Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
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Apex Base Least Cost Method For Fuzzy Transportation Problem[Full-Text ] Thangaraj Beaula , M. PriyadharsiniA new approach to solve the fuzzy transportation problem using generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers is proposed. A new ranking method for generalized trapezoidal fuzzy number is introduced and constructed. A numerical example is solved using the proposed algorithm.
Effect of water quality on phytoplankton ecology of Upper Ganga Canal[Full-Text ] Gagan MattaThe Ganga, a glacier fed river is the most sacred and worshipped river of the Hindus. The river is now become one of the most polluted rivers of the country. The seasonal variation of physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton population of River Ganga at Haridwar with its two sites viz., Site 1(Bhimgoda barrage - Control Site) and Site 2 is Bahadrabad was studied for a period of one year. Maximum population density was observed in the winter season followed by summer and monsoon. Higher phytoplankton populations were encountered in Site 2 is Bahadrabad (site 2) which due to the fluctuation of existing turbidity, dissolved oxygen and better organic load. Number of group’s viz., Diatoms, Green algae and Blue green algae and species like Diatoma, Fragilaria, Gomphonema, Amphora, Cymbella and Achnanthes belonging were recorded during the study period. Higher concentration of diatom species in summer season at Site 2 indicates polluted nature of river water and can be used as an indicator of organic pollution in the river. Many genera were seasonally and monthly absent at different times in the canal; however the overall diversity was found to be maximum in winter and summer. Correlation between the hydrological attributes showed good relationship and Na, NO2, NO3-, SiO3, HCO3, PO4, Ca and Mg were found to be most important variables in shaping benthic faunal assemblage.
Inhibitive Properties, Thermodynamic and Quantum Chemical Studies of Azole Derivatives on Mild Steel Corrosion in H3PO4 Solutions[Full-Text ] A.M.El-desoky, Hala.M.Hassan, Awad Al-Rashdi and Marwa R. ElsayadThe inhibition of the corrosion of mild steel in 1 M H3PO4 solutions by some azole derivatives has been investigated using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. Inhibition was found to increase with increasing concentration of the azole derivatives but decreased with rise in temperature. The inhibition was assumed to occur via adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the metal surface. The adsorption of these compounds on mild steel surface obeys the Temkin's adsorption isotherm. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements showed that azole derivatives act as mixed-type inhibitors. Further, theoretical calculations were carried out and relations between computed parameters and experimental inhibition efficiency were discussed.
Survey on Data Modification Attacks[Full-Text ] Ahmed Yousuf Jama and Maheyzah Md SirajOne of the challenging areas in computer science is to keep the data and information safe and assure. Due to very tight competition and sensitive data for the owner although they spend billions of dollars annually to make sure there are no threats or vulnerabilities against their assets, but up until now there are attacks that aim to penetrate the system and take advantages from that. Modification data attacks (MDA) can be malicious and cause huge damages to a system. MDA happens when attackers interrupt, capture, modify, steal or delete important information in the system via network access or direct access using executable codes. Most of recent modification, corruption attacks and worms still using known patterns as the control-data attack which are easy to be defeated by protection systems. But, non-control-data attacks can damage a vast applications, which always work with decision-making data, user input data, configuration data and user identity data. Therefore, in this survey we summarize and discuss important vulnerabilities to non-control data attacks in following applications which are Telnet, HTTP, FTP and SSH.
The cmeDetect Computer Code for CME Analysis[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Selman and Zeinab F. HusseinIn the present work, computer detection code is introduced to isolate CME from SOHO/LASCO C3 images utilizing a Matlab code. The detection program, cmeDetect, contained various functions with detection method based on bulk detection of CMEs. Measurements included height, speed, acceleration, area, masse, and direction. This paper is dedicated to outline the cmeDetect code with its initial results. The code has many subfunctions one of which is that used for corrections of the solar size from LASCO C3 images. The first results showed that most height results were satisfactory but their differences, which were used in speed and acceleration, were fluctuating.
