Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 is in-process.
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A Comparative Study of Indigenous People between India and Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Swapan Kumar Saha, Suman Chowdhury, Mustafizur Rahman, Mohammad Mahbubur RahmanBangladesh is well acknowledged to the world for its widespread poverty, extensive inequality, and slow economic growth. The recent human development index revealed that Bangladesh having better position rationally to Indian’s HDI index e.g. GNP per capita, life expectancy rate, infant mortality, child death rate, adult literacy rate, higher education ratio. The study focuses on Santal, a tribal community in Bangladesh those have no existence in measuring HDI. The study attempts to include the tribes like Santal, Bede (Water Gisppy) and few others nagging communities data into the considerable evaluation process of HDI. The findings of the study revealed that in case of due consideration of those deprive communities into the HDI index, the index will decline.
Application of Evolutional Algorithms for Productivity Improvement and Reduction of Active Power Losses in Radial Distribution System[Full-Text ] Meysam soleymani, Sadegh soleymani, Mahdiyeh eslami, Hadi zayandehroodiPower losses in distribution system have become the most concerned issue in power losses analysis in any power system. In the effort of reducing power losses within distribution system, reactive power compensation has become increasingly important as it affects the operational, economical and quality of service for electric power systems. This paper presents a new method for determining capacitor placement in radial distribution systems. The capacitor placement problem consist of finding size & places to install capacitor bank in an electrical distribution network aiming to reduce losses and voltage profile Improvement due to the compensation of the reactive component of power flow. The capacitor placement is hard to solve in sense of global optimization due to the high non linear and mixed integer problem. To solve the problem efficiently, this paper by Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Colonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) that is one of the efficient optimization methods.
Genotoxicity prediction of common pesticides through QSAR based bioinformatics[Full-Text ] Shashi Aggrawal, Pragya ChaturvediPesticides are widely used in agricultural production to prevent or control pests, diseases, weeds, and other plant pathogens. In prediction of genotoxicity , the use of in silico prediction methods such as QSAR (Quantitative Structural Activity Relationship) model is required or encouraged in order to increase efficiency and minimize the reliance on animal testing .In present study prediction of 100 insecticides, 40 fungicides and 40 herbicides were done with the help of T.E.S.T.(Toxicity Estimation software Tool, 4.1 version). In our present study 20 insecticides ,8 fungicides and 7 herbicides were showing positive mutagenicity and that there are 4 insecticides whose experimental mutagenicity were positive and predicted mutagenicity negative. And other 3 insecticides were showing experimental value negative and predicted value positive.
A Practical Approach to Optimal Selection of Conductors Planning Radial Distribution Systems for Productivity Improvement[Full-Text ] Navid Taghizadegan, S. R. Mousavi Aghdam, Sakhavat Saghi, Davoud KarimzadehSelecting the optimum type and size of conductors for planning and optimization of distribution networks is an essential part of the design process. In this paper, a new and efficient algorithm to the optimal selection of conductors of feeder sections of radial distribution networks is proposed. In optimization procedure, cost of conducting material, cost of energy losses, bus voltage profile and current carrying capacity of conductors are considered. The availability of an adequate amount of electricity and its utilization is essential for the growth and development of the country. Development of distribution systems result in higher system losses and poor voltage regulation. This paper presents optimal branch conductor selection of radial distribution systems using intelligent methods for based of CSA and compared with algorithm PSO to minimize the overall cost of annual energy losses and unavailability of conductors in order to improve productivity. Simulations are carried out on 69-bus & 30-bus radial distribution networks optimization methods. Results obtained with the proposed approaches are compared.
An Adaptive Control for Autonomous Micro-Grid Using Swarm Intelligence Technique[Full-Text ] J.Eswari, Dr.S.JeyadeviThis paper aims at improving the quality of the power supply of the micro-grid where the DG units are connected as cluster of micro sources supplying loads. The micro-grid consists of two DG units connected in parallel to configure the grid. This work presents a controller for voltage-frequency regulation. The controller is designed with outer power loop and inner current loop. The proposed strategy for the regulation of voltage and frequency is implemented in two DG units when the micro-grid is islanded. Swarm intelligence technique is applied for the optimum control of micro-grid and to enhance the power quality by auto tuning of the controller.
