Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020
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DESIGN OF INTELLIGENT NEURO-FUZZY BASED DOCUMENT RETREIVAL SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ituma, C., James, G. G., and Onu, F. U.As information grows rapidly over the web, it becomes difficult for researcher to find the information they are looking for. The rapid growth of information on the web and the inadequacy of the conventional search engines to retrieve relevant information based on user’s request have motivated this research. Tracking, classification and retrieval of documents required tools that could recognize patterns in data as well as process imprecise information. FL lacks the capability to learn from previous data and NN equally lacks the capability to handle imprecise and incomplete data. This makes Neuro-Fuzzy systems one of the best options for document tracking, as the weakness of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network are complimented whilst the strength of the individual components are enhanced. This work extends earlier fuzzy IR models by adding more fuzzy linguistic values, fuzzy variables, using different membership functions, using rules that consider the document structure and optimizing the throughput using Nuero-fuzzy system. The document is quantified by describing it using features/linguistic variables that contribute most to its relevance to the query like the Lexical density, term weight, document similarity vector as well as word ratio. Linguistic values are assigned to each of these variables that associate them with membership degrees. Different membership functions were investigated for each of these linguistic variables and the best function was chosen for each variable which contributed the most to the IR precision. An ANFIS inference engine was built using the seugeno method that handle these variables to measure the degree of document relevance to the query. It was found that using ANFIS improved the performance slightly by some percentage over the FIS results.
EVALUATING THE WATER REPELLENT EFFECT OF RICE HUSK ASH IN HARDENED CONCRETE[Full-Text ] B .O Adinna; I. E UmeonyiaguRice-husk-ash, a pozzolanic additive to concrete, has the potential of serving as a water repellent admixture in concrete, considering its very high amorphous silica content. In this work rice-husk was calcined at temperature range of 500oC to 600oC and the grey ash ground to fine powder passing BS sieve size of 0.075mm, and was used to prepare concretes containing different percentages of rice-husk-ash added to the mix by weight of the cement content. In the same vain a proprietary admixture, proprietary name: Water Seal, was used to prepare similar concrete cubes at same varying percentages of 0%, 2%, 4%, 7%, 10% and 12% as the rice-husk-ash, where zero percent served as the control. It was observed, in water absorption experiment; that at 6 to 7 days water immersion the cumulative weights of water absorbed by the various concrete cubes became constant for all cubes containing either rice-husk-ash or the proprietary water repellent admixture, with the quantity of water absorbed reducing with increase in the percentage admixture add for both admixtures. At 2% dosage of the admixtures, after 7 days of water immersion of the concretes, weights of water absorbed were 0.19kg and 0.25kg for concrete cubes containing rice-husk-ash and concrete cubes containing Water Seal, respectively; while the control absorbed 0.75kg of water. This is a reduction in water absorption of about 75%; with the concrete containing rice-husk-ash performing a little better. It was concluded that 2% rice-husk-ash addition to concrete by weight of cement content, which incidentally is the same quantity prescribed by the manufacturers of Water Seal for their product, would be appropriate for use of rice-husk-ash as alternative water repellent admixture in concrete. Rice-husk-ash was then recommended as a good water repellent admixture in concrete and can be used as alternative to most proprietary products at a dosage of 2% by weight of cement content.
Compressive strength and workability of concrete containing fly ash as partial replacement for cement content [Full-Text ] B.O Adinna, P. D Onodagu, V. C Umeokpala Making concrete with fly ash as partial substitute for cement content has been a worldwide practice since 1930s. It helps to achieve better workmanship and general savings in the cost of material and labour. For this reason fly ash is regarded as a recovered resource. The engineering and economic value of fly ash is poorly appreciated by many engineers and economic decision makers in many countries. This study therefore embarked on rediscovering the pozzolanic features of fly ash by studying the compressive strength and workability of concrete containing fly ash as partial replacement for the cement content. Concrete cubes were cast with cement partially replaced with fly ash in the following percentages by weight of cement content of a grade 20 concrete that was used: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. The measured average 28-days compressive strengths and slumps, for the various percentage partial replacements, respectively, were: 21.3mm2 and 65mm for 0% , 24.3N/mm2 and 85mm for 10%, 22.8N/mm2 and 102mm for 20% , 18.9N/mm2 and 110mm for 30%, 17.7N/mm2 and 130mm for 40%, 15.5N/mm2 and 145mm for 50%, 14.4N/mm2 and 158mm for 60%. It was observed that the slump and average strength of the concretes containing fly ash increased and doubled that of zero percent, normal concrete. It was then concluded that fly ash should be gainfully used to substitute a part of the cement content of concrete up to 30% where ever fly ash is abundant.
