Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Method of initial functions for beams[Full-Text ] Rakesh Patel, Dubey S.K., Pathak K.K.In this paper, method of initial functions (MIF) is used for the analysis of concrete beams. The equations of two dimensional elasticity have been used for deriving the governing equations. Numerical solutions of the governing equations have been presented for simply supported beam loaded with uniformly distributed load. Two cases with varying depth to span ratio have been considered for analysis. The method of initial function is an analytical method of elasticity theory. No assumptions regarding the distribution of stress or displacements are needed in this method. This method can be applied for beam of any depth and loading.
Production of Bio Diesel Oil from Algae in Coastal Area of Balochistan-Pakistan[Full-Text ] Bashir Ahmed Leghari, Syed Ali Raza Shah, Wazir Muhammad Leghari, Abdullah Mengal, Mohammad Mushtaque.Transportation is the backbone of our society, powering the economies of the world every day. The Transportation network is responsible for a large amount of the hazardous emissions causing global warming and air pollution problems worldwide. Bio-diesel is one of the most important suitable oil to eliminate greenhouse gases emissions and alternative of the fossil fuels. The demand of energy is increasing on day-to-day basis, because enhancement in industrialization and population. Bio-diesel (mono-alkyl-esters) is the substitutive fuel, which obtained through the process of transesterification of monohydric alcohols with triglyceride oil. Bio-diesel oil obtained from the renewable sources of fuel having no properties of degradable and toxic. The waste cooking oil, such as sunflower, canola, soybean, coconut, corn oil, fish oil, rice bran, chicken fat, and algae can be used for preparation of Bio diesel, by adopted this process, the dependency on petroleum-based fuel decreased partially. This paper will focus on production of bio diesel oil from algae (micro algae and macro-algae) having higher efficiency of photosynthetic process by the other biomass products. The algae are best sources for the production bio-diesel, and having best yielding stock for bio-diesel. The macro algae is available in abundant in the form of seaweed at coastal area of Balochistan which extends over 750 kms. The micro algae cultivated near the beach of coastal area either in wet land (ponds) or in saline lagoons. It will provide main source of income to the people of coastal area inhabitants and consequently, it will provide good opportunity to the Govt. in order to reduce the rate of unemployment within Balochistan. The national bio-diesel project can be launched in the coastal area, taking the stakeholders in confidences. It will play an important role in alleviation the rate of poverty among the people of Balochistan. Secondly, it will save the fertile land of other provinces, which are more suitable for cultivation of food commodities instead of fuel producing species; otherwise, it will adversely affect the economy of the country, due to the shortage of food commodities. The pollution in air as well as in aquatic life of marine will reduced. It will produce the best result, by adopting of Bio-diesel fuel in Transport sector.
Numerical bifurcation of a host-parasite model undergoing a variation in the growth rate of the host population[Full-Text ] Agwu, I. A, Ekaka-a, E.N , Galadima, I.J, Inyama, S.C , Esekhaigbe, EA numerical analysis of a dynamic ecological system is an important tool. In ecological modeling, the behavior of the model is usually studied by a means of bifurcation analysis. This standard technique involves the analysis of qualitative changes in the stability of the system. In this paper, we study the bifurcation of the trivial steady state solution of a host – parasite model due to a variation in the growth rate of the host population when other model parameters are fixed. The critical values of the steady state solution due to fundamental changes in model parameters are obtained. It is found that the stability behavior of the trivial solution changes at this bifurcation point. We also found that as the trivial steady – state solution persists through the bifurcation point p = 0, d = 0, a2 = 0, this steady – state solution changes from a stable node to a cusp behavior and to a saddle node
Evaluation of Network Analysis Application to Project Management in Southwest Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oyewale Julius Ojo and Jide Joseph ObembeEvaluation of network analysis application to project management was studied in southwest Nigeria. This was with a view to determining the level of application of project management tools and techniques especially network analysis in achieving project success. The study covered 129 large value construction projects in tertiary institutions in southwest Nigeria. The research instrument used was questionnaire. It elicited information on the issues such as project management tools and techniques applied, project duration and benefits of applying network analysis. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that 23.3% of the project supervisors applied network analysis while 100% applied work breakdown structure and monthly progress technical reports. Thus, the application of network analysis in project management in southwest Nigeria is very low. The study recommended among others that on the job professional project management training should be introduced to the project managers/project supervisors. This will assist them in acquiring knowledge and industrial skills in the latest project management tools and techniques available and practical application of network analysis.
