Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018.
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PREVALENCE OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS AMONG DENTISTS[Full-Text ] M.Manivannan,D.Malarvizhi,J.NarendrakumarWork related musculoskeletal disorders are a diverse group of disorders with regard to pathophysiology. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the burden of musculoskeletal disorders can be assessed in terms of problems associated with them, that is the pain and impaired functioning (disability) related to the musculoskeletal system.
Gastro-colic fistula as rare complication of laproscopic sleeve gastrectomy[Full-Text ] Gari MKM, Foula MS, Eldamati A, Alramadhan M, Alrashed L, Almakinah SHGastro colic fistula is a rare reported complication of LSG caused mainly by persist leak. . The clinical presentation of this rare entity is not specific ,high index of suspicion is needed in detection of this life threatening complication . diarrhea was a common feature, nausea and vomiting could exist and the patients may rarely present with syncopal attacks. Trelles et al reported a case of gastrocolic fistula .it repaired laparoscopically after failure initial management by PCD & Endoluminal stent . it repaired laparoscopically .Bhasker et al. (8) reported a case of gastrocolic fistula at level of GEJ. This case was managed by Fistulectomyand re-seelve gastrectomy .D.Nguyen et al, reported another case of gastrocolic fistula after (LGS) it managed by EJO (Roux en Y ) and subtotal colectomy .F. Garofalo et al. reported a case of gastrocolic fistula.It was managed by Fistulectomy with omental interposition and intra op endoscopy.
OCR Engine to Extract Food-Items, Prices, Quantity, Units from Receipt Images, Heuristics Rules Based Approach[Full-Text ] Rafi Ullah, Ali Sohani, Athaul Rai, Faraz Ali, Richard MessierThis paper proposes a some heuristics and intelligent rules for improving OCR results, which is old technique. It is a mixture of some old and few novel techniques to nail down the fundamental problem of Food-Items, Prices, quantities and units recognition, extraction of them from the Grocery Receipts and then correction.
SecureCloud: A Secure File System for Cloud[Full-Text ] Mukesh Kumar Gupta Now a days cloud computing is one of the best innovative technologies having every kind of service to the users. Cloud Computing is an idea of utilizing the shared pool of configurable IT and computing resources as an on-demand service and network access basis. The key concept of cloud computing is based on “pay per usage”. Cloud computing enables us to utilize high end resources so we have to build great application without worrying about infra-structure. Generally a scalable cloud storage services have a hybrid community cloud such as beneficial network storage. The convenience of using these facts, ideas and models are more attractive to the end users. Today the main concerns or issues related to about the privacy, reliability, security, evaluation and other quality factors. In this paper, we introduce some facts and results for next-generation equally distributed cloud storage, cloud computing and processing applications.
Assessment of marine contamination by Neutron Activation Analysis in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] M. Moshiur Rahman, Khokon Hossen, M Arifur Rahman, M A Kabir, S M Hossain and S. M Azharul IslamThe sand samples collected from Himchhori sea beach of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh were analyzed to detect the elements qualitatively and quantitatively by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) method. The relative standardization approach was used for the qualification using IAEA certified Reference Materials Soil-7 and SL-1 and the NIST 1633b Coal Fly Ash. Short irradiation and long irradiation were performed by using the pneumatic transfer system with the thermal neutron flux of 2.75×1012 n/cm2/sec and at dry central thimble (DCT) of the reactor with a neutron flux of 1×1013 n/cm2/sec respectively.
The Study and Design of a System for the Capture of Diesel Soot Particles through the Chemical Treatment of Exhaust Gas[Full-Text ] Pro.Dr. Mahmood Fatama, Pro.Dr.Yousef Jouher, Eng.Mai Hanna ShahdaThe research aims to study and design a system of capture of the soot particles of combustion gases generated by diesel power generators through a new design for the HydroCyclone in addition to the chemical treatment of gas in the simplest ways and the lowest cost and wastewater. The efficiency of soot capture is around 90% from the total mass of soot and with minimum flow rate of 0.62-liter liquid / m3gas compared to the values recommended globally.
Gravity[Full-Text ] Soorajlal VijayanIn this paper I have tried to explain why force of gravity varies as we go from equator to poles.
