Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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Optimization Analysis using Fuzzy Inference System for Robot Control[Full-Text ] R.Premalatha, P.MurugesanA Robotic control using DC-DC Dynamic FLC is analyzed in this article. When compared with the PID controllers and Mamdani FLC this advance use of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems for the control of the robot is very efficient. High DC supply voltage is excited at a very low time period in the proposed DC-DC Dynamic converter. In this theme, DC Robot control converter has two clamping diodes which shares one-half of the voltage input. The parametric quantities examined are voltage ripple, output power, rise time, settling time and peak voltage of 3L filter for the control of the Robot. The evaluation with the PI controllers and Mamdani with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems were analyzed by Mat Lab and inferred ANFIS system design has the good performance of the robot.
Effect of rotation on the Self-Gravitational Instability of Dusty Plasma with the Dynamics of Charge Fluctuation[Full-Text ] Vishal Kumar, R.K. PensiaThe effects of rotation and the attachment frequency of plasma particles to the grains on the self-gravitational instability of dusty plasma has been investigated incorporating the effect of dynamics of charge fluctuation. A general dispersion relation is obtained using the normal mode analysis with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. We study the effects of attachment frequency of plasma particles to the grains, rotation, dust debye length and dust –plasma frequency parameters on the growth rate of an unstable mode by choosing the arbitrary values of these parameters in the present problem. We found that dust-debye length and dust plasma frequency both have stabilizing influence on the growth rate of the system while the attachment frequency of plasma particles to the dust grains and rotation parameter for particular band of wave vector have destabilizing influence on the growth rate of the system
Information System Security[Full-Text ] Anil Chhangani, Akanksha ChaturvediInformation, a valuable resource in any business entity, has become an important driver which supports organizational operations and systems. Any firm that holds confidential information in an electronic format is exposed to threat of data loss and breaching federal and state privacy laws. This paper presents a high level view of threats that exist in information system environment and focuses on best security practices to mitigate them.
Relative Stability of Numerical Methods[Full-Text ] Sonia shivhare,Yogesh shuklaThrough the use of numerical methods many problems can be solved that would otherwise be thought to be insoluble and the results of ODE possessing initial value problems can be found easily. Analytically some valuable numerical methods like Euler’s method is analyzed while Runga Kutta method presented here gives a better exactness. Derivatives of Higher order are not essential for tabulation. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are presented in this paper and thus comparing solutions obtained by them. These descriptions provide an introduction to numerical methods for the solution of physical problems.
Determinants of Inflation in India[Full-Text ] Ashiq Hussain , Muhammad AjmairMain objective was to check the cointegration between inflation and import prices, interest rate, gross domestic product and money supply. Engle Granger cointegration (two step method) was applied to check the long run as well as short run relationship. ADF test was used to check the stationarity of variables. All the variables are stationary at first difference, so cointegration test was applied. Cointegration exists among inflation and import prices, interest rate, gross domestic product and money supply. There is long run relationship between inflation and independent variables including interest rate and gross domestic product. Import prices and money supply have no long run impact on inflation. There is short run relationship between inflation and interest rate and gross domestic product. No short run relationship is found between inflation and import prices and money supply.
A Study of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Suparna DasGupta, Soumyabrata SahaWireless sensor networks consist of miniaturized battery powered sensor nodes with constrained computational capability. Packet forwarding in sensor networks is usually performed through multi-hop data transmission due to the limitation of the communication range and an optimal choice of the routing path has been significantly increased the performance of the sensor networks. The application of topology control methods in wireless sensor networks will have a profound impact on energy efficiency and the limited and constrained resources have driven research towards primarily reducing energy consumption, energy minimization, memory requirements and complexity of routing functionalities. In this paper the routing protocols have been classified into two different categories based on the underlying network structure; as: flat and location based techniques. For all of these protocol families, we have provided a didactic presentation and a detailed description with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of those latest state-of-the-art protocols. Depending on the outcomes of the literature survey, a number of open research issues have been identified for achieving energy efficiency in the development of routing protocols for wireless sensor networks.