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo (Dendrocalmus Strictus)[Full-Text ] Dinesh Bhonde, Dr. P. B. Nagarnaik, Dr. D. K. Parbat, Dr. U. P. WagheBamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world having growth up to 60 cm or more in a day. Bamboo has social, economic and cultural significance and is used extensively for building materials along with thousands of uses. It is highly versatile raw material for different works. The bamboo is light weight, flexible, tough, high tensile, cheap material than the other building materials like steel. Bamboo can be used in various building works. Bamboo structures are flexible, earthquake resistant, light weight and cheap. Bamboo can be used as reinforcement in various structural members. Bamboo is a green material for sustainable development and has various advantages. Use of bamboo may be promoted for green buildings and sustainable development
Problems Affecting Public Projects Execution and Control in Southwest Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oyewale Julius Ojo and Akinloye LawalThe study examined problems affecting public projects execution and control in southwest Nigeria. This was with a view to determining the extent to which public projects deliverables and objectives met stakeholders expectations. The study covered 104 projects under construction in States and Federal Universities in southwest Nigeria. The research instrument used was questionnaire. It elicited information on the issues such as problems affecting public projects execution and control and factors responsible for the achievement of the goals and objectives outlined in the baseline project plan. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. The results indicated among others that, there is difference between the original contract approved value and total value released for the project (4.87), project taking more time than estimated time (4.83), difference in the decisions of the project manager and project sponsor during project execution (4.80) and maintainability of the project quality standards as stated in the quality management plan (2.29) was low. The study concluded that any contractor, executed a project of poor quality should be sanctioned by withdrawing his certificate of registration.
Fault Analysis based on Selection of the Grounding Reactance At Generators Terminals of Iraqi Supper Grid[Full-Text ] Dr. MAJLI NEMA HAWAS, M.Sc. BASEM HATAB MESHTATThe growth in size and complexity of power system networks with a large number of interconnections has exposed the system to various contingencies that would lead to system instability. Thus, it is important for a power system to be able to remain in a state of operating equilibrium under normal operating condition and to regain an acceptable state of equilibrium after being subjected to a disturbance, this paper discusses effect of the grounding reactance value to limit fault current at generators terminals of iraqi supper grid. The modern digital computer has a distinct advantage in that it provides mean for solving such large networks accurately. Therefore systematic procedure suitable for digital computer calculation is necessary. Modern fault-current programs for the digital computer are usually based on the bus impedance matrix. The program uses the data listed for the lines and their impedance as provided for the load flow program and includes the appropriate reaction for each machine in forming the positive, negative and zero sequence bus impedance matrices. In the present paper a computer program is developed using MATLAB package to analyze the effect of grounding rectance on fault calculations for Iraqi super grid.
An Optimization Algorithm for Finding Graph Circuits and Shortest Cyclic Paths in Directed/Undirected Graphs[Full-Text ] Rajesh R. Raina, Dr. Rakesh K. Katare, Shazad A. Mughal, Manjula DwivediComputing combined circuits and shortest cyclic paths between two given nodes in undirected graphs is a fundamental operation over graphs. While a number of techniques exist for answering computing circuits and approximating node distances efficiently in directed graphs, but the actual circuit calculations, their generations and shortest cyclic paths in undirected graphs are often neglected. However, it is often essential to find out all combined circuits and shortest cyclic paths between two given nodes in an undirected graphs. In this paper, we have addressed this problem and presented an optimistic algorithm that not only supports calculation of circuits but also generates combined circuits and computes corresponding shortest cyclic paths in undirected graphs. This algorithm is also applicable to directed graphs as well.
