Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021
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THE EFFECTS OF LEADERSHIP STYLE, WORK CULTURE AND WORK ETHIC ON PERFORMANCE OF THE EMPLOYEES[Full-Text ] Safitra, Abd. Azis Muthalib, NasrulThis research aims to test and analyze ; 1) the effects of leadership style, work culture and work ethic on employee performance; 2) the effects of leadership style on employee performance; 3) the effects of work culture on employee performance; and 4) the effects of work ethic on the performance of the employees in the Community and Village Empowerment Office (BPMD) Konawe Island Regency.
Hot Spring Derived Bacterial Hydrolytic Thermozymes for Biotechnological Application[Full-Text ] Abduselam Birhanu, Adamu Alemayehu, Amero Ali, Daniel Tesfaye, Sali Farid, Muluken Kebede, and Chandran MasiBacterial thermozymes based on hot spring research, with a wide range of applications across different industrial, biomedical and agricultural sectors, have grown tremendously in the last few years. However, there are few reports in this field concerning the Ethiopian context, although the country abounds in hot springs. The aim of this project is to assess the potential for isolation, screening and characterization of prospective thermophilic bacteria from local hot springs in the Koye Gore farmland of Addis Ababa City for the production of thermo tolerant hydrolytic enzymes such as amylase and protease.
TREND OF SORGHUM PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA: IMPLICATION ON AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT (1981-2018)[Full-Text ] Abah, D, Emmanuel, G and Ochoche, O.CThe study assessed the trend of sorghum production in Nigeria and it’s implication on agricultural output (1981-2018). Time series data obtained from archives of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for a period of (37) years were used in the study. The data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, maximum and minimum with graphs, trend models and vector error correction model [VECM].
VOICE BASED E-MAIL FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED[Full-Text ] Mani Johari, Megha Tyagi, Anusha TanveerWe have seen that the advent of the Internet is drastically changing many sectors. The Internet has made it much easier for people today to get whatever information they need from their homes. One of the major fields is the Internet that has made changes in communication. And when it comes to Internet communication, the first thing that comes to our mind is E-mail. Emails are considered to be the most reliable means of communication via the Internet, sending or receiving certain important information. But there is a special process for people to access the Internet and the way you should be able to see it. You should be wondering what kind of procedure this is, everyone with eyes can see.
Critical Review on Multi-Crops Leaves Disease Detection using Artificial Intelligence Methods[Full-Text ] Kinza Amjad, Dr. Hamid GhousNowaday’s, plant diseases cause foremost losses in terms of quality, production economy, and production in agriculture field. Approximately, 70% of the world economy is dependent on agriculture; there is a need to overcome the loss suffered by crop diseases. There is a need to monitor the plants from initial level to overcome multiple diseases. A lot of researchers used different types of traditional approaches for multi-crop leaves disease detection, which are more complex and time taking.
Scientific Investigation of the diversified Impacts and Effects of Corruption on Organizational Learning: An HR Perspective[Full-Text ] Imran Khalid Aarbi, Khawaja Asif Mushtaq, Ahmed Abdul HameedWorks on corruption are found with different names such as; evil doings, workplace deviance, employee theft, unethical decision making but these practices are discussed as separate subjects. Literature shows that the lack of or absence of accountability is among core reasons of corruption in organizations. It has also been observed that corruption exists in different forms and at different levels in organizations.
A Performance Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease using Machine Learning Approaches[Full-Text ] Maria Sultana Keya, Minhaz Uddin Emon, Faridul Islam Suny, Himu Akter, Sabiha Jannat Anni, Raihana Zannat and OhidujjamanCardiovascular disorder (CVD) is a generic term for complications that influence the heart and the blood vessels. Cardiovascular disorder is more prevalent in people over the age of 50, and the chance of having it grows as you reach adulthood. Timely identification of various potential problems of injury can decrease the disease.
Effects Employee Empowerement, Work Motivation And Organizational Changes On Employee Performance In The Scope Of Government Of Bombana Regency[Full-Text ] Johan Salim, Abd. Aziz Muthalib, Abdul RazakThis research aims to determine and analyze the effects of employee empowerment, work motivation and organizational changes on employee performance in the scope of the government of Bombana Regency. The research samples were 97 employees. This research used multiple linear regression analysis.
Determinants of Non – Performing Loans for MSMEs Financing at Regional Development Banks in Indonesia (Case Study: Bank DKI Jakarta)[Full-Text ] Aristo Purboadji, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Hermanto Siregar, Roy SembelThis study aims to analyze the determinants that affect the Non-Performing Loan (NPL) of MSMEs financing which is divided into 11 sectors in DKI Jakarta Bank for the period January 2014 and December 2018. The data used is panel data with a fixed effect regression model.
Assessment of Disaster Risk Management in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal[Full-Text ] Er. Prakash Gyawali, Prof. Narbikram ThapaThe study on "assessment of Disaster Risk Management in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal" aims to assess the disaster risk management in Kathmandu Metropolitan City. The Participatory approach and methods like structured questionnaire, key informants interview and focus group discussion has been adopted to collect the information from the field. The majority of the local people reported that the disaster risk management of Kathmandu Metropolitan City have found not satisfactory.
