Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018.
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Fault Current Limiters Types, Operations and its limitations[Full-Text ] Rafiq AsgharFault currents can degrade circuit breakers and other expensive system components. By installing FCLs, many utilities can protect the system from detrimental condition with low cost.
Time Series Classification and Survival Analysis for Forecasting[Full-Text ] Luckyn, Boma Josiah , Enoch, Joseph DiemaThe research work is focused on the application of time series and survival analysis to forecast future values from previous values to assist government or organization, plan ahead with precise data using the Kaplan Meier survival method of different classification of time series data to obtain the desired objectives. The understanding of the analysis was gained through the health statistical data that have continuous regular time study. The decision to use time series data is to ascertain the regular time series which is the major variable to determine a survival rate at any given time. A customized software application was developed in Java (NetBeans) programming language for its implementation. The research extensively carried out testing using synthesized data to execute Time Series Classification and Survival Analysis with possible outcome for user interpretation on events. The results obtained from the implemented standalone software application, were validated with other proven data and results.
Solar PV output under different wavelength of light: A Simulation Based Study[Full-Text ] Md. Shazzadul Islam, Muhammad Fayyaz Khan, Md. Sahidul IslamSolar PV output depends on intensity of light. This output varies with the hourly position of the sun as well as density of cloud, moisture, suspended particles in the atmosphere etc. Other than visible light waves, low and high frequency waves above and below the visible range also create energy output through solar PV. In this paper solar PV output under different wavelengths of light has been studied under P-Spice environment. It has been found that output solar PV under low frequency of light is quite appreciable and higher than normal sunlight of intensity. If such light waves are allowed to fall on solar PV through filter enhanced output from solar PV can be attained. Analytical model of PSpice is used to conduct this analysis.
A Survey Study on the Local Content Development in the Oil and Gas Industry of Nigeria (Using Petroleum Training Institute as a Case Study)[Full-Text ] Obiakor Okwudili InnocentThis paper presents people’s view on local content in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria. Analyzing questionnaires was done using Graph pad software to know people’s view on local content in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria in terms of its level, Petroleum Training Development Fund (PTDF) contribution towards achieving the targeted local content level and international recognitional level of Nigeria local content. This analysis is of importance in order to scale ourselves on the indigenous involvement in the petroleum industry of Nigeria. After the whole study, it was concluded that local content has not improved as expected in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria because of some major drawbacks such as non-compliance by the international companies operating in the countries to the rule of the policies, idle capacity in the indigenous oil companies due mainly to inability to win consistent and sizable contracts from these international oil companies, absence of strategy that will grow local capacity in a sustainable and targeted manner, over reliance of national development activities on external capacity and poor implementation of Nigerian content policy. However there is need to increase this level because of its necessity to the nation’s development.
A NEW MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR PREDICTING WATERFLOOD PERFORMANCE IN OIL RESERVOIRS[Full-Text ] Akinwumi E Akinade, Olugbenga A. Falode In this paper, analytical model is developed for predicting waterflood performance in a stratified reservoir without crossflow between its adjacent layers by assuming saturation gradient exist behind the flood front and there is presence of initial gas saturation at the start of the flood with no trapped gas behind the flood front. The model accounts for variation in porosity, saturation, relative permeability, thickness, height in addition to permeability of different layers
BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING (BPR). IS ZAMBIA’S MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES AWARE OF THE BENEFITS THAT THIS STRATEGY BRINGS?[Full-Text ] Mr. Peter Lubosi Simasiku, Mr. Jacob NgomaBusiness process reengineering is an approach where processes are developed to maximize an organization's potential. The research was conducted on manufacturing firms in Zambia’s Copperbelt province. The main objective was to assess the benefits that Business Process Re-Engineering has brought on manufacturing industries. We used the diffusion of innovations theory as explaining theory which presents three phases of the re-engineering process starting with the original process, the development stage and ending with a new re-engineered process. The research identifies the operationalization of BPR strategy on severalties of manufacturing firms; secondly, it further describes which process minimizes cost, but offers best quality, durable and highly innovative products. The research used a quantitative research philosophy, where Questionnaires and structured interviews were applied as to extract information. The sampling framework consisted of eighty (80) manufacturing companies based in Kitwe from a population of 410. The key findings were that 65% of organisations are users of BPR, and that 68.3% of organization has implemented BPR strategy objectives, 51.7% are well aligned to facilitate BPR Implementation process, 65% of managerial workers in every organization are facilitators of BPR implementation. Furthermore, 71.6% organizations have skilled labor to practice to acceptable standards in the implementation of BPR strategy. This study is original as all the data used are reliable and credible, and contributes to limited literature on BPR and it provides a facet analysis of current BPR practices in Zambia.
