Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020
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INVESTIGATIVE STUDIES ON TEACHER'S LEVEL OF PREPAREDNESS TOWARDS THE ADOPTION OFCOMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION(CAI) IN SCHOOLS[Full-Text ] AJIDE-OLUFEMI Tolani Elizabeth, AMOSUN M.D., OYEWOLA Yemisi VictoriaThe role of teacher in any instructional situation as that of communicator cannot be overstated. The teacher tries to effect changes in the behaviour of the learners by presenting facts and integrating teaching rules and procedure, catching learners' attention by actively involving them in meaningful participation boosting their thinking and stimulating their imagination for effective transfer of knowledge. This is done through spoken words, public address systems, radio, prerecord tapes, computer and other related materials of which computer-assisted instruction (CAI) has been proved effective. Therefore, this research work focuses on the primary school teachers' level of preparedness with respect to their knowledge, skills, attitude and access to computer in preparation for the adoption of CAI.
Maize (Zea mays L) seed germination and seedling growth under varying hydrothermal conditions[Full-Text ] Shadreck GwariVarying hydrothermal conditions i.e. changes in water potential and temperature affect maize seed germination and seedling growth. Major effects of climate change are increase in daily temperatures and decrease in rainfall which in turn result in low available soil moisture. From experiments carried out (three maize cultivars seed germination test at five water potentials and five temperatures, three maize cultivars seed hydro-priming at three priming periods i.e. 12h, 18h and 24h, and lastly seedling growth experiment with three maize cultivars at the same temperature of 250C with five water potentials.
Severity of Alcohol Consumption: Its Impact to Social Interaction Anxiety of Criminology Students[Full-Text ] Rodrigo A. Salimaco, Jr., Junboy L. Felix, Gierald Dawn N. Baquial, Elden V. CapungasCollege student-drinking remains a big drawback on campuses across the globe. Alcohol consumption has been related to different incidences of the students. This study primarily aimed to ascertain the significant relationship and influence of the criminology students' alcohol consumption to their social interaction anxiety. The respondents were bona fide students of Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology (DOSCST) main campus taking Bachelor of Science in Criminology.
Combined inhibitory potential of Ammonium thiosulphate and 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine on ureases activities[Full-Text ] Asim Hussain, Hamza Rafeeq, Asma Asghar, Saqib Ullah, Usman Imtiaz, Haseeb Ullah, Sami Ullah, Kaleem Ullah, Muhammad Dawood IlyasUrea is used as a source of nitrogen, a key component of plant growth, to meet plant needs. Urease is a soil enzyme that degrades urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia and plays a role in the nitrogen and carbon cycles. However, its increased activity results in a decrease in the availability of nitrogen for plants. Different urease inhibitors are used to solve this problem, but they do not have significant potential individually.
EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON CANCER PATIENTS: LITERARY CLINICAL REVIEW IN THE VIEW OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPY ACADEMIC[Full-Text ] Daniela Santos do Nascimento, Bruno Borges Gonsalves, Eva Coelho da Silva, Agrinazio Geraldo Nascimento Neto, Amanda Aguiar Barros, Gabriel Victor de Moraes, Douglas Castanheira Barros de Sa, Randra Karoline Rodrigues Inacio, Magno De Oliveira, Maryanna de Paula Bastos Fonseca dos Santos, Taynara Dantas Batista, Warly Neves de AraújoAcupuncture is a set of techniques and knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that was born about 5,000 years ago. This age-old TCM technique aims to provide good functioning of the body and its functions being used for various treatments such as stress, emotional imbalances, depression, anxiety, with a wide range of applications to soothe and cure pain. Therefore, the present study aims to present, through scientific evidence available in the literature, about the effects of acupuncture on cancer patients.
PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE: CLINICAL LITERATURE REVIEW[Full-Text ] Agrinazio Geraldo Nascimento Neto, Lucas Coelho da Silva, Wellington Carlos da Silva, Amanda Aguiar barros, Warly Neves de Araujo, Daniela Santos do Nascimento, Eva Coelho da Silva, Hiago Montel da Costa, Kárita Amanda Ribeiro de Melo, Nitiele Elizabete Cunha, Taynara Dantas Batista, Larissa Lima dos Santos, Pricila Zancanella, Jacqueline Aparecida Philipino TakadaOne of the greatest symptoms of patients diagnosed with Parkinson's are: difficulty in controlling a center of body mass when getting up from a chair, hesitation, difficulty in gait, limitation of axial mobility (especially in bed) and impediment in performing complex movements, such as doing two tasks at the same time. Due to the studies done, several physiotherapeutic techniques for Parkinson's disease were explicit, which was previously hardly used as a therapy for diagnosed patients.
CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONDITIONS FOR CONTRACT AND THE EFFECTS OF THOSE IN A DEVELOPING ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Rajesh Madasamy, Sakthi Ganesh Gnanasekaran, Anatol Berhanu GobanaConstruction sector is a backbone for any growing economy in the globe. Construction of building, infrastructure is a symbol of attaining development. Physical infrastructures are also the symbol of hope many downtrodden countries. Construction of infrastructures can be classified into three broader classifications, Transport and communication, water and energy, buildings for other physical infrastructure. Every construction activity has four phases, planning, estimation, contract and execution.
Real-time object detection and post change detection using unmanned aerial vehicles[Full-Text ] Dr Vindhya M,Dr Shubha bhatt,Nandan M,Prathviraj,Sanketh,MohanObject detection is the detection and classification of objects in images. In aerial scenarios, we want to detect objects on the ground and the objects are almost near to being two-dimensional. The background of the objects is also complex. This poses a challenge for the detection and classification of objects. There are numerous applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). There are often mismatches in the detected objects. Objection detection can be achieved in real-time using already existing algorithms. Change detection is difficult to be achieved in real-time along with object detection.
AN INVESTIGATION TO LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF CODE SWITCHING[Full-Text ] Seema Laghari, Dr. Habibullah Pathan, Quratulain MirzaThe aim behind this study is to investigate the Linguistic Features of Code Switching, done in classroom while delivering lectures among the multilingual group of people. According to a Sociolinguist Ronald Wardhaugh (1986) definition, that the term code can be used to refer to any kind of system that two or more people employ for communicationÂ, Espinosa (1917) named as a speech mixture, in the speech of New Mexicans (cited by Ana Huerta- Macias and Elizabeth Quintero, 2001).
EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF UPWARD MOTION OF OBJECT INSIDE LIQUID[Full-Text ] Sanjay ShresthaDensity of a substance is defined as the amount of mass contained per unit volume. And the force which opposes the motion object inside liquid is termed as Drag force.
PROSTHETIC REHABILITATION OF MICROSTOMIA PATIENT WITH DETACHABLE DENTURE- An Innovative Approach[Full-Text ] Vishal Mugal, C. Sabarigirinathan, Anjali VirkhareMicrostomia is a relatively uncommon complaint that can make the wearing of dentures very difficult and uncomfortable for affected individuals. Completely edentulous patients with constricted opening of oral cavity who must wear removable dental prostheses often face the difficulty of being unable to insert or remove the prosthesis. However, Insertion of food during eating is often cumbersome for microstomia patients. This clinical report describes an easy method for fabrication of a detachable mandibular complete denture using Rhein 83 attachments (Italy) for rehabilitation of microstomia patient suffering from oral submucous fibrosis.
The Challenge of Design Low Temperature and Low Humidity Environment in Hot and Humid Tropical Country[Full-Text ] Kusdiyanto Kusni, Isdaryanto IskandarThe average temperature and humidity in a hot and humid climate is DBT 32.4a°C /WBT 26.6a°C ( RH 70%, DP 25.5a°C ). For some industrial process in the tropical country needs low temperature and low humidity environment, such as the pharmaceutical industry, military, food processing, coating process, lithium battery. These industries need minus dew point temperature. We need to design a proper VAC system to achieve the target temperature and humidity.
