Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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A Review of Casting Quality Problems and Potential Solutions in Small Scale Foundries[Full-Text ] Lungu C and Paterson A EIn this research hypothesis paper, a review of challenges encountered during production of castings in small scale under-resourced foundries is presented. Small scale enterprises form the core of economies in many countries. However, castings produced in these foundries have poor microstructure with unacceptable porosity in general. Important bearing properties of friction and wear resistance are dependant on a good microstructure. Results from testing randomly obtained cast bearing samples showed irregular microstructure, poor mechanical properties and high porosity.
CONSERVATIVE QUANTITES OF FREE PARTICLE IN THE INTERIOR SCHWARZSCHILD SPACE-TIME[Full-Text ] Y. A. Abd-Eltwab, M. A. Soliman, A. B. Shamardanand M. Abdelgaber.The interior Schwarzschildsolution of Einstein field equations in presence of matter is considered. The non zerochristoffel symbols of such a solutions are obtained, these symbols are used to obtain some conservative quantities in some spaces in the geometry of such a solutions. The Killing equations are solved in sub spaces of the interior Schwarzschild space time under some condition.
TRANSFER FACTORS OF RADIONUCLIDES FROM SOIL TO WHEAT GRAINS[Full-Text ] A. M. A. Mostafa, M. A. M. Uosif, Reda Elsaman and Elsayed MoustafaSixty samples of soil and wheat grains were collected from four different soil types (silt clay loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam and sandy) in EL-Mynia, Egypt. The samples were measured by NaI(Tl) gamma spectrometer to determine the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K). The values of activity concentrations for soil varied from 9±0.4 to 34±2, 5±0.2 to 18±0.9 and from 77±4 to 283±14 Bqkg-1 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively, while in case of the wheat grains the activity concentrations for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively, ranged from 3±0.3 to 11±1, 2±0.1 to 9±0.5 and from 204±8 to 355±20 Bqkg-1. Transfer factor (TF) of 226Ra, 232Th and40K from all soil types to wheat grains were calculated and ranged from 0.11 to 2, from 0.14 to 1 and from 1.18 to 3.72 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively. These values are higher than the default values 0.04, 0.05 and 1 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively, suggested by IAEA.
A Novel Investigation about the Effect of Strategic Purchasing on Supply Chain: A New Analytical, Descriptive and Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Adel GhasemiStrategic management and supply chain management (SCM) have numerous common interests but there is a weak relationship between them yet. We examine some regions of these common interests and suggest that how the cases in each cost can complete and confirm each other. Specifically, a number of theories of strategic management and emphasis on explaining the profits of company can be useful for SCM. New levels of analysis represented by SCM which in fact are new types of organization in strategic management. In general, we discuss about how increase in interaction between these important fields can improve knowledge development in both fields and hence, can improve the ability of organization to achieve its objectives.
Assessment of Ground Water Quality of Udayagiri area, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, South India[Full-Text ] A. Nagaraju, Y. Sreedhar and A. ThejaswiThis study was carried out to analyse groundwater quality in certain parts of Udayagiri area of Andhra Pradesh, where groundwater is the main source of drinking water and irrigation purpose. Thirty water samples were collected and analyzed for major cations: Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ and anions: Cl-, CO32--, HCO3-, SO42-. The important constituents that influence the water quality for irrigation such as Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), adjusted SAR, percent sodium (Na %), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI), chloroalkaline indices, Kelly’s ratio, magnesium ratio and Gibbs ratios were assessed. Assessment of Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium (% Na) and the Wilcox diagram reveal that the waters are suitable for irrigation purposes. Chada’s graphical method was used to identify geochemical facies of groundwater samples and geochemical processes occurring in study area. The type of water that predominates in the study area is Ca-Mg-HCO3 type. The study could help to understand the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the aquifer system for taking effective management measures to mitigate the inferior groundwater quality for sustainable development.
