Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017.
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Applying Active Dynamic Signage System in Complex Underground Construction[Full-Text ] Hsiao-Mei Lin, Shuo-Hung Chen, Jim Kao, Yung-Ming Lee, Gary Li-Kai Hsiao, Ching-Yuan LinIn the event of emergency evacuations in large-scale public buildings, the complexity and capacity of the building are factors that prolong the egress time for the public and hinder the management of the risks pertinent to the evacuation route. Therefore, improving the effectiveness of a signage system for emergency evacuation is crucial. A previous study which was designated by E.R. Galea, developed an Active Dynamic Signage System for directing people toward safety exits according to the surrounding environment. In this study, we used the Dr.Galea’sprevious experimental result of different signage systems as the basis for setting the parameters of an evacuation simulation software program. After verifying the consistency of the simulation and previous experimental results, we applied the same parameter configuration to a more complex setting and simulated the smoke spread situation by using Fire Dynamics Simulator. This study investigated the difference between conventional signage systemsand Active Dynamic Signage System. Given that the origin of the fire is at the same point, we also examined the effectiveness of these two systems in evacuating people through different emergency exists and their effect on the safety of the evacuees.
Magnetic nanoparticles covalently functionalized with oleoyl chloride[Full-Text ] Ana Fossati, Micaela Lozzia, Miriam Martins Alho and Silvia E. JacoboIn this work, different conditions for the synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (P) covalent functionalized are presented. These modifications were made in order to fix the magnetic material in an organic matrix by copolymerization reaction. A simple strategy of acid chloride chemistry for the modification of nanoparticles surface (FPi) is proposed. The process includes an ultrasound-supported addition in non-aqueous media to obtain iron oxide nanoparticles with organic chains covalently bonded to its surface coated. The structure and morphology of the prepared P and composite materials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and the thermal stability (TG). The magnetic functionalized nanoparticles (FPi) can be easily included in a co-polymerization with styrene to prepare composite materials (FPi-PS). Morphological analysis of these composites confirms a homogeneous dispersion of the function-alized nanoparticles attached to the organic matrix.
Economic Evaluation of Micro-Grid System (On/Off Grid): Egyptian Case Study[Full-Text ] Mahmoud A.Fouad, M.A.Badr, M.M.IbrahimThe basic objective of this study is to reach the optimal sizes of micro-grid components, investigating technical and economic performance, taking into consideration the environmental impacts. In the intended case study, the proposed micro grid supplies two small factories; installed in a farm as a case study, with electricity, both on-grid and off-grid modes are investigated. The micro-grid comprises wind turbines, photovoltaic modules, and diesel generator and battery bank. The electrical energy generated from the micro-grid required to cover the estimated load pattern; with a peak of 76 kW, of the applied case study. To evaluate system economy two criteria are used; the net present cost and the cost of generated electricity. The sustainability of supplying the load is an indicator of the system technical performance measured by the percentage of power shortage. The most feasible system components for the selected application are obtained; based on required parameters, using HOMER simulation package. The results showed that Wind/Photovoltaic (W/PV) on-grid system is more economic than Wind/Photovoltaic/Diesel/Battery (W/PV/D/B) off-grid system as the cost of generated electricity in case of on-grid is 0.266 $/kWh while the second is 0.316 $/kWh. Taking into consideration the cost of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, the off-grid system will be competitive to the on-grid and more economic than diesel generators (DG) system as the calculated cost of energy is found to be (0.266, 0.257 and 0.345$/kWh), for grid connected, off grid, and diesel systems. Some of the previously reviewed studies discussed stand alone Renewable Energy (RE) micro-grid and others investigated grid connected system. But none of the reviewed papers compared between the two cases; on-grid and off-grid ''RE micro-grid systems''. The current study presents the comparison between the two cases from an economic point of view.
Formulation, characterization and in-vivo evaluation of curcumin-loaded organically modified (ORMOSIL) nanoparticles for cancer therapy[Full-Text ] Sonia Tyagi, Deepak Yadav, Swati Omanwar and Javed A. FarooqiThe potential health benefits of curcumin taken orally are limited due to its poor absorption and bioavailability. Therefore the aim of the present study was to improve the bioavailability and aqueous solubility of curcumin without compromising on its biological activities by preparing the silica nanoparticles doped with curcumin and to study the anticancer potential of the curcumin doped silica nanoparticles. Keeping in view its importance, the curcumin was embedded in the silica nanoparticles prepared by reaction of Tween-20, 1-Butanol, triethoxyvinylsilane and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane using water as solvent.