What is the impact of a group of people on the conditions in model chamber? - numerical analysis and validation[Full-Text ] Weronika Radzikowska - JuÅ›, Andrzej JuÅ›The paper presents an issue of people’s influence on the conditions prevailing in the model chamber in which they are staying. The tests aimed at determining temperature changes as a result of the presence of several heat sources (representing people). The issue is raised in two ways: experimental and using numerical algorithm implemented in Elmer FEM software. Afterward compared simulation and empirical results. The results allowed to develop methodology of research and analysis enabling solution of the issue.
Analysis of freight transport and logistic sector in Morocco[Full-Text ] Kawtar Akoudad, Fouad JawabThe objective of this work is to analyze, determine the mode of organization and operation of the freight transport and logistic sector in Morocco.
An Approach for Sustainable Transportation System in Surat (Urban) City[Full-Text ] Jigar Patel, Kishan Kapadiya, Miraj PatelSurat city had a population of 44, 66,826 as per 2011 census, it is the 4th fastest developing city in the world. Subsequently, there is an increasing growth of vehicle and population in Surat city. There is an acute demand for effort and innovations for solving the transportation-related problems. Not only solutions, but a sustainable solution is the demand of time. A survey was conducted using social media platform and on the basis of the survey a road width with all the parameters like safety, green cover, parking, footpath etc. are covered and proposed for roads having width 12 m, 18 m, 24 m, 36m.
Simulation models to change the values of solar radiation that affected by weather factors and their impact on the performance of solar cells over Egypt[Full-Text ] Emad A. Ahmed, Zeinab M. Abdel Rahman, Ahmed Ghitas and Haroun A. ElsheekhEgypt has an intention for using further alternative resources of energy due to several economic reasons and more importantly other environmental protection goals. Solar energy is a type of renewable energies and it is most readily available source of energy. It is non polluting and maintenance free. Egypt has great advantageous position, belongs to the global sun-belt. To make best use of the solar PV systems the output is maximized either by mechanically tracking the sun and orienting the panel in such a direction so as to receive the maximum solar irradiance or by electrically tracking the maximum power point under changing the values of solar radiation that affected by weather factors. The overall performance of solar cell varies with varying Irradiance with the change in the time of the day the power received from the Sun by the PV panel changes. Not only solar radiation affects solar cell efficiency as well as corresponding Fill factor also changes. This paper gives an idea about how the solar cell performance changes with the change in above mentioned factors in reality with theoretical modelling and simulation and the result is shown by conducting a number of experiments.
KNOWLEDGE OF OSTEOPOROSIS AMONGFEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Dr.Qurratullain Arif, Dr Asif Sheikh, Dr. Hira Islam Rajput, Mr. Noman Ahmed, Dr.Shazia Abdul Hamid Khalfe, Dr. Vinod KumarTo find out the Knowledge level of osteoporosis in college going females of Karachi.It was across sectional study. The sample size was 150. Data was collected from different women colleges Karachi. SPSS software version 20 was used for analysis. The results show that the participants had knowledge regarding the risk factors of osteoporosis where as knowledge regarding the dietary recommendation and physical activity was found to be low. 38% of the participants believed that regular exercise reduces the incidence of osteoporosis. 94% of the female group with age range 16 to 18 year. Only 21% female were participant have correct knowledge that eating a diet low in milk products can cause osteoporosis. There is a need to develop know the awareness program as to improve the health conditions of young females.
