Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019.
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Deciphering Molecular Interactions of viral oncogene E-7 in human genital papillomavirus (HPV) for cancer therapy[Full-Text ] Sabahat Sohail, Naureen Aslam Khattak, Syeda Naqsh Zahra, Raja Adnan TahirHuman papillomaviruses (HPV) cause almost 90% of cervical cancers in associated with E6 and E7 proteins. Tumour supressor protein p53 and pRB becomes inactivated by E6 and E7 viral oncogenes respectively. E6/E7 oncoproteins are essential for the neoplastic growth maintenance and their repression stop the cell proliferation and causes the cells to undergo senescence. MODELLER (9v10) was utilized to generate three dimensional structures of E-7 candidate gene. Protparam server were applied for physiochemical analysis.
FAILURE BEHAVIOUR OF GROUNDNUT (SAMNUT 11) KERNEL AS AFFECTED BY KERNEL SIZE, LOADING RATE AND LOADING POSITION[Full-Text ] Uguru, H. and Nyorere, O.In this study, the failure bahaviour (failure force, failure energy, deformation at failure, and firmness) of SAMNUT 11 groundnut kernels were investigated, using the Universal Testing Machine. The quasi static compression tests were carried out at three loading rates (15, 20 and 25 mm/min), three kernel size categories (small, medium and large), and three loading positions (X -axis is in the plane containing the suture line; Y- axis is the plane perpendicular to the suture line, while Z-axis is the longitudinal axis through the suture).
IoT Based Wearable Device Monitoring Driver’s Stress, Fatigue and Drowsiness[Full-Text ] Prithvi P S, Rajeswari Devi R, Yogapriya N, Narayanan S Driving in the most stressful environments such as high traffic which is correlated with high degree of accidents should be avoided, so the measuring of stress, fatigue and drowsiness is done. This paper is focused to develop a wearable device to monitor the driver’s abnormal conditions such as stress, fatigue and drowsiness. Physiological sensors embedded device becomes ubiquitous in the growing Internet of Things (IoT). In this study, we focus on heart beat and eye blink monitoring to develop an efficient and robust mechanism for stress and drowsiness identification. Using machine learning algorithms from the heart rate signals alone, we could achieve 90% accuracy in detecting the stress. Preprocessing is achieved to distinguish valid signals from noise. By using our system, we can provide solutions in early stage of the abnormal conditions.
A Holistic Program to Develop People in Higher Education[Full-Text ] SyamsudarniEfforts to improve the quality of higher education continue to be done. One effort is to develop a quality assurance in universities. Quality assurance is expected to grow to establish standards, implement standards, evaluate the implementation of standards and continually seeks to improve the standard (continuous quality improvement). One of the tasks of this agency is to establish a quality assurance for professional lecturers.
Low serum magnesium levels and acute ischemic stroke[Full-Text ] Abdurrahman Sönmezler,Department of Neurology, Adana City Research and Training Hospital, Adana, TurkeyMagnesium is key cation in plasma.Controversial results have been shown about the magnesium levels and stroke.This study supports that low serum magnesium level may associated with mortality of cerebral infarction.Presence of hypomagnesemia in the ICU patients may be a preliminary finding for other organ damage as brain.
The impact of five successive freezing-thawing cycles and storage at -20 °C for one, two, and three months on the stability of selected hormones[Full-Text ] Mohanned Mohammed Bakir Al-Moosawi, Iman Midhat Abbas, Bushra Jaafar Abdulbaqi, Athraa Alauddin AbdullahBackground: The storage conditions of serum specimens for a long time need to be established for the purpose of their use in reference interval studies, or epidemiologic studies. Experimental design frequently necessitates the use of frozen samples for retrospective studies. Blood specimens are frequently stored in central clinical laboratories for further analysis. In addition to that, sera may be used for more than a single study and undergo repeated freezing and thawing. Pre-analytical phase is the most critical part of the total analytical process which has significant effect on patient results in clinical chemistry testing.
