Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Molecular Docking Study of Auto Inhibitory Domain Fragments to Calcineurin A[Full-Text ] Harish Bodagur Maregowda, Saraswathi Ramanna, Devaraju Kuramkote ShivannaCyclosporine (CsA) and FK506 are used to inhibit the activity of Calcineurin (CN), a well known protein phosphatase involved in the suppressing immunity during organ transplantation. Since AID, a C-terminal fragment of CN A inhibits CN activity in in vivo, hence there is a need to explore the possibility of AID and its fragments for their inhibitory properties. In the current study, the CN A was modeled using I-TASSER. Modeled CN A has been used to generate peptide fragments from its AID domain and these fragments were docked back with CN A using Hex docking software. Further CsA and FK506 known inhibitor of CN were also docked with CN A. From docking study we have found that fragments AIDP1 derived from AID has lowest docking Energy-total (E-total) than AID. Another peptide AIDP2 was also found to have similar docking E-total to that of AID. In conclusion the study predicts that the possibility of using AIDP1 as a potent inhibitor of CN either in vitro or in vivo.
Public Participation In Environmental Friendly Development[Full-Text ] Fitri Hakim, LH Budianti, Haryati,Johan SilasIn an effort to create residential and settlement environmentally friendly (green and clean) the role of community is needed. One of the programs that give awards to community participation, namely Surabaya Green and Clean program held every year since 2005. The program aims to create settlements environmentally sound and care environment community. One area that follows the Surabaya Green and Clean program in 2013 and succeeded as the Best 3 most flowering Environmental Management Beginner category is the region of RT 3 RT 4 RW 8, Sub - District of Sukolilo Keputih. In transform slums into a settlement with a green and clean environment (green and clean), both local people and communities outside the region plays an important role, namely by applying some of the elements of life , such as keeping the environment, greening, and managing waste to sort out the organic waste that can be processed into compost, and non-organic waste that can be reused by recycling.
Wave Properties of nonlocal Euler beam model in Carbon nanotubes[Full-Text ] B. Yakaiah, A. Srihari RaoIn this paper Eringen’s nonlocal theory of elasticity is applied to study the wave properties of single walled carbon nanotubes. The effects of wave number and nonlocal scaling parameter (e0a) on the frequency, phase velocity and group velocity are discussed for a particular material of carbon nanotube.
A Study on Second-Order Fuzzy Differential Equations using STHWS Method[Full-Text ] S. Sekar and S. SenthilkumarIn this paper, we study the numerical method for solving second-order fuzzy differential equations using single term Haar wavelet series (STHWS). And, we present two examples with initial condition [16] having two different solutions to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method under STHWS. Error graphs are presented to highlight the efficiency of the STHWS.
A Texture Segmentation Using Modified Hill-Climbing Approach[Full-Text ] Ajitha T S, Sharomena Aarthi B S, Adlin Shibin T SImage segmentation is crucial to object-oriented remote sensing imagery analysis. In this paper, a newly modified texture segmentation algorithm is proposed using spectral, shape and intensity features. This algorithm is a robust technique that can be applied directly to the color images. The image is preprocessed using Adaptive Switching Median Filter, which removes the impulse noises and keeping the fine details of the image intact in the most efficient manner. Also, the preprocessed image is smoothened using morphological operators, which reduces the false detection of abnormal cells. Then, the preprocessed image is transformed into HSV (Hue, Saturation and value) color space representation in order to analyze and establish a color contrast gradient. The multiscale morphological gradient in the intensity channel of the preprocessed image is obtained and multiplied with the color contrast gradient. The shape feature is extracted from the preprocessed image based on the descriptors such as compactness, convexness, rectangularity and eccentricity, moment invariants. Based on these spectral, shape and intensity features, markers are extracted for this image and given as input to the watershed algorithm which uses a Hill-Climbing approach to identify and label the neighborhood pixels. This algorithm may reduce the computational complexity by avoiding the process of computing lower-complete image.
