Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017.
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Identification of KI67 & BCL-2 Proteins Among Sudanese Patients Suffering From Colorectal Cancer[Full-Text ] Mohhammed Elmuntasir TurkawiThe growth of tumors is highly variable and this probably reflects even its clinical course. where found that the expression of ki67 in this study give positive result in only 16 persons, negative 22 person and week in 12 persons. However, as reported so far the Dukes stage show ki67 positive in dukes stage C positive 6, negative 9 and week 4, in Dukes B positive 5, negative 9 and week 7. In Dukes a positive 2and negative 1, Dukes D positive 3, negative 3 and week 1. Bcl-2 expression appears to be strictly associated, the bcl-2 give positive result in 26 patients and negative in 17 patients also give week result in 7 patient. . And we see increase of number of colorectal cancer against the age where in younger age the danger is low 5 people between age 25 – 35 and high between age 50 – up about 32 person.
Data Privacy Usage on Facebook of College Students in Metro Manila[Full-Text ] Shaira Santos, Levy Ege, Ian Timothy CruzFacebook and other social networking sites are type of virtual community that has grown tremendously in popularity over the past years. Students start creating their profile, then make friends with other people. This lead them on posting and sharing personal data not knowing the security of their profile data. The research describes the study on the degree of data posted on Facebook and delved on awareness on the Data Privacy Act on Facebook of college students in south Metro Manila.
Role of Physical and Clinical Parameters in Diagnosing Renal Artery Stenosis by Scintigraphy[Full-Text ] H.I.Abdelkader, H.M.Gad, Sahar. Mansour, Bothina.M.ELmowafyRenovascular hypertension (RVH) is likely to be curable hypertension mostly caused by renal artery stenosis [1]. Captopril renal scintigraphy is a noninvasive cost effective method of demonstrating RVH. Early diagnosis and treatment of RVH result in avoidance of parenchymal damage and there are no side effects of captopril renography were observed [2,3]. The purpose of this study is to assess the clinical usefulness and the role of captopril in diagnosing the patients who have renal artery stenosis (RAS) by scintigraphy. Thirty patients with highly suspected renal artery stenosis underwent two protocols baseline and captopril scintigraphy using 111MBq of 99mTc-MAG3. From (25-50) mg oral dose of captopril (angiotensin – converting enzyme inhibitor) was given one hour before captopril study.
Mobile Waving Girls Safety IOT: Android based Unlocking Mobile Waving pattern with waving pattern for Emergency support system[Full-Text ] Shiyana J S, Prof.MalathiSmart phone users have their own unique behavioral characteristics when performing touch operations. Users tend to choose simple and weak pass codes for the sake of convenience and memorability, investigates the reliability and applicability on the usage of users touch-interaction behavior for active authentication on smart phones. Characteristics are reflected on personal with different strength, angle preferences and rhythm of touch interaction behavior. Android Application is developed in which users Hand Waving Pattern is recorded Stored as Users Pattern. We are using SVM Algorithm for User Identiï¬cation. Modiï¬cation of the project which is our implementation, is same waving pattern is used. We deploy three applications based on the android device mobility pattern. 1st one is normal phone unlocking, 2nd is Girls / children safety application, 3rd is Emergency support to the user. Girls safety / emergency Pattern is matched both GPS Camera are initiated to fetch Location and Photos. Voice is Recorded and uploaded to the Server. Both GPS Audio Link are sent as SMS Alert to both Police Guardian.
Ultra-Wideband Channel Statistical Characterization in Di erent Laboratories[Full-Text ] Hasna ChaibiPrevious UWB channel characterizations have been reported for various frequency bands predominantly for several environments. We present residential characterizations di erent bandwidths 6 GHz 11 GHz, covering the spectrum under consideration by the FCC for UWB overlay systems. In this report we present the di erent statistics distribution can be used to describe the channel magnitude and phases behavior in frequency domain. We fond that the Weibull, Lognormal and nonparametric t well with the pdf of the channel magnitude and nonparametric distribution ts well with the channel phases. Also, we evaluate the channel degrees of freedom evolution and channel entropy with channel bandwidth based on the channel measurements. First, we present the channel magnitude and phases in frequency domain under LOS and NLOS. Secondly, we present the channel degrees of freedom (DoF) evolution versus bandwidth under LOS and NLOS. Finally, a brief study of a well know channel parameter namely entropy is drawn.
