Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017.
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Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Quality of Surface and Ground Sourced Sachet Water in Sokoto Metropolis using Principal Components Analysis (PCA)[Full-Text ] Bello Nura, Dr. Adamu I.A, Dr. Musa AuduSachet water has become popular in Nigeria where its monitoring and evaluation became part of Water Resource Management. This research assessed the chemical and microbial quality of sachet water produced from surface and underground sources in Sokoto metropolis. 114 water packaging enterprises were surveyed and 83 of them were selected for analysis using Yemen’s formula. Chemical analyses were done using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, while the Multiple tube technique was used for microbial analysis. The study found that 18.1% of the samples were not safe for consumption. It was also discovered that there was no significant differences between the qualities of the sachet water produced from surface and ground water sources (p = 0.060). P.C.A. conducted indicates that the quality of sachet water sampled is determined by: weathering, water treatment, corrosion of the plumbing system, sewage pollution, urban runoff, atmospheric deposition, mining and industrial activities. Finally seven remedial measures are recommended.
FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE UTILIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF GINDEBERET WOREDA, WEST SHOA ZONE, OROMIA REGIONAL STATE[Full-Text ] Ashenafi TesfayeThe study was aimed to assess factors that affect the utilization of educational management information system in secondary schools of Gindeberet woreda. Descriptive survey method was employed to realize the objective of the study. The study was conducted in Gindeberet Woreda education office and its respective secondary schools. A total of 93 stakeholders from Gindeberet Woreda education office, and its secondary school were included in this study. From the three schools 65 employees, and 15 PTA members and 10 woreda education office employees were involved in the study that were relevant to EMIS activity. Questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, and document were used as the tools to gather all the necessary data both qualitatively and quantitatively. The data was analyzed by descriptive presentation, arithmetic mean, average mean and percentile together with qualitative analysis. The findings disclosed at EMIS are impeded and handicapped by different factors such as ICT materials, trained manpower, t were observed to utilize EMIS as needed in the secondary schools of the woreda. It is also recommended that schools should exert effort towards securing IT materials, most preferably by approaching NGOs and respective higher level educational offices like woreda education office and zonal education office.
Effect of Compaction Pressure, Particle Size and Binder Ratio on Thermo-Physical Properties of Maize Cob Briquettes[Full-Text ] Mambo Wilson, Kamugasha Dick, Adimo Ochieng, Nabasirye Margaret, and Namagembe FlaviaThe quality of briquettes varies greatly among small scale producers in Uganda due to the different methods of production, absence of standardization, lack of technical knowledge and quality control procedures. The study aimed at investigating the effect of binder ratio, compaction pressure, and particle size on thermo-physical properties of carbonized maize cob briquettes. A 3×4×5 factorial experiment with four replicates was used. Three particle size levels (small, medium and large), four compaction pressures (P1=2MPa, P2=4MPa, P3=6MPa and P4=8MPa), and five cassava binder ratios (B1=5%, B2=7.5%, B3=10%, B4=12.5%, B5=15%) were used. Briquettes were made from carbonized maize cobs using a manually operated hydraulic briquette press. Proximate analysis, heating value and density were determined.
Graph-based Automatic Amharic Text Summarizer[Full-Text ] Kifle Deresse Dessalegn, Martha Yifru TachbelieThis paper introduces Graph-based Automatic Amharic Text Summarizer (GAATS), a generic and domain independent graph-based model for automatic single document summarization task, and shows how this model can successfully be used to generate extracts of high quality from Amharic texts. In particular, we extended the two prominent graph-based link analysis algorithms: PageRank and HITS with two sentence centrality measures: cumulative sum and discounted cumulative sum for exploiting the relation between sentences in a text and/or nodes in a graph, and shows the results of our experiments. The results demonstrated that extractive summaries of better quality can be generated when discounted cumulative sum paired with HITS. The results also revealed that our approach is domain independent and more effective than reference summari-zation systems.
