Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2021
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The Means and Methods of War[Full-Text ] Danial SaeedThe Joint Doctrine and Concepts Center (JDCC) is in charge of distributed Joint Warfare Publications (JWPs) and keeping up a chain of importance of such productions. At the start of any thought of the law of furnished clash, it must be underlined that the privilege of the gatherings to the contention to pick techniques on the other hand method for fighting is not boundless.
ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF EXTENDED SPECTRUM BETA LACTAMASE PRODUCING Escherichia coli OF POULTRY ORIGIN[Full-Text ] M. I. Mbah and C. O. AnyameneThreat to life caused by antibiotic resistance bacteria led to this study on the antimicrobial susceptibility of extended spectrum beta lactamase(ESBL) producing Escherichia coli of poultry origin.
THE INFLUENCE OF SAMPLE SIZE ON URBAN PARCEL-BASED FEATURE EXTRACTION[Full-Text ] Muhammad Bala A.; Adepoju Matthew O.; Aliyu Mustapha.; Ihenacho Nnaemeka M.; Imhanfidon Justin O.; Odiji CalebSample size plays a pivotal role on the accuracy of results obtained in remote sensing image classification. The aim of this research is to assess the influence of sample size on urban parcel-based information extraction using Sentinel-2 satellite image. The selection of training sample sizes of 30, and 60 for each land cover class were analyzed on Support Vector Machine(SVM) Classifiers for user and producer accuracy for each category as well as overall accuracy.
Dependency Theory: A Case of Nigerian – Chinese Business Relationship[Full-Text ] Asikhia Olalekan U & Iwala, Andrew TIn spite of the functional relationship between Nigeria and China, the benefits from the socio-economic interaction between the two countries have been subjected to diverse opinions by scholars and analysts, with concerns raised specifically over the seemingly lop-sidedness of the business in favour the Asian country. It is against this backdrop that this study did a case study of the business relationship between Nigeria and China in the context of the dependency theory. The study carried out secondary data analysis from data sourced historical and work done by previous writers.
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and Bridging Users Information Needs’ Gap[Full-Text ] Ahannaya, C. G., Adeyemi, S.S., & Osianor, E.In the past decade the rise in the use of conceptual framework for financial reporting in many countries around the world has moved the wave towards developing countries considering how it can bridge users’ information needs’ gap and expectation gap. Factually, almost all investors presently use financial reporting across the globe. Out of this numerous users of financial report, almost all wants to know how can the conceptual framework for financial reporting help improve users of financial statement.
Microbial Peroxidases and their applications[Full-Text ] Divya Ghosh, Saba Khan, Dr. Sharadamma N.Peroxidases are oxidoreductases that can convert many compounds into their oxidized form by a free radical mechanism. This peroxidase enzyme is produced by microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Peroxidase family includes many members in it, one such member is lignin peroxidase. Lignin peroxidase has the potential to degrade the lignin by oxidizing phenolic structures in it. The microbes that have shown efficient production of peroxidase are Bacillus sp., Providencia sp., Streptomyces, Pseudomonas sp. These microorganisms were optimized to produce peroxidase efficiently.
El lenguaje del cáncer como secuencias celulares de números primos (traducción al español)[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezEl propósito de este artículo es proponer un nuevo concepto para la investigación de las células cancerosas dentro de un grupo de células. Básicamente, la idea es que el cáncer funciona con un lenguaje basado en los números primos. Para hacer posible la concepción de esta idea, presentamos una afirmación paradójica y a partir de ahí, se llevan a cabo algunas derivaciones teóricas, basándose en lo mencionado con anterioridad.
Synthesis and Comparative Studies of Antimicrobial behavior of Ni(?) and Cu(?) novel chelates with novel mixed ligands (azo anils and 8-hydroxyquinoline)[Full-Text ] Shumail Nadeem, Dr.Syeda Rubina GillaniThe work presented in this thesis concerns the synthesis of chelate metal complexes by the chelation of mixed ligand agents (Azo Anil derivative and 8-Hydroxyquinoline) with the transitions metals Ni (??) and Cu (??).The antimicrobial evaluation of the chelate complexes is also included in this work. Azo anils were prepared and along with 8-hydroxyquinoline were coordinated with Ni (??) and Cu (??).
