Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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EFFECT OF WALL THICKNESS AND HEAT TREATMENT VARIABLES ON STRUCTURAL PROPERTIE OF AUSTEMPERED DUCTILE IRONS[Full-Text ] Ganesh Vidyarthee, K.K.SinghThe most rapidly growing area of cast technology is that of ADI or Austempered Ductile Iron. ADI is a heat treated Ductile Iron or S.G. iron with a unique micro-structure: Ausferrite which consists of high carbon Austenite and Bainitic ferrite with graphite nodules dispersed in it. This unique microstructure yields excellent properties: high strength, toughness, good wear resistance, good machinability and all that at low cost. The use of this type of cast iron as an engineering material has been increasing day by day since its discovery. These properties can be achieved upon adequate heat treatment which yields optimum microstructure for a given chemical composition. But this type of treatment is bit tricky, since it requires controlled heating and isothermal holding of the material.
Impact Of Global Culture On The UAE[Full-Text ] Syed Sultan MohiuddinThis paper is aimed to evaluate the impact of global culture on the economy of UAE, it illustrates different aspects of globalization in accordance with UAE. Further this paper deals with the significance and limitation of the research. This research is qualitative while it gives a brief review of decision-making in organization.The present study will discuss risk recognition in decision making in different social environments. The goal of this research is to study multifaceted contrasts in risk recognition and how they influence risk taking and decision making in multicultural organizations in the UAE.
Plants as Bio - indicators and Bio - monitors of Urban Air Pollution[Full-Text ] Kiran Kumar S J, K. M. Sharu Raj, Deepalakshmi A. PAir pollution is one of the major problems faced by the people all over the world. This paper describes the tolerance among roadside plants to air pollution. Evaluation of air pollution tolerance index (APTI) of 5 selected wild roadside plant species along the busy roadways of Bangalore was carried out to assess their response to ambient levels of air pollutants. There was a significant reduction in total chlorophyll, ascorbic acid and relative water content showing an inverse relationship with traffic density. Similarly, pH of leaf extract showed an exponential decrease with increase in traffic density and drifted towards acidic range. Cynodondactyloncancan be used as an effective bio - indicator, while Ricinuscommunis could serve as a sink to air pollutants. The plant species with higher APTI value can be used for plantation program in urbanized and industrial areas. This helps in the reductionof the effects of air pollution, making the ambient atmosphere clean and healthy.
Determination of Causes and Effect of Signal Interferences in Television Stations in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Kamalu U.A., Anyakora N.N and Dike J.N. This work is on determination of causes and effect of signal interferences in television stations in Nigeria. It aims at identifying the existence of interference between two nearby Television stations. It also identifies the level, the causes and the effects of such interference. To achieve this, experiments were carried out within the six geopolitical zones of the country. The experiments proved the existence of interference and the simulations carried out using existing ITU mathematical models gave the interference signal level for each station considered. The values obtained were simulated using Mat Lab and various graphs were plotted confirming the existence and level of interference.
