Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019.
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Development of Training Services and Promotion through Website at SMEs Rynde Craft[Full-Text ] Fajar Gumilang KosasihRynde Craft is a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise that creates handicrafts from old newspapers. Business strategy undertaken by Rynde Craft is the development of the market to increase the number of consumers. Although it has been going on since 2012, the company's business growth is not optimal. After mapping out the business conditions, the author has identified that the main problem of the company is the development of training and promotion activity. The purpose of this Business Coaching is to assist Rynde Craft in developing training services and promotion through the website. Analytical methods used are External, Internal, Customer, and Competitor Analysis; SWOT; and Gap Analysis. The result of Business Coaching is the enhancement of product identity with the development of training services and enhancement of online promotion by creating a website.
INCREASING THE RANGE AND EFFICIENY AND REDUCING THE POSSIBLITY OF ENERGY THEFT IN A WIRTRICITY NETWORK USING VALARIOUS COILS [Full-Text ] So, how would you react if I say , trasnsmitting electricity or a kind of electric energy through air is possible Yes people . Get amazed when I speak about the term so called witricity .Our paper is all about the near field technology .This kind of approach is applicable only for witricty networks inside the room or a kind of house like architecture. This is Similar to the wifi that we use in home . we have used the resonant coupling induction method which is a type of coupling the transmitter and the receiver . The main thing to be noted here is that at resonance maximum power can be transmitted but
EVALUATION OF NEOPLASTIC LIVER LESIONS BY TRIPLE PHASE CT[Full-Text ] DR.SURESH V BAN, DR.SUPRIYA BADE, DR.PRASHANT BHUSARA, DR.JAILONGAM GONMEI, DR.VARSHA RATHIBackground: Liver neoplastic lesions are common clinical and radiological problem and cauterizing them as benign and malignant is important. Objectives of the study using triple phase CT as diagnostic modality to study the characteristic features of various hepatic lesions, differentiating benign from malignant lesions and correlating triple phase CT findings with clinical and histopathology or post-operative findings for evaluation of its efficacy.
Seasonal Rainfall Forecasting for Sinai Peninsula in Egypt Using Artificial Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Hadeer E. Khafagy, Mohamed H. Elsanabary, Sherif E. AbdellahProviding a forecasting tool for rainfall over Sinai Peninsula in Egypt will contribute in taking proper precautions for flash floods and eliminate their impacts as a result, so we employed the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for seasonal rainfall forecasting over Sinai Peninsula.
Comparative Analysis of Search Engine Optimization Using Auto Search Tool[Full-Text ] Mehak Zahoor, Shafaq ZahoorDue to unawareness of search engine optimization techniques, people do not use these techniques in newly formed websites. Auto search tool is used to increase the ranking of their websites automatically. It is efficient to get the Result in a timely manner. Two approaches were inferred; firstly selection of keywords and deep analysis method in SEO is apply to deal with the problems like low speed, deprived reliability and not flexible optimization in SEO processing. Secondly, Web Meta Data (WMD) is apply to real situation using different approaches to deal with low visibility in Search Engine. Traffic generated by this tool is more as compared to real traffic. In this study, the auto search tool can increase the web site ranking automatically. Traffic generated by this tool is more as compared to real traffic.
Analog- Digital Precoder for Downlink System on the Impact of Antenna Impairments[Full-Text ] Wasan Al- Masoody and Naz IslamIn this paper, the BER performance of the downlink multi-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MU- MISO) system for the perfect channel state information (CSI) is investigated. Rather than compensating or eliminating the effect of the mutual coupling among antenna elements, an optimization process is used by the aid of an analog-digital (AD) precoder. In this precoder, a conventional linear scheme is used in the digital domain, while a standard optimization technique is applied in the analog domain to manipulate the values of the load impedance and adjust the source of the antenna impairment which is the mutual coupling (MC) leading to the optimum values.
Management of Educational Resources for the Implementation of Vocational Subjects in Technical Colleges in South East, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. Angela A. ORAGWU, Dr. Akachukwu I. NWABUEZEThis study investigated the management of educational resources for the implementation of vocational subjects in Technical Colleges in South East, Nigeria. Four research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The research design adopted was descriptive survey. The population comprised all the eight (8) government-owned Technical Colleges involved in developing and providing vocational education in South East, Nigeria. They have 241 academic staff comprising sixteen (16) principals (eight in Senior and eight in Junior sections) and 225 technical and science teachers, male and female inclusive.
