Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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Study on ElastoPlastic Analysis of Tunnel Model with Permeation Grouting By Bentonite[Full-Text ] Vinothkumar MThe construction of structure on weak ground often requires the soil to be improved in order to ensure the safety and stability of surrounding structure. Due to this poor construction activity the building can face many problems like settlement. The low bearing capacity of foundation bed causes shear failure and excessive settlement. sanaz sayehvand et.al, (2012) vol-17 To overcome these problems many ground improvement techniques are used. Ground improvement techniques are used to strength sub soil properties in terms of bearing capacity james joyco et.al, (1992), shear strength, settlement characteristics and drainage. It consist two techniques which can be selected according to loading condition, Nature of weak soil.
Improved Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization for Wide Null Steering of a Linear Phased Array antenna[Full-Text ] Ghada Shaban M., H. A. Mohamed, Hanan KamalThis work is concerned with using a methodology for eliminating the effect of unwanted interference in a certain direction applied to the radiation pattern of a linear array antenna. An efficient method based on Particle Swarm Optimization is used .The amplitude of the elements in the linear array antenna is optimized in order to achieve nulls at the positions of the interference. The proposed Improved Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (IAPSO) is an efficient method applied for optimization. The Dolph-Chebyshev array is used to show the success of obtaining nulls at certain identified positions where interference occurs. The results shows the efficiency of the proposed technique in achieving perfect wide nulls with depth of -75 db using 1700 iterations as the maximum number of iterations. Sensitivity and robustness of the proposed algorithm are tested at different array antenna systems with different properties which prove the effectiveness of the technique proposed in achieving the property of interference cancellation. Further, the side lobe levels and the main beam width are preserved at their original levels of the main signal without being increased.
Improving Customer Relationship Management Using Data Mining[Full-Text ] Anjali Nair, Rohan Khasgiwala, Snigdha MishraCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) possesses Business Intelligence by incorporating information acquisition, decision support functions and information storage to provide customized customer service. CRM enables to analyze and classify data in order to satisfy the customer needs. CRM has become one of the most important points for many industries such as Telecommunication, Insurance, Banking and Retail.
Experimental Investigation on Discharge Coefficient of Notched Piano Key Weir[Full-Text ] Dr. Saleh Issa Khassaf, Dr. Laith Jawad Aziz, Zainab Ahmed ElkatibThis study presents an experimental investigation to evaluate the effect of notch at sidewall of a Piano Key Weir (PKW) of type B and C on the discharge coefficient under free flow conditions. Model tests were conducted in a 15m long, 0.3m wide and 0.45m deep rectangular glass-walled flume. Eight physical models were prepared for both types: two traditional PKW type-B and C, and six notched models designed in similar dimensions to the traditional one. It was concluded that using staged PKW does not have a major effect on discharge capacity, water depth above the upstream apex (h_1) for type B is greater than type C relative to its upstream piezometric head.
Biocompatible Scaffolds from Chitosan/Cellulose Acetate & Blends therefrom[Full-Text ] Nouran A. Milad, Mona M. Naim, Mahmoud M. Elewa, Mervat A. AbdelkawiTissue engineering is a very important field in biomedical applications such as in skin regeneration, nerves, liver, cartilage, heart valves, etc., of which the essential requirements are to prepare suitable scaffolds that are biocompatible, biodegradable and of uniform pore-size. Natural biocompatible polymers such as chitosan (CS) have been often explored in the preparation of scaffolds, that are later seeded with cells, in bioreactors, for replacing burnt or damaged skin. In addition, regenerated cellulose, such as cuprophane, has been the membrane of choice for blood purification by the artificial kidney, for decades. Accordingly, in this work scaffolds were fabricated from either CS or cellulose acetate (CA), or blends therefrom, by a simple novel laboratory technique, in which the polymer/polymer blend is dissolved in a suitable solvent/solvent mixture, to form solutions which are cast by a special casting assembly into membranes, such that pores and scaffolds are created, by forcing humid air to flow along the as-cast membrane. CS was prepared from shrimp shells through deacetylation with concentrated sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. Variables investigated were: type of polymer, type of solvent, initial polymer solution concentration, concentration of deacetylation solution, and time of exposure to humid air flow of as-cast membrane. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) examinations were conducted to determine membrane surface and cross-section morphologies, and it was found that CS gave a suitable surface and that the blend membrane gave a better membrane as regards the number of pores, while CA gave promising scaffolds. Moreover, the type of solvent affected the membrane morphology, and deacetylation with 50% NaOH solution gave a more uniform CS membrane than lower concentration. Moreover, it was shown that a 30 min exposure time gave a membrane with more scaffolds/pores >20 min >10 min. The scaffolds suggest that they might be suitable for formation of replacement skin tissue, after cell seeding, in future work, which is currently proceeding in our lab.