Effect of various types of enzymatic treatment on Textile Materials and Optimize the process[Full-Text ] Md. Eman Talukder, Md. Kamruzzaman, Monoroma Hossain , Mithon Majumder, Md. Shakhawat Hossain Rony, Santanu DasIn this study, main focus on enzyme treatment in textile materials dyeing processing. Environment-friendly uses of assorted enzymes in numerous textile process steps are mentioned. It's determined that enzymes will replace harsh chemicals, catalyze reaction and operate beneath delicate conditions. The finishing process of cellulosic textile materials with celluloses has reached enormous industrial importance over the past decade. Nontoxic and environmentally benign, these biocatalysts are capable of improving hand and appearance properties of cellulosic goods at very low concentrations.The use of accelerator technology is engaging as a result of enzymes square measure extremely specific and economical, and work below delicate conditions. Moreover, the employment of enzymes leads to reduced method times, energy and water savings, improved product quality and potential method integration. The aim to supply the textile engineer with an understanding of enzymes and their use with textile materials.
Towards the Digitalization of Hotel Business in Nigeria: The Design Perspective[Full-Text ] Omogbhemhe Izah Mike and Awojide SimonIn a time when establishing and maintaining of market advantage is crucial in the world at large and in the hotel business in particular, the use of technical innovation such as the hotel reservation system becomes a competitive necessity in the hotel business. This leads to digitalizing this business and improving its operations. In view of this, this paper has provided an overview of Hotel Reservation System (HRS), provided a digital design for the such system. It also discusses the advantages associated with integrating the system across the hotel business and what and where the potential gains are in Nigeria. The hotel reservation system developed in this work, when fully implemented, will go a long way to addressing the problem faced by the hotel management in the area of managing their customer’s booking, management of customer’s information and having quick access to information.
Underlying Threats of Customer Service Jobs for Talented Graduates in Career Development in Bangladesh [Full-Text ] Mahmud WahidThe objective of this article is to take a deeper look into the realities of career management by young graduates from the perspective of Bangladesh. Career management is a critical issue for every professional all around the world. Much depends on how an individual has planned his/her career and approached it with right and timely decision making. Although this proposition is ideal to expect, in practice, more precisely in the developing countries like Bangladesh, where the job opportunities are scarce, only a handful of organizations can afford or have the strategic objective to implement career development policies for its employees. The concern of this study is to understand the career path that are offered by service based organizations to its employees and see the possible implications on career that are purely focused on direct customer interactions for a substantial period of time.
Similar image retrieval in e-commerce for online shopping based on color and edge[Full-Text ] Soran Abdulkarim Pasha , Cafer BalThis paper presents a method based on similar image retrieval in e-commerce for online shopping based on color and edge; aiming at efficient retrieval of images from the large database for online shopping. Here, RGB (horizontal and vertical) projection is used for creating our application with a huge image database, which compares image source with the destination components. This method is proven to be one of the best techniques for online shopping product search on the Internet. In e-commerce business transactions, buying and selling products are made through the electronic system or via the Internet. In this paper, a technique is used for finding items by image search, which is convenient for buyers in order to allow them to see the products. The reason for using image search for items instead of text searches is that item searching by keywords or text has some issues such as errors in search items, expansion in search and inaccuracy in search results. This paper is an attempt to help users to choose the best options among many products and decide exactly what they want with the fast and easy search by image retrieval. This technology is providing a new search mode, searching by image, which will help buyers for finding the same or similar image retrieval in the database store. The image searching results have been made customers buy products quickly. The results of the implementation show that searching process for products in e-commerce different between search by image and search using text for buyer option.
Methodology Oriented Thermoelectric Transport Properties of CaMn0.98Nb0.02O3[Full-Text ] Rapaka S C Bose, Abanti NagPerovskite n-type CaMn0.98Nb0.02O3 compound is synthesized by three different synthesis methodology: solid-state, sol-gel and combustion synthesis. Phase purity and microstructure of the synthesized samples are investigated by using powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The electrical resistivity values of all the samples of CaMn0.98Nb0.02O3, synthesized by three different methodology, decrease with increasing temperature as expected from the presence of Mn3+ ions with eg electron in the Mn4+ matrix of CaMnO3. The transport properties are explained by Mott’s small polaron hopping mechanism. In the high temperature range, CaMn0.98Nb0.02O3 phase synthesized by combustion synthesis exhibits large Seebeck co-efficient (S975K = -162 μVK-1) and low electrical resistivity (Ï975K = 16 mΩ.cm) values, results in a high power factor of 143 μWm-1K-2 at 975 K. The above phenomena can be interpreted as variation in porosity of CaMn0.98Nb0.02O3 arising from the different synthesis route where combustion method results in lowest porosity among the other methodologies.