Critical Evaluation of Teaching ESP for Tertiary Level Iranian EFL Learners[Full-Text ] Farah Shooraki , Saeed Ketabi, Azizollah DabbaghiTeaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for all students except students of English is widespread in many countries of the world, also in Iran, however, with teachers facing many obstacles and trying to come up with creative solutions to the problems of teachers and students. The proficiency in different language skills is of utmost importance to these students at tertiary levels. In order to succeed, students need to develop proficiency in reading, writing, vocabulary, and translating from English into their mother tongue and vice versa. Therefore, the most important skills suitable for ESP objectives were studied and a short overview of some beneficial techniques for teaching reading, writing, translation, and vocabulary skills are presented. This study indicates that EFL teachers have to concentrate on the learner’s interaction (student-centered), be aware of different learning styles and employ a variety of assessment techniques, and make use of modern technologies and the worldwide web in their classes for different activities.
Standardization of Acconitum Ferrox[Full-Text ] Sreelekshmi.R.VAconitum Ferrox is a highly poisonous herb found in almost all countries. It is widely used in India and Nepal in treatment of neuralgia, leprosy, fevers, cholera and rheumatism. Its tuberous roots are used as drug externally and rarely administered internally. It is one among the ‘Panchavisha’ referred in Sanskrit texts. The main constituents responsible for toxicity are diterpenoids and alkaloids. In case of processed drug the aconite alkaloids are hydrolysed to benzyl aconine and aconine derivatives. The article is an attempt to summarise the various aspects of A.Ferrox and standardise the processed and unprocessed drug by phytochemical study.
Comparative Modelling, Characterization And Molecular Dynamics Study Of Trypanothione Reductase (Ldtr) From Leishmania Donovani[Full-Text ] Hasnahana Chetia, Rituparna Sarma, Ankit Verma, Dhirendra Kumar SharmaVisceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is the most lethal form of Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani. This disease is the second largest parasitic killer in the world. Trypanothione reductase (TR) is an enzyme commonly present in all members of Trypanosomatidae, including Leishmania. This enzyme, analogous to Glutathione Reductase (GR) of mammals, is crucial for the management of oxidative stress of the parasite; as it recycles Trypanothione. The three-dimensional structure of TR from L. donovani (LdTR) has not been determined till date. In this study, the three-dimensional structure of LdTR was built by homology modelling and refined using molecular dynamics program. Various properties of the structural hierarchy of LdTR was also attempted to study along with the recognition and characterization of catalytic domains present in the enzyme. The main tools and servers used for the research were- MODELLER 9.11, VEGA ZZ 3.01, and MESSA etc. The results involved creation of an energy-minimized, refined comparative 3-D model of LdTR. The study also predicted LdTR to be a mitochondrial protein that uses FAD as an electron donor and is involved directly involved in homo-dimerization as well as indirectly involved in reduction of reactive oxygen species. The structure was submitted in PMDB (Protein Model Database).
USB Capabilities and Bootability of Portable Devices[Full-Text ] Siddharth Kaul, Kamakshi Kaul, Parth MahetaAlmost every portable devices uses Universal Serial Bus(USB) for PC connectivity and to enhance their capabilities. Such capabilities include interfacing and connection of features like charging, Audio, Host and Video. This paper implements and explains the basic USB functionality of USB Audio, USB Mass Storage and Secondary Bootloading through USB channel. This paper provides the basic information one requires to implement these device classes using available stack library by clearly explaining the important aspect in implementation. It is also shown that a portable device can be read, write and reprogrammed using another portable device using the USB interconnection. By performing the implementation, readers can take the first steps towards non PC centric development environment.
Natural Convection with Heat Generation in Vertical Porous Annulus with Axial and Radial Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] Vivek Shrivastava, Pavan Badami, Mukesh Patil, K.N.SeetharamuEffect of radial and axial magnetic field on natural convection in vertical porous annulus with internal heat generation has been investigated. Thermal equilibrium model has been considered for study. Study has been carried out for inner and outer wall subjected to same constant temperature. Top and bottom wall are insulated and impermeable. Strength of uniform horizontal and vertical field has been varied by varying Hartmann number. Effect of Hartmann number, magnetic field direction, Rayleigh number, Aspect ratio, Radius ratio has been studied. Variations of Nusselt number, streamlines, isotherms have been plotted for all parameters. Finite Element Method has been used to solve governing Partial differential equations.