Groundwater Potential Mapping using Remote Sensing and GIS in Rift Valley Lakes Basin, Weito Sub Basin, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Bereket Bezabih BasheConventional groundwater exploration methods, though they deliver higher quality results of varied scale, tend to be time consuming and expensive endeavors. The use of remotely sensed data and geographic information systems opens up the possibility to harness information of vast spatial and temporal scale, analyze, and manage it efficiently. In this paper, remotely sensed data along with geologic maps and discrete rainfall data are used to develop groundwater potential map for Weito watershed in the rift valley lake basin(RVLB) in Ethiopia. Thematic layers of rainfall, land use, slope, soil, lithology, drainage, lineament and geomorphology were developed. PCI Geomatica software is used for land use classification and lineament extraction from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS multispectral images. ArcGIS 10.0 and its extensions are used to develop slope and geomorphologic maps from SRTM 30m DEM and digitize existing geologic maps. Soil data from ISRIC’s soilgrids database at 250m resolution for the top 200cm is used to develop soil map for the watershed. Weights are assigned to the layers using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and overlay analysis in ArchGis used to develop the groundwater potential map. The results show 1, 15 and 23 per cent of the watershed classified as excellent, very good or good respectively, while the remaining 60 per cent of the land area is either poor or very poor groundwater potential.
Application of Modified Atmospheric Packaging to Reduce FoodWaste: A Study with Cooked Rice[Full-Text ] Anurag Kulshreshtha, RichaThis paper deals with a new and innovative idea of active packaging to increase the shelf life of cooked food, to reduce the wastage of food due to unfavourable storage conditions. An innovative method of MODIFIED ATMOSPHERIC PACKAGING “MAP” is introduced in this article. Here we also explore the problem and remedies of wastage, spoliation and damage of cooked food. This paper contains a statistical significance of study of food spoilage in domestic, social & hospitality sector, which are based on available reports. As we know packaging must be safe, efficacious and as per consumer convenience, so we suggest a specially designed food container incorporated with active packaging, which will help to enhance the shelf life of food in order to supply the food to ultimate consumer. Shelf life of cooked food enhancing up to 6 to 12 hours in initial study with cooked rice and cooked vegetables without curry under normal ambient temperature and humidity conditions with specially designed food preservative container. Major scavengers were used for this trial like special oxygen scavengers, activated carbon, natural zeolites and moisture absorbing scavengers. Food preservative container is also having facility to maintain the temperature of cooked food with gas or chilling/hot water circulation system in between two layers of food preservative container.
Effective utilization of Multi Objective Function with the aid of Artificial Bee Colony for Turning on CNC Lathes[Full-Text ] Prasad K K, Dr. D ChaudharyThe significant intention of this research work is to predict optimal tuning parameters like cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and nose radius for minimized surface roughness, maximized material removal rate and minimized tool wear for three different materials namely Inconel718, Hastelloy276 and Monel400 with coated and uncoated carbide turning inserts for CNC lathes. To operate this tedious process in manual consumes enormous time for computing; to conserve this time consumption without compromising its outcome, optimization techniques take part for the betterment. Optimizations techniques involve in this process are Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Cuckoo Search (CS) for the betterment of further improvement in prediction with already proved mathematical model. It is clear that in all material, the optimal tuning parameters attain from the proposed ABC technique, it is quite evident that the proposed ABC technique behave literally and it attain superior result than PSO and CS.
A Comparison of Three Machine Learning Methods for Amazigh POS Tagging[Full-Text ] Samir Amri, Lahbib Zenkouar, Mohamed OutahajalaPart of speech tagging (POS tagging) has a crucial role in different fields of natural language processing (NLP) including Speech Recogni-tion, Natural Language Parsing, Information Retrieval and Multi Words Term Extraction. This paper describes a set of experiments involving the application of three state-of the-art part-of-speech taggers to Amazigh texts, using a tagset of 28 tags. The taggers showed encourageous performance, in particular having problems with unknown words. The best results were obtained using a decision tree approach, whille CRF and SVM based taggers got comparable results.
