Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017.
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POLYNOMIAL ESTIMATION OF FUEL CONSUMPTION COEFFICIENT BEHAVIOUR FOR GENERATION EXPANSION PLANNING AND COST SAVING[Full-Text ] S. L. Braide, D.C. IdoniboyeobuPower system has several power plants each power plants has different generating units. At any point in time the total load in the system is met by the generating units, in different power plants. The polynomial-estimation techniques of fuel consumption pattern seek to run the power generating stations to obtain a maximum output of power demand with the aim of minimizing cost of operation, in a way to choose the best polynomial curves that can give an optimum savings. This paper present a systematic and simple formulation of cubic-quadratic polynomial equations, with associated cost of generations with some selected generating power station in Nigeria. The Matrix-Laboratory (MATLAB) soft-ware was adopted to obtain fuel – consumption – coefficient , which is represented as (x), for purpose of presentation analysis in the program soft-ware. The techniques is formulated to address the challenging power generation problem facing the Nigeria power sector.
MODELING AND APPROXIMATION OF AN INCREMENTAL FUEL COST-CURVE FOR GENERATION EXPANSION PLANNING[Full-Text ] S. L. Braide, D.C. IdoniboyeobuThe tendency to generate electricity at the lowest cost for economic dispatch program especially to the electric utilities have become a major challenges, thus this problems will strongly affect the activities and operations in the power industry. This activity imposes a complex and complicated equation to be solved. Therefore Modelling and approximation equations are formulated and presented, to solve the problems of fuel-cost-minimization. The model equation strongly recognizes the cubic-polynomial behavior of fuel-cost, whether the function is increasing or decreasing similarly at what point this points are non-monotonically increasing or decreasing. This model will provide an efficient distribution of load capacity for an optimal power generation with the aim of minimizing cost. This model approximation will seriously help both to the system operations and planners. The demonstration and analysis of the model reveals strongly the needs to monitor fuel consumption capacity of generators in a way to make a saving, in order to drive the economy efficiency at large.
ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH, FOR GENERATION EXPANSION PLANNING[Full-Text ] D.C. Idoniboyeobu, S. L. BraideThe idea to generate electricity at minimum cost for purpose of economic dispatch is a strong consideration for generating power operation and system planners in the power industry and utilities. The major cost of running generating power plants, is the fuel cost while other cost may be added to the fuel cost, the fuel cost ($/h) or (N/h) which is a function of the power generation in (MW). The fuel cost curve required in this analysis is the parabolic curve function. The derivation of the cost-function evidently shows that the incremental fuel-cost curve, analysis of the slope of the fuel cost curve need to be minimized. The incremental fuel-cost curve indicates how expensive it will be to generate the next increment of power (MW). Therefore, simple operating cost for economic dispatch and coordination equation techniques were used and validated with Matlab application which shows the individual cost of operations for increment cost of each generating capacity (MW).
Coloration technique of turquoise tints with in depth analysis on shade, utility consumption and physico-chemical properties concerning batches of identical hue[Full-Text ] Shamim Al Azada , Hridam Debb , Md. Abdul Mueeid Alamb , K. M. Faridul Hasanb, Mohammad Neaz Morshedb, Syed Fakhrul HassancReactive dyes for turquoise hue have definite properties of larger structure results shade deviation between batches in knit fabric dyeing. Dyeing technique of turquoise color as well as comprehensive analysis on deviations on shade and physico-chemical properties concerning batches of dyed knitted fabric with respective utility consumption has been investigated in this research. To obtain the level and magnitudes of deviation, three batches of cotton knitted fabric dyed with turquoise color having same recipe as well as same condition were examined. Ailment of shade on different stage of knit dyeing with turquoise color also reported. Process chemicals, parameters, process flow and visual analysis on light box as well as spectrophotometer analysis of all three samples was supplemented. In addition, physical and chemical test of sample dyed fabric such as color fastness to wash, color fastness to rubbing was tested under the ISO 3, ISO 105 E04, and ISO- 105-AO3 method respectively. Besides color strength as well as utility and time consumption of each batch have an inclusive investigation. After widespread analysis of the samples a considerable shade deviation has been testified which lead to reprocessing. As a result, production rate becomes lower, fabrics damage, production cost, chemicals and water consumption become higher, which upshots ruthless impact on environment through higher pollutants generation.