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE (KAP) REGARDING PHYSICAL EXERCISE AMONG ADULT DIABETIC PATIENTS IN THE CASE OF WOLAITA SODO UNIVERSITY TEACHING REFERRAL HOSPITAL[Full-Text ] Afework Asale Physical activity is an important factor in reducing morbidity from DM and maintaining quality of life. Regular physical activity may help to increase the glucose uptake and improve insulin sensitivity in muscle, thus leading to good glycemic control. To assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) regarding Physical Exercise among adult Diabetic patients at Wolaita Soddo University Teaching Referral Hospital. A facility based cross-sectional study design was used and data was collected from 201 adult diabetic patients by using structured questionnaire for patient interview to collect information on socio-demographic, socio-economic and the patient’s knowledge ,practice and attitude towards physical exercise.
TIME DEPENDENT SIMPLISTIC MODEL FOR TERTIARY CREEP DEFORMATION OF REACTOR GRADE ALUMINIUM USING MODIFIED GAROFALO-ROBINSON EQUATION[Full-Text ] K. VINAY, S. ATHER, M. K. SAMAL and A. ARYAThis Aluminium and its alloy are widely used as in-core material in nuclear industries. Structural integrity of these materials throughout its intended design life and design loads is very important. Reactor environment induces many thermo-mechanical defects and alter its mechanical and high temperature behaviour in a significant way.
Resource Allocation Management in LTE System Using Priortized Defict Round Robin (DDR) Scheduling Algorithm[Full-Text ] Bamidele Kuboye, Olanrewaju Adebayo, Tom Joshua The Long Term Evolution provides a high data rate and can operate in different bandwidths ranging from 1.4MHz up to 20MHz. LTE supports high peak data rates (100 Mb/s in the Down Link and 50 Mb/s in the Up Link), low latency (10ms round-trip delay) and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) which enhances the throughput and allows seamless integration with an existing systems. However, the resources on LTE network are limited and it has to be allocated in such a way that the highest throughput is attained and fairness is maintained among all types of network connections. As a result of this, allocation of network resources over LTE network has been of major concern over the past few years, so many scheduling algorithms have been proposed. This paper evaluated various scheduling algorithms in Long-Term Evolution (LTE) network and proposed a new scheduling algorithm that improves on the limitation of existing algorithms by making use of Prioritized Deficit Round Robin. In this paper network connection types were categorized into Real-Time (RT) and Non Real-Time connection (NRT); NRT connection is further classified into Urgent NRT (UR) and Non Urgent NRT connections, so as to give fairness to all traffic types. Resource blocks were shared between traffic types using partial sharing system and the deficits (TTI) of old connections were added on to the incoming connections. Network Connection were prioritized such that RT has preemptive power over NRT and UR has preemptive power over Non-Urgent NRT.
Rural to urban labour migration and remittance inflows to rural communities in Sri Lanka: A review of Literature[Full-Text ] Seetha P. B. RanathungaThe conceptual framework of migration can be reviewed in a broad range of studies ranging from Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration to the famous Harris-Todaro model and the new economics of labour migration. This paper attempts to summarize theories of labour migration, focusing on classical and neo-classical migration theories and the theory of the new economics of labour migration (NELM). Further, this paper examines the links between migration and development, migration and remittances, and looks at empirical studies on the impact of rural-to-urban migration and remittances on rural livelihood improvement in developing countries. Based on the literature it can be concluded that rural-to-urban temporary labour migration contributes significantly to poverty reduction by improving the well-being of rural communities.
