Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
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Experimental Optimization of Naphthalene Bioadsorption from Aqueous Solution onto Water Melon Peels Using Response Surface Methodology[Full-Text ] S. E. AGARRY AND O. O. OGUNLEYEThe objectives of this work were designed to study and optimize naphthalene bioadsorption from aqueous solution as well as to evaluate the effects of bioadsorption process variables such as initial naphthalene concentration, pH, temperature and contact time on the naphthalene bioadsorption potential of water melon. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with a central composite face-centered design (CCFD) was used with three levels and four factors (initial naphthalene concentration, pH, temperature, contact time) as independent variables and percentage naphthalene removal as dependent variable (response). The naphthalene bioadsorption data was well fitted to a second-order quadratic polynomial regression model with a high coefficient of determination, R (= 0.9997) using Design-Expert Statistical program (v. 6.0.8). The quadratic regression model showed that the percentage naphthalene removal was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the linear and interactive effects of initial naphthalene concentration, pH, temperature and contact time. Numerical optimization technique based on desirability function was carried out to optimize the bioadsorption process. The predicted optimum values for the four bioadsorption process variables to achieve a predicted maximum percentage naphthalene removal of 99.07 percent were found to be: Initial naphthalene concentration (270.20 mg/l), pH (5.85) , temperature (47.45oC) and contact time (128.70 min). At these predicted optimum conditions, the experimentally observed percentage naphthalene removal was found to be 98.45 percent. The statistical analyses and the closeness of the experimental results and model predictions showed the reliability of the regression model. Thus, the results demonstrated the bioadsorption potential of water melon peels in the bioadsorption of organic pollutants from waste or contaminated waters.
Numerical modeling of physically nonlinear deformation elements of construction[Full-Text ] Askhad M. Polatov, Nodira A. NodirjanovaIn paper the problem definition, decision method, algorithm and the software of process of nonlinear deformation elements of constructional materials are given. On the basis of numerical modeling process of reduction of tension due to change of form contour of a design is researched.
Solid Waste Management[Full-Text ] Subhrangsu Sekhar DeyIncrease of population with their improved lifestyle and build up industrial is increase generation of solid waste in rural as well as urban in our country. But still we used to drop our rest waste into the open land. There are absence of dustbin to all the locality and unsystematic and unscientific way of collections of municipality the solid waste affects our life. People affects by viral fever and headache etc. It also affects to aquatic animal and also increase surface air temperature cause of methane, CO2 and NO2 from organic food materials and industrial waste.
The zero divisor graph of the ring Zpqr[Full-Text ] Nazar H. Shuker, Payman A. RashedIn this paper we construct a star zero divisor graph from the zero divisor graph of the ring Zy, y=pqr, where p, q, and r are prime number. The construction of the star zero divisor graph is results by removing some vertices from the zero divisor graph Γ(Zy), in different way, we used the simple way to get star zero divisor graph SΓ(Zy) by removing the zero divisors of the form nr, n from 1 to pq-1, except n=q. The aim of this work is to construct a star graph from the zero divisor graph of the ring Zy. Finally we proved that the zero divisor graph Γ(Zy) is three partite with girth three, while the diameter is less or equal 3.
Performance Analysis for OFDM System Using Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform with Different Modulation Techniques[Full-Text ] Qusay jalil, S Nagakishore BhavanamIn OFDM multiple carriers are used and it provides higher level of spectral efficiency as compared to Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). In OFDM because of loss of orthogonality between the subcarriers there is inter carrier interference (ICI) and inter symbol interference (ISI) and to overcome this problem use of cyclic prefixing (CP) is required, which uses 20% of available bandwidth. Comparison between the conventional FFT based OFDM systems with DWT based OFDM system have been made according to some conventional and non-conventional modulation methods over AWGN. The wavelet families have been used and compared with FFT based OFDM system and found that DWT based OFDM system is better than FFT based OFDM system with regards to the bit error rate (BER) performance.
