Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
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Comparative Performances of Crossover Functions in Genetic Algorithms[Full-Text ] Ezeani M I; Okonkwo O R; Onyesolu M O; Osita E GGenetic Algorithms have been widely applied to various kinds of optimisation problems. In this work, a Genetic Algorithm is designed to solve the three classic numerical optimisation problems – Rastrigin, Schwefel and Griewank. An experiment to observe the comparative performances of five different crossover functions was conducted. Also, the possible effect of aging out some of the old individuals from the population was hinted at. A parameter set expected to give the optimal performance and a discussion on the design considerations are presented below.
Implication of an Axial flow Compressor[Full-Text ] Aishwarya Ramesh,Kosaraju ShreyaThe main objective in this thesis is to give encyclopedic on the axial flow compressor .Axial flow compressor is used to get the compressed pressurized air as an input the gas turbine. This thesis includes the performance parameters of axial flows such as energy exchange between the rotor and fluid compressor and variation of flow over a axial blade of the compressor. Here we discuss about the mass flow, rotational speed, number of stages, pressure ratio and which effect the efficiency of the axial compressor .Now we are going to deal with the effect of stalling and surge on the fluid flow and also deal with the compressor map by these parameter it useful in the design of Axial flow compressor .The work presented comprises of basic flow parameters and dimensions of parts, this makes the further design process quite simple and the results will be helpful to take further changes or improvement at the time of detailed design.
Concentration, partitioning and enrichment of heavy metals in water, soil and sediments in River Kapsabet micro-watershed scale, Kenya[Full-Text ] Eliud Limo, P.K Kipkemboi, Kipkemei Abraham Serem and Kituyi LuswetiIn upstream riverine environment with considerable human activities, heavy metals may be released into the environment. In this study, we quantified the concentration and distribution of heavy metal (Pb, Cu, Zn and, Fe) in water, soils and sediments and characterized their spatial and temporal variability along a gradient of agricultural activities within Kapsabet River, Kenya. Heavy metals were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after digestion procedures. In water, the means and ranges in concentration were (?g/L): 0.24 (0.01-0.75) Pb, 0.07 (0.02-0.21) Cu, 2.78 (0.17-3.41) Fe and 0.32 (0.02-1.22) Zn. In the soil, means and ranges (µg/g) were: 0.39 (0.11-1.42) Pb, 0.04 (0.00-0.22) Cu, 13.11 (0.43-19.14) Fe, 0.87 (0.39-2.14) Zn while in the sediments, the means and ranges in concentration (µg/g) were: 1.05 (0.51-3.81) Pb, 0.56 (0.29-0.82) Cu, 28.11 (9.22-42.14) Fe, 1.87 (0.34-3.14) Zn. There was significant (p < 0.05) spatial distribution of metals along the river profile. In both water and sediments, site 3 and 4 contained significantly (p < 0.05) the highest concentrations of Pb, Fe and Zn associated with anthropogenic pollution. Enrichment factors and geoaccumulation indices indicate that there are moderate to high degree of anthropogenic influences in sites 3 and 4 while Cu was moderately elevated in site 1. These results suggest anthropogenic influence on the heavy metal concentrations in River Kapsabet at micro-watershed scale that have unknown toxicological and epidemiological consequences to the local community members. Thus it is recommended that a stricter policy aimed at curbing the disposal of effluents associated with heavy metals into the aquatic environment.
Development and Validation of HPLC Method for Determination of Clopidogrel in Human Plasma and Its Application to Pharmacokinetic Study.[Full-Text ] Poorna Chandar G, Surendra Babu Alla, Venkata ramana devi Ch, Sreevannela Ch.Clopidogrel bisulfate, chemically S (+)-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-6,7-dihydrothien [3,2-C]pyridine-5 (4H)- acetic acid methyl ester sulphate is a potent antiplatelet and antithrombotic drug. Chromatography was performed with an analytical Inspire C18 column (250 mm x 4.5 mm, 5 µm), Shimadzu HPLC model with HPLC Pump (LC10AD) and UV-Detector SPD 10A, and using Acetonitrile: 0.1% Acetic acid in water (75:25 v/v) as the mobile phase. The average extraction recovery of Clopidogrel from healthy subjects plasma was greater than 92% at a concentration of -----, good linearity of 0.989 in plasma over a concentration range of 50 to 5000ng/ml. Interday and intraday variability was < 10% in plasma. This newly developed HPLC method was applied to the pharmacokinetic study of Clopidogrel after oral administration in cardiac patients.