COMPARISON BETWEEN ISLAMIC BANKING AND CONVENTIONAL BANKING IN PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Mrs. Umreen Akhter,Mr. M Imran Baber, Amir Manzoor Wian, Dr. Syed Aziz HaiderThe study is conducted to analyze the financial performance comparison between conventional and Islamic banks in Pakistan for five years i.e. 2014-2018. For the study purpose, five banks have been selected from the conventional banking sector and five from the Islamic banking sector. The comparison has been made on the basis of the average value of different ratios to analyze their profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and risk of solvency.
New Techniques for Monolayer and Microcarrier Culturing, Their Perspectives in research scale applications[Full-Text ] Punit PuriCell culture is the process by which prokaryotic, eukaryotic or plant cells are grown under controlled conditions. But in practice it refers to the culturing of cells derived from animal cells. Cell culture was first successfully undertaken by Ross Harrison in 1907. Roux in 1885 for the first time maintained embryonic chick cells in a cell culture. The cells may be removed from the tissue directly and disaggregated by enzymatic or mechanical means before cultivation, or they may be derived from a cell line or cell strain that has already been already established. A wide range of cells have been cultured on micro carriers.
AI-based Distribution & Smart Contract for OEMs using Reinforcement Learning and Hyperledger Fabric[Full-Text ] Shivam Rai, Niraj Kesarwani, Siddharth ParasharOEM (original equipment manufacturers) Supply Chain Management always require a mechanism to ensure trust via contract methods and intelligent allocation of delivery load & logistics to save cost. Smart Contracts on Blockchain technologies is one of the best suited mechanisms to ensure trust in contracts. These contracts are immutable and transparent to related participants.
A Study of Juvenile Immoral Crime in Palopo City[Full-Text ] Takdir, Rahmawati, Abdain, Muhammad Tahmid NurThis research was conducted to discover involvement, factors and efforts solve immoral crimes committed by adolescents. It employed descriptive qualitative methods with sociological, empirical and normative approaches. The results of the study indicated that the involvement of adolescents in such crime was based on a mutual desire to act like adults by having sexual intercourse, coercion to commit immoral violations due to lust, persuasion of friends to commit immoral acts, shortcuts to be united and invitations to commit immoral acts for payment.
Comparison of Fuel Cell, Fuel Cell Battery, and Fuel Cell Ultra-Capacitor Vehicles[Full-Text ] Shaharyar YousafFuel cell automobiles are the vehicles which use fuel cell as an energy source rather than traditional lead batteries. However, fuel cell cannot be used for bidirectional flow of power. So, fuel cell has to be used with batteries or ultra-capacitors. Battery has high density of energy and ultra-capacitors have high density of power. So, in this survey we will review model of batteries used with fuel cell, and model of ultra-capacitors have been used with fuel cell.
Metal complexes of a new asymmetric hydrazonic ligand synthesis, characteri-zation and microbicide activities[Full-Text ] Abdou S. El-Tabl, Moshira M. Abd-El Wahed, Mohamad M. E. Shakdofa, Belal M. Herisha2,4-dihydroxy-2-hydroxybenzylidene) hydrazono)ethyl)phenyl) ethylidene)hydrazono)ethyl)-2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethan-1-one and its Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Ag(I), Cd(II), Hg(II) and ZrO(II) complexes were synthesized and characterized by spectral and analytical techniques. The ligand binds the metal ions as a monobasic or neutral bidentate fashion via the protonated or deprotonated hydroxyl oxygen and azomethine nitrogen atom of salicyl moiety.
mDroid : A Machine Learning Based Malware Identification System For Android[Full-Text ] P M DhanasreeThe explosive growth of smart phones and wide acceptance of android brings a large scope for android mobile malwares. As the number of applications in android platform increases, number of malwares is also increasing rapidly. Since today’s smartphones are a ubiquitous source of confidential datas, hackers are very much interested in targeting mobile phones. So security of mobile phones is a major issue. This paper presents a new machine learning based approach for detecting malwares in the android platform. We perform hybrid analysis over downloaded applications to specify whether it is of malicious behaviour or not.
Multi-Objective Fuzzy Index based optimal scheduling of a Micro-Grid With CHP and Wind Power Units[Full-Text ] Archana Pathak, Manjaree Pandit, and Yogendra KumarPresent world is starving for the new and renewable energy resources to meet many global warming and clean air challenges and this make the energy researchers for doing more and more research for recyclable and biodegradable energy resources like wind energy .Power system industry plays a pivotal role in the growth of developing world .In the area of research in power, each and everyone is searching for economic and eco friendly ways to dispatch the power.
