Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
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Impact of Object Oriented Design Patterns on Software Development[Full-Text ] R.Subburaj Professor, Gladman Jekese, Chiedza HwataSoftware design patterns are a bonanza for building large Object Oriented (OO) software systems. They provide well-tested and proven solutions to recurring problems that developers address. There are several benefits of using patterns. They can speed up the software development process. Design patterns consolidate learning with an aim to make it easier for designers to use well-known and successful designs developed from expert experience. At the same time software design patterns are too abstract and remain an art that has to be mastered over time with experience. This paper seeks to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of design patterns.
Use of Coconut Husk Fiber for Improved Compressive and Flexural Strength of Con-crete[Full-Text ] Anthony Nkem Ede and Joshua Olaoluwa Agbede Rapid crack propagation, brittle mode of failure and increased overload are common in concrete structures due to the low tensile strength of concrete. Although conventional steel reinforced concrete is the most popular method developed to reduce such problems, it is rather becoming expensive in terms of its costs and sustainability issues. Because of the huge capital investment to run the steel industry, many manufacturers in the developing nations try to cut corners by reducing the quality of steel thereby reducing the strength. This has led to a lot of challenges including building collapse accompanied by devastating economic and human loss. For these drawbacks, the development of contemporary concrete technologies such as eco-friendly and affordable coconut fiber reinforced concrete needs more investigation. This research studies the effect of coconut fibers on the strength of concrete which includes the compressive and the flexural strength of normal concrete. The fibers were used in different percentages (0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1.0%) of the weight of the fine aggregates. 16 short beams were used for flexural strength at 0%, 0.5% and 1.0% fiber content which were tested after curing for 7 and 28 days. Destructive and nondestructive compressive tests were conducted on 40 concrete cubes to doubly validate the test results. The correlation of the two tests results were very good. The results showed that the compressive strength of coconut fiber-reinforced concrete increased with curing age and with increasing percentage of coconut fiber up to 0.5% then gradually began to decrease from 0.75% to 1.0%. The percentage strength gained at 28 days for 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% fiber contents with respect to the control sample are 4.58%, 38.13%, 8.56% and -2.42% respectively. The results for the flexural strength of concrete showed that strength gained at 28 days for 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0% of coconut husk fiber were 28.82%, 22.15% and 0.42% respectively.
Antenna Designs for Cognitive Radio Application in the TV Band[Full-Text ] M. Y. Abou-Shahine, M. Al-Husseini, A.H. Ramadan, K. Y. Kabalan and Y. NasserThis paper presents three antenna designs suitable for cognitive radio applications in the TV band. Two printed microstrip miniaturized monopole antennas and one Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA) are proposed. The microstrip antennas are designed on a Rogers RO3203 substrate fed by a microstrip line over a small partial ground plane. The PIFA antenna consists of a patch above a ground plane with feeding and grounding strips connecting them. These antennas, designed for transmission of cognitive radios in the TV band, operate in the upper part of the UHF band (700-900 MHz) with approximately 2.5 dB transmission gains and omnidirectional patterns.
Trace Metals in water accompanied Crude Oil In Buzurgan field, Maysan Province : Iraq[Full-Text ] Asaad Kadhim EqalThe present study aimed to analyze the trace metal constituents of water accompanied crude oils in Amara city southern Iraq . two oil fields (south Buzurgan field and north Buzurgan field) were involved for the investigation of metals Ni , Cr, V ,Na ,Ca ,Mg ,K and S in water. Samples analysed using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (PgAA500) . The results showed that the concentration of Ni ranged between ( 0.161 to 0.76 1) ppm , Cr ( 0.334 to 0.812 ) ppm, V ( 0.034 to 0.095) ppm , Na ( 0.251 to 21.43 )ppm, Ca ( 1.323 to 4.324) ppm, Mg (0.110 to 2.521 )ppm , K ( 0.354 to 2.507) ppm , sulfur ranged (199 to 298.65) ppm , other ratios like TTM , V/Ni and V/V+Ni were considered .The current study concluded that the most abundant trace metals in water accompanied crude oils samples were S, Na , Ca, Mg ,K ,Cr and Ni.