Experimental based learning to Integrate Architectural Design with Theory of structures[Full-Text ] Ar.Sanchita PriyadarshiniHow it effects the Architects and the method of teaching ‘’Theory of Structures in context to Architectural Design ‘To make student understand the basic principles of structural mechanics so that it forms the basis for study of structural design through these topics. One should have a reasonable understanding of its operational and economic implications, and lastly
DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A LOW COST FLOATING SOLAR POWER PLANT[Full-Text ] SUNIL AMBADIPUDI, SRINIVASA RAO GAMPALA, S.VENKATESWARLUThe constant rise in green and sustainable energy demand has been shifting the global focus to develop technologies to utilize the renewable energy sources to the maximum extent possible. Solar energy, owing to its availability across the globe in abundance along with its pollution free nature, is considered to be the best renewable energy source. One of the major challenges posed by solar energy systems is the requirement of large area of land to mount the PV panels. As the availability of land is becoming scarce and the cost of it is increasing day by day, technological solutions to utilize water bodies to mount PV panels are being explored. The PV panels when floating on water, are expected to stay cool and hence would generate more power than those setup on land.The floating solar panels help preserve water levels by reducing evaporation during extreme summers, they also limit the growth of algae and in turn improve the acquatic life sustainability. This work is aimed to design, develop and demonstrate a low cost floating solar power generation module, which can be utilized, in multiple ways, to boost the rural economy.
Seismic Response of Multi-Storied Car Parking Building[Full-Text ] S. S. Kudwe, V. U. Mane, G. A. MagdumMulti level car parking system has becomes essential now a days. In order to fulfill this requirement in the limited available land the height of building becomes medium to high-rise. During earthquake, building shows serious damage due to mass irregularity. Vertical Mass irregularity is an important factor which is required to be considered while designing multi-storied building. This paper highlights seismic behavior of multi storied car parking building with three different loading conditions. Structures are analyzed by IS code approach. Response spectrum method of analysis is carried out. Study shows behavioral changes in lateral forces of building due to change in loading condition in earthquake analysis by using software.
Dry wear characteristics of nickel rich Al-Si-Cu piston alloys[Full-Text ] B. Sunil, V.R.Rajeev, S. JoseWear and friction characteristics of Al-Si-Cu-Ni piston alloys have significant importance in the field of automobile industry by considering the environmental and economic factors. The present study aims to investigate the effect of varying Ni weight percentage from 2 wt. % to 2.6 wt. % on the microstructural, physical and mechanical characteristics of the Al-12.6Si-3Cu-(2-2.6 wt. %) Ni piston alloys. Wear and friction characteristics of the Al-12.6Si-3Cu-(2-2.6 wt. %) Ni piston alloys were investigated at different sliding velocities (0.2-1 m/s) by using pin-on-disc tribometer under constant normal load of 30 N and sliding distance 500m. The microstructural observations showed that the needle like β eutectic silicon’s are fragmented, spheroidized and evenly dispersed in the α-Al matrix after heat treatment under T6 conditions. It has been observed that the maximum hardness of 136 BHN obtained for Al-12.6Si-3Cu-2.3Ni Piston alloy. The maximum ultimate tensile strength of 230 MPa obtained for Al-12.6Si-3Cu-2.3Ni Piston alloy among the Al-12.6Si-3Cu-(2-2.6 wt. %) Ni piston alloys. Wear loss of Al-12.6Si-3Cu-(2-2.6 wt. %) Ni piston alloys decreases with the addition of 2.3 wt. % of Ni. A transition in the wear loss observed at a critical velocity of 0.6 m/s for the Al-12.6Si-3Cu-(2-2.6 wt. %) Ni Piston alloys. However considerable decrease in the wear loss occurred by the addition of 2.3 wt. % of Ni and the minimum wear loss observed in the case of Al-12.6Si-3Cu-2.3Ni piston alloy in all the sliding conditions such as constant normal load 30N, constant sliding distance 500 m and sliding velocities in the range of 0.2-1 m/s.
