Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
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PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION OF INTRA DOMAIN ROUTING PROTOCOLS USING QUAGGA[Full-Text ] Ashish Kuamr Mishra, SelvarajOptimization and high performance of routing protocols are needed in this interconnected world. As the intra-domain routing protocols (OSPF) is widely used in ip network. In ospf implementations the processing delays impact the time needed to re-convergence after a topology change for both intra-domain and inter-domain routing. The performance index used to characterize the re-convergence capability is also referring as switching time. To measure the switching time on pc based router and open source routing software we built a test-bed. Moreover we describe a set of changes made on Quagga code in order to optimize some processes, whose algorithms were not efficient. After obtained result we show that, if the routing software is optimized, the pc-based routers perform better than commercial router in terms of switching time. The realized implementation allows the shortest path computation time to be reduced of about the 97%.
Geo-electric investigation of the groundwater Potential distribution within the Northern Basement Complex of Nigeria.[Full-Text ] E.A. Kudamnya and J.O. OsumejeKaduna, a town within the crystalline hydro-geological province of the Basement Complex of northern Nigeria, is faced with an increasing demand for water due to high population growth rate and growing prosperity. Hence there is dependence on groundwater in meeting the water needs of the area. It is therefore important to delineate the water potential regions of aquifer units within the study area. To achieve this, two important hydraulic properties – hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity, of the aquifer media in the area were computed. A geoelectric survey was carried out involving Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) to investigate the sub-surface depth using the Schulmberger technique. Abem Tarrameter SAS 1000 was used and twenty points were sounded in area. Data obtained were processed using the Earth Imager 1D Version 2.0.4 software to display results in a log-log graph. Values for transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity were computed. The data together with the coordinate of points for each station, obtained using a Garmin global positioning system (GPS), was employed to plot 2D and 3D contour maps. This was done with the aid of Surfer 11 software. In conclusion, transmissivity values recorded is within a range of 1.31 m2/day to 20.08 m2/day, with an average value of 19.12 m2/day. Hydraulic conductivity values range from 6.5827 x 10-6 m/s to 9.7225 x 10-6 m/s with an average value of 7.5358 x 10-6 m/s. Aquifer thickness recorded a range of value between 2.00 m to 31.00 m with an average of 15.66 m. Groundwater yield in the study area is adequate to sustain water supply need of communities like Afaka and Riga Chikun. Other places like Kurumi Mashi and Makera will have just enough water for private use. There is a strong positive correlation between transmissivity and aquifer thickness, while there was no correlation between aquifer transmissivity and aquifer resistivity.
Natural Carbon sequestration by dominant mangrove species Avicennia marina var. accutissima ex Staf & Moldenke ex Moldenke found across Thane creek, Maharashtra, India[Full-Text ] Sheetal Chaudhari Pachpande, Madhuri PejaverTrees absorb carbon and assimilate it as a part of biomass through a process of photosynthesis. The current study focuses on carbon sequestration by dominant mangrove species across Thane creek. Thane city harbors Asia’s largest industrial complex, effluent of which are released directly or indirectly to the creek, thereby increasing pollution, affecting growth of mangroves. Mangrove forests are considered as probable and efficient sink of atmospheric carbon. Avicennia marina var. accutissimaStapf & Moldenke ex Moldenke is the dominant species found on the banks of theThane creek. Approximately more than 20 % of carbon is stored in above ground biomass of which 2% - 3 % gets incorporated in sediments. The sequestration potential of entire creek is estimated allometrically. This will help in creating awareness of the most crucial and dominant mangrove species at the creek.
Spatial Distribution Analysis and Susceptibility Mapping of Mass Movements Using GIS-Based Logistic Regression: A Case Study of a Moderately Hilly Alpine Context (NW Morocco)[Full-Text ] Mohamed MASTEREA quantitative mass movements susceptibility zonation map at a medium scale (1:50 000) of the Zoumi area (Central Rif – Morocco) was prepared using a probabilistic approach. Because, is considered as one of the most appropriate approaches for mass movements susceptibility mapping on this scale with datasets developed for application in a geographic information system (GIS). This paper presents a four-step procedure to map mass movements susceptibility in a moderately hilly context. First, mass movements inventory carried out through high remote sensing data interpretation and field surveys studies. Second, mapping predisposing parameters (geotechnical unities, fracturing density, slope angle, slope aspect, elevation, stream network density, earthquakes isodepths and land use) controlling the spatial occurrence of slope failure. Third, the strength of the eight predictor variables association was assessed and the logistic regression model was applied. Finally the degree of model fit of the susceptibility map was evaluated by calculating the cumulative percentage of mass movements area in each susceptibility class, accompanied by expert judgment.