A Comparative Analysis of Financial Records Between Software and Biopharmaceutical Corporations[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiThis study provides a comparative analysis of financial records for companies whose primary focus is on software production. A comparative analysis is then provided between software producing corporations and those in the biopharmaceutical industry to give the reader an understanding of both similarities and disparities between the two industries. The report uses common financial ratios such as Return on Investments (ROI), Current Ratio, and Earnings per Share (EPS). Both sectors share similarities that it takes high initial investment to develop a marketable produce. Biopharmaceutical companies have the added hurdle of passing government regulations before marketing their product. This has a potentially adverse impact on their profit margin, which may account for the generally lower net income of the sector.
SUITABILITY OF CONCRETE USING CUPOLA SLAG AS REPLACEMENT OF COARSE AGGREGATE[Full-Text ] Mr. Vishwash K. Mistry, Prof. B.R. Patel, Prof. D.J. VariaMain source of getting natural aggregates is through extraction from rocks. The excavation of rocks from valley produce worst environmental impacts of cutting and screening out coarse aggregate make concrete costlier. Even only natural resources of Coarse aggregate can’t fulfil the requirements of constructions so there is a need to search a replacing material like cupola waste in this study efforts are made to replace the natural aggregate with cupola slag aggregates in varying percentage of replacement from 0 to 100 percent for intervals of 10 percent for M20 grade concrete with 0.5 constant W/C ratio under accelerated concrete curing condition for 3 days at 85 degree temperature.efforts are made to carry out impact on compressive strength of concrete.
MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF A PARTIALLY SHADED PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE[Full-Text ] Deli GORON, Donatien NJOMOPhotovoltaic installers are very much concerned with photovoltaic systems working under shaded conditions and this has led to detailed research in this domain. We show in this paper that the electrical power produced by a partially shaded module is greatly reduced as compared to when operating under its optimal conditions. With the aim of having a better understanding of the impact of shading on the production of a photovoltaic module and thereby estimating the economic efficiency of a photovoltaic system, we have also worked on the modelling and simulation of a partially shaded photovoltaic module. The method used consists of first, modelling the current-voltage characteristics of the photovoltaic cells independently and then, summing them up according to the electrical configurations of the module. The results show that the bypass diodes reduce negative effects of shading on the production of electricity of a module. An estimation of the power loss is made at the maximum power point under shaded conditions.
REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION THROUGH UPFC AND STATCOM AT LINEAR & NON-LINEAR LOAD[Full-Text ] Vikas Goyal, Rakesh Singh LodhiIn increasing demand of power in recent system it is important to regulate the reactive power and voltage in the system. This paper indicates power compensation of reactive and regulation of voltage at load side, by using STATCOM and UPFC. It can be used in medium transmission line consists of STATCOM and UPFC. The work is tested on a medium transmission line system with a consideration of linear and nonlinear loads one at a time. The output values and waveforms are observed and a comparison is carried out between both devices.