Design of Fuzzy Logic Based Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic Current Compensation[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Nikhlesh Kumar SharmaThe shunt active power filter is a complete current source which provides a effective solution for elimination of current harmonics in power system. The main advantage of FLC based shunt active filters does not require any mathematical modeling. This system is based on linguistic description. This paper presents a comparative study between fuzzy logic controller and PI controller performance under constant load. The total harmonics distortion with respect to percentage of fundamental in source current, supply voltage has been analyzed and simulation results are presented. The THD of the source current after compensation is below 5% as per IEEE-519 standard.
Optimal Mother Wavelet Function for EEG Signal Analyze Based on Packet Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Hanan A. Akkar and Faris Ali JasimElectroencephalogram EEG signal is usually contaminated by different noise sources, which are called as artifacts. These artifacts need to remove before processing and analyzing the EEG signal. Several noise removal techniques are available and implemented. This paper presents a detail analysis of EEG de-noising using Packet Wavelet Transform (PWT). We carried out comparative study to choose the optimal mother wavelet basis function. The EEG database is freely acquired from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database for five control subjects. The EEG signal is grouped into five regional groups according to scalp regions. These groups are frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, and central regions. Twenty five mother wavelet functions are researched. The functions are daubechies (db1 – db10), symlets (sym1 – sym10), and coiflets (coif1 – coif 5). These five groups are analyzed on these 25 mother wavelet functions (MWT). The cross correlation coefficients between signal of interest and wavelet de-noised signal are evaluated for the control subjects. The mother wavelets with better cross correlation coefficient can be selected as the optimal MWT basis function. This work is simulated and implemented using wavelet toolbox from MATLAB 2013 software environment.
Study The Corrosion Behavior for AS41 MMCS[Full-Text ] M. A. H. EL-Meniawi and Y. FouadThe corrosion behavior of carbon fiber reinforced Mg alloy (AS41)-based metal matrix composites has been studied and compared with that of AS41.The corrosion behavior was studied using gravimetric corrosion measurement and electrochemical techniques. The corrosion experiments have been carried out in neutral, acid and alkaline solutions. The presence of carbon fiber deteriorated the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy. Carbon, as an electrically conductive element, is electrochemically unstable despite its almost chemical stability in aqueous chloride environments. Therefore, the polarization diagram of MMCs were demonstrated in terms of the electrochemical activity of carbon fibers.
A reliable Evaluation Method for 2D Wireless Sensor Network Deployment[Full-Text ] Athanasios Iliodromitis, George Pantazis, VasileiosVescoukisIn recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have rapidly evolved and now comprise a powerful tool in monitoring and observation of the natural environment, among other fields. The use of WSNs is critical in early warning systems, which are of high importance today. In fact, WSNs are adopted more and more in various applications, e.g. for fire or deformation detection. The optimum deployment of sensors is a multi-dimensional problem, and has two main components; network and positioning approach. Lots of work has dealt with the issue, and one can find several solutions for sensor deployment either achieving ideal network topology or achieving fine geometry. In most cases, it is hard or even impossible to achieve perfect geometry in nodes’ deployment. The desirable scenario of nodes arranged in square or triangular grid would raise extremely the cost of the network, especially in unfriendly or hostile environments. However the user wants to know how much does the deployment plan, approximates the ideal geometry. A geometry as near as possible to the ideal one, minimizes the numbers of sensors needed, which subsequently means less costs for the entire network. This paper suggests an evaluation method for 2D Wireless Sensor Networks, concerning the geometry of the distributed sensors, in large scale WSNs. It approximates the solution comparing the random TIN that the nodes of the network form, with the ideal geometry, i.e. the regular equilateral triangle grid. The user knows a priori, how much does the proposed deployment plan, achieves a deployment as near as possible to the ideal one, for the given characteristics of the study area.
Some Fixed Point Results through Semi Compatibility & Weakly Compatibility in 2-Banach Space[Full-Text ] B. Stephen John, S.N. Leena NelsonThis paper deals with few common fixed point results through semi compatibility in complete 2-Banach space which generalize the results of Som (2005), Amalendu Choudhury and T. Som (2011) and Mukti Gangopadhyay, Mantu Saha & A.P. Baisnab (2009).
Synthesis and properties of 4-piperidilo-(butin-2) ol derivatives[Full-Text ] K. SH. HAMRAEV,B. F. MUHIDDINOV, A. G. MAKHSUMOV, and H. M. VAPOEV,J.R. UMAROVAIn articledescribed syntheses, characteristic and biological activity of 4-piperidilo-(butin-2) ol. Determined physico-chemical constants and proved chemical structures of synthesized compounds by IR- and N-PMR methods. Organized quantum-chemical calculations and shown reactionary centers of the molecules.
