Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018.
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A Diagnostic Method for the Service Span of Oil - Immersed Transformer with EXCEL Application Software[Full-Text ] Ming-Jong LinFor the safety and reliability of operation in power systems, oil-immersed transformer’s service span needs to detect strictly on a regular basis for the purpose of transformer safety diagnosis. On the review of the existing diagnostic approaches of oil-immersed transformer for aging or deterioration of insulation material, the gases of CO, CO2, 2-Furaldehyde, 2-Furfuryl alcohol, 2-Acetyl Furan, 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde, and 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-Furaldehyde, are among the wildly used ones. The concentration of CO2 and CO is been taken from the Dissolved Gas Analysis and the remaining gases taken from the IEC-1198 or ASTM D 5837. The concentration of those gases can inspect from a few of insulating oil out and know how long still leave of the service span of oil-immersed transformer is. The paper focuses on a diagnosis method for the service span of oil - immersed Transformer with EXCEL application software. Finding an accurate, effective and convenient method is motivating by how to improve diagnosis of transformer’s service span. In some cases, the feasibility of the tool has undergone verification. The main advantage of the method is the effective diagnosis of transformer’s service span by a form-reported computer program closely.
Integrating mechanism-based screening paradigm into homology and de novo modeling exemplified by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 30S ribosomal structure and its potential application as a screening target[Full-Text ] Harrison Ndung'u Mwangi, Peterson M Gitonga, Peter Waiganjo Wagacha, Fred Sijenyi, Francis MulaaMycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of the tuberculosis, has infected more than 33% of the total populace to date. It is known to be considerably aggressive and profoundly impervious to current medications that target it. Aminoglycosides, for example, viomycin and capreomycin have been shown to bind to important functional regions of the M tuberculosis ribosome thus its process of protein synthesis is inhibited subsequently affecting the cell viability. Current techniques for studying drug interaction through generation of three-dimensional macromolecular structures are slow and tedious. This study exhibits a more proficient and cheap method for producing structure models in silico by utilizing both de novo and homology modeling strategies.
Placental abruption: a case study[Full-Text ] Zainab Mohammed Al FarajPlacental abruption is an obstetric complication that presents severe dangers to the fetus and his mother. and it is still difficult to manage and treat the placental abruption. We here report a case for a 23-year-old woman, she had placental abruption in two previous deliveries. In the two times she had preterm deliveries, and the newborns were low weight, and they died before reaching the age of a month. While in the third pregnancy, the patient underwent cerclage and delivery completed with no placental abruption. We have reviewed the clinical course and outcome in this article. The existing literature regarding placental abruption is also reviewed.
Welding copper - steel experimental welding of copper nozzles, selection methods welding[Full-Text ] Dejan M. Spasić , M.Sc. Sasa Meza, Dr Goran Jovanov,Dr Radovan RadovanovicExperimental welding copper nozzles steelworks in Smederevo has contributed to the adoption of welding technology and provide adequate reserves with minimum cost of producing. Experimentation in the laboratory for welding process has been successfully confirmed TIG and MIG welding of dissimilar metal steel copper in the case of nozzles. Adequate preheating (select the appropriate temperature) and the corresponding additional material to a certified welders have proven that the default technology meets the needs of the welding nozzles at 100% penetration testing and testing of pressure .
Appendicitis[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Abdulrahman AloudahAcute appendicitis is the most common presentation of the acute abdomen in the UK. Although in most cases this is an easily reached diagnosis, presentation is not always typical and there are certain other conditions which may mimic appendicitis. Diagnostic adjuncts usually provide the additional information required to make a confident diagnosis; however, in some circumstances, the safest and most reliable course of action is appropriate surgical intervention.
A Study on Customer Perception towards Nescafe Products with Special Reference to Coimbatore City[Full-Text ] Evangeline Kiruba.J, Deepthi Nivasini.K Customer perception is a marketing concept that encompasses a customer’s impression, awareness and consciousness about a company or its offerings. Customer perception is typically affected by advertising, reviews, public relations, social media, personal experiences and other channel. It plays a vital role in a company’s ability to attract new customers and retain existing customers. This perception directly impacts the attraction of new customers and capacity to maintain good relationships with current customers.
Free Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Beam Using Energy Separation Principle[Full-Text ] Prof. N. N. OSADEBE, Prof. J. C. AGUNWAMBA, Dr. M. E. ONYIA and E. O. ROWLAND-LATOThis paper proposes a model for the free vibration analysis of Timoshenko beam in which the finite element method is applied in conjunction with the energy method. The Timoshenko beam is divided into two virtual beams, namely Euler-Bernoulli beam and shear layer beam. The proposed analytical relationship between bending and shear rotations of the Euler-Bernoulli beam is established through the use of a bending-shear rotation interdependent factor.