FLUORIDE REMOVAL FROM WATER – A REVIEW[Full-Text ] Mohammed Arif TikkiThe major source of fluoride in ground water is the leaching of fluoride from the rock minerals of the earth’s crust. Presence of fluoride in low concentration (<1.5 mg/l) is beneficial to the people for the calcification of dental enamel and maintenance of healthy bones. On the other side, its presence in higher concentration become a monster and can cause dental, skeletal fluorosis and also non-skeletal problems. Many investigators conducted experiments and developed various low-cost technologies to remove fluoride from water and wastewater. However, selection of appropriate treatment method depends on local situation. This review paper presents the information on fluoride, sources of its occurrence, its effects on human & animal health and various control methods for the removal/reduction.
Performance of Rotating Biological Contactor in Wastewater Treatment – A Review[Full-Text ] Mr.K.STALINThe management of the medium and small scale industries feel burden to treat waste if the cost involvement is high. Hence there is a board scope for cheaper and compact unit processes or ideal solutions for such issues. Rotating biological contactor is most popular due to its simplicity, low energy less land requirement. The rotating biological contactors are fixed film moving bed aerobic treatment processes, which able to sustain shock loadings. Unlike activated sludge processes (ASP), trickling filter etc. Rotating biological contactor does not require recirculation of secondary sludge and also hydraulic retention time is low. This review paper focuses on works done by various investigators at different operating parameters using various kinds of industrial wastewater.
FABRICATION OF A PUNCHING DIE USING P-20 MATERIAL ON WIRE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE MACHINE BY TAGUCHI METHOD[Full-Text ] Parveen Yadav, Pankaj Sharma, Narender SinghWire Electrical Discharge Machine (WEDM) plays a vital role in the manufacturing industry to cut the hard and difficult tool and Die material which has the ability to generate intricate and complex shapes with high precision and accuracy. The material P-20, used in the present work study finds out the application as the mould steel. The main aim of the present investigation is to optimize the Process parameter for single response Characteristics. In this study, we are using the Taguchi method using the L-27 orthogonal array to find out the performance characteristics from the desired value. Experiments are carried out on P-20 mould steel as work piece electrode and zinc coated brass wire as a tool electrode. Response parameters are cutting speed, surface roughness and die width & material removal rate. Three trial experiments are conducted and the average is chosen as the particular experimental condition. Experiments are performed by using the different input variable such as Pulse ON(T-On),Pulse off (T-Off), Wire feed, Wire tension, Servo feed and Input current( IP). In the end, the confirmation experiment is carried out to validate the effectiveness of proposed optimal condition.
A NEW PWM TECHNIQUE FOR REDUCING SINGLE PHASE CURRENT AND MAKING THREE PHASE CURRENT ZERO FOR MULTILEVEL INVERTER[Full-Text ] S.DEVI LAVANYA, Dr.D. KIRUBAKARANThe paper is focused to reduce single phase current and make three phases current zero by using a suitable PWM technique for a three phase Multilevel inverter and making it suitable for electrical drives. The paper uses a new technology that is using the carriers of different amplitude and all the carriers of same frequency operating at higher frequencies and adding a summer in the PWM technique. The proposed PWM technique is simple and easy to understand and the number of components is reduced highly this is achieved by adding a summer as explained. The paper is concentrated not to use any filter the reason behind this is that it increases the single phase current to a very high value which is very dangerous this is avoided in proposed topology. The advantages and disadvantages of these PWM techniques are compared with other PWM techniques in this paper and it uses new NPC H-Bridge inverter.
