Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF MAIZE STORAGE TECHNIQUES UTILIZED BY FARMERS IN OSUN STATE[Full-Text ] Oladejo, Joana AdefemiThis study was carried out to analyze the economics of maize storage techniques employed by farmers in Olorunda local government area of Osun state. The specific objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of maize farmers, investigate maize production practices and experience, examine types and characteristics of maize storage system used, as well as identify storage-related challenges encountered by respondents. Random sampling technique was employed to select 119 respondents in the study area. Data were collected with the aid of structured interview schedule and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical tools.
Brain Signal Analysis of Meditation and its Impact on Concentration and Diluted Modes[Full-Text ] Hussain Alhassan, Dr. Navarun GuptaProcrastination occurs when the brain switches from one mode to another to meet the situational requirements. Procrastination can lead to frustration if a subject lacks experience to commute between two modes of different thught. The primary cause stems from lack of assurance in one’s ability to perform a task. To alleviate this problem, researchers have found a way to “fool” the brain from negative to positive affirmation. In this paper, we show brain signal changes occurring during people’s interaction with non-familiar situations (diluted mode), and their performance during familiar activity (concentrated mode). We observe cerebral cortex signals from the participants using electroencephalography (EEG). Participants were induced to switch from a concentrated mode to a diluted mode by means of a narrow questionnaire. EEG signals revealed a shift from ± 200 µV (naturally occurring during concentrated mode) to twice the initial signal (indicating a shift to diluted mode). Investigators then supplied participants with techniques to overcome their shock upon questioning. Brain signals returned to normal levels.
Design of a Low Voltage Fast Transfer Switch[Full-Text ] Muhammad Idrees, Dr. N.Khan, Noor UllahLow voltage transfer switch is used to connect an alternate source of ac power to a sensitive load when one source fail .Practical De-sign of Low Voltage Fast Transfer Switch is presented in this paper which operates within 1msec time duration during transferring of load from one source to another. All results have been taken on CRO during switching.
Kantowski-Sachs Minimally Interacting Holographic Dark Energy Cosmological Model in Saez-Ballester Theory of Gravitation[Full-Text ] H. R. Ghate, Yogendra D. PatilA spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model is investigated in scalar tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez-Ballester, when universe is filled with minimally interacting fields; matter and holographic dark energy components. The solution of the field equations is obtained using the physical condition that the shear scalar is proportional to the expansion scalar. The physical behavior of the model is also discussed.
Print Quality Control Management for Papers Containing Optical Brightening Agents[Full-Text ] Roberto Pasic, Ivo Kuzmanov, Svetlana MijakovskaOptical brightening agents (OBAs) or fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) are chemicals added to paper during the papermaking process to increase the brightness of paper (chemical additives that increase the reflection of blue light (caused by ultraviolet light with a wavelength below 400nm) for the correction of a natural yellow color of paper pulp). Papers with agents for optical brightening are often represented on the market. The aim of this paper is to show that colors reproduced on paper with (Iggesund Incada Silk, 220g/m2) and without (Iggesund Incada Silk T, 205g/m2) agents for optical brightening, are different during the same printing conditions. Standard ISO 13655 (Spectral Measurement and Colorimetric Computation for Graphic Arts Images) defines the “M” series of illumination, which provides color management in these conditions.
SURVEY ON VARIOUS APPLICATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING ON INTERNET[Full-Text ] Bhavana Singh, Mr. Sandeep raiWith the developing attractiveness of Internet-based services and the movement of hosting them in the Cloud, Cloud computing is a computing model that allows better management, higher utilization and reduced operating costs for datacenters while providing on demand resource provisioning for different consumers. Data centers are regularly huge in size and complication. With the aim of fully appreciate the cloud computing representation, well-organized cloud management software systems that can arrangement with the datacenter size and difficulty need to be designed and built. More powerful back-end storage schemes are needed to sustain these examinations. On one hand, the storage structure itself should be capable of managing workloads with higher concurrency, concentration and position. There are many means issues of Enterprise Cloud Computing like Data Governance, Manageability, examining, dependability, accessibility and Virtualization.
