Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2018.
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Osteogenic differentiation of Wharton’s Jelly -derived mesenchymal stem cells[Full-Text ] Asmaa Tharwat Radwan, Ziyad M Tawhid, Ahmed Darwish, Farha El-ChennawiInduced osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may provide an important tool for bone injuries treat¬ment. Human umbilical cord is rou¬tinely discarded as clinical waste and may be used as noncontroversial MSCs sources. It still remains to be veri¬fied which source of MSCs is the most suitable for bone regeneration. The aim of this research was to investigate the osteogenic potential of MSCs derived from Wharton’s jelly of the hu¬man umbilical cord. Osteogenic differentiation of MSCs was detected and quantified by Alizarin Red S (ARS) staining for calcium deposition.
IoT Based Home Automation System for Infants and People with Special Needs[Full-Text ] Suresh Balakrishnan, Ramaprasad PoojaryParenting is not an easy task. Good parenting requires the parent to quickly respond to the needs of their child. Constant monitoring of the child also becomes a necessity, especially up to an age of 18 months.
Case of Young Patient with Portal Vein Thrombosis: complicated by Venous Bowel Ischemia[Full-Text ] Ali salawi, Mohammed Haroon, Abdullah Majrashi, Saud Khayrat, Mohammed SalawiA case of 26 years old Sudanese male patient, complain of sever epigastric pain associated with post prandial vomiting started before 1 week ,investigation done and confirm the diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis, and start management but unfortunately later on patient condition deteriorated and develop venous bowel ischemia that need surgical intervention.
Damping and Positioning Effects due to an Offshore Structure for Fluid Flow in Application to a Sink (Wave Breaker)[Full-Text ] Onesmus M. Mutua, Elisha A. Ogada, David O. Manyanga, Lawrence O. OnyangoWater waves are frequent phenomenon, some of which are high impact events (especially tsunamis) that cause a number of fatalities. Some of the dangers posed by waves include: coastal flooding, coastal erosion, onshore structures and beach destructions. Waves cause major damages and significant economic loss to a large section of coastlines. For instance, surface waves have caused serious damage to some sections of Fort Jesus which lies adjacent to the Indian Ocean.
Investigation of convertation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide on the surface of mixed nano-catalyst in initial trimmed of modification of radiation[Full-Text ] Hasanov S.H.,Mustafayev I.I., Маhmudov H.M.In this article, the conversion of CO to CO2 was researched in the A2O3+CuO catalyst on the closed stream reactor which was refined initially in the radiation.Kinetic dependance on conversion was analyzed in predefied surface temperature and in partsial pressure of carbon-monooxide. During the surveythe surface temperature of catalyst increased steadily, while the conversion speed rises accordingly. Thus, the share of conversion increases from 43% to 60% in various concentrations of carbon-monooxide in the temperature range on T= 80-250oC.
Case report: Atypical presentation of Celiac Disease[Full-Text ] Roba Aboabat, Abdullah AlfarisCeliac disease is frequently associated with other auto-immune disorders but has never been reported in association with alopecia areata in adults. We report the association of celiac disease and alopecia areata in a 44 years old female. Biopsy revealed mild villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia and marked intraepithelial lymphocytosis, serum Endomysial antibody was markedly elevated. Finally, she was diagnosed as having CD, and a gluten-free diet was advised. At a 11 months follow-up, revealed complete hair growth and serological marker returned to normal range.
AN ASSESSMENT OF THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF OFFICE UNITS BUILT WITH SHIPPING CONTAINERS AROUND LAGOS[Full-Text ] ADENAIKE, Folahan AnthonyPortable cabins have steadily gained acceptability as a viable solution towards temporary housing around Nigeria. In recent times, more permanent structures are being assembled using 20feet and 40feet shipping containers as modular units. There is absence of documented habitability assessments of these units.
Using Mass Media and ICT for Agriculture Extension: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Aprajita SrivastavaThis paper examines the role of mass media and ICT in agriculture knowledge dissemination to the farmers in their own language to educate them in farm technology, animal husbandry, climatology, agronomy, plant disease management, post-harvest management, warning for flood/cyclone etc.
