Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020
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Modelling Flooding sites around River Niger area of Onitsha town Nigeria using Remote Sensing and GIS Application[Full-Text ] Dr Sylvanus Iro, Dr C.E Ezedike Increasing frequency and severity of flooding have caused tremendous damage in Onitsha area of Nigeria, requiring more efficient and effective way to reduce the risk and damage people face. In this study, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area was used in consideration of terrain's influence on flooding of the town. The Compound Topographic Index (CTI) of the area was calculated to extract areas that represent wetness, which shows areas liable to flooding.
CONTRIBUTION TO VALORIZATION OF OLIVE MILL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGE BY THE CO-COMPOSTAGE PROCESS[Full-Text ] Hind MIKDAME, Mohamed BEN ABBOU, Zineb MAJBAR, Nour Elhouda MTARFI, YAhya ROKNI, Younes GAGA, Mohammed HADJEL, Mustapha TALEB, Zakia RAISOlive mill waste water OMWW stimulate environmental problems in olive oil producing countries. They are highly phytotoxic and contain phenolic compounds, lipids and organic acids. Their treatment by biomethanization generates large quantities of sludge. The latter contains percentages of organic matter and plant nutrients that could be reused as fertilizer for sustainable agricultural practices.
Designed Aerofoil Blade Model Performance Experimentation on Wind Tunnel[Full-Text ] Ajoko, Tolumoye John; Ogbonnaya, Ezenwa AlfredThe design optimization of wind turbine blade aerofoil is an important characteristic feature to justify the performance of the blade in wind turbines for renewable energy generation. This could be performed in various ways but most often the wind tunnel is the most suitable device for this process.
Influences of Numbers of Stove Air inlets on Wood Burning Cookstove Performance Kebede Bunse and Gelana Amente[Full-Text ] The traditional three-stone fire place is used in many households in rural areas of developing countries. These open fires are very inefficient at converting energy into heat from biomass fuel needed each year for basic cooking. Currently different types of improved biomass cookstoves are being introduced and distributed in Ethiopia. The key to maintaining an improved stove is careful control of the air supply.
Proactive Work Behaviour Among Bank Employees in Anambra State, Nigeria: An Examination of Abusive Supervision, Organizational Justice and Core Self-Evaluation[Full-Text ] Udeme Offiong , Abasiama Godwin AkpanThis study focused on abusive supervision, organizational justice and core self-evaluation as predictors of proactive work behaviour. The sample population of the study was 349 commercial bank employees randomly selected from the three senatorial zones of Anambra State which comprises 198 males and 151 females and whose ages ranged from 24 to 49 years with an average age of 31.50 years and standard deviation of 2.40. Abusive supervision scale by Tepper (2000), Organizational justice scale by Neihooff and Morman (1993), Core self-evaluation scale by Timothy, Judge, Locke and Durham (1997) and Proactive work behaviors scale by Parker, Williams, and Turner (2006) were used as instrument for data collection.
Kinetic and Equilibrium studies of the Removal of Salicylic acid from wastewater using AC/ZnO[Full-Text ] Hala A.Kiwaan, Elhossein A. Moawed, Samar A. Badawy, M.R.MostafaIn this work, the efficiency of AC/ZnOnanoparitcles(10ZAC) for the removal of salicylic acid (SA) from wastewater was studied through anadsorption process. The effects of various parameters such as solution pH, initial SA concentration and contact time were examined. Adsorption kinetics followed Pseudo second orderand adsorption isotherms followed Langmiur.
Design and Development of an Automated Fry Counter[Full-Text ] Jefrey M. BagasbasFry counting is part of the aquaculture industry that starts with stocking and counting fry. But the future growth of aquaculture industry in different areas are affected by lack of technology. Economic cost caused most fish farmers to use manual counting of fry even if automatic fry counting already existed.