Enhancement of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of SU-8 Polymer using Graphene Filler[Full-Text ] Megha Verma, Jitendra K Katiyar, K. C. YadavIn this work, surface micromechanical properties of different polymeric coatings (SU-8 resin and their composites with Graphene, Boron nitride etc.) on glass substrate will be examined using nanoindentation and pin-on-disc tribometer. The thicknesses of such coatings were 30-35 µm which will be done using spin coater. The load–unload responses will be used to extract their elastic modulus and hardness values using nanoindenter. Induced micro-structural differences in coatings will be confirmed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These measurements will be used to explain the differences in the tribological performance between different coatings. Such correlation is useful for more complex and application-specific tribological experiments. Both elastic modulus and hardness of SU-8 are increased after adding graphene filler and coefficient of friction is reduced at lower load and higher speed SU-8/graphene (5wt %) composite
Simulation of Four Stroke Internal Combustion Engine[Full-Text ] Asad Islam, M.Umer Sohail, Syed Mudassir Ali, Ammar-ul-Hassan, Roman Kalvin The aim of this paper is to study Premixed combustion computationally via variations in pressure, temperature, velocity and its associated varying swirl ratio in single cylinder during four strokes i.e., (Intake, Compression, Power and Exhaust). The model (single cylinder with one intake and exhaust valve) was generated using ANSYS Design Modeller, was meshed and simulated for Spark Ignition premixed combustion in FLUENT using k-e turbulence model. The geometry has the specifications of Bore, Stroke, Connecting rod length, Cylinder capacity, Clearance volume and Speed of 68.5mm, 72.4mm, 165mm, 266.67cc, 29.63cc and 1500rpm respectively.
Incidence and Detection of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Egypt by ELISA, RT-PCR and real-time PCR (TaqMan®)[Full-Text ] Sahar A.Youssef; Elharony, S.B ; Abo El-Abbas, F. M, and A.A.ShalabyCitrus tristeza virus (CTV) has been previously reported in citrus growing regions of Egypt. Incidence, distribution of CTV and extensive surveys were conducted in citrus growing areas of Qalyubia, Ismailia and Sharkya Governorates during 2012-13 to determine the occurrence of the virus, to evaluate its incidence, to identify and characterize the CTV isolate. A total of 3630 citrus seedlings and trees from nurseries and orchards were sampled from more than 10300 Feddans of citrus in three governments. Leaf samples were collected and symptom intensity of the trees was recorded. Field observations including stem pitting, stunting, vein clearing and leaf curling symptoms revealed the existence of CTV. Double Antibody Sandwich - Enzyme Linked Immunuo-Sorbent Assays (DAS-ELISA), one step RT-PCR and TaqMan real time- RT-PCR were used to index and confirm the existence of CTV in different locations in Egypt. Isolate genotyping was conducted using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RT-PCR and the real-time RT-PCR assays developed were more sensitive and less time consuming than DAS-ELISA.
Innovation of IT Outsourcing[Full-Text ] Meshal AlabdulwahabOutsourcing has become a very common thing now a day and many clients are outsourcing their IT capabilities to different vendors. Different clients and vendors are looking in to different ways which can innovate the outsourcing process. Recently the outsourcing industry has gain a remarkable growth. The main purpose of outsourcing is to save cost but now clients are willing to pay more in order to achieve more value. There are a number of challenges which blocks the innovation in IT outsourcing, challenges could be both internal and external. Sometimes the client companies tends to use the ad hoc approach to achieve innovation. There are different steps which are needed to be followed in order to achieve innovation in the outsourcing process.