A Comparison of Three Machine Learning Methods for Amazigh POS Tagging[Full-Text ] Samir Amri, Lahbib Zenkouar, Mohamed OutahajalaPart of speech tagging (POS tagging) has a crucial role in different fields of natural language processing (NLP) including Speech Recogni-tion, Natural Language Parsing, Information Retrieval and Multi Words Term Extraction. This paper describes a set of experiments involving the application of three state-of the-art part-of-speech taggers to Amazigh texts, using a tagset of 28 tags. The taggers showed encourageous performance, in particular having problems with unknown words. The best results were obtained using a decision tree approach, whille CRF and SVM based taggers got comparable results.
Effect of the combination among compost , bioagents and soil solarization on management of strawberry Verticillium wilt[Full-Text ] Abada K. A,EmanO.HassanIsolation trials from strawberry plants showing mainly wilt symptoms grown at Behera, Ismailia, Menofia, Kalubia and Giza governorates yielded Alternaria spp., F.oxysporum , F.solani, Rhizoctonia solani and Verticillium dahliae. Pathogenicity test of the five isolates of V.dahliae revealed that they caused wilt symptoms and Ismailia isolate was the most virulent one. Five isolates of Bacillus spp., i.e. Bacillus coagulans , B.pumilus ,B.megaterium, B.subtilis and B. thuringiensis and two isolates of Pseudomonas spp., i.e. P. fluorescens and P.putida were isolated from the rhizospheric soil of apparently healthy strawberry plants grown in a field have severe infection by Verticillium wilt and screened for their efficacy against V.dahliae, in vitro and in vivo experiments. In general, P.fluorescens followed by Bacillus subtilis were the most efficient in reducing the linear growth of the pathogenic fungus. Culture filtrate of B.subtilis and P.fluorescens as well as the aqueous filtrate of compost resulted in significant reduction to the germinated conidiospores of the causal fungus compared with the control . This reduction was gradually increased by increasing the tested concentration. In addition, culture filtrate of the compost was more efficient than the culture filtrate of the tested bioagents.
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties, Microhardness, and Impact Energy of H13 Alloy Steel[Full-Text ] Ubeidulla F. Al-QawabehaAISI H13 tool steel is applied widely to produce many kinds of hot work dies, such as forging dies, extrusion dies, and die-casting dies. The hardness of AISI H13 tool steel varies with its application for different type of dies. For this type of alloy steel it is worth to investigate the effect of heat treatment process on its impact energy at room temperature, microhardness, microstructure, and mechanical characteristics. AISI H13 tool steel specimens were machined using CNC milling and lathe machines to the recommended standard in order to conduct the tensile, impact, microhardness and microstructure tests. All tests were performed before and after heat treatment process, where four regimes of austenite temperature namely; 980 °C, 1010 °C, 1040 °C and 1070 °C were conducted. After hardening and tempering it was found that the maximum enhancement in the U.T.S of about 277.6% at 1040 °C, it is also found that there is an enhancement in microhardness as the austenite temperature increased, and the maximum enhancement was 88.9 % that attained at 1070 °C, Furthermore, there is an enhancement on the impact energy of 117.6% that achieved at 980 °C.
Towards Better Environmental Performance: A Framework for IMS[Full-Text ] Ahmad Ezzat, Sherif Bahi, Tarek NasreldeenOver the past decades, quality management, environmental management / performance, occupational health and safety and sustainable products have become one of the main concerns of organizations managers. Integration of management systems is the way to overcome the drawbacks of separate implementation. This paper proposes a framework for the integration of different management systems and developing an evaluation method for the degree of implementation of different management practices that cover different stakeholder’s requirement, sustainability management and the degree of integration of different management systems. On the other hand an evaluation method for the degree of products sustainability produced from such integrated system, considering the environmental, economical, and social impacts of the products upon life-cycle. To do so, mathematical tools that allow assessing the weight of different items of the framework starting with the degree of integration and implementation of different management practices was proposed. also the degree of sustainability of the products. In this study fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) methodology is used to determine the relative importance of each element and sub elements in the framework. The weight of elements and sub elements in the framework is based on pairwise comparison of the elements in the framework with the help of expert in the field studied. This methodology does not require the generation of rules which simplify the process and makes it more precise. This study helps organizations to evaluate the real level of integration of different management systems, stakeholder’s requirement and sustainability management. Also recognizing the differences between the desired and current status of implementation of different management practices. Moreover the evaluation of the degree of products sustainability. These evaluation methods identify the improvement areas and develop the strategies for the sustainable development implementation.