Precise Bridge for Impedance Measurement Based on Programmable Waveform Generators[Full-Text ] Heba A. M. Hamed, Rasha S. M. Ali, M. Helmy A. Raouf, M. A. Elwany An automated bridge using programmable waveform generators has been introduced in this paper with a fully controlled automated system using LabVIEW program. The bridge operation depends on ratio measurement technique. The system consists of two programmable waveform generators that are perfectly synchronized through their internal T-clock, two impedances, and digital multi-meter (DMM) with LabVIEW program that has been prepared to have full control on the measurement conditions. The bridge has been used to measure different quantities such as resistance to capacitance and capacitance to inductance standards at the quadrature frequency, 1592 Hz. The bridge has been evaluated and accomplishes an accuracy of 10-4 for the resistance to capacitance measurement and accuracy of 10-3 for capacitance to inductance measurements. The uncertainty components for the performed measurements have been evaluated and introduced in the paper.
Exploring the Implication of Contaminated water on the Health of the Residents in Dera Ghazi Khan (City)[Full-Text ] Mr. Muhammad Zeshan AliAccess to safe drinking water is one of the basic human rights and necessary for healthy life. Clean water is absolutely essential for healthy living. Millions of the people die due to drinking of impure and unclean water. The objective of the study was to explore the implication of contaminated water on the health of the residents in Dera Ghazi Khan (City).Drinking water quality is poorly managed and monitored in Dera Ghazi Khan (City) and underground water of city is not useful for drinking purpose, due to high values of calcium, magnesium, chloride, hardness and sub crises of heavy metal. The empirical part of this data collected from 100 respondents from Dera Ghazi Khan (City), in which 94 respondents were male whereas 6 were female. Theoretical framework was consisting of protection motivation theory by Rogers. In this study, the purposive sampling was used to collect data; tool for data collection was interview schedule. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were adapted for the analysis of the data. This study explored knowledge about poor health due to drinking contaminated water. Contaminated water is the cause of poor health of the peoples of Dera Ghazi Khan (City). But there were many peoples who were not aware about contaminated water and its affect on health. While some people were irritated from water pollution. Some of the respondents, whose knowledge regarding contaminated water and its impact on health.
“Mural Arts” an Opportunity for Enhancing Cognitive Mapping[Full-Text ] Alaa M. Abdelaziz, Manal Abou ElEla, Ayman F. WanasMany cities are becoming referred to as being grey due to a variety of factors from which are pollution, urban sprawling, lack of sufficient infrastructure and many more. Cairo, Egypt is one of those cities where most of its informal settlements are indistinguishable and illegible. The main aim of this paper is to study the viability of urban art on enhancing the cognitive map of these areas and hence the Grey Cities. This paper is an attempt to explore urban art, specifically street art, and cognitive mapping to find if they have a relationship that might be beneficial to urban design. To be able to investigate the intended relation in an objective manner, a qualitative-quantitative approach has been adopted. Secondary data was gathered through desk study. Primary data was collected through structured interviews and field observations. This paper confirms the correlation between street art and cognitive mapping. As well as highlighting the proven significant recalling factors applicable to street art to attain this relation.
Automatic Road Feature Extraction from WorldView-2 Panchromatic Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Thilantha Lakmal DammalageRoad network of Sri Lanka, especially in the sub urban conditions, is frequently upgrading and changing due to the rapid infrastructure development in the country during past several years. For planning and management of other related developments and resources, updated road data base is very much essential. The application of spatial future extraction form high resolution satellite images creates new and fast feasibilities for automatic road feature extraction to overcome the limitations of conventional methods of upgrading excising road maps. In this research two automatic systems were developed by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), one system for extracting gravel road and another for extracting tar roads. Pixel spectral (DN) values were used to obtain training data set for ANN. NDVI threshold values based on area of road, morphological operations like filling holes, smoothing, thinning were used to distinguish road features from other related features. Finally, two subset of gravel roads and three subsets of tar roads were simulated to check the developed systems which provide overall completeness, correctness, quality, redundancy and RMS 0.996, 0.989, 0.986, 0.008 and 0 respectively. Most importantly, the gaps caused by obstacles like trees and buildings were filled and continuous road features were extracted in this research.
