Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020
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Experimental Determination of the Thermal Properties of a Local Solar Energy Storage Material[Full-Text ] Pius Ezeali OkpaniIn Abakaliki, a common local material that is used in building construction is quarry dust mixed with cement and water. For this material to be used in the thermal storage wall or Trombe wall system there is need to determine its thermal properties which includes thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and thermal density. This research work is undertaken to determine these properties experimentally.
FAMILY STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION OF APPLE TRADERS IN JAMMU AND KASHMIR[Full-Text ] Dr.Javaid Ahmad Pir, Dr. Sunita KateriaAs per the data is concerned that the life style is same as that of others. Their relation with their neighbors’ friends’ relatives is very smooth. Their interaction with other apple traders is quite different from others as seen as same business. Mostly the apple traders live in joint family and they prefer it mostly.
Assessment of heavy metals concentration and physicochemical parameters in leachate and borehole water near unengineered dumpsites in Port Harcourt. Nigeria[Full-Text ] Eseyin, O. OThis study was carried out to assess the effect of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) leachate on ground water quality in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Cross sectional study was conducted around two dumpsites in Port Harcourt, Nigeria on leachates and borehole water. Concentrations of some physiochemical parameters such as pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Nitrite ion, Phosphate ion, Sulphate ion, Chloride ion; and heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, and Cu) were determined in the leachate and borehole water (close to, and about 10 km away from the dumpsite).
How to Make a DIY Micropipette[Full-Text ] Umair MasoodA pipette is a laboratory instrument. used in chemistry, biology to take a measured volume of liquid.
PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL INFECTION AMONG PUPILS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF TAMBURAWA, DAWAKIN KUDU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, KANO STATE-NIGERIA[Full-Text ] DAUDA YUSUF TOFAA study of the prevalence of Intestinal infection was conducted among pupils in seven primary schools in Tamburawa, Dawakin kudu local government Area of Kano State, between June, 2018 to January, 2019. Of the 560 samples collected and examined 420 (76.07%) were positive for single or multiple infections. The prevalence of occurrence of each parasite encountered in the study was 142 (25.4%) had Hookworm, 89 (15.9%) Schistosoma mansoni, 77 (13.75%), Entameoeba coli, 48 (8.57%) Ascaris species, 36 (6.4%) Taenia species, 17 (3.04%) Trichuris trichiura, 11 (1.96%) Enterobius vermicularis and Entamoeba histolytica had 6 (1.07%).
Break-even analysis of Clay Transport as Raw Materials in Small Bricks Industry using Grandong based Appropriate Technology in Rural Areas[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, SufriantoThe main objective of this study is to analyze the break-even point, the point at which total production costs equal income. The break-even point shows that the level of production has generated revenue equal to the production costs incurred, a case study of transporting clay as a raw material for small brick industries using Grandong. Grandong is a small truck, made from scrap metal waste, made by researchers and the community in Onembute District, Konawe Regency.
Local Politics of Local Economic Development Strategy in Nepal[Full-Text ] Dev Raj RaiThe local government has to be productive and able to offer economic opportunities to the poor, create wealth, generate jobs, increase incomes, and ultimately improve the quality of life for the long term prosperity and welfare of locality. A strategic plan for sustainable development is needed to change existing local conditions, mindsets by building capacity, organizing participatory processes and empowering stakeholders.
SIMPLE IDEAS ON MANAGEMENT CONTROL[Full-Text ] ZULFAKARCriticisms are generally met with a robust defence of the status quo. Nevertheless, researchers and practitioners of leadership continue to have the opportunity to reject comfortable, but ultimately limiting, notions of leadership to grapple with the tough problems of authority and power, which are at the core of leading. This article has only had space to indicate in broad brushstrokes the nature of the wider literature on organisational development and its relationship to leadership.
Applicability of HEC-HMS Hydrologic Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Case Study: Wadi El-Melaha, Sinai, Egypt[Full-Text ] Walid ÙAl-Sayed MohamedWadi El-Melaha is one of the catchments that had experienced several devastating floods. It was chosen to be the subject of this paper because it is a sub- basin of Wadi Sudr, which is one of the most important catchments in Sinai. The current thesis focuses on experimental catchments located in Sinai (Sudr, Feiran, and El-Gudirat). These catchments were established by the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) in Sinai as an extensive monitoring effort to improve the understanding of the hydrologic processes in Sinai’s arid and semi-arid basins.