Comprehensive Analysis for Developing Novel Fuel Blend by Ternary Analysis using Diesel-Canola Methyl Ester (Canol Biodiesel)- Ethanol; Liquid - Liquid Equilibrium[Full-Text ] Vasanthaseelan SBiodiesel serves as the potential alternative for native fossil fuels. From previous researches it is found that straight biodiesel cannot be incorporated in engine, fuel modification is to be done to achieve the optimized performance and emission characteristics.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES OF TARABA STATE[Full-Text ] Bako T, Oparaku L.A and Flayin J.MThe objective of this paper is to discuss the nature of environmental degradation (limitation) as a result of desertification, deforestation, flooding, soil erosion and climate change, in terms of their impact on productivity and to suggest potential strategies for amelioration or management strategies to prevent degradation and to maintain an environmental balance for sustainable security. This study was conducted to examine some of the environmental problems of Taraba State. Data were generated from secondary sources as well as photographs. The paper highlights some environmental problems of Taraba State. The paper recommends ecosystem education, natural resource rehabilitation, improved technology, environmental data bank, population data and enablement of existing environmental policies among other measures to overcome the environmental problems. It also advocates for the integration of both local and advanced environmental management strategies in order to achieve a sustainable environment.
DuMond International Decision Analysis[Full-Text ] Adnan MiskiDuMond international board of directors is about to make a very important decision which is either to introduce a new product or keep the current product. Nancy Milnor an analyst in the firm calculated the expected value for each alternative and came to a conclusion that introducing the new product is better than keeping the current one. The board of directors didn't agree entirely with Nancy's analysis. Therefore, they suggested some changes. Nancy kept track of the comments and suggested changes and after a few moments, she said. "In spite of your changes I believe I can persuade you that DuMond should go with the new product". We applied the changes that the board requested and we found out that the new product is better than the current as Ms. Milnor stated.
TECHNICAL REPORT FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF THE LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN GENES PTALBD FAMILY IN POPULUS TREE[Full-Text ] Randa SalehFocusing on LBD family genes can enhance the woody plants to produce biofuel. The LBD genes are responsible for ligning that consume a lot of energy and hinder fermentation process. The genetic modification of woody plants through LBD genes might produce plants ready for biofuel production.
Separation Harmonics to Discern Broken Bar Fault from Load Torque Oscillation in Three Phase Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Taner Goktas, Muslum ArkanThis paper presents separation harmonics to discriminate rotor failure from low frequency load torque oscillations in three phase in-duction motors. The most common method for detecting broken rotor bar faults is to analyze the corresponding sidebands through motor current signature analysis (MCSA). If a motor is subjected to load fluctuation, then the oscillation related sidebands exhibit similar behaviors as well. Particularly, when the load fluctuation frequency is close or equal to that of broken bars, the stator current spectrum analysis can be misleading. In this study, torque and motor phase voltage waveforms are exhaustively analyzed to discriminate broken rotor bar fault from low frequency load torque oscillation in three phase induction motors. In order to extract and justify the separation patterns, 2-D Time Stepping Finite Element Method (TSFEM) is used. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed approach can successfully be applied to fault separation process in star connected motors.
The Changes of Brain Signals by use of Meditation during Problem Solving[Full-Text ] Hussain Alhassan, Dr.Navarun GuptaImproving human performance is a highly desired interest at present. Many industries concerned about the factors whether internal or external, effect subject productivity. Numerous methods have been introduced for this task. Meditation is just one technique helping users to reduce stress, prevent episodes similar to frustration, and aid in the accomplishment of one’s goals in a timely and repeatable manner. Our study required participants to solve mathematical testing, with increasing levels of difficulty over time, to stimulate a change in mental state. Subjects’ EEG signals were collected and compared. With the administering of meditation, stress reducing techniques, subjects were capable of repeating equally difficult mathematical tests more easily.