Universal Sensor Interface Circuits Performance Evaluation for Multi Sensor Systems[Full-Text ] Siti Nur Syuhadah Baharudin, Asral Bahari Jambek and Rizalafande Che IsmailThis paper compares the existing implementation of universal sensor interface circuits for smart sensor systems. For this type of system, since every sensor will produce different types of output, a sensor interface that can support various types of sensors is needed. To be effective, the architecture should be low power and with a small area. Most importantly, it should be able to read various types of sensor input, especially capacitive and resistive. In this paper, five different types of sensor interface circuits are discussed and the differences inherent in each architecture are highlighted. The performance of each circuit in terms of speed, power and area also compared.
Power quality and stability improvement of HVDC transmission System using UPFC for Different uncertainty conditions[Full-Text ] Koganti Sri Lakshmi , G.Savanthi , L. Ramadevi , Koganti Harish chowdaryThe requirement of delivering economic quality power supply has become a major concern in this developing technology therefore this desired power control at every point of power system is obtained by power controllers like HVDC and FACT devices. Considering the benefits of HVDC like cost, Technical Performance and reliability with full control over the power transmission it is used for long bulk power transmission and asynchronous interconnection. FACTS are power electronic based equipment used to control the power transfer in AC Networks. UPFC is FACT device which can provide power quality and also used for control of active and reactive power flow in transmission line. The main objective of this paper is to improve power transmission capacity and power quality of hvdc transmission using UPFC .The Conventional control scheme cannot control power fluctuations. Here we dealt different types of faults at different locations placing UPFC permanent at receiving end of the line so that the magnitude of fault current and variations of excitation voltage reduced and finally voltage magnitude is improved by UPFC. At the end, Fast Fourier Transformation analysis is carried out to determine total Harmonic Distortion with and without UPFC for different faults.
Opto-electronics Differential Joystick for Electronic Control of Wheelchairs and Robots[Full-Text ] ABHIJIT AJITKUMAR PATIL, MILIND S. MARATHEThis paper presents an optoelectronic joystick for driving and controlling electronic wheelchair, robot or any other electronically controlled gazette. An innovative concept has been conceived and realized using light emitting diodes, photo-detectors and a sliding optical template that converts movements of joystick into variable light output depending on the position of the joystick handle. At a time two different electrical signals are generated to drive or control two independent drives or applications. The signal produced is electrical differential signal. The system works on 15 volts dc electrical supply that can be easily modified as per users requirements. The differential electrical signal produced has voltage variation between 0.1 to 14 volts. It also produces reverse action signal when reverse movement is initiated. The system is simple, stable, and reliable. It minimal tear and wear as no contact type components are used.
Behavior of Sierpinski Gasket Fractal Antenna[Full-Text ] D.Pratap Varma, K.Phani Varma, Y.Srinivas, P.Kalayan Raju, D.Prudhvi RajuThe use of fractal geometries has significantly impacted many areas of science and Engineering one of which is antennas. Antennas using some of these geometries for various telecommunications applications are already available commercially. The use of fractal geometries has been shown to improve several antenna features to varying extents.
Simulation on Blade Geometry and Operational Condition toward Torque Requirement and Drag Force in Paddle Wheel Aerator[Full-Text ] Samsul Bahri, Radite P.A. Setiawan, Wawan Hermawan, Muhammad Zairin Junior Power required by paddle wheel aerator is highly determined by blade geometry and operational condition. In order to predict the correlation, simulation on blade geometry and operational condition toward torque requirement and drag force in a paddle wheel aerator was carried out. The experimental design of the blade was 56 cm diameter, 20 cm width of double trapezoid (5 cm of top width and 15 cm of bottom width), 15 cm height and formed 300 angle to the rim with the curvature radius of blade was 40 cm. For simulation purpose, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software with external flow was used in this research. The fluid flew opposite to the wheel speed which set at 115, 135 and 154 rpm for every immersion depth of 4, 6 and 8 cm. Simulation showed that the lowest torque was 12.48 Nm which occurred at 1.6 cm hub diameter and blade angle of 300, 4 cm of immersion depth and wheel speed set at 115 rpm. The lowest drag force coefficient was 0.80 that occurred at 1.6 cm hub diameter, blade angle of 300 and immersion depth at 8 cm. Average torque reduction at 150 and 300 of blade angle was 6.73% and 22.27%, respectively. Average torque reduction which produced by different hub diameter from 0.8 cm to 1.2 cm was 9.06% and 0.8 cm to 1.6 cm was 12.31%.