Evidence-based medicine and evidence-based pharmacy in medical practice[Full-Text ] Duong DieuEvidence-based medicine (EBM) was born in the mid-20th century and is developing strongly in the 21st century. Evidence medicine is an approach to medical practice aimed at optimizing decision making by emphasizes the use of evidence from well-conducted studies with good design. Although all science-based drugs have a degree of empirical support, evidence-based medicine can offer stronger recom-mendations, classify evidence with its epistemological power, and the need for from the strongest categories (from meta-analyzes, system-atic reviews, and randomized controlled trials) to weaker categories (such as from the control studies, case report) can lead to recommen-dations.
Marxist alienation in Daniyal Mueeunddin’s short stories[Full-Text ] Nabiha Ishtiaq Javaria Tariq Kiran Khalid Naseer Ahmed Maria Haroon Tehreem Saddique The aim of this research is to discuss Marxist alienation in selected stories from Daniyal Mueenuddin’s In Other Rooms, Other Wonders. These stories revolve around a rich Pakistani landowner K.K Harouni, his family, and employees. These stories are set in the socio-economic transitions in late 20th century. In them we find the exploitation between social classes. The result of this exploitation is alienation. The Marxist Critical Theory is applied to highlight the factors that create alienation between classes and show how this alienation leads to the destruction of the individual.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SCOUR AT ABUTMENTS OF RIVER KABUL BRIDGES IN PAKISTAN [Full-Text ] Fazal Farooq, Mujahid KhanThe focal problem for river Kabul bridges in Pakistan during maximum flood is scour at bridge pier and abutments causing its collapse and/or isolation from approach road. This will result in bridge failure, human loss, damage to properties and traffic disruption. Keeping in view the problems caused by bridge failure, it is important to check the vulnerability of abutments for failure due to scouring.
EFFECT OF PROBIOTIC FEED ON GROWTH PARAMETERS OF CATLA CATLA FINGERLINGS[Full-Text ] P Naga JyothiWith increasing demand for animal protein, aquaculture has become one of the fastest growing food sectors of the world. It has become the most viable and promising sector for providing nutritional and food security to human. But, sustainable production is effected in most of the aquaculture farms by factors such as poor water quality management, nutritionally imbalanced supplementary feed and the disease frequency. To control these diseases, indiscriminate use of antimicrobial drugs in aquaculture, lead to the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Digital Image Compression using DCT Algorithm: An Improvement[Full-Text ] Rajasekar P, Srinivas L N BImage Compression is a method in which the size of a digital image is reduced yet the visibility of the image is maintained. It is done to re-duce the cost for storing as well as transmitting the image. There are many kinds of compression techniques for compressing different types and sizes of images. Depending on the user’s requirement to get the desired result, compression might be done at a high rate which can even reduce the quality of the image to a great extent.
Intelligent Substation Automatic Load Shedding System for Power Distribution[Full-Text ] Nkolika O. Nwazor, Wole S. Orisadare, Edidiong PhanThis paper is on an Intelligent Substation Automatic Load Shedding System for Power Distribution. This serves as a solution to the manual method of load shed-ding where the feeders are put off and on by pressing their control switches on the control board located in the control room currently being used in developing countries like Nigeria.
Design of a Secure and Authorized System for Data Deduplication[Full-Text ] Srinivas L N B, Rajasekar PDe-duplication is a technique of compression of data and it eliminates duplicate copies of repeating data. To protect the data security better, the problem of authorized data de-duplication is addressed. The idea is presented which is used for differentiating data according to their popularity. The problem of authorized de-duplication is addressed in this paper. To remove duplicate data from database is the main aim. It also helps for saving the storage space and bandwidth.
THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON WEIGHT LOSS OF BROILERS[Full-Text ] Sadru DadEvaporative weight (W.L.) losses of eight week old broilers were measured under different environmental conditions namely, dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, ventilation rate and time in confinement. Of the four factors considered, dry-bulb temperature, ventilation rate and time in confinement were significant at 99.5% confidence level in the analysis of variance.