Electrical Power System with Environmental sustainability[Full-Text ] Sammy Chalefac NjukangWith A Critical Analysis and research on the Said subject, observation have pulled my attention, that Many have concentrated on the root causes, Some focus more on the consequences and others on the Solution. Generating, transmitting, distributing and utilizing Electricity with Environmental Sustainability and Affordability will tackle the three facets {the problem, the cause and the Solution}.
Looking at the current state of the world globally, Electricity Generation in a greater measure is produced from fusil fuels sources, irrespective of its increase of carbon emission to our atmospheres. Whereas there are abundant natural sources which electricity can be harnessed? It seems to me that attention need to draw now to Governmental Authority, Generating companies, Scientific/engineering communities and to the entire human race on the suffice of the earth about the impacts of such electrical generating sources to Environmental sustainability and affordability.
The contamination of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the past was 250ppm and presently it is estimated at about 411.97 ppm. As per the ―US Energy Information Administration‖ {EIA},
2008 release; it will reach 450ppm by 2030. The spurt in the growth of Co2 is attributed to growing of fossil fuels –coal, oils and gas. The major consumers of these fossil fuels are electricity and automobiles. Electricity generation top the list.In this project I will be critically analyze how generating electricity from fusil-fuel had been destructive to our environment and how generating, transmitting and utilizing clean-green renewable electrical energies, smart Grid, promoting IEEE Smart village goals and UNESCO development sustainability Vision number ―Seven‖ can help reduce the effect of Global Warming and improve electricity generation, transmission, distribution and utilization with environmental sustainability, cheap and affordable energy.
An analysis of factors that impact a project budget during execution[Full-Text ] Dr. Darlington O. U. IkegwuruCertain factors conspire to militate against the completion of a project at the budgeted cost. The aim of the study was to identify, rank and categorise the factors that impinge on a project budget during the implementation stage and to examine the relative importance of the identified factors. Based on an extensive literature review and discussions with industry practitioners, sixty-seven variables that impinge on a contractor’s project budget during the implementation stage were identified. The sixty-seven variables were then used to design the questionnaire for the research. The data obtained from the survey was subjected to statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software. The statistical t-test results showed that out of the sixty-seven risk factors, fifteen are significantly important. The testing of the research hypotheses has enabled those key potential risk factors that can wreak havoc on a construction project and thereby reduce a construction firm’s profit margin to be isolated. In doing so, construction firms can now focus their prevention strategies on those fifteen variables identified by this research. Effectively addressing the factors that have been identified would enable them to improve upon their cost control practices with a view to remaining profitable. In addition, the statistically significant findings of this research provide insight into several areas for future investigations.
Computer can act with language differently [Full-Text ] Prasenjit janaIf we put A,a,B,...,Z,z along horizontal line in the screen of the computer and also same in the vertical line then we can see each different letters, words, and sentences have a different locus with image by clicking the mouse on that divided screen by different types of dragging . In that we can see by concatenation or joining points. Ex-'about'=((a,b),(o,u),(t,)) it will always give a distinct image by dragging the mouse differently. Though there may be some wrong in programming but can be made correct. I just give the concepts.
Local scour for side slopes piers with upstream Lenticular nose[Full-Text ] Mohamed T. Shamaa Reducing local scour at bridge piers is very important to insure stability of bridges crossing watercourses. Laboratory experiments in this paper are presented to reduce maximum scour at side slope piers with upstream lenticular nose and side slope piers with upstream lenticular nose and upstream curved face. Experiments were implemented in a rectangular laboratory flume has 15 cm sand layer as bed material using clear water condition. The effects of Froude number, slope and normalized arc height on scour depth at piers nose are illustrated. Results analysis indicates that piers with sharp curved nose and upstream curved face gave the maximum reduction of scour depth at piers nose in this study. Empirical relations are formulated to forecast maximum scour depth at noses of bridges piers.