Comparative Study on Effect of Chloride and Water on Marble Dust Concrete[Full-Text ] Mr. Abhilash B. Gaikwad, Mr. Abhishek J. Patil Thorat, Mr. Bajirao V. Mane, Miss. Komal R. Nikam, Mr. R. P. PatilIn recent years the waste material to the environment directly can cause the environment problems. Hence the reuse of the waste material has been used. This waste is produced from manufacturing and polishing process like sawing and shaping. This research aims to study the effect of using marble powder as partially replaced of cement on the compressive strength of concrete. In this paper, we have used M30 grade concrete. The concrete cubes are casted for partially replacement of cement by marble dust with 0%,5%,10%,15% & 20%. The 0% replacement is considered controlled percentage replacement. Then the specimens having size of (150mm x 150mm x 150mm) are tested after 28 & 60 days for water and chloride water curing. We have kept 5% Nacl consistency. The result graph shows that variations in compressive strength for cement replaced by marble dust for 28 & 60 days curing in water and chloride water curing. The 5% & 10% replacement is desirable percentage of replacement of cement by marble dust.
A REVIEW OF ROUTING PROTOCOL IN MANETs[Full-Text ] Cheenu Bala, Tania NagpalIn recent years, research has been seen going on in the field of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). Due to limited resources in MANETs, to design reliable and an efficient routing strategy is still open challenge. To overcome this problem a number of routing protocols have been developed and still increasing day by day. It is difficult to determine which protocols may perform well under different network scenarios such as topology and network size etc. In this paper we give an overview of the existing routing protocols with a particular focus on their characteristics and functionality. Further this study will help the researchers to get an overview of the existing protocols and suggest which protocols may perform better with respect to varying network scenarios.
ASSESSMENT OF APPLICATION OF MOBILE LEARNING DEVICES AMONG BUSINESS EDUCATION STUDENTS IN SOUTH EAST UNIVERSITIES, NIGERIA.[Full-Text ] Dr. A.U. OKEKE, UCHECHUKWU O. IHEANACHOThis study assessed the application of mobile learning devices among business education students in south east universities in Nigeria. The study population comprised 1,102 students of business education in south east universities in Nigeria. Stratified sampling technique was used to draw 293 students that represented the sample frame for the study. A 5-point scale validated questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 0.84 was used for data collection. Mean, standard deviation and ANOVA were used for data analysis. Results revealed that the respondents apply mobile learning devices for education to a low extent. The respondents differed significantly in their mean ratings based on institution type. Based on the findings, the authors concluded that students use mobile learning devices for leisure than study and recommended among others that educators should acquire relevant competences on mobile learning and apply them using mobile devices for instructions while the curriculum planners should integrate digital literacy as a course to include mobile learning.
Distribution Of Heavy Metals And Other Physico-chemical Properties Of Soil At Automobile Mechanic villages, Imo State.[Full-Text ] Okoro , A.C, Chukwuma, G.O, Chukwuma, E. C, ugwu.I.EStudies to ascertain the distribution of heavy metals and changes in other physiochemical properties of the soil was carried out at two automobile mechanic villages in Imo State. Soil samples were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for heavy metals and other physciochemical properties in triplicates at the 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60cm depths of the soil. The overall values of heavy metals Cd-Cadmium, Cu-Copper, Pb-Lead, Cr-Chromium and Fe-Iron ranged from 8.83 to 18.68; 191.00 to 590.00; 693.33 to 2917.30; 5.42 to 26.82 and 17,533 to 140,870mg.kg-1respectively. The analyzed result showed that the distribution of heavy metal in the soil decreased with increase in depth and were not significantly different with age. The soil physiochemical properties were also modified due to the presence of excess heavy metals. The soil pH was slightly acidic and alkaline ranging from 5.24 to 7.27. For soil particle size, the distribution of sand fraction was highest followed by clay and then silt. This study showed that age did not affect heavy metals contamination of the soil.