Detection of Sybil Attacks in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Based on Road Side Unit Support[Full-Text ] Muhammad Saad Naveed, Dr. M Hasan IslamUntil recently vehicles and transportation systems were considered as the realm of mechanical engineers, but the need for the road safety and desire to be connected to the world, has broaden the industry scope. In order to do so Intelligent Transport System has been introduced and for few years, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks are getting much attention. The advance developments, wireless communication and life safety point towards to take into consideration the need of security in VANETs. In VANET, many attacks are possible and can cause serious damages to life. One such attack is Sybil attack. Sybil attacks have been regarded as a serious security threat to Ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks. They may also damage the potential applications of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) by creating a deception of traffic congestion. Here we look on how the Sybil attack works and possible ways that an attacker can cause harm by launching these types of attacks in VANETS, along with the detection schemes that can be used to identify Sybil nodes and prevent the network from various hurtful effects. Later we propose improvements in RSU supported certificate based detection mechanism which may be helpful in solving problems with the current model.
Structural Response of High Rise Buildings For Different Soft Storey Heights and Approaching Methodology[Full-Text ] Prof. Prakarsh Sangave, Miss.Jahagirdar SayyedaZara S, Mr.Jamdar AmeerHussain SuhelAhmed, Mr.BagalkoteTariqueAziz A, Mr.DokaMd.Rizwan I, Mr.Mashalkar Imran M, Mr.Kudkyal Pramod AEarthquakes are natural hazards under which disasters are mainly caused by damage or collapse of buildings and other man-made structures. Due to accommodation of vehicles and their movements at ground levels infill walls are generally avoided, which creates soft storey effect. It should be noted that 70 to 80 % of buildings of urban areas in India fall under the classification of soft storey. This soft storey is also called as Open ground storey or Weak storey. It is a typical feature in the modern multi-storey constructions. Such features are highly undesirable in buildings built in seismically active areas; this has been verified in numerous experiences of strong shaking during the past earthquakes. The majority of buildings that failed during the Bhuj earthquake (2001) and Gujarat earthquake were of the open ground storey type. The collapse mechanism of such type of building is predominantly due to the formation of soft-storey.
On Solving Bivariate Unconstrained Optimization Problems Using Interval Analysis[Full-Text ] R.Sophia Porchelvi, S.SathyaIn this paper, a method to find the optimal solution of bivariate unconstrained problems is proposed uing Newton’s interval analysis method. Interval Analysis method gives more accurate solution even for higher order derivatives. MATLAB programs are also developed for the procedure.
A Survey on Benchmark Defects Encountered in the Oil Pipe Industries[Full-Text ] Wissam Alobaidi, Eric Sandgren, Hussain Al-RizzoOil and natural gas have been transported by pipeline for over a century, yielding a large amount of information about defects in manufacture and in service. Research has moved toward early detection of defects in the body and welds of pipe during the manufacturing process. The most common defects occur in the welds, and can be categorized into 7 basic types: porosities, slag inclusions, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, cracks, burn-through and irregular shapes. Any of these may occur in the five most common welding configurations used in manufacturing. The five common joint types are: butt-weld joint, tee-weld joint, corner-weld joint, lap-weld joint and edge-weld joint. The purpose is to aid in the elimination of problems in the manufacturing process that lead to manufacturing defects, thus enhancing product quality. The relationship between defect type and the Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods which best detect each type, are summarized in tabular form. The table also relates the location of the defect (whether surface or subsurface, or both) to the NDT techniques. Illustrations of each type of defect are presented for reference. The relationship of defect type and location to cost and labor needed to detect each type, is presented in graphic form. The surface defects are easily detected with Visual Inspection, while subsurface defects can be caught with Radiographic Testing when conducted at the recommended speed of 50mm/s, but if they are missed they can be detected with Ultrasonic Testing, which is more labor-intensive, and which must be verified with a second NDT technique, Digital X-ray Testing. To enhance production efficiency, and the series of NDT stations needed for oil and natural gas pipeline manufacturing, we must determine how to incorporate new techniques to cover the shortcomings of present methods of detecting defects. This will reduce labor time and increase throughput while maintaining the quality of the finished product.