Leapfrog Numerical MHD Solution of Hale Bopp Comet[Full-Text ] Salman Z. Khalaf, Ahmed A. Selman and Elaff E. Al-lateefWe investigate the physical properties of solar wind interaction with comet Hale Bopp, taking a rectangular numerical solution of MHD Equations. Simulations were numerically made using computer codes written with MATLAB 7.8 based on a mid-point, 3-D Leapfrog explicit method. Our results excluded the pressure and energy results where it was shown that interaction near the cometary nucleus is mainly affected by the new ions added to the plasma of the solar wind, which increased the average molecular weight. When this effect was taken under careful consideration, some characteristics of the cometary tail could be driven in the presence of the IMF. The previous set of conditions used in [1] were also used in this study.
Impact of Effective Project Management on Building Construction[Full-Text ] Atoyebi Akeem A., Ayegbokiki Sunday T., Akomolafe Maryam A.This paper appraised the effects of project management on building production in the construction industry in Osun State. This paper identified and assessed the performance of project management methods in Osun State and later evaluated their effects on project performance aim and objectives of the study include the identification of the methods adopted for managing construction industries. The scope encompasses organizing the field forces and backup personnel in administrative and engineering positions necessary for supervising labour, purchasing materials, combining of managerial talents required presupposes training and experience both in field and office operation of construction jobs. Field survey and well structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the subjects of the study. The analysis of the data reveals amongst others, that construction firms practice a decentralized system of staff recruitment, permanent of head office management on permanent/contract/casual employment, provide work measurement techniques, planning techniques, organize and manage resources, prepare quality and quantity of job performance. Based on these findings, the study concluded that the methods adopted were limited in scope and that there was moderate level of professionalism within the industry. The study then recommends that construction firms should expand their sources of management techniques; use of qualified personnel and the involvement of competent professionals with good managerial skill.
Reaction Mechanism of Schiff Base Formation in the Maillard Reaction[Full-Text ] Alex Gao, Richard LiuThis paper attempts to address the gaps in knowledge of how a chemical called acrylamide forms. Acrylamide, a possible carcinogen present in most fried, starchy foods, has been a subject of intense research for the past decade, and the most likely reactants in this reaction (asparagine and a reducing sugar) have already been found. However, there are still ambiguities regarding how exactly acrylamide and certain intermediates to it, such as the Schiff base, form. To determine on an atomic level how reducing sugars and asparagine can form the Schiff base intermediate and thus acrylamide, theoretical methods were used to find transition states in the reaction from asparagine to Schiff base, and these transition states provided insight into our conclusion: that the Schiff base intermediate formation was determined almost completely by the position of the hydroxyl groups on the reducing sugar. Knowing that the hydroxyl groups almost exclusively determine whether or not the Schiff base and thus acrylamide forms allows researchers to theorize and then test new ways to prevent acrylamide formation – for example, the addition of other molecules which more readily attract hydroxyl groups.
Conversion of Sound to Electric Energy[Full-Text ] Alankrit Gupta, Vivek Goel, Vivek YadavThis paper presents the work done on the conversion techniques and methodologies of converting sound energy to its electrical counterpart. It focuses on the feasibility and the ground zero application of the same. The prediction of the future development of these kind of sources of energy is emphasized other than commonly known ones such as solar energy, biogas, wind energy and so on. So one can imagine if we were able to convert the sound energy to electricity then we can charge our mobile phone just by talking to our friends on mobile itself.
PAPR Reduction using Companding and FEC Coding in OFDM System[Full-Text ] Kanchan Choubey, Prashant JainThe next generation of mobile wireless communication is based on OFDM technology. It is an efficient method of data transmission for high speed communication system. It provides high spectral efficiency, less vulneralibility to echoes, low implementation complexity and resistance to non linear distortion. However, the main drawback of OFDM system is high PAPR of transmitted signals. OFDM consist of large no. Of independent subcarriers , as a result of which the amplitude of such a signal can have high peak values. Thus a power amplifier must be carefully manufactured to have a linear input output characteristics or to have large input output backoff. Drawback of high PAPR is that dynamic range of power amplifier and D to A convertor during the transmission and reception of signal is higher. As a result, total cost of transceiver increases with reduced efficiency. In this paper, we have used combination of companding technique with FEC coding to reduce PAPR within OFDM systems. Performance evaluation is carried out in terms of CCDF(Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function) & BER(Bit Error Rate).
