, it can be employed in the construction of simple foundations and concrete composites.
Retrieval of Data from Very Large Databases Using Apriori Algorithm[Full-Text ] P MOHAN GANESH, THUMMULURU KAVITHA, RVS RATNA KUMARNow-a-days most of the Very Large Databases like Medical Databases, Multimedia Database are consuming Petabytes of memory. For extracting required data from this enormous amount of memory so many retrieval techniques were already developed. But all these techniques are time consuming. We can also use indexing supported by all the commercial databases. When we create an index internally it uses B-Tree data structure which is used for efficient retrieval of data. But, Oracle10g is supporting R-Tree indexes also which are more efficient than B-Tree indexes. On Very Large Databases it is not sufficient to create a single index because these Databases consist of large number of fields. Moreover, it is not necessary to create index on each and every field and it is also not possible because it requires large memory area. In very large databases also most of the times the user concentrates on few fields only. So, in our proposed system, the solution is to create some suggested indexes. And as and when the user’s query pattern changes the suitable index from the suggested index set is dynamically loaded into the main memory from the local storage. Our proposed technique continuously monitors the query patterns and it creates the suggested indexes using Apriori algorithm and this suggested index set is updated periodically based on the query pattern changes.
Artificial Intelligent Techniques for Modeling Solar Cell Based on FPGA[Full-Text ] Dr. Hanan A. R. Akkar, Nawras M. AkeshThe proposed need to construction of a solar tracking system is to extract the majority of solar energy solar panel. Work includes sports simulation and control of solar tracking system for dual- axis solar panel the program has been implemented using MATLAB. The tracking system can be mounted in areas that were considered rich in solar energy. In this work the design of the solar panel Biaxial characterized by the ability to move in the horizontal and vertical directions. Has been used a fuzzy controller which is dominated by the main portion of the solar tracker positioning of the engines that drives the solar panel to face the sun. Mechanical design consists of rotary joints and two engines. The tracking system makes the solar system more efficient by keeping the face of the solar panel perpendicular to the sun and thus extract the majority of solar energy has led to increased overall efficiency. In this work propos a method to track the sun's rays using sensors solar tracker by the sun and by changing the direction of the solar panel in the vertical and horizontal directions by two engines. Require a sun tracker controller effective. The user is controlled and fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The main idea of this work is to build a digital FLC using fuzzy equations and can be implemented on the FPGA in a practical way, and the advantage of this design is the possibility of FLC used for any other application without changing any part in the main design of the FLC only change the external standard inputs and outputs. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been used to implement digital fuzzy logic controller, because of their benefits, as well as the reprogrammability of the FPGAs which can support the necessary reconfiguration to program fuzzy logic controller. A VHDL design of digital fuzzy logic controller is proposed to evolve the architecture FLC circuits using FPGA-Spartan-6. The VHDL design platform creates digital fuzzy logic controller design files using WebPACKTMISE 13.3 program.
Virtualization of Campus LAN and analyzing traffic issues of these VLANs[Full-Text ] Mohammad Serazul Islam, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun KabirRecently, network virtualization has been pushed forward by its proponents as a long-term solution to the gradual ossification problem faced by the existing network and proposed to be an integral part of the next-generation networking paradigm. By allowing multiple LAN architectures to cohabit on a shared physical substrate, network virtualization provides flexibility, promotes diversity, promises security and increased manageability. This research work is basically on VLAN in networks and also the deployment of VLAN in various environments. It also includes some advantages and disadvantages of this technique. This research work also includes how traffic is passing between VLAN at different layer switch and also shows trunking of the VLAN. It includes basic security and enhanced security too. Network performance can be a factor in an organization's productivity and its reputation for delivering as promised. One of the contributing technologies to excellent network performance is the separation of large broadcast domains into smaller ones with VLANs. Smaller broadcast domains limit the number of devices participating in broadcasts and allow devices to be separated into functional groupings, such as database services for an accounting department and high-speed data transfer for an engineering department.
Redesigning of the combustion chamber for small scale static thrust turbojet engine.[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kumar Singh, Dr. S.S. MondalA research project was conducted at IIT-BHU, Varanasi for the development and redesigning of a turbojet engine for small scale applications and to enhance its commercial viability. The paper describes, in detail all the phases required to set up the combustion chamber of such turbojet engine: designing, manufacturing approach and operational aspects .The idea is to remodel the combustion chamber and devise a different operational methodology while retaining the basic structure and maintaining the prime operational integrity as that of conventional engines. The new model complies with compactness, cost effectiveness and helps in moderation of the emissions.