Importance of Simulation in Respiratory Care Education in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Saeed M. AlghamdiClinical education is essential to stimulate the students for critical thinking and to inculcate problem solving skills in them. An example emphasizing the importance of clinical education in the respiratory education is the fact that most of the four year programs begin their clinical education and clinical rotation from the very first semester so that the students get adjusted and accustomed to the clinical environment. Patient simulation is a relatively new teaching strategy which gives an opportunity to the learner to apply the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in a way that imitates the realistic clinical situation. Simulation based education is becoming increasingly popular in Saudi Arabia as a result of the increasing healthcare workforce and the availability of the resources. There are Challenges associated with simulation like lack of multi-discipline, multi-paradigm and a multi-method training procedure. At the same time there is a resistance to accept the simulation strategy despite its advantages.
An Efficient Signcryption Based Data Sharing in Public Clouds with Message Verification[Full-Text ] Marrium Yusuf, Dr. Bhupesh GourCloud Computing is a new way of providing sharing of resources over internet in a more easily and sophisticated manner. But with the advent of this new technology (Cloud Computing) various limitations and issues arises. The major issue that is visible is the security achieved during data sharing over cloud. Hence various security and encryption algorithms are implemented for the secure data sharing over public clouds. An efficient Certificate less encryption technique is implemented for the secure data sharing over public clouds. But the existing technique implemented suffers from escrow problem and there is no concept of proxy re-encryption used in the methodology. Here in this paper a new and efficient technique for the data sharing over public clouds is proposed which is based on the concept of Signcryption using Elliptic Curves. The proposed methodology implemented here provides security from various attacks as well as provides less computational overhead and encryption time as well as takes less storage space.
The Importance of a Work Life Balance in Business Organizations[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahThe paper seeks to address the aspect of work-life balance and its importance to a business. It will put into perspective how this facet motivates employees, ensures their engagement, retention, and increases their productivity. The paper look at the issue of how employees are less stressed when they have some hours off to attend to their personal issues, which thus leads to better performances. It will address both the psychological and business perspective of this point in the aim of showcasing the importance of a work life policy to an organization.
Chipotle’s Strategic Marketing[Full-Text ] Ibrahim AlhadlaqThis paper is going to analyze the target market and positioning strategy of Chipotle Mexican Grill as well as predicting future challenges.
OPTIMIZATION OF CONTROLLABLE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR HIGH SPEED MACHINING OF INCONEL 718 BY MEASUREMENT OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS[Full-Text ] Dr. B. SatyanarayanaDry machining is a machining process without the use of coolant, and it has become more popular for finishing process. Thus, it is especially crucial to select the machining parameters to obtain the desired surface roughness of machined Inconel 718. The experiments are planned as per the L27 orthogonal array with three levels defined for each of the factors in order to develop the knowledge base. The ANN model of surface roughness is developed with feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut as process parameters. The necessary experimentation is carried out and the surface roughness values are recorded. A mathematical model is also developed using multiple linear regression, which gives relationship among the variables. The results are validated using Artificial Neural Network approach and Optimum values of input parameters are predicted.
Design and Implementing Cancer Data Warehouse to Support Clinical Decisions[Full-Text ] Alaa Khalaf Hamoud, Dr. Hasan Adday, Dr. Taleb A. S. Obaid, Mrs. Rabab Abdllmajed HameedIn the last decade, data warehousing became the most important technology in the field of decision support especially related to critical situations. Most of Decision Support Systems (DSS) related to clinical decisions depend on Data Warehouse (DW) and On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) in analyzing the related information in order to assist clinicians in making right decisions. In this work, cancer data warehouse (CDW) is designed and implemented based on medical paper records of cancer infections. At first, thousands of medical cancer records were turned from paper based into electronic based by registering them in excel files and access database. These files became the source of the proposed cancer DW. Secondly, the proposed cancer DW is depended as a platform to perform different (OLAP) operations to get analytical results that support decisions maker related to cancer infections.