Synthesis and Reactivity of Chromium and Manganese Dibromoacetates and Their Complexes With Organic Bases[Full-Text ] Jugal Kishore Puri and Rajni ChhokerComplexes of composition CrCl(Br2CHCOO)2, Cr3O(Br2CHCOO)6Cl, [Cr3O(Br2CHCOO)6(Br2CHCOOH)3Cl], Cr(Br2CHCOO)3, Cr(Br2CHCOO)3.Py, Cr(Br2CHCOO)3.Q, Cr(Br2CHCOO)3(C2H5)3N, [Cr3O(Br2CHCOO)6(NH3)3]Cl.5NH3, Mn(Br2CHCOO)2, Mn(Br2CHCOO)2.2Py, Mn(Br2CHCOO)2.2Q, Mn(Br2CHCOO)2.2(C2H5)3N and (Me4N)2Mn(Br2CHCOO)4 have been synthesized. All these compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductance, infra-red, reflectance and thermo-gravimetric studies. These studies indicate the hexa co-ordination of chromium and manganese in these compounds having octahedral geometry and suggest the formation of polymeric structures. Further attempts are in progress to isolate the single crystal of these complexes in order to throw more light on the structure of these complexes from single crystal x-ray studies.
Effect of welding parameters variation on the weldability of austenitic stainless steel 304L[Full-Text ] S. M. Amer, M. A. Morsi, Hussein. M. Abdelaziz, A. Atlam, E. S. MosaThe objective of the study is to investigate the effect of the welding parameters on the weldability of austenitic stainless steel 304L using 308L consumable electrodes (microstructure, ultimate tensile strength and hardness). The parameters used are: the Welding current, the travel speed and Shielding gases. The welding currents used in this study are: 90A, 110A and 130A.The travel speed used is 50mm/min and 100mm/min .The shielding gases used are: pure Argon and mixture of 98% Argon and 2% Nitrogen. The process of Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) was applied to weld the joints. The results indicated that; the shielding gases composition has a significant effect on the microstructure evolution, ultimate tensile strength and hardness. Microstructure revealed a change in the solidification structure during the transformation; from ferrite to austenite using shielding gases of 98% Argon and 2% Nitrogen also the microstructure showed an increasing of the dendrite size and inter-dendritic spacing in the weld metal when the electric current was increased. Transverse tensile test showed an increasing in the value of the average ultimate tensile strength (UTS).when used a shielding gases of 98 % argon and 2 % Nitrogen. The highest ultimate tensile strength was achieved when using current 90A, travel speed 100mm/min and shielding gas 98% argon and 2% nitrogen. When using shielding gases of 98 % argon and 2% N; the hardness values were lower than the case of using pure argon.
Structural analysis of load compressor blade of aircraft auxiliary power unit[Full-Text ] Meha Setiya, Dr. Beena D. Baloni, Dr. Salim A. ChanniwalaAuxiliary power unit is small gas turbine which comprises power section, load compressor and generator system. The present work incorporates stress analysis of impeller blade of the load compressor aircraft APU 131-9A using ANSYS 15. For centrifugal compressor, impeller is main dynamic component. Structural stresses induced in impeller due to combined loading of thermal and inertia forces, affects performance of compressor in terms of efficiency, pressure ratio, service life etc. To explore the effect of this combined loading, structural analysis has been done. Structural analysis of impeller blade gives a vision about critical deformations and critical stresses and their locations. Thermal analysis has also been done to investigate thermal stresses and deformation due to temperature and pressure loads in the blade passage. Both thermal and structural analysis has been done for different materials namely SS 310, INCOLOY 909, Timetal834 and Ti 6-2-4-6. The selection of materials has been done on the basis of strength at high speeds. The results suggest that for particular application of high speed load compressor blade, induced structural stresses are within permissible range throughout the blade only in case of Ti 6-2-4-6.