Market Development Strategy Through Website and Product Packaging Innovation[Full-Text ] Jessie Mesa Siahaan SME contribution to Indonesia GDP is increase from 57.84% to 60.34% in the last five years, the labor absorption in this sector is also increase from 96.99% to 97.22% in the same period. Despite of the increase on above factors, there are 2 major obstacles faced by UMKM both internally and externally. Alka F.A is one of Indonesia’s SME who sell hijab to their target market, generation Y. As SME it also has the same main problem like stated before.
EXPOSITION PROFESSIONNELLE AUX POUSSIERES DE CIMENT CHEZ LES TRAVAILLEURS DE LA SOCIETE NOUVELLE DE CIMENTERIE DU CONGO / PROFESSIONAL EXPOSURE TO CEMENT DUST IN WORKERS OF THE NEW CONGO CEMENT COMPANY[Full-Text ] MAOUENE M, MOUSSOUAMI SI, BOUHIKA EJ, MBEMBA FIntroduction: A study was conducted on the occupational exposure to cement dust causing gastrointestinal disorders in workers of the new Congo cement company. The objective of this work was to show the ingestion of cement developed gastrointestinal disorders in the services and workstations at the cement plant.
A Comprehensive Financial Analysis of Fuel and Energy Sector in Pakistan[Full-Text ] M Imran Baber, Umreen Akhter, Amir Manzoor, Dr Syed Aziz HaiderFinancial Analysis is a very useful technique to analyze the financial stability and sustainability of a firm in the long run. The fuel and energy sector are very major sector which contributes towards the economy of a country. The growth and development in fuel and energy sector means that other related sectors such as manufacturing, trading and services sector are also doing well. The study provides the insights about the financial performance of five companies of Paki-stan energy and fuel sector which are major contributors towards economy.
Bandwidth Optimization of Microstrip Antenna for WiMAX Applications[Full-Text ] T.Bonchak, A.T Adediji, P.Guyah This paper presents an optimized inset-fed rectangular microstrip patch antenna for WIMAX (3.5 GHz) applications. The bandwidth (BW) of a microstrip patch antenna is narrow which limits its operation in wireless communication. The bandwidth can be improved by symmetrically cutting a double I-shaped slot of size 2 mm x 10 mm from the patch, and U-shaped slot of size 2 mm x 22 mm from the ground with reference to the edges of the patch.
Biosynthesis of nanoparticles and study of its applications[Full-Text ] Maninder Kaur Dhaliwal, Nidhi Kalidas, Raghunath PatilDevelopment of an eco-friendly process for the synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) has increased in the recent years, due to its low toxicity, ease in handling and inexpensiveness. In the present study synthesis of silver, copper and zinc oxide nanoparticles, by the bioreduction of 1mM silver nitrate, 3mM copper sulfate and 1 mM zinc acetate, respectively, using vegetable and fruit peel extract was done. Structural, morphological and optical properties of the nanoparticles was studied using UV–Vis spectrophotometer, FTIR and SEM analysis.
Implementation of IoT in Automated Agricultural System[Full-Text ] Md. Emadul Hasan, Iftakher Mohammad, Pallab Saha Vaskar,Md Aktar HossainGlobal population is increasing day by day. Therefore, the demand of food will be doubled in next 30 years. With limited resources to meet this demand will be a great challenge for human. To increase the production of food, traditional agricultural system needs to be updated.
The impact of ATM Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in the Private Commercial Banking Industry in Yangon, Myanmar[Full-Text ] Mr. Nyi LwinThe financial system has an important role to play in the development of the economy of a country. Since the 2011 political reforms, Myanmar's Banks and Financial Institutions Law was passed in 2016 by the parliament. In the past, Myanmar's Financial Institutions Law, which was enacted in 1990, provided only very general rules for local financial institutions. Myanmar is largely a cash-based economy. The people of Myanmar have less confidence in the banking system than in other countries in the region, having experienced a banking and currency crisis in the past. That is why most people prefer to keep cash in their hands or buy property to secure their financial situation.
Animal models of mania-like behaviors[Full-Text ] Mutahar Andrabia, Rajesh Sagarb, Vivekanandhan SubbiahaBipolar disorder is a serious debilitating disorder with unknown etiology and lack of better treatment regimen and biological basis of diagnosis. Suitable animal models are being developed for the elucidation of underlying pathogenesis of the disorder. As for any neuropsychiatric disorder, availability of brain tissue for research and diagnosis is not always possible, therefore studies on animals become a need. For an animal model that should represent a disease state should possess face validity, construct validity and predictive validity.
