Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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A robust mean shift integrating color, GLCM based texture features and frame differencing[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar Sharma, Abhinav Malik, Rajesh RohillaMean shift is a kernel based widely used algorithm for tracking the location of object robustly. Classical mean shift uses color histogram to represent the object. However, the use of only color restricts the algorithm to track the object only in simple cases and it fails in complex situations like illumination changes, occlusion, and abrupt changes in the location of object. To improve the performance of mean shift, some authors have added some features to basic mean shift. As color based target representation is combined with texture-based target representation, based on spatial dependencies and co-occurrence distribution within interest target region for invariant target description, which is computed through so-scaled Haralick texture features, is an efficient mean shift for target tracking in some real world complex conditions. But it still fails, if there are some abrupt changes in the location of object. So a novel algorithm is presented in this work, which is robust to track the object in above mentioned complex situations. It is the combination of color and gray level co-occurrence matrix based texture features along with the use of frame differencing for abrupt motion changing target detection.
A Survey: Over Different Technique for Web Service Recommendation Based On Location Aware and Personalized Collaborative Filtering[Full-Text ] Sumit Thakur, Prof Rahul Sahu, Dr.Vineet RichhariyaThere are a large number of web services available which provides on demand and easy access to the user.so a recommendation system for these services are required that helps user to select optimal web services. In this paper a brief review over the technique which used to provide a recommendation system is presented. There are techniques like content based recommendation, knowledge based recommendation, demographic recommendation, collaborative recommendation is presented. This paper also presents different collaborative-filtering technique that provides accurate and efficient results. Reduce time complexity also.
An Application Programming Interface Based Architectural Design for Information Retrieval in Semantic Organization[Full-Text ] Usman Shafique virk, Zeshan AkhterThe World Wide Web (WWW) allows users to share the information or data from the large database repositories all over the world. In World Wide Web the data is increasing on internet day by day but small amount of data on internet provides us semantic access. It is a great need to have a framework to organize data structurally and in a fast way. The World Wide Web is used as the source of information. The purpose of this research is to make conceptual semantic scraping framework for fast and structured extraction of reusable information from one specific domain. There are many convenient applications that are playing important roles to facilitate users in a specific domain but are not fulfill the desires due to exponential growth of data over internet. It is difficult to retrieve information from unstructured data because of messy Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) pages, cookies check, and data privacy and exponential growth and enormous size of Web sources. In this study, an API based framework for data handling is introduced that extracts the data from targeted sources, organize it semantically and provide it in a structured or tabular format. It makes the process of generating the query related to his/her topic very reliable and convenient.
Adsorption of Dichlorvos in aqueous solution onto Activated Carbon from Canarium Schweinfurthii Seed Shell[Full-Text ] Yilleng Moses Titus, Nathaniel Bahago, Mary Gojeh, Gideon Wyasu and Gimba Casimire EmmanuelActivated carbons were prepared from the agricultural waste Canaruim schweinfurthii seed shell with zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) as chemical activation agents. The activated carbons were prepared by carbonization at 300°C, 350°C, 400°C, 450°C and 500°C for 5, 10 and 15 minutes. The optimum conditions for activated carbon production were evaluated based on the determination of adsorption capacity of Dichlorvos. It was found that the maximum unit capacity for Dichlorvos was 39.42 mg/g at activation temperature of 300°C and activation time of 5minutes with zinc chloride as the activating agent. It was found that the optimum unit capacity for Dichlorvos was 39.08 mg/g at activation temperature of 300°C and activation time of 5 minutes using Phosphoric acid as activating agent. This study showed that both activated carbons produced with zinc chloride and phosphoric acid as activating agent can be utilized as effective matrices for Dichlorvos removal from aqueous medium.
Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Hybrid FRP Composite for Out-of Plane Transverse Loading Using Micro Mechanical Approach[Full-Text ] E. Kavitha, Dr.K.Sivaji Babu, Dr M.R.S. Satyanarayana, Dr.V.Balakrishna MurthyThe present research problem deals with the micromechanical analysis of a unidirectional continuous hybrid fiber-reinforced composite lamina. Three-dimensional models along with governing boundary conditions have been developed from the Representative Volume Elements (RVE) which are idealized as an array of square unit cells. The stress-strain relation in the finite element models takes place according to three-dimensional elasticity theory. The hybrid lamina consists of two different fibers of T-300 and S-GLASS materials, and epoxy matrix. The micromechanical analysis includes the evaluation of mechanical properties of the hybrid lamina at the fiber-matrix interface for perfectly bonded interfaces. In this phase of the work, the out-of-plane transverse Young’s modulus (E3), Poisson’s ratios (?31 and ?32) are determined for a hybrid lamina for different volume fractions of fibers. In this case, the lamina is subjected to uniform pressure load in the out-of-plane transverse direction of the composite lamina and no debond is considered at the fiber-matrix interfaces.