Effect of Solidity on Flow Pattern in Kaplan Turbine Runner[Full-Text ] Ruchi Khare, Vishnu Prasad, Brijkishore DandhariaThe presence of stationary and rotating blades in axial flow reaction turbine i.e. Kaplan turbine makes the flow complex in the turbine space. The overall performance of turbine depends on loss and flow characteristics of different components. The conventional method to predict the turbine performance is phusical testing of turbine model which is time consuming and costly. The runner is the heart of turbine and its design has vital effects on overall performance of turbine. The design of runner includes derivation of runner blade profile and solidity. The solidity greatly affects the loss and flow characterstics of runner. In present paper, Kaplan turbine characteristics are derived for different solidities from numerical simulation results. The computed efficiencies at best operating regime are also compared with experimental values for validation and found to bear close comparison.
Flood Mitigation Strategies Adopted in Sri Lanka A Review[Full-Text ] Sivakumar SSFloods are repeatedly in the headlines of local, national and international media. The problem of floods and their computation is one of the main and most complex problems the hydrologists are facing now. The optimal development of water resources depends to a considerable extent on flood control, design and construction of structural measures and taking proper measures for flood mitigation including non-structural measures like flood plain zoning, flood forecasting and warning, etc. All such hydrologic analysis and design problems require accurate and reliable data for flood estimation using statistical and or deterministic methods. The estimation of design flood for safety of structures has also to take into consideration cost aspects and to avoid over design. This paper discuses issues related to the occurrence and its’ management of floods based on several reviews.
Planning Strategies for Traffic Management in Central Business District (Gandhi Square in Mysore City); an Urban Design Study [Full-Text ] SETAREH ORUJI, Dr. T. M. MAHESH, EHSAN AMININowadays, number of vehicles and population has been increased rapidly in developing cities all over the world especially in metropolitan cities. In this study we have chosen Mysore as a study area which is one of the famous historical cities and third largest city in the state of Karnataka, India. Mysore is noted for its palaces, including the Mysore Palace and also some heritage buildings. Most of the Mysore city’s heritage buildings are located at the heart of the city. During the festivities that take place during the Dasara festival, the city receives a large number of tourists. Therefore during the festival of custom practices and also daily livelihood there will be huge traffic congestion at the centre part of the Mysore city. The traffic congestion is because of rapid growth of vehicles and pedestrian movements in the Central Business Development (CBD) area. Therefore there is a necessity to concentrate on planning strategies to overcome the problem of traffic congestion and ease pedestrian movements in the CBD area. In Mysore, Gandhi square is the historical urban texture, which has different types of land use since 100 years. There is a massive of traffic issue from both pedestrians and vehicles. In this paper authors tried to propose separate routes for pedestrian movement and vehicles which has been conflict in this area. Reduction of traffic volume within the CBD through the provision of pedestrian walkways and linkages will be considered.
Fabrication of a device to measure stickiness of rice for cracker production[Full-Text ] N. M. Gunaratne, T.M. Gunaratne, S. B. NavaratneThis study includes fabrication of a device named ‘stickiness meter’ to determine the stickiness of rice which is a major requirement in developing good quality rice crackers. This parameter should be measured in incoming rice prior to production of rice crackers in industrial level to avoid wastage. The device was developed using stainless steel. It consists of two discs to place cooked rice, a compressing wheel to compress the discs, and a horizontal scale to get the reading of the force required to separate the discs. The optimum cooking time of rice was measured by cooking rice and pressing in between two glass slides until the opaque core disappears. The diameter of the discs was determined by placing 5g of cooked rice on a paper and drawing the outline. The clearance between the discs and the length of horizontal scale were determined through trial and error. Local rice samples AT 306, AT 405 and Samba were tested using the ‘stickiness meter’. The results revealed that the optimum cooking time was 15 minutes. The discs needed a diameter of 8cm and a clearance of 0.2mm. The stickiness values of AT 306, AT 405 and Samba were 9kg, 10.5kg and 0.5kg respectively.