STUDY OF BEAM COLUMN JOINT WITH DIFFERENT REINFORCEMENT DETAILING STATE OF THE ART REVIEW[Full-Text ] Lavanya Prabha S, Nayana Sreekumar#, Arthi R, Balamurali I#, Pradeep P For any reinforced concrete framed structure, the beam column joint has always been a vulnerable location for failure. The inspiration for choosing this topic is the evidences displayed by the failure of these joints in multiple RC structures. Intensive research is being carried out to strengthen such a vital location in the structure, with modification incorporated in the joint region. The present study is to understand the effect of different type of detailing at joint region. This paper reviews the state of the art research works related to the structural behaviour of connections between various elements under seismic loading. The paper presents several past research works for better understanding and to gain confidence about the behaviour of beam column joint with different reinforcement detailing.
Design of E shaped Patch Antenna for UHF Application and its SAR Estimation[Full-Text ] Ganesh Kishor Totala, Prof Mrs. M.S Kanitkar.In this article, a microstrip antenna with E shaped patch is discussed. This antenna is designed to operate at a frequency of 2.2GHz on a FR-4 Substrate. The proposed antenna is designed for UHF application like mobile communication. The dimension of the proposed antenna is 32 x 30x 1.6 mm^3. Two equal size cuts are being introduced to implement the E shape. The proposed antenna by embedding two equal sized cuts in the rectangular patch to get E shaped patch is used to cover the application of Mobile communication in UHF band. The Voltage Wave Standing Ratio (VSWR) is further calculated which is nearly equal to 1.2, much less than the specified value. Further, the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of the proposed antenna is found out. Average SAR value for this proposed design appears to be 0.8W/Kg, which is also far less than the prescribed value by Telecom Engineering center (TEC) of 1.6W/Kg.
An Artificial Immune System using Combination of ANN for Detector Construction and Learning Operator for Clonal Selection[Full-Text ] Irfan IqbalIdea of un-known virus detection using Artificial Immune System was introduced at Fourth International Workshop on Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. This paper proposes a technique for detecting unknown viruses by using two AIS techniques being combined. It has been realized from the study that combination of the techniques may lead to the better accuracy and efficiency.
EFFECT OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS ON LEAF SENESCENCE OF CROP PLANTS[Full-Text ] Dr. Sagarika Nayak Senescence is predetermined and is genetically controlled natural phenomenon in plants. This phenomenon leads either the whole plant or its various organs such as leaves, flowers, fruits at the microscopic level shrivel and chlorophyll, protein and nucleic acids at the microscopic level are reduced at a particular time of their life cycle. Ageing and senescence are the general terms used in scientific purposes. Senescence is defined as the deteriorate process that are natural causes of death. Ageing by contrast, refers to the processes of occurring maturity with the passage of time. In short ageing and senescence are fundamental intrinsic properties of living organisms. Since length of period of retention of green colour is related to yield in crop plants. Senescence and its study assumes a greater importance in agriculture. Several workers have studied the influence of various chemicals on leaf senescence in crop plants like rice, wheat, oat, Maize, Ragi etc. A variety of chemicals and industrial pollutants have effect on leaf senescence of crop plants.
Custom made android game applied for assessment the attention and concentration in epileptic patient[Full-Text ] Pop-Jordanova Nada, Loleska Sofija, Loleski MarioThe potential of the use of modern mobile devices for medical purposes is huge. Different Android applications are used in internal medicine, pediatric neonatal care, and especially in mental health for the assessment of depression, anxiety, and risk behavior in youth etc. In this context, we made an android application, named “neurogame” for assessment/training the attention, concentration trough reaction time in different people. The first step of this research was to obtain data for normal clients which will serve as a data basis for the further evaluation. The aim of this article is to present obtained results of “neurogame” application in a group of epileptic patients in the assessment of attention, concentration and reaction time. We showed that all tested parameters depends on age and gender (ANOVA was significant).Additionally, all tested parameters are significantly different for epileptic group vs. healthy people. Student t-test for epileptic vs. healthy people shows significant differences for total tries and total misses, while total hits and average time reaction do not differs significantly. In comparison with other psychometric assessments, this approach using mobile phones seem us more practical, available in different places (nor only in medical settings), little time consuming and interesting for all ages.