The Comparison of Bioaccumulation Factor of Lead from Leaves of Random Vegetation[Full-Text ] Mirela Alushllari, Nikolla CiviciBoth natural and anthropogenic contributions are the sources of lead emissions to the environment. The accumulation of lead in agricultural soils is potentially hazardous to human, livestock and plants species. The purpose of this study was: the determination of lead in soil and in the different spontaneous plant species grown it, as well as calculation of determinate bioaccumulation factors (BAF) soil to plant. We have selected 9 sampling points. We have collected a total of 29 samples where 9 samples are surface soil and 20 samples are vegetation. All the representative samples for this study were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for their lead content, at the Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Tirana, Albania. From results obtained, concentrations of lead in representative soil samples were found in the levels: 105-856 mg/kg while in the biological samples, the levels of lead were: 0.77-2.37 mg/kg. The concentration ranges of lead in soil samples collected at different points are compared with the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) recommenced by European Union according the Directive 86/278/EEC. Also, we have calculated Hazardous Quoted (HQ) for each sampling point of soil. The concentration ranges of lead in biological samples are compared with the Maximum Contaminant Levels specified by the Directive No. 1881/2006, Brussels. Also we have calculated bio accumulation factor (BAF) soil to plant.
Virtual Firewall Security on Virtual Machines in Cloud Environment[Full-Text ] Gladman Jekese, R.Subburaj Professor, Chiedza HwataVirtualization is revolutionizing how information technology resources and services are used and managed and has led to an explosive growth in the cloud computing industry, illustrated by Google’s Cloud Platform and Amazon’s Elastic Cloud. It brings unique security problems such as virtual traffic, denial of service and intrusion, resulting in penetration of virtual machines, which is disastrous for the enterprise, the user and the cloud provider. Virtual traffic between virtual machines may never leave the physical host hardware; making traditional physical firewalls hopeless to monitor and secure it. This paper proposes a virtual firewall which allows managing the network security of the virtual infrastructure per-virtual machine basis, defining network traffic rules, and hardening the security of the virtual environment. A private cloud is designed using open source solutions and to manage the firewall rules, we implement a Tree-Rule firewall technique which filters packets in a tree-like way based on their attributes such as IP address and protocols. The speed of filtering and processing packets on virtual firewall is highly improved to avoid overload of the firewall in the particular case. It permits to log and analyze network traffic logs for each of the monitored virtual machines. The virtual firewall will provide the power to control the bandwidth utilization of each virtual machine in the infrastructure, preventing overutilization and denial of service to critical applications.
An evolutionary survey from Monolingual Text Reuse to Cross Lingual Text Reuse in context to English-Hindi[Full-Text ] Aarti Kumar, Sujoy DasWith enormous amount of information in multiple languages available on the Web, mono and cross-language text reuse is occurring every day with increasing frequency. Near-duplicate document detection has been a major focus of researchers. Detecting cross-language text reuse is a very challenging task in itself and the challenge magnifies manifolds when it comes to translated, obfuscated and local text reuse. These difficulties and challenges are contributing to the most serious offence of plagiarising others’ text. This paper presents an evolutionary overview of the various techniques being used to measure text reuse covering techniques for detecting reuse from mono-lingual to cross-lingual and from mono-script to cross-script with special emphasis on English-Hindi language pair.
Seismic Saftey Evaluation of Heritage Structures[Full-Text ] Er. Chandra Shekhar Singh, Prof. Kumari AnimaThis paper presents necessary considerations for seismic safety evaluation of Cultural Heritage structures by investigation of existing structural characteristics; identification of significant deficiencies to cater additional lateral force arose by the revision of codes. Thorough understanding of the existing construction, research into its limiting strength and deformation characteristics and performance objectives to evaluate performance of the structure during earthquake are discussed first followed by discussions on seismic deficiencies commonly found in buildings.