Designing prosthetic architecture[Full-Text ] Anosh Nadeem ButtThe paper aims to explore and understand the ideas that contribute to the design of prosthetic architecture. The objectives to achieve the aim were: (1) to investigate ‘‘prosthetic building design’’ through previously published research, and (2) to design prosthetic architecture in an academic environment. The research opted for a systematic literature review assessing all accessible research related to prosthetic building design
Blue Economy: A New Future For Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Rashadul Islam RomanThis paper draws attention to the prospects of a sea-based economy to promote Bangladesh in a middle-income country, achieve vision 21, and go further by avoiding possible Dutch Diseases through the sustainable use of marine resources. Bangladesh is now the second apparel Exporter in the world after China. RMG contributes 80 percent in total Export IN Bangladesh. The Economy would be vulnerable to any sudden external shock. If the price of Apparel drops then total Export will fall because of dependency on only the Garments Sectors.
The effect of information technology on knowledge management maturity - An exploratory study on a sample of upper and middle departments at Dhi Qar University[Full-Text ] Dr. Firas Adnan Abbas, Mohammed Koshesh MahdyThe current research aims to demonstrate the effect of information technology in its dimensions (artificial intelligence, interactivity and connectivity) on the maturity of knowledge management in its dimensions (individuals, processes, and skill), as the use of advanced technology called in our present time (the fourth industrial revolution) leads to new knowledge of existing technology or the invention of technology
WAYS TO IMPROVE HOTEL MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Ergashev Tokhir Kurbanovich, Berdiev Jasur KuldashevichThe number of hotels is growing at a very fast pace every year, which, accordingly, creates tough competition on the market. And this, in turn, sets new requirements for hotels to improve and introduce new approaches to doing business. There is a need to quickly reorient ourselves, respond to changing consumer sentiments and priorities. In this article has been researched ways to improve hotel management.
The Application of GIS Model as a Location Selector for Biomass Gasification Plants in Bogoro Local Government Area, Bauchi, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Kyauta E. E. Adisa A. B. Dandakouta H. Ejilah R. I. and Ibrahim E. SThe demand for energy especially in small scale applications is increasing on a daily basis on a global scale. The major quantum of energy demand is met through fossil fuels, but the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the burning of fossil fuel has been of major global environmental concern. Thus, significant demand for future energy has to come from renewable energy sources to meet the projected demand and to halt GHGs emissions to an acceptable level. Globally, crop residue biomass has been acknowledged as a veritable alternative energy source due to its renewability minimal cost implications, availability and carbon neutrality.
A DETAILED STUDY TO MEASURE MOTIVATION LEVEL AND WORKING STRESS OF EMPLOYEES : A CASE STUDY OF HMT MACHINE TOOLS LIMITED[Full-Text ] Kailash Chandra Saraswat, Hiralal Bhattacharjee and Dr. Ritika MoolchandaniThis study is aimed to investigate the motivational level of the employees working in HMT Machine Tools Limited and the factors leading to the working stress amongst them. The world of business has become very competitive and hence it has become essential to look after the human resources as one of the valuable assets for any organisation. So, the motivational level of employees has a great leverage for the growth of any organisation.
Comparison of Traditional and Evolutionary Tuning Techniques for a Didactic Magnetic Levitation System[Full-Text ] Shradha Kishore, D.K. ChaturvediThis paper presents a comparative analysis of the traditional Pole Placement (PP) Technique and the evolutionary Genetic Algorithm (GA) Technique for minimization of the error to be used as a teaching aid for undergraduate studies to demonstrate the differences in both the methodologies. Pole placement technique incorporates system model which helps in obtaining system specific closed loop response.
Design Control Systems for Buck-Boost and Cuk Converters for Solar Power Applications[Full-Text ] Mohamed Magdy, Abdelrahman Hamouda, Sahar S. Kaddah, and Basem M. BadrInterests in solar power as a cheap and clean source of electrical power is increasing these days. A lot of research is released in the field of extracting electrical power efficiently from solar power using photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. In this paper, two different power converters are proposed to produce output voltage (24 V) for various loads (electronic circuits, charging, etc.).
