Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018.
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THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS IN MEDCINE MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Hiwot MogesHealth Extension Workers (HEWs) are frontline public health care providers who are often trusted members of and/or have a close understanding of the community being served. In Ethiopia HEWs promote four areas of the health sector: Disease Prevention and Control, Family Health, Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation, Health Education and Communication. On the other hand to address strong community demands for basic curative care, HEWs are trained to provide first aid, treat malaria, intestinal parasites, immunizations and injectable contraceptives.
Demand Side Energy Management using Heuristic Optimization Technique[Full-Text ] Taimoor Mohsin, M. Idrees, Muhammad Usama, Noor Ullah Electricity demand is increasing and to meet the demand, utilities are increasing the generation capacity. Increase of generation capacity also increases the per unit generation cost. Moreover, in traditional grids consumers are not able to interact dynamically with the grid. To overcome the deficiencies of the traditional power grid the concept of smart grid is proposed. Smart grid is an electricity supply network, integrated with bidirectional communication technology between consumers and utility. Smart grid also offers flexible electricity pricing schemes. Demand side energy management is another one of the most prominent feature of smart grid. In DSM system consumers can control their home loads and operate them during off peak hours, which not only helps the consumers to reduce their electricity bills but also, benefits the utility in terms of reduction of per unit generation cost. In literature, various DSM techniques have been proposed. These techniques mainly focus on reduction in cost by considering only few loads. The impact of manual loads is not included. The main objective of this research work is to develop a DSM model for residential users to reduce the total energy cost by exploiting flexible pricing scheme. The model is based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). In proposed DSM model 16 appliances are categorized into different classes. All classes include different appliances with different operational characteristics. MATLAB is used as a simulation tool to implement this model. Simulation results show that the proposed DSM model minimizes the energy cost by 21.16 percent. Different sets of appliances are used to check the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The reduction in energy cost ranges from 18 to 30 percent.
Solution of the Zabolotskaya-Khokholov Equation by Laplace Decomposition Method[Full-Text ] Tahira Sumbal Shaikh, Nauman Ahmed,Naveed Shahid, M. O. AhmedIn this article, the Laplace Decomposition Method(LDM) is applied to obtain semi analytical solution of the Zabolotskaya-Khokholove equation. It is evidence from the results that this method is quickly convergent and the results approaches very close to the exact solution after little iteration.
Application of High Performance Computing for Calculation of Reserves for a Company[Full-Text ] J Bhanu Teja , Pallav Kumar Baruah , Satya Sai Mudigonda , and Phani Krishna KandalaCalculating the reserves for an insurance company is very crucial. The exercise of reserving is done in periodic fashion. Depending upon the reserve estimates the company will plan how to invest their money in different avenues and gain profit. Time required to calculate the reserves will grow exponentially if the input data size increases. This computation of reserving might need to be done several times taking different factors into consideration. Hence the computation becomes even more costly in terms of time.
High Performance Kafka Powered Scalable Real Time Rule Engine Model for Event Stream Processing[Full-Text ] P Murali Krishna, Pallav Kumar BaruahRule based systems execute actions based on the predefined rules. These systems are widely used in business, government and organizations. Traditional rule based systems perform poorly in big data applications such as IoT and others. In order to meet this challenge, we exploit the inherent nature of the problem to come up with a distributed processing system. We propose a scalable real time rule based engine model to logically distribute the events/data streams generated and apply inference on each logically separated event stream.
Assessment of Noise Levels from Anthropogenic Activities and its Impacts around the Federal Lighter Terminal, Onne, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gbarato, O. L., Nte, F. U. and Abumere, O.EThis study is aimed at assessing the emitted noise levels from the Quayside apron at the Federal Lighter Terminal, Onne, Nigeria. Noise levels and Geographical Position measurements were undertaken with the TES 1350 Sound Level Meter and a suitable Geographical Positioning System (GPS). Mapping of the measured noise levels were undertaken using combination of the emitted noise levels and their corresponding geographical positions at each of the measurement points. The result of the noise level measurement showed that the emitted noise levels range between 98.80dBA at the centre of this expansive quayside appron to 48.80dBA at radial distance of 50.0m from this facility.