Similarities between Manufacturing and Biological Cell and its Impact on Development of Autonomous Control[Full-Text ] Khalil, R. and Stockton D.For timely response to the rapidly changing manufacturing environment and markets, future manufacturing systems tends towards flexibility, adaptability, and selforganising. Bionic, holonic and fractal manufacturing systems have emerged as potential candidates for the next generation manufacturing systems. In this paper, these methods are used to show how biological systems have inspired control methods in manufacturing.
The Effect of Cognitive-Oriented Video Games on Executive Functions of Preschool Children with Neuropsychological Learning Disabilities[Full-Text ] Afsaneh JafarabadiDuring past decades, play has been a method used by numerous psychologists and researchers for treating a wide range of disorders and problems and they have confirmed its effectiveness. The current study aims to evaluate the effect of cognitive–oriented video games on executive functions of preschool children with neuropsychological learning disorder in Saveh. The type of experimental research plan was pretest–posttest with control group. The investigated society was all preschool children at Saveh during 2010–2015 educational year and among them,20 children with neuropsychological learning disorder were selected using random, multistage cluster sampling method and considering the entering criteria to the research and categorized into two groups of test (10 people) and control (10 people). Intervention program were performed on test group for three months and twice per week (45 minutes). Demographic questionnaire, list of physical health assessment and biological characteristics of children, Raven colored progressive matrices of children, and Connors’s questionnaire for assessment of neuropsychological learning disabilities were used for data collection in the current study. The results of covariance analysis test showed that cognitive–oriented video games are of positive effect on executive function of preschool children with neuropsychological learning disorder in problem solving/planning, behavioral/excitement organization components. Hence, it is necessary to utilize this method for treatment of learning disorders.
The Efficiency of Play Therapy Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Approach on Aggression of Preschool Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder[Full-Text ] Afsaneh JafarabadiThe current study aims to investigate the efficiency of play therapy based on cognitive–behavioral approach on aggression of preschool children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The research plan is pretest–posttest with control group. The statistical population is including all children of 4–6 years of kindergartens of Saveh during education year of 2010–2015 that among them, 400 children were selected based on multistage random cluster sampling method and child symptom inventory questionnaire was completed for them. Then, 30 children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, by authentication of criteria for entering to research, were randomly placed on two groups (15 people for test and 15 people for control) and were answered to preschool aggression questionnaire proposed. Then, play therapy program based on cognitive–behavioral approach were performed for test group in 10 sessions of 60 minutes, twice per week while control group did not received any learning. After completion of sessions, posttest was conducted. The results of covariance analysis were shown that play therapy learning based on cognitive–behavioral approach is meaningful in mitigating aggression. Therefore, utilizing play therapy based on cognitive–behavioral approach for children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is of special importance.
A Study on Binary Number of Gender Identification Based on Fingerprints[Full-Text ] Liton Devnath, Arindam Kumar Paul, Md. Rafiqul IslamScantlings of researches have been conversed in the literature for the identification of fingerprint. Gender identification from fingerprints is an important step in forensic anthropology in order to identify the gender of a criminal and minimize the list of suspects search. In this paper, gender identification is carried out by using Wavelet Transform, Pixels calculation and Binary Transform. Right thumb impression of each sample of the internal database of 200 male samples and 200 female samples of good quality are selected. This identification is portrayed in the result and discussion section.
Minimize Time and Cost for Successful Completion of a Large Scale Project applying Project Crashing Method[Full-Text ] Shifat AhmedThe design and operation of large scale project has become of concern to an ever increasing segment of the scientific and professional world. It is very difficult task to complete the selected project within the range of Budget resources and time. Thus scheduling and Estimation of cost are tremendous tasks for the project. Large project involves a lot of activities and barrier to schedule and estimate. In this work a new idea which is very effective to schedule time as well as cost estimation of the large project applying PERT/CPM and Project Crashing Method are developed. At first divide the whole project into number of activities and select the preceding and succeeding activities to build up a network diagram which ensures the critical path of the project. Then we use crashing to find the minimum required time for successful competition of the project. In addition to this work we have included a new scheduling technique by using the Earliest event time that can easily compute the time and cost of the project. Finally, algorithms are developed to perform the mentioned task in a sequential manner.