Development of a Mathematical Model for Predicting Drying Rates of Cassava Noodles[Full-Text ] Nnaemeka Charles EzeanyaThis research aimed at the development of a mathematical model for predicting drying rates of cassava noodles. The model was developed using the Buckingham Pi theorem approach. The cassava noodles were dried at two levels of sample thicknesses of 0.48 and 0.72 cm; and two levels of air velocities of 1.5 and 2.5 m/s. Results from the drying experiment showed that the drying rates of cassava noodles increased with increase in air velocity and decreased with increasing sample thickness of cassava noodles. The developed model predicted very well the drying rates of cassava noodles, giving coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.997 for both velocities of 1.5 and 2.5 m/s at sample thickness of 0.48 cm; and 0.981 and 0.963 respectively for velocities of 1.5 and 2.5 m/s of sample thickness of 0.72 cm. A two-tail test conducted using Fishers Least Significance Difference (F-LSD) approach showed no statistical difference between the predicted and experimental drying rates.
Impact of the cyclonic storm Komen along the coast of Bangladesh and recovery measures[Full-Text ] Mst. Rupale Khatun, Gour Chandra PaulKomen, a category 1 unusual tropical cyclone with wind speeds of over 85 km h-1, struck south western coastal region of Bangladesh on 30 July 2015. Although it was not too intensified and dreadful, but it caused a considerable loss of life of the coastal people of Bangladesh both socially and economically. Many people lost their lives and several injured due to this disaster. It brought heavy rainfall of several days and many areas of the southern Bangladesh were inundated by the associated flood. In this paper, it is analyzed how the coastal people of Bangladesh and the environment in which they live were affected by the cyclone.
Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentrations in Selected Road-side Fast Foods in Ibadan Oyo state, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olajide A.J, Olajide O.E, Salami I.T, Adeyemi A.T, Abiodun S.LHeavy metal toxicity assessment in foods is important for safety measures. Road-side food samples commonly referred to as fast foods are prone to exposure of heavy metals due to environmental pollution mainly from industrial discharge and automobile emission. This research analyses the heavy metal concentrations of some fast foods; roasted plantain (RP), roasted fish (RF), roasted yam (RY), “suya” meat (SM), fried potato (FP), roasted corn (RC), fried bean cake (FBC) and doughnut (DT) obtained from different locations in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.
Emotion Aware Cloud Services Using Brainwaves And 5G Technology[Full-Text ] Pranav J.I, Sayujia STechnology today is so advanced that more than 70% of our daily life is spent using technology. The number of fully automated home are rising day by day. Everything is connected to the cloud. One of the major problems the cloud AI faces is the inability to understand the emotions of users which causes inappropriate behavior to the user at inappropriate times. Through this work we present a method to understand the user’s emotion through EEG sensors (Brainwave) These sensors are commmonly called brainwave readers. Many
Performance of an Alpha-type Stirling Refrigerator with shell and tube condenser and evaporator[Full-Text ] Eldesouki I. Eid, Wael M. EL-Maghlany, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Ahmed M. Soliman, Salwa M. MohamedThis paper investigates the performance of an alpha type Stirling refrigerator using shell and tube heat exchanger as evaporator and condenser with helium as a working fluid. The refrigerator is an alpha configuration. The pistons synchronization is driven by a crank-shift mechanism. A computer program in a form of spreadsheet was prepared to solve the refrigerator cycle numerically in the vision of Schmidt theory.
Study Of H100 Raw Materials To Obtainment Of Isotropic And Anisotropic Magnets Of Strontium Ferrite[Full-Text ] Moisés de Mattos Dias, Ricardo Martins de Martins, Patrice Monteiro de Aquim, José Carlos Krause de Verney, José Lesina Cézar, Lirio Schaeffer, Natanael de Oliveira da Rosa, Renato Mazzini Callegaro, Monir Göethel BorbaThe aim of this work was a study to obtain isotropic and anisotropic magnets of strontium ferrites, through the Powder Metallurgy processes (P/M), using as raw material an alloy commercially known as H100. Ferrite Magnets are ceramic materials obtained from iron oxide and barium or strontium oxide and presents intermediate magnetic properties of coercivity and retentivity when compared to other magnets. The anisotropic ferrite magnets are compacted in dies coupled to coils, which results a low reluctance magnetic circuit.
Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey[Full-Text ] Modu Mohammed Maina, Goje Liman, Tahir Abubakar.Cognitive Radio is a one of the recent emerging technologies, with a wide range of potentialities in network that support and facilitate an effective, efficient and elastic used of the inoperative radio spectrum. It has the capability of systematically and intelligently senses a frequency band and makes use of unfilled vacant spectrum. The sophisticated sensing technique which enables wireless devices to access the radio spectrum and decide whether the network is being used by the designated users, otherwise it will utilize the opportunity and take charge. Cognitive Radio cannot make any changes to the network and automatically detects when the original user arrives and vacate wisely without causing any harmful intrusion. Alternatively, cognitive radio seems a way out to tackle the scars of the radio spectrum, which can be achieved by proper management and applying different techniques, such as, spectrum sensing, spectrum decision, spectrum sharing, dynamic spectrum and how the transmission/receiving of the spectrum. There are many significant features that make the present cognitive radio far ahead of the ordinary or conventional techniques. Present technique is faster and most likely accurate, spectrum sensing is one of them and this paper will review the available novel technique on different sensing technique, its applications, principles and future direction.
Effects of Ethnocentrism on Vietnamese Consumers’ Attitudes in the case Vietnam Joining Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi NgaThe purpose of the current research is to investigate the effect of ethnocentric attitudes of consumers in selecting between the domestic products and the imported ones, focuses on the two samples of product: the fresh foods (meat, vegetable, fruit…) and the electronic products.
State of Energy Management in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area of Uganda[Full-Text ] Ismail KimuliA secure and accessible supply of energy, demand side efficiency and prudent management of energy is crucial for the sustainability of developing societies. The purpose of this study was to assess the current energy management situation of GKMA in relation with the existing Uganda Policy framework with a view to develop an appropriate research framework for developing and optimizing an EMP for a low carbon GKMA. Empirical literature review method was used in assessing the economy, energy situation and energy policy framework for Uganda in order to understand the state of energy management in GKMA.
Visible Gap Identification in Vocationalisation of Higher Education[Full-Text ] Dr. R.B. Shivagunde, Ashutosh Kumar Rai, Aruna Singh, Sachin RaiIdentification of vocation specific gap in teaching-learning involves various steps to determine visible gaps in available study materials of technical education. The purpose is catered by the development of need analysis tool that will indeed address the identified problems in specialized content delivery in technical education of respective fields.
Three Option Multiple Choice Questions had the Least Non-functioning Distractors: Analysis of 1855 MCQs in First Year Competency Based Medical Program at Tanta Faculty of Medicine, Egypt[Full-Text ] Magdy Balaha, Manal El Bermawy and Eslam El-HawaryIntroduction: The study aims to evaluate the efficiency of distractors by analyzing the items used in 18 courses along the first year of the CBMBP curriculum. The study is among few large studies discussing distractor efficiency in the Middle East. It is the largest in Egypt and Arabic area. Settings: Tanta Faculty of Medicine, Egypt from December 2016 until July 2017. This study was conducted on the CBMBP exams after the end of the semesters of the first year. The study design was repeated cross-sectional study. 16 courses, 28 tests and 1855 MCQs were evaluated. Methods: The MCQs were analyzed using Difficulty Index (Dif I), Discrimination Index (Dis I), using the point biserial (pbs) and analysis of distractor efficiency (DE) by calculation the non-functioning distractors (NFD). Results: The mean difficulty index (Diff I) was 0.71, 46% of the questions in the easy category while the difficult questions represented 11%. The mean discrimination index (Disc I) was 0.27 with 15% of the questions having poor discriminatory value. The presence of NFDs as following; 0 NFDs in 30%, 1 NFDs n 40 %, 2 NFDs in 23% and those with >= 3 NFDs in 7%. Distractor efficiency (DE%) was 56.5%. The number of NFDs increased with increasing number of options. Conclusion: The number of NFDs increased with increasing number of options. The best values of NFDs were found in the three options MCQs. The 3 option MCQs had the best number of good distractors with 0 NFDs, hence they have the reasonable difficulty and best discrimination.
