Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2019.
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Real Time Scheduling Model for Distributed Production Centers[Full-Text ] Minati Rath, Dr. Radha ShankarmaniProduction centers are viewed as single resources to perform multiple activities resulting in manufacturing of some quality and quantitative resources. Scheduling at these units involves assigning factories to supply specific quantities of resources at particular times. It deals with operations mainly Sourcing, Acquisition, Storage of raw materials, Scheduling and management of work-in process, warehousing and distribution of finished products.
Design of IMC-PI controller for nonlinear model of continuous stirred tank reactor[Full-Text ] Trinh Luong MienThe control problem of the continuous stirred tank reactor in the chemical industry in general and in the production of transport construction materials in particular are very important in order to create chemical additives that meet the user's technical requirements. The article presents the two-input-two-output nonlinear model of the continuous stirred tank reactor that are the temperature process and concentration process of output product. Then two PI controllers for the CSTR temperature and concentration processes are designed in this article
EFFECTIVENESS OF LECTURE CUM DEMONSTRATION ON SELECTED FIRST AID MEASURES IN TERMS OF KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE AMONG SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PUNE CITY[Full-Text ] Mr. Mangesh V. Jabade, Dr. Sonopant G. JoshiIntroduction: First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available, such as performing CPR while awaiting an ambulance, as well as the complete treatment of minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. First aid is generally performed by the layperson, with many people trained in providing basic levels of first aid, and others willing to do so from acquired knowledge.
Shear wall layout optimization for conceptual building planning[Full-Text ] Darsh M Patel, Parth G Bhagat, Jasmin B Patel, Hiral Y Patel, Jaldipkumar J PatelMost of the high-rise structure is collapse due to the earthquake. Shear wall is the most important component of the high-rise structure which can resists the lateral load. In building planning the location of the shear wall is also important. The effective position of Shear walls in planning the deflection of building due to earthquake is decreases. By providing shear wall we can reduce overall damage of the structure.
International Economics Research Paper: Is the next Global Depression imminent?[Full-Text ] Savr Kumar The paper delves into globally contrasting perspectives on whether the next financial crisis is imminent and from where it may originate, as well as in what fashion and what the implications are. There are varying perspectives on the American, Chinese and Indian economies for instance, which are some of the biggest economies in the world and thus the most pertinent to the topic.
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IS MEASURED BY WORK DISCIPLINE AND EMPLOYEE LOYALTY[Full-Text ] Muchran BL, Muchriady Muchran, M. HidayatThis study aims to analyze the effect of work discipline and loyalty on employee performance. This study uses a saturated sampling technique. The data of this study were obtained from questionnaires (primary), literature studies, and obtained data directly from related parties according to research objectives. , multiple regression with hypothesis testing, T test (partial). The results showed that work discipline variables on employee performance obtained significant influence, then for employee loyalty variables on employee performance a significant effect was obtained, loyalty variable was the most dominant variable affecting employee performance.
Video summarization using a machine learning approach[Full-Text ] Harikrushna VanpariyaIn this paper, we describe machine learning approach for summarizing video. It will describe steps to summarize video with audio and create summary video with meaningful sentences.
Time allocation to daily performed Personal activities in association with commuting: commuting and health perspective of Baluchistan[Full-Text ] Ghulam Abbas Ghazi Gajani and Faiza Ashraf To get out from dwelling for any kind of work needs to commute. Increasing commute decreases the time to perform activities other than commute. This study analyzes the relation between daily performed personal activities and commuting time in the Baluchistan. The primary focus of the study is on six different types of personal activities: active leisure, passive leisure, religious, physical, personal care and sleep. The study uses Pakistan Time Use Survey (2007) data, obtained from Federal Bureau of Statistics government of Pakistan. This research employed a seemingly unrelated regression model to the data using several demographics characteristics of respondents as covariates.