Enhancement of the Kalman Filter Performance in Guidance Application[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr.Mohamed Zakaria, Prof.Dr.Talaat Abd-Elmonaem, Dr.Alaa El-Din Sayed Hafez, Eng.Hesham AbdinKalman filter algorithm is an estimator known as the workhorse of estimation. It has an important application in missile guidance, especially in lack of accurate data of the target due to noise or uncertainty. In this paper a Kalman filter is used as a tracking filter in a simulated target-interceptor scenario with noise. It estimates the position, velocity, and acceleration of the target in the presence of noise. These estimations are needed for both proportional navigation and differential geometry guidance laws. A Kalman filter has a good performance at low noise, but a large noise causes considerable errors leads to performance degradation. Therefore, a new technique is required to overcome this defect using tuning factors to tune a Kalman filter to adapt increasing of noise. The values of the tuning factors are between 0.8 and 1.2, they have a specific value for the first half of range and a different value for the second half. they are multiplied by the estimated values. These factors have its optimum values and are altered with the change of the target heading. A genetic algorithm updates these selections to increase the maximum effective range which was previously reduced by noise. The results show that the selected factors have other benefits such as decreasing the minimum effective range that was increased earlier due to noise. In addition to, the selected factors decrease the miss distance for all ranges of this direction of the target, and expand the effective range which leads to increase probability of kill.
Fraud detection and mitigation in secure e-payment transaction.[Full-Text ] Mrs.T.K.GEORGE, Dr.(Prof)Paulose JacobFraudulent entries in the e-payment are quite common in most of the e-commerce transaction. In most of the E-commerce transaction, prevention and detection of fraudulent entries are given much importance as part of risk management strategies. There should be an appropriate technique or procedure to detect and respond to fraudulent entries. In order to detect fraudulent entries, the behavioral pattern of the fraudsters is to be monitored and controlled. Well-structured detective and preventive measures can mitigate the frauds in e-payment transaction and can increase the reliability of e-transaction.
Image Edge Detection by combining Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Behzad Ebrahimnezhad sani,Mohamad Amin alikhani, Javad HaddadniaEdge detection in digital images is one of the most important issues in image processing and it can be solved by different methods. Most of these methods can be combined with fuzzy systems. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed in which the input of applying wavelet transform at input image and the image obtained by applying a high-pass filter on the image are given to a first order fuzzy system. And based on fuzzy logic, it is decided about the probability of being edge of each pixel of the image. The results obtained by this method were compared with the results of well-known methods of edge vector. And these results show a better performance in images.
Investigation and Optimization of Process Parameters in Electrochemical Aid Abrasive Flow Machining[Full-Text ] Ravi Gupta, Balinder ChahalAFM is effective advance machining process that is widely used where finishing is difficult to access, such as radius polish, removal recast layer and complex internal passage by using the semi-solid media flow into the work piece. The media consists of a type of polymeric carrier and abrasive particles that are Sic, Al2O3, diamond, etc. This process is generally labor intensive, low material removal rate process and time consuming process. But now a days, Hybrid process have been developed to improve the surface finish and material removal rate of abrasive flow machine. The hybrid process of electrochemical machining and abrasive flow machining is called ECA2FM. In ECA2FM the electrolytic salts-abrasive laden media passes through cathode rod, the work-piece anode, connected with the DC power source. In this experimental investigation, process parameters, such as voltage, molal concentration, number of cycle and rotational diameter of rod were studied at different levels for material removal. It result in more machining as compare to AFM. In the present work, the more effective parameter is intensified and effects of the parameter on the material removal is observed by using Taguchi technique.