The Influence of Deployment Parameters on 2D Wireless Sensor Network by Using a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Based Algorithm[Full-Text ] Athanasios Iliodromitis, Evangelia LambrouThe optimum spread of a Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the main requirement for all the modern applications that use WSNs for the monitoring and the observation of natural environment. The early warning systems e.g. for fire or deformation detection are the main fields that uses this technology as well as the monitoring of other environmental parameters as temperature, humidity, pollution and radiation.The spatial distribution of the sensors of a WSN must follow specific criteria.The equilateral triangle grid leads to the maximum coverage with the minimum number of sensors. Nevertheless, in most large-scale outdoor applications, achieving the ideal deployment geometry is hard or even impossible.
Healthcare Service Utilization and Burden of Communicable Disease among Internally Displaced Population in Lahore[Full-Text ] Murtaza Haider, Naveed Yazdani, Talha Zubair, Noor Ellahi, Farah Zafar, Talha Tahir, Fatima HaqThe study conducted at the private health facility of the Union Council (Khan Colony), in Lahore. Objectives of the study are as follows; to determine the burden of communicable diseases (TB, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV) among IDPs in Lahore. To determine association of TB, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV with socio-demographic variables and to assess the health seeking behavior of internally displaced persons for health care service utilization.
Overview of quick organ failure assessment in emergency department[Full-Text ] Anas Abdulkarim Alkhoutani, Salman Abdulhafiz Turkistani, Hazem Hatem Khogeer, Moaied Adnan Manabri, Basel Ahmed DahlawiThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of a positive qSOFA score compared with positive SIRS criteria for early assessment of in-hospital mortality in patients with suspected infection outside the ICU. Electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library databases were searched up to December, 2017 to identify relevant studies discussing the quick organ failure assessment in emergency department. Positive qSOFA scores had high specificity but bad sensitivity for predicting in-hospital mortality, acute body organ disorder, and ICU admission in patients with infection outside the ICU. For that reason, a positive qSOFA score appeared to be limited in the early recognition of bad outcomes in these patients in regular clinical practice. On the other hand, positive SIRS criteria were experienced to be also sensitive and insufficiently particular to predict in hospital mortality. Review findings show that the development of improved or changed bedside tools might be necessary.
Diagnostic methods and management of allergic rhinitis[Full-Text ] Razan Mohammad Jan, Rehaam Mohammad Wayani, Ziyad adnan turkistani, Enas Abdulkarim Alkhoutani, Shahd Hazza Alshareef, Muhjah Masud Husin, Ahmed Fouad AzhariWe review herein the diagnosis and treatment of AR, including recent update of AR. A literature search for management of allergic rhinitis was performed in December, of 2017 through the MEDLINE/PubMed, Embase Databases. We searched with this method to be able to identified relevant articles pertaining to AR management. An intranasal glucocorticoid to be used on a continuous basis must be suggested. Integrating a nasal antihistamine with an intranasal glucocorticoid might provide additive impacts. In cases where pharmacotherapy is inefficient or otherwise appropriate to the patient, allergen-specific immunotherapy should be used. Two types of allergen immunotherapy are currently available: subcutaneous injections and rapidly dissolving sublingual tablets, the latter limited to the therapy of grass and ragweed allergy. Both kinds of therapy typically give sustained efficacy after the cessation of treatment.
Post Kala-azar Elimination Scenario in the Indian Sub-continent[Full-Text ] Sujit K. Bhattacharya and Sabahat AzimVisceral Leishmaniasis (VL) or Kala-azar is a Neglected Tropical Disease characterized by fever (> 2 weeks), anaemia and splenomegaly in the absence of malaria in a Kala-azar endemic area. Leishmaniasis is prevalent in 88 countries, and there are an estimated 2 million new cases per year, of which 500 000 are VL cases. More than 147 million people living in the South-East Asia Region are at risk. In the background of huge disease burden and the disease being localized, Kala-azar Elimination Programme [1] was initiated by India, Nepal and Bangladesh in 2005 with technical assistance from World Health Organization. The target of elimination was to achieve an incidence of less than 1 case per 10000 populations at the district level in Nepal, Upazila level in Bangladesh and subdistrict level in India by 2010 which has been extended to 2020.