Plant communities in the vicinity of the industrial areas of Korangi and Landhi in Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Syed Atiq-ur-Rehman, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Phytosociological studies were carried in the verge of Korangi and Landhi industrial locations of Karachi. The vegetation was herbaceous, shrubs and principally dispersed in character. Fifteen plant communities focused on the composition, structure and distribution of species were determined. Most of the plant communities in the proximity of industrial zones had low number of plant species as compared to less polluted site of Karachi University Campus. Highest numbers of species were recorded in Abutilon and Amaranthus-Prosopis communities around industrial regions, whereas Salsola community had particularly reduced species numbers. Importance value index of whole the species were calculated and eleven leading dominant species were recognized in the industrial areas. Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet, Corchorus trilocularis L., Corchorus depressus (L.) Stocks and Prosopis juliflora Swartz were found in noticeable number in the communities. A. indicum had strong association with Corchorus spp, P. juliflora and Tribulus terrestris L. at Industrial sites. P. juliflora were representing well connection with Heliotropium ophioglossum Boiss, Orygia decumbens Forssk, Chloris barbata Sw., Trianthema portulacastrum L. at Karachi University site. Therefore, it is observed that A. indicum was markedly dominant plant species in the surrounding of industrial estates while P. juliflora was particularly dominant species at the University Campus.
Height, cover and number of leaves of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de-Wit in Soils of Korangi and Landhi Industrial Areas of Karachi and University of Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Syed Atiq-ur-Rehman, Muhammad Zafar IqbalThe effects of soil of industrial areas of Korangi and Landhi and Karachi University campus on growth of Albizia lebbeck (L.) benth. and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de-Wit was conducted as compared to Garden soil (control soil). There were two separate experiments. In the first experiments, plant height, circumference and no. of leaves of both plants were evaluated in merely 50% soil of Khan Towel, Tanveer garment, One Tech Rubber and One Tech Ply board factories as compared to Karachi University soil (control). In second experiments, same growth parameters of both plants were assessed in different soils compositions (25%, 50% and 75%) of the same factories and Karachi University soils as related to garden soil (control). Soil characters (coarse sand, water holding capacity, organic matter, calcium carbonate, soil pH, total soluble salts and available sulfate) and soil heavy metals (copper, zinc and chromium) were analyzed in factories soil, Karachi University soil and garden soil and compared with growth of plants.
Observing the Universe through colors (blue and red shift)[Full-Text ] Weitter DuckssSunsets are represented as the events of particular beauty, because one can in a short period of time see all of the spectrum colors, with red always at the end. The covering of Earth, or atmosphere, acts like a prism. The colors change due to the curvature of Earth and its atmosphere, too, and because of the length of passing through the prism (also, Sun and Moon appear to be at their full size at sunrise and sunset). The longest wave passing through the atmosphere, which results in the lowest intensity or force of the waves, produces beautiful nuances of red. This occurrence takes place both in the morning and in the evening, therefore the Doppler effect as the only explanation can be ruled out, because in the mornings there is a decrease of distance, which is the situation opposite to the one, occurring in the evenings.
DETECTION OF SOFTWARE REFACTORABILITY THROUGH SOFTWARE CLONES WITH DIFFRENT ALGORITHMS[Full-Text ] Ritika Rani, Pooja sachdevaIn software programs if the code is similar to each other or we can say if the code is copied then it is called clones, we can also used the term of replication or redundancy for it. Every researcher have purposed a different definitions of clones according to him .we also use the term of duplicate code for it.