PREDICTING OF TORSIONAL STRENGTH OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BEAMS USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Akram S. MahmoodIn this paper, the artificial neural networks (ANNs) model in predicting the torsional strength of prestressed concrete beams is done. Experimental data of eighty two rectangular prestressed concrete beams under pure torsion from an existing available literature were used to develop ANN torsion model. The input parameters affecting the torsional strength of prestressed concrete beams were selected as dimensions of beams, steel ratio of transverse reinforcements, spacing of stirrups, steel ratio of longitudinal (main) reinforcement, prestressing force, concrete compressive strength, also flexural and splitting strengths. An algorithm of back propagation neural network (BPNN) with the log-sigmoid activation function is adopted due to its accuracy and results enhancement of predictions the torsional model. In addition to the ANN model is compared with ACI- 318 building code provisions for the design of prestressed concrete beams under pure torsion. The study illustrates that the ANN models give a very good predictions of the ultimate torsional strength of prestressed concrete beams.
Roadmap to Geothermal Energy[Full-Text ] Mahmuda Akter Monne, Kazi Saiful AlamIn the context of geothermal energy utilization, Bangladesh is still at a very early stage. Though there is one project ongoing at Thakurgain for establishing the first geothermal plant of the country, no systematic study has been done to evaluate the geothermal resources of Bangladesh. However, in a few research have stressed the potential of geothermal energy resources in Bangladesh. Geothermal energy exploration involves cash incentives in the early stages of exploration, but good planning minimizes risks and saves money. In Bangladesh many deep abandoned wells, originally drilled for oil and gas exploration, have been used to extract valuable information about the subsurface geology and temperature of areas of interest. Analysis of the temperature data of these wells indicates that the average geothermal gradient along the southeast part of the Bengal Foredeep region varies from 19.8 to 29.5°C/km and along the northwest stable shelf from 20.8 to 48.7°C/km. For assessment of the geothermal potential of Bangladesh, it is recommended that preliminary surface geological and geochemical studies be done followed by geophysical investigations (resistivity (MT), seismic, gravity, etc.) and drilling of shallow gradient wells to make a conceptual model of any geothermal systems before proceeding with the most expensive, as well as the most risky part, i.e. drilling of a deep well.
DS-AKA: Dynamic and Secure Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for UMTS Networks[Full-Text ] Mustafa A AL-FayoumiOne of the most challenging problems introduced by mobile networking is security. Therefore, a secure and efficient authentication mechanism is especially needed for mobile communication systems. The authentication protocol incurs overheads on the transmission process. These overheads affect the mobile network performance such as delay and bandwidth. The authentication and key agreement (AKA) protocol of Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) adopts the security features of Global System for Mobile (GSM) in order to interwork with GSM compatibility. Furthermore, the UMTS increases more security features than GSM to design an authentication and key agreement protocol, which is called UMTS AKA protocol. The UMTS AKA is still vulnerable to redirection and man-in-the-middle attacks, which allow an adversary to redirect user traffic form a network to another and eavesdrop or mischarge the subscribers in the system. Moreover, UMTS AKA protocol has performance problems, including bandwidth consumption between a serving network and user’s home network and space overhead of the serving network. In this paper, by using a key hash chaining authentication technique an innovative contribution introduces a dynamic and secure AKA protocol, called DS-AKA a to resolve the security issue and cope with performance problems. A security analysis and comparison with related work shows that DS-AKA protocol is more secure and the network can be operated in a more efficient way.
Transition metal complexes of novel aryl azopyarazole: Synthesis, characterization and antifungal activities[Full-Text ] Bhargav Trivedi, Niraj Shah, Sanjay PatelReaction between 2,4-dichloro phenyl acid hydrazide with 4-[N'-(1-Ethoxycarbonyl-2-oxo-propylidene)-hydrazino]-2-hydroxy-benzoic acid in ethanol furnishes 1-[2,4-dichloro-benzoyl]-3-methyl-4-(4-carboxy-3-hydroxy-phen-4-yl-hydrazono)-2-pyrazoline-5-ones (dClH-ASA). The transition metal complexes of Cu2+, Co2+ ,Ni2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ of dClH-ASA have been prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, spectral studies, magnetic moment determination, molar conductivity measurement and microbicidal activity.