Geochemistry of Fluvio-Tidal Paleogene Litho-Units of Nsugbe Area, Southeastern Nigeria: Implication for Provenance, Tectonic Setting and Source Area Weathering[Full-Text ] Etimita Osuwake Omini, Beka Francis Thomas, Etu-Efeotor John OvwatarRock chemistry is a function of its origin and history. The fluvio-tidal Paleogene litho-units of Nsugbe area are composed dominantly of fine to coarse, poorly to moderately sorted, subangular to subrounded, quartz-rich sands and sandstones that have a relatively high composition of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. They are classified into lithicarenite, sublitharenite and quartzarenite with mature polycyclic continental sedimentary rocks that have imprints of plutonic and volcanic rocks from passive and active continental margins source derivation. The CIA and CIW values show that the source area has undergone intense alteration and weathering. This study consolidates and expands the knowledge of provenance and tectonic settings of Paleogene litho-units in Nsugbe area
A Secured Mobile Learning Platform for Assessment in South-South Part of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Kamalu Ugochukwu .A, Mukoro Robetta EThis paper is based on a secured mobile learning platform for assessment South-South Part of Nigeria. The use of mobile devices for learning (mobile learning) is more suitable and flexible than electronic learning (e-learning), since a lot of people own mobile devices and learning can take place anytime and anywhere. The geographical terrain of the South-South Part of Nigeria being surrounded by water bodies make it difficult for students to always attend classes, hence the need for a mobile learning platform. This system must be secured to pervert malpractice and impersonation during assessment. The proposed system software which can run on mobile devices and personal computers is designed using a modular approach. PHP and HTML were used for the effectiveness of the design together with MYSQL as the integrated database. The design system is meant to register candidates and their courses, before accessing the examination questions with the aid of a biometric fingerprint scanner. Only registered candidates with the right details can have access to the examination questions, which is in various formats and is randomly selected. The report for the assessment is immediately displayed at the end of the assessment. The result of the design system shows that candidate authentication using biometric aids can provide a solution to the difficulty of identifying the genuine candidate for examination, be it distant learning or campus learning. This definitely reduces malpractice and impersonation found in the education sector.
Optimization of Materials on EDM Machine – A Review[Full-Text ] Mohd. Zuber N Khan, Paras M. Chaudhari, Nirmal R. Parmar, Indresh B. PalWith the increase in industrialisation and globalization, the demand of highly finished products are increased. As the source and final assembly of products are different, it is necessary to optimize the materials in order so that only the required materials should be used to overcome the cost and to improve the performance. EDM (Die Sinking) machine is one of the most important machines which provides highly surface finished products. There are various parameters responsible to get desired MRR, TWR, Coolant, Current, Voltage, etc. Keeping the affecting parameters constant, and selection of best materials amongst the various materials which would give required highest surface finish on those parameters .
Impact of Earthquake on Ozone Concentration at Manipur (24.80 N, 93.60E)[Full-Text ] N.V.Krishna Prasad, M.S.S.R.K.N.Sarma, S.Ramesh, K.S.D.L.K.Prasad, N.MadhaviAtmospheric ozone concentration and its change when earthquake with magnitude 6.7 on the Richter scale that occurred in Manipur (North East India) on January 4, 2016 has been studied with the help of satellite data obtained from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), and Ozone Monitoring Instrument. Manipur being a hill station the affect of earthquake on one of the atmospheric parameter ozone concentration is studied. The ozone concentration was found to be high 271 Dobson Units(DU) on the day of the earthquake, decreased gradually after the earthquake and reached a maximum value and thereafter decreased to its normal value. The increase in ozone concentration was found to be dependent on the magnitude of the earth quake, depth of focus, wind direction and geographical location of the epicenter.
Assessment of Delta ferrite for SA 240 Type 304L Austenitic Weld Metal using Different Filler Materials[Full-Text ] Rati Saluja, K. M. MoeedA minimum of ferrite number FN 4 and a maximum of ferrite number FN 21 are essential to prevent hot cracking in austenitic stainless steel. It’s essential to restrict the amount of delta-ferrite as material becomes magnetic. Above ferrite number more than FN 21 delta ferrite can be harmful to the welded area due to the transformation of ferrite to sigma phase. To restate, steel with ferrite numbers between 4 and 21 solidify as primary ferrite with austenite. Delta ferrite content is limited by the content of chromium, nickel, carbon, manganese, molybdenum, silicon, copper, nitrogen, and niobium. Therefore to formulate effect of ferrite on microstructure the MIG welding process is performed with different filler wires, to predict suitability of filler materials with respect to weld metal on the basis of ferrite number and composition. To determine the suitable composition and the corresponding ferrite numbers for type SA 240 Type 304L Schaeffler Diagram, WRC 1992 Diagram and magnetic induction method is used.