Biodegradation of 2T engine oil using soil microbe and gravimetric analysis[Full-Text ] Shallu Sihag and Hardik PathakThe rod shaped gram negative, an aerobic, motile hydrocarbon degrader Rhodococcus rhodochrous was isolated from the petroleum contaminated soil of Mount Abu, the high altitude region of Rajasthan at 4003 feet. Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon degrading bacterial strain was isolated by enrichment culture technique in Bushnell Hass medium in the presence of 2T engine oil as a sole source of carbon and energy. The evaluation parameters like Optical density (OD), total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy were used as the major indicator of microbial degradation of 2T engine oil at concentration of 1% (v/v). The physico-chemical analysis of the petroleum contaminated soil samples was analyzed and their effect on the rate of degradation was determined. By GC-MS analysis it was observed that the 2T engine oil and the contaminated soil was highly polluted with the hydrocarbons of LMW as well as HMW ranges from C1-C50. The maximum height of peaks were of medium fractions ranges of C11-C20 on day 14 which were with 78.07%, which were 58.55% on day 7. They appeared due to the reduction of peaks of C21-C30 from 22.24 % to 3% on day 7-14 respectively. The maximum degradation of 2T engine oil hydrocarbons with 62% was observed within 14 days of incubation period by the conversion of higher alkanes to their lower forms by gravimetric method. Apart from the degradation, also the secondary metabolites were produced by the Rhodococcus rhodochrous which have a wide application in the field of medicines, dyes etc. The organism Rhodococcus rhodochrous showed remarkable potential for use in degradation of 2T engine oil.
STYLET BEARING NEMATODES ASSOCIATED WITH WALNUT (Juglans regia L.) IN DISTRICT ABBOTTABAD[Full-Text ] Nadia Saeed,Mian Sayed Khan, Aly Khan, Kiran Aziz and Sharif ZadaIdentification of stylet bearing nematodes associated with walnut (Juglans regia L.) in different localities namely Baghnotar, Nathiagali, Kakul, Bandi Pulah, Gulistan Colony, Sheikh ul Bandi and Jhangi of District Abbottabad, KPK, Pakistan have been presented. Soil samples were collected from the base of the walnut trees and were processed by using Bearmann funnel technique. Specimens collected were killed by heat, fixed in TAF and later transferred to 1.25 glycerine for permanent mounting. Nine species of nematodes Tylenchus sp., Psilenchus hilarulus, Meloidogyne larvae, Aphelenchus avenae, Tylenchus juveniles, Filenchus sheri, Pratylenchus thornei, Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus and Helicotylenchus dihystera have been identified from these localities. Most commonly found nematode species were Aphelenchus avenae, Psilenchus hilarilus, Tylenchus sp. and Pratylenchus thornei.
Analysis of dynamical rain duration and return periods for terrestrial and satellite communication applications in a tropical climate[Full-Text ] Joseph Sunday OjoUnderstanding the intensity, duration and return periods of tropical rain events are critical to radio and satellite system engineers. As current and future satellite systems use and will use higher frequency bands, rain attenuation continues to pose more threat to link availability for microwave propagation operating in the frequencies above 10 GHz. Despite the enormous research on rain mitigations, few studies have addressed the dynamic of rain duration and return periods of tropical rain events. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the dynamical rain duration and return periods for terrestrial and satellite communication applications in a tropical climate. 3-year rain rate data collected at Akure (7.17 oN, 5.18 oE) between July 2012 and June, 2015 is used. The dependence of integration time on the cumulative distribution of rain rate has been compared with results earlier obtained in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The Result shows that the power law relationship exists between the equiprobable rain rates of two different integration times. The value of conversion factors CE(R) and CR (R0.01%) obtained for Akure are 0.15(30) and 0.33(110) respectively. The overall results show that different conversion factors are required for different locations, even within the same climatic region.