The Internet and Intellectual Property[Full-Text ] Khater AldoshanToday, as the internet takes center stage in publishing intellectual property, many new and challenging problems are arising. There are many unforeseen issues with the use of the internet in regard to intellectual property. Many of the claims against unlawful use of intellectual property that happen on the internet are almost impossible to prosecute because the crimes are done in new territories such as Twitter and Facebook and these are new concerns that have not been seen in traditional problems of unlawful use of intellectual property. Social media has become part of the fabric of the modern world, but it is taking time for laws and law enforcement that protect intellectual property to catch up with the tremendous amount of articles, pictures, and posts that are published on the internet. However, there is some progress being made to protect intellectual property, but it is up to the ones who publish and post to become aware of the laws and the realities that are part of using the internet.
Development of Docetaxel-PLGA-Nanoparticles and In Vitro anti-tumor activity in PC3 cells Targeted to Prostate Tumor[Full-Text ] Satendra K Dubey, Abhilash Thomas, Malay K SamantaThe purpose of this study was to investigate poly (d, l-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (PLGA-NPs) loaded with Docetaxel (DTXL) as a potent anticancer drug which has shown high antitumor activity for prostate cancer. In this study, we investigated the Docetaxel-PLGA-nanoparticles (DTXL-PLGA-NPs) and their effects on PC3 cancer cell lines were promising. DTXL-PLGA-nanoparticles with particle size within the range of 197.7 ± 19.9 nm were prepared by a nanoprecipitation method. The influence of four different independent variables (amount of polymer, percent of emulsifier, internal phase volume, and external phase volume) on nanoparticle drug-loading was studied. Differential scanning calorimetry was evaluated for physical characterizing. The results of optimized formulation showed a narrow size distribution, suitable zeta potential and a drug loading. The in vitro drug release from DTXL-PLGA-NPs showed a sustained release pattern of up to 168 hours and comparing with DTXL had a significant decrease in initial burst effect. These experimental results indicate that DTXL-PLGA-NPs have a better physicochemical characterization and can be developed as a drug carrier in order to targeting to prostate cancer cell lines PC3.
FPGA Based Data Compression using Dictionary based LZW Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mr. Samish Kamble, Prof. S B PatilField Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology has become a viable target for the implementation of algorithms in different compression methods applications. In a distributed environment, large data files remain a major bottleneck. Compression is an important component of the solutions available for creating file sizes of manageable and transmittable dimensions. When high-speed media or channels are used, high-speed data compression is desired. Software implementations are often not fast enough. In this paper, we present the very high speed hardware description language (VHDL) modelling environment of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm for binary data compression to ease the description, verification, simulation and hardware realization. The LZW algorithm for binary data compression comprises of two modules compressor and decompressor. The input of compressor is 1-bit bit stream read in according to the clock cycle. The output is an 8-bit integer stream fed into the decompressor, which is an index that represents the memory location of the bit string stored in the dictionary. In this paper, data compression technique is described using Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm.
Human Movement Tacking using Centroid Weighted Kalman Filter[Full-Text ] Subha Valsala, Dhanya UVVideo surveillance system supports object classification and object tracking. Object tracking is considered as one of the most important task in video surveillance system. Two key steps in these systems are: detection and frame by frame tracking of object. This paper proposes an illumination-sensitive background modelling approach to detect moving objects. The binary mask of moving objects can be generated by the proposed thresholding function. In the visual object tracking, the Kalman filter produce errors and decreasing estimation precision. In order to enhance the stability, Centroid Weighted Kalman Filter (CWKF) is proposed. The algorithm uses illumination sensitive background subtraction method to detect moving target region, and centroid weighted method to optimize the predictive state value, finally updates observation data according to the corrected state value. This tracking experiment shows that this algorithm can detect effectively moving objects and at the same time it can quickly and accurately track moving objects with good robustness.
GIS Based Expert System for Energy Resource Exploration[Full-Text ] Sajida Aziz, Yaqoob Wani, Khalid Hussain GIS is the vast term that can be used lots of different technologies, processes and methods. Information system (IS) is the method of integrates ,store ,edit analyze ,shares, and display geographic information. It is the tool that give the permission to the user that he will create collaborative queries, analyze spatial information, edit data in maps and present the results of all these procedures.