Tuning error comparison analysis of two tunable edge-coupled Bandpass filters using different dielectric materials[Full-Text ] Poonam Shukla, Kanchan CecilIn wireless communication systems, bandpass filters play a very important role. Bandpass filters need to filter signals at transmission and recieption at a definite frequency with a specific bandwidth. Tunable bandpass filters are those in which we can vary it’s frequency of passband by adjusting its components. In this paper we present a comparison of tuning error of two edge-coupled microstripline bandpass filters using two different dielectric materials i.e. plastic & ceramic. The operating frequency of two filters is same as 1.5 GHz.
Study of heat and mass transport in a temperature dependent viscosity fluid layer under temperature modulation[Full-Text ] B.S. Bhadauria and Palle KiranIn this paper, we study the thermosolutal convection in a horizontal temperature dependant viscous fluid layer. The considered temperature profile consists of two parts: a steady part and a time-dependent periodic part that oscillates with time. A weak nonlinear stability analysis has been performed by using power series expansion in terms of the amplitude of temperature modulation, which is assumed to be small. The Nusselt and Sherwood numbers have been obtained in terms of the amplitude of convection which is governed by the non autonomous Ginzburg-Landau equation derived for the stationary mode of convection. Effects of various parameters such as frequency and amplitude of modulation, Prandtl number, diffusivity ratio and solute Rayleigh number, have been analyzed on heat and mass transfer. It is found that heat and mass transport can be controlled by suitably adjusting the external parameters of the system. It is also found that the thermo-rheological parameter is to destabilize the system.
INSILICO ANALYSIS OF ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE WITH MALATHION[Full-Text ] Gladies Kezia J., Aparna K., Nausheen Dawood., Dawood Sharief., Joyce Priyakumari.CIn the present study, the interaction between the amino acids of organophosphorus compound (Malathion) and the principal neurotransmitter acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were assessed through docking studies (i.e.,) with the help of bioinformatics online tool patchdock.
Survey on High Level Synthesis for Image Processing Applications[Full-Text ] J.Hemalatha, Dr M.JosephThe term High Level synthesis refers to the generation of register transfer level designs from the user defined behavioral specifications in an automatic manner. The main goal of the HLS is to generate a RTL level design that implements the speci?ed behavior while satisfying the design constraints and optimizing the given cost function. High level synthesis is used in image processing because of its vast advantages in the field of automatic electronic hardware design. The research in HLS on image processing leads to the development of a better image processing results automatically by configuring it with perfect parameters. So, by using HLS for image processing applications lead to new development in this area. Here, present a detailed survey about the recent developments in the HLS on image processing and discussed the recent techniques used in HLS for image processing applications. To locate the further improvement in using high level synthesis in the field of image processing the obstacles in the existing techniques are also discussed. Additionally, the discussion is given about their approaches so that the new development in high level synthesis for image processing is easier for the researchers. Finally, some of the research issue is also addressed to precede the further research on the same direction.
Nodally Integrated Finite Element Formulation for Mindlin-Reissner Plates[Full-Text ] D. A. Simoes and T. A. JadhavThis work describes a nodally integrated finite element formulation for plates under the Mindlin-Reissner theory. The formulation makes use of the weighted residual method and nodal integration to derive the assumed strain relations. An element formulation for four-node quadrilateral elements is implemented in the nonlinear finite element solver Abaqus using the UEL user element subroutine. Numerical tests are carried out on the new element and the results are presented.
ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT FOR FINGERPRINT IMAGE ENHANCEMENT USING WAVELET PROCESSING[Full-Text ] Nwabunwanne Solumtochukwu, Ogechukwu N. Iloanusi, Charles C. OsuagwuThis paper presents a technique for fingerprint image enhancement using wavelet processing. The algorithm developed uses Daubechies’ wavelets for decomposition as well as reconstruction of the fingerprint image. Experimental results indicate that this algorithm is quite effective, and performs quite competitively with existing methods.
Genetic Algorithm and its application to Big Data Analysis[Full-Text ] Munawar HasanIn this paper, I have described Genetic Algorithm for combinatorial data leading to establishment of mathematical modeling for Information Theory. The paper describes GA (Genetic Algorithm) in light of information theory and then derives Mathematical Framework covering but not limited to Big Data. This framework is a boon to any domain that has to harness data explosion like neurobiology, statistical inference, quantum computation, entropy management, encoding information theory (cryptography) etc. The efficiency calculated here describes incremental probabilistic approach to reach a solution which is highly stable, evolutionary and self adjusting henceforth invents a extremely new approach for computational analytics.
Modeling Of Travelling Salesman Routing Problems In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria A Dynamic Programming Approach: Part 1[Full-Text ] Nwaogbe Obioma, R, Ogwude C, Innocent and Galadima I.JThe main objectives of this study on Travelling Salesman Routing Problems are to find out how the salesman can minimize travel costs by choosing the right route and the shortest route to the zone or area where he or she is to sell. In this study dynamic programming is used in solving routing problem of a travelling salesman from Uyo to Uruk-Akpan in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, so as to find the optimal distance for the sales man’s trip and to minimize cost of transportation and other real life problems in the trip. From the study, the data was analyzed by using dynamic programming manually and Floyd’s shortest route algorithm of Tora software 2.00 versions for the analysis. From the analysis, it was observed that and the shortest route from town 1 (Uyo) to town 10 (Uruk Akpan) goes from town 1 (Uyo) to town 3 (Itam) to town 10 (Uruk-Akpan). Checking back to the calculations, we will see that the shortest route from town 3 (Uyo) to town 10 (Uruk-Akpan) is Translating the numerical labels into real towns, we realize that the shortest route from Uyo to Uruk-Akpan passes through Uyo, Itam, Ikot Ikpe, Ikot Ekpene and Uruk-Akpan, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria. Therefore the shortest route is from town 1 - 3 - 6 - 9 – 10, and has its length as
Improving the productivity of small and medium scale industries using linear programming model[Full-Text ] Ezeliora Chukwuemeka Daniel, Umeh Maryrose Ngozi, Mbeledeogu Njide N, Ezeokonkwo John UProductivity improvement in small and medium scale enterprise will develop both the economic condition and the industry on its side. During these research operation research techniques where employed to Golden plastic industry limited (GPIL) and a linear programming technique was used in maximizing profit. Productivity therefore improve by applying the linear programming instead of the normal trial and error been employed by the managers of the industry.
Modelling of Process Parameters on D2 Steel using Wire Electrical Discharge Machining with combined approach of RSM and ANN[Full-Text ] U.K.Vates, N.K.Singh, R.V.SinghAimed to investigate the experimental process and surface roughness optimization of cold working, high carbon high chromium hardened die (D2) steel during Wire Electrical Discharge Machining processes. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approaches have been applied to investigate the effect of six independent input parameter namely gap voltage (Vg), flush rate (Fr), Pulse on time (Ton), pulse off time (Toff), wire feed (Wf) and wire tension (Wt) over CLA value of surface roughness (Ra) and material removal rate (MRR). A fractional factorial Design of Experiment of two level were employed to conducted the experiment on D2 die steel with chromium coated copper alloy wire electrode . The responses, CLA values of SR and MRR were observed by combined approach of training, validation and testing programme in MATLAB 2010a and mathematical modelling using RSM on experimental data respectively. Significance coefficients were observed by performing analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 95% confidence level. Prediction against second order RSM mathematical modelling technique is the best performing to MRR and ANN Modelling has most significant for surface roughness by conducting only very less experimentation.