Geothermal Sources of Energy[Full-Text ] Natasa A. KablarIn this paper we present basics of geothermal energy, we give brief history, usages in heating, and electricity production, and we give overview of three basics geothermal systems for extracting heat from underground waters or systems to produce electricity: power plants on hot water, dry steam, or binary cycle. Further, we present basic elements of geothermal systems, and we give data about usage of geothermal energy in world, and geothermal impact on economy, and environment. We present steps toward installing geothermal power plant. Geothermal energy presents one of five renewable energies (solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, water energy, geothermal energy) that are used today in substituting energy obtained from gas, fossil fuels, or oils.
The Sociological Impact of the Chronic Kidney Disease in the North Central Province (with Special reference to Padaviya Area)[Full-Text ] K.P.R.S.AsangikaThe kidney which heles as valuable to continue the body. It can be disease because of several reason. The chronic kidney disease can be divide mainly as two types. Such as Acute renal failure and chronic kidney disease. The reasons to affect for these two types. Sometime can be same and sometime it can be specific in Sri Lanka most of the people. Who live in dry zones and Agricultural zones. They are suffering from Chronic kidney disease. It happens because of the unknown reasons.
Analisis de antecedentes y referentes teóricos sobre el emprendimiento social y economías creativas o economía naranja, una mirada desde el contexto global a lo local[Full-Text ] Celene Margarita Romero Haddad, Katia De La Puente Jabib y Luis Fernando Alfonso Garzón.The solidarity economy is key in the peace process in Colombia; This is what Carlos Mario Zuluaga says in the edition No. 21 of the solidarity organizations magazine 2016; in Colombia there are many problems such as unemployment, education, little social development, and the lack of generation of new business opportunities, periods of more than 60 years of violence, among others; aspects in which cooperatives and other companies in the solidarity sector exercise a positive synergy, that is why it is key that from the solidarity sector we develop projects of social entrepreneurship and creative economies that help to correct most of our conflicts.
Review of Patterns in Income Inequality Across Sub-saharan African Coutries,and its Relation to Globalization and Economic Growth: A Cross- Country and Trend Data Analysis[Full-Text ] Bekele ArayaThe interaction and the mechanism by which income inequality is evolving considering different globalization pattern is a ma-jor concern by several studies. The study particularly focus on the idea how globalization has possibly lead to income ine-quality widening the gap between the poor and rich and limiting growth rate sub-Saharan countries. This will be investigated by taking evidence of cross country data applying panel observation of different income distribution pattern .
A Mathematical Model to Predict the Tensile Strength of Asphalt Concrete Using Quarry Dust Filler[Full-Text ] Kenneth Miebaka ObaThe Indirect Tensile Strength is the easiest way to determine the tensile strength of Asphalt concrete, which in turn determines the ability of the concrete to withstand cracking, fatigue, and rutting. In this study, four ingredients of the asphalt concrete blend being asphalt binder, sand, granite, and quarry dust filler were used to produce the specimens. Scheffe’s simplex theory was used for four mix ratios in a {4,2} experimental design which resulted in additional six mix ratios. For purposes of verification and testing, additional ten mix ratios were generated.
Directivity improvement of a circular antenna array[Full-Text ] Julian ImamiTechnology has increased its influence in all aspects of our life. For this reason in nowadays a lot of researches are done in all fields of technology. This paper will focus on the antennas that transmit and receive data. During transmission, the oscillating current applied to the antenna by a transmitter creates an oscillating electric field and magnetic field around the antenna elements. Especially their use in mobile technology. Telecommunication industry has lead us from conversations with wireless technology to the use of internet with Wi-Fi. The smart phones that we all have in our hands today are used not only for their basic and initial creation as a mobile communication but involve the use of phones for internet usage. The aim is to improve the directivity of this antennas through the phase only control.