Convergence of the Ishikawa Iterative Sequence to Fixed Points of Lipschitz Pseudocontrative Maps in Hilbert Spaces[Full-Text ] B. G. AkuchuWe study the weak and strong convergence of the Ishikawa iterative sequence to a xed point of a Lipschitz pseudocontrative mapping , T; in a Hilbert space. We do not require any compactness type assumptions either on T or its domain, for the strong convergence results. Neither do we require that the interior of the xed points set of T be nonempty, which is a condition used in [25]. Furthermore, we do not need to compute for closed convex subsets, Cn; of the Hilbert space.
Morphometric Analysis of Drainage Basin through GIS: A Case study of Sukhna Lake Watershed in Lower Shiwalik, India.[Full-Text ] YangchanJ, Jain A.K., Tiwari A.K, and Sood ALand, water and soil are limited natural resources and their widely utilization with increased population is a major concern. To mitigate the increasing demand of land and water resources, it is of prime important to conserve the natural resources for sustainable development. Morphometric analysis provides a quantitative description of drainage system which is an important aspect of watershed characterization. Morphometric analysis of Sukhna Lake watershed located in Chandigarh covering Punjab and Haryana was carried by using GIS technique. Survey of India topographic sheets in 1:50,000 scales and Arc GIS 9.3 software were used for analysis. Drainage map was prepared with the help of GIS (Geographic information System tool) and the Morphometric parameters such as linear, aerial and relief aspect of the watershed have been determined based on the formula suggested by Horton, Strahler,. The analysis of linear aspects of drainage basin shows that the basin has a dendritic pattern with fifth order stream. Bifurcation ratio of basin(4.113 to 4) falls under the range (3.0 and 5.0) in which the geologic structures do not distort the drainage pattern. Drainage density, drainage texture, elongation ratio and relief ratio value of Sukhna watershed was 3.435Km/Km2 and 9.30 confirms that the study area is underlain by impermeable subsurface material of Siwaliks having sparse vegetation and hilly relief and steep slopes with very fine texture causes prone area of soil erosion risk in the Sukhna Lake watershed.
A wide awaking of Gravida for medical canvass through SMS/Voice call[Full-Text ] J.Sudha, Dr.A.Sumithra, Dr.R.Perumalraja, Dr.S.GavaskarA way to increase the condition of confidence in the health system among communities in rural India for accessing health advices for maternal, new-born, and child from the community volunteers have been proposed. It was addressed by the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in their community level as a health educators and promoters for providing first contact care to people mainly for pregnant women and child care. In this proposed system, the ASHA in health center is responsible for registering patient details with necessary information including the mobile numbers of the family members and address into the database using a computer with Internet connectivity in the specified website. The patient records, Doctors details and text messages as a remainder to the patients are hosted in a cloud database. Using SMS technology the timely reminder alerts are sent to the patient on the day of scheduled follow-ups. The in-build algorithm ‘Noval Risk Filtering Algorithm’ calculates the risk of the patient through the health services and filters the record based on risk. The high risk patients report will be forwarded to the Doctor’s smart phone which contains the application to access it. This application contains the ‘Risk Prioritizing Calculator Algorithm’ to prioritize the risk level of patients and alert them by SMS/Voice call based on their risk by the Doctor. The main aim of this proposed system is to enrich the caregiver’s service to women for guidance and institutional delivery to reduce the maternal deaths, chronic ill health, neo natal deaths.
Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Exchange Rates in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Farhana Akhter and Nushrat FaruquiThe paper discusses about the experience of Bangladesh with different exchange rate regime, comparing the performance of previous and current exchange rate regime with selected south Asian countries and analyses and discusses how macroeconomic variables influenced exchange rate. For these analyses four major independent variables have been considered i.e. export amount, remittance, import amount and foreign currency reserve and independent variable is exchange rate. For evaluating the relationship and nature of relationship the researchers used correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that macroeconomic variables significantly influenced the exchange rate. The study concluded that after adopting the floating exchange rate regime Bangladesh experienced positive impacts on macroeconomic development of the country but to manage efficiently free floating exchange rate regime in developing countries like Bangladesh the central bank and the government may establish strict control over the foreign exchange business, to control inflation rate, to increase export, reduce trade deficit and increase foreign currency earnings.