CHARACTERIZATION OF EFFLUENT FROM THE FUELS PLANTS AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO THE OVERALL EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS OF KADUNA REFINERY[Full-Text ] Okwu Paul Iro and Joe NwaedozieEffluent samples were collected from the Fuels Plants (CDU-1, NHU and CRU) of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) as well as Waste Water Treatment plant and the Effluent Outfall to the environment. The physicochemical properties of the Effluents samples were determined using various analytical techniques based on American Society for Testing and Measurement (ASTM) methods. The metals (Mercury, Cadmium, Iron, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Vanadium, and Chromium) were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) method. The study showed that the Conductivities, the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), the Oil and Grease, Sulphide, Temperature and pH of the effluent samples from these fuels plants were higher than the NESREA acceptable standard. Heavy metals concentrations in the effluents samples were also determined. It was observed that mercury, cadmium and lead concentrations were higher than the NESREA limit in the samples from these plants, and therefore contributes heavily to the overall effluent characteristics of the refinery. It was recommended that the treatment of effluent samples for Conductivity, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Oil and grease, pH, Temperature, Sulphide, Mercury, Cadmium and Lead should start at the fuels plants where they are generated. This will reduce contaminants in the effluent at source which will in turn result to increase in efficiency and quality of treatment at the waste water treatment plant.
Small-scale kinetic Alfven waves in the presence of warm and cold magnetized plasma in plasma sheet boundary layer – kinetic approach[Full-Text ] Jaya Shrivastava, Ganpat Ahirwar and Geeta ShrivastavaKinetic Alfven wave has been studied by kinetic approach to evaluate the dispersion relation and damping- rate of small scale Alfven wave in homogenous plasma in both cases (warm and cold electron limit) in plasma sheet boundary layer. Kinetic effects of electrons and ions are included to study kinetic Alfven wave because both are important in the transition region. It is found that the ratio ? of electron thermal energy density to magnetic field energy density and the ratio of ion to electron thermal temperature (Ti/Te) affect the dispersion relation and damping-rate in both cases (warm and cold electron limit). It is predicted that higher k??i >1 are more effective for the bi-Maxwellian distribution, here k? is perpendicular wave number and ?i is the ion gyro radius. The method may be suitable to deal with the PSBL, where particle acceleration is also important along with wave emissions.
Measuring the effects of perceived unethical practices by butchers in livestock red meat on consumer buying behavior in Balochistan- Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Shafiq, Asma Azhar, Nosheen Rafiq, and Jan MuhammadDuring the past two decade, it has been perceived by the consumers that sellers of meat and dairy products are engaged in unethical practices in Balochistan. The purpose of this study was to determine the unethical practices regarding red meat including beef and mutton by the butchers in Balochistan. Primary data collected from the Balochistan through the convenience sampling. On the basis of data, it was results found that issues related to unethical practices are prevalent, causing reduction in sales levels of red meat traders and ultimately rooted a downside impact on the livestock economy of Balochistan.
Soild-Liquid Extraction Kinetics of Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid, Rutin and Tannin Contents in 50% Ethanol Extract of Cotinus coggygria[Full-Text ] Valentina Lubomirova Christova-Bagdassarian, Maria Stefanova Atanassova, Vesna K. Hristova, M. Ayaz AhmadThe use of a natural product with therapeutical properties has a long history. Ethanolic extract of Cotinus coggygria were analyzed for its phytoconstituents show that the dry leaves of Cotinus coggygria are rich in total phenols, total flavonoids, rutin and tannins. Solid–liquid extraction was carried out by 50% aqueous ethanol for 120 min, which gave concentration of total polyphenols and the findings of our present results are within good agreement with the other workers.