Effect of Intersecting Beam on Bond Behaviour at the Joint[Full-Text ] Kafeel Ahmed, Ahmed Al- Raji, Uzma Kausar, Muhammad IlyasAdequate and effective bond is necessary for composite action of reinforced concrete structural elements. At the joints of flexural members, bending stress of one beam magnifies the tangential bond stress around the main steel of the intersecting beam. This reduces the bond strength of intersecting beams and longitudinal splitting bond cracks initiate at lower loads, reducing the load carrying capacity of the structural member. Experimental study was carried out to determine this decrease in bond strength at the joint of intersecting beams. Beams, designed to fail in bond, were casted for this purpose. Each set consisted of three beams, two intersecting and one control. In all the beams steel and concrete strain gauges were used to measure the strain developed in steel and concrete. The results of the experimentation showed that the bond strength of primary beam of the joint of intersecting beams, reduced 15 to 30% as compared to bond strength of control beam. These test results may have an implication of on development length and splice length provisions at the joints of intersecting beams, in the building codes. This reduction in bond strength, necessitate the provision of bond improving measures like extra confinement through the stirrups or increased development length, may offer a solution to this problem.
HEALTH CORRELATES OF HOUSING IN SELECTED CORE AREAS OF OGBOMOSO, NIGERIA.[Full-Text ] Akindele Oluremi AkinropoAgainst the background of urban poverty, slum characteristics and morbidity tendencies; this study assesses the health correlates of housing quality in selected core areas of Ogbomoso, Nigeria. Both the quality of housing and residents health were appraised. Six out of ten wards were sampled. Structured questionnaire was administered using multi-stage procedure to three hundred respondents among the sampled wards; eliciting information on quality of housing and state of health of residents in the area. Likhert scaling was used to transform the ordinal data into one of ratio or interval scales to make them amenable to parametric testing. Both ANOVA and chi-square tests were used to explain the difference in the quality of housing as well as incidence of morbidity among the sampled wards. Factor analysis was used to collapse the variables into fewer manageable composites and linear composite of housing quality (HQI) was regressed on that of morbidity incidence (RIMI). A reliable relationship was observed between the two composites with correlation (R) of -979. The study thus recommends a good investment in housing and infrastructural provision towards a better quality of housing.
Experimental Modelling wax preparation from Petroleum products and natural additives[Full-Text ] Nadira A. Hatim, Dr. Amer Abdul-Rahman Taqa., Ahmad W. Kh. AlubaidiIntroduction: Many modelling waxes are composed of complicated mixture of many constituents. Aims of the study: To modify Petroleum Iraqi natural waxes (hard and soft paraffin wax, natural and commercial beeswax) by adding some natural (gum Arabic, rosin, Na-CMC, starch, and amaranth) and chemical (ferric oxide) to prepare new experimental modelling waxes that can be used in prosthetic dentistry. Evaluate physical properties according to ADA specification No. 24 and ISO 1561 in comparison to two commercials modelling waxes (Major® and PolywaxTM). Materials and Methods: Total samples prepared are 478 samples, and divided into 3 groups: (1) Iraqi Petroleum natural waxes and commercial beeswax. (2) Iraqi Petroleum natural waxes mixtures, the mixtures are either binary (Hard + soft Paraffin) or tertiary mixtures (Beeswax). The binary mixtures are (90% + 10%) and (80%+20%).The Tertiary mixtures are (80% + 15% + 5%) and (70% + 20% + 10%). (3) Natural waxes and additives, the percentages of mixing are (90% natural waxes + 10 % additives) and (80% natural waxes + 20% additives). (100) samples have been failed in flow and thermal expansion test until obtained the proper percentage of mixing that give proper physical tests: melting point, flow, thermal expansion, and accuracy test. Results: there were significant differences (p = 0.001) between control and experimental modelling waxes {10 (80% hard paraffin + 20% beeswax) & (90% beeswax + 10% starch)}. The results showed that the addition of 20% Na-CMC, gum Arabic, Starch, and rosin to hard paraffin led to decrease the maximum melting point, flow, thermal expansion and dimensional changes but increase the minimum melting point. Conclusions: It was concluded that the experimental modelling waxes: (80% hard paraffin + 20% beeswax) and (90% beeswax + 10% starch) have the most nearest properties to control and ADA specification No. 24 than other waxes.
A study on the role of population change in spatial development of Zahedan between 2001 and 2011[Full-Text ] Neda Golpayegani davijani, Masoumeh hafez reza zadeh, Maryam karimiyan bostaniThe excessive growth of cities and unbalanced growth of them which is resulted from immigrations and population growth are the main problems of Iran urban network. These problems lead to the excessive population density, the increase of construction activities, physical development of urban centers, and destruction of the natural ecosystem. The present paper intends to study the role of population change in spatial development of Zahedan between 2001 and 2011 in Iran. According to the research studies, the residents’ information is processed in SPSS environment and via T-test, one-sample test, and Phi and Cramer’s V test. The results indicate that the mean of effective economic and political factors in Zahedan, the mean of the number of organizations, and the mean of population equals 3.47 and it is higher than the theoretical mean equal to 3. The level of significance of the test is less than 0.05 (sig= 0.000). In other words, economic and political factors influence Zahedan population development and it indicates that 61.4 percent of immigrants belong to the new districts of Zahedan; it means that the population has grown within the city and has caused the physical development of it.