Pollution in Vietnam: the reasons and solutions[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi Nga, Ph.DVietnam has an area of 331,690 km², located in the eastern part of Indochina peninsula, in Southeast Asia. Sharing the border with the three countries: China in the North, Laos and Cambodia in the West and the East Sea in the East. At present, Vietnam's population is more than 95 million, ranking 13th in the world with the main two city, Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam is the second largest city with 6.2 million people, after Ho Chi Minh City with 6.4 million people.
An Assessment of Nitrate Groundwater Pollution in an Agricultural Area in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Aniedi A. Udo, Magnus U. Igboekwe, Godwill U. Chukwu, Ndeari K. Dedan, Idowu S. Odeleye, Mbuotidem D. Dick and Jamiu A. RabiuAn assessment of nitrate groundwater pollution in an agricultural area in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria was carried out with the aim of mapping out areas that are polluted due to leached fertilizers from agricultural activities. Water from twenty sample wells were collected and analysed for physio-chemical properties using standard techniques. Results showed that the NO3- which constituted the contaminant of groundwater ranged from 4.68 mg/L to 90.2 mg/L within the sampled wells.
ENHANCE BIG DATA VERACITY CLASSIFICATION USING NEUTROSOPHIC LOGIC AND NEURAL NETWORK[Full-Text ] PROF. H.C INYIAMA, ANAZIA ELUEMUNOR KIZITOThe benefits of the Internet cannot be over emphasized but not without some limitations which has hindered its full utilization. The Internet was brought to the limelight since the emergence of web 2.0, which contains huge volume of heterogeneous data collections that are usually generated, managed, assessed, and stored in high velocity that is referred to as Big Data. Big Data is made up of structured, semi structured and unstructured data whose biggest challenge is being able to analyze and give a better classification which has to deal with Big Data Veracity.
Assessment of Pre - Service Teachers’ Competence in Literacy and Numeracy Skills at entry point in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State[Full-Text ] Egede, B.A.J, Chukwuma, R.A, Oji, J.O, Ajudeonu, H.I, Idialu, P.E, Omiegbe, O.O, Ofuonyebuzor, MThe need to improve on the principles and practices in the teacher – education sub – sector in Nigerian education system, so as to raise the levels of literacy and numeracy, which is still comparatively low from global standards has engaged the attention of stakeholders. Thus, this study was aimed at assessing the pre – service teachers’ competence in literacy and numeracy skills at the entry point into the tertiary institutions in Delta State, using a descriptive survey design.
Role of oral care protocol in reducing the severity of radiation induced oral mucositis as compared to normal saline mouthwash in patients with head and neck malignancies – A randomized control trial[Full-Text ] Dr.A.Mallika, Dr.V.SrinivasanAim and Objective : To determine the effect of strict oral care protocol in addition to normal saline mouthwash and compare it with oral care protocol only, in reducing radiation/chemoirradiation induced oral mucositis in patients with Head and Neck malignancies
A compartive study between Hungarian and Antcolony optimization algrorithm for task scheduling in the Cloud[Full-Text ] D.Prasanth RaoCloud computing is upcoming and evolving technologies in this era. Using cloud the capital expenditure is reduced. Many companies move towards cloud to reduce capital expenditure and operational cost.
WEB SEMANTIC BASED LEARNING[Full-Text ] ZulfakarDistance education pedagogy have an important place in a well-rounded educational experience. Connectivism is built on an assumption of a constructivist model of learning, with the learner at the centre, connecting and constructing knowledge in a context that includes not only external networks and groups but also his or her own histories and predilections.
Control of Wind Energy Conversion System under Typhoon Landed Conditions[Full-Text ] Dr.D.Chandra Sekhar, Veerala Geetha This paper presents control approach for the PMSG based WECS under a wide range of wind speeds. Generally most of the wind tur-bines are turned-off & disconnected from the power grid, in case wind velocity is over 25m/s. This project uses pitch angle controller and rotational speed control systems that the PMSG based WECS can generate power if the speed are above 25m/s.
Isolation, Screening and Elucidation of Antimicrobial compound from Aspergillus niger[Full-Text ] Kala Vetha Kumari and Sasi PremilaIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in researching and developing new antimicrobial agents from various sources to combat microbial resistance. Malformin is a metabolic product of Aspergillus niger and shows antibacterial activity against a variety of gram positive and gram negative organism.