Sentiment analysis to social Media data for a historical event[Full-Text ] Owais Muhammad, Yiding Li, Xintong Li.“What other people think” has always been an important piece of information for most of us during the decision-making process.
Impact of Conflict on Project Performance in Public and Private Sector Organizations of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Abdul Ahad, Amanat Ali, Shahid IqbalConflicts are inevitable in every project and cover complete sphere of project life cycle activities. Project conflicts may affect the project performance positively or negatively. One of the major reasons of project failure, among many others, is that the project conflicts are not embraced and/or managed effectively.
The Effect of Goods and Services, and Employ-ment on Purchasing Power Parity: A Case Study of SME in Myanmar[Full-Text ] Saw Lalbwel HtooThis study is to expose how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Myanmar contribute to standard of living. Myanmar SMEs plays as a strategy of Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan, since over 9o percent of business across the country is categorized in SMEs. Thereby, one of the motives of SMEs is to promote the standard of living.
Design of third order sigma-delta modulator for bio-medical applications[Full-Text ] S Vamsee krishna,B.Dhathri Aishwarya,K.Aasritha,M.DileepCommunication is playing a key role in the field of communication engineering since a longtime. As biomedical filed is playing the major role in these days we can make the best use of these. In this paper we will find the best configuration for modulators that meets your needs the desired specifications with dissipation of minimum power.
Herdsmen – Farmers’ Conflict: Implication on National Development (Nigeria in Perspective)[Full-Text ] OKORO, John PeterThe struggle for survival and protection of economic livelihood appears to precipitate conflict between herdsmen and farmers across many communities in Nigeria. The conflict has in recent years taken more dangerous dimension with acquisition of modern weapons and communication devices. It has however, resulted in massive loss of lives and properties. This study therefore examines the implication of herdsmen-farmers’ conflict on the national development.
Development of a Motorised Thresher for Paddy Rice Processing[Full-Text ] Muyiwa A. OKUSANYA and Adewumi A. OLADIGBOLUIn the recent time, Nigerian government has placed ban on rice importation to ensure food security and reduce the huge burden of foreign rice importation into the country. This is in support of her policy on diversification of the economy from oil to solid minerals and agriculture. There is therefore the need to increase effort on local rice production so as to bring down the price of rice sold at escalated cost.
A Geology Simulation Problem in Grid Refinement Methods[Full-Text ] Leina Wu, Tsun-zee MaiGrid Refinement Method has been developed to solve linear systems generated from partial differential equations. Simulation of a geological problem by using the Grid Refinement Method along with iterative methods is presented in the paper. Accuracy and efficiency of the Grid Refinement Method is investigated for comparison with the solutions obtained by uniform grid approach.
Differential Settlement Reduction of Black Cotton Soils using Bagasse Fibre and Lime as Stabilizers for Highway pavement[Full-Text ] Gabriel Okonkwo Nnaji, Enamuotor Blessing, Charles KennedyThe research work experimentally examined the geotechnical and physical properties of black cotton soils across failed sections of highway road pavement of Ogoda, Bodo, Ogbogu, Ula-Ikata, Kaani Town Roads in the Niger Delta regions that are prone to degradation and differential settlement due to their unique attributes of swelling and shrinkage.
Effects of Cement and Lime – Pozzolanic Irvinga Gabonesis fibre Ash on Expansive Lateritic Soils for Highway Pavement[Full-Text ] Ugo Kingsley, Charles Kennedy, Apeh Ocholi Adejoh SamuelThis research work investigated the application of hybridize composite materials for the modification and treatment of problematic expansive lateritic soil prone to undue settlements that resulted from swells-shrinks. Comparative analysis of cement and lime mixed with irvinga gabonesis fibre ash (IGFA) and soil were performed to ascertain the characteristic engineering properties of soils at natural (100%) and stabilized conditions.