Optimization of the Operating Conditions of Turbidity Removal from Synthesized Dairy Wastewater Using Pumpkin Seed as a Coagulant[Full-Text ] Blessing Mike JOE, Saidat Olanipekun GIWA, Maryam IBRAHIM, Yusuf Olabode RAJI, Abdulwahab GIWAThis work has been carried out to apply response surface methodology of the Design Expert to obtain the optimum conditions for using pumpkin seed coagulant to treat dairy wastewater using central composite design. The wastewater used for the research was synthesized by dissolving instant powdered milk in tap water. Also, the coagulant used for the treatment of the wastewater was prepared by processing the pumpkin seed obtained from Muda Lawal Market of Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Before applying the Design Expert, jar test was first carried out to determine the optimum coagulant dose for the treatment of the synthesized wastewater as 4 mg/l. Thereafter, twenty experiments were designed and performed according to the central composite design of response surface methodology of the Design Expert. The results of the experiments, together with the factors used, were modelled, analysed, modified and optimized to obtain the optimum values for the wastewater treatment. The analyses of variance of the full quadratic model developed revealed that it was significant with a p-value less than 0.0001. However, the model was found to contain some insignificant factors, which made the model to undergo modification. The results obtained from the simulation of the modified quadratic model developed showed that it was very good and capable of predicting the behaviour of the process well because its R-Squared, Adj R-Squared and Pred R-Squared values were estimated to be 0.9281, 0.8861 and 0.6693, respectively. Also, the results obtained from the experiments carried out with the design of the response surface methodology showed that the minimum turbidity value given by response surface methodology was better than that of the jar test. Therefore, response surface methodology has been successfully applied to obtain the optimum conditions required for removing turbidity from dairy wastewater using pumpkin seed coagulant.
The Study Of Controlled Relaese of Indomethacin Drug From Prepared Apatite Compounds Containing The Elemantal Calcium And Strontium[Full-Text ] Roua Hussein Nasser, Abedl Amer H. Toabi, and Zeki N. Al-SokaneeApatite compounds has wide applications in the medical and non-medical field and are very stable compounds .Different compounds of apatite were prepared and identified such as a that of calcium hydroxyapatite, Strontium Fluorapatite compound and Strontium –Calcium hydroxyapatite compound . All these compounds were identified by Infrared spectroscopy and X-rays, which confirmed the presence of the prepared compounds.
EIA for Ramapadasagar (Polavaram) Irrigation Project using Spatial Technology - few R&R Issues[Full-Text ] Dr.Y.Sreeramulu, Dr.I.V.MuralikrishnaDevelopment through displacement is part and parcel of the ongoing process of planned development. This Research study deals with the Spatial modeling of Environmental impact assessment for an irrigation project i.e.Ramapadasagar (Polavaram) Irrigation project, which has been carried out in parts of West Godavari, East Godavari and Khammam districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. About 14,400 Sq Kilometer area of remote sensing data have been collected and analyzed for environmental impact assessment by using emerging GIS technology. From the modeling analysis, the land use land cover environment, slope analysis are made. The model also conceptualizes sediment delivery from hydrologic unit into a reservoir as a multiplicative function of the potential soil detachment material (delivery ratio) and the area of the hydrologic entity. The Sediment yield index values are intended from the empirical model using for the sub watersheds and is varying from 1060 to 1500 and suggested Catchment area treatment. It has been pragmatic during water environment analysis, an area of about 50 sq.km is under inundation at low water level +135ft (41.15m), 200 sq.km is under inundation at +140ft (42.67m), and an area of 360 sq.km is under Inundation at +150ft (45.72m) FRL.
Identification of Medicinal Mangrove Rhizophora apiculata Blume: Morphological, Chemical and DNA Barcoding Methods[Full-Text ] Gurudeeban Selvaraj, Satyavani Kaliamurthi, Ramanathan Thirungnasambamdam"Kandal" (Rhizophora apiculata Blume) is a medicinal mangrove plant used to treat pain, inflammation and reduce blood glucose level in Southeast coast of India. Identification and revision of R. apiculata are largely based on morphological characteristics. Previously, we reported and filed a patent on anti-diabetic Glycosin from R. apiculata. Subsequently, for the quality and market authorization, comprehensible identification and authentication of plant material is needed to avoid misidentify of the species by non-taxonomist. In the light of successful DNA barcoding in many medicinal plants, this study explored the potential of DNA barcoding to complement classical methods of identification of R. apiculata. Specimens were examined by morphological, HPTLC, and DNA fingerprinting. The molecular markers rbc L and mat K regions clearly distinguished R. apiculata from Rhizophoraceae family. Moreover, the phylogenetic analysis confirmed their taxonomic position within the tribe Rhizophoraceae. The study indicates that DNA barcoding provides an effective and accurate strategy for increasing the reliability of species identification. The barcode sequence also was deposited in NCBI and BOLD systems. This is the first scientific information on morphology, chemical and DNA fingerprinting of medicinal mangrove R. apiculata for pharmacophore application.