PETROPHYSICS AND STRATIGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF PAU FIELD OFFSHORE NIGER DELTA[Full-Text ] Nancy O. Anene, Dorcas S. Eyinla, Boris B. BateNine different wells were carefully studied on “PAU” field and their results were integrated for thorough understanding of the reservoir sand bodies within the field. These studies include; stratigraphic well correlation, rock physics analysis, sequence stratigraphy, petrophysical evaluation of wells and reservoir volumetric evaluation in order to understand the prospectivity of the field. Depositional environment and facies change analysis suggest that the field has multiple reservoirs, with shale intercalations. Well logs, Rock physics and sequence stratigraphic methods was employed for reservoir mapping and evaluation of PAU field and The lithologic attributes were integrated with wireline log motifs (gamma ray and resistivity) for paleoenvironmental deductions.
Action for Resilience in Cities: The Cases of Colombia and Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Maulsri JhaThere is urgency in the development scenario of developing nations with respect to the vulnerability and preparedness of cities towards climate change and natural and artificial hazards. In some countries, government plans and policies have been successful in integrating the aspects of critical infrastructure and social development to a certain extent. However, the issues of resilience and vulnerability towards climate change are yet to be knit seriously into the fabric of the urban domain.
VIRTUAL REALITY IMPLEMENTATION IN HOME AUTOMATION[Full-Text ] M.B. Mukesh Krishnan, P.Rajasekar, T.BalachanderHome Automation is becoming a crucial part in fast growing economies. Recently it's technologies are changing rapidly and different automating strategies are being implemented. The conceptual understanding for automation is changed, and new ways of producing super sensor system are showing up. So basically home automation is “One way to manage everything, not lots of ways to manage lots of things”. In normal Electrical circuit combination in all the Indian houses people tend to do many mistakes while using it. The prime mistakes are not switching off the electrical gadgets when not required or when not in use. People tend to either forget when moving out or ignore. This results in wastage of energy without using it. To eradicate all these drawback it's better to adopt Automation techniques. So here we are aiming to provide a fully automated system which can ensure safety by switching ON and OFF of the electrical devices based on user’s action. The background subtraction methodology is used in extracting the foreground region. The reference image of the background is continuously adjusted to match the foreground image. Thus the touch detection takes place. When we tested our system it proved to be robust to differences in illumination. It resulted in controlling the devices with a minimum response time of 160ms.
Influence of Radiation on the Structure and Properties of the Oil Degraded on the Water Surface[Full-Text ] Hajiyeva S.R., Samadova A.A., Guliyeva N.G., Mustafayev I.I.The oil degradation of the Surakhani deposit of the Azerbaijan in the environment have been investigated. Samples of the oil were taken from the well and from the surface of the water reservoir. It was shown that the content of tar and asphaltenes increases due to natural factors and radiation on the surface layer of water in the degraded oil composition. Radiolysis of oil fractions, composition and dynamics of changes in physical parameters of oil - density and oil viscosity have been investigated.
A Comparative Review of Techniques for the Detection of Fingerprints’ Orientation[Full-Text ] Ezichi I. Samuel; Eze C. Martin; Iloanusi N. OgechukwuAccurate fingerprint recognition is a function of accurate detection of fingerprint features, basically, fingerprint ridge orientation. To this end, different techniques have been proposed and implemented. To keep pace with the increasing number of techniques being developed, this paper comparatively and extensively, reviewed existing techniques for modeling fingerprint ridge orientation. Recent research papers on the techniques for the estimation of fingerprint ridge orientation were evaluated under the two major categories of global and local techniques respectively. Three techniques were selected and experimentally tested and compared by determining their computation time, accuracy to represent the ridge orientation field, and robustness to noise using the FVC2000 DB2a database in a MATLAB R12b programming environment.
Patterns of Ocular emergencies: A prospective study from Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Hussain AlSinni, Zainab Al Eid, Muslem Al Besher, Ahmad Al Ali, Fatima Al Mulhim, Moharib Khaled Amir, Ibrahim AlRajeh, Abdulmohsin AlMulhim, Mustafa AlQattanBackground: To demonstrate the characteristics and patterns of patients attend to ophthalmology emergency department at a tertiary hospital in the city of AlAhsa, Saudi Arabia.
Mass Calculation of Coronal Mass Ejection using Matlab[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Selman, and Mays A. MijwilComputer programs have been written in this research to analyze the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) information obtained from the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The data, obtained from 2010 to 2014, were analyzed and discussed for 5166 different CME events. The relation between CME the width and mass was studied with details, for each exact event time, which was presented by the year, month, and day, such that the number of CME occurrences was related to their width. The rate of sunspot number was also calculated in this paper for part of the 24th cycle, for data collected from 2008 till 2016. Sunspot number was compared with the number of CMEs during that period, and the results showed that narrow CME is highly associated with sunspot number.