Arduino based Fish Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Dr.A.Albert Raj, Dr.Selvan, Swasthik V K, Rakesh A, Saravanaraj D M.Fish monitoring system is essential because many people love to grow fishes as their pet in the home. In our day-to-day life, it is difficult to monitor the aquarium tank regularly. As a consequence, it causes mortality of the fishes. The quality of water might be the main issue. It mainly depends upon parameters such as carbonates, ammonia, nitrates, salt, pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, etc. To maintain these parameters, various sensors are used in the fish monitoring system.
MULTIPLE INNOVATIVE EXPERIENTIAL GAMING LITERACY: AN APPROACH IN ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICS OF SCIENCE 7[Full-Text ] MARIA EVA E. DIONGCO, ED. D. , SANTA ISABEL MERCADO, MARIE ANN S. GONZALESThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of multiple innovative games – based learning with the use of different games to 150 grade 7 students in physics using quasi – experimental method of San Francisco Integrated National High School. A checklist – questionnaire method and mastery test for pre-test and post-test were utilized in order to reveal the effectiveness of the treatments.
INVESTIGATING ACCESSIBILITY OF MEDICAL SERVICES: THE CASE OF AREA 23, LILONGWE, MALAWI[Full-Text ] Benjamin, ChinokoPatients are regarded as customers of the hospital’s health and medical services. This study finds out whether they are satisfied from the services they receive from public hospital. The study will explore whether there is a discrimination between customer’s receipt of hospital treatment and educational and employment status and how this affects the way customers feel about the hospital.
PREVALENCE OF GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITISM OF BOVINES AT-TENDING VETERINARY TEACHING HOSPITAL, MEKELLE[Full-Text ] Abdihakim Ahmed, Abdikarim O. Mogeh, Nigus AbebeGastrointestinal tract parasites are a world-wide problem in cattle and responsible for major economic losses. The impact is greater in Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular due to the availability of a wide range of agro-ecological factors suitable for diversified hosts and types of helminthes.
EMPLOYEES’ ENGAGEMENT AND FAST FOOD RETAIL OUTLETS PERFORMANCE IN AKURE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] IBITOMI Taiwo, HAMMED Akeem & SHITTU PaulinaEvery businesses strive to increase their performance, in doing so managers have been battling with many challenges to succeed and putting their businesses ahead of their competitors. This study therefore seeks to examine employee engagement and fast food retail outlets performance in Akure, Nigeria.
RISK BASED MAINTENANCE – OPTIMIZE MAINTENANCE STRATEGY TO MANAGE RAMP-UP PLAN SUCCESSFULLY[Full-Text ] Setiadi Harsono, Djoko Setyanto, Isdaryanto IskandarThe process of re-operating a mining company must be carefully prepared. All existing company assets must be prepared and used to support production which must be achieved in stages as well. This is related to the company's financial condition, human resources, and the company's readiness to use it.
Prosociality levels of University of Mostar students[Full-Text ] Daniela Raguž, Ivona Ljevak, Marko Romić, Nikolina Šaravanja, Karlo BrkićSocialization refers to the adoption of that part of the culture that includes interpersonal relationships and their development, therefore it represents the adoption of a form of social life. Prosocial behavior [oposite of antisocial] is a comprehensive term for all social behaviors which are the basis of benevolence, helping others in meeting their needs or eleminating difficulties; include kindness and cordiality, material help and moral support, empathy and altruism. Empathy is the ability of compassion and understanding of someone else's experience, emotional state, thoughts and behavior.
POSSIBILITIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL REGIONS[Full-Text ] Abdulkhayeva Gulshan Mahmudovna The article describes the current state of agriculture and its role in providing the population with food, features and capabilities of these regions. The problems that impede the development of mountain and foothill areas are also presented, and ways to solve them are justified. Formed scientific proposals and practical recommendations for the development of mountain and foothill areas based on targeted programs.