Production of Biosurfactants from Submerged Fermented Fruit Bagasse of Yellow Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) Using Pseudomonas Aeruginosa[Full-Text ] Ogugua Victor N., Okpashi, Victor E.Iroha Okechukwu K., Njoku Obi U.A methodology for producing biosurfactants from Submerged Fermented Fruit Bagasse of Yellow Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa was determined. This involved controlling agitation, temperature, pH and salt concentration conditions. The emulsification capacity of the biosurfactant was also verified with engine oil, olive oil, kerosene, and petrol. Carbon sources were evaluated with regards to the growth and production. The stability of the rhamnolipid produced by Pseudomonas sp. was also evaluated for possible applications in Bioremediation, antimicrobial and emulsions. Its antimicrobial activity was checked against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas and Salmonella typhimurium. On the basis of high production of biosurfactant, it is suggested that the hydrolysate of yellow cashew bagasse is a good and cheapest source. The study concludes that Fruit Bagasse of Yellow Cashew waste are ideal substrate for biosurfactant production, which may have potential industrial applications.
Effect of Mixed Land use on Housing Livability in Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] ODUNOLA OLUTAYO OLAITAN, ODUNJO, OLURONKE OMOLOLAVarious incompatible land uses have been observed to cluster in residential areas in Sagamu without being checked. Evident in the town are: the agglomeration of commercial banks along the regional road, the haphazard location of filling stations, religious centers, schools, service industries among other land uses. Against this background of continuing mixed land use in the residential areas, this research seeks to assess the effects of mixed land use on housing livability in the town.
Mathematics Education[Full-Text ] Areej AlshareefIn education, technology is a tool for every teacher to achieve the expectation of today’s education goals. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics said, “Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances student’ learning. Teachers’ attitudes play an important role in using technology in teaching and learning mathematics” (Budinski, p.42). That means that using technology makes teaching mathematics for students very easy and salient, and teachers use technology based on their attitudes and confidence. According to Adelaide, mathematics is a way of looking at the world that provides people with tools to solve problems. So, it is commonly said, “Mathematics is a Science of all Sciences and art of all arts.”(citation) That means that mathematics is the key to all sciences, and it plays a very important role in building up all sciences. Also, mathematics is related to all subjects because it is important for building a science.
GROWTH RESPONSES OF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS L. AT DIFFERENT GRADES OF SODIUM CHLORIDE TOXICITY[Full-Text ] Syed Mazhar Irfan, Dr. Allah Bakhsh Gulshan, Shehnaz Akhtar, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Abdul LatifSalinity can cause hyper-ionic and hyper osmotic effect on plant, leading to membrane disorganization and metabolic toxicity. The occurrence of salt affected soil is worldwide problem particularly in arid and semi-arid region including Pakistan. The Brassica campestris commonly known as rapeseed mustard is important group of edible oils and vegetables crops belonging to Brassicaceae family. It is the second most important oil crops in world next to soybean. The present investigation was the trail of salt affects on the vegetative growth of Brassica species. Grown Seedlings were transplanted in earthen pots at the depth of 2 cm (each pots were 8cm diameter and 8cm in height) containing 5kg loamy soil. In order to prevent salt accumulation 1cm diameter hole was made at the bottom of pots. After germination seedling were thinned and homogenized per pots. Plants grew in pots and observed it on daily basis at 9 am in the wire house of Botany Department Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan .After two week of plants germination; different grades of salinity treatment were started. Plants were subjected to five levels of sodium chloride solution i.e.0 (Control), 0.25, 0.50, 75 and 1 M. Data were subjected to statistical analyzed with one way analysis of variance using SPSS (version 20).The mean values were recorded at 0.05% probability level. It was concluded that the salinity was the problem for the growth and development of all the type of vegetation except halophytes.