A details study of the relationship between the behaviors of jute fiber when they are heated at different temperature with varying duration by using regression analysis: a textile case from Bangladesh perspective[Full-Text ] Shahriar Raian, Sormin Akter, Kaneez ShabbiThe thermal behavior of jute fiber under various temperatures range with varying time, degree of crystalinity and tenacity was studied in detail. When this fiber was exposed in various temperatures with varying time it showed various changes in different properties such as physical and chemical. This paper had analyzed the effects of thermal exposure on degree of crystallinity and tensile property such as tenacity. Finally It was found that increasing temperature after certain range affects fiber properties a lot causes significantly dropped in tenacity and because of chain scissions a slight increase in degree of crystallinity was observed.
Industry's Rendezvous with Higher Education and Universities Pakistan's Perspective[Full-Text ] Dr. Abdul Jabbar KhanThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between universities and industry. There has been a lot said at times about the industry linkage between media and the organisations engaged in public and private sectors in Pakistan in print, electronic media and social media. The media industry as such has been solely dependent, in the past, over the simple graduates, or those who had the skills of writing and reading, and of course translating into Urdu or English. The print media as such flourished over the skills of the educated persons but not that ‘adequately educated and technically skilled’ that today, the educational institutions are producing and providing to the industry in particular, and in other fields in general.
Endocrine Disorders And Their Presentations, Scope, Patterns, And Clinical Aspects In Primary Health Care Setting[Full-Text ] Fathi El-Gamal, Sofyan Osama Faidah, Abdulrahman Mousa Aljazzar, Mojahid Mohammad Felimban, and Qussay Raed WazzanBackground: Endocrine disorders are very common among general population in Saudi Arabia. The prevalence of endocrine disorders in primary healthcare as well as their common presentation, scope, pattern, and clinical aspect is a topic that needs to be looked into for its proper management.
INVESTIGATIVE USE OF FISH SCALE AS CORROSION INHIBITOR[Full-Text ] John Iminabo, Misel Iminabo and Chukwuemeka UkpakaInvestigation of the use of Tilapia fish scale as a corrosion inhibitor has been done in this work. The efficiency of the produced inhibitor was tested on two metal coupons of mild steel and brass, in three concentrations (0.01M, 0.05M, 0.10M) of acid and basic environment for four weeks. Results obtained are as follows: For Mild steel: for 0.01M (efficiency of inhibitor ranges from 60%-83% in acidic medium and 71%-86 % in base medium from week 1 to week 4); for 0.05M (efficiency of inhibitor ranges from 67%-86% in acidic medium and 71%-86% in base medium from week 1 to week 4); for 0.10M (efficiency of inhibitor ranges from 67%-86% in acidic medium and 80%-86% in base medium from week 1 to week 4). Brass: for 0.01M (efficiency of inhibitor ranges from 40%-88% in acidic medium and 57%-85% in base medium from week 1 to week 4); for 0.05M (efficiency of inhibitor ranges from 66%-89% in acidic medium and 66%-88% in base medium from week 1 to week 4); for 0.10M (efficiency of inhibitor ranges from 71%-89% in acidic medium and 71%-88% in base medium from week 1 to week 4). The fish scale in and medium efficiently inhibits the corrosion and proved to be a zero cost inhibitor, eco-friendly, non-toxic and highly economical.
Industrial Control Of Discrete Event Systems Using Coloured Petrinet[Full-Text ] Mark Marvellous, Arokoyu OlaoluwaAs DES systems become more complex, the need for a means of handling this complexity becomes more and more imminent and to this effect several tools have been created. One of these tools is known as Petri Nets. Petri Nets allow an easily understandable graphical representation of the system using a flow chart, Grafcet and Finite State Machines (FSM) as its language for designing a system. As the system gets bigger, so does the number of states so it might be more complex to handle manually for very large systems.
AN INQUIRY OF MOBILE LEARNING WILLINGNESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Jamshid Ali Turi, Shahryar Sorooshain, Rajani Balakrishnan and Mushtaq AhmadThis study investigated the perception of students towards mobile learning in higher education in Pakistan. This study explains the conceptual model, based on the theory of planned behavior which explains the readiness of student; their beliefs influences intention to take up mobile devices for their learning purposes. Structural equational modeling was used to analyze data from 600 students. The results show that according to the theory of planned behavior university student’s acceptance of m-learning is reasonably well. More specifically attitude and behavioral control positively influenced their intention to adopt m-learning. The results also give us information how to improve university student’s acceptance of mobile learning in the higher education institutions of Pakistan.