An integrated image processing approach to alteration mapping for possible mineralisation in parts of North Central Nigeria using ASTER multispectral data[Full-Text ] D.O. Nnebedum, I.A Oha, I.A. OkonkwoThe Keffi area in northcentral Nigeria is characterised by a prominent pegmatitic belt that is closely associated with Pan-African granites. Some of these pegmatites are mineralised and are known to host tin-niobium-tantalum metals and gemstones. The mineralisation is closely associated with ferric-silica-kaolinite type alteration patterns that have been mapped mainly using ge-ochemical tools.
Academic Monitoring and Evaluation System of the Undergraduate Students at a Government College of Bangladesh: Problems and Remedies[Full-Text ] Sree Bidhan Chakraborty, Dr. Md. Didar ChowdhuryThe study investigated Academic Monitoring and Evaluation (AME) System of the Undergraduate Students at Govt. Teachers’ Training College of Bangladesh. The study was undertaken to find out the problems and remedies of AME System of the undergraduate students who are studying at the investigated institution. Study, based on secondary information, comprises with a factual analysis why the current AME structure, applied for the undergraduate students need refurbishment and thus provide applicable recommendations hereafter.
Gender Sexuality and crime: A Twenty-First Century Trend in India[Full-Text ] Rahul TanejaThe topic researched in this paper is “Gender sexuality and crime” which is one of the main topics of discourse in the global circles, with the identification of rights of different genders, the debate upon this topic is only aggravated with different people from different genders and distinct backgrounds commenting their views and experiences.
Powder Factor Selection for Comminution Circuit Performance Improvement at AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Limited[Full-Text ] P. Eme, S. Al-Hassan and R. K. AmankwahThe Powder Factor utilised during blasting is known to influence the comminution properties and downstream metal recovery processes. Improper selection of Powder Factor values may generate blast products that consist of boulders and require secondary handling which comes with an extra cost.
The Effects Of Work Life Quality, Work Motivation And Organizational Commitment On Employee Performance In Population And Cilvil Registration Agency Southeast Sulawesi Province[Full-Text ] Yunitah Lailiyah, Ibnu Hajar, David C.E. LisapalyThis research aims to determine and analyze the effects of work life quality, work motivation and organizational commitment on the employee performance in Population and Civil Registration Agency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. These research samples were all employees in Population and Civil Registration Agency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, namely there were 47 people. This research used multiple linear regression analysis.
VENTRAL HERNIA RECURRENCE[Full-Text ] Astrit Xhemali, Eriol BraholliBackground: Ventral hernias are one of the most common problems confronting general surgeons. The rate of ventral incisional hernia in the long term after laparotomy has been reported to be as high as 20% to 25%. Multiple studies have suggested that laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias carries a lower recurrence rate and shorter hospital stay with quicker recovery.
Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Based Hand Sanitizer From Crab Shell Waste[Full-Text ] Deni Fajar Fitriyana, Rifky Ismail, Ilham Fajar Bagaskara, Murti Ayu Nur Safitri, Putut Yoga Pradiptya, Andri SetiyawanWashing hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds is the most effective way to prevent the development of bacteria, germs, and viruses, including the Covid-19 virus. However, with such a busy life, time for washing hands becomes a problem. Hand sanitizer comes as a solution to this problem.
Comparison of Edge Detection Techniques in context of Area calculation of Turmeric rhizomes for Grading[Full-Text ] Manjula R Chougala, Ramachandra A CEdge detection is an important approach in Segmentation of Digital Image Processing (DIP) and Computer Vision. Edge can be a border between the blocks or a boundary between the regions with relatively different Gray levels. Turmeric is a most well-known, widely researched rhizomatous herb cultivated in most of states in India. It is mainly used in medicines, culinary, cosmetics etc. Grading plays an important role in turmeric marketing.
Software Testing Key Issues in Quality Assurance and its Advancement[Full-Text ] Hafiz Hamza Saadat, Syed Ahsan Raza Shah, Saleem Zubair AhmadSoftware quality assurance confirms the commitment that completed projects will depend on the particularities, rules and functions recently stated. It is necessary without any mistakes and defects. Observe and try to advance the cycle of improvement from beginning of running process. Software Q&A (Quality and Assurance) is union of the whole measure and journey of software improvement which contains software configuration, source code control, coding, code inspection, board rotation, directory configuration and directory change. In a given article, we will highlight the answers to the vital issues occurred in software testing associated with quality.
A Reseach study on importance of Testing and Quality Assurance in Softwate Development life cycle (SDLC) Models[Full-Text ] Muhammad Junaid, Saleem Zubair Ahmed nearly all of the software development metrics that are in use today focus on later stages, such as development and testing. However, initial bug detection throughout the SDLC (software development lifecycle) can greatly affect collaboration efficiency, spending less time fixing bugs later and more time preventing them. Additionally, subsequent rework increases the cost of quality and wastes addi-tional time on the development team.