DIRECTIONS OF EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION AND CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECOTOURISM[Full-Text ] Berdiyorov Bakhtiyor SodiqovichThe article describes the relevance of environmental tourism, its scientific basis and priorities. The ecotouristic potential of Uzbekistan is presented and the measures for its effective use are shown.
INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY: FACTORS, OPPORTUNITIES AND EXPERIENCE[Full-Text ] Ibragimova Gulchehra TohirovnaIn the article the relevance of innovative economy development, its scientific basis and priorities are outlined. The potential of innovative development of the economy in Uzbekistan is presented, the measures for its effective use and the experience of foreign countries in the development of innovative economy are demonstrated.
TAX ADMINISTRATION OF THE INCOME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Tashmukhamedova Yayra AtkhamovnaThis article describes the concept of tax administration in the revenue management system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the structure of the tax administration system, the role of tax administration in its improvement, and how the structure of the tax administration has improved over the years.
Agro-industrial clusters: potential source of financing for water management organizations in the market economy of Uzbekistan[Full-Text ] Muminov Sherzod KholmirzaevichThe article justifies the need to create agro-industrial clusters as potential source of financing for water management organizations. It provides the system of payment for water delivery services in agro-industrial clusters. The organizational and economic mechanisms are offered to cover a part of expenses of water-management organizations on delivery of irrigation water and qualitative water-management services on the basis of introduction of multi-structured clusters are offered.
FEATURES OF STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Golysheva Elena VyacheslavovnaThis article is devoted to the features of the strategic development of the industry in Uzbekistan, and the high quality of the provision of tourist services in conjunction with state support in this area. The author cited aspects of tourism resources, the special attention of the country's leadership to the development of the tourism industry, an integrated approach to its provision are confirmed by steady trends in improving industry performance. The tourism industry is growing steadily in economic terms. Based on statistical data, the number of arriving foreign tourists and the volume of export of tourist services are analyzed.
ISSUES OF OPTIMIC BASIS OF PUBLIC FINANCING IN FOLLOWING FINANCIAL AND MONETARY POLICY[Full-Text ] Khakimov Khakimjon Abdullo ugliThis study investigated the public debt and its main sources, carried out a structural and dynamic analysis of external and internal debt of the Republic of Uzbekistan and analyzed the impact of debt limits on the economic and social life of the country. The main result of the research is the creation of the scientific basis for establishing the optimal boundary of public debt, which ensures economic growth in Uzbekistan.
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE PROCESSES AT LIGHT INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Yusupov UlugbekThis article covers the issues of strategic management of innovation processes in light industry enterprises in the context of digitalization, which examines the content management strategies of light industry enterprises. According to the author, a management plan is needed to strengthen the economic status of the country, produce competitive products, meet consumer needs and ensure high-tech production.
Sexual Harassment at Private Hospitals A Case Study of Nurses in Jhelum[Full-Text ] Farkhanda Siddique, Syeda Saba Tahir Raza, Farhana Mazhar, and Mohammad Zubair IlyasSexual harassment is violation of human Rights and against women & men also favors at any place it could be home, at work, street, market etc. Sexual harassment any unwelcome sexual advance that cause interference with work place and create disturbance during work. Such type of actions can be verbal written and physicals.
Gestational Hypertension in associated with Maternal’s Agricultural Working Period at Ngablak Subdistrict, Central Java Indonesia: A cross-sectional study[Full-Text ] Yovita Dini Anindhityas Febi, Onny Setiani, Yusniar Hanani DarundiatiThe area of Ngablak Subdistrict, which is wide for agriculture and the majority of the population is farmers, illustrates the high use of pesticides. The involvement of pregnant women in agricultural activities for many years can lead to gestational hypertension because it is directly and indirectly exposed to pesticides.
Power Distribution System Improvement Using Automatic Power Theft Detection System[Full-Text ] MohsinDistribution site play vital rule in power system. Third world countries like Pakistan facing issue of power theft, which results as huge power losses and make system inefficient. This work/project shows some common methods used by consumers for electricity theft and also presents an architectural distribution system for theft detection using microcontroller based smart energy meter. The Inspiration of this work is to detect illegal consumers, preserve and successfully utilize energy.