Photoautotrophic Tissue Culture of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L Walp.)[Full-Text ] Aliyu R.E, Ibigbemi S.S, Azeez W A, Adamu A.K and Zainab ODeveloping a system for producing high quality transplants at low cost is important for resource saving, environmental conservation and biomass production. Photoautotrophic systems have reduced potentials of contamination, which facilitates success of large scale operations. Chlorophyllous explants in vitro have the ability to grow photoautotrophically. The regeneration frequency (80%) of cowpea (TVU-867-1B-2-7 and TVU-947-1997) embryo explant via photoautotrophic tissue culture was comparable (p<0.005) to the Photomixotrophic protocol. There was no significant varietal response in plant biometrics to both protocols.
INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF USING RECYCLED MATERIALS IN HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION[Full-Text ] ABDELZAHER E. A. MOSTAFARecycled concrete and marble materials from construction and demolition operations are disposed in landfill sites. Concrete accounts for around 60% of waste in the U.S. in addition, landfill area and the guidelines govern their procedure becomes more serious. Environmental, it is important to recycle the landfill materials when it is possible as it sustain the natural resources to the coming generations. Moreover, the authorizing process for aggregate quarries has become a difficult task for contractors due to increased environmental regulations to sustain the natural resources. The aims of this paper are to evaluate the alternative usage of the recycled concrete and marble as well as marble dust for different road layers. The experimental program was carried out through different stages starting by evaluating the use of course aggregate in asphalt pavement mix (not in this research scope). The second stage was to develop different blends (S1 to S9) between dolomite stone, lime stone, recycled marble, and recycled concrete to be evaluated as a base and subbase layer. Finally marble dust was tried instead of lime dust in asphalt pavement mix. The outcomes of the second stage presented in this paper showed that all tried types of recycling material can be used as either a base course and or a subbase course. In addition it saves between 12.5 to 53.8% of the total cost. Furthermore, the marble dust enhanced the mix stability better than lime dust from 1680 lb to 1927 lb.
Electric Static Charge Generated from the Sliding of Head Scarf Textiles against Skin and Hair[Full-Text ] Mahmoud M. M.*, Ali W. Y.Electric static charges building up on human skin and or clothes in direct contact with human body are very harmful and can create serious health problems. In the present work, electric static charge generated from the friction of hair and skin against head scarf of different textiles materials was measured. Test specimens of head scarf of common textile fibres such as polyester, cotton and polyacrylonitrile were tested by sliding under different loads against hair and skin. Ultra surface DC Voltmeter was used to measure the electrostatic charge of the tested textile composites.
A Best Effort Heuristic Algorithm for Scheduling Timely Constrained Tasks in the Cloud[Full-Text ] Riyadh I. Louis, Ahmed I. Saleh, Mohammed F. AL RahmawyThe size and complexity of Cloud systems are growing more rapidly, and hence, the management of these cloud systems and its resources is a major research area. Resource provision with respect to SLA (Service Level Agreement) is directly tied up with customer satisfaction like providing the service with less Cost with less finshing time, for that, cost effective scheduling with real time constraints are major challenges in adopting cloud computation. In this work we propose a two-stage scheduling technique for timely constrained cloud computing services. The first stage is in charge of producing a scheduling sequence, whereas the second stage aims to dispatch tasks to computing nodes of a cloud computing system. The two stages are independent of one another and; therefore, one can change a policy in one stage without configuring another one. The main goal of the proposed work is to improve user satisfaction, to balance the load efficiently and to bolster the resource utilization and provide the service with the competitive cost at the same time.
Spark- An Efficient Framework for Large Scale Data Analytics[Full-Text ] A.C.Priya Ranjani, Dr. M.SridharBig Data has become a buzz word in recent times. Many organizations are relying on Big Data to forecast the future trends of their businesses and increase their market value. Hadoop and Spark are two popular technologies that can be used to gain deeper analysis of voluminous and heterogeneous data. Although both of these are used for large scale data analytics but their performances vary. Spark is gaining significance as it performs in-memory computations for increased speed and data process over MapReduce. In this paper, the primary components of Hadoop, Spark and the advantages of Spark over Hadoop MapReduce were discussed.