THE REASONS FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF FRAGMENTED LANDS IN RWANDA VIEWS FROM MAIZE FARMERS[Full-Text ] Niyonasenze Sylvestre, David Mburu, Patrick Mulyungi and Ntaganira EricLand consolidation model have been adopted by the government as a major agricultural transformation strategy in Rwanda, despite the consolidation of farming, a large number of farmers continue to maintain smallholdings and there-fore some of the old problems still persist and some new challenges have emerged. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of land use consolidation among maize farmers in Kayonza district, Rwanda.
Assessment of Factors Which Contribute to Non-Revenue Water in Kenya and their Mitigation: Case of Meru Water Supply[Full-Text ] Samwel Aluoch Otieno Alima, Eng. Prof. Patts M. A. Odira, Eng. Prof. Ezekiel Nyanchaga Nyangeri.The water resources availability in Kenya has been decreasing with time due to environmental degradation, increased water demand due to population explosion, irrigated agriculture in the rural areas and industrial development in the cities and major towns. This has overstretched the available water sources to the extent that water supplies are not able to meet the present water demand resulting into water rationing as a way of managing the supply.
INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Mr. Olowoporoku, A. A, Mrs. Falana, RInnovation and the adoption of innovation are becoming the sources of firm's competitive advantage. Family-owned businesses have dominated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in many countries. This study adopted a descriptive approach in exploring innovation and entrepreneurial performance in family-owned business in Remo, Ogun state. 93 copies of a questionnaire were distributed and structured, interviews conducted with 10 family-owned businesses towards establishing depth and effects.
A Comparative Study of Feature Selection Approaches: 2016-2020[Full-Text ] Syed Asim Ali Shah, Hafiz Muhammad Shabbir, Saif Ur Rehman, Muhammad WaqasFeature Selection (FS) is a dimensionality reduction method that is commonly adopted in the fields of machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics, and data mining. It is a preprocessing course of action universally used for huge volume of data and FS technique aims to select a subset of relevant features from the original set of features according to some criteria. Other than selecting the subset, it also congregates some other purposes, such as dimensionality reduction, compact the amount of data which are required for learning process, progress in predictive accuracy and increasing the constructed models. In literature, comprehensive work exists on the feature selection techniques.
Identifying the Key Determinants of Women Empowerment (WoE): A Perception Survey on Academicians in Tertiary Education[Full-Text ] Most.Tajmary MahfuzThe purpose of this research work is to figure out the key determinants of women empowerment(WoE) from the perspective of key persons in academia. The first phase of the study deals with secondary data to clarify the multi-faceted aspects of women empowerment. The second phase intends to identify the most crucial determinants of WoE and find out the nature & degree of casual relationship and interlinkages among the prioritized key determinants.
VENTRAL HERNIA RECURRENCE[Full-Text ] Astrit XhemaliBackground: Ventral hernias are one of the most common problems confronting general surgeons. The rate of ventral incisional hernia in the long term after laparotomy has been reported to be as high as 20% to 25%. Multiple studies have suggested that laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias carries a lower recurrence rate and shorter hospital stay with quicker recovery.
Investigation of Existing Steel Bridges in Ho Chi Minh City[Full-Text ] Dang Dang TungCorrosion is one of the most important causes of deterioration of steel bridges. The primary cause of corrosion is the accumulation of water and salt (marine environment or deicing media) on bridge steel. For steel structures, such as bridges, the severity of deterioration will depend on how long the metal is exposed to water, oxygen, and salt.
Review to Determinants of the Purchase Intention to HUAWEI Products in Malaysia Consumer Market[Full-Text ] Wang Yimeng, Guan YuchenThe purpose of this proposal is to review to the determinants of the purchase intention to HUAWEI products, like the smartphone, tablets, the laptops, and the other electronic devices in the consumer market in Malaysia. As HUAWEI brand has great development in Malaysia market with their consumer market in Malaysia, the purchase intention is significant for the revenue increase in the current market and for the consumer business expanded in the further market.
Manufacturer’s Help to Supplier for the Elimination of Losses- A study of relationship between Manufacturer and Supplier[Full-Text ] Ateeb Ahmed Siddiqui, Dr. Muhammad Asim, Salman ManzoorGlobally there are many industries which are working on the supplier’s development programs to enhance the relationship between manufacturers and supplier. With the strong relationships they are winning the market shares because of good collaborations not only this but their businesses are also flourishing speedily.