Performance Analysis of Solar Charging Station for Electric Vehicle: A Case Study Based on 21.1 kWp Solar Charging Station in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Kaiser Habib, Mehedi Hasan, Sounok Karmakar, Mamun RabbaniSustainable transportation can be achieved by the application of a solar charging station for electrical vehicle charging. In Bangla-desh, several solar charging stations have been financed and installed by the government authority to a certain extent. However, the economic performance of the existing solar charging station is not satisfactory.
Critical analysis of the Concerns, Conventions & Controversies of Deep Sea Whaling[Full-Text ] Dr. Lakshmi Priya AWhaling and specifically deep sea whaling is an international concern especially in the context of the commercial significance it attracts as an international trade proposition.
Structure, optical bandgap and luminescence studies of SrAl2O4: Eu3+, Dy3+ aluminate phosphor[Full-Text ] Riya Neema, M. Saleem, P. K. Sharma, M. MittalThis report throws light on the preparation by solution combustion method of europium and dysprosium (Eu3+, Dy3+) doped strontium aluminate phosphor generally represented as (SrAl2O4: Eu3+, Dy3+). The phosphor was characterized for structural studies exploiting X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infer-red (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and en-ergy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX) techniques.
Experimental Investigation of Tensile and Compression Properties of Unidirectional Sisal Epoxy Resin Composite[Full-Text ] Habtamu Dagne, Mulugeta H/Mariam , Daniel Tilahun The applications of natural fiber are becoming very significant reinforcement for polymeric composites vis-a-vis different applications due to their advantageous properties such as low cost, environmental friendly, good mechanical performance and so on.
Using Multimedia Tools in Education (Citizenship Education in the Basic School, Ghana)[Full-Text ] Agordzo Kofi GeorgeThis study gathered data on how teachers integrated multimedia technology into the teaching of Citizenship Education to Basic students in Basic School. Questionnaire and observations were used for data collections. Findings indicated that multimedia integration is a factor in the teaching of Citizenship Education in the schools. The study indicated that Internet surfing, audiovisual tape, overhead projectors and internet education were the preferred method of multimedia integrated into classroom lessons.
Birkhoff and New Orthogonality in Normed Linear Spaces Via 2-HH Norm[Full-Text ] Bhuwan Prasad Ojha , Prakash Muni BajracharyaThe p-HH norms were introduced by Kikianty and Dragomir on the Cartesian square of normed spaces . P-norms and p-HH norms induces the same topology, so they are equivalent, but geometrically they are di erent.
Steroids induced cytotoxicity in hepatic cancer cells[Full-Text ] Israa Najm Abdullah Al-Ibadi, Abdulkareem Khattar Alhatemi, Majida Malik Meteab AlshammariHepatic cancer or Hepatocellular carcinoma is a common tumor of liver, in particular between males and it known as a most fatal cancer between others. The usual therapy is sorafenib. Steroids are known for their cell death effect (apoptosis) in case of leukemia, so they are used as supportive therapy along with other treatments against cancer. The study aims to investigate the cytotoxic effect of steroids upon hepatic cancer cells.HepG2 cells are incubated with 1µM of steroid Dexamethasone for three days and cytotoxic effect were evaluated by MTT assay. The results shown a significant inhibitory effect of dexamethasone against hepatoma for certain time and dose.
A Comparative study on Privacy Preservation techniques using Fisher Yates, Mondrian and Datafly algorithms[Full-Text ] Prof. T.Bhasker Reddy, Deepu J.J.Lazarus, Dr. M.Suresh Babu Privacy preservation assumes an indispensable job in forestalling individual private information protected from the imploring eyes. Anonymization strategies empower production of data which license investigation and assurance security of touchy data in information against assortment of assaults. It cleans the data. It can likewise keep the individual unknown utilizing encryption method.
A CASE STUDY ON MANAGING TROUBLE SHOOTING IN PRIMARY WATER SYSTEM IN 500 MW UNIT[Full-Text ] Vikesh SharmaDirect water cooling of stator windings has been common since the early 1960s. In general these windings have performed well, although as would be expected in any liquid systems involving many varied components, there have been problems with leaks, leaks both large and small. Perhaps less expected have been problems with copper oxide formation within the hollow copper strands which carry the water (as well as electrical current). Two types of oxide can be produced, cupric (a black compound, CuO) and cuprous (a red compound, Cu2O). Though copper is known as passive metal but under varying pH ranges coupled with different level of dissolved oxygen, there are different phenomenon which may occur in stator water system.