Some More Results on Power 3 Mean Graphs[Full-Text ] Sreeji.S, Sandhya.S.S A graph G with p vertices and q edges is called a power -3 mean graph,if it is possible to label the vertices v∈V with distinct labels f(x) from 1,2,…….,q+1 in such a way that in each edge e=uv is
Stability analysis of finite difference schemes for heat equation with various thermal conductivity[Full-Text ] M. Rozina Khatun & Md. Shajib AliThis paper presents the stability analysis of one-dimensional heat equation. We study the analytical solution of heat equation as an initial value problem in infinite space and realize the qualitative behavior of the solution in terms of heat diffusion co-efficient. We obtain the numerical solution of this equation by using the first order explicit centered difference scheme (forward time and central space (FTCS Techniques)) and a second order Crank-Nicolson scheme (CNS techniques) for prescribed initial and boundary data.
Analysis and Testing of Mobile Application Interfaces Implemented in UI frameworks[Full-Text ] Uroosa kakepoto, Mohsin Ali memon, Sania bhattiRecently Mobile applications are progressively appreciated after being created in a cross-platform application development framework. In these types of frameworks, an application can be developed with on- time coding and can run on all different platforms. Irrespective of many advanced researches on these approaches, results are usually not satisfying.
Socio-Economic Condition of Female Workers and Workplace Environment in Pokhara Industrial Estate in Nepal[Full-Text ] Narayan Baral , Ajay ThapaUsing the primary data collected from 154 female workers working in Pokhara Industrial Estate, Kaski, Nepal, this study has examined the socio-economic conditions of female workers and work environment in the industrial estate. This study has revealed that women from the different age groups between 16 to 45 years representing major caste/ethnic and religious groups work in Pokhara Industrial Estate.
Machine detection of Human Fall – a survey[Full-Text ] Amal Varghese, Michael Moses and Raju GFall detection using sensors is becoming an active area of research, especially related to caring of elderly people. Several devices such as video camera, wearable and other forms of sensors are widely in use. Numerous fall detection algorithms, based on machine learning concepts are reported.
EDUKASYON SA PAGPAPAKATAO CURRICULUM OUTCOME IN CARAGA: AN EVALUATION STUDY[Full-Text ] Ms. Diosmary R. Sulapas, Professor Manuel B Barquilla,Oblivion results to indivisibility of human dignity and irreversible damage to the environment. Quality education has been thought of as solution and EsP (Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao) has been added to the Philippine Curricula. This study’s objectives are to: determine EsP goals and targets, assess teachers’ capacity building, determine adequacy of instructional materials, evaluate outcomes of implemented goals and objectives, examine in the content whether ESD is embedded, and recommend policies to help attain the SDGs.
CONSUMER SHOPPING BEHAVIOUR AFFECTORS AND PATRONAGE OF ONLINE STUDENTS BUYERS: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY[Full-Text ] ULAIKERE S.A.O., ASIKHIA, O.U., ADEFULU A.D. & AJIKE, E.O.The internet has revolutionized the way shopping is done. The traditional shopping of visiting a store is fast being displaced by online shopping, especially in developed countries, where many customers shop online. However, the pace and rate of online shopping are slow in Nigeria despite the rising population of Internet users.
A Conceptual Facilities Management Tactics For Educational Infrastructures in Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Uboh, Uboh Udoh and Paulinus Woka IhuahThe study therefore focuses on developing a facility Management Plan for facilities at Kenule Benson Sara-Wawa polytechnic Kira campus in Rivers State, Nigeria, and presents findings on the effectiveness of maintenance practice used, the prevailing methods of executing maintenance practice efficiency factors affecting building maintenance, and the overall facility management practice, it goes further to give an overview of the current state of infrastructure.
