Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019.
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INCESSANT POWER SUPPLY IN NIGERIA AND THE NEED FOR THE DESIGN AND PRODUCTION OF 100,000MW POWER PLANT[Full-Text ] OSHIN OLA AUSTIN, Adanikin Ariyo,Fakorede Ebenezer, Joseph OjotuThe present unreliable and erratic power supply is a pointer to the fact that there is a great need for fault evaluation and reliability studies of electric power system in Nigeria. The recent blackout in the country has grounded many activities and has destroyed many industrial processes. Also, the power industries face a lot of problems. Some of the highest priority issues being generation of sufficient power, urgent clearance of faults, adequate protection and increase reliability of the system, that is, bringing a steady uninterrupted power supply to the consumers. The Nigerian power problem resulted to incessant planned, forced and unplanned outages. In addition, it has resulted to erratic and unreliable supply of electricity in the country. It has reduced productivity and has increased unemployment rate in the country to over 40million (this figure is over 70% of Nigerian youths. It has led many of the youths in the country to crime. It has led many of the deaths of many innocent people in the country. Hence, an analytical method is developed to assess the dynamic- reliability of the distribution system, as well as optimizes the occurrence of faults along each of the individual consumer point in a feeder in order to improve the performance of the system. This research publication therefore evaluates the occurrence of faults which is about 856 occurrences during a period of 8 years and outages which range between 1118 to 3785 hours per annum along the distribution lines, also the failure rates of each of the feeders were analyzed in order to improve on the supply of electricity in the distribution network. The reliability of the system which ranges between 8.57*10-12 to 9.548*10-5 were analyzed; and fault clearing techniques were carried out. Efforts were made to adequately assess the failure rates of the feeders which range between 0.003 and 0.001 and reliability of the distribution system. Efforts were also made to improve the performance of the system. As a result, it was possible to establish improvement techniques which ensure adequate and constant supply of electricity to all the consumers for industrial growth and employment: a basic solution to increasing crime rate in the country.
Mobile Terminal Energy Aware Vertical Handover Decision Processes in Heterogeneous Wireless Mobile Networks[Full-Text ] Sintayehu Kassa, Mohammed Yesuf MohammedHeterogeneous is networks is integral in fourth generation to make the best possible use of the combined resources of available. To have seamless communication and mobility between these heterogeneous wireless access networks, support of vertical handover (VHO) is required. Vertical handover decision algorithms are essential components of the architecture of the forthcoming Fourth Generation (4G) heterogeneous wireless networks.
Mixed Method Analysis of Non-worker Women’s Trip-chain in Bandung City, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Sri Maryati, Heru Purboyo HP, Iwan P. Kusumantoro, Amelia HayatiThis study aims to explore daily travel in women not working in the city of Bandung, Indonesia, in their activity decisions based on the distribution of filling in the VISTA questionnaire (Victorian Integrated Survey for Travel and Activity). The use of the mixed method in this study to reveal the qualitative and quantitative data contained in the questionnaire to explain the pattern of travel and daily activities carried out by women does not work as a form of their responsibility to the family.
An Economic Evaluation of the Nexus between Gender Inequality and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective[Full-Text ] Saba Ashraf, Muhammad Arham khan, Sidra HaroonThe study attempts to made an economic evaluation the linking among gender inequality and Pakistan’s economic growth. The study also represents the differences of men and women. The study is depend on annual time series data from 1985 to 2015. GDP growth rate take as the dependent variable and independent variables include the female unemployment rate, male-female labor force participation rate and female to male enrollment rate.
UNIAXIAL SHAKING MACHINE OF GROUND MOTION SIMULATION[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ibrahim; Sumit Tarachandani; Narayan JangidIn the race of growing vertically, we are moving towards tall buildings. Such a tall structure needs a deep understanding of the structural behaviour under dynamic forces. A uniaxial shaking machine simulates the earth surface during earthquake creating identical vibrations by using time history function as the input.
Fine-tuned Permeability Estimation in Un-cored Wells Using Flow Zone Indicator Model[Full-Text ] Shirley Onyinye Odunze-Akasiugwu and Collins Akasiugwu It is essential to characterize and model reservoirs units into effective storage containers as well as conduits for fluid flow. For an efficient dynamic reservoir model that can honor the actual history matching of a field, a reliable permeability estimates for the field is required as an input. This input should also respect the facies architecture of the reservoir since log and core measurements often capture a 2 dimensional area of the reservoir.
Smart Firewall Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] S.SANDEEP, C.SHANDEEP SRINIVAS, R.MEENAKSHI, V.BHARATHWAJ, P.PRASATHIn today’s modern world no system currently available in the world is 100% secure. In addition, we always can notice that there are huge Attack scenarios. Generally, if a new signature is found on the database, then the behavior will be considered as an at-tack. Vulnerabilities in most computer systems and, it can be exploited by either non-authorized or authorized users. We pro-pose fuzzy based prevention techniques.
An improved ratio estimator of population mean in two phase sampling scheme[Full-Text ] Etorti, Imoke JohnIn an attempt to address the problem of efficiency in double sampling strategy, a class of alternative ratio estimator and its generalization is suggested using information on a single auxiliary variable. Members of the suggested class of estimator were obtained by varying some scalars and the bias and mean error of the suggested class of estimators were derived.
The Impact of Working Capital Management on Firms’ Profitability[Full-Text ] Mulualem Mekonnen AdmasuA well planed and implemented working capital management is expected to contribute positively for the firms profit and then its wealth maximization objective. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of work-ing capital management on firms’ profitability.
The Effect of Using Hybrid Nano Materials on the Different Properties of Cement Mortar[Full-Text ] Mostafa A. Mahdi, Saaid I. Zaki, Hossam A. Hodhod The aim of this work is to study the effect of nano materials on the properties of mortar, the experimental program included three parts: a- two types of Nano Silica, locally produced NS1 and imported NS2, b- Nano clay (NC) and c- Hybrid nano particles (NS1 & NC). In each part, mortar was used with different percentages of nano particles. Compressive strength and drying shrinkage tests were applied in each part on the cured and uncured samples. Thermal conductivity and Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) tests were conducted on the optimum mortar samples.