Analysis of Theoretical Approaches to Eduaction[Full-Text ] Prof. Sharlamanov Kire, Asst. Prof. Mitrevska-Petrusheva Katerina, Assoc. Prof. Stoimenovska Katica Studing education has a long tradition in many social sciences. This text makes a retrospective of the most significant theoretical approaches to education within the sociology of education. The subject of analysis is functionalism, the theory of social conflict and symbolic interactionism. This text analyzes the basic characteristics and accomplishments of each of the indicated theoretical approaches.
Analysis The Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Life Insurance in DKI Jakarta[Full-Text ] Kristina Riya Hutabarat, Rifelly Dewi AstutiThe insurance industry is a business that has considerable potential in Indonesia, but to get customer satisfaction to gain customer loyalty to the company is not easy amid intense competition with other similar companies. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analize the anteced-ents of customer satisfaction and loyalty in the life insurance industry. Antecedents of satisfaction analyzed include product category knowledge, product complexity, and anticipated regret; and antecedents of customer loyalty include trust, co-production, and satisfaction.
Perceived Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Switching Barrier and Customer Loyalty in Business to Business Context[Full-Text ] Nisa Sofnia, Riawan B. ParamartaIn high competitiveness of lubricant industry in Indonesia, supplier must consider various factors to maintain customer’s loyalty. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and switching barrier as affecting factors of customer loyalty (recommend/patronage). It also examined the mediating effect of switching barrier between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (recommend/patronage) and moderating effect of switching barrier between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (recommend/patronage).
Proposing The Structure Of IT Competence Framework For Teachers In Online Teaching[Full-Text ] Phan Chi Thanh , Ngo Tu Thanh In the digital age, the Information Technology (IT) competence in teaching is one of the important occupational skills of teachers. Therefore, the definition and application of IT competence in accordance with the practical conditions of education in Vietnam and the general trend of the world are essentially put into consideration.
Impact of Home Remittance and Debt Financing on Economic Growth of Pakistan 2005-2012[Full-Text ] Dr.Sadaf Mustafa, Mahpara NaeemPakistan has a semi-industrialized economy, which mainly encompasses textiles, chemicals, food processing, agriculture and other industries.This study is aimed to check the impact of Debt Financing from banks and home remittances on economy of Pakistan in the time span of 2005-2012.In order to achieve this aim Debt financing,Kibor rates, Profitability of Banks, Home Remittances and Trade Deficits are taken as variables. By using different statistical tests data are examined and on the basis of results conclusion and recommendations are drawn.
A comparative study of IE Techniques and their algorithms[Full-Text ] Mahmood Ashraf, Qazi Qayyum, Shahzad HussainInformation extraction from databases is a key research area and this area is familiar among the researcher. Data mining having great importance for the organization and it provides the reason to increase the profit of the organization. So data mining is an interesting field for the researcher. Many application are using to provide the facilities for data mining .hence data mining tech-niques are needed to determine the customer habits, according to business point of view, these techniques are used for the im-provement in applications that provide the facilities for data mining, these applications may be internet online services and data where housing etc
Parental Involvement and Students’ Educational Achievement: A Phenomenological Study[Full-Text ] Maryam HussainTo abide with the system of united support for students’, schools need to build partnership and develop mutual responsibility with parents, for students’ success in the educational system. In this way, parental engrossment increases, parents’ effort to support schools encourages, and they directly make a positive influence to a successful educational system. Considering the importance of parents’ participation and involvement in school, in this paper, we will look into the effects of parental contribution on students’ academic achievements, the factors that interrupt parental involvement and the role that the school management is playing to promote parental involvement. Qualitative Data was collected through semi structured interview from nine parents to find out their involvement in their child’s education.
Recognition of traditional Mongolian script using primitives and template matching methods[Full-Text ] Byambasuren Ivanov, Uuganbaatar Dulamragchaa, Markhamet Musa, Otgonnaran OchirbatDesigning an appropriate algorithm and methods in case of speed and accuracy for character recognition has become a necessity in regard to importance of character recognition for various purposes such as: keeping, maintaining, and promoting the one’s cultural and historical heritages, scriptures etc. Traditional Mongolian script, which has a unique writing style and multi-font variations, brings challenges to character recognition. In this paper we primarily studied an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of a typewritten and woodcut printed Mongolian Script by using primitives and template matching methods.
Variable Fluid Properties and Thermal Radiation Effects on Free Convective Flow through a Vertical Porous Channel[Full-Text ] Abiodun O. Ajibade and Yusuf A. BichiThe aim of the present paper is to investigate variable fluid properties (variable viscosity thermal conduction) and thermal radiation on free convective flow through a vertical porous channel. In doing so, nonlinear Rosseland heat diffusion is used in the course of investigation which as consequence resulted to high nonlinearity of the flow equations. Similarly; Adomian decomposition method of solution and computer aided algebra package are deployed to solve these equations considering influences of the physical parameters involved on the velocity and temperature profiles and the results are presented and discussed. Furthermore; Nusselt number and skin friction on the channel plates are tabulated and discussed under varying situations. To validate the present result; a published study of Singh and Paul [1] is used to compare with the result obtained herein where good agreement was found.