Advanced Management System for Educational Institutions[Full-Text ] Md Riasath Arif Prodhan, Noor Nabiul Alam Siddiqui, Albert RozarioThe education system in this era has some issue and limitation that prevent students, teacher, parents and other stockholders to expend themselves in the area of studying such as the problems are that the students are not serious about education or concentrating in their study, sometimes the teachers are not serious about their teaching and the parents are getting more and more worried for their children’s future because they can’t find out what’s going on. This paper introduces an advance management system for educational institutions which is fully online based and solves a great deal of problems related to the communication between students, teacher, parent and staff. By using the system they all can be acknowledge to each other. Therefore the communication between them will increase sufficiently. The student’s academic progress will be well known to the parents. They can share the problems and the ideas with each other very easily without any effort. Therefore in this paper we have proposed an advanced management system to change all the known issue and limitations associated to the education management system.
Optimization of Surface Roughness in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Titanium Alloy[Full-Text ] Siva Prasad Arikatla, Dr K.Tamil Mannan, Dr Arkanti KrishnaiahWire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) is extensively used for machining of complex shapes in the field of die and mould making, medical, aerospace and automobile industries for machining of too hard materials and to increase the machining productivity. Improper selection of WEDM process parameters setting can affect the machining efficiency and surface roughness due to arcing phenomenon that lead by discharge point of focus. Present study has been made to optimize the process parameters such as pulse on time, pulse off time, pulse current, servo voltage and wire tension during machining of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy by WEDM process using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to study the effect of process parameters on process performance i.e. surface roughness. The mathematical models are also developed for surface roughness and validated with the experimental results. Further, the surface roughness of machined surface has been examined by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The experimental results reveals that, as the pulse on time and input power increases, the surface roughness also increases. As and when the wire tension and servo voltage increases the surface roughness decreases and it improves the quality of machined surface. This paper highlights the importance of wire EDM process parameters on surface roughness and surface topography of wire electrical discharge machined surface of Titanium alloy work piece.
Attitudes of Mining Engineers in Indian Coal Mining Industry towards Corporate Social Responsibility: An Evaluation[Full-Text ] Pawan Kumar SinghMost of the business organizations all over the world practice corporate social responsibility (CSR). In India, this is mandatory to integrate CSR with core business operations of the company in order to achieve sustainable development goals. For effective integration and implmentation of objective-based CSR programs, this is essential that managers of the industry bear positive attitudes towards CSR, so that decisions taken by them concentrate to the goals. In Indian coal mining industry, it is the mining engineers who normally manage operations of the industry, and are responsible for taking decisions. This explorative research aims to evaluate the degree of attitudes of mining engineers towards CSR. Responses of 362 practicing mining engineers in coal mining industry against a well-constructed questionnaire were obtained, with an aim to develop more awareness towards the subject. Analysis of the data reflected that a large proportion of engineers are well aware with the concept of CSR and its implementation and bear significantly positive cognitive component as well as affective component of attitudes, but require further improvement in behavioral component of attitudes which is very much essential for deciding suitable CSR programs and their effective implementation. The highly positive attitudes of engineers at junior level, as observed in the survey, indicated a bright future for integration of CSR in core operations of the industry.
Major Trade Issues Between USA and China[Full-Text ] Thamer AltuwaijriThis research paper discusses the major trade issues between USA and China including bilateral and intellectual property rights issues.
Leadership styles[Full-Text ] Rawaf KhaiyatThere is a difference between the leaders and managers yet they are mostly considered as same. However, a number of researchers have performed their research to explain the difference between leadership and management. This difference is explained in terms of the leadership theories and styles. The autocratic, Laissez-Faire, participative leadership and a few other leadership styles explain the difference between the good leader and the mangers.