TRANSPORTATION MODELING OF FARM PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION: A CASE STUDY OF MAIZUBE FARM, MINNA, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] James I. Galadima, J. David, Obioma R. Nwaogbe, Victor Omoke, Ikechukwu A. DiugwuThe major objective of this study is to determine an optimal way of transporting specified quantities products manufactured at Maizube Farms complex that minimizes the total transportation cost between the factory, the depots and various customer locations. While the analysis of data was done using the TORA software, the solution was based on the Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM). The result of the analysis shows that the minimized transportation cost of a unit (a carton) of the products carton is N712,800.00, compared to the current cost N849,600.00; representing a 16.10% savings (or N136,800.00). The Management of Maizube Farms Limited is advised to adopt the routes used in this study in order to reduce the overhead (distribution) cost and boost its profit.
Tumor Detection through Image Processing Using MRI[Full-Text ] Hafiza Huma Taha, Syed Sufyan Ahmed, Haroon RasheedAutomated brain tumor segmentation and detection are immensely important in medical diagnostics because it provides information associated to anatomical structures as well as potential abnormal tissue necessary to delineate appropriate surgical planning. Therefore, the primary purpose of this research is to elaborate upon and find ways to take a step ahead; the research will be conducted on Automated Tumor Detection (ATD) in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images through algorithms in order to improve the current scenario. A comparison between Region Growing Technique (RGT) and Morphological Tools (MT) for the segmentation of brain tumor from the Hemangiopericytoma tumor has been observed. Segmentation of anatomical regions of the brain is the fundamental problem in medical image analysis. Applying conventional techniques of tumor extraction manually is time-consuming and often unreliable and insufficiently accurate. The study of brain has been of great interest to the researchers. While studies show that it is one the most difficult task to accurately segment the tumor from the case of Hemangiopericytoma. After analytical and numerical evaluation the results achieved depicts that RGT is more effective while MT is more timely efficient technique for tumor detection.
EVALUATING PERFORMANCE OF MULTIPLE SYSTEM INNOVATIONS[Full-Text ] Atabong, T. Agendia-Abanda. and Nnadi, Hillary.At first taught, an undergraduate student of computer science or other computer users will appreciate the working of their computer system as good if their systems specifications are within some acceptable range. Vendors and users of computer systems will want to know the processor model, processor speed, memory size and rating, hard disk size and rating and the operating system they are using, as the determining factors of their new system. The measurement and evaluation of the performance of a computer system to compare alternatives in Madonna university laboratory is carried out in this research. Thirty (30) systems were analysed for performance using Response time performance matrix. During this analysis, Systems tuning was done with 20 factors (variables) and the different levels of the respective response time was obtained with a highly sensitive stop watch aimed at ensuring that a minimum amount of effort, expense and waste is incurred in getting the exact elapsed time. Both software and hardware were considered during the tuning. The geometric, arithmetic, harmonic and combined means were calculated during the evaluation. Missing levels of factors were equally calculated in two ways; from the recorded values of the other factors of the same systems by taking the harmonic mean; and by taking the harmonic mean values of that factor when all the 30 systems are considered. A comparison of all the 30 systems was done and presented accordingly. The architecture of the software system as the highest level of abstraction where upon useful analysis of system properties is possible was discussed from the presented overall performance of the software. Our presented graph can be used to predicts the throughput and the average response time of software system under varying workloads and also identifies bottlenecks in the system, suggesting possibilities for their removal.