Managing Change within National Transformation: A Comprehensive Approach to Ethiopian public Service Organizations[Full-Text ] Jemal AhmedToday’s world is very dynamic with ever complicating changes. Organizations be private or governmental are facing internal or external challenges that force them to undertake some kind of change initiative to remain relevant in such a dynamic environment. Different methods have been innovated to bring about real and irreversible organizational changes. Various approaches have been in place for many decades to manage change projects. Change management outlines the steps needed to help the individuals to adopt change and do their jobs in the new way. Its goal is to help each individuals make a successful transition. In change management, the role of change models is very significant. John P. Kotter is a renowned leadership and change management scholar who has developed an eight steps change model that was successful in different organizations worldwide. Throughout the eight steps model, Kotter argues that quality leadership is critical for the real transformation to occur.
Effort Estimation technique for HIPAA EDI Transaction[Full-Text ] D.K. SatyanarayanaThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) passed by the United States Senate mandates the use of a standard format for exchanging Healthcare information across providers and payers. The Payer and Provider community in the United Status have built into their computing systems over years; proprietary and mutual agreed formats for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with their Trading Partners. The HIPAA law imposes the use of a single common standard by members of the Healthcare community including Payers, Providers and Clearing houses. This paper is aimed at creating a formula that quantifies the complexity of an EDI transaction. We have taken a popular healthcare transaction 270/271 for a case study. The complexity factor helps in the estimation of the total effort and pricing for a specific consultancy job. The target audience for this document are Project Managers and Consultants that work on projects that make their clients HIPAA compliant. Finally this paper is an attempt towards decreasing the need for technical expertise in sales.
Empirical Model for the Estimation of Global and Diffuse Solar Radiation in Yola-Nigeria, based on Sunshine Hours[Full-Text ] Alkasim, A., Suberu, A.A. and Baba, M.T.This study uses the modified Angstrom model based on the available sunshine hours for the estimation of monthly average global as well as the diffuse solar radiation in Yola (longitude 10OE; latitude 9.23ON). An Empirical model was developed using a Seven years (7) years available sunshine hours recorded at the recently installed NECOP station in MAUTECH, Yola. The monthly mean daily values were used to assess the applicability of solar radiation data in the area. The clearness index, KT values indicate a clear sky between the months of February to July as well as October to November. The regression constants “a” and “b” are 0.54 and 0.23 respectively. Solar energy can be utilized throughout the year in Yola with the exception of monsoon months of August and September which is characterized with heavy rains and cloud cover. The recorded values of the RMSE, MBE and MPE were 0.030, -5.388 and 9.9 % respectively.
KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THREE DEGREE OF FREEDOM CLOSED CHAIN MECHANISM[Full-Text ] R.G. CHOUDHARI, Dr. H.P. JAWALE, Dr. H.T. THORATMechanisms can be classified into two main categories based on their structures, namely, serial and parallel. Parallel structures are an alternative to serial ones, giving the important mechanical and kinematic advantages offered i.e. higher structural rigidity, higher motion accuracy, higher pay load capacity, low inertia, higher velocity and acceleration of the end effector. With increasing use of parallel structures, comes a need to develop a methodology for analysis of different parallel robot design.
Availability and Reliability Analysis for System with Bivariate Weibull Lifetime Distribution[Full-Text ] N. S. TemrazIn this paper, analysis of a system consists of two dependent components with load sharing is introduced. The life and repair times of the units are assumed to follow bivariate Weibull distribution. Markov models are used to construct the mathematical model of the system. Analysis of the availability function, reliability function, steady state availability, and mean time to system failure are discussed. A numerical example is given for illustration.
Some Properties of Bi2Te3 and PbTe Microwires and Converters on Their Basis[Full-Text ] D.F. Meglei, V.Yu. Potyak, I.K. Yurchyshyn, B.P. Kliuchevskyi, V.V. SkrypnykOwning to the miniaturization of solid state electronic devices, the problem of studying the physical and physicochemical processes in low-dimensional condensed systems, in addition to scientific interest, is of particular practical significance. In theoretical terms, this is due to the fact that a one-dimensional model has simpler solutions; in the experimental aspect, this is the possibility to obtain highly perfect single crystals, in which size effects are more severe than, for example, in thin layers, due to two-dimensional limitations. In practical terms, these systems can be used in all modern fields of solid state electronics, because these materials make it possible to solve some problems in instrument engineering related to miniaturization, the increase in accuracy and stability, and the expansion of range of allowed climatic and mechanical effects.