On Numbers and Games[Full-Text ] Maan T. Alabdullah, Essam El-Seidy and Neveen S. MorcosIn this research we study construction of the Surreal Numbers, showing it is a class that forms the totally ordered Field, and then explore some of new numbers, we present the reader some algebraic operations related to combinatorial games and gives a detailed outlook of the Surreal Numbers. A fresh outlook to some combinatorial mathematical algebraic operations, through the evaluation of a deduced several algebraic concepts.
Investigating the Effect of Changes in Pipeline Declination on Severe Slugging[Full-Text ] Ikpaisong Ubong SundaySevere slugging is an obnoxious multiphase flow regime in offshore oil and gas production systems. Its unstable nature poses problems not just to production/processing systems in form of sudden surges in liquid production that could result in separator overflow and shutdown and fluctuations in gas production that could cause operational /safety issues but also to the life of the well where increase in back – pressure could kill the well. A more grave consequence could be a reduction in the recoverable reserve in an oil and gas field. Hence, pipelines and subsea systems must be designed to assure that the multiphase fluids are transported from the wells to the processing facility safely and economically.
Frequency Domain Adaptive Equalization of Multipath Fast Fading Channel in OFDM System[Full-Text ] Hasan Farooq, Manal J. Al-KindiAdaptive equalization in frequency domain mitigates the effect of inter-symbol interference in OFDM system which caused by non-line of sight in wireless communication environment, where the channel is characterized as a multipath channel. Adaptive channel estimation based on superimposed training sequence is an efficient technique that provides fast tracking capability, without loss in bandwidth efficiency, in situations where the channel is time varying.
Globalization in Egyptian Higher Education: “Egyptian Higher Education (EHE) as Soft Power in Neighbouring Countries”, Cairo University as a Case Study[Full-Text ] Prof. Hamed A. EadAccording to Joseph Nye (2004), “Soft Power is the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion or payments. It arises from the attraction of the country’s culture, political ideals, and foreign and domestic policies”.1, 2 Education has been used throughout history as a weapon to conquer the hearts and minds of adversaries and to corrupt their youth with exogenous gods, goods, heroes, and ethics (Tomusk, 2006a)3.
The impact of service recovery on customer satisfaction: the case of SunShine Thai Binh restaurant[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi Nga, Tran Trieu KhoiThe research on the impact of 6 factors on customer satisfaction at SunShine Thai Binh restaurant, including Communication, Training, Feedback, Sorry, Explanation, Material compensation. The research results show that all 6 factors have relationship and affected on customer satisfaction with different levels.
The Effects of Migration on Living Strategy of Poor Indian People[Full-Text ] Jayabrata GhoshMigration is known as one of the best strategies adopted by individuals to boost their livelihoods. Migration refers to movement of an individual from one place of living to another. Otherwise, this movement of people may be defined as i) Immigration and ii) Emigration. The movement of individuals into a country is called immigration and the movement of individuals from their home country is called emigration. Net migration refers to the balance between emigration and immigration.
Strategic Plan to Site Iron and Steel Fabrication Plant in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adegbite, A. A, Ekwe, D.O, Idris, H.O, Usman, R and Akinfenwa J.OThe aim of this research is to optimally select the best site for iron and steel fabrication plant in Ibadan, Oyo State of Nigeria. The evaluation criteria were determined, and they were exactly seven parameters considered in this project. They were railway, slope, road, river, settlement, power substation and power line.
Multi-Criteria and Spatial Suitability for Siting ICT Hub in Ibadan, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adegbite, A. A, Akinfenwa J.O, Ekwe, D.O, Idris, H.O, and Usman, RThis work used numerous types of geospatial data to accomplish the objectives of the study which were to locate the most suitable site(s) for specific ICT sector operations (which are manufacturing and services locations) in Ibadan, Oyo State of Nigeria. The geospatial data included railway, road network, rivers, industries, markets, institutions, and settlements which were vectorized from the Ibadan Master Plan of 2017.
Siting a Waste to Energy Power Plant in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adegbite, A. A, Usman, R, Ekwe, D.O, Idris, H.O and Akinfenwa J.OIbadan being the third largest city in Nigeria generates over 7600 tonnes of wastes daily and currently, there is no efficient method backed up with known policy for effective management of the wastes. Nigeria has been battling with epileptic power generation and supply since her independence in 1960 even though there is abundant waste generation in the country. Exactly 10 criteria were considered for the selection of the waste to energy power plant in Ibadan.