Agricultural Zones Change and Availability of Food Crops on the Plateau of Allada in South-Benin[Full-Text ] Naboua KOUHOUNDJI, Luc O. SINTONDJI, Vincent J. MAMA, Expédit W. VISSIN, Georges A. AGBAHUNGBAThe goal of this survey is to understand the evolutions undergone by the agricultural zones of the plateau of Allada between 2002 and 2014 in the perspective of a sustainable agriculture. This geomorphologic space of Benin, with a surface of 2,037 km2, welcome a population of 717,813 inhabitants in 2013, either a density of 352 habitants/km2. The agricultural production is essentially rainfed. It is taking more and more space. Then, it is convenient to analyze the rhythm of extension to help towards consequent decision making. Thus, the landsat satellite images ETM+ 2002 and OLI 2014 have been used. They are completed by the topographic map, sector of Porto-Novo. By analyzing the results, the agricultural spaces of the plateau of Allada occupied a surface of 144,332 ha in 2014, either 71% of the hole space. It means there was a growth of 7% in comparison to 2002. 108,334 ha remained in culture or small fallow during 12 years. Therefore, about 36,000 ha constituted the result of the gains and losses on other land use units. In terms of gains, 17,629 ha of forests disappeared between 2002 and 2014 in the profit of agricultural zones. During the same period, the growth of the population had more lowered the availabilities of life crops. For example, 106 kg of available corn per inhabitant/yr in 2002 passed to 65 kg/inhabitant/yr in 2014, whereas according to the norms of the FAO, it should be of 134 kg/inhabitant/yr. then, it urges to intensify the production of food crops.
Social Network Analysis of Hadith Narrator(Case Study: Shahih Hadith of Imam Bukhari from Software Ensiklopedi Hadits Kitab 9 Imam)[Full-Text ] Sekti Kartika Dini, Muhammad Nur Aidi, Bagus SartonoThis research was about narrators data of shahih hadith Imam Bukhari data from software Ensiklopedi Hadits Kitab 9 Imam was created by Lidwa Pusaka. The purpose of the research was to got the central narrators and the central country life of narrators in shahih Bukhari book. The central narrators and the central country life of narrators was be determined with graph on Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA was a data mining technique in connecting several interrelated objects through graphs. The narrators had major role (good centrality) was Syu’bah bin Al Hajjah and Muhammad bin Muslim bin ‘Ubaidillah. The central country life of narrators was Bahrah and Kufah in Iraq and Medina in Sudi Arabia.
A Review of Current Indian Power Sector-Demand, Losses and Suggested Method for Improvement[Full-Text ] Shantanu RawatIn order to satisfy the high demand of electricity we need to achieve the large scale, long distance and high-efficiency transmission. For the development of strong transmission across the country, we need to analyse the current Energy Resources, Demand, Transmission and Distribution system in India .As India is rich in all kind of natural resources. A good electric supply is one of the main requirements to support the overall development hence we required to know the different electric region which supplies the electricity throughout the country. This paper start with the analyse of the existing data and issues of India’s electricity transmission. Finally, strategies to reduce losses and improve the electric transmission and distribution system of India will be taken into account.
Confronting gender based violence: Gender stereotyping and its im-pact and consequences for women within the Caribbean and partic-ularly Trinidad and Tobago and the need for reform of policy and the law to afford greater protection to women[Full-Text ] Candice Stephens Gender based violence is a global phenomenon affecting millions of people around the world including women, men, girls and boys, however in most cases women and girls are the primary targets of such violence. The problem is particularly acute within the Caribbean and has a high prevalence rate within the context of Trinidad and Tobago where women and girls appear to be the primary targets of domestic and sexual violence. While much legislation exists on the issue of gender based violence in Trinidad and Tobago, there is a deeper need to question why such violence occurs in order to find plausible solutions to the problem which would have the overall impact of informing legislative and policy reform. There are several theories which offer a rationale for the occurrence of this problem including the social theory, the general strain theory and pro-feminist theories which offer insight into why such problems occur. However in most cases and particularly within the context of Trinidad and Tobago, such violence is often perpetrated as a result of deeply entrenched gender norms and gender stereotyping which perpetuates the problem. Confronting these gender stereotypes and gender norms is therefore critical in offering a plausible way forward in addressing this issue. Interventions suggested within this research paper therefore are focused primarily on challenging negative stereotypes on the concept of masculinity and femininity which are deeply rooted in patriarchal ways of thinking and exploring how these concepts have led to negative consequences for women, men, boys and girls and seeking to transform these concepts within society through policy and law reform.