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND OSMOTIC TREATMENTS ON QUALITY OF STORED PINEAPPLE SLICES DRIED UNDER CABINET TRAY DRYER[Full-Text ] Vipul Chaudhary, Vivak Kumar, Sunil, Vaishali, Kavindra Singh and Vikrant KumarPineapple is largely consumed around the world in the form of canned pineapple slices, chunk and dice, pineapple juice, fruit salads, sugar syrup, alcohol, citric acid, pineapple chips and pineapple puree. It mainly contains water, carbohydrates, sugars, vitamins A & C, carotene and refreshing sugar-acid balance and a very rich source of vitamin C and organic acids. The investigation was carried out using different drying temperatures and pretreatments. Storage study was also carried out for a period of 3 months for pineapple slices packed in HDPE bags.
Brain Tumor Segmentation Techniques on Medical Images - A Review[Full-Text ] Faisal Muhammad Shah, Tonmoy Hossain, Mohsena Ashraf, Fairuz Shadmani Shishir, MD Abdullah Al Nasim, Md. Hasanul KabirMedical Image is one of the most imperative field in Image Processing. Working on this field is an ambitious task as well as challenging and tumor segmentation from a medical image is the tenacious task. Over the decades researchers went through considerable development to segment the tumor. Researchers developed various methods to articulate the carcinoma. Numerous segmentation techniques such as threshold based, region based, clustering based segmentation etc. have been applied for this purpose. Perceiving the current prominence in this terrain, we glean all the analytical information in addition to a brief analysis. In this paper, we entailed various image segmentation techniques, different types of existing algorithms based on some aspects of brain MRI images and at last we ended with a brief discussion of a few challenges for our future work.
Stochastic Analysis of Aeroradiometric Data for Characterisation of Uranium Favourbility In the Lower Proterozoic Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India[Full-Text ] A.P. DHURANDHARAirborne Gamma Ray Spectrometric (AGRS) data analysis for the southern Cuddapah basin revealed many radioactive anomalies in the Proterozoic Vempalle formation. Geological and Geochemical analysis of aeroradiometric data for Komanutola and Giddankipalle blocks shows high eU, eU/eTh and eU/K ratios of phosphatic dolomite of Lower Vempalle Formation lead to define the Uranium Favourability Index (UFI). The UFI maps for Komanutola and Giddankipalle areas have indicated ESE-WNW to E-W trending linear anomalous zones for uranium mineralisation within the Vempalle phosphatic dolomite. UFI 10 to 38 corresponds to 0.01 to 0.04%eU3O8 values on surface outcrop samples.
Comparative Analysis of Diameter Dependence of Stimulated Raman Scattering Loss in Optical Fiber Communication System[Full-Text ] M. N. Hasan, M. A. Humayun, M. A. Sahadath, M. A. Rashid, M. AbdulMalek This paper highlights the effect of core diameter of different types of optical fiber cables on Stimulated Raman Scattering loss of an optical fiber communication system. This paper reports the numerical analysis of Stimulated Raman Scattering loss at three different windows of the operating wavelength of a laser for four types of optical fiber cables namely- Multi-Mode Step Index silica fiber, Multi-Mode Graded Index silica fiber and plastic fibers.
Study of Dynamics of Shock-Vortex Interaction on Flap Wing by CFD tool[Full-Text ] Mukesh Didwania, Dr. Kamal Kishore KhatriThe purpose of the flaps is to generate more lift at slower airspeed, which enables the airplane to fly at a greatly reduced speed with a lower risk of stalling. Shock wave-vortex interaction that is generated in external flows (Aerofoil or wing) and internal flows (inlets, nozzles, and combustors) is a complex and often unsteady phenomenon. For analyzing external flow around supersonic solar aircraft with wings of large sweep and small aspect ratio this classical problem in theoretical gas dynamics is very important. Generation of a vortex sheet near the leading edge of the wing and its subsequent rolling into two isolated vortices is the important feature of such flows.
The Prevalence of Symptomatic Typhoid in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Aniashi, S. O., Iwu Okechukwu Marcellus, Opoh, Godwin E. and Edet Bassey BasseyThis study was designed to investigate the prevalence of symptomatic typhoid in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study also investigated the influence of gender and ABO blood group on the prevalence of symptomatic typhoid. The cross-sectional survey design was employed. Four hundred and two (402) people of both sexes and all ages were randomly selected by the multistage sampling technique. To determine whether one was suffering from typhoid, the subjects were observed for signs and symptoms of typhoid fever.