SCHISTOSOMIASIS-ASSOCIATED BLADDER CANCER: A SEVEN YEAR EXPERIENCE IN MAIDUGURI NORTH EASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] A. G. IBRAHIM, S. ALIYU, A. B. ZARAMIBACKGROUND: Bladder cancer is one of the commonest malignancies globally. In schistosomiasis endemic areas in Africa and Middle East squamous cell carcinoma predominate. This study aimed at evaluating presentation and management outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study reviewed all cases of schistosomiasis- associated bladder cancer in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) from January 2007 to December 2013. Information was extracted from the patients clinical notes and data analyzed. All bladder cancers, histologically diagnosed with co-existing schistosomiasis were included in the study. The diagnosis was based on clinical, laboratory and imaging investigations. RESULTS: A total of 82 patients were studied age ranged from 28 – 87 years with a male to female ratio of 3.56: 1, the peak age group was 40 – 49 years. The mean age at presentation was 46.8 years. Clinical features were Hematuria, Suprapubic mass, and anorexia /weight loss in 96.34%, 71.95%, and 85.37% respectively. The duration of symptoms ranged from 3 weeks to 3 years, all patients had childhood schistosomiasis. The histology revealed squamous cell carcinoma in 87.80% and transitional cell carcinoma in 12.20%. Muscle invasive tumours (T3, T4) were 86.59%. The procedures done were biopsy only in 25.61% and radical cystectomy and urinary diversion in 53.66%. There were 9.76% mortalities, and one year survival was 68%. CONCLUSION: Schistosomiasis associated bladder cancer is predominantly squamous cell carcinoma that is muscle invasive, with tendency to be locally advanced. Eradication of schistosomiasis will reduce the prevalence of the disease.
OPEN NEPHRECTOMY: A SEVEN- YEAR EXPERIENCE IN UNIVERSITY OF MAIDUGURI TEACHING HOSPITAL NORTH EASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] A. G. IBRAHIM, S. ALIYUBackground: Indications for nephrectomy are diverse globally with donor nephrectomy and malignancy predominating in Europe and other developed countries while in Africa and other developing countries childhood tumours, infective conditions, and stone disease or its complications are the leading causes. This study aimed at reviewing indications, presentations and outcome of open nephrectomy in a developing country. Patients and Methods: The study reviewed all patients that had open nephrectomy between January 2008 to December 2012 in the specialist hospital Damaturu and the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital North Eastern Nigeria. The diagnosis was made based on clinical and laboratory investigations. All patients had open nephrectomy under general anesthesia. Results: A total of 81 patients were analyzed age ranged from 6 months to 79 years with mean of 33.5years for benign lesions and 48.7years for malignant conditions, and peak age group of 30 – 39 years accounting for 19.75%, and a male to female ratio of 1.3:1. The main presenting features were abdominal/loin pain in 80.25% patients and anemia in 79.01%. Histology revealed renal cell carcinoma in 28.40% and gunshot injuries in 16.05%. The postoperative complications were surgical site wound infections in 8.64%, and acute renal failure in 4.94%. The mortality was 3.70%. Conclusion: In developed countries where facilities exist for early diagnosis, minimally invasive and laparoscopic nephrectomy is the gold standard as opposed to what is obtainable in developing countries where late presentations with advanced disease and complications, thus necessitating open nephrectomy.
BLADDER CANCER A TEN-YEAR EXPERIENCE IN MAIDUGURI NORTH EASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] A. G. IBRAHIM, S. ALIYUBACKGROUND: Bladder cancer is one of the commonest urological malignancies worldwide with increasing incidence in regains with high exposure to carcinogens and schistosomiasis. This study reviewed all bladder cancer patients managed over a ten-year period in the UMTH. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study reviewed all patients with bladder cancer managed in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) over ten-years. Emergency presentations were resuscitated using intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and blood transfusion where necessary. All patients were clinically staged using Marshall’s staging. Post operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy were done at other centres for those that can afford. RESULTS: A total of 144 patients were analyzed, age ranged between 29 – 87years with a mean of 54.9 years and peak age group of 40 – 49 accounting for 27.78%, with a male to female ratio of 2.43 : 1. The main presenting features were Haematuria in all patients, and weight loss in 63.19%. Complications at presentation were anemia in 54.86%, and impaired renal function in 39.58%. The Marshall’s clinical staging of the patients’ disease were stage 1, 9.03%, stage 2, 18.75%, stage 3 52.08%, and stage 4, 20.14%. The histology revealed squamous cell carcinoma in 63.89%, and transitional cell carcinoma in 30.56%. Associated schistosomiasis in 41.67%. The procedures done were ureterosigmoidostomy in 27.78%, and biopsy only due to advanced disease in 20.83%. The postoperative complications were metabolic acidosis in 27.08%, and ascending urinary tract infection in 18.75%. The mortalities were 3.47%. The follow up ranged from 3months to 4years. The mortality in the first year of follow up was 33.33%. CONCLUSION: Bladder cancer is fairly common in this environment as a result of schistosomiasis and patient usually present late with complications.