Online Payment Security of E-Commerce: Case of China & Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Zikrul Alam MandolThis article carries out analysis of the E-Commerce online payment security of China and Bangladesh. It provides an overview of the E-Commerce in China and Bangladesh and online payment security, general terms, cases and principals. It also looks at online business platform, providing specific clauses and a discussion of their effects. The article moves on to examine the consequences of E- Commerce and online payment term and condition and what kinds of legal protections have between two countries in modern age. How they are doing online payment transactions? What kinds of legal support are needed? This Article contents Bangladesh case that try to solved according to the view of bkash rule and regulation with law. It’s also contents Chinese online payment security, alipay that’s rule and regulation and curriculum.This article also provided more fig. those one show different terms like Mode of 3rd party, mode of 4th party, Simple encrypted payment system mode, E- Cash internet payment system etc. I collected necessary data from different website that provides more information about online payment security of E- Commerce of China and Bangladesh.
The risk in Petroleum Supply Chain: A review and typology [Full-Text ] Raoudha Ben Amor , Ahmed Ghorbe The petroleum supply chain is extremely inflexible and complicated. It appears as a significant risk with a high impact on the national economy. The complexity leads to the existence of different types of risk that needs to be considered for when designing, planning and operating such a system.The main objective of this paper is to represent a literature review on the risk in the oil industry and to develop a typology of risk management. First, this article identifies main risks related to each stage of the petroleum supply chain. Then, it concentrates an overview of the modelling techniques of the risk management.The results show that the type of risk depends on certain operation of petroleum supply chain and depends on the country (importer or exporter) and that the methodologies of the risk management classified into three types: qualitative, quantitative and mixed models. The future research efforts should aim to develop the techniques applicant in this area.
Effect of bleaching systems on properities related to different ceramic surface textures[Full-Text ] Dental bleaching is a conservative alternative to restore the esthetics of either stained or darkened teeth. With careful diagnosis, appropriate treatment planning, and attention to technique, bleaching may represent a more conservative and safe means to lighten discolored teeth. Currently, a broad range of bleaching agents containing varying concentrations of carbamide peroxide (CP) and/or hydrogen peroxide (HP) is available. (CP) agent was introduced as an alternative to traditional hydrogen peroxide agent, and its use has become widespread,this increase in use has also increased the risks of the bleaching agents side effects specially on dental ceramic restorations.The surface texture of the ceramic restoration is very important to be smooth to avoid any roughness accumulating microorganisms, plaque and changing the ceramic shade.This rough surface also make abrasion to the opposing natural teeth. Many studies have proven that there is a little effect of bleaching agents on the properities related to ceramic surface texture properities,but,the higher concentration of carbamide peroxide gel increases the surface roughness of the ceramic restoration.
The Relationship between Smoking and Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] Bayan Al-Hashem, Kholod Al-Harbi, Sarah Al-Ahmad, Narges Al-Bohassan, Shaikhah Al-JumaiahBackground: Cigarette smoking is the most known, modifiable, risk factor for human health today. Bladder cancer is the most common urologic cancer and is the seventh most common cancer among men. The aim of this study was to provide an up-to-date estimation of the role of smoking in bladder cancer risk and to gain a more detailed quantification of several smoking characteristics (i.e. smoking intensity, duration and type of tobacco) by performing dose-response meta-analyses.Method: We conducted a literature search in July 2017 using the PubMed and Google scholar databases. The primary inclusion criteria were based on the year of publication of the studies that examine the association between smoking and bladder cancer. Information on the following variables was extracted based on year of publication, research design, country and geographical area, features of population anatomical site (bladder),cigarette smoking assessment, definition of the exposure to cigarette smoking, exposure frequency, type of tobacco and case and control source. The association between smoking and bladder cancer risk is expressed in odds ratios (ORs) and hazard ratios (HRs) for both case-control studies and cohort studies included in this review.Result: Cigarette smoking was confirmed as an important risk factor for bladder cancer, and smokers have two to three times the risk of non-smokers. Compared to never smokers, current smokers had significantly elevated risks of bladder cancer (OR 2.87). The risk of bladder cancer was 2 to 3 times higher among smokers of black tobacco than among smokers of blond tobacco. Both groups of smokers showed a beneficial effect of smoking cessation, with an immediate decline in risk. For sex related risk of bladder cancer, we found that cigarette smoking is an important statistically significant and dose-dependent risk factor for bladder cancer particularly in males. For both sexes, there was a general increase in the risk of bladder cancer associated with an increase in the number of cigarettes smoked per day and an increase in the number of years of regular smoking. The odds ratios for number of cigarettes smoked per day (cpd) increased to approximately 2.5 for smokers of more than 20 cpd, after adjustment for duration and nonsmoking-related covariates. Above 20 cpd, no further increase in odds ratio was observed.