Composite Power System Reliability Improvement using TCSC[Full-Text ] SURESH KUMAR T, SANKAR VFACTS technologies can have major positive impacts on power system reliability performance and the actual benefits obtained can be assessed using suitable models and practice. Emerging techniques for composite power system reliability evaluation mainly focus on conventional generation and transmission facilities.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EQUATORIAL IONOSPHERIC E-LAYER IN ILORIN[Full-Text ] Ojerheghan, G.IThe E-layer is one of the layers in the ionosphere which aids medium wave radio propagation. The auto-scaled parameters used were obtained from the Digisonde Portable Sounder DPS4 at the University of Ilorin, an equatorial station. The parameters (data) used are foE, foEs, hmE, h`E and h`Es. Diurnal and seasonal effects on these parameters were studied for the year 2010.
Assessment of the Public Space for Disaster Risk Reduction in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal[Full-Text ] Mr. Suman Dahal, Prof. Dr. Narbikram ThapaThe main objective is to identify current situation of public spaces in Kathmandu Valley and assess provisions in public open spaces for DRR. It has used non-experimental/exploratory research followed by a participatory approach for qualitative data and direct observation and KII are used for quantitative data based on the theoretical framework. The level of understanding of disaster risk reduction is quite demoralizing despite of working groups efforts and investment as three quarter of people slim or do not have its understanding.
Analysis of Impact of training on employees’ performance using SPSS- A case of Da Afghanistan Bank[Full-Text ] Mohibullah Waziri, Hamayun Khan, Khyber khishkiTo find out the impact of training on the performance of employees, the research work takes into account a total of 100 respondents at various Departments of Da Afghanistan Bank (the Central Bank of Afghanistan) which serves as the sample for the study. statistic tool i.e. SPSS has been used to check the reliability and consistency to ascertain the usefulness and influences of training on the performance of employees.
A QUEST FOR SELF-IDENTITY IN THE NOVEL THE SLAVE GIRL BY BUCHIEMECHETA[Full-Text ] G. HERSHENI The slave girl published in 1977 by Buchi Emecheta describes the Nigerian culture. It is about the story of the slave girl Ogbanje Ojebeta who is sold into slavery and lost her identity. After the death of her parents, she is left with her two brothers. Her brother Okolie decided to sell her to one of his relatives called Ma Palagada who is rich in her trade business. Slowly Ojebeta accepted Ma and the fellow slaves. There are many other girls in Ma’s place working there as slaves without even knowing about their own birthplace. Finally, after the death of Ma, she again decided to return back to her own place.
Knitted Fabric as a Formwork & Reinforcement for Shell structures [Full-Text ] Ar. Harshada Vazarkar , Ar. Deva Prasad As per Frei Otto 'construction is the basis of all architecture. Every minimal construction is a natural construction. However it may in general be assumed that structures which are more economical in either use of material and energy were more likely than others to survive in the course of evolution'. Concrete shells were used extensively in the mid-twentieth century, but were used less as the complexity of the formwork required, using rigid materials became increasingly more costly .Fabric formwork can produce similarly efficient shapes with much greater ease. The use of fabric as formwork for doubly curved shells could take advantage of the great inherent strength of shells and their comparative lightness.Efficient shells carry load primarily through membrane forces . The absence of large bending forces keeps stresses low, reducing material demand. A shell’s structural performance is therefore dictated by its form, particularly its curvature. The fluidity of concrete allows these required geometries to be realised. Eventually in shell structures important aspect is surface and surface curvature. Knitted fabric is a better option of fabric formwork as they can be designed and constructed with appropriate selection of stiches,patterns,fibre type, loop count. Flexibilility , strength, in knitted fabric can vary by manipulating knitting patterns by 4 different variables at microlevel . Knitting has self organising behaviour, all the resultant surfaces created are minimal surfaces. Every form has inherent natural surface pattern .