The Application Of Infra Red (Ir) Spectroscopy For Rapid Characterization Of Clays From Odukpani South Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Emmanuel E Duke Okon, V. N Osabor and Bassey. E. InahThis paper demonstrates the utility of Infra Red (IR) Spectroscopy for rapid routine analysis of clay samples for the purposes of characterization and to a lesser extent identify them. Specifically, the area of the IR absorption bands (obtained by measurements of absorption bands) have been used to estimate both wave number, absorption bands and type of hydrogen bonding in the clay samples. Results of the investigations on clay samples are presented and discussed.
A review on catalytic converter for automotive exhaust emission[Full-Text ] Dr.M.P Singh,Suman RajThis paper illustrates the design of pollutant control system that is catalytic converter having dual bed with air injection for application in gasoline engine. High exhaust purification consisting of less harmful gases along with low sound waves moves out of the tail pipe.
Causal Relationship among Bangladesh RMG export, European GSP and RMG Production: A Vector Error Correction Approach[Full-Text ] Muhammad Mahmudul Hasan, Murshida KhanamGSP facility has become an important topic of the discussion of Readymade garments sector in Bangladesh .The purpose of the study is to analyze the causal relationship among export performances of the readymade garments sector in Bangladesh, GSP facility at European Union and the yearly production behavior of the readymade garments sector in Bangladesh by using fiscal years data from 1990-1991 to 2014-2015 has been collected from Export promotion bureau Bangladesh and BGMEA. Stationary test was carried out by using Augmented Dickey-Fuller, Philips-Perron methods, where we have been found non-stationary at level but stationary at first difference at the same order for all three variables. The Johansen-Juselius co integrated test has been employed showed that one cointegrating long run relationship among three variables. The vector error correction model has been employed in our study, which results also indicated us that short run relationships exist among the three variables. Finally, we have been employed Granger Causality and it has been found unidirectional causality among our three variables. Findings of the study suggest that if GSP facility increase, then the production behavior as well as export performances of the RMG sector also increases. So, in that case our Government should take necessary steps to remain the GSP facility in a good position and as a result the production behavior and the export performances of the readymade garments will be increased as a great extent.
Landfill Leachate Characterization and Its Treatment by Biological Agents in Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Sayka Jahan and Shams Muhammad GalibThis study was conducted with a view to characterizing the leachates collected from four sampling spots located in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh for a period of two years, from January 2008 to December 2009. Five treatments each with 3 replications were used and both physical and chemical properties of leachates were studied.
Decline the global warming through domination the thermal radiation & carbon monoxide of the exhaust[Full-Text ] Wanny Abdel Fattah MohamedGlobal Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.
Membership Function Comparative Study on Load Forecasting using ANFIS Framework[Full-Text ] Allan Maulana Ardhian, Sasongko Pramono Hadi, M. Isnaeni BSElectrical load is always different from time to time. Thus, the supply of electrical energy is also dynamic followed the changes in load. Good operation of power system must be able to serve the electrical demand with good quality. This research aimed to apply the ANFIS to predict the electrical load required by customers in every single day. The output of this study can be used as a reference for managing the schedule of power plant that serve the load. Load forecasting in this study is a short-term load forecasting which uses historical data of electrical load from the distribution area of Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta Indonesia, as a ANFIS input. The historical data then modeled using MATLAB to get the corresponding output. The result show that ANFIS forecasting with trimf membership function produce smallest MAPE when compared with other membership function type that is 1.4624%. Based on these data it can be stated that ANFIS can be applied to forecast the short-term electrical load which uses historical data of electrical load as a ANFIS input with the best membership function is trimf.
Analysing the Injuries in Large Industrial Entities from Bitola – Segments of Extensive Research regarding the Control of Quality Assurance and Implementation of Integrated Management Systems[Full-Text ] Ivo Kuzmanov, Roberto Pasic, Svetlana MijakovskaThe purpose of the paper is to outline a part of the extensive survey which was done, in terms of quality control systems and integrated management systems in organizations from Bitola region. The survey was conducted in the period from January till December 2015. In fact the paper represents only a small part from a research which shows only a part of the analysis – in this case the recorded injuries in 2014 in Bitola region. In the paper, as a representative capacity from the industry A.D. ELEM REK Bitola is taken as the largest electrical producer from Macedonia with a total market share that is more than 70%.