A survey on Glioblastoma Multiforme Tumor Segmentation through MR images[Full-Text ] B. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. E. Sreenivasa ReddyMagnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI)-based medical image analysis for brain tumor studies is gaining attention in recent times due to an increased need for efficient and objective evaluation of large amounts of data. Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumors, evolving from the cerebral supportive cells. Brain tumor segmentation consists of separating the different tumor tissues (solid or active tumor, edema, and necrosis) from normal brain tissues: gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid(CSF). Currently, most of brain tumor segmentation approaches arise from the supervised learning standpoint, which requires a labelled training dataset from which to infer the models of the classes. The performance of these models is directly determined by the size and quality of the training corpus, whose retrieval becomes a tedious and time-consuming task. On the other hand, unsupervised approaches avoid these limitations but often do not reach comparable results than the supervised methods. This article presents an overview of the most relevant Glioblastoma multiforme tumor segmentation methods, conducted after the acquisition of the image. Both Supervised and Unsupervised techniques are emphasized.
Comparative Study of Soil Stabilization Using Human Hair and Lime[Full-Text ] Tom Elias, Sonia George, Abraham Zachariah, Saifudeen Sulfi, Sreedevi P SRecent issues regarding solid waste disposal demands novel methods for their proper utilization. Environmental problems associated with Human hair fiber, a non- degradable matter can be minimized by using the same as a reinforcing agent in soil stabilization. Studies shows that Human hair fiber, as a cheap reinforcing agent, can be used for stabilizing clayey soil found in low lying areas of Kerala, India. Study is conducted to stabilize clayey soil using human hair fiber and to compare it with the classical method of lime stabilization. Human hair fibers randomly mixed in clayey soil samples were tested for its engineering property (Strength) by performing UCC tests on a number of samples by using different percentage of fibers and comparing the results with the non-reinforced soil and lime-stabilized soil. Human hair of length 4-40mm and of diameter 40-110µm were used. The test result reveals that the strength significantly improves with the inclusion of Human hair and it further improved when optimum percentage of both lime and human hair were added together. Thus soil properties of low-lying areas can be improved to a great extend while suggesting a solution to a major environmental issue of human-hair disposal.
Application of Nanotechnology in Cancer[Full-Text ] S.Kannan, D.RubanThomas, W.Nancy S.SrinivasanThis paper gives the theoretical application of the Nano devices in the cancer treatment. The recent technology for the cancer treatment is the chemographic method. In this method the specific composition of drugs are given to the victims or the patients depends upon the biopsy of the tumor which the patient is having. The main disadvantage of this method is that the drug used is not specific and it can damage the surrounding healthy cells in which no tumor occurred. To avoid this problem the Nano devices will be very effective that uses the Nano sensors to sense particularly the damaged cells. So the efficiency of the operation is very high. This paper is only the theoretical proof for the treatment of the cancer. But there is a great possibility to implement this method.
WET LAND FLORA OF PULICAT LAKE-SOUTHERN COASTAL WET LAND OF SPSR NELLORE DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA[Full-Text ] RAJYALAKSHMI E., S.K.M.BASHAA mix of estuarine, marine and freshwater ecosystem is observed in Pulicat lake and the lagoon has a long history of sustainable fishing. Aquatic macrophytes are important in the functioning of the water body. They offer food and shelter for many organisms and promote habitat diversity. Wet land plant community wealth varies across the lake from northern to southern region. Low water levels and shore line alternations facilitate non-native plant species invasions that further degrade coastal wetland plant communities. Fish community composition is often related to plant community type and quality. The main aim of this work is to identify aquatic and wet land flora of Pulicat Lake. As a taxonomic floristic work, it will have value to ecologists, taxonomists, research scholars, students etc. A qualitative field study was carried out in the Pulicat Lake of Nellore district, during 2012-2014 to assess the diversity of aquatic macrophytes of the wetlands. A total of 180 species are found in the wetlands, of which 117 species are dicotyledonous plants, 51 species are of monocotyledonous plants and 12 are of mangroves.