Optimization Multiple Responses of Taguchi Method Using PCA-TOPSIS and VIKOR Method[Full-Text ] Fauzhia Rahmasari, Indahwati, Utami SyafitriOptimizing multiple responses problem has become increasingly relevant issue when more than one product quality characteristics must be assessed simultaneously in a complicated manufacturing process. Two of three Taguchi principles are a specific loss fuction and innovations in experimental design. The loss fuction is to analyse response(s) from the experiment meanwhile the experiment should be robust to other factors outside experimental factors. This study proposed optimization of multiple responses of Taguchi method using PCA-TOPSIS and VIKOR method. The aim of this study was to compare those methods in conditions whether there were correlation between responses. Based on that condition, it would be seen whether the level of correlation among responses affecting the result of PCA-TOPSIS and VIKOR method. The results showed that PCA-TOPSIS and VIKOR method are consistent in producing optimal factor/level combination although there were correlations among responses.
A Literature Review on Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete[Full-Text ] Aswani E, Lathi KarthiAs the infrastructure development growing worldwide, the demand for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) increases exponentially. Studies revealed that the production of one ton cement releases around one ton of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the calcinations of lime stone and combustion of fossil fuel. The production of cement is highly energy intensive and it consumes a substantial amount of natural resources. Davidovits (1978) proposed that binders can be produced by polymeric reaction of alkaline liquid with alumino-silicate materials such as fly ash, blast furnace slag, rice husk ash etc. Geopolymer also has the ability to form a strong chemical bond with rock based aggregates. Fiber reinforced geopolymer concrete is relatively a new composite material in which fibers are introduced in the matrix as micro reinforcement to improve the strength properties. This paper presents a review on various research works done in the area of geopolymer concrete and the effect of fiber on their mechanical properties.
Determinants of Real Exchange Rate Volatility: A Case Study of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Mahnaz Muhammad Ali , Salma Shaheen NosheenShahzadiExchange rate is an important macroeconomic policy instrument which effects all macroeconomics variables. Thus fluctuations in real exchange rate have strong influence on the economic activities. The foremost purpose of this study is to investigate the major determinants of real exchange rate volatility for the Pakistan economy over the period 1976 to 2013. Different econometric techniques, including GARCH model, Cointegration approach and Vector Error Correction Mechanism applied for analysis and time series annual data used in this study. The results reveals that trade openness and government expenditures are the major source of volatility while remittances does not play significant role in mitigating the real exchange rate volatility as they are stable flow of foreign exchange reserves for emerging economies. The result of VECM shows that these variables converge toward equilibrium in the long run. External and internal factors both have significant importance in alleviating the volatility.
Hepatic Effects of the Dermal Absorption of Emulsion Paint Solution by Albino Rats[Full-Text ] Igwe, F.U., Wosu, H.W., Ogunka-Nnoka, C.U.Paint solutions are admixture of different chemical compounds commonly used for colouring and protecting many surfaces in houses, cars, factories, equipment, vessels and so on. Painters and paint factory workers are constantly exposed to components of paint solutions through inhalation and dermal contact. The hepatic effects of dermal absorption of an emulsion paint solution by male albino rats were evaluated. The albino rats were exposed to sub lethal dose of the paint solution by intraperitoneal method every 48 hours for 14 days. Sets of the rats were weighed and sacrificed after 7 days and 14 days treatment respectively and their blood collected for serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate amino transaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme assay by spectrophotometric method. The liver was also excised, weighed and prepared for Total protein, Albumin and Histopathology analyses using standard methods.
The issues of territorial coherence of historical monuments in ancient cities - Case Bejaia[Full-Text ] Ouahiba Bouchama, Ali HadjiedjThe evolution of cities in time and space generated diverse urban heritage from the succession of different cultures. Currently the recognition of culture is among the pillars of sustainable development. In this context the notion of heritage is a land issue as a unifying element of the identity and potential for future generations.