Crack Detector Robot Using LED-LDR[Full-Text ] S.Arul Mozhi, Avanti Prabhakaran,V.Mathivathani, R.PriyankaTransport is a key necessity for specialization that allows production and consumption of products to occur at different locations. Commercially, rail transport plays a vital role and it is one of the cheapest modes of transportation. India has the world's fourth largest railway network. Any problem in the railway network affects the economy at a greater pace and also leads to the loss of lives. One of the problems encountered is derailment due to the cracks in railway track. The principle problem has been the lack of cheap and efficient technology to detect the problems in rail tracks and lack of proper maintenance of rails which have resulted in the formation of cracks in the rails. This project comprises of GPS, GSM, LED-LDR and microcontroller based crack detection assembly which is cost effective and robust to facilitate better safety standards in railways. The system is designed to run along the centre of the track.
Recycling of Culture Media by Re-melt & Re-plating Method[Full-Text ] Shaikh Zubair Ahmed, Mohseen KhanCulture media is widely used in cultivation and identification of microorganisms from sample food, water, soil, pharmaceutical product etc .and discarded after the use. In our present paper we proposed the technique to reutilize the media. As per our objective average weight of E.coli is 2 Pico gram and average plate of culture media contains approxi-mately 1 gram of nutrition. All nutrition is not utilized by the bacteria within period of incubation of 24hrs to 48 hrs used in the pathogens except Mycobacterium tuberculosis which require 2 days to grow. As Global market of culture media is 16.85 billion dollar. And as Bactria does not utilize all the nutrition so it can be recycled by simple remelt and re-autoclaving method. Growing on same media after complete incubation of first culture. It maybe economically feasible and eco-friendly as less of it will be discharged and most of it will be recycled and used in the lab.
Ceramic Rn222 exhalation rates from different countries[Full-Text ] B.A. Almayahi, Asaad K. Alsaedi, Ali K. Alsaedi, A.H. Alasadi, Azhar S. Ali, Raad. O. Hussein, Hayder. H. HussainIn the present study, the alpha radioactivity from radon emanated from some ceramic samples collected from different countries was measured using the can technique, containing CR-39. The average 222Rn and 226Ra concentrations are found to be 371.79 Bq m-3 and 1.68 Bq kg-1, respectively. The highest radon exhalation rate was found in Chinese ceramic. The values of effective radium content are less than the permissible value of 370 Bq kg-1.
Classification of Atrial fibrillation ECG and Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmia ECG using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interface System[Full-Text ] Dinesh Yadav, Deepak BhatnagarNow a day we have various types of intelligent computing tools such as artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy logic approaches are proving to be skillful when applied to a different kind of problems. This paper describes the application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model for classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. here we applied tool for detecting the two different type of abnormal ECG signal. Here the designed ANFIS model contained both approaches the neural network adaptive potential approach and the fuzzy logic qualitative approach.The Electrocardiogram (ECG) dynamic and nonlinear signal characteristic requires an accurate and precise detection and recognition system. This paper describes the detection of a MIT-BHI normal Artial Fibrillation ECG signal and MIT-BHI Malignant Ventricular ECG signal based on ANFIS approach. Some conclusions regarding the detection and classification of the abnormal ECG signals is obtained through analysis of the ANFIS. The proposed ANFIS modal gives the 100% accuracy for Artial Fibrillation ECG detection and 80% accuracy for Malignant Ventricular ECG detection. Classification accuracies and the results created by the ANFIS confirmed that the proposed ANFIS model is very efficient in classifying the normal and abnormal ECG signals.