Medical (Healthcare) Big Data Security and Privacy Issues[Full-Text ] Saurabh Pandey, Rashmi PandeyBig data is one the most promising, essential and modern computing era around the world. Big data is most commonly described as huge amount of un-structured data or we can say semi-structured data. The processing, storage, and analysis of such huge sets of data with the help of classical processing or database approaches or tools are insufficient, it requires advanced processing tools with real-time analysis. Healthcare (medical) is one of the important sector that produces big data because today, healthcare switches paper-based medical records into electronic platform to store, manage, analysis and process in the form of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) with the help of internet..Due to vast digitization of medical big data(records) or we can say the use of technologies to transform healthcare industry into electronically available data to consumers, there are various security and privacy risks associated with the use of such technologies must be addressed in order to provide better and safe access of records online and make the system acceptable worldwide with the contribution of healthy economic growth. In this paper, we explore various security and privacy concerns surrounding medical (healthcare) big data.
Using the computer as a tool in teaching mathematics in school[Full-Text ] Manal AlamryThe thesis is devoted to the using the computer as a tool in teaching mathematical systems in school. The paper considers the possibility of computer mathematical systems, identifies didactic principles of application of computer mathematical systems in teaching mathematics, particularly the process of teaching mathematics with their application. Over the past few years, personal computers have become firmly part of our daily lives. In our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a crowding out "manual" mental work computer. The result is a change in the situation on the labor market. One of the main requirements in employment becomes the ability to use a computer. Such a demand is made, and the secretary and accountant, and the editor, and all other professionals. In this regard, the development of computer technology comes to school in order to graduate soon could decide in life.
Tropical Manihot Cassava Species as Substitute for Viscosifier in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Drilling Mud System[Full-Text ] Ekeinde Bose Evelyn, Dosunmu Adewale, Iyuke SunnyThe huge variables for distinguishing the benefit of the mud system are viscosity (plastic and apparent), the gel strength, mud density, PH, thermal dependability and furthermore, the filtration. Untreated colloids, essentially starch and its optimized types, were utilized as part of mud additives for quite a while to crush the dangerous impact of anhydrite and saline on mud systems. The amylose component of starch controls the gelling behaviour since gelling is as a result of re-association of the linear chain molecules. Sample with highest amylose content and high water absorption capacity produce drilling fluid with higher Viscosity and lower fluid loss. In this study, Tropical Manihot Cassava Species was analyzed and its suitability as substitute for industrial viscosifier in aqueous and non-aqueous mud systems was experimentally examined. A total of five mud samples were formulated, four samples for different concentration of cassava starch ranging from 2ppb, 4ppb, 6ppb and 8ppb. The fifth mud sample was formulated as control for each type of mud system with standard viscosifier. API filter press assembly and What-man filter paper were used for the fluid loss test. The results from the mud density showed that, at temperature of 81oF the mud densities were within the API standard for both aqueous and non-aqueous mud systems. The optimum concentration of the starch was 6ppb. The flow properties from the analysis showed that, the starch extracted from this cassava specie can optimally improve the viscosity of both aqueous and non-aqueous drilling mud systems.
NEURAL NETWORK MODELING OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS [Full-Text ] Adebayo Y BadmosArtificial neural networks are non-linear models used for empirical regression and classification problems. The central idea of the technique consists of training the network to learn an existing relationship between a set of variables and a target in a given dataset and then use the trained network to predict the output of a new data. Their flexibility makes them able to discover more complex relationships in data than the traditional statistical models. A general introduction to the basic principle of neural networks methods is presented and application to engineering materials is illustrated with the analysis of the tensile properties of mechanically alloyed oxide dispersion strengthened steel.