Human values impacting business: Analysis of Value - Systems among Indian Business students and prospective professionals[Full-Text ] Dr. Nitu GhoshValue system has been the core of any human civilization predicting their sustenance, evolution or extinction. Societies have been going through robust morphological transformations over decades resulting into value erosions, amalgamations and dilutions. Personal values stand as the foundation of ethical decision-making that ultimately leading to progressive evolution. It is futile to design the vernacular set of values, without aligning the values into corporate practices, protocols, leadership and individual behaviors that are practiced, rewarded and disciplined without been exhibited appropriately.
Biochemical characterization of artisanal and in-dustrial Moroccan table olives[Full-Text ] W. BERRADA, F. ERRACHIDI, S. DAHMANI, L. EL GHADRAOUI, A. ALAOUI BELRHITI, R. CHABIRThe study aim the evaluation of industrial and artisanal table olive. The methodology of evaluation followed is done by dimensional analysis (principal component analysis: PCA) and Pearson correlation analysis. The targeted table olives were green olives, red olives and black olives. Belonging to seven regions in Morocco (Guersif, Chawn, Tawnate, Marrakesh, Lamata and El Kalaalagouira). Artisanal table olives are rich in phenolic compounds (4.22g/100g) and carotenoids (0.00181g/100g), industrial table olives are rich in flavonoids (0.0297g/100g) and proteins (9g/100g). PCA analysis shows that distributions of biochemical analysis carried out are able to group the table and artisanal olives to characterize them according to their biochemical contents. We also observed that there is some discrimination between artisanal olives and industrial olives according to the bioclimatic stage.
The impact of urban boundaries in public spaces upon user’s perception of safety, with reference to Cairo, Egypt[Full-Text ] Sarah Samir Abou Aly, Manal Abou El-Ela, Sherif ElfikiAmongst the qualities defining attractiveness of public spaces, is the sense of safety. The perception of safety in the built environment may relate to urban boundaries. This paper investigates the impact of urban boundaries in Cairo, Egypt upon the sense of safety perceived by architects and non-architects. This study aims to know how the perception between architects and non-architects differ. Towards this objective, the study first explores the literature to extract variables that promote the perception of safety as well as the different classifications of urban boundaries. Then, it undertakes quantitative analyses of a structured questionnaire that involved 138 participants in different open public spaces in Cairo. Based on the theoretical findings, the questionnaire addressed ten factors that influence the perception of safety in relation to twenty types of urban boundaries that were grouped under six main categories. The analyses concluded that counters, kerbs, shelters, stones, grass and ramps mostly promoted the perception of safety for both groups. However, they prioritized the influence of fences, walls, kiosks and hedges upon perceived safety in a different way. The findings of the study should help the designers of public spaces take more informed decisions towards promoting users’ perception of safety in the built environment.
Performance of Fiber Optic Modulation Scheme on Fiber-To-The-Home Networks[Full-Text ] Karisha KavutaOptical fiber, a wired network which provides wonderful speed on information transmission, has got its popularity due to the new technologies which minimize costs to users. Passive Optical Network (PON)-based Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) is a common network architecture which provides communication services to the home or premises, with low cost compare to Active Optical Network. The challenge for this technology is on the modulation scheme to be used which will satisfy both users and service providers. The PON systems such as EPON, GPON and G-EPON used TDM scheme which transmits signals at low speed, but less expensive to install. The new scheme WDM seem to be ideal to users, however, its devices are still very expensive, hence the service providers hesitate to move to this technology. Finally the simulation results of Fiber Optic cable length from Central Office to the Home/Office premise shown that the wave dispersion turn to be critical as the distance exceeds the 100km.
Pesticide and its Environmental and Health Hazard[Full-Text ] Syed Hassan Mehdi, Md. Asad Khan, Md.Zafaryab, Sana NafeesPesticides a heterogeneous category of chemicals are specifically designed to control pests that are responsible for plant diseases thus increasing the crop yields. The term insecticide is used to represent agents that are designed to kill only insects, but the term pesticide has a broader meaning and also includes herbicides, rodenticides, fumigants, nematocides, algaecides, ascaricides, molluscicides, disinfectants, defoliants and fungicides (Erdman, 2004).