Effect of Doping on Structural and Electrical Properties of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Thin Films for Gas Sensor[Full-Text ] Dr.Selma M.Hassan Al-JawadUndoped and nickel doped titanium oxide thin films were fabricated by spray pyrolysis by using a solution of titanium tetrachloride and ethyl alcohol. The films have been deposited on heated quartz and silicon substrates at 623 K. After annealing for 120 min at 823 K, the initially amorphous films became polycrystalline with a predominant anatase structure and average crystallite sizes depending on dopant (Ni) concentration. AFM results show that by the addition of the Ni to TiO2 thin films they become smooth. Electrical properties have been studied by means of electrical resistivity and Hall effect measurements. The experimental result shows that nickel doping of titanium oxide thin films improve the sensor element sensitivity to NH3 gas. The influence of variation of Ni concentration on NH3 sensitivity of thin film sensor elements was investigated in this work. It looks promising to use the inexpensive nickel-doped titanium oxed thin films obtained by spray pyrolysis in smart gas sensing devices that are able to recognize gas species in low concentration.
Nutrient and Anti-nutrient Phytochemicals in Ficus exasperata Vahl Leaves[Full-Text ] Muibat Olabisi Bello, Misbaudeen Abdul-Hammed, Precious OgunbekuFicus exasperata leaves were analyzed for the level of nutrient and anti- nutrients phytochemicals in an effort to determine their food benefits. Proximate analysis revealed that the leaves have 3.85 g/100g moisture, 12.19 g/100g ash, 4.25 g/100g crude fat, 6.91 g/100g crude protein, 17.24 g/100g crude fibre and 72.81 g/100g carbohydrate. The level of Ascorbic acid was 92.4 mg/100g. The mineral elements quantified by XRF were in the order potassium (3.36 g/100g) > calcium (1.13 g/100g) > titanium (0.03 g/100g) > manganese (220.31mg/kg) > iron (122.95 mg/kg) > copper (104.13 mg/kg). The levels of anti-nutrients (mg/100g) were tannin (122.95); saponin (44.50); alkaloid (48.80) and phytate (5.92). The leaves could contribute to nutrient needs of man and the domestication should be encouraged.
Reduction of Musical Noise by Weiner Post Processing Method[Full-Text ] S.Sulochana, S.Senthil Siva Manikandan.A stand-alone noise suppression algorithm is presented for reducing the spectral effects of acoustically added noise in speech. Traditionally de-noising techniques are powerful in terms of noise reduction, have the drawback of generating an annoying musical noise. This paper proposes the problem of enhancing speech in highly noisy environments using non-diagonal audio de-noising algorithm through adaptive time frequency block thresholding. A block thresholding procedure empirically chooses the block size and threshold level at each resolution level by minimizing the Stein’s unbiased risk estimate. Numerical experiments show that this adaptive estimator is robust to signal type variations and improves the SNR.
An Architecture for Metadata Extractor of Big Data in Cloud Systems[Full-Text ] Fathy E. Eassa, Hassanin Al-Barhamtoshy, Abdullah Almenbri, Osama H. Younis, Kamal JambiIn this research, we introduce an agent-based architecture for metadata extractor of big data, which is a part of a new framework for managing big data. In the architecture, many agents should be generated simultaneous to be migrated to existing big-data with different types: structured, semi-structured, and unstructured on the remote machines to collect the metadata and returned back to the user. The architecture includes the metadata storage that contains the metadata of existing big data: structured, semi-structured, and unstructured. These metadata describes the existing big data to be processed by software agents for knowledge discovery. The architecture consists of many mobile and stationary agents. The mobile agents migrate to remote machines that include big data to process and discover the required knowledge and return back to the main server. In the main server, the knowledge returned to the user by the interface agent. In this research, many techniques will be built for collecting metadata of different data such as natural language processing techniques, data mining technique, and lexical analysis technique, image processing technique, etc. The manager is built to manage big data on cloud distributed systems. In this paper, the technique of collecting metadata of tweets has been implemented and tested.