Bioremediation of Chromium (VI) In Electroplating Industrial Effluent[Full-Text ] Dr. Pradnya S. RautHeavy metal Cr in +6 oxidation state, introduced from various kinds industrial effluent is extremely toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic in nature. Its direct discharge can contaminate the soils, ground water, sediments and surface waters and creates serious risk to environment which requires immediate attention for getting eco friendly and economical solution for effluent treatment containing Cr(VI). Large quantities of biomaterials have shown efficient uptake of heavy metals as a result of various metabolism for the removal of metals. Chromate reducing bacteria (CRS),Burkholderia sp (CRS-Y2) and Kocuria turfanensis (CRS-R), Microbes-cell and extracellular enzyme secreted by microbes isolated from discharge site of effluent, can be used to achieve bioremediation of toxic chromium(VI).
Rejection of Common-Mode Voltages in ECG Signal by Removing the Ground Electrode[Full-Text ] Nabil Hamza, Lazhar Khriji, Rached TourkiCommon mode voltages rejection in ECG signal becomes a crucial issue. The identification and minimization of these common voltages is necessary to acquire such signal since its level is low (few millivolts) compared to these undesirable common voltages generated by the surrounding environment. We investigate different sources of common voltages coupled to an ECG signal and analyze techniques to reject and mitigate their effects. We propose the elimination of the ground electrode and study its efficiency to reduce common-mode voltages and improve the rejection ratio of the bioamplifier. We provide a qualitative ECG signal acquisition with a sophisticated analog front-end architecture resulting on an accurate ECG signal detection and an improved Common-Mode and Isolation-Mode Rejection: CMR and IMR.
A Novel Architecture Design of Address Generators for BIST Algorithms[Full-Text ] Pabba Pavani, Gaddam Anitha, Jetti Bhavana, J. Praneet RajMemory Built In Self-Test has become a standard Industrial practise. It is used to determine the faults in an Embedded System. Memory BIST Address generators are used to implement addresses with low significant area, less power and high speed based on a set of Multiplexers and Counters. It shows the contribution of the area overhead with low power when compared to BIST’s. This paper analyses and proposed a new architecture with more advantageous properties and implementation aspects of several Address Generators by using a single design. The design is implemented using Xilinx ISE and simulated using Xilinx simulation tool.
Presenteeism: Its Importance, Conceptual Clarifications, and A Working Definition[Full-Text ] Chandani Werapitiya, H.H.D.N.P. Opatha, R.L.S.FernandoAs far as Sri Lanka is concerned, the term Presenteeism seems to be a novel concept though it is a concept being currently researched and discussed particularly in Australia, USA, UK and Europe. According to the literature available in respect of Presenteeism, it has been defined by majority of researchers as that employees work while they are sick and few scholars defined it as working of employees more than the time assigned on a particular job. Also in a recent research paper it has been defined as not fully engaged at work.
Design and Development of Low Cost Nursery Seeder for Cinnamon-Cinnamomum zelanicum[Full-Text ] A.A. Madubasha, K.M.T.S. Bandara, P.L.A.G. Alwis, B.M.S. JinendraProper spacing reduces the competition between plants to acquire nutrients, water, space, light, etc. Plant spacing uniformity begins with the uniformity of seed spacing. However, when practicing conventional manual seeding, maintaining of uniformity distribution of cinnamon seeds in nursery poly bags causes serious difficulties. Therefore, this study developed a cinnamon nursery poly bag seeder to avoid uneven distribution of seeding in conventional seeding practices with acceptable efficiency and low cost. Accordingly, the final prototype was developed by adopting pneumatic type seed metering system.The results revealed that the average time taken for seeding a single nursery poly bag by the conventional manual seeding and the developed seeder was 11.9s and 2.9s where the saving of time with 74.9 % higher. Moreover, the developed seeder was found to be accurate in maintaining even seed distribution within the polybag. Thus, the developed pneumatic type cinnamon poly bag seeder can be proposed as an appropriate tool to replace the existing tedious process of manual seeding in cinnamon cultivations.
OPTIMAL LAND ALLOCATION IN KRISHNA DISTRICT WITHOUT CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN CRISP ENVIRONMENT[Full-Text ] P.S.Srinivas, N. Vijaya Sai, T. HarikrishnaThe agricultural sector’s performance determines overall economic growth, trade expansion, and increased income-earning opportunities. Agriculture planning depends on several resources like availability of land, water, labor, machinery and capital. Land resources have great importance for supporting social and economic development. Due to the limited land resources, determining how to use land rationally and efficiently has been one of the key issues. Agricultural planning problems generally involve multiple goals such as maximizing production, profit, ecological benefit and minimizing expenditure, fertilizer consumption, environmental pollution, etc. These goals are conflicting in nature and it is not possible to maximize or minimize all goals simultaneously. In this article a fertile land in a particular district where the land is very fertile is considered and studied for optimal allocation.
IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION OF TOXIGENIC ALGAL SPECIES FROM URBAN KANO WATER SUPPLY[Full-Text ] Bala, U.B,Indabawa, I.I,Abdullahi,I.LA study of Toxigenic Algal species in Urban Kano Water Supply,Kano, Nigeria was carried out in the months of March 2013 to December 2014. Water sampling investigation procedures, field and laboratory investigations were carried out using the appropriate protocol. The study revealed that the water PH, temperature, nitrate, and phosphate values were 6.55-9.14, 11.11?C- 29.8?C, 0.00-14.30mg/l and 0.01-4.72mg/l respectively. Three classes of algae found included 33.92% Class Bacillariophyceae, 41.63% Class Chlorophyceae, and 24.45% Class Cyanophyceae. Result indicated the growth of algae in the river water was related to pH, Temperature, Nitrate and Phosphate. Statistical analysis of the result indicated a positive correlation and a significant difference at 5% level of confidence.
Effect of partial replacement of fine aggregate by steel slag and its impact on compressive strength of concrete[Full-Text ] Mr. Pruthviraj L. Kadam, Anuj P. Shete, Ajit R. Ahir, Jay S.Pawar, Prathmesh S. Kadam, Vishal A. Patil, Mr Bajirao V. ManeAs constructions are increasing at faster rate conspumtion of naturally available sand is more. The Fine Aggregate which we use for construction is available from natural rivers and streams. Use of large amount of fine aggregate affects the environment. Here Steel Slag which is waste material available from Sawing and Shaping of Steel and residue remains while producing steel products or working on steel in steel manufacturing industries. This research aims to study the effect of Steel Slag as partial replacement of Fine Aggregate with 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The Specimen cubes having size (150mm X 150mm X 150mm) are tested after 14 and 28 days water curing. The result grah shows that variations in compressive strength for Fine aggregate replaced by Steel slag for 14 and 28 days water curing. The 30% and 40% replacements are desirable replacements of fine aggregate by steel slag.
A New Approach for Distributed Cache Management in Information Centric Networks[Full-Text ] Vivek Kumar Chaturvedi, Asst. Prof. Sandeep Pratap SinghThe Internet is a success due to its clear utility to regular people. At the similar time, the fruition of mobile communications and devices allows to get the capability of sensing the world, store information, and exchange it between us in an opportunistic way. However, the Internet end-to-end communication model based upon the location of devices is not in line with users' solely interest in information and not on its location. Here in this paper an efficient technique is implemented here for the information centralized network using ant colony optimization. The proposed methodology planned here provides efficient % Utilization and less computational time and virtual machine migrations.
TAX COMPLIANCE CHALLENGES IN FULFILING TAX OBLIGATIONS AMONG SMES IN ZIMBABWE: A SURVEY OF SMES IN BINDURA (2015)[Full-Text ] Zivanai Onias, Felix Chari, Chalton NyakurimwaTax compliance issues for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is an area of keen interest to the revenue authority in Zimbabwe. This case study assessed tax compliance issues of SMEs in fulfilling their tax obligations. A descriptive survey of SMEs in Bindura town was done and the major objectives of the study were to determine the causes of tax compliance or non-compliance among SMEs and to assess the effectiveness of the presumptive tax system in formalisation of informal sector.
Graphene Patch Antennas ‘RGPA’ & ‘EGPA’ - A Novel Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Gaurav Tewari, Rajveer Singh YaduvanshiThe novel Graphene Patch Antenna ‘GPA’ at Terahertz frequency operation requires effcient nano- materials to operate within the millimeter wave and THz spectrum. In this paper, doped graphene is used to improve the performance of two types of patch antennas, a rectangular and an elliptical antenna. The surface conductivity of conventional (non-doped) graphene is ï¬rst modeled prior to the design and simulation of the two graphene based antennas in an electromagnetic solver. Next, different graphene models and their corresponding surface conductivities are computed based on different bias voltages or chemical doping.