The Impact of Energy Efficiency in the Design of a Convention Center in Port Harcourt[Full-Text ] Anyama Emeka Peter, Arc. Tonye D. PeppleThe impact of energy efficiency in the design of convention center. The convention center is a place or a building designed for the purposes of convention, seminars, lectures, conferencing etc. The center brings delegates from different part of the country and the world at large to share common interest and ideas towards development, therefore, there is need to design a convention center that will be energy efficient. To achieve this objectives the author or researcher will explore the objectives such as the occupant health; using energy, water, and other resources more efficiently, and reducing the overall impact to the environment.
AN ENHANCED CUSTOMERS’ BEHAVIOUR USING RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK (RNN)[Full-Text ] Nwozor, B.U, Onuodu, F.EPredicting and Managing Customers’ Behaviour poses a problem in business. This is because, the way a customer is treated determines whether he or she would return or not. Smart business organizations have centralized databases where customers’ records are stored for future references. However, there is need to address the mentioned issue using machine learning approach. In this paper, an Enhanced Customers’ behaviour using recurrent neural network was developed.
Numerical Simulation of Steady-State Analysis to Predict Population Size over Time Using Linear Differential Equation Model[Full-Text ] Chukwuemeka Paul Amadi and Adols Okechuku NwaoburuThis study examines how to determine the steady-state solution (condition of a system that does not change over time) of a linear differential equation. It further explains the methods of solving a linear differential equation using integrating factor which produce the same general solution as Separation of Variable with the applications in the field of science and engineering.
A Force based Finite Element Method with Automated identification of the Redundant Forces[Full-Text ] Jakka Nagabhushanam, D. Roy MahapatraGenerally, the stresses and forces of a structure are the prime parameters in the investigations of structural design and analysis. The classical force method was extensively used in the pre-computer era. This method did not gain its dominant place in the post-computer era due to the absence of a simple automated algorithms to classify the forces into independent and redundant forces and it is still eluding.
Landscape: The key to an urban Design (Greater Port Harcourt in Review)[Full-Text ] Kunenu Evans Doole, Dr. O. L. FrankOver the years it has been prove that a good and proper landscaping will assist in creating a comfortable and conducive envi-ronment for housing development. This paper will be looking at how proper landscaping can be a vital key to urban develop ment. It will also be looking at how landscaping can properly shaped and make Greater Port Harcourt to meet the desires of those living and intend to move to Port Harcourt.
Influences of Devaluation in foreign currencies on the performance of local businesses in Afghanistan with reference to Pakistan's currency (Rupee) - An empirical study of Jalalabad city[Full-Text ] Hamayun Khan, Maneesha AjulaThe currency of Pakistan (Rupee) has been in circulation in the eastern and southeastern markets of Afghanistan. after the civil war intensified in Afghanistan in late 1992 and onwards, the Taliban militants took over control of the country’s agencies and eventually the whole government, as a result they laid off the contract with Russian firms to put out printing the Afghani notes they claimed were worthless. Besides, macro factors (e.g. political instability and foreign interference) have caused the country's economy to steep, therefore the Afghani lost its value both in the regional and international markets.
Effective and Economic Evaluation of Different Reducing Discharging agent for Printing on Cotton Fabric with Direct Dyes[Full-Text ] Md Mohsin Patwary, SM Rashadur Rahman Setu, Shakil Mahmud, Md. Helal Hossain, Md Arman Hossain, Md Ariful IslamDischarge printing is the most important and lucrative methods used for introducing design to textile fabric. It is used mainly for aesthetic attractiveness of the product. Discharge printing can be conducted by various dyes and chemicals, direct dyes is one of them. They are environmentally safe and having sensible overall fastness properties. The main objectives of this research is to find out the better color performance, less impact on fabric strength and cost effectiveness of different reducing discharging agents for printing on cotton fabric dyed with direct dyes.
Text Steganography Using character Spacing after Normalization[Full-Text ] Syed Tahir Ali Shah, Dr Aihab Khan, Dr Afaq HussainSteganography is technique of hiding a secret message in a cover medium. Text steganography uses a text file as a cover medium. There are many ways for hiding the secret message in the cover text without making any noticeable change in the cover. In character level embedding techniques the secret message is hidden in certain characters that are selected based on certain properties.