Identification of Geological and Geomorphological Landforms in Thanjavur District Using Remote Sensing & GIS[Full-Text ] Dr.R.V.Raikar, Dr.S.Suresh Babu, Mrs. K.ShunmugapriyaIn this Paper Abstract has been researched to study of Identification of Geological & Geomorphological landforms in Thanjavur District using Remote Sensing & GIS Techniques. The Cauvery Delta is located in Thanjavur District. It is one of the important rice bowl of Tamilnadu. The total area of Thanjavur District is about 3396.57 Sq.km. The eastern part of Thanjavur is connected with Bay of Bengal. This study is carried out by using IRSP6 LISS IV Satellite image and Toposheet 1:50000 Scale. From this, the thematic maps (Geomorphology, Geology, and Drainage) are created. The Geomorphological features like Flood Plain , Alluvial plain , Deltaic plain and Eolian plain were studied .Similarly the Geological features like Fluvio marine, alluvial-fluvial, sripermuputhur / Sivaganga formation, Nasal formations were analysed .In the same way, the drainage pattern of Thanjavur district is found and the pattern was Dichotomic Using ARC GIS.
Enhancement of Power System Security by Particle Swarm Optimization Based Optimal Power Flow[Full-Text ] B.Venkata Silpa, C.Kumar, Dr.Ch.Padmanabha RajuThis paper proposes an algorithm to solve the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem with an objective of enhancing the security of power system. The proposed approach uses Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to obtain the optimal power dispatch meeting steady state security constraints under various loading conditions. This PSO based OPF algorithm computes the optimal generation schedule and effectively relieves line flow violations under different single line contingencies. The efficacy of proposed algorithm is illustrated by carrying simulation studies on IEEE 30 bus system .This analysis reveals that the proposed algorithm is quite simple and efficient for solving OPF problem.
Developing and Evaluating a New Scale for Product Positioning Uncertainty in India[Full-Text ] Susmita Ghosh, Bhaskar BhowmickManaging uncertainty is a major challenge for thr start-ups.This paper aims to examine the reliability and validity of a new uncertainty scale as an instrument for measuring the fvariables necessary for product positioning for start-ups in India and its underlying dimensions. The literature is underdeveloped in providing a comprehensive list of product positioning uncertainty constructs and its underlying variables. Therefore, an uncertainty scale measuring the variables of product positioning is required. Initially the scale consisted of 16 items under three conceptual subscales.151 founders and co-founders of start-ups from all over India participated in the study. This paper presents the result of the final scale of the factor structure that resulted from PCA and consists of 12 items out of the 16 items, which has been supported by strong evidences.
Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in Fundus Images Using Image Filtration[Full-Text ] M.A.Fkirin, S.Badawy, El saadany A, A.S.El-SherbenyThis work proposes a new technique for early diagnosing diabetic retinopathy (DR) using rotating irregular filter form. We used four different edge detection filter types; each filter is rotated by specific angle and applied individually. Receiver Operating Characteristic curves are used to evaluate the performance of the used filters. The results recommended using Laplacian of Gaussian filter which gave the best performance and highest sensitivity value among the four used filters. Registration operation is used for comparison and change detection in blood vessels. STARE image database is used to apply the algorithms on its images. From this work the ophthalmologists could detect Diabetic Retinopathy at earlier stage than what is existing so far.
Sequence Alignment Based Citation Parser using BLAST and Smith-Waterman algorithm[Full-Text ] G. Guru Brahmam, R. Rakesh KumarThe dramatic increase in the number of academic publications has led to a growing demand for efficient organization of the resources to meet researchers’ specific needs. As a result, a number of network services have compiled databases from the public resources scattered over the Internet. However, publications in different conferences and journals follow different citation formats, so the problem of accurately extracting metadata from a publication string has also attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a citation parser called BibPro for extracting metadata from citation strings by using a gene sequence alignment tool. The main enhancement of BibPro to previous tools is that BibPro does not need knowledge databases (e.g., an author name database) to generate feature indices for citation strings. Instead, only the order of punctuation marks in a citation string is used to represent its format. Second, BibPro employs the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) to find the most similar citation formats in database and then uses the Smith-Waterman algorithm to choose the best-fit citation format as the extraction template.