A Investigative Rainfall Forecast Using atom throng optimization system[Full-Text ] Mohammed Inamurrahamn, Dr.Nasser Mansoor Tairan, Mohammed BurhanurrahmanRainfall plays an important role in maintaining the water level in the earth. The predection of rainfall becomes a great challenge in day to day life for researchers due to the sudden change in climates.
A Case Study: Global Warming: Climate Change and Melting Glacier of Koh-e-Safid[Full-Text ] Zareena Ali, Dustar Ali, Talib HussainThe Global warming means that increase in average temperature day by day. This is a global issue. After 1850, when industrialization occurred this issue increases slowly and now it became a big issue for whole world. Developed countries decrease their ground level of pollution because they are investing more in pollution control. Developing counties are suffering from both regional and global level of pollution because they do not have enough money to decrease even their ground level of pollution.
Design and Implementation System for Distribute a new admission students Into A College Has Several Departments[Full-Text ] Fahad Naim Nife, Abdul Mohsen A. Jaber, Narges Mujtaba KamelThe proposed system trying to automate the Distribution process of new admission students In the science college departments , so it translate the traditional manual system into computer-based system.This computerized application is automate the operation of entered students information and then perform its major operation of distribution the students into the college departments. This system allow to students to enter their information details as well as try some exams ,more ever ,this system make the distribution process more efficient and flexible. The distributed process provides three choices(type of distribution ) for an administrator of the system, (The mark average degree and the student interest distribution type, The mark average degree and the student interest and the mark of the basic subject into four class distribution type, and the mark average degree and the student interest and the mark of the basic subject into four class and the mark of the competition exam distribution type). The proposed system also provide a competition exam for each new student to identity their skills and interest trend.
A COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT ON THE EFFECT OF WATERINFLUX/PRODUCTION, FORMATION AND RESIDUAL FLUIDCOMPRESSIBILITY, AND GAS SORPTION ON THE VALUE OF ORIGINAL GAS IN PLACE USING THE MATERIAL BALANCE EQUATION[Full-Text ] Omoniyi,O.A.,Omera,A.For a volumetric gas reservoir, gas expansion (the most significant source of energy) dominates depletion behavior, and the general gas MBE is a very simple yet powerful tool for interpretation. However, in cases where other source of energy are significant enough to cause deviation from the linear behavior of the P/Z plot, a more sophisticated tool is required. For this, a more advanced form of the MBE has been developed, and the standard P/Z plot is modified to maintain a linear trend with the simplicity of interpretation. Material balance has long been used in reservoir engineering practice as a simple yet powerful tool to determine the Original-Gas-In-Place (G). The conventional format of the gas material balance equation is the simple straight line plot of P/Z versus cumulative gas production (Gp) which can be extrapolated to zero P/Z to obtain G. The graphical simplicity of this method makes it very popular. The method was developed for a “volumetric” gas reservoir. It assumes a constant pore volume of gas and accounts for the energy of gas expansion, but it ignores other sources of energy such as the effects of formation compressibility, residual fluids expansion and aquifer support. It also does not include other sources of gas storage such as connected reservoirs or adsorption in coal/shale. In the past, researchers have introduced modified gas material balance equations to account for these other sources of energy. However, the simplicity of the P/Z straight line is lost in the resulting complexity of these equations. In this research project work, a new format of the gas material balance equation is presented which recaptures the simplicity of the straight line while accounting for all the drive mechanisms. It uses a P/Z** instead of P/Z. The effect of each of the mentioned drive mechanisms appears as an effective compressibility term in the new gas material balance equation. Also, the physical meaning of the effective compressibilities are explained and compared with the concept of drive indices. Furthermore, the gas material balance is used to derive a generalized rigorous total compressibility in the presence of all the above-mentioned drive mechanisms, which is very important in calculating the pseudo-time used in rate transient analysis of production data
Effect of HIV and HAART on Antioxidants Markers in HIV Positive Patients in Sokoto State, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] M.M. Abduljalil, H.M. Liman, R.A. Umar and M.G. AbubakarThe study assessed the effect of both HIV and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on antioxidant markers in patients with HIV infection being managed with HAART. Fifty (50) HIV positive HAART naïve (12 male and 38 females), fifty (50) HIV positive on HAART for 1 to 6 months (18 male and 32 females), fifty (50) HIV positive on HAART for 7 to 12 months (14 males and 36 females) and fifty (50) HIV negative (28 males and 22 females) were enrolled into the study. Oxidative stress markers such as reduced glutathione (GSH), Malondialdehyde (MDA), Catalase, Vitamin A, C and E were measured using different standard methods. Significantly (p<0.05) low levels of reduced glutathione in non-treated group were observed compared to the control. The three HIV positive groups have significantly higher MDA and lower Catalase activity when compared to control. Vitamins A, C and E show a significant decrease (p<0.05) in all the HIV positive patients when compared with control. HIV infection increases oxidative stress, which decreases at the commencement of therapy (HAART). Antioxidants supplementations should be considered for incorporation in the management of HIV/AIDS patients.