An Aspect of Water Distress Level Evaluation in Abakaliki Area and Environs Southeast Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Rock Onwe Mkpuma, Nwankwo G. I., Ahiarakwem C. A.An improved understanding of physiographic and geologic factors influencing natural water storage and yield, as well as appreciation of the historical and current water sources, availability and use are necessary water management modeling tools for sustainable water resources development. This study aim at identifying the sources and causes of water scarcity, asses level of scarcity and the extent of its effect on the livelihood (healthcare and the environment) and finally proffer ways to either ameliorate or remove effects by integrating existing coping strategies into a standard water management implementation road-map as a panacea for arriving at an improved water supply scheme. In this study, hydrologic and hydrogeologic characteristics were evaluated from analysis of morphometric and lithologic results of both surface and groundwater sources. A questionnaire approach was also used to simulate water availability and use patterns. Empirical method was used in estimating the water distress level. Results indicate an area of high water distress level due to resource scarcity. Geologic factors, lack of abstraction and storage facilities, high cost of water resources facilities development and most pertinently poor management and use of water amongst others are the contributing factors. Analysis of responses from the questionnaire further indicates that the high water distress is associated with health problems, poverty and environmental issues.
THE IMPROVEMENT OF PARALLEL SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING BY THE APPLICATION OF COMPLEX ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Ebole Alpha F, (b) Awodele O and (c ) Kuyoro S.OIt is now very clear that silicon based processor chips are reaching their physical limits in processing speed, as they are constrained by the speed of electricity, light, and certain thermodynamic law. A viable solution to overcome this limitation is to connect multiple processors working in coordination with each other as well as using complex Algorithm to solve grand challenge problems. Hence, high performance computing requires the use of massively parallel processing (MPP) systems containing thousands of powerful central processing unit and complex Algorithm like the Divide and conquers algorithms. It involve breaking up a problem into several smaller instances of the same problem, solve these smaller instances by assigning different processors to the smaller instance of the same problem and then combine the solutions into a solution to the original problem by a central processor. Naturally, for this approach to work, the smaller instances should be simpler than the original problem, and combining their solutions together should be easier to do than solving the original problem.
DYSLIPIDEMIA IMPACT IN PRESENTATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES OF PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS AND DRUG TREATMENT OF DYSLIPIDEMIA[Full-Text ] Nexhibe Nuhii, Doc. Dr. Sci. Med. Lutfi Zylbeari, .Dr. Driton Selmani, Dr. Ardiana MurtezaniOne of the major risk factors of early atherosclerosis and the introduction of thrombolytic processes and cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes mellitus in addition to known factors (arterial hypertension, MIA syndrome, smoking, sedenterity, oxidative stress, psycho-stress, cytokines, etc ...) in recent years are counted also lipid abnormalities such as dysplipidemia or rather, are diabetic dyslipidemia. In patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM type 1 and DM type 2 ) is proven and documented that there is a high positive correlation between hyperglycemia, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and high lipid concentration values (LDL-ch and TG) and decrease in HDL-ch concentrations micro and macrovascular consequences, cardiovascular disease (CVD), retinopathy and diabetic nephropath(1) There are verifiable evidence that patients with insulin-dependent DM or treated with oral therapy are candidates with potential risk of cardiovascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, stroke compared with the healthy population. In the plasma of patients with DM were detected besides high concentrations of: blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were also detected high concentrations of LDL-ch and triglycerides and low concentrations of HDL-ch which further help the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary atherosclerosis complications (2). Aim of the paper work was to verify and document, role and correlation of lipid dissorders (dyslipidemia) and hyperglycemia in the pace of progress and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type.1 and the type 2 compared with healthy control individuals . The paper also aimed to influence positive effects of statins family in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2. In our patients treated with statins at the dose of 40 mg per day with duration of 3 months and reached a target of reducing the