Agile: a digital start for yet another retroversion of management foresight[Full-Text ] Mouna HAJJAJ, Houda LECHHEBGlobalization is being present. The digital revolution has led to a change in the perception of work and organizational models. The business world has experienced strong transitions in recent years. It is now clear that the theories developed and studies carried out, are no longer adapted to the current context. However, traditional management models have shown their weaknesses. Exploiting new ideas regarding work organization was necessary.
POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL COORDINATION AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING ON LEVEL III IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE- INDONESIA[Full-Text ] Enny Karnawati; Y.Warella; Sri Suwitri; Sutarwi.Many parties argued that education and leadership training are still less effective in producing competent alumni in the implementation of tasks/jobs. The Organization of the Education policy and leadership training level III form of Penitentiary Administration Rules State No. 19 in 2015 (substitute Penitentiary Administrative Regulation No. 12 in 2013) aims to improve the competence of the leadership Echelon III structural officials. Do policies implementation of the Organization education and leadership on level III training can produce a graduation participants were able to show its performance in leading change? To find out, do some research on the human resources development agency Areas of Central Java-Indonesia, using a qualitative approach to the method of research's policy.
Evaluating the Role and Significance of Delayed Neutron in Controlling a Nuclear Reactor by Solving the Point Kinetics Equation and Using MATLAB Version 7.0[Full-Text ] Md Akhlak Bin Aziz, Md Tanzid Hossain ShawonReactor point kinetics equation has been solved in this work and the solution has been analyzed to signify the role of delayed neutrons. The solution has been done for both the probable cases, considering only prompt neutrons and also both prompt and delayed neutrons. Using MATLAB version 7.0, the solution considering both prompt and delayed neutron has been utilized to show the variation of neutron flux with time due to positive and negative reactivity insertion
Possibilities of Geothermal Energy in Bangladesh & competitiveness with others energy[Full-Text ] Rayhan Ali, Md.Shehab Uddin, Md. Ashraful HaqueAmong the varied new and renewable energy sources, heat energy is understood to be one amongst the clean energy while not smoke and additionally while not environmental hazards. Though its importance is complete long back in different countries, its exploitation continues to be isolated in our country in the main because of lack of information on the deep subsurface structure and deep drilling technology in air mass, warmth regions. GSI and NGRI have created joint efforts in distinctive these resources in numerous components of our country for doable exploitation of the energy supply. Within the gift paper, the main points of heat energy, its importance and usage in different countries area unit mentioned with calculable potential in our country.
NEW DISCOVERY ON VIRAL DISEASE AND CANCER IN MEDICAL[Full-Text ] Dr.U.P.CHAURASIYA HIV-Virus is a product of yeast candida albicans. All viruses are product of systemetic fungus.In fluenza virus is product of yeast aspergillus fumigats hiv virus is ova/spore of yeast candida albicans. HIV-virus reproduction has becomes in yeast cell not be host cell.All viral diseases can be treated by systemic fungal drugs -Itraconazole,Ketaconazole ,Fluconazole ,Amphotericin-B,nystatin etc.successfully most important medicine of AIDS is amphotericin-B in world .systemic fungal drugs are Flu worse ,which is in trearment of all types Flu like-swine flu,human flu,bird flu,horse flu ,Ebola,Aids etc.viral diseases.
Javed's Idea of energy matter & life[Full-Text ] Javed IqbalIdea depends on following five points 1 Every thing of the universe is made of very small (cannot be seen) capacitor's like energy packets. 2 It is supposed that energy value of energy packets remains constant. the energy is only changed when they combine in form of equivalent capacitors with one another. 3 Energy packets combine in series to reduce the energy value, high energy packets are attracted towards low energy value and combine in series with them. This creates energy packets of more low energy. This process continues and longer and longer chains of series combinations are formed. In other words gravitation comes into existence and energy turns into matter. 4 Parallel circuits are produced (between series chains of packets) and the energy value is increased. (at the middle of matter formation) 5 The increased value of energy is reduced either by increment in the separation of plates (of energy packets) or by liberation of energy in different forms.
