Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019.
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Exploring the gaits for debris removal and excavation with Klann-legged robots[Full-Text ] Swastik NandanConstant effort is being dedicated in building robots that can supplant laborious work performed by humans with automated mechanisms. In this regard a large number of researches have been dedicated to emulate gaits of legged animals. Debris removal and excavation are activities of human interest that can be achieved with gaits of animals. The Klann-mechanism based legged robots can act not only as robots that can access difficult terrains but also as robots that can remove debris and act for excavation purposes. In this work we have explored the various trajectories of the end-effector of the Klann mechanism that can be suitable for this purpose.
The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Primary Dentition in 5- to 6-Year-Old in the East of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Dema Algharbi, Noha Abdullah Alenezi, Ashwag ZamilThe aim of this study describe prevalence dental caries in the age group of 5-6 years old was rate among 1,076 children in Riyadh , the probably high rate of dental decay affected by mothers towards their children's oral health industrial breast feeding . diet or bad oral hygiene or don’t visit the dental clinic ,we has strongly emphasized sustainable preventive programs to development oral health and dietary habits , industrial breast feeding , among pregnancy and preschool children.
Voting Behavior of Rural Women: A Study on Laxipur Village[Full-Text ] Mst. Swapna KhatunVoting behavior is the subfield of political geography which deals with all the elections process within geographical area. This paper discusses on voting behavior in general of women at Laxipur village in Rajshahi. In any democratic country voting is very important political process and it is the only right of common people to participate in the formation of government .Voting behavior means how an individual makes up his mind to vote and this voting behavior is influenced by some social and psychological factors. The present study is based on field survey, primary data and secondary data as well as evidence ,collected from published documents, news papers , journals etc.
COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SIMPLE AND MODIFIED CYCLE GAS TURBINE PLANTS[Full-Text ] Saturday, E. G. and Ebieto, C. E.This work presents a comparative economic analysis of a simple and a modified cycle gas turbine power plants. The basic engine used for this work is a PG 6581 B gas turbine engine which is operated by a company in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. The modified cycle was developed from the simple cycle engine with an intercooler between two compressors, a reheater between two turbines and a regenerator which heats up the second compressor exit gases with the second turbine exit gases. The net present value and the levelized cost of electricity methods were applied to investigate the economic viability of the two plants.
Effect of Taurine on hematological disturbance towards carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in mice[Full-Text ] Rasha F. Zahran, Sherouk S. Badawy, Mohammad M. MashalyBackground: Hepatic damage caused by chemicals is associated with distortion of the metabolic functions and may lead to progressive liver fibrosis, ultimately cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. This study was carried out using Taurine (TAU), and was applied on 60 swiss male adult albino mice. The results revealed that TAU was efficient against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) hepatotoxicity in the studied groups. It could ameliorate hematological changes caused by CCl4 toxicity by decreasing white blood cells and increasing platelets, red blood cells, Hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit values. Conclusion: TAU could ameliorate hematological disturbance caused by CCl4 toxicity.
Analysis of patients flow in accidents and emergency department[Full-Text ] M.O. Oladejo, U.L. Okafor and A.A. AkanbiOne of the most important operational issues in health care delivery involves capacity planning such that the goals of efficient resource utilization and providing high quality service are met. The overall aim of this study is to formulate a model that will optimize the exit rate and minimise the death rate over emergency department and intensive care unit in 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna.
Modeling the Effect of Depression Areas on Outflow Hydrograph[Full-Text ] Ahmed Teleb, Ashraf M. El Moustafa, Ahmed A. HassanThe peak discharge value of any basin is the most important hydrological parameter and should be calculated accurately to determine the suitable protection strategy and perform suitable design for any proposed hydraulic structures.
An Exploration of Teaching Difficulties Confronted By Blind Teachers At Higher Education Level[Full-Text ] Saba shakeel, Dr anila Fatima, Dr Rabia a karimThe outcome of a research study is based on the motive of highlighting the importance of blind teachers and the problems confronted by them in performing their duties especially at higher education level. A mixed methodological approach has been adopted to explore the issue. In-depth interviews have been conducted from some blind teachers whereas a survey among students has been conducted with the help of questionnaire.