Erosion Wear behavior of Micro material Reinforced polymer composites[Full-Text ] Asst .Prof. Dr. Aseel Basim Abdul Hussein & Asst .Prof.Dr.Fadhle Abbas Hashim, Tamara Raad KhadhimIn the present study, composites were prepared by Hand lay-up molding and investigated. The composites constituents were epoxy resin as the matrix, 3% volume fractions of Glass Fibers (GF) as reinforcement and 2%,4% and 6% volume fractions of micro powder ((Aluminum Oxide Al2O3, Silicon Oxide SiO2 and Titanium Oxide TiO2)) as filler. Study the erosion wear behavior. The results showed that the non – reinforced epoxy have lower resistance erosion than micro based Material composites other and the specimen (Epoxy+6%glass fiber+6% SiO2) has higher resistance erosion than industrial based Material composites other. Erosion resistance increase with volume fraction increase
Why is it important for managers to be good negotiators? Why is mastering the art of persuasion important to effective negotiation?[Full-Text ] Muqrin AlhuwayshanNegotiation is something everyone is acquainted with. It's something you utilize all the time in your work and additionally in your own life. Managers do negotiation day by day. A large portion of their interactions are casual discussions with their staff, associates and clients. Numerous managers are poor moderators since they didn't take in the art of negotiations. An individual can improve his negotiation at work by practicing things. As a negotiator a manager meet individuals. Working environment negotiations are about building and becoming commonly helpful associations with these individuals. Individuals have their own advantage, needs and inspirations other than their objectives for the association. You will be more fruitful negotiator at work when you help your staff, associates and others get what they need professionally and personally. Negotiation is a perceived value and in order to improve negotiation skills managers should learn to create perceived value in the minds of the employees.
A comparative study on gender difference in attemted suicide on basis of personality traits, emotional maturit,and depression[Full-Text ] MRS REBECCA GAIGOLE KHEMANIThe purpose of the study is to explore gender difference in attempted suicide on basis of personality traits, emotional maturity and depres-sion. The sample consisted of two groups where number of participants are ( n=20) in each group. The target groups were males and females who had attempted suicide at least once. The mean age for males ( x= 24.45) and the mean age for female ( x= 24.35). Both the personality questionnaire ( EPQ-R), Emotional maturity scale ( EMS), and Becks depression inventory ( BDI).
EOSINOPHIL CATIONIC PROTEIN IN UREMIC DIALYZED PATIENTS WITH INTRACTABLE PRURITUS[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Ljutvi Zulbeari MD,PhD,. Dr.Spec. Petar Cakalaroski. Mr. Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari. Mr. Dr. Zamira Bexheti. Prof. Dr. Koco CakalaroskiWe have analyzed 6 patients(pts) with chronic uremic pruritus(UPG) treated with intermittent hemodialysis more than 5 years,and 7 uremic pts treated under the same conditions but without pruritus(UG).In all pts and in appropriate control group(CG)of healthy subjects(N0 = 5)we have measured the serum concentration of s.c.eosinophil cationic protein(ECP) known as a protein of allergic states(bronchial asthma as a classic example).We have found elevated serum concentrations of ECP in uremic pts(XECP cg = 2.03?0.02 ?g/L vs XECP ug = 2.63 ?0.29 ?g/L),but especially at the uremics with intractable itching(XECP upg = 8.37?1.67 ?g/L).
Performance Enhancement & Optimization of GSM System through the Analysis of Key Performance Indicator for QoS[Full-Text ] Mustafa Hussain, Rashedul Haque Chowdhury, Md Rakibul Hassan, Sarwar Jahan, Mohammad Asif Hossain,Md.Sahidul Islam,Mohammad Hanif RahmanIn this modern era of technology the field of telecommunication has advanced tremendously worldwide, enhancing it an ever-expanding process which not only revolutionized the arena of telecommunication but also accelerated the process of making the world a step closer of being a single “Global Village”. In addition different technical advancement has made the existing mobile companies to upgrade their various services continuously in order to sustain in this competitive world. Quality of service (QoS) is an important key performance indicator (KPI) that is used in determining the efficiency of an industry in terms of services rendered. In telecommunication system, accessibility, retainability and connection (voice) quality are three major factors used in evaluating quality of service of an operator. And for consumers in the industry, it is expected that maximum satisfaction be derived from any services paid for. This (maximum satisfaction) has now become a difficult task to achieve especially in GSM industry. One of the major reasons attributable to this is as a result of mismatch between expansion in customer base and infrastructural (Network) expansion. In this report we standardize the bench-mark of different performance parameters involved in a calling process for the mobile operators to ensure a quality service in Bangladesh. The resultant values are taken from a set of test driven real-time data, performed by Swiss Qual, which is attached with the report.