A STUDY ON PERSONALITY TRAITS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LOWER DIBANG VALLEY DISTRICT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESHWITH REFERENCE TO SOME NON-COGNITIVE VARIABLES[Full-Text ] Sony Dupak, Dr. B. Reena TokThepurposeof this study was to investigate thepersonality traits of secondary school students in Lower Dibang ValleyDistrict of Arunachal Pradesh. For this study, normative survey method of research was used. The sample consists of 210secondary school students from Lower Dibang ValleyDistrict of Arunachal Pradesh. Personality traits scale developed by R.B Cattell and Cattell (1968) was used for data collection. Mean (M), Standard deviation (SD), and t-test was used to analyze the data and the result revealed that male and female, urban and rural, non-tribal and tribal secondary school students does not differ in their personality traits and mean scores shows that male, urban, non-tribalsecondary school students have higher personality traits than female, rural and tribal secondary school students of Lower Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh. Based on these findings some suggestions were given with great implication for further studies.
Statistical Models for Analyzing Count Data[Full-Text ] Felix Boakye Oppong, Edward ChongsiMbukam, Anthony Adomah AgyapongCountdata is encountered in different forms. This include count data without zeros, count data with excessive number of zeros, counts with large observations, and many others. Different statistical models are used in analyzing these forms of count data. This paper provides an overview of the model frameworks and possible selection criteria that are appropriate for analyzing the various forms of count data.
Multilevel Modeling of Indonesian Student Achievement in Mathematics Based on TIMSS Data[Full-Text ] Wiwit Pura Nurmayanti, Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, IndahwatiMultilevel modeling can be used to analyze hierarchical data. The problem with hierarchical data occurs due to the individuals in the same group tend to be similar, thus between observations at a lower level may not be independent. This could be happened to TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) data in which the students are nested within schools. In this paper we discussed the application of this model to TIMSS data and presented the results. Multilevel regression models were employed and in this research and it was shown that self-efficacy of students towards mathematics, students' attitudes toward mathematics, students' attitude towards teachers, students' attitude towards school, gender, the care of parents, frequency of homework, and violence/ bullying experienced by students, as well as the importance of mathematics for students have affected students’ achievement in mathematics. Other factors at the school level such as the percentage of students who are less financially and school location were also significantly influences the achievement.
Family crisis and its impact on the minor legal status[Full-Text ] Nataly OrtynskaThe article considers family as the basis for development of juvenile’s individuality. Attention is focused on certain areas, causing a crisis of family relations. The main ones are: the imbalance of family roles, transformation of education and financial sphere, single-parent families, labor orphanage, problem families and unisexual marriages. Special attention is paid to the social environment and transformation of the legal and moral values. Globalization processes as a factor of influence on the legal status of a minor are studied. The gender revolution as an influencing factor on the formation of minor’s person is analyzed. Attention is paid to unisexual couples. The conclusions are made regarding the influence of family on minor’s legal status.
Enhancement of Simple Sugar Production: Pretreatment of Gadam Sorghum Stalks using Imidazolium, Pyridinium and Phosphonium Based Ionic Liquids[Full-Text ] Florence Ajiambo, Charles Nzila, Saul. S. NamangoProduction of bioethanol from the abundant and inexpensive sources of lignocellulosic biomass requires that the latter undergo pretreatment processes. A new pretreatment method by use of Ionic Liquids has shown to be promising. This research work analyzed pretreatment of Gadam Sorghum stalks using 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([BMIM]Cl),1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium chloride ([4MBP]Cl) and trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride ([P66614]Cl). Regeneration of cellulose from the Ionic Liquids was carried out and the performance of the Ionic Liquids established through analysis of glucose concentrations upon hydrolysis.
Various Phosphorus Levels and Early Sowing Affect on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat under Semi Arid Conditions[Full-Text ] Raheel Atif Hameed and Shazia AnjumA study was carried out to determine the effect of different doses of Phosphorus (0, 40, 70 and 100 kg ha-1) on growth and yield of wheat. The application of 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 produced significantly the highest total biomass, plant height (cm), number of fertile tillers m-2, number of grains spike-1, straw yield, harvest index and 1000 grain weight that consequently resulted to maximum grain yield (7060 kg ha-1)
EVALUATION OF CHATTER VIBRATION FREQUENCY IN CNC TURNING OF 4340 ALLOY STEEL MATERIAL[Full-Text ] Nwoke Obinna N, Okonkwo Ugochukwu C, Okafor Christian E, Okokpujie Imhade PIn this study, an experimental investigation of chatter in CNC turning for 4340 Alloy Steel material was carried out. Empirical study of chatter and critical cutting condition in CNC turning has been conducted through a well-designed three-factor three-level experiment, and regression models developed for chatter frequency prediction with up to 99.5% accuracy for the material. The arising model and the mean-effect plots of the cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut against Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio indicates that increasing feed rates and depth of cuts would bring about increase in chatter vibration frequency while high cutting speeds would have attenuating effects on chatter vibration frequency, thereby suppressing it. The percentage contribution of the cutting parameters to chatter vibration frequency established, and optimal machining condition for the machine chatter optimization obtained at a cutting speed of 320 m/min, feed rate of 0.05mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.5mm. The optimal chatter vibration frequency for the turning tests was found to be 130.00 Hz. With the obtained optimum input parameters for chatter vibration frequency, production operations will be enhanced.