LDL cholesterol by 30-38%. The research was prospective cohort (,, cross-section ") Totaly are included N 0 = 240 examiners of whom 120 were patients of diabetes mellitus (DM 75 with tip1 while 45 were with DM type 2) while 120 individuals were healthy you served as group controllers.For examination was used 5+ (5) ml of venous blood taken from the vein in the patient lying position in order to avoid possible variations and the influence of the position of patients on lipid fraction values (9- 12%) which occur if the blood of patients is taken from the horizontal position. Dyslipidemia in diabetic patients with diabetes is present at the initial stages of an outbreak of the disease so its drug treatment in the early stages should be the primary postulate of physicians with which obviously would help the prevention and reduction of presentation of CVD
EXPERIMENTAL AND SURFACE MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE INHIBITION POTENTIALS OF DIETHYL ETHER EXTRACT OF cochlospermum tinctorium FOR SUPER ACID CORROSION OF MILD STEEL[Full-Text ] KAZAURE Z. SULAY, AGBOGO U. VICTOR, ADEYEMI O. OLUFEMIThe corrosion inhibition efficiency of cochlospermum tinctorium(CTE) on mild steel in 0.5M HClO4 solution has been investigated using weight loss measurements, thermometric measurement and scanning electron microscopy studies. The weight loss measurement indicates increase corrosion inhibition efficiencies that reaches 92%. The weight loss and thermometric data established that the inhibition efficiency on mild steel increases with increase in the concentration of inhibitor, CTE. The adsorption of CTE obeys Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters (K_ads, ?G_ads^0 ) were calculated using the adsorption isotherm. Activation parameters of the corrosion process (?E_a,??Q?_ads and ?S_ads) were also calculated from the corrosion rates obtained from temperature studies. The adsorption isotherm indicates that the adsorption of CTE inhibitor on the surface of mild steel is physisorption and the thermodynamic values obtained indicates spontaneous and exothermic corrosion processes. Furthermore, the results of thermometric studies showed that the presence of CTE decreased in the reaction number (RN) and the percentage reduction of RN in the presence of CTE increases with increasing concentration of CTE. Inhibition efficiency is concentration dependent and reaches highest value of 89 % - 90 % respectively at 500mgL-1 of CTE in both acids. Surface morphology of the mild steel specimens in the presence and absence of the inhibitor was evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM analysis revealed that the addition of inhibitor retarded the corrosion processes, where the grain boundary attack were completely hindered by the adsorbed inhibitor molecules. The micrograph in the presence of CTE showed a near smoother surface with a pit morphology lower than in the absence of plant mextract.
PSYCHO-SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND COPING OF WOMEN WITH ALCOHOLIC SPOUSES IN RURAL MALWA AREA, DIST. LUDHIANA, PUNJAB – A PILOT STUDY[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Arindam Kanta Banerjee, Ms. Ramneek Kaur,Ms. Manpreet KaurThe present study was conducted to assess the psychosocial problems and coping of women with alcoholic spouse, in village Gahour, 56 km from Raikot city in distt. Ludhiana. The objectives of this study were : 1. To assess the psychosocial problem of women with alcoholic spouse 2. To assess the coping of women with alcoholic spouse 3. To find the relationship between the psychosocial problem and coping of women with alcoholic spouse 4. To find the relationship of psychosocial problems with the selected variables. i.e. age, education, family income per month, occupation, type of family, duration of addiction of spouse, religion, duration of marriage, number of children 5. To find the relationship of coping with selected variables. i.e. age, education, family income per month, occupation, type of family, duration of addiction of spouse, religion, duration of marriage, number of children. The conceptual framework is based on Roy’s adaptation model. An exploratory approach and non experimental research design was used for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used and 60 women with alcoholic husbands were interviewed. The independent variables were age, education, family income per month, occupation, type of family, duration of addiction of spouse, religion, duration of marriage and number of children. The dependent variables were psychosocial problem and coping of women with alcoholic spouse. The study found that majority of women had physiological problems [13.13%] followed by psychological problems [12.79%] and psycho-social problems [7.40%]. While 6.6% women had financial problems, only 3.92% stated to have sexual problems. 71.1% women had adoptive and 28.3% showed mal-adoptive coping. Age, Education, Vocation, Economic status, Family type, religion, Duration of Marriage, Duration of Addiction and number of Children had No Impact on Psycho-Social problems. Among these variables, only age and duration of addiction had impacted coping strategy of women.