Natural regulatory T cells in children with Entamoeba histolytica infection[Full-Text ] Raida S. Yahya, Soha I. Awad, Hatim A. El-Baz, Nanis S. El-BeltagyBackground: Parasites exemplified by Entamoeba histolytica can manipulate natural regulatory T cells in order to lessen the infection burden and maintain successful infection in the host for a longer time frame. The aim of this work is to investigate natural regulatory cells level in Entamoeba histolytica infection.
Behavior of Non-Coarse Aggregate Polymer Concrete Simply Supported Deep Beams with and without Web Openings[Full-Text ] Mohamed Salem, Ahmed Mourad, Amira Shehata This study is aimed to focus the problems of using non-coarse aggregate polymer concrete, which had weak shear strength, on the behavior of structural elements subjected mainly to shear, especially the simply supported deep beams with and without square web openings, casted using non-coarse aggregate polymer concrete, experimentally and numerically. The polymer concrete consists of two parts; the first part is powder without coarse aggregate, while the second part is liquid polymer.
Adsorption of Arsenate and Arsenite on to Reddish Brown Earth (RBE) in the Presence of Glyphosate[Full-Text ] H.A.M. Prasadani, A.M.N.P.B.Abyesinghe, R. Chandrajith, R. Weerasooriya, B. MarambeThe use of Glyphosate (GPS) as a herbicide to control weeds in rice cultivation in many countries has become a controversial issue in the last few years. Arsenic is one of the most toxic elements found in contaminated water, and that can form complexes with glyphosate. Adsorption of arsenic species on to Reddish Brown Earth (RBE), which is the most productive and major rice-growing soil in Sri Lanka was examined when present glyphosate. Arsenic retention on RBE was examined as a function of pH under medium ionic strength (0.01M NaCl). All surface complexations were postulated by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy.
Influence of Blend Ratio and Yarn Count on Bursting Strength of Plain Single Jersey Knitted Fabric[Full-Text ] Mumtahina RizaIn order to determine the serviceability of a knitted garment, bursting strength is a very important physical property of knitted fabric. This property affects other mechanical properties also. Bursting strength test can analyze that how much stress can be applied on knitted fabric during regular use. In this work, the effect of blend ratio and count of yarn on the bursting strength of plain single jersey knitted fabric was determined and the origin of this behavior has been discussed.
Comparative Study of the English Language Teachers’ and Learners’ Perspectives on the Standard of Online Vocabulary and Grammar Tests[Full-Text ] Tariq AminThe study in hand aims at analyzing the perspectives of teachers and learners on the standard of online grammar and vocabulary tests and the differences between the perspective of teachers and learners on these tests. The study uses mixed method approach. 42 participants, 32 undergraduate students and 10 teachers, were selected for the study by using purposive and expert sampling techniques. The data was collected by using questionnaire and interview.
Spam Filtering With Fuzzy Categorization In Intelligent Email Responder[Full-Text ] Najma Hanif, Mukaram Khan , Sami Ullah Javaid, Babar Abbas, Amna Altaf, Malik Abdul SamiCommunication through emails is the simplest and most consistent way of communication. Emails are used for fast and reliable communication at both personal and organizational levels, including academic institutions. Some organizations have deployed auto email responders to deal with a heavy volume of emails by auto responding to relevant routine mails while filtering out spams. Spammers send spam emails for hacking, phishing, denial of service or broadcasting marketing emails.
Assessment on the physico-chemical parameters and biodiversity of copepods and rotifers in Muthannan pond wetland, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India[Full-Text ] R.Priya, M.LekeshmanaswamyThe interdependence between man and wetlands is ancient, with the earliest of civilizations originating in close proximity of wetland habitats. Wetlands, providing very important ecosystem services that benefit humankind, are also called as the kidneys of a landscape. Wetlands, the most fertile ecosystems, are becoming most threatened nowadays . The continuous abuse of the wetland resources has lead to extinction of several valuable nutrient , organisms in different trophic level of the ecosystem, as well as pollution of various kinds. Wetlands contribute significantly to the biodiversity and being among the most productive life-support systems, they have immense social, economic and ecological importance to humankind.