Nexus between Urban Tourism Resources and Tourist Preferences: the case of Addis Ababa City Tourism[Full-Text ] Tolera Abirham Negesa, Dr. Mulugeta FesehaThis is an applied research which is conducted to know tourist preference on urban tourism resources. The aim of this research is to know tourism potential of the city, tourist expectation, experience, satisfaction and preferences towards Addis Ababa tourism. The study area for this study is Addis Ababa city which is the capital city of Ethiopia and the head quarter for Africa Union. The data for this study were collected from the on-site survey method and from secondary sources. The sample population for this study was composed of tourists who visited Addis Ababa between January and February in 2016.
Evaluation of Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Calpurnia aurea Root Extract by Using Methanol Solvent for DPPH Selectively[Full-Text ] Dula Daksa EjetaIn Ethiopia, any part of Calpurnia aurea is used for the treatment of different ailments. Hence; the researcher was interested to evaluate the in vitro scavenging potential of the four root extracts of Calpurnia aurea by using methanol as DPPH solvent selectively and Ascorbic acid as a standard reference.
Factors Influencing Human Resource Practices in Employee Retention of Vietnamese Small and Medium Size Construction Firms: A Case of Construction Corporation No.1 Joint Stock Company[Full-Text ] Nguyen Quoc Dung, Tran Duy NamThe Vietnamese construction industry is growing rapidly, competition is intense. There is high staff turnover, and additionally, it is costly to train new employees and to get them "up to speed" with the same level of ability as those who have resigned. In this context, this study seeks to examine the relationship between the current Human Resource Management (HRM) practices, and the macro-environmental factors in this sector of the Vietnamese construction business in order to assess their impact upon HRM outcomes.
Critical Discourse analysis of Hassan Sheheryar's Interviews: Pakistani Fashion Designer[Full-Text ] Zainab Shafaat, Hina Javaid, Javaria Tariq ,Dr. Arif Jawaid, Syeda Maryam Naqvi, Naseer AhmedThis paper intends to analyse the interviews of one of the most prominent Pakistani fashion designer Hassan Sheheryar Yasin, known as HSY. The study aims at plunging deep into the ideologies, values and societal trends set by the leading personas through the language they select to empower and market themselves as brand. Latent Themes and meaning with reference to individual, power and society will be analysed and discussed thoroughly. As Pakistani fashion industry is a blooming avenue it is beneficial to understand the important underlying motives.
Assessment of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Management of Lake Hawassa and Its Biodiversity, Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Sahle Tesfaye M.The study was conducted to assess Lake Hawassa ecosystem services to suggest management strategies for sustainable use of the lake. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity ecosystem service analysis method was used to accomplish the aims. Interviews were conducted with local people to identify the lake's ecosystem services. Ecosystem services importance was rated by the perceptions of the interviewed local people. Secondary data were used for additional information. The major ecosystem services were categorized into provisioning such as food and fresh water; regulating services such as hydrological, water purification and bio-disease control processes; habitat services for birds, fishes, hippopotamus, and crocodiles; and cultural services such as recreation, tourism, spiritual, religious, aesthetic, science and education.
The Antimicrobial activity of some essential oils against some selected food borne pathogens[Full-Text ] Reham A. El Fayoumy, Mohamed I. Abou-Dobara, Phillip Pendleton, Amira A. EL-Fallal and Ahmed K.A. EL-SayedEssential oils (EO) are aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from plant material, such as flowers, roots, bark, leaves, seeds, peel, fruits, wood, and whole plant. Essential oils are considered to be secondary metabolites and important for plant defence as they often possess antimicrobial properties. The active compounds of essential oils can be divided into four groups according to their chemical structure: ter-penes such as lemon Eo, terpenoids such as jasmine EO, phenyl propenes such as vanilla EO, and others such as mustard EO which has Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) as active compound.
Effect of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) on the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) On Production Line Bottled Water Bottle[Full-Text ] Doni Susanto ST and Ir. Isdaryanto Iskandar M.Sc IPMPT "XYZ" is beverage company with bottle as its main packaging. It is important for the company to focus on the productivity which can be done through Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) method. This method uses all the elements that exist in the plant to improve the productivity. Previously maintenance was carried out in part, now transformed into integrated process from upstream to downstream, which taking other elements into consideration, not only machine, but also human, methods, environment and materials.