Occupational Noise Exposure at Work: Case Study at the Toumanguie’s Palm-Oil Mill in Ivory Coast[Full-Text ] Andre TUO, Charlotte CHAMPOINSEAU, Jean Fidele NZIHOUIn this study we analyzed occupational noise exposure of Toumanguié’s palm oil mill workers and highlighted the group of workers exposed. Homogeneous exposure groups (HEG) were formed on the basis of their exposure to the same noise sources and their belonging to the same team. Measurement strategy based on the function according to ISO 9612: 2009 has been followed. The samplings permitted to measure and calculate the noise levels for each homogeneous exposure group. Noise exposure levels ( daily A-weighted noise exposure level) of workers in homogeneous exposure groups were generally greater than 85 dB (A) except for workers operating on the loading ramp. Most of the oil mill workers are exposed to high levels of noise which could cause health problems, hearing impairement or expose to security issues.
Sequence Alignment Based Citation Parser using BLAST and Smith-Waterman algorithm[Full-Text ] G. Guru Brahmam, R. Rakesh Kumar, P. SubbaraoThe dramatic increase in the number of academic publications has led to a growing demand for efficient organization of the resources to meet researchers’ specific needs. As a result, a number of network services have compiled databases from the public resources scattered over the Internet. However, publications in different conferences and journals follow different citation formats, so the problem of accurately extracting metadata from a publication string has also attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a citation parser called BibPro for extracting metadata from citation strings by using a gene sequence alignment tool. The main enhancement of BibPro to previous tools is that BibPro does not need knowledge databases (e.g., an author name database) to generate feature indices for citation strings. Instead, only the order of punctuation marks in a citation string is used to represent its format. Second, BibPro employs the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) to find the most similar citation formats in database and then uses the Smith-Waterman algorithm to choose the best-fit citation format as the extraction template.
Effect of cover on bond behaviour of fiber rein-forced high strength concrete[Full-Text ] Ahmed. K, Mahmood. A, EL Rajy.A, Goraya. R.A.Inclusion of steel fibers reduces the brittleness of high strength concrete. These fibers carry the circumferential tensile stresses, arrest the longitudinal bond splitting cracks and increase the bond strength. Experimentation was carried out to study the effect of increase in cover on bond strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete. It involved Pullout tests for different cover to bar diameter ratios. The steel bars of different diameters were selected for this study. Embedded length was kept constant for all the samples. Tests were conducted using linear variable displacement transducers and strain controlled universal testing machine. The results of the experimentation concluded that by increasing the (c/db) ratio bond strength increases for all the bar diameters. This increase was from 50% to78 % for pullout samples of 13.0 mm, 19.0 mm and 25.0 mm steel reinforcing bars. Moreover the failure was ductile showing a post peak bond yielding zone. The test results may have an implication of on cover provisions of fiber reinforced concrete in the building codes
Application of UASB Reactor in Industrial Wastewater Treatment – A Review[Full-Text ] K.KaviyarasanThe contents presented in this paper focuses on the performance of UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor for treating various industrial and domestic wastewaters at various operating conditions. The reactors can be used conveniently for the treatment of tannery, distillery, food processing, metal mining, dairy, domestic wastewater etc. The performance of the reactor mainly depends on the OLR and HRT. The author highlighted to enhance the start-up and granulation in UASB reactors, biogas (methane and biohydrogen) production, coupling with post-treatment and the reactors to overcome the temperature constraint and pH, improving the removal efficiencies of the organic matter, nutrients and pathogens in the final effluent. Kinetics, models and hydraulic characteristics are useful to verify the experimental data and also helpful for the further research.
Models to forecast inflation in Albania[Full-Text ] Prof. As. PhD Valentina SINAJThe main purpose of this paper is modeling and forecasting the inflation in Albania using ARIMA and VAR econometric models. In this study, we are mainly based on the consumer price index(CPI), as the main indicator of inflation in the money supply(M2) and interest rates(lending rates).The analysis will be preceded by a brief review of international literature on the development of various models in time, mostly ARIMA and VAR models.In our study we obtained data of 17 years period about CPI, M2 and interest rates. Examining the performance of the predictive ability of the models we built respectively two econometric models for concluding about the impact of these variables on inflation. Results gained by this analysis indicate a significant relation between CPI, M2, interest rates and a statistically significant autoregressive relation to the CPI with time delay. Also worth pointing out that although the study focuses on the problem of macroeconomic forecasting, empirical results have a more general application for models in macroeconomic smaller scale.