Accreditation of Test & Calibration Laboratories � Insight[Full-Text ] Measurements are critical for the existence of life and Measurement Correctness or traceability is assured by calibration. Data without measurement Uncertainty is incomplete. Visualizing this, the world community has formed organizations as IAF, ILAC, and ISO as to support the objectives.
Dynamics of Land Use /Land Cover changes and Its Impact on Land Surface Temperature in The Keleghai River Basin, West Bengal, India:A Remote Sensing Approaches[Full-Text ] Mr. Goutam Kumar DasLand surface temperature is an important factor to play and change that estimate radiation budget and control the heat balance at the earth�s surface. Rapid population growth and changing the existing patterns of Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) globally, which is consequently increasing the land surface temperature (LST).
Classification of Speech Signal using Phase Space Analysis � A case study in Bangla[Full-Text ] Arup Saha, Bhaskar Gupta, Asoke Kumar DattaThe main objective of this paper is to classify the speech signal into its basic components viz. quasi-periodic, quasi-random, and quiescent using a time-domain based state phase analysis algorithm. The uniqueness of the phase space algorithm is the conversion of a single dimension speech signal into the two-dimension array for the construction of the phase plot. These phase plots are later on used for the building of a deviation graph from where four classification parameters have been derived.
Performance evaluation of a Porridge (Hammer) Mill[Full-Text ] Er. Medha VyasRapid growth in the human population not necessitates enhancing production but also requires proper storage of surplus. Proper food storage is of paramount importance in the present scenario of increasing incidences of localized food shortage. Besides this nutritious mixed porridge is a resource of protein, fiber, and highly energetic food product consume and liked by everyone whether a child and old age person who require more protein and energy.
PERSPECTIVES OF ASSETS DEVELOPING OF COMMERCIAL BANKS[Full-Text ] Khasanboy RakhmatovIn this article investigated perspectives of assets developing of commercial banks and mechanisms of implementation of foreign practices in the formation of a portfolio of bank assets in national banks, areas for improving the concept of building a healthy banking portfolio in the national economy, prospects for developing risk-based control over asset efficiency in commercial banks.
PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE[Full-Text ] Ulugbek AripovConceptual approaches to e-commerce management in the context of digitalization of the economy have been developed and the problems of improving management efficiency have been studied. The directions of improving the regulatory framework for conducting and regulating e-commerce in the Republic of Uzbekistan have been identified.
Raid Storage Dynamic Tendency of its Levels & Types: A Survey Study[Full-Text ] Tahreem Fatima, Muhammad IqbalRaid storage is a data storage visualization technology for storing more data than common hard drives; for data redundancy, performance enhancement, or both, it integrates several physical disk drive components into one or more logical drives. In comparison to earlier idea of reliable mainframe disk drives, this was called "Single Large Expensive Disk" (SLED).
Statistical Modelling of Annual Maximum Rainfall for Sokoto Basin using Extreme Value Theory[Full-Text ] Popoola, A.M., Adegbola, A.A., Olaniyan, O.S. & Ayinde, R.B.Water is one of the most important natural resources with diverse uses in agricultural, domestic and industrial sectors. Rainfall should be monitored overtime as significant changes in its intensity may lead to flood or drought. Extreme value theory gives us a statistical approach for the occurrences and the magnitude of these extreme cases that are beyond the scope of available data. In this study, statistical modelling of annual maximum rainfall in Sokoto Basin was done to predict extreme annual maximum rainfall trends and compute the return period.
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Expert Systems for Malaria Parasite Classification and Severity Level Prediction[Full-Text ] Adeyinka .O. Abiodun, Olatubosun Olabode, Sunmola Fatai, Emuoyibofarhe Ozichi JusticeMalaria is a serious global health problem and it requires fast and effective diagnosis and classification of the type of infection. The Current malaria diagnosis relies primarily on microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood films. One major challenge of this method is that, it requires vigorously trained technicians to efficiently detect and classify the malaria parasite species and also predict its severity levels of mild, moderate and severe.