Military Competition between Allied Forces and Japan: A Case Study on Mandalay Campaign in Myanmar (1942-1945)[Full-Text ] Thin Thin Aye This paper discusses the military competition between Allied Forces and Japan in Mandalay, and the situation of Mandalay during the Second World War. Mandalay is located in upper Myanmar and the center of the communications between lower and upper Myanmar. The British occupied Mandalay in the end of 1885. Since that time the princes and his followers attacked the British. In 1930s, Myanmar nationalists joined with the Japanese fought for British. In 1942, due to Myanmar fell under Japan, Allied forces left for Myanmar. In 1945, Allied Forces tried to reoccupy Myanmar. On 17 May 1945, after the fall of Mandalay, the Japanese retreated from Myanmar. The campaign between the Allied Forces and Japan in Myanmar was ended. In this paper examines military competition of Allied Forces and Japan in Mandalay, and the situation of Mandalay during the Second World War.
An Intelligent Public Transportation Management System[Full-Text ] Enoch Tetteh Amoatey, Henry Kwame AtiglahThe growing need for the public transportation system in urban cities is on the rise as the influx of migrants from rural areas to seek greener pastures continue to increase. The high cost of living in such urban cities is largely the reason for this growing need for public transportation systems. There should be a mechanism to, however, manage these transport systems as the keep expanding per the demand in order to reduce road carnage through fatal accidents, save bus waiting time and needless traffic congestion. Bus stop shelters are usually erected at defined locations for passengers waiting to board public buses. Unfortunately, passengers are sometimes made to wait for long periods before a bus may show up usually because of the idle nature of such routes. This paper, however, seeks to proffer a solution to the difficulty.
Protection of decorative limestone against microbial and chemical causes of organic stain[Full-Text ] Samah.A. Mohammed, M.L.Abd el-latif and Samah.A.SanadDecorative limestone of Northern Galala is frequently used as cladding material for both interior and exterior purposes. This decorative limestone should be achieved a series of requirements supporting its usage for different construction applications. Some of these requirements are physico-mechanical properties while other called Aesthetic properties which deal with homogeneity in appearance and color of stone surface.
Investigation the effect of some drilling fluid properties on rock drilling rate[Full-Text ] Ahmed. S. M, Mahrous, A. M. Ali, Gamal Y. Boghdady, Mohammad A. S, Mohamed A. YThis work presents an extensive experimental study to investigate the effect of drilling fluid properties on rate of penetration (ROP). Fresh water and water based mud were selected to study the effects of mud properties on ROP. Drilling Fluid was used to drill samples of Aswan sandstone (Akaba quarry in Aswan), Isawya limestone (Sohag), limestone (Assiut cement quarry), and Minya marble (El sheikh Fadel quarry in Minya) Egypt. These formations were tested to study the effects of drilling fluid properties on ROP. The drilling fluid properties studied were mud weight (barite -A weighting agent), mud viscosity, (bentonite -A viscosity agent), and pH (Caustic soda - pH Concentration) which are giving rheological properties of the drilling fluid. Mud weights(MW) used are 8.3, 9.2, 10, 10.8, 11.6, and12.4 (pound per gallon) ppg, whereas mud viscosities are 26, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50(second per quart) sec/qrt, and pH values are 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. The results are used to determine suitable mud weight (MW), mud viscosity, and pH that give a suitable ROP. The results of the laboratory carried out for drilling, limestone, Aswan sandstone, and Minya marble the best mud weight that gives the maximum value of ROP is 10.8 ppg, whereas 10 ppg. was the suitable MW that gives the best value of penetration rate for drilling Isawya limestone. From the results, it is found that the optimum viscosity, MW, and pH are, 40 s/qrt., 10.8 ppg., and 10 for drilling in Assiut limestone, and Aswan sandstone, and 35 s/qrt, 10.8 ppg, and 9 pH for drilling in Isawya limestone, and 40 s/qrt., 10.8 ppg., and 10 (pH) for drilling Minya Marble.
Real-Time Motion Detection Framework for Surveillance Cameras[Full-Text ] Mohamed G. Elsaid, Mohammed Elmogy, Ahmed Abo ElfetohThe most important field of computer vision and surveillance system in today’s World is Motion detection. It achieves mechanical or electronic methods and plays an essential role in security system .Motion achieved by comparing one frame with another to make a difference from it. The challenges that effect motion detection like fast objects, weather changes etc . This paper aims to present a new smart technique which detects moving frames in real-time, it requires only a little memory and computation based on motion detection in video frames Experimental results show that this method can detect the moving objects efficiently and accurately form video recorded from many digital video recording (DVR). The proposed system is Real-time motion detection (RTMD) algorithm used four processing types, and that was the best one objects tracking. Our system saves motion result in images form and video file. Object tracking was the best method as it achieved the least one in the (PWC) percentage of wrong classification Also, we compare it with other related work and give a good performance.