Experimental Investigation of Turning Process in Wet and MQL system on EN 31 Alloy Steel[Full-Text ] S.S. Acharya, R.L. KarwandeIn mass production generally turning process is sequentially first process so that it is necessary to concentrate on this process for improving surface finish within minimum time and cost. This paper present investigation of turning process parameters on hard EN 31 material, for optimization of surface roughness, material removal rate in wet and MQL system by considering five controllable input variables namely cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, nozzle distance and insert nose radius in the presence of wet & MQL system. This experiment present the chip analysis which is related with controllable variables from which its effect on insert wear, quality of product can be easily found out, because of chip formation gives indirectly effect on the insert wear. The design of experiment is carried out by using response surface methodology (RSM). It is clear from analysis that MQL system is better than wet system.
Safety of dental units: Efficacy of Chlorine dioxide in reducing bacterial loads in water and bio films of dental waterlines[Full-Text ] Meera S, Sadhana S.OBJECTIVE: To determine efficacy of chlorine dioxide disinfectant in reducing bacterial contamination of dental unit waterlines using bore well / distilled water. METHODS: Water and biofilm samples were collected from 27 dental unit water lines using bore well water and 20 units using distilled water before the use of, 1 day, 15 days and 30 days after the use of chlorine dioxide (Insta-diox –Narsipur chemicals Pune, Maharashtra). Samples were cultured using nutrient agar and the number of colony forming units was counted using manual colony counting device. Gram’s stain was used to study the type of organisms and M-endo agar for the presence of Escherichia coli. RESULTS: Before disinfection with chlorine dioxide, water and biofilms were highly contaminated. Gram negative bacilli were the most commonly isolated organisms. The number of colony forming units and also the proportion of chairs showing presence of E. coli reduced after disinfection especially 1 day and 15 days after disinfection. All dental unit waterlines met the American Dental Association standards of less than 200/ml colony forming unit until 15 days after disinfection. Bore well water was more contaminated.
Legislation stages development of imprisonment sentences in criminal law of Azerbaijan republic[Full-Text ] Habib Asadi, Javad Vahedizadeh, Seyed Ahmad Fardy, Mohammad Salmanpour KhormalouFight against criminals is one of the important duties of governments. Human being has never thought of anything else as important and serious as imprisonment sentences in fighting against criminals historically. By a glance at law history in countries we will be able to see traces of detention camps sentences throughout the history. In ancient times, detention camps were created in Eastern countries such as China, Babylon, Egypt, and … . At that time detention camps were not used as a place to punish but they were considered as a place to hold the accused people until the punishment time. In Russian emperorship including Azerbaijan republic, detention camps were considered as a place to watch the suspects as an absolute resolution and not as a place to administer punishments. Regarding the growth of feudal populations and class campaigns, detention camps became important to perform punishments, gradually. The present study is going to deal with legislation processes of imprisonment punishments in Azerbaijan republic.
Validated High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method, for Seperation of the Enantiomers of Sitagliptin Phosphate Monohydrate[Full-Text ] Gopal Khedekar, Sunil Mirgane and R. PowarA high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for resolution of the enantimoers of sitagliptin phosphate monhydrate in the bulk drug.