A Modest Proposal: Divide and Deter For preventing the influx of refugees into Germany[Full-Text ] Rashmi Sharma-KolleIt is very unfortunate for the millions of citizens who have devoted themselves to ensuring the unity and integrity of Europe. The United Kingdom is in the final stage of annulment from the Union, while Austria and Hungary are giving direct indications that they are under no obligation to stand by the EU during this time of crisis. Italy has refused to let migrants in through its coastal borders, while Greece has effectively annexed all its islands between Turkey and the mainland. Now pressure from Mr. Horst Seehofer, Leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) and other political opponents has Angela-Merkel on the run. It is a matter of deep concern to the nation. Displaced migrants - they come, they spread and they settle.
STRUCTURLLY CREATED HEALTH INEQUALITIES IN RURAL PUNJAB (STUDY AREA JAMPUR[Full-Text ] Mahr Youins MehmoodThis study was conducted a structurally created Health Inequalities Rural Punjab study area Jampur. The main focus was to study the socio-economic background of the respondents and the link of background with access to health care services. The main focus re-mained the socially created social structures that discriminate the lower classes into their access to health services. The study was conducted under quantitative research design with sample size of 150 respondents. The interview schedule was used as a tool of data collection
Neurological manifestations in tuberculosis[Full-Text ] Varsha Rathi, Supriya Bade, Suresh Ban, Prashant BhusaraCentral nervous system (CNS) tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially life threatening condition which is curable if the correct diagnosis is made in the early stages. Its clinical and radiologic manifestations may mimic other infectious and noninfectious neurological conditions. Hence, familiarity with the imaging presentations of various forms of CNS tuberculosis is essential in timely diagnosis, and thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality of this disease. Early diagnosis of CNS TB is necessary for appropriate treatment and subsequently decreases the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease.
Rectangular Fin Thermal Performance as a Function of Modified Biot Number and Area Ratio; Novel Approach[Full-Text ] Al-Fahed S. F. and Alasfour F. N.A novel analytical study of 1-D, heat conduction equation in a longitudinal fin of a uniform thickness is presented. A new perspective in fin modeling have demonstrated that three thermal performance indicators; efficiency, effectiveness and performance ratio can be presented only in terms of two dimensionless groups; modified Biot number(hL/k) and fin area ratio (A/Ac). A suggested fin design charts are presented in terms of the three thermal performance indicators. Optimum fin design charts been presented as a function of only modified Biot number and area ratio. Results showed that such design charts are more practical and form an alternative route to interpret fin thermal behavior and performance.
Medicinal plant genus Urtica- Traditional uses phytochemical and pharmacological review[Full-Text ] Mannawar Hussain. M arif. Rao Taha. M , WaseemHerb and shrubs of the genus Urtica (Utricaceae) inhabitate various ecosystems in worldwide. This study was carried out in order to contribute to the knowledge of this medicinal species. This review describes the botanical characterization and distribution, and phytochemical properties and biological activities of Urtica genus. Urtica genus contain many chemical constituents like, flavonoids, phenolic compounds like Diocanol, alcohols, Terpenes diols, Diol glucosides, Sugars.
A Development of Modified Profile Matching and Borda for Determining Treatment Priorities for Hemorrhage Stroke Patients[Full-Text ] Widyastuti Andriyani, Sri Hartati, Retantyo Wardoyo, Samekto WibowoRecommendations for treatment dealing with stroke patients can be done with an intelligent system science approaches. One of them is through a decision support system based on the symptoms and features possessed and suffered by patients. The patient's symptoms and features are used as input for the decision support system to determine the priority of treatment, namely operative or conservative. This study aims to develop a decision support model for a medical expert group by utilizing the parameter features obtained from the examination results in the emergency unit.
CONFINED AQUIFERS AND ARTESIAN WELLS OF GANDU, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Aisha Abubakar Kana and Ahmad Abubakar KanaGroundwater occurs in rock units which store and transmit water and are called aquifers. These aquifers maybe sandwiched or underlain by confining beds and can be classified as confined or unconfined aquifers respectively. When groundwater is confined under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure; a well penetrating such an aquifer is said to be an artesian well. Gandu, a town in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa state, Nigeria is characterized by confined aquifers, with wells penetrating such aquifers being artesian. Geologically, the area is underlain by Cretaceous sediments belonging to Lafia and Awgu Formations all part of the Middle Benue Trough.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN AGRO-METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING APPLICATION USING GEO-SPATIAL TECHNIQUES FOR PRECISION FARMING (CASE OF STUDY OF MAPS, ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND RAINFALL)[Full-Text ] Akerele F.O., Ogunjimi O. R., Awe B. S., Ajiboye M.MThis work focuses on the use of geospatial technologies in precision farming. To achieve this, the focus is on how geospatial data is collected, analyzed and used in the decision making process to maximize on yields. An application of this nature can be developed to help bring a new face to the technology of agriculture with the use of an open weather map with the purpose of visualizing its real-time on android smartphone using the device’s inbuilt GPs to track current location.