STUDY ABOUT BIKE ENGINE OPERATED BY SUPERCHARGER AND ITS PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS[Full-Text ] LIKKITESH.R, AKASH RAJ.S, KAUSHIK KUMAR.J, A.J ARUN THEJAThis paper describes the working of a four-stroke single cylinder Engine which can run on compressed air by means of a supercharger. Since it is an old technique which can attracted many scientist’s as well as Engineer’s for many years. Since engine is operated by Compressed air which contribute to reduce the air pollution and tend to zero pollution level of atmosphere and making a pollution free environment.
Comparative Analysis of Iris Edge Detection Algorithms[Full-Text ] Thompson, A.F., Olotuah, R.T. Oluwadare, S.A.,Biometric identification is a technology that is adopted in the recognition system which guards against fraud and multiple identities. In biometric application system, a high-quality image processing algorithm is desirable as images often used have sharp discontinuities called edges, which are abrupt changes in pixel intensity that characterize boundaries of the objects. These edges require detection in order to remove irrelevant information in the image and preserve the relevant ones for better image processing. In image processing, edge detection is a fundamental tool most especially in feature detection and extraction. Various operators are often adopted in edge detection and the design and quality of the technique determine its efficacy
Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Changing Educational Paradigm in Modernity[Full-Text ] Dr Binu.K, MA , MPhil, PGDRD, Hari G.VEducation and information and communication technology are two important pillars of modern educational enterprisers. In this dynamic social world Advent of information technologies have tremendously changed the content and execution of educational practices and dissemination of knowledge. Modern analytical meaning of education is very much related to information and communication technology and its different manifestations. ICT has mediated the alternation of the nature and style of educational content and teaching learning process. Its effect is very visible in the areas of interpersonal linkages, organizational connectivity for knowledge, collaboration, productivity and accessibility of knowledge etc.
Distributed Security and Proliferate QoS in Handover Scheme[Full-Text ] Today, the development of small cell deployment with overlay coverage or handling through coexisting heterogeneous network has worthwhile solution for 5G mobile network. The challenges faced in this is the security provisioning due to performing of more frequent mutual authentications in 5G small cells and heterogeneous network. In this article we review related studies and proposed Distributed Security in handover scheme to give Quality of Service by selecting best access point and secured routing. The best access network is chosen dynamically based on the Quality of Service parameters such as throughput, packet loss, and delay. The main purpose of this work is to provide prevention from impersonation and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks and to provide Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE).
Structural Response of a Standalone FPSO by Swell Wave in Offshore Nigeria[Full-Text ] Abam Tamunopekere Joshua, Akaawase Bernard TeryimaDeep water exploration has significantly increased the use of FPSOs. The reason been that FPSO provides an economic and flexible approach to exploration of oil and gas. However, these moored offshore structures are subjected to wave forces especially the swell effects in offshore Nigeria. Using mathematical and graphical computational tool, computations have been made on how the structure will respond on swell experienced in offshore Nigeria. The conditions considered in this paper include swell actions caused by the following swell waves, beam and head swell which is directly responsible for the surge, sway and heave motions.
Experimental investigation of nozzle design by simulation method and performance analysis in moppet engines[Full-Text ] Shofiya Shalini.D, Sundarapriyaa.NNozzle is a device used to convert the thermal energy produced in the combustion chamber into kinetic energy. It converts the gas of low velocity high pressure, high temperature into gas of high velocity gas, lower pressure and temperature. Nozzle heap to create the high velocity to make the aircraft fly higher. CD Nozzles are used to control the rate of flow and speed that transpire from them. Through this investigation, the prototype model of nozzle was fabricated and results were produced by dynamo meter test which can used to increase the engine performance in moppet.