Simulation of a Reactive Distillation Process for Biodiesel Production[Full-Text ] Usman Suleiman Ubam, Ridhwan Adedayo Lawal, Saidu Muhammad WaziriBiodiesel production has received global attention for its potential to replace the conventional diesel because of the diminishing petroleum reserve and pollution caused by petroleum distillates. Reactive distillation of biodiesel can reduce the number of process equipment and the amount of energy required to power a biodiesel process plant. This study uses Aspen HYSYS to simulate a reactive distillation column for biodiesel synthesis. The reactive distillation column yielded 69.60% and 20.82% biodiesel and glycerol respectively. The product upgrading process produced 99.33% biodiesel and 78.24% glycerol.
Design of a Triple-Band Patch Antenna for WLAN and C-band Applications[Full-Text ] Ngozi Peggy Udeze, Akaa Agbaeze EtengThis paper discusses the design of a triple-band patch antenna. The employed approach first establishes patch sizes for the uppermost and lowest operating frequencies. Integrating both patches on a single substrate layer creates a single radiating patch with an inverted U-slot. A recessed transmission line is merged with this radiating patch to introduce a third operating frequency between the earlier established two frequencies.
SEMIPRIME PURELY NON-ASSOCIATIVE ACCESSIBLE RINGS[Full-Text ] Dr MERAM MUNIRATHNAM and Prof.D.BHARATHIThedy [1] proved the result for prime right alternative and free of locally nilpotent-ideals. Kleinfeld [2] proved that if a prime alternative ring is not associative then its nucleus N equals its center C.
EVALUATION OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN SOME FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN OSOGBO, SOUTH WESTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Adebisi Segun Akanmu, Olatunji Abigail Oluwafisayo and Awojide Shola HezekiahThis study evaluated the quantities of 26 pesticide residues present in some vegetables and fruits samples in comparison with the maximum quantity in which they should be present in the samples. Vegetables and fruits samples (onion, okra, tomatoes, carrot, cashew ) were bought at Igbonna Local Market, Osogbo, Osun state. The pesticide residue extraction and analysis were carried out by following the modified standard methods of: Determination of Organochlorine in water by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography, ASTMD 5812-96,
ROLE OF SERVICE RECOVERY IN MEDIATING THE EFFECTS OF COMPLAINT ON UNIVERSITY STU-DENT SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY AT PRIVATE HIGH EDUCATION IN KENDARI CITY[Full-Text ] Dzulfikri Azis Muthalib, Hasanuddin Bua, Sudirman Zaid, Hayat YusufThis research aims to test and analyze empirically the role of service recovery in mediating the effects of complaint on university student satisfaction and loyalty at Private High Education in Kendari City. Results of the research show that: (1) Complaint directly gives positive and significant effects on service recovery in university student at Private High Education in Kendari City. (2) Complaint directly gives positive and significant effects on university student satisfactionat Private High Education in Kendari City.
Historical account of ocean acidification and contemporary repercussion[Full-Text ] Raag SethiThe PETM boundary represents a quantifiable and measurable loss of biodiversity as a result of carbon absorption in the earth, this paper looks at the PETM as an event to compare modern day repercussion and impact due to anthropogenic carbon emissions and ocean acidification.
Identification of Coherent Generators for Dynamic Equivalent Studies- A Review[Full-Text ] Jamiu Babatunde Oyetola, Gbenga GbotosoThe structure of a modern power system is becoming more and more complex due to large interconnections of the network elements. This has posed a lot of challenges in providing a quick solution to power system problems and has been a growing concern to power system researchers, utilities and engineers in recent times. One of such problems which require quick solution is the identification of coherent generators for dynamic equivalence study in power systems. In solving this problem, various approaches have been proposed in the open literature and have been documented.
The Slavery Of The New Century And The New Freedom Struggle[Full-Text ] Dr Sameer GolwelkarWe are experiencing a technological revolution that we have never envisaged before. This era is also posing problems that the human mind had no experience dealing with. The influence of the gadgets in our day to day life is having a significant impact on our psyche and our thought processes. The mental script needs to be rewritten or one needs to walk through the future to comprehend the way of life down the time.
A New Approach for Leak Detection IN Transmis-sion water pipelines Using Artificial Intelligence[Full-Text ] Walid Al-Sayed MohamedLeakage is one of the most frequent and serious problems that occurs in water pipelines, as it causes wasting a considerable percentage of produced water. It also negatively affects the infrastructure, buildings and the public health.