A Home Energy Management System using an Evolutionary Algorithm[Full-Text ] Taimoor Mohsin, M. Usama, M. Idrees, Noor UllahIn this research, a home energy management system (HEMS), has been designed where we have first proposed a system model and after that a mathematical formulation for our complete system. We have used GA to optimize the operating time of various home appliances in order to reduce the energy cost and flatten the PAR. In this research, we have used the RTP along with IBR to add flexibility into energy cost.
Variables Associated with the Institutional Development Services of Selected Higher Education Institutions[Full-Text ] John Noel S. NisperosAdministrators, faculty/staff, and students of selected Higher Education Institutions identified their socio-demographic characteristics based on the majority of the respondents. Institutional development services were significantly affected or influenced by the respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics. There were institutional development services implemented in instruction, research, extension, and production with focus on the whole organization, system orientation, use of change agent, problem solving, experiential learning, group processes, feedback, contingency orientation, and team building.
Internet of Things - Architecture, Applications Challenges,and A way to Standardization[Full-Text ] Nadia Salem, Asma Salem, Ayat M. SalemIn this paper, we are going to explain the Internet of Things’ (IOT) its Definition, recent history, Architecture, Applications, and technological challenges. We will also conclude by Issues to be addressed.
The Application of Green Project Management and Green Supply Chain Management in Minimizing Cost Overrun in Construction Projects[Full-Text ] Pronob Das, Shobnom SultanaOver the last few years, the green building and technology movement has leaped bountifully. While environmental sustainability for greener construction has been emphasized, research needs to be conducted to analyze cost performance of green construction projects. As a result, this study aims to address schedule cost performance of green construction projects and to provide some recommendations that may improve the targeted performance. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire need be developed and the responses from construction companies will be analyzed, and interviews with project managers were conducted to further supplement and substantiate the survey results. Lastly, a list of recommendations was also introduced, aiming to improve the cost schedule performance. This study will offer a benchmark for the industry to gauge the overall cost performance of green construction projects.
Structural Response of a Standalone FPSO by Swell Wave in Offshore Nigeria Abam Tamunopekere Joshua*, Akaawase Bernard Teryima[Full-Text ] Deep water exploration has significantly increased the use of FPSOs. The reason been that FPSO provides an economic and flexible approach to exploration of oil and gas. However, these moored offshore structures are subjected to wave forces especially the swell effects in offshore Nigeria. Using mathematical and graphical computational tool, computations have been made on how the structure will respond on swell experienced in offshore Nigeria. The conditions considered in this paper include swell actions caused by the following swell waves, beam and head swell which is directly responsible for the surge, sway and heave motions.
Implementation of Micro-Grid Model for Power Generation in Rural Communities[Full-Text ] D. C. Idoniboyeobu, B. A. Wokoma, T. Y. SalihuThe study examined the stand alone provision of power in a micro-grid using PV- Storage only, Diesel generator only and combines Diesel generation (DG), Photovoltaic Cell (Solar Panel) – Storage, to get the optimal mix, in order to determine the best cost/kWh at Alabe–oja; a village in Irelodun Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria selected for this study. The load study carried out showed an estimated requirements of 159.8kWh per day and total power estimated generator capacity of 20kVA. Using Diesel generator, only a cost per kW of ₦20.12 was derived over 20 years.
Battery Thermal Behavior in Hybrid Energy Storage Unit (Battery / Supercapacitor) for Dynamic Loads[Full-Text ] Si Mohamed FARESSE, Mohamed ASSINI, Abdellah SAADThis work consists in studying thermal behavior of classical electrical energy storage (batteries), hybrid (batteries / supercapacitors) and controlled hybrid system. We will use in this study a Lithium-Ion battery, an electrochemical double layer supercapacitor and a variable Load, that corresponds to electrical vehicles dynamic operation, to illustrate the performance of these storage units. Under Matlab / Simulink environment will be treated classical, hybrid followed by controlled hybrid system. The results obtained by simulation confirm the interest of integrating supercapacitors into a battery-based electrical energy storage system. The controllable hybrid storage unit also made it possible to relieve batteries perfectly and to protect them from high temperature level.