Instinctive Traffic Control and Vehicle Detection Techniques[Full-Text ] Deep Desai, Sunil SomaniTraffic congestion genuinely affects our living quality and environment in modern cities. Primary requirement is to increase the efficiency and capacity of the exiting traffic monitoring network due to continues expansion in traffic quantity and limited construction of new highways in rural and urban areas. Traffic congestion is a rising problem in major cities as it leads the fuel wastage in volume of billion gallons per year. In this paper, Concept of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is proposed and to solve Traffic problem different alternatives are explored as well as survey has been carried out in field of vehicle and traffic control system.
Optimal Load Frequency Control in a Single Area Power System Based Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ahmed Jasim SultanThis paper proposes a Real-valued genetic algorithm optimization technique (RGA) to tune the PID controller for load frequency control of single area power system. This work has a large importance due to the wide range of disturbance that may happen in the power system. The RGA is applied to tune the gains of a PID controller and minimizing the error through different performance criteria algorithms such as: Mean of the Square of the error (MSE), Integral of Time multiplied by Absolute Error (IAE), Integral of the Square of the error (ISE) and Integral of Time multiplied by Absolute error (ITAE). The RGA is applicable to power system with non-reheated and reheated turbines. The simulation results using MATLAB R20112a shows that the performance criteria algorithm (ITAE) provides the best convergence and response than the other performance criteria based on settling time and peak overshoot of frequency deviation signal.
Screening of Cleome viscosa (L.) for Dose Mortality, Insect Repellency, Cytotoxicity and Larvicidal Activities in the Laboratory Condition[Full-Text ] M.M. Islam, M.Z. Islam, M.P.E. Shaekh, P. Das, H.K. Chowdhury, S.M. Shahik, N.H. Muzahid, M.A. Khan, A.E. EkramThe Petroleum Ether (Pet.E), chloroform (CHClCO3) and Methanol (MeOH) extracts of Cleome viscosa (root, aerial part and fruit) have been thoroughly screened through residual film assay and repellent activity test against Tribolium castaneum adults; brine shrimp lethality test against A. salina nauplii; and larvicidal activity test against mosquito larvae were carried out as a supporting experiment to find bioactive potentials of the test plant. The residual film assay offered promising results with remarkable activity against the adult beetles of T. castaneum. A perusal of the data achieved in this experiment clearly showed the presence of insecticidal properties in C. viscosa (root, aerial part and fruit) extracts as well as traces of repellent potential. CHClCO3 and MeOH aerial extracts showed the highest and the second highest mortality (LD50 values were 0.170 and 0.248 mg/cm2 respectively) against the adult beetles of T. castaneum. But CHCl3 root extract was found to show no mortality against the adult beetles of T. castaneum. For the repellency test, the MeOH extract of C. viscosa aerial part showed the highest repellency between dose interval at 1% level of significance (P<0.01) against the adult beetles of T. castaneum. The Pet.E. extract of the aerial part and the CHClCO3 extract of the root showed repellency at 5% level of significance (P<0.05) while the other parts didn’t show significant repellent activity against the adult beetles of T. castaneum. The cytotoxic effect of C. viscosa extracts against the brine shrimp (A. salina) nauplii were found promising. The Pet.E. extract of the root and CHCl3 extract of the fruit showed the highest and the second highest toxicity (LC50 values were 21.905 and 26.675 ppm after 30h of exposures respectively) against the nauplii. The larvicidal effect of C. viscosa extracts against the mosquito larvae of Culex sp. were found promising. The CHCl3 extract of the fruit and the CHClCO3 extract of the root showed the highest and the second highest toxicity (LC50 values were 185.390 and 272.910 ppm after 30h of exposures respectively) against the larvae. A comprehensive phytochemical analyses of the test plants for its insecticidal, repellent, cytotoxic and larvicidal as well as the physiological studies of the active ingredients are very much to be solicited for their effective use in the future pest control and pharmaceutical endeavors.