The Impact of Enzyme Concentration (%) on Different Properties of Knitted Fabric During Bio-polishing and Their Technical Relationship[Full-Text ] Md. Rasel, Md. Shak Sadi, Mazadul Hasan, Mehedi Hasan Mridul, Mohammad Tofayel Ahmed, Afzalul Bari HazariSoft handle and clean surface of fabric without any protruding fiber is mostly desired. Bio-polishing technique for removing protruding fiber from cotton knitted fabric surface is well established and most commonly used by the textile factory. We have been considered Single jersey, Rib (2*2), Interlock, Fleece and Pique fabrics for our project work. Pre-treatment process (Bio-polishing, Scouring & Bleaching) and dyeing is carried out by using sample dyeing machine. Enzyme shows various effects on different types of fabrics but those effects mainly based on Whiteness, Reflectance and GSM. We have been used different percentages of enzyme on different types of knitted fabric but the percentage of enzyme have been used (0.25%, 0.30%,0. 40%).After enzyme treatment we have been found the relation among concentration of enzyme, whiteness value, reflectance value, GSM and process loss. The aim of this study includes; determination of the effect of enzyme concentration on various knitted fabrics such as determination of whiteness, reflectance value of treated & untreated knitted fabrics by spectrophotometer. Determination of the process loss (%) in after treatment, Determination of relation among enzyme concentration, whiteness index, reflectance value and GSM. After the study we come to a conclusion i.e. with the increase of enzyme concentration Whiteness value, Reflectance value and Process loss of the different knitted fabric increase, at the same time GSM, Strength of the fabric decrease whilst the fastness properties remain similar.
Isolation and pancreatic endocrine differentiation of the mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord[Full-Text ] Noor Alhoda Ebrahim Hassanen, Eman EL-Sayed, Farha El-chennawiDiabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia which resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Stem cells are group of cells which have the ability of self-renewal and differentiation into many types of cells such as insulin like producing cells. The aim of this study is to isolate mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s jelly of umbilical cord from healthy babies born to healthy mothers and differentiation to insulin like producing cells which give good result using trichostatin-A-based( two- step protocol) . Flow cytometery analysis showed that MSCs were positive for CD90 and CD105 and negative for CD45 and CD14. These data show that the majority of the human umbilical cord derived cells were mesenchymal stem cells. Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to insulin like producing cells were evaluated by ELISA.We found that stepwise increase in insulin release in response to increase of glucose concentration.
Patterned Fabric Defect Detection and Classification (FDDC) Techniques: A Review[Full-Text ] Oni, D.I., Ojo, J.A., Alabi, B.O., Adebayo, A.A., & Amoran, A.E.The capability to accurately locate defect points for assurance of fabric quality control process is a major aim of an automated patterned fabric defect detection and classification system. This must be achieved with a good processing speed, less computational complexity and at a less computational time. Thus, the systems to be designed require robust and efficient fabric defect detection algorithms. Although different fabric defect types had been referenced in literatures, only a few with patterned and coloured patterned fabrics have been referenced. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to review various techniques and algorithms that have been developed to detect fabric defects in patterned and coloured patterned fabrics. It also aimed at presenting an evaluation of different state-of-the-art techniques and algorithms, the limitations of several promising techniques, and the analysis of the performances of such techniques in the context of their demonstrated results and intended application.
ASSESSMENT OF PLASMA ALBUMIN, TOTAL PROTEIN AND PROSTAGLANDINS IN SICKLE CELL CHILDREN IN EKITI STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Oyeyemi A.O, Sonuga A.ABackground: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder caused by abnormal haemoglobin. Sickle cell disease limits the oxygenating role of haemoglobin, resulting in the damaging or the “sickling” of the red blood cells .This disease continues to be a global health problem that presents major challenges to our health care systems.