An Optimal Checkpoint Automation Mechanism for Fault Tolerance in Computational Grid[Full-Text ] Ch. Ramesh BabuThe vast dynamic virtual computing systems are more often vulnerable to failure due to heterogeneous and autonomic nature, so that grid application may loss several hours/days of computation. Checkpointing is the widely used approach to provide fault tolerance in computational grid environment. In this work we have developed a novel approach for optimal checkpoint automation by forecasting failure patterns in computational resources using Hidden Makov Model (HMM) so as to select optimal failure resources to reduce checkpoints in grid TORQUE resource manager. The failure patterns can be predicted by using HMM to assign checkpoint interval for each grid resource and to provide automatic replica (context file) when a failure occurs. The experimental results has shown that the proposed methodology considerably reduces the checkpoint overhead, storage space and turn-around time when compared to adaptive checkpointing approaches.
Human Movement Tacking using Centroid Weighted Kalman Filter[Full-Text ] Subha Valsala, Dhanya UVVideo surveillance system supports object classification and object tracking. Object tracking is considered as one of the most important task in video surveillance system. Two key steps in these systems are: detection and frame by frame tracking of object. This paper proposes an illumination-sensitive background modelling approach to detect moving objects. The binary mask of moving objects can be generated by the proposed thresholding function. In the visual object tracking, the Kalman filter produce errors and decreasing estimation precision. In order to enhance the stability, Centroid Weighted Kalman Filter (CWKF) is proposed. The algorithm uses illumination sensitive background subtraction method to detect moving target region, and centroid weighted method to optimize the predictive state value, finally updates observation data according to the corrected state value. This tracking experiment shows that this algorithm can detect effectively moving objects and at the same time it can quickly and accurately track moving objects with good robustness.
Biochemical changes in treated cucumber plants with some elicitors against downy mildew disease in protected houses[Full-Text ] G. A. AhmedThis study aimed to evaluate the effect of some different biotic and abiotic inducers i.e., potassium silicate, humic acid, propolis extract, and died spores (DS) of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in addition to amistar fungicide in controlling cucumber downy mildew disease and induction the systemic acquired resistance of treated plants in protected houses. Spraying cucumber plants with all tested inducers reduced disease severity of downy mildew and increased the fruit weight/plant. Amistar fungicide followed by potassium silicate and DSI were the best effective treatments without significant differences between them in reducing disease severity and increasing fruit weight/plant respectively. All treatments increased phenols and flavonoids, content in treated cucumber plants at 2, 5 and 8 days post inoculation with the downy mildew pathogen. Also, spraying cucumber plants with the tested inducers increased the activities of peroxidase (PO), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), chitinase and ß-1,3- glucanase enzymes post inoculation the plants with downy mildew pathogen. In general, the died spores of DS1 followed by DS3 and potassium silicate were the most effective treatments in increasing activities of PO, PPO and PAL enzymes. Meanwhile, the died spores of DS3, DS1 and DS2 followed by potassium silicate were the superior in increasing the activities of chitinase and ß-1,3- glucanase enzymes in leaves of treated cucumber plants in protected houses.
Smart School Bus[Full-Text ] Arifa K, Aryadas R, Asha KR, Amrutha J, Anju PMillions of children need to be moved from home to school and vice versa every day. Safer transportation of school children has been a critical issue as it is often observed that, kids find themselves locked in the school bus at the bus stop after going to school, they miss the bus, or ride the wrong bus with no way to track them. This research tested the applicability of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in tracking and monitoring children during their trip to and from school on school buses. Also most of the school buses get accident because no proper safety measures are taken especially at curves and hair pin bends humps. This system can be used for prevention of such problem by indicating a pre indication and also reducing the speed of bus by reducing the fuel rate of bus. As the action is in terms of fuel rate so the bus automatically goes to control and avoids accidents. This speed reduction is done by using RF technology. When a complete prototype of the proposed system is implemented, the system will promise safer transportation of school children.