The effect of magnetic field on the boiler performance fueled with diesel[Full-Text ] Adel Mahmmod Salih, Abdul-Rahman Mutez AhmedThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of a magnetized fuel on the performance of the fuel combustion in the boiler. The perfor-mance was observed by examining fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, in this experimental work we are using a diesel fuel that is subjected to a magnetic field which is placed on the fuel supply line to magnetize the fuel before admitted to the burner of the boiler. The magnetic field used in this study is coming from two permanent magnets each with (2000 Gauss).
Study on the Hydrodynamics of Stirred Vessels[Full-Text ] Laila Al-Balushi, Maryam Al-Qasimy, Sahar Talebi, Shamsa Al-Haddabi, Sumaya Al- Maawali, Ahmed Al-DallalIn this study, the mass transfer coefficient of oxygen in distilled water was studied with respect to various parameters such as impeller type and size, flow rate of air and agitation speed of the motor. When studying the effect of impeller size with three different sizes of sawtooth, the kLa value reached 0.0135 s-1 for the large size impeller with a diameter of 83.6 mm. On the other hand, the medium and small impellers reached kLa values of 0.0118 s-1 and 0.0069 s-1, respectively. Furthermore, experiments on effect of air flow showed that the value of kLa increased as the flow of air introduced to the system increases. A range of air flow rate from 0.16 to 0.52 m3/h was experimented for different types of impellers. It was noticed that the best result was recorded with Rushton turbine at a speed of 500 rpm and flow of 0.52 m3/h, where the value of kLa reached is 0.0262 s-1. While CD-6, paddle and sawtooth at the same mentioned speed and flow rate gave kLa values of 0.0232 s-1, 0.0217 s-1 and 0.0135 s-1, respectively but still CD-6 consumes less power than Rushton turbine as well established in literature. For the effect of various agitation speeds, it was found that as the speed increases the dispersion of gas bubbles enhanced in the vessel. A range of impeller speed from 300 to 700 rpm was experimented with different type of impellers. The best value of kLa of 0.0389 s-1 was obtained at a Rushton turbine unlike the kLa of CD-6 which was 0.4 s-1. Due to advantages of CD-6, the kLa value of Rushton turbine is smaller than the kLa of CD-6. Moreover, paddle and large sawtooth diameter impeller scored low values of kLa of about 0.0231 s-1 and 0.0281 s-1, respectively.
Various JPEG Image Steganography Techniques: A Review[Full-Text ] Priyanka Pal, Shubha DubeyImage Steganography is a technique of providing some hidden data into the cover or host image so that it can be transmitted in a secure manner. There are various Image Steganography techniques implemented with some advantages and limitations. Here in this paper a complete survey of all the Image Steganography technique their advantages and issues are discussed and analyzed, hence on the basis of their issue or limitations a new and efficient technique is implemented in future.
Stealing More than Just Identity[Full-Text ] Faisal AlrashedThis paper discusses what Identity theft is and what it can cause. Moreover, it addresses the methods of Identity theft and how government can deal with it as well as the protection methods.
Solar Energy Project in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Muhanned AlmutairiSolar energy can offer a very smart way of handling the energy-related and economic challenges that Saudi Arabia is facing. En-couraged by the necessity to expand the country’s economy, this paper aims to provide a complete understanding of the chances that solar energy offers to the Saudi Arabia, specifically about solar manufacturing and research accomplishments. This paper may lay the base for making the country a prominent place for solar manufacturing in addition to a leading solar research location worldwide. This paper discusses the assurance towards a most significant way to a green economy for sustainable development.
Security Management[Full-Text ] Mohammed AlhazzaaMobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets have gained acceptance around the world with many adopting the same for everyday use. It is difficult to imagine a world where there are no mobile communication devices. Especially now the most of the activities people engage in are to some extent tethered to the use of mobile communication devices. The rapid adoption of this technologies is however associated with the increased potential for data loss making the aspect of security an important consideration when choosing a device. Unfortunately, data security is still a concern requiring improvements and possibly innovations to ensure safe use of these important devices.