Investigating Slug Flow Characteristics of a Pipline-Riser System Using Olga Simulation Tool[Full-Text ] Iwuchukwu A.R, Odutola T.O, Ossia C.V, Okoli J.U, Appah DSlug flow is a predominant flow regime in offshore oil and gas production. This work investigated the slugging phenomenon in a pipeline-riser system. The pipeline has a nominal diameter of 0.3714m and spans a horizontal distance of 7.7km laid on an uneven seabed with a 200m riser. The OLGA 2015 simulation tool was used to develop the model, as well as carry out transient simulation. The liquid holdup, pressure, fluid temperature and water volume fraction were discussed. Hydrodynamic and severe slugging was found to occur along the pipeline and at the riser-base respectively. The pressure and temperature plots showed cyclic pattern; consequently, the system would be susceptible to fatigue, thermal stresses and thermal stress corrosion cracking. Information obtained from the liquid holdup and water volume fraction plots reveal that there was a very high potential for water overflow at the separator. This was noted to impact negatively on efficient offshore oil and gas production, and on integrity of offshore assets.
Physico-chemical properties of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends[Full-Text ] Pani Sharanappa, Dr. M.C.NavindgiA number of studies currently focus on the renewable fuels to reduce the reliance on petroleum fuels. Bio fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel have been studied and tested in many countries including India. One of the methods to reduce the use of fossil fuel is blending ethanol with fossil diesel. However an emulsifier or a co-solvent is needed to homogenize the diesel-ethanol blends. The rice bran oil biodiesel offers an alternative application as an emulsifier for diesel and ethanol blends. The present work is aimed to investigate experimentally the physic-chemical properties of the ternary blend (diesel-biodiesel-ethanol) and compared with that of diesel fuel. We studied the fuel properties such as density, viscosity, heat of combustion, cetane number, flash point, pour point, cloud point, water and sediment, sulphur, ash, oxygen content of ternary blend. It was found that the fuel properties were close to the standard values of diesel fuel: however, the flash point of the blends was quite different from that of conventional diesel fuel it is due to low flash point of the ethanol. The high cetane value of biodiesel could compensate for the decrease of the cetane number of the blends caused by the presence of ethanol. The heating value of the blends were lower than the diesel fuel, this is due to lower heating value of ethanol. The ternary blend was analysed by gas chromatography (GC).
REGULATION OF TESTAMENT PRESENCE OF WITNESSES AND NOTARIAL TESTAMENT ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF KOSOVO COMPARING WITH THE LAW OF EU-COUNTRIES[Full-Text ] Egzone OSMANAJThe aim of this paper is to analyse the law provisions in Kosovo according to which the testament in the presence of witnesses and the notarial testament are adjusted. In addition, in general the aim of this paper is to analyse the legal regulations that are made to the testament in the pres-ence of witnesses and notarial testament and according to the legislations of EU countries. The research questions addressed in the context of this paper are as follows: -What are the conditions of form that are required to be met according to the Law of Kosovo for the validity of the allograph testament and notarial testament; -To what extend the allograph testament and the form of notarial testament is widespread respectively, legislation of which European countries recognize these two types of testaments. The paper was mainly accomplished relying on the method of analysis of the legislation. In conclusion, the paper shows that the conditions of required form to be met under the Law of Kosovo about the validity of the allograph and notarial testament, which do not differ much from the terms of the form required to be met according to the laws of the EU in which the form of allograph and notary testament are known.