The Dark Matter Particle: The Ultimate Building Blocks of Nature[Full-Text ] J.S. RawatThe early tiny Universe, perhaps, contained invisible Dark Matter particles that were in their Supersymmetry and occupied a finite space within an Infinite space having no boundary, similar to condition of snow on a rock foundation in the mountainous region that occupies a finite space within an Infinite space. The gravity of the particles compressed the core, resulting into increase in temperature fantastically high, thus converted the early universe into an infinitesimally small, infinitely dense, and hot primordial plasma fire ball, like snow that becomes dense and compact due to gravity. The Supersymmetrical particles, due to high temperature, were separated during quantum fluctuations, similar to melting of snow due to increase in temperature, resulting into release of individual water molecules that after joining are converted into a voluminous flow of water. The fluctuated dark matter particles, in turn, generated Supergravitational waves / energy that moved forward along with dark matter particles with super speed and thus inflated the early universe, similar to voluminous river water that inflates in the steep sloping mountainous region.
Report on Studying the Effect of Mesh Density on Finite Element Analysis & Establish an Optimal Mesh Density for Finite Element Analysis of a Bridge Deck under the effect of Self-weight & Vehicular Load[Full-Text ] ROHIT KUMAR DUBEY Analytical Modeling is the initial step in a software based Finite Element Analysis of any sophisticated structure associated with irregular shape, complex loading pattern and combination of different loads along with complex boundary condition.
The Learners’ Oral Proficiency and Role Play Activities: A Tool of Effective Active Learning[Full-Text ] Mrs. Sayah Lembarek Samira This paper aims at exploring the effects of Role Play activities on the students’ oral proficiency. Role Play activities are designed to be applied for teaching English as a foreign language through the use of active learning approach which provides students with communicative situations by which they partcipate, perform and speak English in the appropriate way. In order to investigate the efficiency of Role Play activities in an EFL classroom, a classroom observation checklist is prepared to observe the students’ oral proficiency in such type of communicative activities. The findings of this research reveal the significance of Role Play actvities in enhancing the students’ oral proficieny so that they become active and able to communicate fluently and accurately in a given comminicative context.
THE ROLES OF TRUST IN THE GOVERNMENT AND NATIONAL IDENTITY IN RELATION TO THE NATIONAL LOYALTY AMONG INDONESIAN EXPATRIATES IN SINGAPORE[Full-Text ] Ayu Chandra Hamidah, Fathul HimamNational loyalty is the bond between an individual and its native country as well determination to remain a citizen of the country. This research was aimed to examine the role of trust in government and national identity toward national loyalty. For this aim, hypothesis have been tested using data collected from a subject of 112 Indonesian expatriates in Singapore refer to Indonesian citizens who live or work in Singapore with permit ownership, selected using the purposive sampling method.
The effect of central tendency and variation on the reduction of the examination time by applying (I-MR) control chart[Full-Text ] Nawres Qasim Alwan, Ahmed Abdulrsool AhmedMean and moving range (I-MR) chart one of the tools of the statistical process control (SPC), apply this when the size of a single item, especially the tests of destruction. The aim of this study is to study the effect of central tendency and dispersion at the time of the tests of the samples. Increasing the number of samples tested increases the cost., and evaluating the process capability indicators. Practical case is applied in the (Al Noaman factory) and Minitab 17 software is used to plot control charts. The results showed that the mean value of the target exceeded (0.1) by the time the operation was in the case of statistical adjustment towards the upper specification limit and the amount of dispersion (0.228191) and the capability of a process (1.46). Central tendency and variation values were studied ,where the results showed that when we reduced in 8.04 we obtained Cpk (1.4023), and reduce to 40% we obtain highest process capability .
Experimental Investigations on the Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Diesel Engine Using Waste Frying Oil as Fuel[Full-Text ] S.M. Abdel Razek, M. S. GadExperiments were conducted on a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine using low sulfur diesel, biodiesel and their blends converted from waste frying palm oil to investigate performance, exhaust emissions and combustion characteristics of diesel engine under four engine loads at an engine speed of 1500 rpm. Different blended fuels containing 10% (B10) and 20% (B20) by volume of biodiesel and diesel fuel were used. The properties of waste frying oil such as viscosity, density, calorific value and flash point were determined. The experimental results of the study reveal that the waste cooking oil biodiesel has similar characteristics to that of diesel oil and diesel engine can perform satisfactorily on biodiesel and its blends with the diesel fuel without any engine modifications. It is also observed that there is significant reduction in CO, HC and smoke emissions for biodiesel and its blends compared to diesel fuel. However, NOx emission of WCO biodiesel is marginally higher than petroleum diesel. On an average, HC emission reduced by 25%, smoke emission reduced by 22 %, CO emission reduced by 13% and NOx emission increased by 8.2% at full load operating conditions for B20 compared to diesel oil. With an increase of biodiesel in the fuel, brake specific fuel consumption increases with simultaneous reduction in the engine thermal efficiency compared to conventional diesel oil. The results indicate that the combination of diesel and biodiesel from waste frying oil gives similar results to those in the literature and could be used as a diesel fuel substitute for short term engine operation.