Rectification of Tilt & Shift of a Well by Kentledge Method[Full-Text ] ROHIT KUMAR DUBEYWell foundations are quite appropriate foundation for alluvial soils in rivers and creeks where max depth of scour can be quite large. In india technology of well foundation for design and construction is quite well developed, still there are situations where serious problems are encountered at site during construction of well foundations, which results in excessive tilt of well in a particular direction. In the case of excessive tilt, regular method for tilt rectification like eccentric grabbing, water jetting, strutting the well etc. might be not so effective as required. Excessive tilt occurred during sinking of well in undergoing construction of a cable stayed bridge over river ganga have been identified & explained by the author in this presentation.
Percentage depth dose and beam profile measurements for electron and photon beam in reference field size for different energies[Full-Text ] Abebe Tuguma FeyeIn this study the measurements for PDDs were measured using a linear accelerator (Electa synergy) with 6 MV, 10 MV and 12MV photon energies and electron energies of 6MeV, 9MeV and 12MeV at reference field size under constant condition. The measurements were made through farmer type ionization chamber (PTW30013-7001), volume 0.6cm3 and PTW Pin Point Chamber (Reference Chamber) for photon beams and Parallel plate Marcus chamber for electron beam. The measurement of PDDs were done using a beam analysis tool of Monaco TPS. The measured PDD curves were obtained for 6MV, 10 MV and 15MV photon beams for reference field sizes and 9MeV, 12MeV and 15MeV electron energies. The measured depth dose (dmax) are 1.6Cm, 2cm and 2.6cm for 6, 10 and 15MV photon beams respectively. The PDDs at 10 cm depth (D10) are 97.6%, 91.4% and 85.2% photon energies, respectively. The measured depth dose for electron beams are also obtained to be 1.4cm, 1.9cm and 2.3cm for 6MeV, 9MeV and 12MeV respectively. The obtained results, dmax and PDD are within the limit of IEC recommendations. The PDD curves for both photon energies and electron energies show in a good agreement with the literatures.
Faculty Gender: Its Relevance in the Teaching Competence of English Language Teachers[Full-Text ] Abdulsamad S. ShaikThis study used the descriptive-correlation method. The variables such as teacher’s practice of the vernacular and its frequency were also described. The study sought further to find out whether there was a relationship between the profile of the respondent teachers, educational attainment and the length of service.
Knowledge of Education Law among Form Four Students: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Yee Choong ChungA short test gauging students’ knowledge in various aspects of education law was distributed among Form 4 students in a secondary school. Analysis of the results showed that female students have a significantly higher level of knowledge than male students in education law particularly in the knowledge of regulations and procedures with regards to school discipline and students who have had experienced punishment from breaking school rules have a significantly poorer score than those who have not experienced any punishment in knowledge of educational laws particularly in corporal punishment rules. The implications are discussed.
Application of Discriminant Analysis in the Classification of Food Security Status[Full-Text ] A.A. ONOJA, O.L. BABASOLA, V. OjiamboVital information is usually lost during ordinal classification problems that incur misclassification error which affects predictions. In an attempt to minimize this error, this study investigates the effectiveness of adopting Linear Quadratic Discriminant Analysis method in the classification of ordinal dataset problem involving three group cases. In predictions of Food Security Status, there is a need to employ a powerful statistical tool that can correctly classify a household based on the Food Consumption Scores Profile indicator into “Poor”, “Borderline” and “Acceptable”. The approach was used to classify food security status of two counties in region of Kenya. The summary classification results showed that 89.9% of the original grouped cases were correctly classified while 89.1% of the cross-validation grouped cases were correctly classified. This approach can be employed by major International Organizations and Government of nations in their quest to minimize hunger and starvation all over the world.
Quantifying Nuclear Deformation and Masses[Full-Text ] Taghreed Muslih ALQurashiThe scope of this dissertation is to unfold a distinct and detailed analysis regarding the quantification of nuclear deformation over a broad spectrum of nuclear mass numbers, A. Several basic current nuclear models are introduced and explained that provide an insight on nuclear structures.