An Overview of Fuzzy spatial Data mining in an Object oriented Environment[Full-Text ] Sarita Tripathy, Prof. (Dr.) Laxman SahooFuzzy spatial data mining technique has been developed to extract relationships describing relative positions of classes of objects from raster images. Demand has been increased for complex data in various applications. These complex data can be easily represented and manipulated by Object-oriented systems it is also capable of managing complicated and uncertain relationship existing among them. They are also much suitable for engineering and scientific applications. This paper gives an overview of fuzzy spatial data mining in an Object-oriented environment.
The effect of positive intervention on satisfaction with life of college students[Full-Text ] Dr. Barsha & Dr. Prerna PuriThe purpose of this study was to focus on the effect of positive intervention on satisfaction with life of college students. Initially, the sample of 250 students were screened using the mental health Inventory. From them, 40 students with poor mental health and low satisfaction with life were randomly divided for the control and experimental group. The treatment in terms of positive intervention was given to experimental group for one month. The results indicate that positive intervention significantly enhance satisfaction with life from pre test to the post test scores.
Assessing the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Strategies among the Staff of Economy and Finance Ministry[Full-Text ] Saeed Bakhtafrouz, Ali Mehdizadeh Ashrafi, Niloofar Imankhan“Conflict” is not an avoidable phenomenon in organizations, so the management and staff must detect it and reduce its negative effects. If the appropriate strategies are not used to resolve the conflict among the staff, it will lead to a serious damage to the organization. The main purpose of the present paper is to assess the relation between emotional intelligence and management strategies among the staff of economy and finance ministry which has been performed as a case study in Iran. In order to analyze the data collected from 279 employees of the economy and finance ministry, SPSS software has been used; in this regard, the questionnaires of emotional intelligence and conflict management strategies have been applied. The results of correlation coefficients show that there is a significant relation between the emotional intelligence and conflict management strategies; also, the employees with high emotional intelligence apply solution-orientated strategy to encounter with conflicts.
DESIGNING DOUBLE ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING PLANS BASED ON TRUNCATED LIFETESTS UNDER VARIOUS DISTRIBUTIONS USING MINIMUM ANGLE METHOD[Full-Text ] Dr.A.R. Sudamani Ramasamy, R. SutharaniIn this paper double sampling plans for truncated life tests are developed using minimum angle method when the lifetimes of the items follows Various distribution. The values of operating ratio corresponding to the consumer’s risk and producer’s risk are calculated and using minimum angle method and the value ? is found. Tables are constructed and examples are provided.
Intermediate Data Scheduling in Cloud Environment with Efficient Privacy Preserving[Full-Text ] P.Raghavan & J.Princess AnnaishDistributed computing shows another approach to supplement the present utilization and conveyance show for It administrations dependent upon the Internet, by accommodating progressively versatile and regularly virtualized assets as an administration over the Internet. Information taking care of might be outsourced by the immediate Cloud Service Provider (Csp) to different elements in the cloud and propositions substances can likewise appoint the assignments to others et cetera. The utilization of distributed computing has expanded quickly in numerous associations. Commonly little and medium organizations utilize distributed computing administrations for different views, incorporating since these administrations give quick access to their requisitions and diminish their framework costs. Cloud suppliers might as well address protection and security issues as a matter of high and earnest necessity. Protecting the security of moderate datasets turns into a testing issue since foes might recoup protection touchy data by dissecting numerous halfway datasets. Encoding All datasets in cloud is generally received in existing methodologies to address this test. Different in which moderate datasets need to be encoded and which don't, so protection safeguarding cost might be spared while the security prerequisites of information holders can in any case be fulfilled. Protection safeguarding cost lessens heuristic calculation utilized for security spillage demands and Sensitive Intermediate information set tree/graph (Sit/sig) techniques are utilized.