Potential Pollutants Released From A Recycling Plant For Lead-acid Batteries And Their Health Impact In Malaysia: Result Of Air Modeling[Full-Text ] Mohd Hasni JaafarBattery recycling activity has become an important industry in many developing and developed countries. Using an air dispersion modeling results of one recycling plant, the study aims to determine the contents and their concentration in two simulated conditions, controlled and uncontrolled scenarios. For controlled modeling, all pollutants were within the permissible limits. However, in uncontrolled situation, Pb was found to be the major pollutants followed by As, Cd, PM10 and SO2. In addition, the lifetime cancer risk was not exceeded the limit even though on uncontrolled emission simulation.
Productivity Improvement in Small Businesses[Full-Text ] Ahmed AlsubaieThe report is about the steps that can be taken by small scale businesses to bring about improvement in productivity in the organization. The discussion focuses about the reasons for lower productivity and how the same can be addressed by the implementation of a number of steps. Considering the limited human resources and funding for carrying out the day to day operations, it can be seen that time management seems to be imperative in the case of small sized business. Thus, it is essential that the organization takes action for better time management in order to bring about improvement in their productivity levels as well as efficiency.
INVESTIGATION OF THE PURIFICATION OF BIOGAS FROM DOMESTIC WASTES USING LOCAL MATERIALS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] P.O. EBUNILO, E.K. ORHORHORO, O.A. ADEGBAYIPurification of biogas from domestic wastes using local materials in Nigeria was investigated. A cylindrical filter made with transparent polyethenes outer casing was loaded with 250g of local materials separated and supported with local sponge to remove water vapour, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. A second filter which served as control set up was loaded with 250g standard reagents comprising of iron fillings and quicklime. The local materials used comprised of charcoal, potash, clay, iron ore and zeolite. The results obtained were analyzed for percentage composition of biogas and the activeness of the local materials. The results showed an improvement in methane from 68.05% to 73.88% with zeolite, 69.08% to 69.68% with Iron ore, 68.85% to 74.89% with charcoal, 68.88% to 76.08% with potash, and 69.05% to 71.13% with clay and 68.96% to 82.37% when all the local materials were used at the same time.
Synthesis, Sintering and dielectric properties of ZnO-NiO-SiO2 -xZrO2 (x=1-10)[Full-Text ] Osama A. Desouky Bulk (Zn Ni Si Zr) O2 were synthesized by the standard ceramic method, with solid state reaction . The effect of ZrO2 on physical, phase structure and dielectric properties were investigated .Phase quantification and compositional studies were performed using X-Ray Diffraction patterns, Scanning Electron microscopy are discussed. The results show solid solution forms .Ni-rich phase. The SEM picture indicates the size of polycrystalline particles. The observation of some larger nano particles may be attributed to the fact that NiO nanoparticles have the tendency to agglomerate due to their high surface energy and high surface tension of the ultrafine nanoparticles. The decrease of capacitance in (pF) , dielectric constant ( ?- ) and consequently increase (Ac) conductivity with increasing frequency was investigated .
CHANGE ORDER: LESSONS FROM NIGERIAN ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND IRANIAN ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS[Full-Text ] Umar Isma’il, Muhammad Lawal Yahaya and Danjuma, Muhammad SaniDue to the increasing complexity of the modern projects and the impacts of technological advancement, change orders become more prevalent on construction projects in most developing countries. This research is a comparative study aims to compare the causes of change order in the Nigerian road construction and the Iranian road construction projects so as to contain and curtail its occurrence in the forthcoming projects in Nigeria. A quantitative research approach was undertaken for this purpose. Total of 71 semi structured questionnaires were distributed to the entire respondents, 43 questionnaires were successfully retrieved representing 60% of the total, and from the survey conducted the study is able to isolate 10 critical causes of change orders in both countries. It was observed that scope of work not well defined, differing site condition, acceleration of work, quality improvement and owners’ financial problem among others were some of the critical factors causing change orders in road construction projects. Further analysis was also carried out using T-test to find out if there is any significant difference in the opinion of the respondents in both countries, finding reveals that there is no difference in the opinion of respondents in both Nigeria and Iran pertaining the causes of change order in the road construction projects.