The Performance of CryoSat-2 LRM Level-2 Datasets over the Mediterranean Egyptian Coasts[Full-Text ] Mohamed El Tokhey, Tamer Sorour, Mohamed Elhabiby, Yasser Mogahed, Hilal SalloumAlthough the primary goal of ESA's CryoSat-2 is dedicated to support cryosphere science, but also CryoSat-2 is operating over ocean, providing valuable sea surface heights (SSHs) measurements, suited for oceanography and geodesy researches. Hence, its ability to contribute to such applications has to be investigated. On the other hand, the main challenge in utilizing and linking the official CryoSat-2 level-2 dataset with other altimetric datasets, for the suited marine researches, arise from the remaining errors in the provided SSHs, not accounted for by the mission's inner calibration. The main goal of this work aims to assess the performance of CryoSat-2 LRM level 2 dataset over the Mediterranean Egyptian coasts. This was performed by evaluating the ability of the provided dataset to produce a mean sea surface (MSS) model, comparable to the available global model. The absolute bias in the provided dataset has been estimated first. The accurate stacked Jason-2 SSHs were used as control points for calibration and validation, highlighting the efficiency of using such method for regional absolute calibration. Also, the estimated MSS has been compared with the global MSS model. Results reveal that the provided CryoSat-2 SSHs in the GDR LRM level-2 baseline-B product contain an absolute bias of about -93.1 cm w.r.t. stacked Jason-2 SSHs. Results also indicate that the CryoSat-2 dataset from the GDR level-2, can be used to estimate a MSS model in the Mediterranean Egyptian coasts accurate to about 3 cm w.r.t. stacked Jason-2 SSHs and with good agreement with the global MSS model to about 5 cm.
Breast Cancer and Plant Extractions[Full-Text ] Ohud AlqahtaniIn this article, the potential effects of plant extractions against breast cancer will be discussed. Plant extracts are being tested for properties that could helpin treating human breast cancer cells since their compounds are considered safer compared to the debilitating effects of modern medicine or synthetic drugs. Several studies were collected in order to identify whether plant extracts are capable of treating human breast cancer such as their cytotoxicity and apoptosis properties.
Marketing Mix in FMCG’s leading Companies: Four Ps Analysis[Full-Text ] Rabeia AlhawsawiThis paper explores the existing relationships between the four selected marketing mix of three leading FMCG companies. It discusses the approach and the positive results of FMCG companies dominating the current marketing paradigm. FMCG companies employ different marketing policies, and customer relationship approaches to increase profitability, customer loyalty, and brand awareness. It also presents advertising and pricing strategies of FMCG companies revealing that FMCG companies spend millions on their annual revenue to reach the broad market, face-off competitors, and change the product line.
Communication and Leadership[Full-Text ] Waleed BamousaOrganizational conflict is inevitable; however, all conflicts are not destructive. Some scholars consider it as an essential aspect of organizations while some take it as debilitating outcomes of malfunctioning. Nonetheless, savants are unanimous that conflicts should be managed properly so as to retain them under acceptable limits. There are various theoretical underpinnings of the concepts of conflict and conflict management.
A Review on Properties of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composites via Stir Casting[Full-Text ] V.Rama koteswara Rao, J.Rangaraya Chowdary, A.Balaji, D.Sai Krishna, B.P.R.Bhavabhuthi, G.Sreevatsava, K.AbhiramAluminium metal matrix composites are significantly important in the various demanding fields of medicine and engineering like aerospace, defense, automobiles, dental and consumer goods. The industrial need of good materials with light weight, excellent properties and low cost demanded the scientists to research on composite materials. Among the MMCs, aluminium matrix composites (AMMCs) sought over other conventional materials because of their high strength to weight ratio, high wear resistance and low economic. These AMMCs offer a large variety of mechanical properties depending on the chemical composition of the Al-matrix. The reinforcement in AMMCs could be in the form of continuous/discontinuous fibers, whisker and particulate as second phase depending on their applications and property requirements. Addition of various reinforcements such as fly ash, TiC, SiC, Al2O3, TiO2, B4C etc., to aluminum matrix will enhance the mechanical and tribological properties. This paper attempts to review the different combinations of the usage of reinforced materials as a reinforcing agent in different Aluminium matrix alloys in the processing of aluminium metal matrix composites along with its properties.
RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF PREPARATION OF AVOCADO WOOD FILLER (AWF)- (HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE ) HDPE COMPOSITES USING SURFACE MODIFICATION[Full-Text ] Government Rabboni Mike, Onukwuli Okechuku Dominic and Onoh Ikechukwu Maxwell Response surface methodology was used to optimize preparation of avocado wood filler(AWF)- high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites using surface modification. The effect of filler content on mechanical and water absorption properties was investigated. A one factor design was used to determine the optimum preparation condition of the composites to obtain the maximum tensile strength, elongation, tensile modulus, flexural strength, flexural modulus, hardness, and impact strength and water absorption. Regression models were developed for predicting the mechanical and water absorption properties based on one factor design. It was observed that regression model developed by the properties of the composites exhibits high coefficient of determination (R2) value. The optimum condition was 34.0022 wt% filler content. Under the optimum condition, the tensile strength, elongation, tensile modulus, flexural strength, flexural modulus, hardness, impact strength and water absorption were 29.918MPa, 3.72689%, 0.969755 GPa, 76.091MPa, 0.886187 GPa, 849.701Pa , 74.2808 KJ/m2 and 1.10511 % respectively.
The Most Common Entry Strategies for MNCs is The Joint Venture[Full-Text ] Murtadhi Hussain AlFayezWhat makes a completely owned subsidiary an attractive type of possession is that the MNC has downright control, and the firm trusts that administrative proficiency will be higher if there are no outside accomplices. Be that as it may, numerous MNCs are selecting joint ventures in light of the fact that the host nations regularly feel that the MNC is selling so as to attempt to increase financial control up nearby operations however declining to take in neighborhood accomplices.
Engineering a part for additive manufacturing[Full-Text ] Kushal A Jolapara, Srikanth K A, Moinuddin K SAdditive manufacturing (AM) has profoundly changed the product design lifecycle, specifically the area of rapid prototyping. This paper presents the use of AM in building different prototypes of products for the defence forces, the engineering problems faced during additive manufacturing and their solutions. The parts showcased were manufactured using Fused-Deposition Modeling, Selective Laser Sintering, Stereo-Lithography and Vacuum casting. To overcome challenges during practical application of AM, certain engineering solutions can be readily applied to improve the functional aspects of parts made using these processes. The objective of this paper is to provide condensed qualitative information on certain design aspects that will help designers who are new to AM technology. Each manufacturing method has intrinsic pros & cons and these became evident during the testing phase. An independent comparison between these processes, based on the parts manufactured, is also presented.
Establishing Nutrient Efficient Hydroponic Protocol for Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Evaluations at Seedling Stage[Full-Text ] Aliyu R.E, Azeez W A, Adamu A.K, Musa H, and Abba G.JHydroponic growth systems are a convenient platform for studying whole plant physiology. Major yield loss in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) can be attributed to biotic and abiotic stresses. A cost effective and time saving screening protocol for cowpea abiotic stresses will enhance and expedite research on cowpea by breeders thereby enhancing its production and availability to meet increasing demand and population rise. Two nutrient formulations (NFZ1 and NFZ2) and a control were evaluated upon considerations of cowpea (16 varieties) growth requirement on soil. These treatments consisted of variations of the combinations of N-P-K fertilizers, FeSO4 and ZnSO4. Seedling biometrics after 30 days in hydroponics indicated that NFZ2 induced greater seedling performance than NFZ1. This increase in growth rate ranged from 12.83% to 65.24% adopting the NFZ2 protocol in slow and fast growing varieties, respectively with an average growth rate of 46.35%. Therefore, this protocol is recommended where fast screening for cowpea is desired in evaluations for breeding purposes.