Clinical Study Of Some Physiological Parameters in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in Thi-Qar Governorate / Iraq[Full-Text ] Alyaa Majid , Hadeel Rasheed Faraj , Sajda . S . AffatObjective: The acute coronary syndromes [unstable angina (UA) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI)] are more dangerous than others ischemic heart diseases (IHD) due to acute morphological changes in atherosclerotic plaques which cause (acute ischemia) severe imbalance between myocardium demand and oxygen supply. The present study was designed to determine and compare the levels of (GOT, GPT, Total protein , Albumin ,Globulin and Uric acid) in patients with (ACS) and healthy individuals. Material and Methods: serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (S.GOT) , serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (S.GPT) , serum total protein , serum albumin , serum globulin and serum uric acid levels were measured in 75 subjects which were divided into three groups : (25) patients of UA and (25) patients of AMI , were compared with (25) healthy subjects (control).Results:The levels of serum glutamate oxaloactate transaminase(S.GOT) , serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase(S.GPT), serum albumin and serum uric acid were significant increase in patients of (UA) and (AMI) when compared with control. Whereas the levels of serum albumin showed a significant decrease in patients of (UA) in comparison with control group , whereas its levels was not affected in blood serum of (AMI) patients in comparison with control. While the levels of serum globulin showed significant increase in patients of AMI in comparison with control group, whereas its levels was not affected in blood serum of (UA) patients in comparison with control (p=0.01).Conclusion: High levels of GOT , GPT , globulin and low levels of total protein and albumin could be causative for ACS.
ISOLATION, MOLECULAR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF BERBERINE ALKALOID IN MAHONIA LESCHENAULTII - A TODA MEDICINAL PLANT BY USING IR, UV AND MS VALUES AND THEORETICAL COMPARISON .[Full-Text ] T. Lawrence, S. GunasekaranThe alkaloid berberine is isolated from the leaf of Mahonia leschenaultii with various organic polar solvents and subsequent IR, UV, and MS spectral analysis on the berberine was carried out and characterized. The theoretical values of IR, UV spectral data and possible structure of the compound are obtained by the Gaussian and ChemDoodle software. These theoretical values are good agreement with the experimental values and the structure of the alkaloid confirmed.
The Supersonic JET FLIGHT-2014?...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaA scientific research in this article focus that the Jet Flight-2014 shall be considered as the 3rd generation flight designed to travel at the speed of Sound. The Jet Flight-2014 shall be considered as Proto type of prehistoric “J-Flight”. The dark box of J-Flight shall be considered as emitting J-Radiation consists of J-Logics.
Chemical composition, functional properties and processing of Beetroot —a review[Full-Text ] Bhupinder Singh & Bahadur Singh HathanBeetroot (Beta vulgaris) is botanically classified as an herbaceous biennial from Chenopodiaceae family and has several varieties with bulb colors ranging from yellow to red. Deep red-colored beet roots are the most popular for human consumption, both cooked and raw as salad or juice. Beetroots (Beta vulgaris) are rich in valuable, active compounds such as carotenoids (Dias et al., 2009), glycine betaine, (de Zwart et al., 2003), saponins (Atamanova et al., 2005), betacyanines (Patkaiet al., 1997), folates (Jastrebova et al., 2003), betanin, polyphenols and flavonoids (Vali et al., 2007). Therefore, beetroot ingestion can be considered a factor in cancer prevention (Kapadia et al.,1996). They have antimicrobial and antiviral effects (Strack, Vogt, & Schliemann, 2003) and also can inhibit the cell proliferation of human tumor cells (Reddy, Ruby,Lindo, & Nair, 2005). The use of betalains as food colorant is approved by European Union and betalains are labeled as E-162. Dried beetroots can be consumed directly in the form of chips as a substitute of traditional snacks, that are rich in trans fatty acids (Aro et al., 1998), or after easy preparation as a component of instant food (Krejcova et al., 2007).