Personality and Political Disengagement of University Students[Full-Text ] Najnin Sarker, Md. Alamgir Hossain, M.M. MoniruzzamanThe present study was designed to investigate the relationship between political disengagement and personality traits of the students. Another goal of the study is to determine the significant differences between political disengagement and personality traits in terms of gender, nature of residence, faculty, study year and socio-economic status. To conduct this study, data were collected from 200 undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Chittagong. Two questionnaires were used to collect information from the participants.
Continuity of System Processing after Disasters[Full-Text ] Usman Waheed, Mobeen Nazar, Mahawish, Misbah PerveenIn today’s modern world, as our dependence on software systems increases more & more, the risks of catastrophic disasters that range from system failure to natural disasters also increases. These disasters threaten our most fundamental works because of our dependence on these systems. There we must have effective techniques regarding Continuity of System Processing so that if however, a disaster struck, we could continue our functions.
An empirical study of the Stock Price movements with their Financial Fundamentals: A study of the IT & ITES Firms[Full-Text ] A basic tenet of security valuation is that the intrinsic value is equal to the discounted value of its expected future cash distributed, predominantly, in the form of cash dividends. Yet, it is well established by various studies, that variability in the cash distributions as well as the expected returns thereof account for less than fifty percent of observed variations in the stock prices.
Carbide Cutting Tools Are Superior to High-Speed Steel (HSS) for Manufacturing: A Review[Full-Text ] Mohammad Dashti, Salem DawoodManufacturing processes are greatly reliant upon machinery. Effective tools can improve performance and lower costs for production processes. Cutting tools are particularly crucial for manufacturing processes, and the present paper seeks to draw a comparison between the two abundant constituent materials used for cutting tools: carbide and HSS. Where carbide is known to exhibit impressive longevity, strength, thermal resistance and strength, HSS is known to be more cost-effective and resilient.
Empirical Speech Analysis of Wireless LAN over Wired LAN[Full-Text ] Raihana Zannat, Sakib Ahmod, Shahab Uddin, Shamsuzzaman Miah, Ahmed Nur A Jalal, OhidujjamanEarth is becoming a global rural community. As a result communication is gaining increased importance. The wireless LANs are becoming more and more popular because they can gratify the requirement like mobility, relocation of user, ad-hoc networking and coverage of locations which are difficult to wire. Earlier the wireless LANs were costly, could support only low data rates, a license was required.
Impact of Frequency of Financial Reporting on Earning Predictability of Quoted Banks in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ahannaya, C. G Akinyele O. S Ogunwole O. J & Akintoye I. RThis paper examined the relationship frequency of financial reporting and earning predictability of quoted banks in Nigeria. The empirical study has performed using a sample of ten (10) banks and 5 years observation from the period of 2015-2020. Ex-post facto research design was applied through secondary data from ten (10) out of the twenty (20) commercial banks listed in the NDIC annual statistical bulletin from 2015 to 2020.
Benchmarking of SuperMC Code against the Experimental Results of the TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor[Full-Text ] Rustam Khan, Tariq Siddique, Nadeem Shaukat, Sajjad Tahir, Amjad Ali, Zeeshan Jamil, Zara MalikThe TRIGA Mark II research reactor has been operating at Atominstitute (ATI) of University of Technology Vienna attained its initial criticality on 7th March 1962 with loading of 57 Fuel Elements (FEs). This paper describes the development of the SuperMC model of TRIGA reactor and its benchmarking against three different experiments i.e. initial criticality, reactivity distribution and thermal flux mapping experiment in the reactor core. For the initial criticality experiment, the model predicts keff as 1.00205 with an estimated standard deviation 0.00018 as compare to the experimental value 1.00114.
A Comparative Analysis of The Factors Influencing the Choice and Purchase of Furniture Items: A Case of Ghana And China Furniture Customers[Full-Text ] Obed Persie Appiah-Kubi, Na Yu, Wu ZhihuiFurniture items are now a necessity as their demand is high of late. Globally, it can be seen in the homes, offices, palaces, schools, churches, temples and many other places and used by people. Customers do not just buy for buying sake, the decision to choose and buy is dependent on some factors. Limiting the study to customers from Ghana and China, the study was primarily focused on determining the factors influencing the choice and purchase of furniture items by customers from the two countries.