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Leptadenia pyrotechnica root extract and evaluation of their antimicrobial activities[Full-Text ] Munesh Kumar, Minakshi Lalit, Rajesh ThakurAqueous root extract of Leptadenia pyrotechnica was used for the synthesis of silver (Ag) nanoparticles. These biosynthesized nanoparticles were characterized with the help of UV–vis spectrophotometer, Particle size analyser (PSA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). UV-Vis spectra of silver nanoparticles has absorbance peak at 440 nm. The nanoparticles formed were relatively spherical in shape with varying sizes. The synthesized silver nanoparticles were found to be highly toxic against some human pathogenic gram-positive as well as gram-negative bacteria.
Differences among the traditional, interactions, and managed conflict views of conflict[Full-Text ] Muqrin AlhuwayshanBy and large, conventional perspectives comprise of feeble and terrible perspectives about conflict. This issue exists since individuals trust their state of mind avoids conflict.
EFFECTIVE MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY PROGRAM IN THE PRODUCTION OF CRUDE OIL AND NATURAL GAS[Full-Text ] ELIJAH ONORIODE OLOSEMaintenance and Reliability has to do with maintenance of equipment to provide optimum capabilities while at the same time keeping cost within budget. While maintenance has to do with activities involved in keeping given equipment in good working condition, Reliability on the other hand has to do with the chance that a given machine will function efficiently within a specified time and set conditions. Two types of maintenance are preventive maintenance that looks at predictive or routine maintenance needed to ensure improved uptime of a piece of equipment including condition monitoring of critical piece of equipment’s. Corrective maintenance has to do with repairs done on a machine that has broken down.
GRAPEVINE VIGOUR AND WITHIN-VINEYARD VARIABILITY: A REVIEW[Full-Text ] José Luis Aleixandre-Tudó, Jolette Steyn, and José Luis AleixandreVine vigour involves the production capacity of the vine. Production capacity encompasses shoot and leaf production, as well as grape production. It would benefit grape production systems to find the correct balance between the vegetative growth (shoot and leaf “production”) and reproductive development (grape production). One could optimise vine performance by improving vine balance.
SALIVARY PARAMETHERS AT CHILDREN WITH PRIMARY TEETH AT AGE OF 5 YEARS WITH AND WITHOUT CARIES [Full-Text ] Naskova S, Iljovska S, Alimani-Jakupi J.Pavlevska M.The study we included 74 examinees (43 experimental and 31 in control group) of both genders at the age of 5 years. The purposes of our study is to determine the relationship of some salivary parameters in group subjects with primary teeth, with and without caries.
Doing Business in Brazil[Full-Text ] Faisal KhojaBrazil has become stronger and more attractive in the global markets with its high degree of economic diversification, strong domestic consumer market, broad selection of trading partners, and great financial system. Compared to the world, Brazil’s unemployment rate is low. While wages are steadily on the rise in Brazil, the level of foreign direct investment is high. Brazil provide plenty of opportunities for Multinational Corporations, especially in the oil, gas, agribusiness, mining, retail, capital infrastructure, education, and healthcare. These industries make Brazil a primary target for any business leaders around the world. However, Brazil is also an emerging economy, which mean there will be issues and challenges that business leaders have to be mindful of before establishing operations. But even with the issues and challenges, Brazil still is widely acknowledged as a global commodities powerhouse and is a very good place for investment opportunities for any foreign direct investment.
EFFECTS OF DESIGN ERRORS ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS[Full-Text ] Musa Shamsudeen and Obaju Biodun .N There have been extreme issues of building failures and other serious matters as a result of design errors. Construction and engineering professionals have found it difficult to learn from their mistakes, particularly with regards to the prevention, identification of design errors, projects that have wrought disaster after the construction are completed. Yet, design errors have been the root cause of several catastrophic accidents that have resulted in the loss of life and injury of workers and members of the public. So much emphasis is placed on the issue of time and cost that quality takes a back seat. This research justifies several mixed-mode research approaches and prior theoretical knowledge extracted from the literatures, case-study projects, interviews and visitation to construction sites. The paper further examines level of perception among the principle parties in the construction industry and the factors that control design and construction. Type and causes of design errors in the construction industry were identified and classified using a structured questionnaire that explain the relationship between the factors and the elements. Findings were validated and supported by case study projects. This research equally pointed to ways of improving performance and project delivery including ways of curtailing design errors in construction industry and improved understanding of the occurrence.