Iris Image Compression Using JPEG & Its Effect on Recognition Performance[Full-Text ] Mr. Shaikh. I. J , Prof.Dr. Mukane S.MA biometric system provides automatic identification of a person based on a unique feature or characteristic possessed by the person. Iris recognition is proven to be one of the most accurate of all biometric technologies used today for identifying people. Iris recognition works by recognizing individuals from their iris texture with great precision in which system captures an image of an individual’s eye, the iris in the image is then meant for the further segmentation and normalization for extracting its feature. So for storing these images the need for large databases of iris images is growing. If available storage space is not adequate for storing these images, compression will be a solution, which allows reduction in the space needed to store these iris images, although it may be at a cost of some amount of information lost in the process. In this paper compression of iris images using JPEG is implemented, in order to study their impact on recognition performance. Standard iris images are 600 times larger than the Iris Code templates, but it is administratively desired that iris data should be stored, transmitted, and embedded in media in the form of images rather than as templates. To get that goal with its implications for bandwidth and storage, a scheme is presented that combine region-of-interest isolation with JPEG compression at different quality factor. Study reveals minimal impact on recognition performance with compressed iris images.
Effect of Styrofoam Balls and Aluminium Oxide on Strength Properties of Cement Motor Cubes[Full-Text ] Peerzada Danish, Shahid ul IslamIn this study, light weight mortar cubes are prepared by Styrofoam balls and Aluminium oxide. Compressive strength and density of the mortar cubes were determined for 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days. The mixture is produced by replacing Portland cement with Styrofoam balls in the ratio of 0%, 0.5% and 1% by the weight of cement and aluminium oxide in the ratio of 0%, 0.5% and 1% by the weight of cement. Rate of deterioration was higher in normal mortar cubes when compared to light weight mortar cubes. Test results clearly show that there is a decrease in density and slight decrease in compressive strength. As per the test results, the density of the mortar cubes decreases by 40%-50% when compared to the control mix and the compressive strength attained is 15 MPa.
Effect of Addition Bio Filler (|Beans Shell powder) Reinforcement By Polyester Composites[Full-Text ] Assit.prof. Raghad U.Abass, Assit.prof.Falak U.Abass, Assit.prof.dr.Aseel B. Al-ZubaidiThis work presents the production of composites with a polyester matrix reinforced with bio filler beans shell (bs).The effect of the beans shell (filler) on the mechanical properties of the composite was experimentally quantified. A preliminary study was earlier carried out the shell in terms of their chemical constituents, functional group and mechanical strength. The shell beans was ground and chemically treated to enhance good bonding and adhesion to the matrix. Composites were fabricated using a hand lay-up or contact mould method for different percentage compositions of the filler. Tests, with respect to the mechanical properties (ie. tensile, Hardness, impact) were carried out. The result obtained was compared with the in forced polyester plate at 10% filler loading, it showed a 79% improvement in tensile properties and 66% increase in impact strength. It was clearly observed that the inclusion of the filler (shell) added strength to the composite. 2. The chemical characterization was carried out by x-ray fluorescent spectrometer (XFR analysis).
Inverse Control for a Magnetic Levitation System Using the Neural Network[Full-Text ] Abd-El meged Mohamed, Gaber Elsady, Ashraf Hemeda, Asmaa FawzyFor overcomes several shortcomings of the inverse control design to controlling nonlinear systems using the neural networks as the controller based self tuning regulator. The magnetic levitation parameters are estimated online and are used to update the weights of the RBFNN. The weight update equations are derived based on the least mean squares principle. The RBFNN virtually models the inverse of the plant and thus the output tracks the reference trajectory. The proposed algorithm is successfully verified using simulations. Then, this paper compared its result with the outcome of using proportional-plus-integral feedback (PI) self tuning regulator.