Integrated Supply Chain and Industrial Cluster Model for Ethiopian Leather Sector using A System Dynamics Approach[Full-Text ] Netsanet Jote, Daniel Kitaw Supply chain andindustrial cluster integration can definetly increase the competitive advantage of industries; it isa key to survival and development of many economic entities and enterprises. However, related research works on the merger of supply chain andindustrial cluster is still in its infancy, thus it is difficult to put theoretical results into practice. To fill this gap, this paper illustrates the advantage of the integration of supply chain and industrial cluster using Ethiopia leather sector as a case study. This paper considers a system dynamics tool to develop a model. Interviews were conducted with selected experts in governmental and non-governmental organizations. In addition, secondary data and actual visit were used as a survey instrument. The variables and parameters selected and the assumptions used in the models are decided together with the experts. Based on the findings, existing system dynamics supply chain flow diagram and proposed integrated supply chain and industrial cluster flow diagram are developed. As a result the newly developed model increases the competitive advantage of Ethiopian leather sector.
Design of Acceptance Sampling Plan as an Opportunity for Consumers’ Risk Reduction[Full-Text ] Netsanet Jote, Birhanu Beshah, Daniel Kitaw In every transaction, either in buying or selling, inspecting whether products comply with the describe standards is very essential. Since, hundred percent inspections are not recommended or it may not be practical, sampling a lot and deciding to accept or reject is a well-practiced approach. However, the accuracy of this method is highly dependent on the design of acceptance sampling plan. In acceptance sampling applications, there are two unavoidable risks. One is the risk of rejecting a good lot, called the producer’s risk (α), and the other is the risk of accepting a bad lot called the consumer’s risk (β). Both the producer and the consumer focus on particular points on the operating characteristics (OC) curve to reflect their interests.The aim of this study is to reduce the consumer’s risk (β) through the design of acceptance sampling plan. Addis Ababa Bottle and Glass Share Company (AABGSCo), the oldest glass bottle producer Ethiopian manufacturing industry, is selected and studied to demonstrate the impact of acceptance sampling plan on the consumers’ risk for two products, liquor and hair oil bottles. As a result, the consumers’ risk for existing sampling plan is found to be 72.6% for both liquor and hair oil bottles, and afterthe implementation of a new acceptance sampling plan it was reduced to 4% and 0.6% respectively, which implies significant reductions.
CHARACTERISATION OF SAW DUST FROM ENTANDROPHRAGMA CYLINDRICUM (SAPELE), DIOSPYRUSCRASSIFLORA (EBONY), TRIPLOCHITONSCLEROXYLON (OBECHE) AND CHLOROPHORA EXCELSA (IROKO) WOODS[Full-Text ] Izionworu Vincent Onuegbu, Alabi Ismaila OlaideThis research work examined and characterized saw dust from Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sapele), Diospyruscrassiflora (Ebony), Triplochitonscleroxylon (Obeche) and Chlorophora excelsa (Iroko) wood using both proximate and elemental or ultimate analysis. This was carried out to facilitate engineering analysis and engineering application of composites resulting from a blend of polymer and these saw dusts. The particle size was determined using sieves of 3.35mm, 2.80mm and 1.18mm aperture, while moisture content was examined using oven-dry method and from the moisture content it is seen that the moisture content of the samples investigated fall within the standard average of 20 to 60 %, with Sapele, Ebony, Obeche and Iroko having moisture content of 33.3%, 25.0%, 53.8% and 23.3% respectively.
An analysis on green cloud computing in reference of the energy efficiency[Full-Text ] Mukta Chaturvedi, Dr. Hemant Kumar GargWith the help of cloud computing business customers can increase and decrease their resource based on needs. we present a system that uses virtualization technology to allocate data centre resources dynamically based on application demands and support green computing by optimizing the number of servers in use. Cloud Computing produced buzzing around the enterprise world but behind the buzz, the Cloud computing technology is on the margin of spurring an information revolution in all regions.
Information Institutions and the Political Account-ability in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md Mahmudul HoqueAccountability of the elected leaders is one of the key factors in a representative democracy. Bangladesh restored a democratic ruling system in 1991 but has struggled to create an effective institutional mech-anism to hold the political leaders before the citizens. Information has often been called the oxygen of de-mocracy because of its power to bring accountability through transparency and public disclosure. With the boom of news media organisations and the emergence of the movement for the right to and freedom of in-formation in the early 2000s, many argued that infor-mation institutions could build the mechanism for po-litical accountability.