Patterns of Cultural Awareness and Rural Development of Local Audience: A Study of Harmony FM 105.50 Idofia, Kwara Sate[Full-Text ] Muhammad Kabir Yusuf, PhDInformation is central to all forms of human activity. No matter the field; there is the need for exchange of information to ensure completion of task. Inefficiency will be the results, where this exchange of information is slow or there is a break down. For this reason, information is regarded as vital resources that need to be properly developed, because it has boomerang effect on society. Consequently, a society that has poor communication and information infrastructure perpetually lags behind others that hard efficient information infrastructure (Moemeka 1985). Rural radio helps to achieved development in the rural areas, as issues of development are aired to audience in the form of various programs and individual are exposes to happenings in and around their society, through listening to these program communication serves as the basic element of interaction and information sharing in life.
A Novel Shorten Erasure Based Reed Solomon Fault Tolerance Code in Digital Format for Commercial Cloud Storage[Full-Text ] Ramprakash Kota, Dr.Rajasekhara Rao Kurra With the continuous growth in the cloud based applications and storage requirements on cloud, many commercial cloud based storage service providers are making the market more competitive with the advanced technologies and reduced cost. The advancement in technologies and high demand for fault tolerant storage solutions most of the cloud based commercial storage service providers are now equipped with Erasure based Reed – Solomon fault tolerance mechanism. However the additional cost for replication is still an overhead for service providers and customers. In this work, we propose a novel erasure based code and further optimization as shortening the proposed code also for the digital storage formats. The work also results into a comparative study of cost analysis for commercial cloud based storage service providers. Finally the work demonstrates the improvement in code shortening and making the performance higher.
Completely Automated Project Management System[Full-Text ] Arun Nair, Arpit Sanghavi, Prathamesh Jadhav, Shailesh SangleFinal year projects are a very crucial and an imperative aspect of an Engineer’s career. Our Project aims to lessen the burden on students as well as their project guides by automating the weekly progress report submission which is currently carried out in a manual fashion.
Detection and Classification of Real-time Power Quality Event Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Okelola Muniru Olajide, Oniyide Oluwaseyi JohnIn this paper, detection and classification of real-time power quality events based on discrete wavelet transform and support vector machine is presented. The continuous use of non-linear loads has resulted in the deterioration of power quality. Hence there is need for effective detection and classification of these PQ problems. Real-time PQ signals such as interruption, voltage sag and voltage swell are considered. The obtained classification result shows high degree of accuracy.
Implementation Plan for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) & Corrective Action Plan (CAP) in Manufacturing Plant[Full-Text ] Fawaz AlabdullahThe root causes analysis and the corrective action plan tools works to breakdown the entire system to include the real cause to correct and prevent potential problems from happening. This recherche includes whole general steps that going to help the quality department in the factory to implement RCA and CAP tools.
Deficit Irrigation for Sugarcane in Kunigal command area[Full-Text ] R.Shreedhar & Nithya B.KManaging water for agriculture includes a spectrum of options, from producing under fully irrigated to rainfed conditions, to supporting livestock, forestry, fisheries, and to interacting with ecosystems. However, allocation of water for agriculture through irrigation is decreasing steadily. Growing population, food security, municipal and industrial growth among others are contributing factors behind today’s water scarcity, but the main reasons for water problems are lack of commitment and targeted investment, insufficient human capacity, ineffective institutions and poor governance (IWMI, 2007). Innovations are needed to increase the water use efficiency (WUE).
DESIGN OF AUTOMRTIC PHASE SELECTOR FROM ANY AVAILABLE THREE PHASE SUPPLY[Full-Text ] Ayan Ghosh, Shamik Chattaraj, Snehashis DasPower failure is a common problem. It hampers the production of industry, construction work of new plants and buildings. It can be overcome by using a backup power supply such as a generator. But it is cost effective and also time consuming as certain time is required to switch on the generator manually. It is often noticed that power interruption in distribution system is about 70% for single phase faults while other two phases are in normal condition. Thus, in any commercial or domestic power supply system where 3 phases is available, an automatic phase selector system is required for uninterrupted power to critical loads in the event of power failure in any phase. There is no requirement of backup power supply in that case. Also there is no time consumption as the phase is changed automatically within a few seconds. The main aim of this paper is to present the real idea of an automatic phase switch for 220V to 240V alternating current. Although, there are many designs that can perform almost similar functions like, single phase change-over switches, two phase automatic transfer switch and three phase automatic change-over switch, but this model is about an automatic phase switchover (phase selector) which is designed for only three phase A.C input power to single phase output applications.