Artificial Intelligence Intuition Techniques[Full-Text ] Shruthi MGArtificial Intelligence is incorporating human intelligence in machines. The machine operated robot performs the tasks that is instructed by the human beings. There are huge data operated applications which processes based on the criteria. Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to draw a meaningful word, sentence or paragraph from the data provided which in turn act as human characteristics.
Delineation of Groundwater Potential zone using Frequency Ratio method and GIS[Full-Text ] Geeja K. George, V. Subha, K.U. Abdurahiman. Groundwater is one of the most vital natural resources that vary spatially in quality and quantity. Groundwater potential map-ping and its sustainable development are an important aspect for areas such as Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Research Station (AMPRS), Odakkali that faces an inadequacy in water resources for various research activities.
Cost effective Local Computer Network at a Cotton Ginning Factory[Full-Text ] Shakhlo Gafurova, Khushnoza TursunkhodjaevaThe aim of the project is to select technology, topology and network equipment for building a local network. This local network is a means for organizing the effective functioning of the enterprise for the primary processing of raw cotton. This local network is being designed to create a database for the primary processing of raw cotton and, based on these data, manage each process in different shops of the plant and quickly transfer data from each shop to another shop for efficient cotton processing.
Impact on consumer psychology towards Shopping Behavior during COVID-19 pandemic[Full-Text ] AKM Kamrul HaqueMuch has been talked about around the alternative of buying items among the distinctive segments of the supply chain during the global pandemic. However, consumers are learning to contrive and learn modern propensities due to lockdown and social separating mandates. I focus on explaining the adjustment of modern structure of consumer behavior during post pandemic. I collect and analyze the interviews from twelve respondents from the different segments (consumer and retailer) in northern part of Dhaka.
Sequestration and Storage Capacity of Carbon in the Mangrove Vegetation of Sundarban Forest, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Anupa Datta, Towhida Rashid, Mithun Kumar BiswasIn this study, the sequestration and storage capacity of carbon were quantified in canopy trees of Sundarbans - Sundari, Gewa, Baen, Keora, Golpata and Tiger fern- represent the largest part of the whole forest. Different parts of the trees such as branch, leaf, skin and wood were collected to measure carbon in the study area. They have also been selected according to their DBH≥ 10cm. The capacity of sequestration of C fluctuates in different components of a single species. C capture in Gewa, branches having diameter less than 5 cm, was 41.48% and for Sundari it was 41.3 %.
The role of incentive in increasing employee’s efficiency in Bayero University Kano[Full-Text ] Shehu, AliThis study investigated the role of Incentives in increasing employees’ efficiency in Bayero University Kano. This study adopted the survey research design. A total of 80 respondents were selected for the study using non-probability sampling method to select the samples. Questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. Hypotheses were tested using regression analysis.
Critical Analysis of software testing techniques and automation testing tools[Full-Text ] Hafsa Riasat , Zaeem Nazir ,Saleem ZubairIn the software testing process software or application is examined to get deficiency-free software. Software testing helps to understand the quality of the available software. In the testing process, automated testing has great significance. The use of automation tools while software testing reduces the number of workers and there are fewer chances of faults to overlook by the testers eye.
A systematic approach for software quality assurance using agile methodology[Full-Text ] Omer Iqbal, Tayyeba Iftikhar, Sale em Zubair AhmedAgile methodology is a technique that promotes continuous iteration process of development and testing throughout the software development lifecycle of an undergoing project scenario. Agile Methods are mostly well reputed to have built-in quality management assurance system, however in some stages there are still challenges seen in the real life scenarios within the software organizations that are transitioning from typical methods to agile development methods.
Analysis of Key Factors Contributing Towards Valuation of Pre-Revenue Start-ups by Means of the Berkus Method[Full-Text ] Abhinav Mahajan, Sharu Nallari, Harshita VyasThe valuation of pre-revenue Start-ups is a complex process. There are several methods startup can employ to arrive at a fair value. Irrespec-tive of which method startup decides upon, it is highly subjective as it is based on personal judgment/assumption. This research paper is an attempt to provide certain sub-parameters that can be used under the Berkus method for the valuation of a pre-revenue startup. The Sub- parameters are not exhaustive but can be a point of reference while making adjustments according to the nature of the Industry/market.
Attitudes and Perception of Residents Towards Sustainable Housing Provision in Greater Port Harcourt City[Full-Text ] Enwin Anthony Dornubari, Visigah Kpobari PeterAdequate housing has been a widely discussed theme in the countries of the Global South especially as it related to catering for the no-income, low-income and lower middle-income inhabitants of cities. Consequently, because urbanization in Nigeria is growing at a rate that most cities are unable to cope with, the government alone is unable to address the challenge of housing for the above category of citizens. This is due to diverse financial and regulatory constraints, and also because the private sector's contribution is rare and assists only middle-income households who can afford the services.
The Trajectory towards Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Environment[Full-Text ] Sobechukwu N. NwachukwuThe concept of Sustainable Development (SD) was first introduced to the global community at the UNCHE (United Nations Conference on Human Environment) where it was established that the concepts of environment and development could be managed in a mutually efficient way.