Exclusions and Exploitations: ‘Beggars’ of Delhi Jamia Masjid Market[Full-Text ] Javid Ahmad DarThe exclusions are deeply ‘political’ and the communities living on margins are vulnerable to wide-range of exploitations. The religious places of the minorities clearly bear out how a particular group or community is perceived and ‘given’ a life within the society where they live with a minimum of choices and freedoms. There might exist concentric circles of exclusions and exploitations within a particular minority community that itself lives on margins of society.
Development and Comparative Studies of Aluminum-Based Carbon Nano Tube Metal Matrix Composites using Powder Metallurgy and Stir Casting Technology[Full-Text ] L. H. Manjunatha, Mohammed Yunus, Mohammad S. Alsoufi, P. DineshAluminum-based metal matrix composites (Al-MMC) are becoming popular because of their low density and high specific stiffness in the many fields of engineering applications such as automobiles, aerospace, electronic devices, etc., with the additional demand of very light material possessing excellent mechanical properties. Aluminium-based metal matrix composites with an ideal reinforcement as carbon nano tubes (CNT's) possesses an extremely high strength, modulus of elasticity and specific surface area to fulfill the requirements for the above applications. In this study, powder metallurgy and Stir casting routes have been employed for the Aluminium 6061 being matrix material and multi-wall CNT (MWCNT) in varying concentrations as the reinforcing agent. Mechanical properties such as compression.
Sub-acute Toxicity StudyofDefattedMoringa oleifera Seed MealAdministrationon Wistar Rats[Full-Text ] Idoko Sunday Idoko, Adamu Sani, MuhammedBisala,Mshelia PhilipWayuta,Adamu Andrew, UgochukwuIniobongChukwuebuka,Abalaka Samson Eneojo, Gadzama John Joseph andEdeh Richard Emmanuel.The study was conducted to evaluate the clinico-pathological changes associated with sub-acute administration of defatted Moringa oleifera seed meal (DMOSM) in Wistar rats. Eight adult male Wistar rats were divided into two groups of 4 rats. Group I rats served as the control while group II were administered DMOSM at 480 mg/kg for 28 days. Rats were weighed on days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 respectively. Extraction of Moringa oleifera seeds was done using the non-solvent mechanical cold press method and phytochemical analysis of the defattedMoringa oleifera seed cake was performed using standard procedures.Blood samples were collected from sacrificed animals at day 28 and analyzed for haemato-biochemical parameters. Tissue sections of the liver, kidney and brain were harvested at necropsy and processed for histopathological studies using standard methods. Results showed that 81.71 g oil was extracted and 441.04 g of the seed cake was obtained from 522.750 g of Moringa oleifera ground seed using non-solvent mechanical cold press method. Phytochemical compounds present in the DMOSM were alkaloids, reducing sugars, cardiac glycosides and saponins. There was a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in the mean body weight of rats administered DMOSM at days 21 (153.5±6.82) and 28 (155.8±6.37) compared to the control (185.0±6.25) and (191.4±6.04) respectively.Also, significant (P < 0.05) reduction in serum creatinine in the test rats (25.25±1.93) compared to the control (64.00±11.60) as well as significant (P < 0.05) increase serum phosphate level also in the test group (4.64±0.46) compared to the control (3.27±0.24) were observed. Results obtained showed that defatted Moringa oleifera seeds meal possess phytoconstituents with useful and antinutrients properties. There were no remarkable toxic effects on most parameters investigated except those reflecting reduction in body weight of the rats. The seeds are safe if defatted and processed adequately as feed supplements.
Reconditioning of the Railways through Welding[Full-Text ] Gabriel Gârleanu, Delia Gârleanu, Claudia BordaThese instructions give The article presents a new technology of mechanized reconditioning through the welding of the driveways, with or without channel, used for the transportation of passengers/goods or in the industry for the technological bridges. The loading technology is based on a welding facility with a mechanical detector. The loading can be achieved both on the driving horizontal surface but also on the lateral guiding surface. The welding process chosen is of MAG type with tubular wire with/ without protection gas. The value of the hardness of the deposited material and in the head affected area is within the imposed limits. From the metallographic items included in the article it can be noted the depth of penetration at the loading of the horizontal surface and the appearance of the railways' side area before and after loading. There have been used 3 types of fillers, 2 manganese steels, 1 loe steel alloyed with Cr. The advantages of this technology are given by the possibility of local loading of the driveways, as well as the increase of the service life of approximately 2-3 times.