Physics ZMV.The Basics ofNew Physics[Full-Text ] MihailZastavnitchiThe Beginning of the Beginning is the gravitational field. It is formed from gravitons in chaotic motion. The graviton is an elementary quantum of energy when it is in the state of motion and an indivisible particle of mass when it is in the state of rest. The mass is a conglomerate of gravitons in the state of rest, that is, the gravitons, which have given their kinetic energy to the mass. Physics ZMV is based on the idea of the existence of the gravitational field independent of the mass and the mass (created by gravitational field), independent of the gravitational field. Masses are not attracted to each other. Potential energies of the gravitational field (distorted by the masses) compress the masses to their common center of mass. The compression of masses by the gravitational field (distorted by masses) is named “Universal compression of masses”. The mass grows quantitatively due to the gravitons, which have given their kinetic energy to the mass, and remained in the mass.The mass is heated by this energy. These phenomena are named “Growth of the mass” and “Heating of the mass”by the gravitational field(during penetration through the mass).The motion of the mass under the action of theinertial energy of the gravitational field is named “Mass motion of inertia”. Mass which has obtained rectilinear and a rotational motion (rotational axis is perpendicular to the vector ofrectilinear speed) changes the volume of parts of the mass in synchronism with the rotational speed. This phenomenon is named “Flux and reflux of the mass”. The gravitational field is the propagation medium of the electromagnetic field.
New Avenues in Arabic Sentiment Analysis[Full-Text ] Manal Mustafa, A.Shakour AlSamahi, Alaa HamoudaThis paper explores a method that analyzes Arabic text lexically, morphologically and semantically. The highly agglutinative nature of Arabic diminishes the effectiveness of conventional Bag of Words (BoW) which considered insufficient to form a representative vector for large scale social media content as it ignores possible relations between terms. The proposed work overcomes this limitation by incorporating different feature sets and performing cascaded analysis that fundamentally contains lexical analysis, morphological analysis, and semantic analysis. ICA is used to handle Arabic morphological pluralism. AWN semantically is exploited to extract generic and semantic relations for the lexical units over all the dataset. Moreover, specific feature extraction components are integrated to account for the linguistic characteristics of Arabic. Finally, we can leverage from standard social media features such as emoticons and smileys. So, a system for automatic Emotion Detection (ED) and mood recognitions was built to provide further sentiment insight and classification power. The optimal feature combination for each of the different emotions was determined using a combination of Machine Learning (ML) and rule-based methods. Experimentally, the results revealed that incorporation of multifaceted analysis is superior to classical BoW representation, in terms of feature reduction (31% reduction percentage) and accuracy results (F- Measure was increased up to 89%).
Laser Damage Effect Studies with Hollow Metallic Targets[Full-Text ] Satyender Kumar, S Jain, K C Sati, S Goyal, R Malhotra, R Rajan, N R Das & A K SrivastavaPresent paper deals with the investigations of the effects of interaction of laser beam with mild steel hollow cylinderical surface for different boundary condition. The design of such type of target has been shown in the analysis. The outer and inner surface temperature profile under different environment conditions is analysed through simulation software. The effect of environment conditions on the temperature profile of the target heavily depends on the convectinal heat transfer coefficient (h), which depends on the wind velocoty. It also depends on various parameters like ambient temperature, power density, target thickness and other thermo-physical properties. The power on the target was 1.5 kW out of 2 kW is equally divided into two circles. It is assumed that incident power at target is equally distributed in the inner circle and annulus of the beam i.e. the power absorbed by the target material is 300 W in inner circle and 300W in the annulas. For thicker target, heat diffuses through it slowly with respect to time. The temperature of the target increases rapidly with time and reaches more than its melting temperature in some cases depending on the heat coefficient and power density and absorption conditions. The temperature distribution along radial and depths have been studied theoretically by simulating the environment conditions through ANSYS software.
A Hybrid Solar Tracking Model: A Novel Approach[Full-Text ] Bello Aminu Bodinga, Muzzammil Mansur & Musa Ibrahim KambaThe use of alternative renewable energy is a new direction in the energy industry. Industrial efforts and investments are being made to cut down energy cost because of economic and environmental disadvantages of the energy made from fossil fuels and coal. Increased output and energy efficiency has been the goal of the energy industry. The fundamental component for extracting power from the sun is the solar panel. Most of the solar panels nowadays are basically being fixed and therefore has lower energy production.