Analysis of Hybrid Model based on Energy and Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing Techniques[Full-Text ] Ramandeep Kaur and Sakshi SharmaSpectrum sensing is the essential requirement of Cognitive Radio (CR) which enables to find the spectrum which is free to be used by the secondary users when the primary users are not using it. Cognitive Radio is a technology which is designed to help the unlicensed users for utilizing available certified bandwidth. It is the solution for solving the inefficiency problem of the radio spectrum. There are some techniques such as the matched filter detection , energy detection , cyclostationary feature detection for sensing spectrum in case of Cognitive Radio.
Impact of the Emission Fluorescent Dyes Properties and Radiation heat transfer on Cotton Knitted Fabrics[Full-Text ] Dr. Faten Ajeeb, Mhd. Ghaith Burhani, Alaa KhsaraNowadays fluorescent dye is the one of the functional dyes sensitive by light, it absorbs energy from the light beam, and gives a clearly light in the very dark places. Functional dyes are very useful in various differentiated fields. Such as medical diagnostic, biochemical. Fluorescent dyes have also been used for the construction of lasers, photoelectric cells, and solar batteries. It also used in some kinds of innovation textile production. In this work fluorescent dyes are used for indicate the emission time of the printed cloth where the change in the time lighting and printed area, the emission time of the printed cloth increased in the biggest area and longest time. Identify through search that the radiation heat transfer of the fluorescent printed fabric surface increased about (15%) when the temperature increased about (12 K), and the decay time also increased, due to the increases of the absorbed energy. But in another hand, the fluorescent dye life time has been decreased with lighting time increased, the reduction can reach (0.6%) when the lighting time has increased (100%). These results can give a good properties for the cloth that is printed by fluorescent dyes as the final uses.
Knowledge, belief and practice of interventions to contain antimicrobial resistance among nurses in Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Jamil Lukman Ahmad, Bello Arkilla MagajiBackground: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) continued to be a major public health problem worldwide. The present study assessed the knowledge, belief and practice of intervention to contain AMR among nurses in Sokoto state, Northwestern Nigeria.
An Analysis of Factors in the Rise of Buddhist-Catholic Marriages in Vietnam[Full-Text ] Tran DuyHieuTheresearch analyses major factors in the recent rise of Buddhist-Catholic marriages in Vietnam. Following a brief introduction to the religions in Vietnam, it provides a historical overview of Buddhist-Catholic relations, discussing the major political events that influenced them. The researchalso presents the first recorded case of a Buddhist-Catholic marriage in Vietnam and the increase of Buddhist-Catholic marriages in contemporary Vietnam, particularly in Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Nai province. The revival of religions, the effect of the model of secular government on religion, the impact of immigration waves to the South, and a change of popular attitudes towards traditional family life are four main factors that make the increase of Buddhist-Catholic marriages in relation to modern development in Vietnamese society.
Variation of Knit Dyed Fabric Quality on Different Percentage of Silicon Softener[Full-Text ] Md. Shahidul Islam, Md. Mofizur Rahman Sazal, Md. Mazedul Islam RiponThis research was carried out to observe the effect of knit dyed fabric quality on different silicon softener percentage. Three different percentage of silicon softener was applied on the single jersy lacoste medium shade in the padder of the squeezer machine. Then fabric is dried in the dryer and stentoring accordingly. Finally spirality, Shrinkage and bursting strength test was done for each sample. It has been observed that spirality, shrinkage and bursting strength is increased with the increasing percentage of silicon. Beside this fastness result of the fabric was also observed. Though fastness of the fabric not varies much, but the increasing rate of rubbing fastness was noticeable. Final shade has been observed and compared in the spectophometer. It has been found that the shade become reddish and less saturated with the increasing rate of silicon softener.
Role of Public and Private Schools in the Development of IQ among Elementary Students[Full-Text ] Maryyam Batool, Dr. Muhammad Arshad Dahar, M. Iftikhar AliThe present study aimed at investigating the role of public and private schools in the development of IQ among elementary students. It was necessarily a descriptive research in nature that was conducted among the 56 elementary students of two selected public and private schools in a metropolitan area of Pakistan. An IQ testwas developed after pilot testing and was employed for collecting data. The findings of this study highlighted a strong role of an academe in the development of IQ among elementary students. However, the private school was found more keen towards the development of IQ among itsstudents than the public school. The study persuasively recommends that every school must pave the way towards the development of IQ among elementary students in order to boost their self-reliance, morale and prepare them for the future challenges in life.