Prioritizing Intervention Projects in Slums Using Optimization Models[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Ahmed, Dr. Engy Fawzy AhmedSlums represent major national challenges in third world countries. Selecting the most suitable intervention strategies for each slum area and determining the priorities of these intervention strategies are important goals in the development process. This paper presents novel and comprehensive models that are capable of supporting planning authorities in identifying (1) the needed intervention strategies for the slums area and (2) the optimal priorities among these intervention projects.
Response Surface Optimisation of Biodiesel Production from Microalgae Oil[Full-Text ] Lamido Sani Inuwa, Muazu Ibrahim, Aminu Uba Alhassan, Musa Lawal, Bawa Jonathan BulaBiodiesel was produced via transesterification process of Alage Oil with methanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide as catalyst. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with Box-Behnken Design (BBD) was performed using STATISTICA v10 software to determine the optimum operating conditions and to optimize the biodiesel yield as indicator. The reaction variables under study were: methanol to oil molar ratio, catalyst loading and reaction time.
A Sustainable Approach of Arsenic Adsorption from Water Using Date Palm Stem[Full-Text ] Furqan Ali Khan, Haroon Ali Khan, Muhammad Tariq BashirArsenic is gigantic contaminants in disbursement water sources in world affordable territories comprising of Asian nation. Date Palm (DP) fibres especially DP Stem is accessible in plenty in Dera Ismail Khan. Asian nations as Associate in nursing farming waste which will be altered into water fix adsorbent through upgrading its partiality to wipe out anions and cations. This get some answers regarding assessed the suitableness of the employment of adjusted waste such as Stem as a water filtration medium to get rid of these contaminants.
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potency of Fe(II), Cu(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) ion complexes with Erythromycin and Schiff base[Full-Text ] Nnamani Johnson Onuorah , Nasiru Pindiga Yahaya , Wilson.L. DanbatureThe Schiff base ligand was first synthesized by the condensation reaction between salicylaldehyde and p.toluidine in molar ratio of 1:1. Fe(II), Zn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes of erythromycin and the Schiff base were synthesized in mole ratio of 1:1:1 and characterized by different physico-chemical techniques. The metal (II) complexes were characterized by solubility testing, melting point, molar conductance, UV-Vis and FTIR spectral studies.
Effect Assessment of Calcination on Pozzolanic Activity of Natural Clay of District Dadu, Sindh[Full-Text ] Javed Ali Phulpoto, Naveed Raza Shah, Manthar Ali KeerioNowadays calcined clays, particularly kaolin clays, are revaluated as SCMs in order to reduce the CO2 releases emitted into atmos-phere from cement fabrication and energy consumption needed for the cement production. Calcined clays are potential source of SCMs to produce green cements. This study aims to introduce new pozzolanic material and to assess the effect of extent of calcina-tion with different heating durations on the Pozzolanic reactivity of the natural clay of Nai Gaj Dam Project site, district Dadu, Sindh Pakistan.
Simplified Kundalini Yoga for Occupational Stress[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Nagarasan, S. KalavathiThe purpose of life is to watch and experience living. To enjoy living every moment of it and to live in environments, which are calm, quiet, slow, sophisticated, elegantâ€. says Yogi Bhajan the master of Kundalini yoga. Yogic practices results in greater reduction in anxiety scores.
Kinetic and Equilibrium studies of the Removal of Crystal Violet from Aqueous Solution using Modified Carbon[Full-Text ] Hala A. Kiwaan, M.R. Mostafa, Hala El-Ghobashy, Elhossein A. MoawedThe adsorption of crystal violet dye (CVD) from aqueous solution onto modifier carbon with p-aminophenol (AC-COOAP) was studied using batch process. The maximum adsorption of CVD (∼100%) was obtained in a pH range of 6–10 with a shaking time of 60 sec. The kinetics were best described by the pseudo-second-order model (R2 = 0.999). The adsorption capacity of AC-COOAP was 46.9 mg/g for CVD. The isotherms exhibit good correlation (R2 = 0.999) with a zero intercept (7×10-4). Successful application was achieved for wastewater samples.