Pattern of Electrolytes Imbalance in Patient with Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma Attending in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Lokman Hakim , Milton Barua , Masud Un Nabi , Mahmudul KabirAsthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are two common health problems in clinical practice. Exacerbation of both of this condition leads to serious health problem and affecting all population particularly extreme of age group. Severity of both of these conditions can affect quality of life and economic loss as well. It was observed in various part of the world that severity is associated with different electrolytes disturbance. Hence, to assess the pattern of electrolytes imbalance in patient with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma attending in a tertiary care hospital was the objective of the study.
A Multidomain Characterization of an Acoustic Signal and an Approach towards a Generic Noise Reduction Algorithm[Full-Text ] Engr. Jelili O. Olawore, Dr Christopher U Ngene , Dr Abdulfattah A. AboabaDuring mobile communication, a speech signal contains information from varieties of sources: speaker, environment sound and transmission channel. Due to effect of background noise otherwise referred to as environmental sounds such as dog barking, siren, car horn, restaurant babble noise, gun-shot, street music, white noise e.t.c, leads to the degradation of speech quality. In order to discriminate between different kind of signals (speech, music and environmental sounds),for an efficient speech enhancement algorithm, pre-processing of such signal is required by having a apriori characteristic of such signals based on their distribution of their energy content over time, frequency and time-frequency domain and also, having the range of noise level encountered in real life scenario.
Levels of Heavy Metals from selected Soils in Crude Oil Mining Residences of Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Nworu J. S, Aniche D.C, Ogbolu B. O and Olajide A. JThe current level of heavy metals (Cd, Hg, As, Pb and Zn) in the crude oil polluted soils of Egwa 1, Kurutie, Okerenkoko and Kurukunama has been studied using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Varian AA240). Samples were digested with aqua regia before metal analysis. Result of analysis revealed that Mercury and Arsenic concentrations were above the acceptable values of these metals in soil, and the concentrations of Cadmium, Lead and Zinc were within the acceptable limits allowed in soil.
A REVIEW: IMAGE FUSION USING DCT AND DWT[Full-Text ] Jaskeerat kaur, Sandhya, Priyanka Ganjoo, Musheer Vaqur,Kapil JoshiThis paper describes an image fusion is a kind of process which combines the necessary or an efficient information from a set of different or similar input images into a single output image where, the resulting image is more accurate, informative and complete than any of the input images with certain algorithm. And, image enhancement is a process which is used to improve the quality of an image and increases the application of these input data images which is helpful in different fields of science such as medical imaging, microscopic imaging, remote sensing, computer vision, and robotics etc
Finite Element Model Updating of Motorcycle Visor Stay Bracket base on Experimental Modal Analysis[Full-Text ] Andi Wibowo, Isdaryanto IskandarMotorcycle Visor is a new trend fashion of accessories in motorcycle. The Motorcycle visor used as shield and adjust the air flow in desire direction. The other function, black motorcycle visor is also can protect excessive sun light from front area, that may reflected to the speedometer display.
Gender Recognition Using Fast Fourier Transform With Ann[Full-Text ] Shantam Vijayputra, Dr. Nalini NThis paper deals with an efficient method for gender detection based on the audience’s voice in a natural environment. Some features such as Third quartile, entropy, mean frequency act as a key feature; these features are then used to train Artificial Neural Network architecture to classify two different genders (Male and Female). The test result shows that the new method ANN architecture which can analyze and learn better and faster.