A Study on Window Configuration to Enhance Daylight Performances on Working Space of an Architect’s Office in Chittagong[Full-Text ] Ali Akbar RazonDaylighting is a part of built forms throughout architectural history. Before the 1940s, daylight was the main light source in buildings; artificial lights supplemented the natural light. In last 20 years, artificial lighting avail the capability to transform the workplace visually exciting meeting most of the requirements of lighting for occupants. In Chittagong many office buildings are exist without window or windows. In case of having windows, the windows are not used as a source of natural light during day time. Most of the time working spaces in offices are fully dependent on artificial lighting system which may cause vision-related problems, such as eye fatigue, other health complaints related to temperatures or noise, impatient to work, fluctuation and mental problem. In some cases due to sizes and placement of windows are not capable to provide enough light or no light because of surrounding buildings and lack of sufficient distance from building to buildings. The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of day lighting for office work and to provide or ensure more natural light in interior space of architect’s office. For my research daylight intensity inside interior spaces will be simulated using Ecotect/Radiance/Daysim and will be evaluated with changing different design options (such as varying window sizes, orientations and positions) of the build form for achieving effective daylighting in interior space of the architect’s office. It is expected that the outcome of the research will demonstrate use of daylight to improve human performance, to change the state for better health, and to boost work efficiency in office. The research will also demonstrate impact of daylight use on energy efficiency of buildings and work efficiency of architects at office.
Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh with Anti Blood Pressure Potential – A PIXE Analysis[Full-Text ] Shirin Akter, M. Monjur Ahasan, Md. Joynal Abedin, Rajada Khatun, Md. Fakhar Uddin, Ashrafun Nahar MonikaHigh blood pressure is a common disease around the whole world. Stress, obese, lack of physical activity, older age, genetics, healthy food and soda are the main cause of blood pressure. Heart disease, stroke, kidney diseases may in the risk due to high blood pressure. Naturally occurring medicinal plants and herbs have hypotensive or antihypertensive potential. In this regards, some medicinal herbs and spices samples were collected from various places in Bangladesh. The samples were irradisted by 3 MV Van de Graaff Accelerator at Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka (AECD) using Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) technique. The elements that were found to be present in these samples are: P (223 to 760), K (10537 to 47007), Ca (11239 to 50507), Mn (22 to 1128), Fe (202 to 918), Cu (7 to 63) and Zn (26 to 135) ppm. High blood pressure can be controlled by maintaining a proper lifestyle and healthy balanced diet.
Resilient Collaborative Cloud Management in Mobile Environments[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Khalifa, Mohamed Azab, Bassem Mokhtar, Mohamed EltoweissyWe are witnessing exponential growth in the number of powerful, independendant, multiply-connected, energy-rich stationary and mobile computing devices.We claim that cloud computing can be realized over such potentially scattered infinite pool of resources. However, Given the contemporary resource-allocation, virtilization-management, and task-management mechanisms supporting modern clouds, it is impossible to construct a cloud that can autonomously adapt to such real-time dynamic variation of heterogeneously-composed potentially- mobile resources. To this end, we propose CoCloud, a comprehensive collaborative cloud management platform, for enabling both resource-infinite computing paradigm over stationary and mobile nodes, and a true on-demand cloud computing. A reference model is presented to reflect CoCloud ability to serve different service delivery models. CoCloud’s Global Resource Positioning System (GRPS) employs a global mobile and stationary resource discovery and monitoring to globally position active resources based on a dynamic spatiotemporal calendar. GRPS provides dynamic real-time scheduling, forecasting and tracking of idle, mobile and stationary, resources. Resources are provisioned through CoCloud’s smart Virtualization Management Layer (VML). VML fractionizes a user’s application; employs a vast number of dynamic, resource-aware micro virtual machines to encapsulate such fractions and facilitate capsule hosting on matching cloud hardware resources. Such employment enables seamless execution over heterogeneous resources, lightweight load migration, and low cost of failure. Using analysis and simulations, results show that CoCloud can guarantee reliable resource provisioning, transparently maintaining applications’ QoS, and preventing service disruption in highly dynamic environments. Also, CoCloud resource collaboration enhances both application performance and management overhead by reducing the number of inter-host VM migrations as well as the communication delay.