DEVELOPMENT OF AN IMPROVED PEDAL POWERED WATER PUMP[Full-Text ] Mogaji P. BThe development of an improved pedal powered water pump machine was undertaken with the intention of providing a simple cost solution to the problem of delivery of ground water with relatively less effort. This project analyzes the development of an improved pedal powered water pump for rural use. This development was prompted due to the need for pumping systems that does not use electricity as its power source in under developed area. The system is composed of a reciprocating pump powered by pedaling. The pedal power is being transmitted to the pump via a chain drive. Based on this design, the pump has a cylinder bore of 56cm and a speed stroke of 60 stroke/ minutes. The results of the test carried out showed that the pump discharge was 0.0016 m3/s at a head of 20m using a driving torque of 29.5 Nm with estimated efficiency of 90% which is fairly a good enough result for a pedal operated pumping system. It can be used for irrigation and drinking water purposes. It is more productive operated pumping system and is time saving.
Operational Mechanism of Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking[Full-Text ] Mohammad Meysam DehghanIn spite of bankers' attention to profit and loss sharing banking method during past half of century since its first implementation as a new banking approach, it is not currently an operational method. Various definitions of usury, appropriate operational, regulatory and management mechanisms of profit and loss sharing banking are factors that adversely affected the operational performance of this type of banking. In the current paper, an operation model of profit and loss (PLS) banking is presented that is able to overcome these problems. In this type of bank, the interest rate of bank debt instruments is determined based on rate of return of real part of economy and bank, as a dealer or agent of depositor, receive the commission, invest the financial resources of client in investment plans, and control on details of executer's activities. Returns induced by investments, whether as profit or loss, will transfer to owners of financial resources, i.e., depositors. In this method, the trustworthy is a unit responsible for regulatory affairs of profit and loss sharing (PLS) process on behalf of bank about accurate implementation of plan, controlling the executive operation compared to the announced programs, resource allocation and their optimum utilization and checking the financial statements. In profit and loss sharing banking, some financial innovations and tools such as partnership certificate for exhaustible plans and subscripted certificate for inexhaustible plans will be used. The secondary exchange market of certificates and designing the portfolio of sharing certificate and various insurance services are very important for activation and enhancing the efficiency of newly established markets. Whole of operation will implement based on compiled instructions. The structure of profit and loss sharing (PLS) banking method is organized and analyzed in necessary committees, units and bureaus.
The Multiplicative Zagreb Eccentricity Index of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHk)[Full-Text ] Mohammad Reza Farahani, Muhammad Kamran Jamil, M.R. Rajesh Kanna, R. Pradeep KumarFirst and second Zagreb indices are defined as and , respectively. The first and second multiplicative Zagreb eccentricity indices of G are defined as and , respectively. In this paper, we compute the first multiplicative Zagreb index of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHk) by using the cut-method and ring cut method.
Petrogenesis and qualitative seal assessment of ferruginized Eocene sands, Awkuzu, Southeastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Etimita Osuwake Omini, Beka Francis Thomas, Etu-Efeotor John OvwataThe tidally influenced iron rich sandstones are linear to irregular interbedded layers that compartmentalize the potential reservoir sands in Awkuzu area of southeastern Nigeria. These iron enrichment is probably the product of oxidation and hydration as sediments react with the environment. The ferruginized sandstones are poorly to moderately sorted with quartz and goethite mineral abundance and this reflects in its high SiO2 and Fe2O3 (T) composition. They are derived from intensely altered and weathered sedimentary or metasedimentary rocks which are dominantly of recycled orogenic quartzose and transitional sources from active continental and passive margins. The effectiveness of these ferruginized sandstones as a trap has high uncertainties with respect to regional negligible seal thickness and poor continuity to support the potentially high hydrocarbon accumulations.