An Analytical Way to Reduce Cost of a Product Through Value Engineering Employment (Case Study: Walton)[Full-Text ] Tasminur Mannan Adnan, Sajid Hasan, Mohammad Shakilur Rahman, Amit DasValue engineering is considered as an important and powerful approach for cost cutting and quality management for organizations. Value engineering not only reduces cost or increase economic efficiency, but also provides environmental positivity. Value engineering is a systematic approach to find out the cost reduction opportunity without compromising the quality. However, this paper represents a case study with the implementation of value engineering through completing some certain analysis in a product component. The goal of this paper is to analyze the reality of value engineering in a case organization. The results of the analysis and calculation then be compared to select the best option and result will define the best solution amongst all solution. The result will largely depend on the cost savings that is calculated in Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). This paper aims to utilize the uses and application of value engineering and implement VE in products and projects.
Lupeol from Lycopersicon esculentum as a Potential Antagonist of the Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) for cancer chemotherapy: an in silico Study[Full-Text ] George Oche A, Eniafe Gabriel O, Olumide Iyang K, Olanrewaju John A, Omotuyi Olaposi IInhibitors (antagonist) of Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) are used as therapeutics in cancers chemotherapy. The current drugs, Niraparib and Talazoparib used to induce apoptosis by evading necrosis (the clinical tractability of these drugs) have been reported to potentiate adversely effect on human body resulting into thrombocytopenic condition. In view of this, there is an urgent need for the discovery of novel compounds from health-friendly source. The aim of this study is to out-source for best-in-class inhibitor for this druggable target via computational tools. The purpose of this study was to analyze the inhibitory potential of lupeol by computational docking studies. For this, sixteen (16) chemical compounds (phytochemicals) obtained from Lycopersicon esculentum and retrieved from literatures were screened for their inhibitory effects on poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1). Lupeol was the lead compound with a binding energy of -11.0kcal/mol. Computational docking analysis was performed using PyRx, AutoDock Vina option based on scoring functions and the target was validated so as to ensure that the right target was used for this analysis. These results indicated that lupeol could be one of the potential ligands to treat cancer.
APPRAISING THE AWARENESS OF GEOMATICS PROFESSION AMONG SENIOR SECONDARY STUDENTS IN BENIN CITY, EDO STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nwodo, Geoffrey Ogbonna, Ugwu, Okwudili John and Nwankwo, Uchenna ChizaramFollowing advancements in digital data processing together with the integration of computer science technology with Earth sciences, the scope and horizon of the Surveying profession have changed.
Fabrication and Performance Study of a Direct Type Solar Dryer[Full-Text ] Muhammed Kamrul Islam, Muhammad Sadekul Karim , Nurun Nahar Begum and Kazi Zahir UddinSolar energy is used in the solar drying system in order to dry food material loaded as well as to heat up the air, that is useful in utilizing and preservation of more agricultural product. As the natural sun drying has some shortcomings like direct sunlight exposure, pests attack, need of sufficient control and the mechanical dryer cost. To avoid these deficiencies a solar drier is developed. This work represents how the design and construction of a direct type solar dryer is done and its performance has been observed for food preservation. The heated air is passed through the chamber. Simultaneously, through the transparent roof directly solar energy is absorbed by the drying cabinet. For both natural and forced convection drying rate was noted. The dryer performance is also compared with two different modes.
Analysis of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm solutions for Travelling Salesman Problem[Full-Text ] Asma Salem, Azzam SleitAnt Colony Optimization is a metaheuristic algorithm used for solving complex combinatorial optimization problems. With inspiring the algorithm implementation by the biological behavior of ants, multiple solutions were proposed in literature to provide solutions for many problems. Based on the behavior of real ants, Ant Colony Optimization algorithm represented good results to several well-known complex problems, such as the travelling salesman problem.
A child with chronic generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly diagnosed as Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS)[Full-Text ] Samy Abdellatif,Muneer Algomaie, Bandar K Al SaudAutoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS) is a scarce disorder caused by mutations in the FAS gene in about 75% of cases, characterized by immune dysregulation due to disrupted lymphocyte homeostasis. The disease is characterized by accumulation of double negative (CD3+ CD4- CD8-) T cells (DNT) in the peripheral blood. We describe a case and review the literature.