Synthesis, Characterization and Dyeing Assessment of Novel Bisazo-Acid Dyes Derived from 2-hydroxy-4-Methoxybenzophenone-5-sulphonic acid[Full-Text ] Hitendra M. PatelNew bisazo-acid dyes were synthesised by the coupling of diazonium salt solution of different aromatic diamines with from 2-hydroxy-4-Methoxybenzophenone-5-sulphonic acid. The resulting bisazo-acid dyes were characterized by spectral techniques, i.e., elemental analysis, IR, ATS1H-NMR and UV– visible spectroscopy. The dyeing performance of all the bisazo-acid dyes was evaluated on wool and silk fabrics. Dyeing of wool and silk fabrics resulted in dark blue to red shades with very good depth and levelness. The dyed fabrics showed excellent to very good light, washing, perspiration, sublimation and rubbing fastness.
Apply MTS-MTO & Rule Base in Food Flow Processing System[Full-Text ] Ammar NoorwaliHigh competition in food forced companies to control their cost and that combine with reduce wastes and increase effciancy.The processing system of food considered as one of the most variable system because the nature of the product. The research can accomplish the goal by reduce variability in food processing system. Therefore, the research applied different steps. The steps include process map, identify different types of variability in food and in make to stock (MTS) and make to order (MTO), apply lean in food by categorize seven types of wastes in food, apply Taguchi orthogonal array, and implement Principle Competent Analysis for correlation between variables and factor to identify which variable has the most impact and from which factor the impact. This paper continues these steps as by highlighting MTS-MTO in food, existing variability measures. Minitab implemented to identify factors that affected with the highest variable. For process improvement rule base applied as an artificial intelligent tool for reduce effect of variability in the process.
Design and Analysis of Automatic Fuse Circuit Model Based on Simulation-II[Full-Text ] C.Maruthi Ratna KishoreIn this paper the author deals with the “Fuse construction” for the newly proposed Automatic Fuse Circuit (AFC). Also this paper examines clearly the process of construction of Automatic fuse, for high reliability, high accuracy and for effective working, since protection depends on the type of fuse construction.
Effect of Hole Dynamics on the Small Signal Cross Gain Modulation in Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers[Full-Text ] Hussein H. WaridThe hole dynamics in undoped quantum dots semiconductor optical amplifier (QD-SOA) is investigated using four-level rate equations model preserving charge neutrality. Simple analytical expression is derived which directly connects the cross gain modulation (XGM) response to the change of hole occupation. According to the initial conditions, the main XGM mechanism is the total carrier density depletion (TCDD). The calculated small-signal XGM response shows significant dependence on the hole occupation probability . The results indicate that for an undoped QD-SOA, the exact calculation of gain change due to hole effect leads to increase the 3-dB bandwidth of the small-signal XGM response of the SOAs.
Efficient Wireless Electric Power Transmission Using Magnetic Resonance Coupling[Full-Text ] Adil Salman, Ali Abbas, Javaria Maqbool, Dr. Kamran M. Liaqat BhattiThis paper presents how one can effectively transfer electric power wirelessly using magnetic resonance coupling, this paper also shows the results obtained from effective wireless electric power transmission, these results are obtained by transmitting magnetic waves at specific resonance frequency between two coils. This paper also provides some ways to improve wireless power transmission efficiency. In the end this paper gives a lot of practical applications where results of this project can efficiently use.
Impact of Capital Structure in Indian Industries[Full-Text ] Dr. Rohit R. ManjuleThis paper briefly tries to evaluate whether some a priori assumed macroeconomic determinants can be related to the leverage. For this purpose, an empirical study was undertaken on Indian industries covering 151 selected firms categorized 13 industrial sector. A major finding on the attribute of various explanatory variable used in the regression model is that the variables like liquidity and growth in terms of performance of the firm have significant influence on debt-equity ratio. In other words, sustainable growth along with credit worthiness of the firm influences debt-equity ratio i.e., degree of financial leverage. Further, the results from econometrical analysis reveal that determinants are industry specific, which implies that the weight of the explanatory variables varies from sector to sector.