Semi-Automatic Seeded Region Growing for Object Extracted in MRI[Full-Text ] Ziad M. Abood, Iman Hussein AL-Qinani, Kawther Thabt Saleh, Mushtaq Talib AjjahThis paper describes a semi-automatic method for object segmentation in medical images by using seeded region growing method, which increasingly became a popular method because of its ability to involve high-level knowledge of anatomical structures in seed selection process. Region based segmentation of the medical images is widely used in various clinical applications such as bone and tumor detection, visualization, and unsupervised image retrieval in clinical databases. Because of fuzziness of medical images in nature; segmenting regions depending on intensity is a very challenging task. In this paper, the popular seeded region grow methodology, which is used to segment anatomical structures in computed topography angiography images, is discussed. Homogeneity criteria used to control the region grow process during segmenting images is proposed.
River in Planform and Variation in Sinuosity Index : A Study of Dhamni River, Kolhapur (Maharashtra), India[Full-Text ] Jagdish B. Sapkale, Yuvraj U. Kadam, Indrajeet A. Jadhav, Seema S. KambleAn attempt has been made to study the planform of Dhamni River, which is a major tributary of Kumbhi River flowing in the Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. The study area forms a part of Dhamni River having a total length of 46 km. Channel in planform (pattern) means, the channel patterns with straight, sinuous, meandering and braided. Planform of the river studies provide the relationship of the differentiate processes acting in the river channel, also shows the inter-relationship between hydrological parameter and river material. Continuous variation in the sinuosity index in the channel gives the signs of changing characteristic and behaviour of the river. The sinuosity index for the various stretches of Dhamni River ranges from 1.11 to 1.83. The average sinuosity index of river Dhamni is 1.313. It has perceived that the river is passing through a very narrow elongated valley and its tributaries and small streams meet the main stream with an abrupt gradient with large and uneven size of bed material. The variability in material type and size causes bank erosion and bank slumping that leads to shifts in channel and deviations in sinuosity index.
CITRIC ACID PRODUCTION FROM ASPERGILLUS NIGER USING Mango (Mangifera indica L.) and Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) Peels as Substrate[Full-Text ] Naaz Abbas, Wardah Safdar, Sakhawat Ali, Shahnaz Choudhry, Sana ElahiThe demand, production and trade of citric acid have increased as it has become a commercially valuable acid due to its application in cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries. In the present study, mango peels as novel substrate and sweet orange were utilized for citric acid production by Aspergillus niger and the fermentation parameters were optimized. Maximum yield of citric acid was obtained using mango peel 11%, sucrose concentration 5%, inoculum 2%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and ammonium nitrate at pH 5 and 32° C after 8 days. In sweet orange peel fermentation, maximum yield was obtained using 11% sweet orange peel, disodium hydrogen phosphate, inoculum 2%, sucrose concentration 25% at 32° C and pH 4 after 6 days.
Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Complexes derived from Dimedone derivatives[Full-Text ] A. A. KaleDimedone plays an important role in the synthesis of a variety of organic ligands due to reactive methylene group. The condensed compounds 3, 5, 7 were synthesized by reaction with dimedone and different aromatic aldehydes. Synthesized condensed compounds 3, 5 and 7 were on reaction with hydroxyl amine hydrochloride to yield oximes ligands 8, 9 and 10 respectively. The synthesized oxime derivatives 8, 9, 10 were used further to synthesize metal complexes of copper 11, 12 and 13 respectively. All ligands were characterized by Mass, IR, 1HNMR and CMR spectroscopic technique. The copper complexes obtained were characterized by using IR., TG-DTA, Magnetic susceptibility, and LC-MS techniques.