RICE SELF-SUFFICIENCY: A REVIEW OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES ON RICE PRODUCTION[Full-Text ] Abdulwaheed.A,Opadotun. O.O and Amusat, M.A.The need to make Nigeria self-sufficient in rice production necessitated the introduction of improved ways of producing, processing and storage through various government inter interventions to enhance domestic rice production in the country. Attaining self-sufficiency in rice production involves strong policy formulation and implementation aimed at infusing improved seeds, machines and techniques into rice farming. Several policies had been introducedin the past but failed to achieve the desired target of increasing local production to a level of self-sufficiency and exportation. Policy gap from successive administrations, corruption and insincerity on part of driving agencies also contributed to this debacle. This study was therefore carried out to review the policies, constraints and recommend viable solutions to achieving this goal.
Perceived image quality prediction based on image quality attributes extraction[Full-Text ] Pinchas ZoreaAs the smartphones and tablet computers with embedded cameras and high definition resolution became an essential part in our life. A great deal of effort has been made by the smartphones vendors in recent years to develop an “objective” image quality metrics in order to predict the how the image quality is perceived by the consumers. Unfortunately, only limited success has been achieved. This paper describes the evaluation of a new “objective” image quality model that predicts the perceived image quality. The new model is based on the standard image quality attribute extraction to the VQEG image quality evaluation tool criteria. This improves and reduces the process and cost by providing a new quantitative method to evaluate perceived image quality of color images on smartphone displays. Four image quality factors: brightness, contrast, color saturation and sharpness, were chosen to represent perceived image quality. This new image quality assessment model is based on results of human visual tests that compared with image analysis by the software application VIQET. During the research, the VIQET tool was calibrated based on results from human visual experiments. This paper describes the evaluation of the new model according to the VQEG recommendations.
Unity in Space Militerisation[Full-Text ] Zeba Hasan, Dhan Shyam SharmaOn being the great achievements for the spirit for international collaboration space exploration to expand its horizons of knowledge, ensure in the harmonised space security for all the nations of the world, thus setting the significant milestones amidst of global challenges for space security as a socioeconomic as well as geo-political challenges
Influence of B ion irradiation on the dielectric properties of conductive PPy on PVC/PMMA composites[Full-Text ] S.A. Al-GahtaniA series of thin films from poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) – poly (Methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)composites with different amounts of Polypyrrole (PPy) / carbon nano-particles were prepared. In the present study the Influence of B ion irradiation on the dielectric properties is examined with varying parameters, the filler content and the frequency in the case of ac field. The effect of irradiation on the dielectric constant of pure PVC/PMMA and PVC/PMMA loaded with conductive PPy filler blends was studied. Æ' obviously increase after ion implantation. The behavior of ε' – frequency curves does not change appreciably with irradiation fluence but its values are highly affected especially for samples loaded with 2 and 3 wt. % of PPy filler. It can be readily noted that irradiation at 1.62 x 1014 ions cm-2 increases ε' of sample PVC/PMMA loaded with 2 and 3 wt. % PPy by approximately seven times its initial value. Irradiation at 5.97 x 1014 ions cm-2 increases ε' of sample PVC/PMMA loaded with 3 wt. % PPy by 3 orders of magnitude.
Influence of B ion irradiation on the ac conductivity of conductive PPy on PVC/PMMA composites[Full-Text ] F.S. ShokrIn this study, thin films from poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) – poly (Methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)composites with different amounts of Polypyrrole (PPy) / carbon nano-particles were prepared. Influence of B ion irradiation on the ac conductivity ơis examined with varying parameters, the filler content and the frequency in the case of ac field. The effect of irradiation on the ac conductivity ơof pure PVC/PMMA and PVC/PMMA loaded with conductive PPy filler blends was studied. A.c conductivity ơobviously increase after ion implantation. The higher σac of PVC/PMMA after implantation will be got by implantation for samples loaded with 3 wt. % PPy conductive filler. The irradiation with B ions at 4.87 x 1014 ions cm-2 increases σac of sample PVC/PMMA loaded with 3 wt. % PPy by 3 orders of magnitude. B ion fluences change the type of conduction mechanism for samples pure PVC/PMMA at different fluences, 1, and 2 wt. % loading at 5.95x1014 ions cm-2.