The effect of different environmental pollutants on metabolic activities in aquatic plants[Full-Text ] Dr. Sagarika NayakMany heavy metal ions have direct influence on various physiological and biochemical processes in plants. Metal ions and their complex exhibit a wide range of the toxicity to the organism i.e. sub lethal to lethal, depending upon the time of exposure and the prevailing conditions in the ambient water. Some metal such as Cu, Zn and Fe are essential for biological system while Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, As & Hg are highly toxic even in low concentration. As the growth reflects the metabolism of the cell, it has been used as a key indicator of the toxicity of heavy metal ions in microorganisms and it depends on the proper functioning of various metabolic processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration and nutrient uptake. Like all living organisms, plants are often sensitive both to the deficiency and to the excess availability of some heavy metal ions as essential micronutrient, while the same at higher concentrations and even more ions such as Cd, Hg, As are strongly poisonous to the metabolic activities. Aquatic plants provide a valuable alternative source for metal remediation. Many scientists have studied accumulation of heavy metal in aquatic plants. Heavy metal ions can cause plasma membrane depolarization and acidification of the cytoplasm.
Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of Solar PV Panels[Full-Text ] Abdul Quddus, Faizullah Khan, Fazal Muhammad, Muhammad Waleed Raza, Surat Khan, Imran QureshiWith the frightening rate of decrease of main energy resources such as fossil fuels, together with the environmental deprivation caused by the procedure of harnessing these energy sources, it has turned out to be an urgent need to spend in renewable energy resources that would adequately fulfil the growing energy requirements without degrading the environment. Solar energy is the direct conversion of solar radiations into Direct Current (DC) using solar cells and other solar technologies. Conversion of sunlight into electricity for industrial and domestic applications is both clean and environment friendly. The conversion efficiency of commercially available solar cells is in the range of 10% to 20% only.
Characteristics and Composition Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste in Port Harcourt City, Nigeria – A Prelude to Methane Emission Estimation in the City’s Dump Sites[Full-Text ] Izionworu Vincent Onuegbu, Akpa Jackson GunorubonThe composition of solid waste in three dump sites (Eliozu, Igwuruta, and Iwofe) in Port Harcourt city have been analyzed and characterized using Physical and Proximate analysis. Physical characterization of the solid waste at the three dumpsites showed that plastics have the highest percentage composition (28.34%-26.80) followed by food waste (27.40%-25.60), Textiles (12.10% to 10.30%), Paper (12.00%-11.60%), Rubber (8.50-7.20), Tin cans (8.10% - 6.70%), Ferrous metal (0.91-0.50), miscellaneous organic (0.80% - 36%), metal (0.70% - 0.40%), non-ferrous metal (90.40% - 20%). Proximate analysis was conducted and the results obtained showed that the solid waste at Eliozu dumpsite has the highest moisture content of 55.75% while the waste at Iwofe dumpsite has the lowest moisture content (45.28%).
Ecotoxicological effect assessment of untreated waste water using Physico-Chemical Parameters[Full-Text ] Esayas Elias Churko The Present study was aimed to estimate the impact of untreated waste water urban pollution on the immediate environment and the ecology of the receiving water bodies by using some major physicochemical parameters. During the study water samples from six locations represented as site one up to site six, were collected and analyzed for the selected physicochemical properties such as phosphate, nitrate-nitrogen, total dissolved solids(TDS),total suspended solids(TSS), Sulphide(S-2), turbidity(Tu), Acidity or Basicity(pH), electrical conductivity(ECw), Biollogical oxygen demand(BOD5), temperature(T0), and selected heavy metals such as Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn), and Copper (Cu). Sampling stations included on pools, muddy bottoms and vegetative banks of the storm
Helicobacter pylori and the Art of Antibiotic Resistance; A Microbial Twilight[Full-Text ] Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Rashad Bhatti, Abdul Basit, Muhammad Asif, Muneeba Butt, Makhdoom Saad Waseem GhouriThe modern society is facing an alarming rise in resistance against current antibiotics which has rattled the chances of survival against various pathogens. The emergence of diversity in resistance against drugs employed to cure gastric issues solely directs to single villain; Helicobacter pylori. This gastric manic silently resides in stomach of more than 50% global population and has devise strategies to cater impact of curative antibiotics. Studies from many countries are pointing towards increasing resistance rates against common regimens such as Metronidazole, Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. The ability to acquire mutations has led to the modification of various antibiotic targets in Helicobacter pylori. The increasing number of treatment failure reports signifies devastating potential of Helicobacter pylori. It is need of hour to look towards smart diagnostic and pre-treatment resistance profile based antibiotic therapies. Moreover, search of new regimens against Helicobacter pylori is a vast domain which can allow human race to tackle with this rising global threat.