Hyperalgesia Post Constriction Injury: An Animal Model of Neuropathic Pain[Full-Text ] Shaikhah Aljumiah, Maryam AL-Qahtani, Wissam AL-Suwailm, Kholoud Al HarbiPatients with insults to the somatosensory system may suffer from the most debilitating pain with presence of sharp and burning neuropathic pain that is largely resistant to treatment. This pain is spontaneous in most patients but may manifest as both hyperalgesia and / or allodynia. The aim of the current research was to investigate changes in the latency of paw withdrawal to noxious heat stimuli after nerve injury. The experiment was done in 6 male Lewis rates (Charles River, UK). Chronic Constriction Injury (CCI) was performed on 3 rats and the other 3 rats were subjected to sham operation. The rats underwent three rounds of habituation and baseline measurements of latencies of ipsilateral paw withdrawal were taken one day before the operation (day -1). After the operation, heat latencies of ipsilateral paw withdrawal where measured in CCI and sham rats on days 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15 and 21. The results show that sham rats did not develop hyperalgesia but in CCI rats there was a significant decrease in the heat latencies between baseline and day eight. Over the rest of time points, the mean of different latency started to increase indicting recovery. Also, there was some variability in both groups. These changes in the time-course of hyperalgesia may be related to immune cell activation and cytokine production at different time-points. This was an animal study, yet, it may pave the road for understanding similar conditions in humans. Nevertheless, the subject will need further experimental study whether in vivo as animal models that are so difficult with the strict rules of animal studies or in vitro as a cell line or computerized simulators conditions.
Neutralization Potentials of Portulaca oleracea Leaf Extract against Naja nigricollis Venom Phospholipase A2[Full-Text ] Ogbunachi Oge, Ike Chibueze, Agusi Kingsley, Chinwuba Paul, Ifebi Hope Morris Nchekwube and Ezeokafor Emmanuel N.Snake bites are considered a neglected tropical trauma that affects thousands of people worldwide. Although anti-venom immunotherapy is the only treatment available against snake envenomation, it is associated with many side effects. As a result of this, plants are been studied in folk medicine to be used as an alternative. Portulaca oleracea is a well-known medicinal plant in Nigerian ethnomedicine for the management of many diseases. Investigations concerning its phytochemicals and pharmacological characteristics have been carried out and its potency against snake envenomation has been evaluated. In this study, we futher evaluate its venom neutralizing (antidote) properties against Naja nigricollis venom in an in vitro and in vivo assay using mice. LD100 of N. nigrocollis venom was calculated from its LD50 result (1414.21 µg/kg body weight of mice). The egg yolk coagulation method of Ahmed et al was used to study the Phospholipase A2 neutralizing potentials of the aqueous leaf extract of Portulaca oleracea on N. nigrocollis venom. To study the antivenom potentials of the ethanolic leaf extract of Portulaca oleracea, eighteen (18) male and female albino mice weighing between 15-35 g were randomly divided into six (6) groups of three (3) mice each. Group 1 received normal saline + venom, groups 2-5 received venom + P. oleracea ethanolic leaf extract at 0, 5, 10 and 15 mins delay respectively, while group 6 received venom + a combined ethanolic leaf extract of Portulaca oleracea and Euphorbia hirta. N. nigricollis venom was administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 2828.42 µg/kg body weight of mice and Portulaca oleracea extract was orally administered at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight at different time interval in the in vivo assay. The result for the LD100 of N. nigricollis venom showed a 100% mortality. Results for the Phospholipase A2 neutralizing potentials of the aqueous leaf extract of Portulaca oleracea on N. nigrocollis venom showed that 1ml of 500 µg/ml of the aqueous leaf extract of Portulaca oleracea neutralized the toxic effects of 1ml of 200 µg/ml of Naja nigricollis venom. The result of the effects of time-lag after the administration of N. nigricollis venom and Portulaca oleracea extract showed a 0% survival in the group 1 (control), 100% survival in group 2, 33.3% survival in group 3, 66.7% survival in group 4, 0% survival in group 5 and a 66.7% survival in group 6. This study showed that the ethanolic leaf extract of Portulaca oleracea showed anti venom neutralizing potentials in animal models. The above results indicate that the plant extract possess potent snake venom neutralizing capacity and could potentially be used for therapeutic purpose in case of snake bite envenomation.