Combating Corruption in Nigeria: The Professional Accountants Experience[Full-Text ] Emeka E. Ene; Josephine C. Ene Globally, corruption has been identified as one of the major clogs in the wheel of development, especially in developing economies characterized by poor corruption detection and prevention mechanisms. As a result, the subject matter of corruption is receiving increasing attention in recent times. The current Administration in Nigeria came with the mantra of 'change', with a focus on the fight against corruption. While it appears that great successes have been recorded in the recovery of looted funds and prosecution of high profile individuals, corruption, unfortunately, continues to bedevil the Nigerian state.
PICARD APPROXIMATION OF STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION AND ITS APPLICATION ON GENE POOL MODEL[Full-Text ] MARY CHRISELDA AIn this paper the Hardy-Weinberg equation on the frequency of alleles with its contrivances serve as a stochastic model which has been used along with the Markovian Property to prove the frequency of the alleles at the locus of a particular population in genetics. This Gene Pool Model has been converted to a stochastic differential equation\
A Comprehensive Review of Biomass Gasification Process[Full-Text ] A.S. El-Shafay, A.A. Hegazi, S. H. El-Emam, F. M. Okasha The gasification process can be considered as one of the greatest conservative techniques in the transformation of biomass because of certain crucial factors such as the consideration of space, reduction of substantial waste volume, flexibility of fuel used, as well as the recovery of energy. The general process of gasification inclines to involve the incomplete burning of the carbon-based part of fossil fuels, which forms an abundant flammable gas in the presence of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane or some saturated hydrocarbon gases.
An Investigation into the Performance of Dutse (Nigeria) as the Growth Centre of Jigawa State[Full-Text ] A.A Jolaoye, Garba I.AThis paper seeks to investigate some key elements of a growth centre; the principle upon which local government headquarters and state capitals crea-tion rest. It attempts to consider in a spatial dimension, the different channels by which the establishment and development of Dutse (Nigeria) has af-fected its' region (the rest major settlements in the state) after twenty-seven years of operation.
THE EFFECT OF WORKPLACE SPIRITUALITY ON WORK MOTIVATION AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN. BANK MUAMALAT INDONESIA[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ihsan Wijaya, Achmad Sani SupriyantoThis study aims to: examine, test and examine the effect of workplace spirituality on employee performance and work motivation. This study aims to determine the effect of workplace spirituality on employee performance and work motivation of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia. This research is anexplanatory researchwhich aims to test the hypothesis proposed about the effect of workplace spirituality on employee performance and work motivation.
On the Stability and Asymptotic Stability of the Periodic Solution of a Lienard Equation[Full-Text ] E.O.Eze, U.E. Obasi, S.I. EzehThis paper propose a qualitative approach to the periodic solution of a Lienard equation using Lyapunov direct method and Cartwright method to achieve asymptotic stability and hence stability of the solution. Futhermore, Mathcad was applied to demonstrate the numerical behavior of the solution which improves and extends some results in literature.
ON THE STABILIY AND ASYMPTOTIC STABILITY OF THE PERIODIC SOLUTION OF A LIENARD EQUATION[Full-Text ] E.O.Eze, U.E. Obasi and S.I EzehThis paper propose a qualitative approach to the periodic solution of a Lienard equation using Lyapunov direct method and Cartwright method to achieve asymptotic stability and hence stability of the solution. Futhermore, Mathcad was applied to demonstrate the numerical behavior of the solution which improves and extends some results in literature.