Performance Evaluation of ANN-Based Fault Classifier on Nigerian 330kV-Transmission System[Full-Text ] Isaiah Adebayo,David Aborisade,IfeOluwa AkinolaModern power system is known to be a complex and large interconnected network of generators, transmission lines, and other power equipments. Consequently, occurrence of faults on transmission lines are inevitable. Thus, the need to carry out performance evaluations of various faults in a transmission network becomes imperative. In this work, transmission line parameters used for modelling were obtained from Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Osogbo and the power model obtained was simulated using MATLAB version 2016a.
PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION OF SRIKAIL GAS FIELD BY NODAL ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] FAIRUJ HUMAIRA FARIN, MOHAMMAD NEZAM UDDINProduction Optimization is the approach for maximizing the recovery of a gas field. It is simply a balance between reservoir and well deliverability by keeping pace with demand. Currently when Bangladesh facing energy crisis, optimization of a vital productive field can serve this purpose much. Maximizing the recovery through production optimization can elongate the life of the system preventing abandonment. Taking care of these facts this paper attempts to optimize the production rate of Srikail gas field.
Design of Filter Bank For Multicarrier (FBMC )[Full-Text ] Abbas S. Hilal, Manal J. Al-KindiFilter bank multicarrier, FBMC, is a modulation technique to overcome the Inter Carrier Interference (ICI) and Inter Symbol In-terference (ISI) that usually occur in OFDM communication systems. The inter carrier interference is a big challenges in network systems. In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), cyclic prefix are used for robustness of signal, but inherently introduce some draw-backs regarding system bandwidth efficiency and then system capacity.
PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON’S DISEASE: CLINICAL LITERATURE REVIEW[Full-Text ] Agrinazio Geraldo Nascimento Neto∗, Lucas Coelho da Silva, Wellington Carlos da Silva, Amanda Aguiar barros, Warly Neves de Araujo, Daniela Santos do Nascimento, Eva Coelho da Silva, Hiago Montel da Costa, Kárita Amanda Ribeiro de Melo, Nitiele Elizabete Cunha, Pricila Zancanella, Larissa Lima dos Santos, Jacqueline Aparecida Philipino TakadaOne of the greatest symptoms of patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s are: difficulty in controlling a center of body mass when getting up from a chair, hesitation, difficulty in gait, limitation of axial mobility (especially in bed) and impediment in performing complex movements, such as doing two tasks at the same time. Due to the studies done, several physiotherapeutic techniques for Parkinson’s disease were explicit, which was previously hardly used as a therapy for diagnosed patients.
EFFECT OF INCLINED CUTOFF ON SEEPAGE BENEATH HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES[Full-Text ] Walid ÙAl-Sayed MohamedIn terms of the importance of hydraulic structures, this research was started with the impartial of avoiding traditional solutions by implementing vertical cutoffs for the purpose of profiting of its depth and keeping it away of the phreatic line in order to dissipate the energy in the water below the apron and to reduce the potential energy in the water. In this research work, a laboratory study was achieved using electrophoresis.
Experimental Investigation and Assessment of Performance and Emission Chracteristics of CIME Fuelled CI Engine[Full-Text ] Mohan Das A.N , Harish G, Jagannatha T D, Shanmuganatan S PThe modern transport system runs primarily on fossil fuels and they are non-renewable cheapest sources of energy. Considering the huge demand of diesel in transportation sector, biodiesel can serve as an innovative alternative to power the vehicles. In the pre-sent study, Biodiesel from Calophyllum Inophyllum non-palatable oil has been extracted from Transesterification process by con-sidering effective Free Fatty Acid as per ASTM D 6751 standards and the properties of Calophyllum Inophyllum Methyl Ester was evaluated with those of pure diesel and the same fuel has been used in the conventional engine without any alterations in the oper-ating conditions.
Improving Energy Consumption and Reduce Noise in HVAC System using Electronically Commutated Motor[Full-Text ] Rudy Eduard, Wegie Ruslan, Isdaryanto IskandarImproving energy consumption and reducing noise on cinema building in Jakarta was study by replacing conventional motor with Electronically Commutated (EC) motor. The set up temperature and humidity follows the Jakarta Building Standard. It was found that replacement single conventional motor with single EC motor can reduce the significant amount of energy consumption and the noise level, and the Break Even Point (BEP) replacement of single EC motor will be reached around 4 year.
The impact of service recovery on customer satisfaction: the case of SunShine Thai Binh restaurant[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi Nga, Tran Trieu KhoiThe research on the impact of 6 factors on customer satisfaction at SunShine Thai Binh restaurant, including Communication, Training, Feedback, Sorry, Explanation, Material compensation. The research results show that all 6 factors have relationship and affected on customer satisfaction with different levels.