Molarities effect on structural and optical properties of ZnO prepared by spray pyrolysis[Full-Text ] Atheer Ibraheem Abd AliIn these paper describes the ZnO thin film deposition by spray pyrolysis technique with different molarities ( 0.05 , 0.1 , 0.15 , and 0.2 ). The studies were focused on the effect of variation of aqueous solution molarity on physical of the ZnO thin films. Increasing of solution molarity caused the Decrease the smoothing and homogeneity of the films and shape factor , further it exhibits increase in intensity of the peak preferred orientation (002) plane ( from about 1700 to 4000 ) , integral breadth ( from 0.015 to 0.016 ) deg. Decreased transmission especially in the NIR region at 800 nm (from 90% to 55%) and band gap (from 3.12 to 3.02) eV. It is more suitable for acoustic applications, due to the scattering effect recorded.
Performance of RCC Box type Superstructure in Curved bridges[Full-Text ] MULESH K. PATHAKIn this paper, various behaviours like bending, shear, axial & torsion are presented for horizontally curved RCC box bridges considering 3-D FEM using SAP software. FEM models are prepared for four different span lengths keeping the same material properties with varying degree of curvature from 0° to 90° for different load conditions & combinations to get multiplication factor for various actions like BM, SF, AF & TM w.r.t to straight bridge to multiply the desired parameters of straight bridge to get that for curved bridge. This approach simplifies analysis & the preliminary design of curved bridge section.
Implication of Ranganathan’s 5th law to library and information profession in the 21st century[Full-Text ] Hassan Hadizatu. Assistant librarian, I.A.R library Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.The paper discussed on how the Ranganathan’s 5th law (library is a growing organism) influences the 21st century library and information profession in some areas. the paper examine the concept of 21 century library and information profession, laws of library science, element of Ranganathan’ law, Ranganathan’ 5th law, Ranganathan’s contribution to the profession, the state of 21st library and information profession, as well as the implication of the 5th law to library and information profession, also conclusion were drown on how the profession have respond to paradigm shift in which the library is indeed a growing mechanism.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Enterprises to Achieve Organizational Benefits[Full-Text ] Dr.Fareeha.Zafar, Mudassar FarooqIn this paper the implications of CSR and its linkages with SME sector have been discussed. Unlike large scale organizations, SMEs have many constraints e.g. financial limitations, less government support and lack of knowledge. So they are not much familiar with the concept of CSR and its advantages. This paper examines how SMEs can make their financial performance better by properly engaging in CSR practices. CSR helps the SMEs to achieve many organizational benefits like reputation, trust, motivation, attracting better employees, cost reduction and increased revenues etc. A conceptual framework has been drawn to clearly understand different organizational benefits. Various studies, articles and research papers have been discussed in order to draw the conclusion.
Microscopical and Chemical Study of Cannabis Sativa[Full-Text ] Ankit Srivastava, Vijay Kumar Yadav , Veer Raj Saini, Smita ChouhanNow a day’s cannabis is enormously using as for the drug abuse in India including other developing countries. The plant Cannabis Sativa is also known as marijuana, presents unique issues in our justice system, not the least of which is its identification both by law enforcement officers as well as Forensic Crime Laboratories. Present work is aimed for identification of that biological evidence of Cannabis plant, which can enhance the suitability of identification. Comprehensive studies of both chemical and morphological methods have led investigators to conclude that the two approaches are complementary[1]. In this morphological study was performed by using trinoccular biological research microscope while chemical study by colour/spot tests and Thin Layer Chromatography due to its ease of availability and handling. A combination of the two provides experienced analysts with a very reliable means for identifying Cannabis fragments. If any of the residue/fragments of Cannabis plant found at the crime scene, a Forensic Analyst (investigator) can adopt any of the identification technique as suitable as for their reliability [2]. Some of the researchers have been already qualified these types of techniques but present study included the anatomy of root, stem, with their visual feature followed by chemical & instrumental techniques which can provide accuracy of identification.