A Comparative study of Math Anxiety between parents and their children and its impact on the children’s achievement in Mathematics[Full-Text ] Akanksha Soni , Dr. Santha KumariMathematics is used as an essential tool in several fields including natural science, engineering, medicine and social sciences throughout the world. Many people experience a great deal of anxiety when dealing with numbers. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate whether children’s math anxiety serves as an underlying pathway between parental math anxiety and their children’s math achievement. A total of 480 students (234 females and 246 males) of the age ranging from 10 to 15 years (5th to 10th grade) and one of their parents (mother/ father) participated in the study. Parents and their wards math anxiety was measured using MARS-S, MARS-E and MARS-A respectively. Mathematics achievement test was constructed for each grade level based on their current curriculum. The Mediation analysis was carried out. It was found that father’s math anxiety contributes positively to their son’s and daughter’s math anxiety and negatively to their math achievement. However, mother’s math anxiety maintained a direct effect on their daughter’s math achievement. The findings are explained in terms of the immense role of the parents in the development of mathematics skills in children.
A New Complex Floating-Point Representation Using Auto- Correlation Algorithm for DSP Processors[Full-Text ] E.Thenmozhi Ramyah, S.Pavithra, V.PrabhakaranComplex number computation is a big deal in mathematical calculations and it is well practiced in all modern processors, as we all familiar with real and imaginary parts in complex numbers, computation against the real and imaginary parts becomes a difficult task over a specific inputs. Here a DSP processors is taken for signal manipulation and a new method is introduced which reduces the bits size for better output. In this paper, a new complex floating point representation for complex numbers is introduced and is compared with IEEE 754 standard and a common DSP fixed point. The resulting system will use fewer bits than IEEE 754, which keeps the dynamic range and precision. It is also proposed that it has good quantization noise analysis using auto-correlation algorithm. This new algorithm reduces the former IEEE 754 Single precision representation total bit by 1 bit and also retains variables with a better exponent and mantissa parts.
Technological Singularity & The Ability of Generat-ing Tangible Breakthroughs[Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzySingularity is coming within 20 years! Yes, singularity is coming because we the humans are working on that. Before reaching to agree or disagree on “singularity is coming” or not and would it solve our problems or those problems may get worse; a basic point has to stand out that we are making it. Today’s lifestyle is totally different from the 80s and even the 90s and that is due to the revolution, which has connected the humanity to one place “The Internet”. In the present, I can assure that no one can spend more than a day with out his/her smartphone that is connected to the Internet. And if someone could make it; most likely he/she could not keep up with the global changes with an appropriate pace.
The effect of Auxiliary Units on the Power Consumption of CNC Machine tools at zero load cutting[Full-Text ] Vincent A Balogun, Isuamfon F. Edem, Paul T. MativengaElectricity consumptions have attracted global interest in recent times. This is attributable to the increasing technological advancement and new machines and materials development hence, an urgent global call for energy efficiency and sustainable manufacture. The electricity consumption in the manufacturing sector especially at the process level stages is an increasing trend. This is partly due to the energy demand of the auxiliary units and machine features incorporated into the machine tools at the design and manufacturing stages and on the other, as a result of increased production activities (increased product demand) during the use phase. This resulted in an increased embodied product energy that affects the cost and life cycle assessment of the product. In view of this economic and environmental objectives, it is paramount to investigate the energy consuming activities during machining (i.e. tip energy and zero load cutting energy) in order to optimize electricity demand at the secondary processing stages. In this work, the electrical energy demand of the auxiliary units and machine features of three different machine tools were investigated and characterized. This is required in order to encourage symbiotic and sustainable manufacture of products for resource optimization and also to determine specific areas for energy savings. It was observed that the electrical energy demand for non-cutting activities dominate the machining processes at more than 70% and the zero load cutting energy, which is machine dependent, is also about 14%. A step change in axes motor designs for CNC machine tools could facilitate energy reduction in this direction.