INCREASING THE RANGE AND EFFICIENY AND REDUCING THE POSSIBLITY OF ENERGY THEFT IN A WIRTRICITY NETWORK USING VALARIOUS COILs[Full-Text ] R.Eranyan , S.Nivedhan sendhil kumar , S.Bharath so , how would u react if I say , trasnsmitting electricity or a kind of electric energy through air is possible .Yes people . get amazed when I speak about the term so called witricity . our paper is all about the near field technology .This kind of approach is applicable only for witricty networks inside the room or a kind of house like architecture. This is Similar to the wifi that we use in home . we have used the resonant coupling induction method which is a type of coupling the transmitter and the receiver . the main thing to be noted here is that at resonance maximum power can be transmitted but
Effect of trench geometry on Film Cooling Performance[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Muwafag Shyaa AlwanThe main objective of this experimental investigation is to determine both film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient in an opti-mized film hole embedded in trench geometry with different blowing ratio. Experimental investigations were done on a flat plate by using a single test transient IR thermograph technique. Evaluation of the cooling performance is obtained by estimated both film cooling effective-ness and heat flux ratios.
Effects of Terrorism on Socio-economic developments in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Aqsa ChaudaryPakistan is facing a wave of Terrorism for more than 17 years. Any violent act, suicide attack which leaves people dead and injured includes terrorist activities and it has increased since the last decade. These activities has quivered the country’s so-cial framework and economic structure badly. Terrorism has not only disrupted the socio-economic and political structure in Pakistan but it has also destroyed World peace and harmony.
The Unswayed Archaeological Heritage Temples of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal[Full-Text ] Ar. Abhilasha Pathak, Dr. Jayprakash ChadchanThe diffusion of ancient Vernacular structures over Seismic behaviour,which includes multidisciplinary aspects of time and space, restoration & rehabilitation of damaged ancient historic structures and the aspects of AAA1 damage tolerance , whose values are mostly attributed to the Archaeological, Architectural and Aesthetical are the Prime objective of study which extends and throws light on meaningful testimonies of ancient act of construction with an effective & coherent knowledge of local technologies & material behaviour over centuries. In the present review paper an attempt to analyze the intrinsic qualities, constructional and technological aspects of ancient heritage temples from earthquake point of view ,are important and need to be studied as a research .
Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search in the Lecture Scheduling System (Case Study: Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia)[Full-Text ] Fenty Ariany, Irman Hermadi, Agus BuonoScheduling lecture courses in any educational institution is a very complex problem, which involves many entities in preparing the lecture schedule. The Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search can assist in the preparation of lecture schedules, specifically the lecture schedule at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has 3 faculties, which are the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sci-ence, Faculty of Literature and Education, and Faculty of Economics and Business.
3D Printing - An Easy and Efficient Method to Fabricate High-Resolution 3D Printed Models for Medical and Educational Purposes[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. Alexandru Ulici MD PhD, Eduard Liciu MD PhD, Adrian Dima MD, Beatrice Frumuseanu MD PhD, Ma-ria Miruna Mihai, Asst. Prof. Roman Murzac PhD, Prof. Sebastian Ionescu MD PhDThe development of 3D printing techniques led to multiple types of materials that can be used in making medical models, including material that can be sterilized, thus facilitating the intraoperative manipulation of these devices by the surgical team.
A New Integration of AdaBoost and Profile Matching Algorithm to Improve ABC Analysis for Drug Inventory[Full-Text ] Eko Darmanto, Subanar, Retantyo Wardoyo, Sri HartatiAt the planning stage in the pharmaceutical supply cycle there are planning evaluation activities using consumption methods and morbidity for recommendations on adjusting drug procurement. Planning evaluation activities generally use the ABC Analysis method which refers to the cost aspect (the amount of drug used in a full period) so that it only meets the consumption method. It is necessary to excavate information on drug use for a full period that refers to the formulary list of essential medicines as a support for planning evaluation to fulfill therapeutic aspects.
Prediction of Cricket World Cup 2019 by TOPSIS Technique of MCDM-A Mathematical Analysis[Full-Text ] Muhammad Saqlain, Naveed Jafar, Rashid Hamid, Amir ShahzadPrediction about the result of cricket matches astonishing as a research problem, especially due to its complexity, unpredictable assumption (weather and pitch conditions). Because the ultimate outcome of a cricket match is based on many aspect and unaccepted bearings therefore it is difficult responsibility to predict the exact and partial truth-based outcomes of cricket matches such a research expects a multi criteria decision making approach.