FISCAL POLICY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN NIGERIA: Testing the existence of the Ricardian Equivalence[Full-Text ] Mustapha, Saidi Atanda and Isiaka, Muideen AdejareThe paper examines the validity of the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem (RET) as a result of the continuous rising of fiscal debt in Nigeria. It makes use of data generated from a Nigerian population survey in purposely selected areas in Lagos State, Nigeria. The survey is conducted in the third quarter of 2018, with a randomly selected representation of 3000 Nigerians.
Effect of Increasing the water content on the Slope of road embankment, Alsheyab City, NW of Libya [Full-Text ] Eng. Anwar Ahmed Abuasara This paper examines the contrast of water content to the stability of the slopes of a mountain road in the Alrohibat city. As the city is located in Al-Jabal Al-Gharbiy, landslides caused by rainfall have a growing attention for road engineering designers. Hence, comprehensive study for geotechnical parameters is highly needed to propose appropriate approaches that help stabilizing slope embankments.
Origin of Universe[Full-Text ] Dipendra NeupaneThere are different principles and thoughts about origin of the universe. Of them some are very popular. After a long research and study a new result has found out about the origin of universe. According to this theory, there was a black pace before the existence of the universe. After billions of years of interaction between the elements of black space the whole universe was fomed. The origin of universe proceeded through three different stages.
Relevance Feedback Based Query Expansion Model using Condorcet Ranking Approach[Full-Text ] Kompal Aggarwal,Rajender NathThe relevant results can not be fetched using keyword based search because they can not detect the exact meaning of the expression or term and relationship exist between them during web search. Pseudo-Relevance Feedback (PRF) is a query expansion method used for better performance of information retrieval systems. These methods are used to remove redundant and irrelevant terms from the top retrieved feedback documents for a given user query. This paper proposes an architecture for query expansion term reweighting using BM25, Condorcet and Rocchio algorithm(BMCQE).The experimental results demonstrates that the proposed BMCQE approach achieve a significant improvement over related state-of-the-arts approaches.
Congenital QT syndrome, cause of sudden infant death in three cases[Full-Text ] M. SELLOUTI, A. AYAD.A. AGDERJervell-Lange-Nielsen syndrome is a very rare syndrome responsible for cardio-auditory in-volvement in which the affected subjects are susceptible to recurrent syncope and sudden death secondary to ventricular arrhythmias, usually before the second decade of life.
SOCIOCULTURAL IMPLICATIONS OF LANGUAGE: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE HINDRANCES CAUSED BY SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS ON EXPRESSIVE DISCOURSE[Full-Text ] Javaria Tariq Nabiha Ishtiaq Kiran Khalid Adnan Yousaf Naseer Ahmed Language is a carrier of culture. It conveys all the information about culture in verbal and written forms. On the other hand, culture influences and shapes language. Language is intrinsic to the expression of culture. As a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, it has an important social function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. It is the means by which culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and preserved. The following research had been placed within the socio cultural approach of discourse analysis in order to highlight how language is a cultural and psychological tool for getting things done.
Design thinking as a method of innovation : What difference between its application in goods and in services ?[Full-Text ] Sahar Aboueljaouad, Yousfi AouadIn recent years, the world has undergone a multiplicity of changes and evolutions. Consequently, the effects of this change have affected several areas, including that of industrial and tertiary enterprises. Faced with this change, these companies are forced to arm themselves with innovative competitive strategies. In this context, several companies use the innovation method called “design thinking”. However, the latter remains misunderstood, in particular because of the reduced attention given to it by the researchers, as well as the lack of clarity between its application in the industrial and tertiary fields. For this purpose, this research aims to present the meaning of design thinking, and the differences between its application in goods and in services.
Phylogeny and Identification Analysis of Materia Medica from Angelica L.(Umbelliferae)and its Adulterants based on DNA Barcoding[Full-Text ] Xiao Sun, Sihao Zheng, Bashir Ahmad, Atanas G. Atanasov, Linfang Huang Angelica L., an herbaceous perennial genus of Umbelliferae, is one of the most commonly used herb drugs which is mainly used for enriching blood, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. However, the materia medica of Angelica were often misused and substituted by its adulterants. In this study, DNA barcoding was performed to analyze the systematics between Angelica and its adulterants.