Cybersquatting and its Effectual Position in India[Full-Text ] Zohaib Hasan Khan, Piyush Charan, Mohd Amir Ansari & Kashiful Hasan KhanA trademark, a design, a slogan, a logo or an easily remembered picture is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service. With the growth of commercial activity on the internet, a domain name can be said to be used as a business identifier image. Domain name conflicts arise most frequently as a consequence of the practice of cybersquatting . Cybersquatters deliberately exploit the first-come-first-served nature of the domain name registration system and then the squatters either offer to sell the domain to the person or company who owns a trade mark contained within the name at an inflated price. In India, there is no statute law which explicitly refers to dispute resolution in connection with cyber squatting or other domain name disputes.The Trade Marks Act, 1999 used for protecting use of trademarks in domain names is not extra-territorial, therefore, it does not allow for adequate protection of domain names. The overview of cybersquatting & its effectual Position In India with the current legal framework have been highlighted out and formulated a three pronged approach which would go a long way in squatting away these squatters.
Renewable Wind Energy Design Concepts and Considerations: An Alternative Power Supply for Remote Observatories[Full-Text ] Ezechi N. E., Daniyan O. L., Aliyu N., Gayus B. I. and Okere B. I.Observatories globally require a smooth, sustained and reliable power system for their operations, which are usually, round the clock. Observatories are usually very remote sometimes at locations that are hundreds of kilometers away from power grids. This results in huge burden of extending power grids across several distances to observatories. Power interruptions are common experiences with public grids and pose great threats with gravity that can interrupt scheduled observations. Hence, there is the need for observatories to drift from the conventional power system to renewable energy system. This paper presents the design concepts and considerations for setting up a wind turbine energy system for NASRDA Centre for Basic Space Science Observatory, as a case study of the deployment of such system for remote or non-habitable observatories.
Investigation on Achieving Optimum Surface Roughness by Optimizing Variable Machining Conditions in Turning GFRP Composite Using Taguchi Method and ANOVA[Full-Text ] Md.Shafiul Alam, Ahmed Yusuf, Abir Rahman, Inzamam-ul-haqThe accuracy of achieving required surface finish or surface roughness is of great importance in case of any mass production environment. Thus, understanding and recognizing the optimal process parameters for machining is the key to achieving the required surface roughness and gaining competitive advantage. This research is concerned with obtaining the optimal machining process parameters (cutting speed, depth of cut, feed) which will in turn effect in optimizing the surface roughness in turning glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) matrix composite using coated carbide insert. To find the optimal machining process parameters Taguchi design method has been implemented. An L-16 orthogonal array, signal to noise ratio and ANOVA have been implemented to analyze and understand various process parameters in deter-mining possible relationship with surface roughness. The optimum surface roughness value for this experiment is (3.664μm) which is obtained from Taguchi design method. The results from ANOVA conclude that feed is the most influential factor affecting the outcome having a contribution of (56.04%). And the contributions of depth of cut and cutting speed are separately in order of (17.94%) and (16.42%) respectively. This research provides optimal process parameters for any desired value of surface roughness which results in gaining a competitive edge over others in any mass production environment.
BHARAT RATNA!...A New theory on “GEM”[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaIn Republic India “BHARAT RATNA” is considered as “GEM” of India and Highest Civilian award being offered to meritorious artist, politician, scientist, literature and recently to sports person also. Further ‘NAVARATNA’ is considered as nine most precious, rarely available stones used in the jewellery since ancient time as believed in the culture of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism for prosperity of life.
Statistical Load Modelling of Residential Load: A Case Study[Full-Text ] V.Aundhekar, Dr.A.G.Thosar, Samruddhi ShahaElectricity is one of the most important and basic needs of today's community, so the Demand Side Managment and load modelling is very important.
Malware Detection and Protection using External Devices[Full-Text ] K.S.Charumathi, Y.I.Jinesh Melvin, K.S.Suresh BabuVirus Security Protection play a vital role while sharing files from PC to other external devices, normally to secure the file in PC some antivirus applications are used. This paper mainly focuses on to detect and protect malware from PC to other external devices using MDP (Malware Detection and Protection) method which is inbuilt in a microchip with external devices.