SURVEY ON ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION SCHEMES FOR MEMORY APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] Kavya B S, Mrs.B.N.ShobhaMemory is responsible for digital circuit for storing as well as retrieving any digital data that are needed at particular time. Encoding and Decoding are the two basic operations that are responsible for reading and writing. Due to environmental interference and physical defects in the communication medium can cause random bit errors during data transmission from the source to a receiver. Also due to technology scaling and higher integration densities there are variations in parameters and noise levels which will lead to larger error rates at various levels of the computations. Therefore error detection techniques allow detecting such errors, while error correction enables reconstruction of the original data in many cases. This paper describes error detection/correction mechanisms that can be utilized within system to protect applications against various types of bit errors. These detection/correction mechanisms have different overhead costs in terms of energy, performance, and area, and also differ in their error coverage, complexity, and programmer effort. In order to achieve the highest efficiency in designing and running a computer system, to understand the trade-offs among the aforementioned metrics for each detection/correction mechanism and choose the most efficient option for a given running environment.To accomplish such a goal, this paper enumerate many error detection/correction techniques that enable reliable delivery of digital data over unreliable communication channels.
BAYESIAN ESTIMATION OF POPULATION PROPORTION OF A STIGMATIZED ATTRIBUTE USING A FAMILY OF ALTERNATIVE BETA PRIORS[Full-Text ] Adepetun, A.O. & Adewara, A.A.In this study, we have developed the Bayes estimators of the population proportion of a stigmatized attribute when data were gathered through the randomized response technique (RRT) put forward by Hussain and Shabbir [9]. Using both the Kumaraswamy (KUMA) and the Generalised (GLS) beta distributions as a family of alternative beta priors, superiority of the derived Bayes estimators was established for a large interval of the values of the population proportion. We observed that for small, moderate as well as large sample sizes, the alternative Bayes estimators were better than the Bayes estimator proposed by Hussain and Shabbir [10] when a simple beta prior was used.
A Parallel System with Priority to Preventive Maintenance over Repair Subject to Maximum Operation and Repair Times[Full-Text ] R. Rathee and S.C. MalikIn this work, a stress is given on the evaluation of performance measures of a parallel system under priority with necessary conditions on operation and repair times. The units are identical in nature subject to constant failure. There is a single server who visits the system immediately to rectify the faults whenever occurred in the system. The system undergoes for preventive maintenance after a pre-specific time‘t’ up to which no failure occurs. However, repair of the unit is done at its failure. And, the unit is replaced by new one in case its repair is not possible by the server in a given maximum repair time. The maintenance and repair activities are perfect.
Determination of the Dielectric Constants of Carbonated High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)[Full-Text ] Okoye Victoria C, Okpala Uchechukwu VIn this research work we studied dielectric constant of carbonated polymers. Polymers have been with us since the formation of the earth. Some of the synthetic polymers were discovered during the nine-teen century and at late 1930s.
On Some Generalised Transmuted Distributions[Full-Text ] Kishore K. DasIn this paper a generalized form of the transmuted distributions has been de ned. Their moments and other distributional properties of this distribution has been studied. Finally deriving transmuted skew exponential distribution its di erent distributional properties has been discussed.
Application of Fuzzy Graph in Traffic[Full-Text ] R.MynaIn this paper a generalized form of the transmuted distributions has been de ned. Their moments and other distributional properties of this distribution has been studied. Finally deriving transmuted skew exponential distribution its di erent distributional properties has been discussed.In this paper, we use a fuzzy graph model to represent a traffic network of a city and discuss a method to find the different type of accidental zones in a traffic flows using Edge coloring of a fuzzy graph.