Heavy Metal Characteristics of Soils at the Damang-Abosso Mining Areas of Western Region, Ghana.[Full-Text ] Napoleon Jackson Mensah, Francis Ayiah-Mensah and Godfred Etsey SebiawuThis study analyzed the geochemical effect of mining activities on the quality of soils of selected mining areas of Western region in Ghana. In all nine heavy metals ( Zn, Pb, Cd, As, Se, Ni, Ag, Co and Cr concentrations were evaluated in eleven Soil samples using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results of the present study revealed that all the heavy metals except Cadmium in the soil samples had concentration within the recommended regulatory limits. Generally, Cd concentration in the samples was higher than the recommended limits. It is envisaged that the results of this study would form the basis for further investigations into the effects of mining activities on the environment and eventual health implications of people.
Analytic Approach in Solving Steady Laminar Flow of Fluid over a Stretching Sheet[Full-Text ] Jaionto Karmokar, Sk. Abdulla-Al-Faisul, Mst. Ayrin AktarWe have considered the steady laminar flow over a linearly stretching sheet subjected to an order of chemical reaction. A similarity transformation is utilized to convert the governing nonlinear partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations. The local skin friction, rate of heat transfer and rate of mass transfer on the wall may calculate with the help of boundary conditions.
Elicitation and Characterization of Free Fatty Acids and Low Cost Biodiesel Production from the Seeds of Hevea Brasiliensis[Full-Text ] Michael Donatus S, Madonna Shalma S, Vijayalakshmi S, Ranjitha JThe present paper describes about the elicitation and characterization of fatty acids and biodiesel production from the seeds of Hevea brasiliensis. In this study, soxhlet extraction had been used to extract, the rubber seed oil which contains high percentage of fatty acids. The extracted rubber oil was characterized using GC-MS spectrophotometer. Based on the spectral data, totally five fatty acids were identified using NIST GC-MS library. Further, the crude rubber oil was converted into biodiesel using acid-catalyzed trans-esterification reaction. Finally, the produced biodiesel was analyzed for their physicochemical properties using ASTM Standard.
Sintering of the Briquette Egyptian Iron Ore with Lime and Reduction of it via Hydrogen[Full-Text ] Naglaa Ahmed El-Hussiny ,Inass Ashraf Nafeaa, Mohamed Gamal Khalifa, Sayed Thabt.Abdel-Rahim,Mohamed El-Menshawi Hussein.ShalabiThis investigation studies the effect of lime addition to iron ore raw material on the physicochemical properties of its green briquette forms and indurate forms. Also the effect of this addition on the degree of reduction was studied. The results indicated that the addition of (2-8%) lime improve the mechanical properties of the briquettes in both green and indurate forms. Also the reduction of these briquettes via hydrogen was studied and the model of reduction was putted in this paper.
A Comparative Study on Beam Strengthened with Externally Bonded FRP Material[Full-Text ] Tanni Alam Dola and Md. Zakaria AhmedIn this research work, parametric study is performed to compare the influences of design parameters on flexural moment capacity of externally bonded FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) strengthened beam. Three specific design guidelines: ACI 440.2R-08, ISIS CANADA and TR-55are considered. In this purpose MS Excel is used to determine the moment capacity for variable parameters specified in the above mentioned three codes. Graphs of capacity against these parameters are plotted to make the comparison well-defined. The three influential parameters that are used in this study are FRP reinforcement, FRP modular ratio, FRP ultimate strength. Most of the parameters under this study influence the flexural moment capacity. The effects of the parameters vary depending on the analysis procedure and the assumption behind of these analyses. Also most of the cases, the effects of these influential parameters increase capacity.