Healthy Eating for Women[Full-Text ] Dr. SHAHANA AYUB, Prof. QAMAR A KAZMI, Dr. S. A NAAZA healthy diet gives energy, supports mood, maintains weight, and keeps looking best. It can also be a huge support through the different stages in life. Healthy food can help reduce PMS, boost fertility, combat stress, make pregnancy and nursing easier, and ease symptoms of menopause. Whatever the age, committing to a healthy diet will help to look and feel best so that stay on top of commitments and enjoy life.Good nutrition starts with the basics: a well-rounded diet consisting of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein. These kinds of foods provide women with plenty of energy, the means for lifelong weight control, and the key ingredients for looking and feeling great at any age.
The Impact of Decentralization of the Philippines’ Public Health System on Health Outcomes[Full-Text ] Paul Ryan F. Cuevas, Clarisse F. Calalang, David Joshua A. Delos Reyes, Asst. Prof. Marie Antoinette L. Rosete, MDEIn 1991, the Local Government Code of 1991 was constituted to commence, among others, the decentralization of the republic's health care structure from the national administration to local government units (LGUs). This was recognized on the concept that with decentralization, health system in the country would be strengthened. As the directive continued, past researchers concluded a system failure in the country’s health sector upon its implementation. To scrutinize the previous scholars’ suppositions, this study assessed the impact of the decentralization of the Philippines’ public health system on health state of the population. The researchers pursued such analysis by utilizing the econometric model based on the Andrei, T., Mitrut, C., Constantin, D.L., & Oancea, B. (2009) study who dedicated their inquiry on the impact of decentralization of Romania’s public health system to Romania’s populations’ health state, and by using 1980-2012 data series measured by national-level statistics. The researchers found out that total government health expenditure, and bed capacity per 10,000 populations are statistically significant and has a progressive influence to the population health conditions with a decline in infant mortality rate by 1,000 live births. However, the government doctors’ population relative to infant death ratio was uncovered to be statistically insignificant.
Semi Parametric Analysis of Neonatal Mortality Caused By Jaundice[Full-Text ] OnatunjiAdewaleP. and FolorunsoSeifat A.Despite many articles publication on neonates jaundice by statisticians and social scientists on behavioural effects of the epidemic as well as its effects on families, communities and the nation at large, priors’ information on effects of its determinants remain unexplained. This paper investigates the linear and nonlinear(spline)effects of determinants of neonate jaundice among neonates babies between 2005 and 2010 in the University of teaching hospital, Ibadan.
Data Treatment, Childlessness and Singleness for Better Policy Proposition in Entrepreneurial Literature[Full-Text ] AKANGA REUBEN JohnsonThis short note gathers from a literature survey evidence of the inefficiency of entrepreneurial findings in leveraging policy orientation and implementation on large group of people to boost supply in entrepreneurship, especially from unemployed youths. Meanwhile, governments, international organizations and various stakeholders are spending huge funds to prepare the environment or rather, to make it conducive for entrepreneurial development. An accusing finger points at research design and data analysis directed toward theoretical formulation and testing. The author offers data analysis treatments that are policy oriented and proposes gaps which findings could be of great help to policy makers. More precisely, composite index and latent class analysis are presented as better methods leading to policy orientation. These methods conveniently handle the multi-dimensional measure of personality traits, entrepreneurial development and entrepreneurship conceptual framework. Furthermore, the role of singleness and childlessness in inhibiting or promoting entrepreneurial development for economic and social inclusion is not quite clear; though it is well known that they are inherent attribute that foster social exclusion.
A Comparative Analysis on the Physical Property of Different Types of Yarn and Their Relation with Knitting Productivity and Knitted Fabric Quality[Full-Text ] Md. Raju Ahmed, Md Abdul Wahab, Md. Shipan Mia, Mithon Majumder, Md. Kawsar HossainAt the very beginning of this research work we have done a comparative study among the property of card yarn, combed yarn, mechanical compact yarn and pneumatic compact yarn. To make a fair comparison, all the yarns are produced with same linear density, same raw material and nearly about same TPI. Among all the yarns pneumatic compact yarn shows superior quality in terms of evenness, hairiness, strength etc. Then all types of yarn are knitted to make fabric by keeping same knitting parameters and same fabric construction. Then the knitting production per day is calculated. Investigation shows that pneumatic compact yarn gives higher production per day and it has the higher quality among all type of yarns and production per day decreases with the decreasing in yarn quality. Finally, we have investigated the bursting strength, weight loss due to abrasion and pilling resistance of the four fabrics. Test results show that all these properties are completely depends on the quality of yarn. Pneumatic compact yarn exhibits higher bursting strength, abrasion resistance and pilling resistance property and consecutively decreases for mechanical compact, combed yarn and card yarn.