Number Plate Recognition using Improved Segmentation[Full-Text ] ASHWINI DAMA, GUIDED BYAutomatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a real time embedded system. It is an active area of research. Now a day the requirement of ANPR system is increased due to different formats of number plates. In this paper Indian vehicle number plate recognition system is proposed. The proposed algorithm uses region props function in Mat lab for localization and segmentation of number plates. By using only captured images this system is used in car parking, in car theft issues and many more.
OPTIMIZATION AND DESIGNING OF PID, FUZZY & PID-FUZZY CONTROLLER[Full-Text ] RITU SHAKYA, KRITIKA RAJANWAL, SANSKRITI PATEL, RAKESH KUMAR MAURYAMeasuring the flow of liquid is a critical need in many industrial plants. The aim of this paper is to do the comparative study of conventional PID, fuzzy logic controller and PID-Fuzzy controller in the area of liquid flow control. In this paper, performance analysis of conventional PID, fuzzy logic and PID-Fuzzy has been done by the use of MATLAB and simulink and in the end comparison of various time domain parameter is done to prove that the PID-Fuzzy logic controller has small overshoot and fast response as compared to PID controller. PID controller is the most widely used control strategy in industry. The popularity of PID controller can be attributed partly to their robust performance and partly to their functional simplicity. In this paper, the response of the PID and PD controller is oscillatory which damage the system. But the response of the fuzzy logic controller AND PID-Fuzzy is free from these dangerous oscillation in transient period. Hence the Fuzzy logic and PID-Fuzzy logic controller is better than the conventionally used PID controller.
A Comparative Study of Photo-oxidation on mesoporous vanadium–titanium oxide catalysts with the application of ethanol[Full-Text ] Ar p a na Swa r a jPhoto-oxidation with the application of ethanol was investigated over mesoporous, amorphous V + TiO2 and V + TiO2(anatase) catalysts. Mesoporous V + TiO2 generally exhibited faster photo-oxidation rates than V + TiO2(anatase) catalysts did Under the UV + visible light,. VIV doping directed preferable formation of acetic acid rather than predominant acetaldehyde formation. Under the visible light only, mesoporous VIV–TiO2 catalyst exhibited best reactivity among all V + TiO2 catalysts. Ethanol dehydration reaction was preferred. Initial quicker water evolution may suggest greater oxidation capability compared to V + TiO2(anatase) catalysts.A comparative studies of the reaction done in the past is revived and comparative consequences are discussed in this work.
Study of Power and Field Distributions in Induction Heating system by Finite element method[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr.Ali K.Al – Shaikhli, J.A Al – Aboudi , Rana Ali, Abdullah sahibTo solve the electromagnetic problems of induction heating, there are two main types of solutions. Analytical solution which is limited to one dimensional problems of axially symmetric shapes, and numerical methods which are associated with the advent of digital computers and they can be developed in two dimensions. The finite element method FEM is one numerical methods to give an accurate solution to the given problem.
THD and Switching losses Analysis Of Multi-Level Inverter Fed 3-F Induction Motor Drive[Full-Text ] B. Lakshmana Nayak, G. VenkataratnamMultilevel inverters are emerging as a viable alternative for high power, medium voltage applications. This paper compares total harmonic distortion and switching losses in conventional two-level inverters with multilevel inverters (three-level and five-level) at different switching frequencies. An optimized switching frequency has been obtained for a lower level of total harmonic distortion and switching losses.
Chick-fil-A's Simulation[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammad AbouhneidiThe company started in 1946 at Hapeville, Georgia. Credited with inventing Chick-fil-A's boneless breast chicken sandwich. In the 1960s, Chick-fil-A pioneered the establishment of restaurants in shopping malls with the opening of the first Chick-fil-A Restaurant at a mall in suburban Atlanta in 1967. Since then, Chick-fil-A has steadily grown to become the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the United States, with over 1,700 locations in 39 states and Washington, D.C. In 2012, annual sales were over $4.6 billion. Chick-fil-A is still privately held and family owned.