Feature Point Extraction by Adaptive Over-Segmentation and Feature Point Matching for Effective Digital Image Forgery Detection[Full-Text ] Vijay Shanker Nallapati, Dr Girish ChandraThe invention of the internet has introduced the unimaginable growth and developments in the renowned research fields such as medicine, satellite imagery, image processing, security, biometrics, and genetics. The algorithms implemented in the 21st century has made the human life more comfortable and secure, but the security to the original documents belongs to the authenticated person is remained as concerned in the digital image processing domain. A new study is proposed in this research paper to detect the forgery detection in accurate manner using the adaptive over-segmentation and feature point matching. The integration of the block-based and key point-based forgery detection methods is the key idea in the proposed study and the detection of the suspected regions are detected by the adaptive non-overlapping and irregular blocks and this process is carried out using the adaptive over-segmentation algorithm. The extraction of the feature points is performed by performing the matching between the each block and its features. The feature points are gradually replaced by using the super pixels in the proposed Forgery Region Extraction algorithm and then merges the neighboring blocks that have similar local color features into the feature blocks to generate the merged regions; finally, it applies the morphological operation to the merged regions to generate the detected forgery regions. The proposed forgery detection algorithm achieves much better detection results even under various challenging conditions the earlier methods in all aspects.
Detection and Removal of artefacts from EEG signal using sign based LMS Adaptive Filters[Full-Text ] N.SruthiSudha, D.V.RamaKoti ReddyIn this paper we proposed signed LMS based adaptive filters for noise cancellation in the EEG signal. EEG is most commonly used for the diagnosis of brain disorders. Good quality EEG is generally required by the physician for interpretation and identification of brain disorders. But in real time, EEG signals are corrupted by artefacts. Different filter structures are proposed using signed LMS algorithms to eliminate Eye blink artefacts and ECG artefacts are the common artefacts present in EEG traces. Finally we have applied these algorithms on real EEG signals obtained from the CHB-MIT data base and compared the performance with the conventional LMS algorithm. Simulation results show that the performance of the signed regressor LMS algorithm is superior to that of conventional LMS algorithm in terms of computational complexity. Also the signal to noise ratio (SNR) values are very much closer to conventional LMS algorithm.
Screening of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Milk Collected from Sahiwal region[Full-Text ] Zubaria Ishaq, Nazish Ishaq, Imran Ishaq, Dr. Abrar Hussain and Dr. Muhammad Wasim SajidMilk and milk products are known to have huge nutritional value with prevalent natural potential. Milk is a source of energy and it contains all required building proteins, bone forming minerals, fats etc. Milk is contaminated with pesticides such as OCPs. Consumption of contaminated food, milk, meat, fish and dairy products is the cause of high level of OCPs in the body. Milk is a good source to dissolve pesticide residues such as OCPs which are fat soluble. The aim of the study is to identify the presence of OCPs in milk and also toxicity level of residues in milk as compared to the MRL values. In the present study seven OCPs are detected by gas chromatography. Milk samples from sahiwal market were analyzed for organochlorine by using gas chromatograph equipped with electron captured detector. Seven organochlorine pesticides were detected.
Design and Simulation of U Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna by Using of IE3D Software[Full-Text ] A.M. Jehadul IslamMicrostrip patch antenna is used in many wireless communication system. In this paper a proposed structure of U-shape microstrip patch antenna for high frequency application is designed and simulated. The antenna is designed for operating frequency 5.937 GHz and dielectric constant 4.5 by using IE3D simulation software. Proposed antenna is designed for wireless communication.
The Use of ICT in the learning process among the students of History and Civilization at Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco[Full-Text ] Karim OULMAATI, Said EZZAHRI and Khalid SAMADThis article aims at analyzing the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in the learning process among university students of History and Civilization at Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Morocco. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire that was distributed among 187 students. The results reveal that there is still a digital divide regarding unequal access to ICT and its limited use by the students. Hence the need for multiplying efforts to ensure an effective integration strategy of ICT in the pedagogical practices.
Prevention of Bridge Strike on Roadways for Safe Freight Transportation[Full-Text ] Rezaur Rahman, Md. Anwar Hossain, Dr. Md. Shamsul HoqueGeometric design standard are mainly based on logically derived relationships and engineering judgments. The roadway environment has been identified as a prime cause of accidents, contributing to about 17 to 34 percent of the accident as the sole contributing factor for 2 to 3 percent of accidents. So geometric design standards or guidelines are important factors for safe roadway environment. This paper deals with one of the important features of roadway which are the vertical clearance of roadway superstructures, the adequacy of headroom provided and required headroom for roadway superstructures for safe traffic operation. Every year, bridges are hit by vehicles which are too high to pass underneath. The damage done to the bridges are not always obvious but can be serious. So there is a need in rechecking the adequate vertical clearance. According to RHD design manual to allow for adequate vertical clearance and the transport of abnormal loads 5.7m headroom should be provided when designing new roads and structures. This provision considered the typical height of the truck which is just over 4m high. But from the vehicle height survey, it was found that freight trucks have a total height of 5.8m in loaded condition including both freight and passenger traveled above freight. Considering design vehicle height as 5.8m the required headroom for roadway was found 6.3m.