Potential Analysis of Grid Connected Wind Turbine System in Peninsular Malaysia[Full-Text ] Zainab AbdullahWind energy is alternative energy which helps to promote cleaner environment, free, and contributes to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emission. The carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of greenhouse gases causes global warming and climate change. Efforts have been taken on renewable sources to meet the energy demand as well as for sustainable life. This study identifies the potential of grid connected wind turbine (GCWT) system for domestic use in Kuala Besut, Peninsular Malaysia. This is done through designing and analyzing the system using HOMER software. The system configuration consists of wind turbine, grid model, load data and wind speed data. Domestic load and wind speeds as primary data are required to estimate the system designed. The simulation result shows that the GCWT system reduces the electricity bill to RM0.759/KWh instead of RM0.924/KWh by grid connected only. The lowest net present cost (NPC) of RM697,240 was found for the GCWT system compared to the grid system. It is concluded that GCWT system has a potential to be implemented in this area. Although the wind speed is low, but with proper design of wind turbine system the extraction of wind can be generated to cope with Peninsular Malaysia condition.
An Exploration of Model Based Testing[Full-Text ] Vasudha Singh , Subburaj Ramasamy Testing consumes about 50% of the total software development costs. The purpose of testing is to check the correctness of any software created as to whether it is working according to what was expected and what it was supposed to do. Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the purpose of finding defects. The aim of software testing is not only to find the defects but also to find out the situations that could cause negative impact on the customer. There are many techniques and ways to test the application and software but in this paper we bring out one of the efficient and effective methodologies namely; model based testing (MBT). MBT facilitates generation of effective test cases from the developed model of the software. A model describes the functionality and behavior of the system under test (SUT). This paper introduces model-based testing and gives case study of the same.
Wireless Power Transfer : The future[Full-Text ] AGUBOSHIM, Emmanuel ChukwujiokeThe technology for wireless power transmission or wireless power transfer (WPT) is in the forefront of electronic development. Applications involving microwaves, solar cells, and resonance of electromagnetic waves have had the most recent success with WPT. The main function of wireless power transfer is to allow electrical devices to be continuously charged and then subsequently, lose the constraint of a power cord. The concept of resonance causes electromagnetic radiation at certain frequencies to cause an object in another location within the appropriate line-of-sight to vibrate. This vibration can allow energy to be transmitted between the two vibrating sources. Solar cells, ideally, would use a satellite in space to capture the suns energy and send the energy back to Earth. This paper will explore the future technological applications of microwaves, resonance, and solar cells in WPT and explain the basic technique of transmitting power wirelessly. It will also include problems encountered during experimentation and recent advances in the field. The paper will also include the futuristic applications of WPT and its ability to solve the energy crisis.
OVER CURRENT PROTECTION OF 1 KVA TRANSFORMER WITH PIC MICRO CONTROLLER USING NUMERICAL RELAY[Full-Text ] Louis Krishnan.S, A. Tamil Pandian, Vijayakumar.RTransformers are the critical and expensive component of the power system. Due to the long lead time for repair and replacement of transformers, a major goal of transformer protection is limiting the damage to a faulted transformer. Numerical relay protection of transformer is an advanced method of protection. The main aim of this thesis is to protect the transformer from the over current within a short period of time. The type of protection for the transformers varies depending on the application of the transformer. When the current in a system exceeds a predetermined value, it indicates the presence of a fault. Relaying decision is based solely on the magnitude of current. The operation of the numerical relay depends upon the function of the (Peripheral Interface Controller) PIC microcontroller signal. This thesis describes the design and implementation of the PIC microcontroller based system for protecting 1KVA transformer from over current.
Security in Electronic Payment Transaction[Full-Text ] Fourcan Karim Mazumder, Israt Jahan, Utpal Kanti DasSecurity is the major concern in e-commerce. Internet is an insecure and unreliable media today. E-commerce applications are in danger to various security threats. The electronic payment system need to be secure for internet transaction participants such as payment gateway server, bank sever and merchant server. The security architecture of the system is designed by using many security protocols and techniques, which reduces the fraud that occurs with stolen credit card or debit card payment information and customer information. This paper illustrates that secure communication tunnel technique is a secure electronic payment system which can protect conventional transaction data such as account numbers, amount and other information.