Software development productivity impact from an industrial perspective[Full-Text ] Samer I. MohamedSoftware development productivity is one of the major and vital aspects that impacts software industry and time to market of many software products. Although many studies have been conducted to improve the productivity measurements within software engineering research domain, productivity is still an issue in current software development industry because not all impacting factors and their relationships are known. This paper sheds a light on some of these factors and assesses their impacts as seen by random sample of industrial software SMEs. It also elaborates the main best practices that help in improve the software productivity based on real industrial projects. The resulting list of factors and best practices can be utilized to guide further productivity analysis and taken as basis for building improved and more optimized productivity models. Paper identifies the productivity measurements challenges and recommend set of metrics that can be utilized as basis for productivity estimation models
Password Authentication System in Two Way Mobile Communication using image as a secrete Key[Full-Text ] Nupur Shah, Prof. Pankaj PandeyDuring the transmission of message from sender to receiver in mobile communication needs various security protocols which pre-vents these messages from various types of attacks. Although there are various protocols implemented to check the authenticity of the sender and receiver so that the chances of attacks can be reduces. Here in this paper an efficient technique of two factor using OTPK and image based authentication is proposed to prevent from various attacks in mobile communication.
WMI Based Real Time Agentless Enterprise Monitoring[Full-Text ] Balaji Patil, Ankur Jain, Vinay Kumar PathakLooking towards the complex, heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the networks, failures are unavoidable. Monitoring can be used for detection and reporting of failures. This underlines the need to develop a unified strategy for implementation and management of network resources in an enterprise.
Mechanical Properties of Untreated and Alkali Treated Sida Acuta Stem Fibre[Full-Text ] Chandra Mohan H.K, Dr. G.V. Gnanendra Reddy, Dr. M. Chowde GowdaThe present study is conducted for modifying the fibre surface properties and the characterization of mechanical properties of a sida acuta stem fibre. We propose to measure mass loss, tensile strength, Young’s modulus, elongation at break and density. This paper reports the improved tensile properties of Sida acuta stem fibre. Changes occurring in stem fibres when treated with a 5% concentration sodium hydroxide solution for 4 hr’s test duration. For modifying the natural fibres requires specific chemical treatments to improve the bonding strength between fibre and matrix in a polymer matrix composite and also can reduce water absorption. In this study we chosen alkaline (NaOH) treatment of different samples at different concentrations was carried. The mechanical properties were studied of treated and untreated samples. Thus we can access to the mass loss, tensile strength, Young’s modulus and density. At finally analyse and conclude the results obtained by the mechanical properties of the chemically treated and untreated sida acuta stem fibres. Morphology analysis on fibre for before and after alkali treatment was investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
Implications of Seasonal Changes on Conception and Birth in Lagos State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Aladeniyi, O. B., Abiodun, T.This study investigated the influence of temperature on the seasonal birth and conception patterns; and determined monthly variations in birth deliveries in Lagos, South West Nigeria according to the different divisions. The distribution of births by months exhibits a seasonal pattern in most populations. These trends often identify a peak season and a trough season. Data on birth deliveries in Lagos State from 2008-2013 were collected from the Healthcare Planning Research and Statistics Unit of the Lagos State Ministry of Health and analyzed with the average mean temperature values.It was discovered that there is no significant relationship between the temperature and birth seasonality in Lagos. The birth record displayed strong seasonality effect at 99% confidence level, the V(N) for the various divisions in Lagos state varied from 0.029 to 0.088 while the monthly birth distribution displayed a sinusoidal pattern with peak delivery rates in March—May and October and lowest rates in August and December.
Voltage Stability Enahncement using Static VAR Compensator (FC-TCR)[Full-Text ] Romana Pradhan, Mohammed Nasir AnsariOne of the major concerns of power system stability is the voltage instability. The main reason behind the voltage instability is the deficit of the reactive power in the system. The effect of Static VAR Compensator (SVC) in static voltage stability enhancement will be studied in this paper. Improving the systems voltage by increasing the reactive power handling capacity of the system by using SVC during a large disturbance is the area of study. The IEEE-14 bus system is used as the test system for the study. The simulations are carried out by using MATLAB/PSAT software. The simulation results show the effectiveness of SVC to improve the voltages when connected to the system.