RSA and Triple DES based Combined Secured Approach to Ensure Data Security[Full-Text ] Ditee YasmeenData security is a key concern of today’s worlds. Data security is critical for most businesses and even home computer users. Client information, payment information, personal files, bank account details - all of this information can be hard to replace and potentially dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. Data lost due to disasters such as a flood or fire is crushing, but losing it to hackers or a malware infection can have much greater consequences. Cryptography techniques employ to ensure data security in this regard. For this, RSA and Triple DES technique has been studied, realized and implemented with strong authentication, confidentiality and message integrity. First, the key pairs have been generated for the users to perform the encryption and decryption. Public key pair (e, n) is used for encryption and for decryption corresponding private key pair (d, n) is used. For key generation, first select two large primes: p, q, and compute the modulo factor, n =p x q and, calculate the totient factor, ?(n)= (p-1) x (q-1). All the co-primes are listed for this totient. Then two co-prime e and d are chosen with property that e d =1+k ?(n). Generated key pair (e, n) is used as public key and (d, n) is used as private key. The plaintext message M is processed with a hash digest X, produced by X-OR, a hash function and appended it with M, which is then encrypted with the sender’s own private key to generate cipher text C. Then C is further encrypted using triple DES encryption algorithm along with a secret key KS. The secret key KS is also encrypted with the receiver’s public key. The encrypted secret key along with the encrypted data is sent to the destination. In the receiver end, the received encrypted secret key KS is first decrypted using receiver’s private key and then encrypted data is decrypted with KS ¬that generates cipher text C. C is now further decrypted using sender’s public key to obtain original message M and a hash digest X. Then the receiver applies the X-OR function repeatedly to generate a hash digest X' and compare it with received digest X to ensure data integrity. The use of the secret key establishes the strong confidentiality and the uses of the sender’s private key ensure the authentication by creating digital signature. The proposed system can be applied for many cryptographic applications like business transaction, small organization, file transaction etc. where strong security is highly demanded.
Violin music and Mruthanga music as Subsidiary subjects in Carnatic music[Full-Text ] Dr.S.Darshanan, P.KayathiriSelection of Auxiliary subjects as instrumental music, in Carnatic Vocal music education, is the normal practice in the Universities. The students are allowed to choose one of the Carnatic music instrument as their Auxiliary subject in their each year of study. This sort of flexibility resultant unequal number of students among the Auxiliary Carnatic music instruments learning. This research is to find out the reasons for this inequality. The bachelor degree students for Carnatic vocal music shall choose both the violin or a string instrument and the Mruthangam or rhythmic instrument as their subsidiary Subject, during their four years. The both types of instruments can provide different essential supplementary skills for their Carrier.
Image Framework For Library Application[Full-Text ] Rakhi A. Kalantri, Prabhu Gandhi, Aishwarya Wakhale, Preetam WalvekarThe Augmented Reality is an emerging and booming technology of Virtual Reality, which has a vast application scope. Augmented Reality involves knowledge about sensors, image recognition, computer vision, human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and many other areas [11].
Attrition Prediction- Need of the Hour for Companies[Full-Text ] Reshad Abdullah, Sachin BojewarIn today’s world many industries and specially IT (Information Technology) are experiencing high attrition rate. Managers and HR department are aware of some common causes of attrition in their organization. The impact of employee leaving voluntary is not good for organization or to project in which they are working. Hence HR and senior managers and the policy makers of any industry are working together to reduce this voluntary exit. A good leader senses and understands employee needs and work with them and HR to fix the issues. However not all attrition causes are known to managers and when it actually happens it turns out as a surprise to managers, then they are not able to do much. In-spite of many efforts taken attrition is still a problem in many industries. Some amount of attrition is certain and bound to happen like employee retiring or death of employee hence the scope of this work is only restricted to voluntary exit.