Conquering Frustration to avoid Career Failure and Maximize Organizational Performance: A Study of Banking Sector of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Ridwanur RahmanFrustration and stress are the most unavoidable interlinked facts that each and every individual has to go through. When looking at the job performance, the dilemma of job stress leading to frustration is a common phenomenon as people are exposed to vast amount of tension and anxiety. Overload, Role ambiguity, Role conflict, Responsibility for people, Participation, Lack of feedback, Keeping up with rapid technological change are some of the major antecedents of stress that individuals working in an organization must face. Because of the strapping impact on job performance, frustration and job stress have become vital issue and key challenge for the employers and managers of the banks of Bangladesh to overcome. This research tries to uncover the insightful perception of the author as well as the facts of regular scenario of the employees’ mental state of any organization throughout their work lives, the reasons behind this frustration, the dimensions, the processes, development state and handling techniques of frustration roots and outcomes of job stress on employee performance, techniques in an individual level as well as in a social, organizational level that an organization and managers must do to prevent and handle frustration of the employees, viewing the entire issue from human rights angle in the banking sector.
Analysis of Propagation of Hydromagnetic Waves and Jeans Instability of Hall plasma in the Presence of Fine Dust Particles[Full-Text ] A. Kumar, D. L. Sutar and R. K. PensiaThis paper discusses about the instability of propagating hydromagnetic waves through the gaseous plasma in the presence of fine dust particles and under the influence of Hall effect. A general dispersion relation is obtained with the help of linearized perturbation equations using the normal mode analysis method. It is found that the Jeans condition of the instability of propagating hydromagnetic waves is modified due to the presence of various parameters considered in our gaseous Hall plasma. The finite electron inertia is important in the problem of magnetic reconnection processes.
Ethnographic and Ergonomics considerations in design of Wheelchair[Full-Text ] Chandrakant Kulkarni, Abhijit Dandavate, Maheshwar ChamnalliQuite a significant number of people are unable to walk freely due to some or the other problem with their limbs. Because of physical disabilities like paralysis, blindness, polio and other deficiencies, thousands of people fail to walk. At times a disability can make the person a temporary user of the wheelchair. This work focuses on benefits of introducing ethnographic research into specifically design engineering field. In ethnographic study, attitude of people or groups of people regarding disability problem are studied. Such method of research can be very useful in analysing the reliability of a design of engineering product. Ethnographic research is done through participant observations and field work. Hence the need arises for the ethnographic research of human factor and ergonomic study for the design of wheelchair.
MAPPING OF FLOOD COASTAL AREA IN GRAND-BASSAM (IVORY COAST)[Full-Text ] Jacques André TIEMELE, Jean Baptiste KASSI, Brice Abaka MOBIOIn order to ensure efficient management of the Ivorian coastline and specifically Grand-Bassam area which was hit sometimes by storm episodes, topo-bathymetric surveys on the beach with a DGPS were carried out between November 12, 2015 and February 27, 2016. Those measures designed to assess the level of vulnerability coast helped to develop Digital Elevation Models by the interpolation method of the natural neighborhood and Triangulated Irregular Network of ARCGIS 10.2.2 software and have enabled a sediment budget on the beach. A decrease of altitudes of -0.6 m on the upper and lower estuary translates a volume of eroded sediments of -2469.58 m3. The remaining beach is fattened with sedimentary volumes of + 38242.92 m3 for gains of altitudes ranging from + 1.9 m to 0.03 m. Spatial queries helped identify and calculate the potential flood areas by crossing topographic data to sea-level rise. Tides data have been acquired on Hydrography and Oceanography Marine Service (SHOM) site and adjusted by the generalised extreme value method. Sea-level rise is 15.7 mm to estimate 15 629.52 m2 of flood surfaces for a total area of 76818.98 m2 sediments, which represents 24.34% of the sediments surface of the beach.