FLOW BANDWIDTH MLWDF FOR LTE DOWNLINK TRANSMISSION[Full-Text ] Chidiebere Chidume, Obinna Nnamani, Augustine Ajibo, Joseph M. MomLong term evolution (LTE) Network is often faced with the challenge of meeting up with the quality of service (QoS) requirement of the different services supported in the Network. Maintaining a trade-off between system throughput and fairness among users when making radio resources scheduling decisions is very sensitive and problematic to most scheduling schemes. One of well-known packet schedulers known as Modified Largest weight delay first (MLWDF) algorithm is known to support both real time and non-real time services. This algorithm has been found not to support real time services at a sufficient level.
INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC RESIDUE OF Typha domingensis ON SOME PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF UNIVERSITY FARM, GUBI/BAUCHI, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] U.F. HASSAN, E.O. EKANEM, H.M. ADAMU, N. VONCIR AND H.F. HASSANStudies were carried out on soil samples obtained from the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University farm, Gubi/Bauchi, Nigeria to determine the influence of the organic residue of Typha domingensis of the soil samples. The treatments were laid in complete randomized design with three replications and incubated at 350 C for 15, 30 and 45 days. Neither water nor the organic residue of the noxious Typha domingensis was added to the control soil samples (0 day incubation period). Each of the treatments consists of 2.00 kg of soil sample incubated with 300.00 g of the organic residue of the plant. 100.00 cm3 of water was added to each of the replicated treatments daily. At the end of the specified incubation periods, samples were taken separately from each treatment and used for chemical analyses using standard analytical methods. Results obtained showed variations in the ranged values of bulk density (1.363 ± 0.017 to 1.424 ± 0.004 g/cm3), pH (H2O) (7.93 ± 0.05 to 8.05 ± 0.06), pH (CaCl2) (7.73 ± 0.05 to 8.10 ± 0.00), exchangeable sodium (0.72 ± 0.01 to 1.85 ± 0.13 cmol/kg), calcium (7.34 ± 0.01 to 43.92 ± 0.27 cmol/kg) and magnesium (1.35 ± 0.02 to 7.54 ± 0.02 cmol/kg) respectively. The addition of the organic residue of Typha domingensis was however found to have decreased the level of the total exchangeable acidity (TEA) possibly due to the high concentration of calcium. The total exchangeable acidity (TEA) unlike the other parameters determined was not statistically affected (p ≤ 0.05) by the varied incubation periods as indicated by Single Factor Analysis of Variance and the Least Significant Difference Test. The organic residue of Typha domingensis is therefore a moderate liming material and it is recommended that incubating it for 45 days is adequate for the soil sample investigated.
Nature Inspired Biological Computing (NIBC) Algorithm to Provide Quality of Service in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET)[Full-Text ] Komal Mehta (Bhagat), Dr. P. R. Bajaj, Dr. Latesh MalikVehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) will be solely focuses on to provide communication among moving vehicles till 2020. There is variety of wireless sources available to communicate during travelling. Also they transfer different size of files so to provide Quality of Service (QoS) there is a need of routing protocol which support variety of data transmission rate. This paper purposes Nature Inspired Biological Computing (NIBC) based routing algorithms which provide QoS. Three algorithms are proposed, which are based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), NIBC techniques. Five performance parameters are selected to check the quality of service, theses are: packet delivery ratio, packet drop ratio, control overhead, average delay and throughput. NS2.34 is selected to carry out the simulations for variable transmission rates and variable speed. Results shown that NIBC techniques are more appropriate for handling the issues of VANET like: high mobility, rapid topology change and un-deterministic conditions.
Trend of Fast Food Consumption Among College Girls[Full-Text ] YousraShami, MrsFahima FatimaBackground: This study aims to contribute the revealing factors that are related to fast food preference, consumption pattern and expenditure among college girl. Objectives:To study fast food preference, consumption, expenditure, and perceptions among college girls and to find out the association between the perception of fast food with the frequency of fast food consumption among college girls.