TUNING OF REAL TIME CONTROLLER FOR LEVEL PROCESS USING SIMULATED ANNEALING ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] M.Abimanya, V.Bhavani, A.JeniesWilma, S.M.GirirajKumarThis paper is about tuning PID controller for level process. Here the control strategy includes the tuning of PID controller using some of the Traditional methods of tuning and the intelligent methods like Simulated Annealing (SA). Simulated annealing (SA) is a probabilistic technique for approximating the global optimum of a given function. It is relatively easy to code, even for complex problems. It generally gives a good solution. Then the time domain specifications and performance index of Traditional and intelligent methods have been compared using MATLAB.
DYNAMIC EFFECT OF OIL PRICE SHOCKS, INFLATION RATE AND EXCHANGE RATE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA FROM (1980 - 2014)[Full-Text ] Olukayode Emmanuel, MAKU, Soliu Bidemi, ADEGBOYEGA, Aduralere Opeyemi, OYELADEThis research work examined the dynamic effect of oil price shocks, inflation rate and exchange rate on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 to 2016. Several tests such as descriptive statistics, autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) test, unit-root test and co-integration was performed to examine the data characteristics. The tests were done to see whether estimation technique of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) will be appropriate.
Study on Effect of Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottle Fibers on Silica Fume Concrete – A Review[Full-Text ] Nilesh S.Badave, Dr.Chetan P.PiseThe waste disposal is the vital challenge in every country. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles have increasingly become an indispensable part of a common man’s life. With the phenomenal increase in plastic consumption the problems with plastic waste disposal have also aggravated. The post-consumer PET mineral water bottles are recycled or disposes into land fill. Improper handling of these waste bottles leads to the harm to the environment. And Silica fume is a by-product of the manufacture of silicon metal and ferro-silicon alloys. Therefore in this study waste PET mineral bottles were used in fiber form to form reinforced plain concrete with silica fume.
Screening and Identification of Predominant Lactobacillus spp. from Fermented Milled-Mixed Corn -Soybean Wastes[Full-Text ] Uzoamaka George-Okafor, Ujunwa Nwachukwu, Enuma Mike-AnosikeMost fermented edible plant products that contain Lactobacillus spp. have been considered as rich probiotic meal for human consumption. However, for the availability and cost-effectiveness of probiotic meal to the Nigerian populace, especially the low-income earners, the study was focused on screening for predominant Lactobacillus spp in fermented milled corn-soybean wastes. Washed yellow corn and white soybean (0.5Kg each) soaked in 1L of water (25oC) for 12h were wet- milled and sieved to recover their wastes.
THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON CO2 EMISSION IN NIGERIA (1980 - 2014)[Full-Text ] Olukayode Emmanuel, MAKU, Soliu Bidemi, ADEGBOYEGA, Aduralere Opeyemi, OYELADEThe study investigated the impact of foreign direct investment on CO2 emission in Nigeria over the period 1980 to 2014. Econometric techniques which included correlation analysis, unit root test, co-integration, error correction model were employed to determine the direction and the magnitude of impacts. Findings from the analysis revealed gross domestic product positively influence CO2 emission in Nigeria and was insignificant while foreign direct investment and energy consumption have negative impact on CO2 emission in Nigeria but not significant.
X-EDD: A Hybrid Algorithm to Detect the Clone Attacks in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Sandhya S, Vaishali Roy, Vinitha B, Dr. C. GeethaIn wireless sensor networks, detection of duplicate nodes is done in many different ways. There are a number of nodes present which can be easily compromised by an adversary. There are many algorithms available in static sensor networks to detect the clones. The aim of our proposed algorithm is to find the clones in mobile sensor networks. The proposed algorithm divides the network into many clusters thus detecting the duplicate nodes easily. The network is divided into clusters whose radius is set by a random number. Every node entering the cluster then sends beacon to its neighbors. In case the node wants to move to other location, it sends its credentials like new location and the cluster ID to its neighbors in current as well as destination cluster. Now the cluster head detects the clones by verifying the node’s distance travelled, speed of travelling and possibility of moving to a new location.