Automation of Power Measurement using Integrated Architecture[Full-Text ] Aakanksha Bhat, Swarnim, Snigdha Srivastava, Shivani VermaOptimum use of power and electricity safety are today a major concern for the mankind. The efficiency with which we are meeting the energy service demands should be examined. This proposed system will be helpful in detection of abnormal power usage and analysing power consumption in organizations / buildings. It also has the potential to monitor the load and health of electrical appliances which encourages the sustainable city development and green campus concept. Our system is a prototype that will be gathering the power consumption data from electrical appliances via sensors and then analyse this data on a monitor interfaced with Raspberry pi using live charts. This will alert the user to make correct and timely decisions about the appliances being used. The data gathered from sensors is being transferred to Raspberry pi through Nordic (Nrf24L01) wirelessly. This methodology can be employed for many applications including faulty system detection/Quality Control in manufacturing industries and usage optimisation at home/buildings.
Comprehensive study of current controlled Memristor models[Full-Text ] Kirti Agashe , Member,IEEE , Nisha Sarwade , Sangeeta Joshiy, Prasad SomanThe mathematical postulation of memristor as fourth missing element in the fundamental electrical circuits,by Prof. Chua in 1971 was brought into reality with the physical device by HP lab in 2008.The nano scale memristor is getting considerable attention with its applications in diversified areas such as computational memorylogic circuits to neuromorphic applications . For the reliable implementation of memristor in complex circuits, various models of memristive systems are developed. This paper gives a brief review of existing models of current controlled memristor highlighting the features as well as the constraints of these models. A novel memristor model is proposed in the present paper which gives explicit equations for current-voltage relationship.
Viability of Solar chimney Technology in Central Region of India[Full-Text ] P.J.Bansod, Dr.S.B.Thakre, Dr.N.A.WankhadeA solar chimney power plant which can provide off -grid electricity in central region of India particularly in Vidarbha region is studied in this paper.The regions like Amravati and Nagpur have high temperature in the range of 40 to 500c in summer but still there is a loadsheading of 10 to12 hours because of lack of solar to electrical energy conversion sources in large extent.In this paper data of small scale solar chimney model which fabricated for experimental and analysis purpose is presented which has collector of 1.8 m diameter and maximum chimney height of 2 m.The parameters such as temperature,velocity,and density are considered for study.The maximum value of velocity recorded was 1.4 m/s.The variation of velocity is higher as compared to other process parameters.
A robust mean shift integrating color, GLCM based texture features and frame differencing[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar Sharma, Abhinav Malik, Rajesh RohillaMean shift is a kernel based widely used algorithm for tracking the location of object robustly. Classical mean shift uses color histogram to represent the object. However, the use of only color restricts the algorithm to track the object only in simple cases and it fails in complex situations like illumination changes, occlusion, and abrupt changes in the location of object. To improve the performance of mean shift, some authors have added some features to basic mean shift. As color based target representation is combined with texture-based target representation, based on spatial dependencies and co-occurrence distribution within interest target region for invariant target description, which is computed through so-scaled Haralick texture features, is an efficient mean shift for target tracking in some real world complex conditions. But it still fails, if there are some abrupt changes in the location of object. So a novel algorithm is presented in this work, which is robust to track the object in above mentioned complex situations. It is the combination of color and gray level co-occurrence matrix based texture features along with the use of frame differencing for abrupt motion changing target detection.
Kaluza-Klein Cosmological Models with anisotropic Dark energy and Hybrid Expansion Law[Full-Text ] K.S.Adhav, R.P.Wankhade, S. M. GawandeIn this paper we have studied Kaluza-Klein cosmological model filled with anisotropic fluid in general relativity. The solutions of the Einstein’s field equations are obtained under the assumption of Hybrid Expansion Law (HEL). The isotropy of the fluid, space and expansion are examined.
Investigation of Medical Neutron Radiation Doses Using a Two types of bubble Detectors[Full-Text ] Chienyi Ting and Hsin-Ell WangIn the process of producing high-energy X-radiation and electron radiation, medical linear accelerators (Medical LINACs) produce neutrons because of the interactions of (?,n), (?,pn), (?,xn), and (e,n) with target and beam conditioners, such as collimators.