Assessment of the Coastal Area Water Quality in Noakhali, Bangladesh.[Full-Text ] Muhammed Y. Miah, F. N. Robel, S. Bhowmik, S. Bhattacharjee, S. C. Paul, M.J. Hossain, M.Z. HossainIn this study, water quality assessment of different sources (surface water and ground water) in the coastal belt region of Noakhali was conducted. Physical parameters of the supplied samples like Color, Odor, Temperature, and Taste were identified. Beside this pH, Conductivity, Total dissolved solid (TDS), Hardness, Alkalinity, Chloride, cations, Arsenic(As), Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Mercury(Hg), Chromium(Cr), Dissolved Oxygen were measured to understand the physicochemical parameters, salinity and the presence of toxic metal ions in water. pH values for surface water were 6.3- 7.49and those of ground water were 7.33-8.5; Total hardness for surface water was 70-132 ppm and ground water was 180-296 ppm as CaCO3; Electrical conductivity (EC) for surface water was 576-1040µs and that of ground water was 5210-8170 µs . Ground water (deep) source contains highest level of Chloride and TDS which is 1683ppm and 1152ppm respectively. The alkalinity of the underground water was 2115 ppm & 518ppm which was higher than the surface water which was 68.5 ppm 112.5 respectively. The DO values were 2.4ppm & 3ppm for ground water and 4.05 & 4.95ppm for surface water. All the measured concentration of toxic metal ions (As, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr) were below standard permissible limit.
Determination of Generator Participation in Loads and Lines using Extended Incidence Matrix method[Full-Text ] A. A. Malik, N. D. GhawghaweIn the deregulated environment generation companies and other utilities become the user of transmission services. So, there is growing need to identify the participation of each generators and cost of transmission services. In such situation dispatchers not only concentrate on the power flow of the system but also contribution of each generator to each load and losses allocated to the generators. In this paper a mathematical method is proposed for the active power flow tracing based on the concept of extended incidence matrix. By obtaining the AC or DC load flow solution, extended incidence matrix, distribution factor matrix and load extraction matrix are derived. With the help of developed model power transfer between each generator to each load, each line and contribution of each generator to the system losses is calculated. The effectiveness of proposed method is illustrated using IEEE 4-bus and 6-bus systems.
Integrated Biostratigraphic Study of Well Etankpini 005(ET005) based on Foraminiferal and Palynological Analysis, Calabar Flank; South Eastern Nigeria.[Full-Text ] A.J Ukpong, and M.O.EkhalialuThe Cretaceous formations penetrated by well ET005, Etankpini, Calabar Flank, consist of a sequence of dark grey fissile fossiliferous shales (the Ekenkpon Formation) at the base and greyish, fine grain ooilitic marl (the New Netim Formation) at the top. The upper greyish, fine grain oilitic marl suggests a paralic condition in a shallow marine environment. The shallow marginal marine environment is further supported by the high diversity of terrestrially derived palynomorphs such as Polyporisporites spp, Selaginella mvosurus and low values of sub-order Classopollis. A major transgression deposited the dark grey fissile fossiliferous shales during the Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian times and the rich planktonic faunal assemblages encountered at certain levels indicate continuous deposition in an open marine environment (Middle neritic and outer neritic environments). Cenomanain-Early Turonain age is assigned to the sediments penetrated by well ET005 and this is supported by the co-occurrences of Classopollis spp, Classopollis classoides, Classopollis jardinei, Triorites africaensis, Cretaceiporites mulleri, Triffosapollenites rugosa and Steevesipollenites binodosus (palynoflora) as well as the co-occurrences of Hedbergella crassa, Hedbergella planispira, Heterohelix moremani, Heterohelix reussi and Globigerinelloides caseyi(microfauna).
Performance Analysis of Biometric Image Encryption in Transformed Formats using Public Key Cryptography[Full-Text ] Dr.M.Gobi, Mrs.R.SrideviDue to the prompted growth of multimedia applications, the preservation of multimedia data becomes very important. The security of multimedia images can be achieved through Cryptography. This type of image encryption requires more attention towards its implementation. There are many different cryptographic techniques used for image encryption. Elliptic Curves Cryptography is believed to provide high security with smaller key sizes, which is very useful in many applications. This paper proposes the transformation of images into Base64 and Binary formats before image encryption. The transformed image is encrypted using Elliptic Curve Cryptography algorithm and encrypted image is stored in the database in a safe manner for future references. Based on the experiments done, Base64 transformation performs better than Binary transformation.