Removal of Pb(II) ions from solution using chemically modified Luffa cylindrica as a method of sustainable water treatment[Full-Text ] Akanimo U. Emene, Robert EdyveanLuffa cylindrica, readily available in parts of Asia, Africa and South America, when chemically treated with 4% NaOH shows an increased amount of ion exchange functionality, thereby enhancing the adsorption capacity. It is well known for loofa sponge production and it is regarded as a common waste material. Chemical modification of Luffa cylindrica also changes its structural characteristics by exposing its pores for enhanced adsorption and shows an increased BET surface area from 25.32 m2/g to 43.10m2/g. From the FT-IR spectra an increase in protonated hydroxyl and carboxyl functional groups was observed
Biological study which reveals the basics for genetics and research development[Full-Text ] Junaid Ali, Shah Zaman, Muhammad Umer Khan, Muhammad Ali, SamiullahCell is the most focused object in majority research labs. Step by step functioning of cell is very difficult to explain accurately. Somehow, chemical processes as well as genetic based product such as protein released into body under specific stress, may give the idea about its working. But now science has been improved to explain the whole process of cell with maximum affinity.
Production and Characterisation of Ash Reinforced Cast Motorcycle Piston using Aluminium Alloys Scrap[Full-Text ] Abdussalam Mamoon, Abdul Audu, Nazir N. YunusaThis research work deals with the production and characterization of a motorcycle piston from locally sourced recycled Aluminium piston scraps, using stir casting method. Recycled Aluminium piston scrap was used as the metal matrix and charcoal ash contents of constant percentage was used as the reinforcement in the fabrication of the metal matrix composite (MMC). The compositions of the recycled piston scrap and charcoal ash were acquired.
Optimization of Culture Conditions for Partially Purified Cellulase Production by Oceanobacillus Species Isolated from Wood Industry Soil in Chennai, India[Full-Text ] T. Gbenro, A. Adesanmi, M. Kamaraj, K. Saraswathi, Sindhu, P. ArumugamThe enormous population of bacteria in the environment permits screening and production of more efficient cellulases to aid in the conversion of lignocellulosic residues, treatment of waste papers as well as other industrial applications. Selected colonies of Oceanobacillus profundus were screened for cellulase activity on agar media containing 1% CMC; for assaying the cellulose production, dinitrosalicylic acid method was employed by measuring the amount of glucose liberated in µmol/mL/min and the effect of pH, temperature, carbon source as well as nitrogen source on the enzyme was optimized followed by partial purification of enzyme using precipitation and dialysis procedure.
Case study on effect of music therapy in mother-infant bonding[Full-Text ] Dr. Suguna Varadarajan Babies who are less than a month old respond to their mother's singing or reciting that later did during the 8th to 9th month of pregnancy. Infants being breast fed the first time, respond by sucking comfortably. Infants not responding to feeding, re-sume to suck once the mother's familiar singing or reciting commence. Mothers on the other hand respond positively and their lactation improves in this process. This recognition and feeling of familiarity are instant and the infant will be more at ease.
Analysis of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Manufacturing Industry[Full-Text ] Sajawal Hussain Khan, Muhammad AnwarThe dynamics of the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system varies according to the nature and type of the industry. Each industry possesses its own unique business processes, information flow systems, human resources, adaptation level to the new systems, and localized requirements. These factors can be visualized and considered by understanding the complete hierarchy and structure of the industry
A Hybrid PSO-SA Algorithm for Maximizing the Data Rate for the Cognitive OFDM System[Full-Text ] Sami abuishaiba, Mohammed .I.Youssef, ibrahim F. TarradDue to the rapid demand for wireless applications and the increased number of the wireless devices, there is absence of available spectrum bands. Therefore, Cognitive Radio (CR) has been nominated as a promising technique because of its ability to enhance the spectrum utilization. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is used for the CR networks due to its flexibility of allocate the available spectrum in dynamic environment.
A Brief Survey of Clustering Data Mining Techniques and Methods[Full-Text ] Rajesh Kumar1, Kapil Dev, Ajeet Kumar, Paras lal, Summair Alam, Abdul MananClustering is utilized information mining strategy in which a gathering of comparative items is joined together to shape groups, these bunches are unique in relation to the items in another bunch.The objective of this overview is to give a far-reaching survey of various grouping procedures in information mining.This paper portrays some clusterization methods like, partitional procedure, various leveled system,the matrix based strategy, thickness based procedure and their calculations.