Safety Management in Construction Projects: Malaysia Context[Full-Text ] Mushtaq Ahmad; Aneel Manan, Jamshid Ali Turi The complex and uncertain nature of mega construction projects needs an effective safety and risk management system. This study aimed to uncover existing safety issues as well proposes improvement strategies method to reduce safety issues and enhance safety risk management in a mega project in Malaysia. Quantitative case study was conducted, and questioners were distributed among construction experts of the project. From the result, the most top ranked safety issues have identified. Furthermore, the authors have recommended strategies to reduce safety risks of the construction site.
Late-orogenic gold deposits in the north-eastern part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield[Full-Text ] Hani E. SharafeldinThe Arabian-Nubian Shield, located at the northern end of the East African Orogen, is an extensive Neoproterozoic collision zone of thrusts that forms a tectonic zone formed by rocks of the ophiolite association and volcanogenic-metasedimentary deposits. Gold ore mineralization is associated with quartz veins in granites. In all quartz gold-bearing veins, gold is in association with pyrite or with aggregates of pyrite and arsenopyrite. The zones of the veins consist of massive quartz with scattered gold and sulfide minerals. Among the rocks containing mineralized veins, sometimes serpentinized ultramafics, metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks with intrusive gabbroids and granitoids predominate.
LUMINOSITY AND MASS OF POLYTROPIC STARS IN GRAVITATION EQUILIBRIUM[Full-Text ] SUDHANSHU PANDEYThe Relation between the Lumiosity and mass is investigated for a polytropic stars and a polytropic (or isothermal )stellar core, which are in gravitation equilibrium . In this paper we have demonstrated that the mass of the stars keeps on increasing from its surface to centre. Approximate analytic solutions to the equilibrium equations have been presented in phase planes such as (UL,VM,) Transformations connecting solutions in this phase plane have been obtained and discussed..
Portable Handheld by OCR Signal Generation[Full-Text ] Shaigi Ramesh PTVision is considered to be one of the most essential of human senses and plays pivotal role in our life. Appallingly 285 million people in the world are visually impaired and about 9 out of 10 blind children in developing countries like India have no access to education. The current techniques and technologies fail to fully address the need literacy need of these disadvantaged ones. Each of these technologies, be it a simple printed Braille books or a more sophisticated PC based e-reader have their own shortcomings, like availability, portability, high cost, need for expertise and so on.
A Note on Hilbert Series of Free Metabelian Lie Algebras[Full-Text ] Andre DushimirimanaLet F_m be the free metabelian Lie algebra of finite rank. In the present work we propose an elementary proof in computation of Hilbert series of F_m.
Telemedicine and IoMT: Its importance regarding healthcare in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Toufik Ahmed Emon, Md. Tanvir Rahman, Uzzal Kumar Prodhan, Mohammad Zahidur RahmanTelemedicine is the process of having a remote diagnosis and medication with the help of technology. Besides, Internet of Medical Things is the use of different types of medical equipment and applications to provide health care services through internet. As a result, Telemedicine and Internet of Medical Things help a healthcare professional to keep track of patients in real time. It is also needed for a country to facilitate proper medical services to the deprived remote patients. In this paper, we have tried to unleash the need and use of Telemedicine and Internet of Medical Things. We have also tried to ï¬nd out the prospects and importance of it in the context of Bangladesh. Hence, to make it more effective as well as trustworthy, the measures that should be imposed to overcome the current difï¬culties are also discussed.
Characteristics Isolate Bacteria Lactic Acid of Origin Digestive Tract of Broiler as Probiotic Candidate for Poultry[Full-Text ] Muh. Nur Hidayat, Ratmawati Malaka, Laily Agustina, Wempie PakidingThe purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB) which is a probiotic from broiler age 3 days old. Isolation of lactic acid bacteria using MRSA media added 1% CaCO3 in a petri dish, then incubated at 370C for 48 hours. Colonies of LAB may be associated with the formation of clear zones around the colony. Selected pure isolates were then combined with morphology, Gram staining, test methyl red, motility test, catalase test, and fermentation type test. Observation of identification of genotype characteristics of LAB using Bacteriological Manual of Bergey Determinative.