Analytics Insight into Customer Reviews Using Text Mining Techniques and Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of SAMSUNG Customer Reviews[Full-Text ] Janvier Nkundukozera With the today’s digital world and the extensive use of microblogging systems like companies' websites consumer reviews space, Twitter, Facebook and others, customers express their perception towards any products or brands. Product manufacturers can employ those reviews to analyze how customers are satisfied with their products. Though customer reviews are paramount in the manufacturer’s perception analysis, they are bulky in size and often unstructured. Therefore, it is hard and time-consuming to analyze all customer reviews. In this paper, we focus on analyzing Samsung customer reviews and building predictive models, which can be used to predict the future perception of such customers about a product based on their current reviews. Our modeling employed five machine-learning algorithms namely Classification and Regression Trees (CART) for their high interpretability, Random Forests (RFs), Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Maximum Entropy for their improved accuracy and robustness against overfitting. In our study, maximum entropy and random forests classifiers outperformed other classifiers in F-measure and recall respectively. Evaluation of models is done based on four metrics, namely accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure. Furthermore, our study finds that Samsung customers like Samsung products and are willing to recommend them to new customers only that some product defects and services they are offered seem to hinder their trust.
Rare case of four limbs necrotizing fasciitis[Full-Text ] Albisher NesreenNecrotizing soft tissue infections is one of the most difficult and sever disease processes that is encountered by physicians and surgeons. This disease require an immediate and aggressive surgical management. According to literature review here have been very few reports of necrotizing fasciitis involving all the four limbs. Here, we report a rare case of four limbs necrotizing fasciitis.
Investigating the Refractory Property of Jalingo Clay Deposit[Full-Text ] Adamu H.A.,Ibrahim M.E.,Isa I.K. and Jimoh S.O.Some clay deposits from Kona in Jalingo local government of Taraba state were investigated for suitability of use as refractory raw material for brick production and furnace linings. Refractory brick test specimens were prepared by standard methods. The chemical properties were determined using the thermo scientific niton – model xl 3t Gold D+ XRF Analyzer. The physical test conducted were, Cold crushing strength on a hydraulic compression testing machine, Bulk density using the volumetric technique, the Porosity was determined using the immersion principles. Thermal shock was determined by heating and cooling method. Refractoriness was determined using pyrometric cone equivalent method and permeability using the richel permeability machine. The results of the chemical analysis show that the silica(SiO2) contents for the clay samples were 75.21% and 77.57 for Kona white clay and Kona black clay respectively. The alumina(Al2O3) contents were 11.77% and 12.17% for Kona white clay and Kona black clay, respectively. The temperature obtained were 1300°C for both the white and black clay. The analyses showed that the clay can be used as low melting clay. The implication of their usage is limited to nonferrous materials only.
Seismic Performance Comparison of Different Mid-Rise Building Models by Using Linear Static Analysis[Full-Text ] Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, Rakib Ahmed Chowdhury, Prithvi Dutta, Dr. Mohammod Aktarul Islam ChowdhuryStructural stability and aesthetics views as well as optimum use of space and cost are generally the greatest concerns for the modern civil engineers and architects. So engineers have to look for different types and models of buildings. Moreover, Bangladesh is one of the most earthquake prone areas in South-Asia. Especially Sylhet is the most vulnerable region in Bangladesh. Hence, it is important to check the seismic performance of different types of buildings. There are many static and dynamic procedures to assess the seismic performance of buildings. In this study, linear static analysis was used to check and compare the seismic performances of six models of mid-rise buildings having same surface area considering four different slab conditions. This study was done in accordance with the ACI 318-08, BNBC 2006 and UBC 1994. ETABS version 9.6 was used for the analysis. From the result of the linear static analysis, it was revealed that, case 1 model 3(irregular plan 1 with shear wall having conventional beam-column slab system) has the best performance for earthquake loads towards X-direction. On the other hand, case 1 model 5(irregular plan 2 with shear wall having conventional beam-column slab system) has shown better resistance against earthquake loads from Y-direction. Buildings of irregular plan showed more variable performances than that of regular square plan. At the same time, the study also found that, among the flat plate slab systems, flat plate with edge beam and without cantilever portion has the best resistance and stiffness against the earthquake loads.