Secure and Energy efficient model with modified offloading algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing using Advanced Diffie-Hellman Algorithm[Full-Text ] Dr B.Anni Princy, A.Anto Crescentia, L.Charupreetha, S.Nivetha, S.PrathibaMobile cloud computing is an evolving technology which is still unclear to many security problems and ensuring the security of data storage in cloud servers is one of the most challenging task. This paper proposes an algorithm which ensures to solve data protection and user authentication problems. In the proposed model an encryption and key exchanging mechanism has been described based on combination of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption algorithm and Advanced Diffie-Hellman algorithm which helps to enhance security in mobile cloud computing.
User Location Time and Entropy (ULTE) based Salt generation for Password Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF) in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Md. Alam Hossain, Ahsan-Ul-Ambia, Md. Al-Amin, Nazmul HossainVirtualization is the biggest issue in our modern life with information technology. For accessing data globally and timely people are storing data, information, and programs into Cloud Storage Space. Cloud service providers (CSPs) maintain authentication and authorization mechanism but there are no mechanisms for data security. If the users’ credentials are compromised then information could be misused, or stolen. Client Side Encryption Tool (CSET) is used widely with their own features and security schemes to overcome the security problems in CSPs. CSET encrypts each data file of client’s with encryption key which are derived by a specialized algorithm called Password Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF), and Salt, a random value plays vital role for making each encryption key unique and different from other keys. Through analysis, we found that: generation of Salt by using any Pseudo random number generation algorithms could lead the intruders like hackers to crack the encryption keys for multiple files stored in CSPs. Therefore, a new random number generate algorithm (ULTE) for Salt generation which is based on users’ Location Information, Time Information, and Entropy Data (bit strings of system noise sources like thermal noise or HDD seek time) is proposed. Simulation result shows the whole processes of Salt generation according to the ULTE Salt Generation Algorithm.
Progressive Collapse Analysis of Multi-Story Space Frames[Full-Text ] Tharwat Sakr, Atef Eraky, Jala EsmatThe progressive collapse of building structures is initiated when one or more vertical load carrying members (typically columns) is re-moved. Once a column is removed due to a vehicle impact, fire, earthquake, or other man-made or natural hazards, the building’s weight (gravity load) transfers to neighboring elements in the structure. If these elements are not properly designed to resist and redistribute the additional gravity load the vertical load carrying elements of the structure continue to fail until the additional loading is stabilized causing greater damage to the structure than the initial cause.
IMPROVEMENT OF WEAR RESISTANCE QUALITY IN ALUMINIUM METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE – A REVIEW[Full-Text ] Omkar Tambe, Mohit ThakkarAluminum composites are the most generally utilized nonferrous materials in designing applications attributable to their appealing properties, for example, high quality to weight proportion, great flexibility, magnificent erosion resistance, accessibility and minimal effort. In any case, their applications have regularly been limited on the grounds that traditional aluminum amalgams are delicate and famous for their poor wear resistance. This issue was overcome by fortifying unmistakable particulates in aluminum and its mixes to make a sustained metal framework composite which has about isotropic properties. After fortress, Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) have enhanced properties, for instance, adaptable modulus, hardness, versatility at room and raised temperatures and enormous weight finances over unreinforced mixes. Inferable from their extraordinary upgraded properties, Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) are searched for over other customary materials in the field of aerospace, auto and marine applications. This paper uncovers the broad work that has been accounted for to enhance wear properties of Aluminum based Metal Matrix Composites.
Design and manufacturing of welding positioner for gas metal arc welding(GMAW)[Full-Text ] Arvind addepalli, tejas kulkarni, kunal joshi, sanket thorat, naresh jadhavThis project aims at designing and manufacturing a welding positioner which helps mass production industries related with circular welding. As it depends upon the skill of worker to move electrode along the welding line .this equipment can rotate the job at a fixed rate to assist the welding process for circular components and ensure good profile and homogenous welding. This equipment will be used for welding a cylindrical tank which will be used as a housing for transformers.