Studies on mechanical properties of Al base nanocomposite[Full-Text ] S.Hembrom, B.N.Roy, D.RoyMechanically alloyed Al50Ti40Si10 nanocrystalline alloy powder was consolidated by Hot isostatic pressing in the range 300-600oC with a pressure of 1.2 GPa. Phase and microstructural evolution at appropriate stages of mechanical alloying/blending and sintered compact was monitored by X-ray diffraction and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Alloy sintered at 500oC recorded an excellent combination of high hardness (8.61 GPa) compressive strength (1212 MPa), shear strength (600 MPa) and Young’s modulus (149 GPa).
Glass transition, thermal stability and glass-forming tendency of Se85Te10X5 (X = In, Sn) chalcogenide glasses[Full-Text ] A.S.Farid, N.A.Hegab, E.Abd El-Wahabb and H.MagdyBulk glasses of compositions Se85Te10X5 (X = In, Sn) prepared by melt quenching technique. These samples were structurally characterized using X-ray diffraction. Kinetics of phase transformations of Se85Te10X5 (X = In, Sn) glassy compositions have been studied using differential thermal analysis (DTA) under non-isothermal conditions at five different heating rates ( = 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50o C/min). From the heating rate dependence of glass transition temperature Tg and peak crystallization temperature Tp, the activation energy of glass transition Eg, the activation energy of crystallization Ec, the order parameter (n), the dimensionality of growth and the frequency factor ko determined via three models; Kissinger, Augis-Bennett and Mahadevan et al. According to Avrami index n, the crystallization mechanism was interpreted as three-dimensional growth for Se85Te10Sn5 and two-dimensional growth for Se85Te10In5 composition. Some kinetic parameters; the Hruby number Hr, the glass formation ability (GFT), the temperature difference (Tc – Tg), the reduced glass transition temperature Trg and the thermal stability S studied as functions of heating rates and compositions.
A NoSQL Solution to efficient storage and retrieval of Medical Images[Full-Text ] D.Revina Rebecca, I.Elizabeth ShanthiHealthcare sector is one of the largest service sectors in the world. Health care industry produces huge volumes of Health care related data and Medical images has become an integral part of Health care Information Systems (HIS). Medical images has to be archived for future references, Retrieved for current clinical decisions and sometimes it may be real time as well. Real-time clinical decision support where images have to be shared in real-time is a challenge. As the size of medical images is huge, the challenge lies in effective Medical Image Archiving, retrieving and sharing. This paper deals with the challenges involved in the existing Medical Image archiving, retrieving and sharing systems and also discuss a NoSQL solution for the same.
Comparative Study on the Spatial Interpolation Techniques in GIS[Full-Text ] Mrs.Bilu Susan BabuRainfall process is known to exhibit a high degree of variability both in space and time. Due to the effect of Greenhouse and pollution, the climatic pattern all over the world is changing. But the rate and extent of these changes are varying from place to place.
Project Time Overruns in Saudi Arabian Con-struction Industry[Full-Text ] Dr. Shabbab Al Hammadi, M. Sadique NawabConstruction industry of Saudi Arabia is developing on a large scale, participating in employment and overall economic growth of country due to changes in the Kingdom’s socio-economic development policies, and thereby recognizing the need for more efficient and timely completion of projects. Construction time often serves as benchmark for assessing the performance of a project and efficiency of project organization. Due to unexpected problems and change in original design during construction phase led to unwanted delay in timely completion.
DIABETES AND INFLUENCE IN PROGRESS CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari, Prof. Dr. Nasir Behxheti, Mr. Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr. Dr.Zamira Bexheti, Mr.Phar. Mirlid BehxhetiDiabetes mellitus with thee remains a serious health problem with a high prevalence in developed countries and developing countries, and is the main cause of failure chronic renal insufficiency, chronic renal terminals of manifsetuar with increased high rate of mortality due kardiovaskulaer disease (CVD). Diabetes is calculated as the fourth cause of mortality in developed countries. (1). Nephropathy diabetic (DN) is typically defined by macroalbuminuria-that is, a urinary albumin excretion above 300 mg in the urins 24-hour meeting, or mikroalbuminuri. In the United States and Western countries with ND diabetes, counted as the main cause of ESRD.