The Implications of Good Governance in Corporate sector A Case Study of Bank of Khyber[Full-Text ] Dr. Habib ur RahmanWith ever expansion in the corporate sector, the risk of under utilization as well as misuse of resources increased manifold which phenomena attracted the attention of the business managers and company tycoons to manage the hazards and prevent the crisis from happening. This paper focuses on the root cause of mismanagement and its consequences on the operational results of the organization. It discusses the role of the organizational hierarchy, its exposure to accountability and all time auditability of the operational results of the organization which event alone can ensure the flawless conduct of successful business the paper explores in detail the ingredients of better management via good governance. It elaborates the concept of Good Governance for the purpose of better results by explaining the implication of loose control or for that matter ineffective checks and lack of regulatory instruments. Explaining the case study of local Bank it concludes that under Good Governance and with effective management the organizations have always succeeded in achieving their goals. Strong force of profit motive in conflict with goal of social wellbeing of the masses put the Statesmen as well as the business managers in a deep thinking pond. They are now required to achieve the only goal of maximizing the overall wellbeing of the society. They have either to concentrate on the public utilities through development of Social Over Head Capital or creating surpluses for taxation and funds for welfare dispersal. Neither today’s State nor industrial unit is absolved of its corporate social responsibilities. Hence the running of the business machinery for its requisite output needs to be properly organized and operated upon for ensuring the achievement of State goal along with meeting the expectation of the stakeholders
ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT ENCRYPTION STANDARDS ON GSM NETWORK[Full-Text ] Shikha KuchhalGSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile), is a standard set developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones. It became the de facto global standard for mobile communications with over 80% market share.It is a digital mobile telephony system that is widely used in Europe and other parts of the world. GSM is a cellular network, which means that cell phones connect to it by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity. There are five different cell sizes in a GSM network—macro, micro, pico, femto, and umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according to the implementation environment. GSM was designed with a moderate level of service security. The system was designed to authenticate the subscriber using a pre-shared key and challenge-response. Communications between the subscriber and the base station can be encrypted. The development of UMTS introduces an optional Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM), that uses a longer authentication key to give greater security, as well as mutually authenticating the network and the user, whereas GSM only authenticates the user to the network (and not vice versa). The security model therefore offers confidentiality and authentication, but limited authorization capabilities, and no non-repudiation. In this paper a new approach to encryption has been proposed which includes extra encryption with AES, DES and Triple DES algorithm. This technique is much simpler than existing techniques thus a more robust and efficient system is achieved.
Wal-Mart Supply Chain Management[Full-Text ] A retail store network founded by Sam Walton is operating at 6500 locations globally with the support of 1.8 million employees. The main strategy of Wal-Mart is the provision of best quality of merchandise and services at lowest affordable prices for consumers. Their everyday low prices (EDLP) technique is used over all discount stores especially of apparel, small appliances, housewares, electronics, even hardware and majorly at grocery stores. Wal-Mart also has a lot of competitors located in every category of stores. Even then Wal-Mart is the largest retailer operating from 15 countries and according to them, Supply Chain management is the main source through which their organization grows and achieves this status.
Tip Clearance Effects on Performance of a Centrifugal Compressor[Full-Text ] S. M. Swamy, V.PandurangaduTip clearance effects on flow field of a low speed centrifugal compressor performance is tested experimentally by using partial shroud (PS) attached to the rotor blade tip at three values of tip clearances i.e.= 2.2%, 5.1% and 7.9 % of blade height at trailing edge are examined at three flow coefficients 0.18, 0.28, and 0.34. The effect of tip clearance on total pressure coefficient and static pressure coefficient exit of the compressor is analyzed. The drop in static pressure coefficient and total pressure coefficient with increase in tip clearance is found to be high at the tip of the blade due to high pressure fluid leakage at the tip of the blade. Performance reduction with tip clearance is observed. The mass averaged total and static pressures at the rotor exit at the three values of tip clearances clearly show that partial shrouds are beneficial in improving the pressure rise of the compressor. This benefit is found to be more at the higher value of tip clearance tested.
Decomposition of Pregroups[Full-Text ] Faisal H. NesayefIn section one, we introduced the main concept and definition which we needed in later sections. In section two, we proved that some axioms are equivalent to the other ones. Section three contains the main features of work. In section three of this paper we proved that any pregroup satisfying P6 can be expressed as a product of factors which are also pregroups satisfying P6. We also proved that the universal group of a pregroup satisfying P6 is the free product of the universal groups of the factors of P amalgamating the core part Po.