Experimental Study on Enhanced Crumb Rubber Concrete[Full-Text ] Esraa Emam, Sameh YehiaIt's very important for environmental issue to use disposal of waste tires. Rubber from waste tires used for partial replacement of fine aggregate in traditional concrete, the resulting product called crumb rubber concrete (CRC). Concrete mixes containing waste crumb rubber untreated/treated with replacement percentages (3% and 6%) of fine aggregate were studied and those mixes were compared with traditional concrete mix to investigate the behavior of untreated CRC and optimized treated CRC. It's worth to be mention that, chemical agent succeeded to treat and increase the bonding chain between crumb rubber and concrete. On the other hand, reinforced concrete beams were cast with the same percentages of fine aggregate replacement (3% and 6% treated crumb rubber). Furthermore, two reinforced concrete beams were cast with three layers, the lower concrete layer cast with traditional concrete but the middle and upper layers were cast with treated CRC to studying flexural strength and bond efficiency, also, control RC beam with traditional concrete was cast for comparison. It was concluded that, compressive strength effected by positive value by increasing treated crumb rubber percentage. CRC shows reduction in the density of concrete in comparison to traditional concrete. By increasing rubber percentage, slump values decreased.
Comprehensive Performance Analysis for IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16: A Case in Egypt[Full-Text ] M.A. Mohamed, E.H. Abdelhay, A.E. Takieldeen, and R.F. HarounBroadband wireless access networks are firmly considered to meet the developing requirements for level networks capacity and coverage of remote and rural areas in a most cost-effective manner. Recently, many problems related to distance and location almost have been solved through changing the communication way. Thus ongoing research efforts dedicated in this paper targets a technical analysis of different services enhancing last-mile wireless broadband. Group of technical differences between Wi-Fi wireless technologies (IEEE 802.11n) with mobile WiMAX technology (IEEE 802.16e), through the transmission of all types of multimedia content using mobility and over large coverage areas with a new technology will be illustrated. Moreover, numerous difficulties in remote distance applications are worked out and are completely solved. The extensive simulation results showed that by using WIMAX, there would be a great improvement in overall network performance under conditions of mobility, higher coverage and beneath fading effects as compared with Wi-Fi.
IMPACT OF STRATEGIC PLANNING ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF UNILEVER NIGERIA PLC AND MAY & BAKER NIGERIA PLC[Full-Text ] ADETOWUBO-KING, S. ADETAYOThis study examined the impact of strategic planning on organizational performance using a study of selected manufacturing organizations in Lagos, Nigeria. It appraises the effect of the concepts on the Nigerian manufacturing industry, using Unilever Nigeria Plc. and May & Baker Nigeria Plc. as case studies. A sample size of one hundred and seventy-one (171) respondents was used in this study, which was determined using Yards formula. The objectives of the study areto examine how external orientation influences the market share of an organization. To ascertain that internal orientation leads to improved market share of an organization.
Evaluation of Work Motivation As A Predictor Of Employee Commitment[Full-Text ] ADETOWUBO-KING, S. ADETAYOCompensation is a very important component in Human resource management. This study examines the effect of compensation on the organizational commitment of employees. It appraises the effect of this concept on the Nigerian Education sector, a total of four (4) secondary schools were used. The data for the study was collected using self-administered questionnaires. A sample size of one hundred and seventy two (172) was used for analysis. Results of the linear regression analysis and correlation were used to test the hypotheses, which indicated that employees compensation has a strong effect on their commitment to their organization. It was therefore recommended that management strive to design and promote compensation package that are adequate and sufficient in order to increase the level of employees organizational commitment.