Pelletization of El-Dekhila iron oxide waste and reduced it by hydrogen gas[Full-Text ] N.A. El-Hussiny, F.M.Mohamed, Hala. H. Abd El-Gawad, M.E.H. ShalabiReduction of El-Dekhaila iron oxide waste in the form pellets was done in the temperature range 700 to950 oC. In reduction kinetics study the most satisfactory model was done to take the slope of the initial linear region of fractional reduction vs. time curve as a measure of rate constant (k). In k vs. 1/T plots were straight line from which Activation Energy was calculated.
Visual Cryptography Techniques-A survey & Comparison[Full-Text ] Asmita Mishra, Dr. Tripti ArjariyaImage Processing is a technique of processing the images such that the visibility of images is clear to user. Some times in image processing security is an important concern and also used for the hiding of information in images. Visual cryptography is a special technique of encryption for the information hiding in images such that the image is visible only applying correct key to the image for decryption. Although there are various techniques implemented for the visual cryptography, but here a survey of all the technique and their various analysis is done here so that on the basis of their advantages and limitations a new and efficient technique is implemented in future.
Phytotaxonomy and phytochemicals of Eight species of the Family Moraceae in Benue State,Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akesa, T. M.Phytochemical screening was carried out on eight species of Moraceae family in Benue State, Nigeria, using both aqueous and alcohol extracts. Results showed that, tannins and sterols were contained in all the 8 plant species (100%), followed by phlobatannins and saponnins which were found in 7 species(87.5%). Cardiac glycosides and reducing sugars were contained in only 1 species(12.5%). Neither alkaloids nor carotenoids were found in any of the species. There was no association between phytochemical composition by species and the type of extract used,when Chi square analysis was used at p= 0.05. Cluster analysis was carried out using Euclidean test to place the identified plants into a number of different groups such that similar plants were placed in the same group on the basis of phytochemical constituents. The cluster analysis did not reveal much distinction between the eight species under study. There was no much distinction between the Ficus species themselves and between the Ficus species and the Artocarpus heterophyllus which has been shown to belong to another tribe by other workers. This indicates that the distribution of phytochemical constituents may vary irregularly between the Ficus species and they on their own can not necessarily be used to discriminate between the species.
Predicting the Spatial Spread of Invasive Prosopis juliflora (SW.) D.C along Environmental Gradients in Gabel Elba National Park, Egypt[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. Abbas, Wagdi Saber Soliman, Ahmed Mansour El Taher, Ibrahim Nasser Hassan, Mohamed Mahmoud, Mahmoud Fictor Youssif, Mansour Hussein Mansour, Mohamed AbdelkareemThe predicting and spatial distribution of most invasive plants is poorly documented and studied. This study examined the spatial distribution of a successful invasive plant, Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), in Wadi Merikwan in Gabel Elba National Park. The occurrence data of P. juliflora and five environmental variables; distance from the main road, elevation, soil moisture, soil pH, and light intensity were collected and measured from 107 random plots at the Wadi Merikwan. A spatial logistic regression analysis was developed to identify the factors that contribute most to the spread of this invasive plant. The spatial regression analysis indicated that elevation and distance from road were the only significant factors correlated with the spatial distribution and potential spread of P. juliflora (p < 0.05) at the Wadi Merikwan. In contrast, soil moisture, soil pH and light, intensity of each plot were all not significant factors in relation to the spatial distribution of invasive species at the Wadi Merikwan.