Design Considerations for Implementing a Vir-tual Learning Environment in Sultan Kudarat State University[Full-Text ] Alex N. Remegio Jr, Filmann T. Simpao, Florlyn Mae CabangThis study examined the current status of three interrelated areas in designing and implementing a virtual learning environment: (a) university’s technical capability, (b) students’ technological readiness, and (c) the instructors’ technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) used to provide practical recommendations for effective and convenient deployment of online education in Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU). The study is conducted by means of a survey and is participated by one ICT dean, 194 students and 10 instructors. The result of the survey on the university’s e-learning capability proved that the respondents are satisfactorily ready to engage in the VLE in spite of problems related to the university’s technical capability. However, it is viewed that the VLE is a new technology in the context of SKSU that needs to address issues related to awareness on the implementation. Moreover, it is observed that the current ICT infrastructure needs to be revisited in order to meet the minimum necessary requirements for the integration of the VLE in the university.
Big-Five Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention: A Heuristic Model for Hospital Nurses in Japan[Full-Text ] Igor MilovanovicJapanese population is rapidly ageing. Thus, there is an increased demand for nurses in Japan. However, one of the common problems in nursing is a relatively high rate of occupational withdrawal, or turnover. Past studieson personality, work attitudes, and work behaviors, although being profoundly conducted across occupations and cultures, neglected the effects of personal dispositions on turnover. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to integrate the available knowledge into one conceptual framework, by focusing on the five-factor model of personality traits, or the Big-Five, job satisfaction as one of the main work attitudes, and turnover intention, as a direct predecessor of employee withdrawal behavior. Specifically, we attempted to explain plausible direct effects the Big-Five personality traits might have on turnover intention, as well as the mediating role of job satisfaction. A tentative model is proposed and the research implications are discussed.
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Flexurally Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plates[Full-Text ] Dr. Hassanien Mohammed ThiyabThis study presents a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model suitable for the analysis of reinforced concrete beams flexurally strengthened with CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) plates under static load using the ANSYS (Analysis SYStem) computer package. The eight-node iso-parametric brick elements are used to represent the concrete and the internal reinforcement may be modeled as an additional smeared stiffness distributed through concrete element in a specified orientation. Also, a membrane shell element which has four nodes with three translation degrees of freedom at each node has been used to model the CFRP plate. A Perfect bond is assumed between the elements. Material nonlinearities due to cracking, crushing of the concrete and yielding of the steel reinforcement are taken into consideration during the analysis.
EVALUATIONOF THE CONCENTRATION OF THETRACEELEMENTSINSOIL SAMPLESFROM RIVERS INTHE KHARTOUM STATEIN SUDAN[Full-Text ] Magdi Hassan SaadThis study aims at a systematic measurement of the trace elements concentration in the soil samples for the three rivers in Khartoum (the capital of the Sudan country) state: the Blue Nile , White Nile , Nile river and Tuti island river sides. XRF technique was used to analyze these samples. The Results showed that the Blue Nile has the most highest elements concentration than the White Nile, Nile river and Tuti island. These elements were K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Sr, and Pb with concentrations (17085,31491, 2252, 99759, 17, 406, 50) / ppm, respectively. And the concentration of the elements at east side of the Nile river was higher than the west side, which indicated that Blue Nile deposited most of the elements, confirming that the source of these elements belong to the origin of the Blue Nile at Lake Tana in Ethiopia country.
Disruption of Angiogenesis by Anthocyanin-Rich Extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa[Full-Text ] Madu Joshua, Christiana Okere, O'Donnell Sylvester, Muhammad Yahaya, Omale Precious, Thagriki Dluya, Ji-Yeon Um, Musa Neksumi, Jessica Boyd, Jennifer Vincent-Tyndall, Dong-Won Choo, Diana R. Gutsaeva, and Wan Jin JahngAbnormal vessel formations contribute to the progression of specific angiogenic diseases that include age-related macular degeneration. Adequate vessel growth and maintenance represent the coordinated process of endothelial cell proliferation, matrix remodeling, and differentiation.