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Neomycin Sulphate Complexes[Full-Text ] Mamdouh S. Masoud, Galila A. Yacout, Samir K. El-Saadany, Bassant A. Abd-El-KhalekA series of transition metals neomycin complexes having the formula [M(Neom)(H2O)m Cln].xH2O.3SO4 were prepared; where M (metal) = Vanadium V(II), Chromium Cr(III), Iron Fe(III), Cobalt Co(II), Nickel Ni(II), Copper Cu(II), Zinc Zn(II), Cadmium Cd(II) or Palladium Pd(II) ions, Neom= neomycin, m=1-4, n=0,1 and x= 3-5. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic moment measurements, IR spectra, electronic spectra, ESR spectra and thermal analyses. IR spectra indicated that the bonding between neomycin and transition metal ions takes place through M-O bonds. Neomycin can react with metal ions as dianionic bidentate ligand through H+ ion displacement from 2 OH alcoholic groups. The thermodynamic activation parameters such as: energy of activation ΔE*, enthalpy of activation ΔH*, entropy of activation ΔS* and free energy of activation ΔG* were calculated from the Thermogravimetric (TG) curves for complexes. Some statistical studies were done using computer programs to give extra spotlights on the bonding properties of these compounds. Biological screening for neomycin and some of its synthesized complexes involving antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal) and antioxidant were done.
Numerical Modelling of Effect of Baffle Orientation Offset on Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchanger Performance[Full-Text ] Petinrin M. O. and Dare A. A.The performance of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (STHE) is largely dependent on the type, orientation and offset arrangement of the baffles employed. In this paper, the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of STHEs with 90°, 120° and 180° offset arrangements of baffles were studied numerically. The study was performed on 19-tube and 31-tube heat exchangers, and also for three shell-side working fluids: air, water and engine oil. The numerical analyses were carried out using the k-ε model with imposed realizability constraint, and were solved with COMSOL Multiphysics. The STHE with 180° had higher pressure drop than other STHEs for all the ranges of mass flow rate. STHE with 120° showed better performance for shell-side heat transfer coefficient at the same pressure drop while STHE with 90° had much higher performance factor at the same mass flow rate. It is concluded that baffle offset arrangements significantly affected the shell and tube heat exchanger performance.
Risk Factors contributing to Angina Pectoris in Women[Full-Text ] Tayyaba Masood, Dr. Fatimah Ali, Makhdoom Saad Waseem Ghouri, Muneeba ButtIschemic heart disease (IHD) is the leading cause of death among women and associated with higher morbidity and mortality than in men. Angina pectoris in women is commonly micro vascular in origin than in men. Angina pectoris is a type of chest pain which is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles. Angina pectoris is a symptom of coronary artery disease which is typically described by squeezing, pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain in chest. It is most commonly present in women compared to men. Angina symptoms include feeling out of breath, nausea, vomiting and sharp chest pain. Women are at great risk of developing angina than men. This review suggests that angina pectoris is under diagnosed in women’s so, it minimize the opportunities for identification and prevention of cardiovascular morbidity in women.
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of bioactive compounds derived from glutamic acid; study of their antimicrobial and antiproliferative properties[Full-Text ] Abdou. S. EL-Table;Moshira. M. Abd El-wahed and Salah. M. khalefaThis work was focused on the preparation of glutamic acid derivatives. These compounds were characterize using analytical techniques such as elemental analysis (C, H, N and M), spectral techniques as IR, mass spectra, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR. The preparation of Metal compounds were carried out by reaction of gluytamic acid derivatives with metal salts such as: Cu(II), Co(II), Cd(II), Ni(II),Mn(II), and Zn(II) salts. The characterization of the prepared solid compounds using analytical techniques, spectral techniques as UV-VIS, ESR and thermal techniques as TGA and DTA. Also Antimicrobial and antiproliferative. Properties were studied. Some of the prepared compounds show enhanced activity compard with standard drugs.
Assessement Soil Quality at Dumpsites in Keffi Town, Nasarawa State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nkechinyere Anthonia Abugu, Inemesit Innocent UdofotThis study assessed soil quality at dumpsites in Keffi town, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from two major dumpsites in the study area which are Nasarawa Road and Market/ Emir-Palace Road dumpsites and control sites. A total of sixteen (16) soil samples were collected from dumpsites and control sites. These samples were examined in the laboratory using twelve soil quality parameters such as pH, Temperature and Electrical Conductivity, Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) lead (Pb), Nikel (Ni) copper (Cu) Cadmium (Cd) and Iron (Fe). Results of soil samples for the two sites where compared using student ‘t’ test.