Fixed point theorems for on a G- metric space and consequences[Full-Text ] K.P.R. Sastry, G. Appala Naidu, Ch. Srinivasa Rao, B. Ramu NaiduWe prove some fixed point theorems for self mappings satisfying some kind of contractive type conditions on complete G-metric spaces and obtain results of Shatanawi[15], Sushanta Kumar Mohanta[16] and Vats et al.[17] as corollaries.
Unsteady Free magneto convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Newtonian Fluid Flow Past inclined porous plate with Radiation and visc-ous dissipation effects[Full-Text ] Shamshuddin Md, Sunder Ram MIn this article, a mathematical model is developed for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), incompressible, dissipative and chemically reacting Newtonian fluid flow, heat and mass transfer through a porous medium from an inclined plate under the effect of thermal radiation was investigated numerically. Rosseland’s diffusion approximation is used to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation. The governing partial differential equations for momentum, heat, and species conservation are transformed into dimensionless form under the assumption of low Reynolds number with appropriate dimensionless quantities. The emerging boundary value problem is then solved numerically with a Galerkin finite element method employing the weighted residual approach. The evolution of velocity, temperature and concentration are obtained as functions of the physical parameter of the problem studied in detail. The influence of many multi-physical parameters in these variables is illustrated graphically. Finally, grid independency is studied on different mesh (grid) sizes, which have been tabulated quantitatively. The study is relevant to MHD energy generators utilizing Newtonian working fluids and magnetic materials processing systems.
Measuring the Relationship Between Product Quality Dimensions & Repurchase Intention of Smart Phone: A Case study On Chittagong City[Full-Text ] Sultana Razia ChowdhuryThe purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between product quality dimensions and purchase/ repurchase intention of smart phone in Chittagong city. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 650 users of smart phone were taken by using non- probability (judgmental & convenience) sampling technique. It is conclusive & primary data based research. Structured questionnaire on Likert Five point scaling technique is used in this study. Additionally, it is used in Garvin’s eight-dimensional framework for product quality measurement as performance, features, reliability, conformance, durability, serviceability, aesthetics, and perceived quality. It was selected and analyzed during the use of descriptive, correlation and multiple regressions’ analysis by using (SPSS) version 17.0. From the analysis, it is clear that the Garvin’s eight-dimensional framework of smart phone which supported by descriptive, correlation & regression analysis for this study. Moreover, aesthetics dimension (Look, Feel & sound) of smart phone as the most important dimension among all and it also prime mover in repurchase intention of smart phone. The study recommended that the marketer of smart phone should consider the above mentioned dimension to pick the opportunity.
Encouragement as a means of influencing law on human[Full-Text ] Olga BarabashThe analysis of the scientific literature allows confirming the existence of two approaches to the definition of the term "encouragement": a wide approach is revealed through the category of "means" and a narrow approach is revealed through the category of "stimulus". The impact of incentives on human behaviour is carried out thanks to the function of social control and observance of all conditions of their effective application. The purpose of the article is to investigate the concept of "encouragement", to present the most acceptable concept revealing the essence of the phenomenon, which is denoted by the term of "encouragement", to determine the mechanisms of influencing encouragement on human behaviour.
Developmental Dyslexia, Quality of Life and Parenting Styles[Full-Text ] Shabila Sharif, Dr. NajmaNajamThe present study’s aim was to explore the relationship of parenting styles in dyslexics and to study the nature of relationship between quality of life and parenting styles as reported by mothers. Present study will measure the hypothesis a) There would be significant difference of quality of life between dyslexics and non-dyslexics as reported by mothers. b) There would be significant differences between dyslexics and non-dyslexics related to the parenting styles as reported by mothers. c) There would be positive relationship between quality of life and authoritative parenting style among dyslexics as reported by mothers. d) There would be negative relationship between quality of life and authoritarian parenting style as reported by mothers. e) There would be negative relationship between quality of life and permissive parenting style as reporting by mothers. The participants were mothers (N=90) of school going children taken English medium schools. The age range of participants was 8-18 years.
Effect of Impervious Core on Seepage through Zoned Earth Dam (Case Study: Khassa Chai Dam)[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Saleh I. Khassaf, Ali Muzher MadhloomOne of the main causes of the earth dam failure is the seepage. This seepage can cause weakening in the earth dam structure, followed by a sudden failure due to piping or sloughing, to protect against this failure and for seepage control use impervious zone or core in earth dam. In this work, by applying the finite element method by the computer program SLIDE V.5.0 is applied to determine the quantity of seepage, exit gradient, hydraulic gradient and pressure head of zoned earth dams (Khassa chai dam in Iraq) under effect of changing the core permeability and the core thickness.