Effect of harvest date on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia’s herba alba essential oil (Immouzar Marmoucha region, Morocco)[Full-Text ] Ourid Btisam, Satrani Badr, Ghanmi Mohamed, El Ghadraoui Lahsen, El Harchli Elhassan, BelouiriMounyr, Fatmi Mariam,Kerdouh Benaissa, BakkaliYakhlef Salah EddineWithin the framework of Moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants valuation, we studied the influence of harvest date on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia herba alba essential oil (Immouzar Marmoucha region, Morocco). The average essential oil yields of this species collected in different date to the month of March, June, September and December are respectively 0.20±0.0004 %, 1.19±0.076 %, 0.60±0.0043 and 0.74±0.001 %. A chromatographic and spectrometric analysis revealed three majority compounds: ß-thujone, artemisia’s alcohol and a-phyllandrène for March collection and nordavanone, artemisia's alcohol for that of June. On the other hand, the collections of September and December are characterized by artemisia's alcohol as main constituent followed by 6-camphènone, cis-hydrate acetate of sabinène and of ß-thujone. The effect of harvest date on antimicrobial essential oil activity was also highlighted.
The low-risk nature of Trade Finance for Albanian traders[Full-Text ] Dorina ÇumaniThis paper will bring to the Albanians trader attention the most important instruments of Trade Finance. Also, this paper will focus on the usage of TF instruments, the reasons that Albanian traders must use them and why they have a low-risk nature. TF instruments are built to protect international traders from different shapes of risks in international trade. Where, the most important players are exporters, banks and importers. Firms or companies by shortening the time of production, delivery, approved credit, the risk situation can be improved and in the same way as liquidity and profitability. If Albanian traders control the risks they can expand exports into new markets and it can be very profitable.
Applied Biomechanics and Bioinformatics for Analysis of Limb Lengthening Research[Full-Text ] Heba M.AfifyBiomechanics demonstrated by the variety of topics associated with physical therapy such as exercise, sports, neuromuscular control, energetics, and locomotor apparatus. Biomechanical treatment related to physical and mechanical components of the patient. Physical therapists are educated in the bio aspect of treatment, whereas prosthetists/orthotists are educated in the mechanical aspect. Physical therapy need to become more familiar with mechanical treatment and learn how to integrate this into their physical treatment program. Orthotics must become more familiar with the importance of physical treatment and the internal corrective forces necessary for efficient ambulation. In order to develop biomechanical treatment, an understanding of genetic factors that based on responsible genes for bone formation, is needed. Limb lengthening is used increasingly for children who have unequal lengths.
Allocating Resources to Minimize the Total Cost of Chicken Fodder Factory[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiA chicken factory engaged in producing three types of products: Broiler Fodder, Breeder and Layer Fodder. The management of the factory wants to minimize the cost of the production. The total demand is 26,660 bag/day and Each product is shipped in a (45 kg) bag. The current total cost of producing these products is $7403/day. Linear programming was used to optimize the allocation of the resources at the factory and minimize the total cost of production to $3737.28/day.
Probabilistic Study for Single Pile in Cohesionless Soil Using Monte Carlo Simulation Technique[Full-Text ] Dr. Husain A. AThe single pile capacity is mainly considered as a corner stone in the design of pile foundation system. The determination of more precise value of pile capacity will make a safe and economic design of pile foundation. The deterministic approaches are used for this purpose. The uncertainty associated with soil properties are taken into account by safety factor. In this paper, a probabilistic approach is used with the Monte Carlo simulation technique to consider the effect of uncertainty due to soil properties (unit weight and angle of internal friction). A single pile embedded in cohesionless soil has been analyzed. The results of the work reveal that the use of probabilistic approach will give more accurate results for prediction of pile capacity. Also, the statistical properties for the angle of internal friction are considered as the most effective on the statistical properties of the output results.
What Would Entice Employees to Join Labor Unions[Full-Text ] Abdullah N. Bin SalmahComing from a country that labor unions are illegal has led me to think that is a union beneficial for employees? Or it creates more chaos for both employers and employees? This paper will discuss four common benefits that employees gain by joining unions.