Investigating the Effect of Blending Kerosene and Palm Oil with Diesel Fuel[Full-Text ] Rubiat Mustak, Tanjim AhmedBurning of petroleum based fuels results in severe air pollution. To minimize this environmental impact mankind try to identify a new alternative source of fuel. A lot of experimentation has been done to identify a good source of alternative.The existing studies have discovered that vegetable oils can be a good substitute for diesel fuel.But using vegetable oils directly in an engine is not feasible due to their high viscosity and low volatility. As a result blends of vegetable oils are used in engines as an alternative of diesel.Here in this investigation the effect of blending kerosene and palm oil with diesel fuel is shown. Investigations are conducted using various blends of kerosene and palm oil with diesel. At first kerosene alone is blended with diesel in various ratios and the effect of blending was identified.After that the effect of blending palm oil alone with diesel in various ratio was determined. At last palm oil and kerosene together blended with diesel fuel in equal portion and the change in various fuel properties was determined. The effect of blending palm oil and kerosene alone with diesel is compared with the effect of blending palm oil and kerosene together with diesel. In order to compare the effects various fuel properties were measured. This study mainly concentrate on lower heating value (LHV) or lower calorific value (LCV) and density for various comparison purposes.
Optimum Tubing Size Prediction for Vertical Multiphase flow in Niger Delta Wells[Full-Text ] Bright Bariakpoa Kinate, Kingdom Kponanyie Dune, Nwizug-bee Leyii KluivertThe Prediction and Selection of Optimum Tubing Size (OTS) is mandatory and important for optimum production from an oil and gas well. The size of tubing is one of the important parameters affecting the pressure gradient on a multiphase fluid flow condition. This paper presents a software {Optimum Tubing Size Predictor (OTSP)} developed and used to predict the OTS for tubing sizes within the range of 2 3/8’’ to 6’’ on vertical multiphase flow in the Niger Delta. Vertical models of category C were used and an analytical model was generated after fitting hundred wells data .The output shows that Total Pressure Gradient (TPG) expectedly decreases with an increase in tubing size for a particular well but after the OTS, increases with increase in the tubing sizes with a change in flow regime. For the wells used in this study, the OTS was 3 ½’’ with a TPG of 26.1373 psf/ft and 6’’ with a TPG of 27.3338 psf/ft for Aziz, Govier and Fogarasi model while the OTS was 4’’ with a TPG of 27.5722 psf/ft and 5’’ with a TPG of 30.307 psf/ft for Orkiszewski model. Similarly, the OTS was 6’’ with a TPG of 28.8763 psf/ft and 6’’ with a TPG of 27.1252 psf/ft for the new model.
Studying the Performance of Streaming Data over LTE-A Networks based on HARQ Mechanism[Full-Text ] M.A. Mohamed and Hegazi IbrahimThe transmission of streaming information faces numerous issues, for example, an Expansive number of packet's drops; Lower estimations of SNR; the abnormal state of the likelihood for packet's Collusion's; and diverse instances of interference. 4G systems, for example, WiMAX and LTE can deal with impeccably with the basic issues for gushing innovations that fulfill elite of access and reasonable use for all clients under system over-burdening conditions. In this paper, we have altogether assessed the impact of various portability cases with the irregular movement of information and information in light of IP packets with and without the impact of hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) that is the critical strategy to enhance the nature of access in any correspondence framework.