A DESIGN PROTOTYPIC SENSOR FOR PERCEPTUAL DISABILITIES[Full-Text ] S.R.AarthiAvanthigaEmbedded real time technology is widely used today in many safety-critical applications, researchers have only begun to explore its potential. Considering items such as ATM machine, washing machines and thermostats incorporate embedded processing capability, the number of such systems grown exponentially. However, unlike purely digital technologies, embedded systems are limited by more than our imagination. In this scenario, they’re also limited by the physical components used to perform its parameter up to the mark—considering their accuracy, size, weight, processing speed, and power requirements etc. Nevertheless, current trends favor the widespread deployment of embedded devices in the future. Humans basic requirement is cultivated eventually. For example Cell phones which permeate society, in processing and communication platform fast approaching ubiquity. And many different market sectors, which starts from game developers to the military application, with adequate motivation, create and refine new cognitive aspects, ensuring the availability of adequate R&D resources. One of the many areas in which embedded systems show great promise is gadget technologies, which address the special needs of those with impairments. Hence its necessary to built a grocery an embedded device. Prototypic sarcastic gadget which is a glove or hand shape material that can recognize basic hand gestures and convert them into speech using low-cost.
Analysis of nutritional value and mineral contents of three different parts of body of Cirrhinus reba[Full-Text ] Humaira Afroz, Mohajira BegumThe comparative analysis of the proximate compositions mineral contents of Cirrhinus reba were examined. The sample was collected from Chawlonbil, Rajshahi. Parameters of proximate composition analyzed were moisture, protein, fat, ash carbohydrate and energy.All experiments were carried in the laboratory. The proximate composition of head 13.89 % protein, 11.94 %fat, 4.36% ash, 65.97% moisture, 3.84 %Carbohydrate, 0.70 Mg, 0.85 Fe, 123.34 Ca, only flesh contain 16.70 % protein, 3.04 % fat, 0.89% ash, 77.37% moisture, 2.00 %Carbohydrate, 0.63Mg, 0.15 Fe, 22.28 Ca, and flesh with bone contain 19.89 % protein, 5.66 % fat, 3.60% ash, 71.76% moisture, 0 % (nil) Carbohydrate, 0.52 Mg, 3.09Fe, 126.83 Ca. Thus tatkini constitute a high source of protein and low fatty acid, as well as an ideal dietetic fish food for human consumption.
Instinctive Traffic Control and Vehicle Detection Techniques[Full-Text ] Deep Desai, Sunil SomaniTraffic congestion genuinely affects our living quality and environment in modern cities. Primary requirement is to increase the efficiency and capacity of the exiting traffic monitoring network due to continues expansion in traffic quantity and limited construction of new highways in rural and urban areas. Traffic congestion is a rising problem in major cities as it leads the fuel wastage in volume of billion gallons per year. In this paper, Concept of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is proposed and to solve Traffic problem different alternatives are explored as well as survey has been carried out in field of vehicle and traffic control system.
Determination of Serological Markers (Blood group markers) of Biological fluid (Semen) obtained from Crime Scene for Individualisation of the Donor(s)[Full-Text ] Ravindra Pal Verma, Ekta AryaSemen samples from 20 donors with unknown blood group and secretor status had been determined from saliva. ABO typing on the concentrated samples was successfully performed after 1 month of storage. Semen stained clothing samples are often submitted to forensic science laboratories for ABH blood group antigen determination. The serogenetic markers of semen stains submitted can be used to determine the origin of any of these samples. ABH blood group substances have previously been identified from urine and semen. ABH blood group substance is low in semen in comparison with other body fluids.
Cloud Computing use in E-banking[Full-Text ] Laxmi JoshiIn this paper, we examine how cloud computing is rapidly grows in government across the globe, from Europe to Asia to America. The concept of Cloud computing has spread rapidly through the e-banking. Cloud computing helping nations make great gains through addressing major healthcare, education, and other societal issues. Cloud computing is ex-pected to be one of the fastest-growing technologies in the coming years. Business applications will be the largest market for cloud services pending, with a gradual transition from on-premise to cloud-based services especially for general business applications like customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). Banks are expected to enter the cloud computing arena cautiously, with no single cloud services delivery model being a silver bullet for best meeting their demanding business needs. Cloud computing can offer financial institutions a number of advantages