EFFECTS OF SATISFACTION, TRUST AND COMMITMENT ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY[Full-Text ] La Ode Almana, La Utu, Mustakim, Asraf, La HalisuThis research is conducted in PT. MDPU Finance Branch of Kendari with 680 people as the population. There are 102 people as the research samples and it is used multiple linear regression as the analysis tool. Results of the research indicate that simultaneously there are positive and significant effects of the satisfaction (X1), trust (X2) and commitment (X3) variables on customer loyalty (Y) in PT. MDPU Finance Branch of Kendari. Higher level of customer satisfaction, trust and commitment will lead to higher customer loyalty in PT. MDPU Finance Branch of Kendari. Meanwhile, partially it is also found out that the satisfaction variable (X1) affects positively and significantly on customer loyalty (Y), trust (X2) affects positively and significantly on customer loyalty (Y). Commitment variable (X3) affects positively and significantly on customer loyalty (Y) in PT. MDPU Finance Branch of Kendari. Based on these issues, it can describe that partially the customer satisfaction, trust and commitment variables provide effects on the customer loyalty in PT. MDPU Finance Branch of Kendari.
B-cell Lymphoma Presenting as an Isolated Chest Wall Mass[Full-Text ] Yasser M. Aljehani, Huriya A. AlBahrani, Alaa Y. AlhashimReports of primary diffuse large B-cell lymphomas of the chest wall are extremely rare in the English literature. We report a case of a 34-years old male, presented with left-sided back swelling. A magnetic resonance scan showed a solid mass in the posterior left side of the chest wall, involving the ninth and tenth ribs. The diagnosis of diffused large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was determined upon the results of histological and immunochemical investigations. The patient received cycles of chemotherapy and further follow up was satisfying.
Rebar wastage in building construction projects of Hawassa, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Chandrasekar M. K., Tariku NigussieImproper way of using steel reinforcement in concrete incurs undue wastage of money in the construction projects. Wastage of rebar can be realized even at the design stage and can propagate through every stage of construction process. Brief objective of the present study was to analyze the factors influencing wastage of steel in building constructions of Hawassa town and to recommend the best practices to reduce rebar wastage. The study was conducted on 17 buildings sites and their respective offices, based on data collection and analysis by questionnaires, content analysis method and participatory observations. The study respondents were contractor’s and consultant’s managers, designers, bar benders, supervisors and quantity surveyors. Central value analysis, correlation and regression analysis were conducted on the data collected, using SPSS software to confirm the factors influencing the wastage of steel. The cost estimated in bill of quantity and the final cost after the provision of the steel with any alterations were compared and the reasons for cost overrun were analyzed. The influencing factors for wastage of steel were more concentrated in the part of design and detailing. By the results of analyses, best practices such as design and decision changes shall not happen while construction is going on, design and detailing provisions based on codes shall be followed correctly, bar benders shall be educated to work as per detailing given by designer and supervision by engineers shall be extended during bar bending job were suggested to minimize cost overrun due to rebars wastage.
Philosophical Understanding the Framework of Profession[Full-Text ] Dr. L.UdayaKumarMany professions have come into existence where the service of the respective professional seems highly in demand. An occupation to be a profession since all occupations may not be professions. A profession is characterized by three necessary features Managers, doctors, and lawyers are all professionals because they enter into a relationship with people who are not professionals. Professional services have important implications for professional ethics. The services provided by the professional are not ordinarily available in the same way in which degree that certifies their expertise is available Professionals have a right to practice if their services are approved by the government. There are professional assignments which can only be discharged by a team which is far beyond the scope of an individual. The particular value that is crucial to this relationship is trust. Daryl Koehn said, “Professional is an agent who freely makes a public promise to serve persons who are distinguished by a specific desire for a particular good. As Michael David says, “What essentially defines a profession is the mutual commitment of the group of persons to some moral ideal, persons who work for that ideal benefit from their group membership.