Feminine Psychology in Anita Desai’s Cry, the Peacock: A Critical Study on Psychological Aspects of the Protagonist in the novel[Full-Text ] Samina Firoz Wagla Wala, Dr. Jayshree SinghFeminism should be defined not merely as social movements carried out for establishing the equality of the feminine gender in society. The concept of womanhood and female psychology is much beyond than social movements and political alliances. The purpose behind this research paper is to differentiate and point out the same and conclude how women psychology is a topic much beyond the normal psychological subjects and why is it crucial to contemplate upon the same.
Smart City Surveillance System Using Facial Recognition[Full-Text ] Yuvraj Choudhary, Vinit Rai, Yashvi NagpalIn the last few years, there has been some brilliant work in the field of facial recognition [1,2,3,4], it has been quite difficult to perform this task efficiently. In this paper, we are proposing a system where the distance of a face from a 3-d surface is a direct measurement of the facial similarities. Once we generate the 3-d space then it’s easy to perform various tasks like clustering using feature vector’s which is very similar or a basic idea in machine learning. Our method works on a CNN trained to provide optimized results and we tried to implement facial recognition by using only 128 bits pers head/face.
E-Commerce Customer Purchase Behavior Using Data Mining Prediction[Full-Text ] Maryam Arif, Dr. Mubasher H. Malik, Dr. Hamid GhousCustomer Behavior is an important factor that helps the retailers to predict about the sale of the products and maintain cost efficiently, especially in e-commerce. Prediction and assessment of customer behavior has become one of the major issue for the researchers. Many of algorithms has been applied to predict the customer behavior on e-commerce platform. In this paper, we have analyzed past work and summarized it in one place to help the researchers in future. So, they can get all information and work on The limiting factors to enhance the accuracy of models.
Twitter Spam Detection Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Asfa Falak, Dr. Hamid Ghous, Dr. Mubashir Malik Now a days, social media platforms have become an important part of our existence. The social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SanpChat and YouTube are used for communication among people and source of promoting businesses. Twitter is an excessive communication and sharing platform, where people can share their emotions and promote their businesses by using 140 character messages. More than 42 millions Twitter accounts are created every month.
EFFECT OF GAMMA IRRADIATION MUTAGENESIS ON DIVERSITY OF CASSAVA TISSUE CULTURE PLANTLETS[Full-Text ] Kinyua M.G and Okwaro HCassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz (Euphorbiaceae), is one of the leading food and feed plants of the world and stands as the 3rd largest source of carbohydrates for human consumption after rice and maize. However, the cassava sub-sector has not realized its full growth in terms of commercialization and utilization. It is evidenced that the tuber crop can enhance the food base of the poor, increase their income and mitigate poverty among rural households but challenge of diseases and pest hamper its performance.
Fertility Trends of Modern India- A Shrouded Reality[Full-Text ] Priyanka PandeyThe big story out of the new Sample Registration Survey (2018) data for India is undoubtedly the continuing rapid fall of fertility rates . But behind this statistic lies a more convoluted reality. Despite wide regional variations, the country’s TFR is already at the replacement rate . These readings suggest a big change in India’s demographic trajectory. India has entered a 37-year period of demographic dividend rendered by a bulge in the working-age population.
Financial Reporting of not for Profit Organizations: A Comparison of United States and United Kingdom with Nigeria[Full-Text ] Owolabi, Sunday Ajao, Iwala, Andrew TaiwoNot for profit organisations have been subjected to pressure and criticism to be more transparent and accountable by both the donors and the government of lately. It is against this backdrop that this study examined financial reporting of not-for-profit organisations in Nigeria in comparison with the United States and United Kingdom. The study drawn upon publicly available archival data, using the analytical construct of regulatory space and data sourced from the annual reports of churches and mosques from the USA, UK and Nigeria.