Survey Paper on Maze Generation Algorithms for Puzzle Solving Games[Full-Text ] Ms. Shivani H. Shah, Ms. Jagruti M. Mohite, Mr. Anoop G. Musale, Mr. Jay L. BoradeA maze is a sort of puzzle having many branch passages. Some are closed and some lead to the end position. Here solver’s goal is to move from a starting position to an end position i.e. a valid passage between these two positions has to be revealed. Maze generation is popular in entertainment domain. Mazes are used to solve the navigational problems which indeed brought the need of automation of maze generation. This paper gives an overview of three basic two-dimensional maze generation algorithms: a) Depth-First Search (DFS), b) Kruskal’s Algorithm and c) Prim’s Algorithm. These algorithms describe three conceptually different approaches for generating maze.
A SOA implementation to combine Spark and HDFS[Full-Text ] Mint Mohamed Lemin Zeinebou, Noura AKNIN, Salihi Mohamed LeminThe lack of speed (running slowness) present a big problem especially when we have to analyze an incredible volume of data like Big Data. To avoid this situation we should choose the fastest and the most efficient tools and combine this tools, at the same time, in an heterogenic architecture that manages the exchange between the combined tools. Each of these tools must comply with a contract agreement to minimize Big Datas management delays and ensure a well-crafted analysis and data exploitation. In this paper we propose a new implementation of the service-oriented architecture to put Spark and Hadoop HDFS all together and make them compatible with the volume and variety of the analyzed data (Big Data).
Performance of similarity analysis in the estimation of forage yields in the Sahelian zone of Niger[Full-Text ] Issa GARBA, Illa SALIFOU, Bakary DJABY, Ibra TOURE, Abdoul-Hamid MOHAMED SALLAH, Alkhalil ADOUM, Abdallah SAMBA, Maxim BANOIN, Bernard TYCHONThe study aims to test the performance of similarity analysis in herbaceous fodder biomass estimate in the Nigerian pastoral zone, in a context of insecurity and precipitation spatiotemporal variability. It is carried out on the time series of NDVI decadal images of SPOT VEGETATION for the period from 2001 to 2012 and on fodder biomasses measured in situ during the same period. Similarity analysis compares NDVI seasonal patterns to detect similar years using three criteria: the RMSE (Root Mean squared error), the MAD (Mean absolute Deviation), and R². Exploratory statistical analyzes with bootstrap are carried out to better characterize the observations resulting from the simulation.
An Improved Technique of CBIR using Gabor Filter and Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Satish Tunga, D Jayadevappa & C. GururajContent Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system attains interest in image processing domain from past years due to its optimized applications. In order to retrieve images efficiently from a large database, an improved approach of integrating color and texture features using Gabor filter and genetic algorithm has been proposed. In this paper the image data is pre-processed and then we extract Gabor and shape based features. Genetic Algorithm has been used to investigate to refine the results such that, they are similar to query image features given by users. The implemented results shows that the proposed method gives higher retrieval accuracy compared to the traditional methods of image retrieval that use color, texture and shape features only for retrieving images.
Feature Extraction for Marathi Compound Character Using Edge Map[Full-Text ] Mrs.Snehal S.Golait, Dr.Latesh Malik, Prof.A.ThomasFeature extraction is one of the important phase of handwritten Script Identification. It involves measuring those features of the input pattern are relevant to classification. This paper provides a feature extraction for Marathi Compound Character using syntactical methods. Aside from the similarity of Character researcher founds difficulty to find features of characters. The recognition is carried out using structural and statistical feature extraction and multistage classification scheme. The Proposed system used horizontal projection method for line segmentation, vertical projection method for word segmentation and minutiae detection algorithm is used for compound character segmentation. An input image is preprocessed and segmented. In this paper proposed a novel technique for feature extraction of segmented character called edge map. Edge map is a structural feature extraction technique for extracting the features of segmented character. With this technique able to get near about 95% accuracy in recognition process.
Natural hazards in mountain regions of Uzbekistan: A review of mass movement processes in Tashkent province[Full-Text ] Mukhiddin Juliev, Alim Pulatov, Johannes Hübl This paper represents a short review from different scientific sources on mass movement processes in Tashkent Province. We can see that Tashkent Province is one of the most areas, which is prone to all of the natural disasters (earthquakes, landslides, debris flows, rockfalls, and avalanches). The considered region located in high mountainous area and presence of a considerable quantity of precipitation leads sectors covered with loess rocks to be more vulnerable to mass movements.