Effect of Molybdenum Addition to Aluminum Grain Refined by Titanium plus Boron on Its Metallurgical Aspects and Mechanical Characteristics[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidAluminum, Aluminum, alloys and its microalloys have become during, the last century one of the most important constructionalmaterials despite their complex and expensive extraction due to their attractive and required physical and mechanical properties. However, against these beneficial properties they have the disadvantage of solidifying in columnar structure which tends to reduce their mechanicalstrength and deteriorate their surface quality. Hence, it is becoming a necessity to grain refine their microstructures to overcome thesediscrepancies. It is therefore anticipated that addition of some rare earth refiner elements is worthwhile investigating. In this paper, theeffect of addition of Ti-B and Mo to the aluminum melt prior to solidification at a weight percentages which corresponds to the peretecticlimit on their phase diagrams on its microstructure, mechanical characteristics, and Vickers microhardness in the as cast condition isinvestigated. It was found that addition of any of them either alone or together caused refining of its structure by pronounced decrease ofits grain size. Moreover, addition of Mo in the presence of Ti- B caused further decrease in the grain size. Hence it might be concluded that addition of Ti- B or Mo to aluminum prior to solidification led to a transition from predominantly columnar large grain structure to an equiaxed fine grain size one.
Design and Dynamic Characteristics of Suspension system for All-terrain vehicle[Full-Text ] J Sri Harsha, D Vijay reddy, AVRK teja, NSK Teja, Ch Satya KalyanSuspension performance plays an important role in All-Terrain vehicles (ATV). The intention of the work is to fabricate the suspension system for the ATV using the multi body dynamics approach using LOTUS SHARK software. The components of the suspension are modeled in solid works and analysis is carried out in Ansys workbench. The front and rear suspensions are double wishbone type due to its stability and good distribution of loads. Using the multi body dynamics we will study the camber and toe angles with respect to wheel travel. The cambers are of different type’s i.e. Positive camber, negative camber and zero camber. The camber and toe angles were studied in LOTUS software and based on the performance, particular angles of toe and camber were selected. The important dynamic characteristics like ride rate, natural frequencies, roll rate were taken to design the spring stiffness and factor of safety for crucial components that include in suspension. The materials like Al-6082-T6, Structural steel and mild steel were chosen to carry out the analysis in suspension components. The suitable hard points were chosen to reduce the bump steer geometry, by simulating the whole front and rear wheel alignment in multi body dynamics software, we will be able to know the camber and toe angles with respect to wheel travel. Finally the components are manufactured and assembled to vehicle chassis.
Comes the Subtle Change -A Narrative on Conducting Programme Review with an Eye on Unanticipated Results[Full-Text ] Khadija Javed KhanIn the aftermath of 2005 massive earthquake in northern Pakistan, a huge programme with a financial outlay of approximately US$5billion with the support of international community and national, bilateral and multilateral partners was launched. It was spread over nine affected districts with a population of around 3.5 million. The Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) gained insights and learned quite a few important lessons by conducting its first programme review in 2006. It was not a stand-alone exercise, but part of a comprehensive system devised by the Knowledge Management team to evaluate ERRA programme, resulted in producing 8 district baseline studies, 2 programme reviews and 4 sectoral case studies. On the personal side, benefitting from a mutually trusting relationship, the team made ingress into the social arena where a subtle change beyond the control of the programme was taking place. This paper narrates the story of that subtle change.
e-Fusion Security Using Face Recognition, Voice Recognition & Code Generator[Full-Text ] Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Shamim Reza Sajib, Md. Ariful Islam MalikSecurity nowadays is a major issue. Day by day, privacy breaches are becoming more prevalent and easy to cause. To reduce and even prevent unauthorized cyber security attacks, organizations are taking various measures in handling these. With state-of-the-art technology flourishing exponentially, we're here to put forth ideas for reducing cyber-attacks to a great extent. The idea is to create a fusion of image processing, voice recognition, and password protection to build a robust and effective anti-security attack system. After face recognition, security steps have been provided through voice recognition and then with the use of keyword generators, the entire process would protect the targeted items in a dynamic way. To ensure the system works at a substantially fast speed, the space and time complexity of the algorithm has been properly pointed. The complexity of data finding has been minimized by using hashing functions.