Reliability of Automobile Car Wheel Subjected to Fatigue Radial Loading by Weibull Analysis[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyWhile the car is running, the radial load becomes a cyclic load with the rotation of the wheel. This has become essential to test the wheel under radial fatigue load for the structural integrity. The survival of the wheel was analyzed through Weibull analysis. It was found that 50 percent of the wheels have survived at 4542041 cycles under radial fatigue loading.
Sensor Development for Corrosion Monitoring Of Reinforcement Steel[Full-Text ] Monzer.M.KrishanIn this research we have discussed the sensor development for corrosion monitoring of reinforcement steel. The presence of chloride ions is one of the main causes of corrosion of steel in concrete. We have also discussed wireless sensor networks. The preventive measures have also been discussed in the end of the paper.
Selection of best packaging method to extend the shelf life of rice crackers[Full-Text ] T. M. Gunaratne, N. M. Gunaratne and S. B. NavaratneIn this study, Sweet and Savory rice crackers with a shelf life of 6 months were packed separately under four categories as with desiccant, with oxygen absorber, with both desiccant and oxygen absorber and without any of them. These packets were stored at high temperature (47ºC) and room temperature (28ºC) with saturated conditions to conduct accelerated shelf life testing. Moisture content, pH and TBA value of these crackers were determined using Moisture analyzer, pH meter, distillation method respectively. Dried silica gel containing triple laminated pouches were stored under normal atmospheric conditions (28ºC, 70 – 75% RH) until a constant weight was gained to determine WVTR. A sensory test was done using a five point hedonic scale and was statistically analyzed using MINITAB 14. Results revealed that Moisture content, pH and TBA values increased gradually with time. WVTR was 0.2242 g m-2 day-1. There was a significant difference of sensory properties with time. The packets containing both desiccant and oxygen absorber was the best and it gained the longest shelf life of 9.2 - 11 months.
Multi-Diameter Pipeline Inspection Gauge for Lang Distance Industrial Application[Full-Text ] Ali Ahmadian Mazraeh , Firas B.Ismail AlnaimiThis paper presents an innovative approach for the design and development of Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) which can inspect pipes from 15” up to 30” with a simple change of shirts using the latest technologies such as Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) sensors as well as Remote Field Eddy Current (RFEC) sensors for oil pipes inspection, through the creation of a simulation tool capable of generating simulated images from pipeline using Inertial Navigation System (INS) for highest accuracy and precision inspection to protect the environment and equipment from any unexpected accident. There are several dynamo motors utilized to regenerate green efficient power from the flow of the medium inside the pipeline to elongate the distance of investigation by the mean of reduction of the number of individual pigging processes to save time and cost for companies. The INS uses accelerometers and gyroscopes of the type “Integrated Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems” (iMEMS), to carry out the mapping corresponding to the inspected pipes. Fluid hammer effect is another factor which has been considered during designing this pig. To avoid such case to occur the design has been revised and several arms have been devised around the robot to maintain the speed and position of pig all the way through the pipeline.
The Comparative Effect of Mind Mapping and Concept Mapping on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Achievement[Full-Text ] Zahra TarkashvandThis article focuses on how Iranian intermediate- level students can improve their vocabulary achievement by using Mapping strategies of concept maps and mind maps. It is a comparative study carried out in EFL classrooms, and it addresses the implementation of different types of mapping strategies to know which one works better. Results show that learners in the mind mapping group benefited significantly more than those in the concept mapping group in terms of improving their vocabulary achievement.
Laboratory Evaluation of Urinalysis Parameters to Predict Urinary Tract Infection[Full-Text ] Pandey S, Sharma M, Neupane GP and Madhup SKWe evaluated the performance of urinalysis dipsticks and microscopic urine sediment analysis as predictors of urinary tract infection (UTI) in patient visiting hospital. The samples were processed for macroscopic examination to observe Leukocyte esterase (LE) and Nitrite (NIT) by dipstick method, microscopic examination to observe pus cells, culture of urine sample on Blood agar and MacConkey agar to identify the potential pathogen and Colony count was evaluated. The positive predictive values was significantly greater for the NIT test alone than for either LE alone and LE and NIT in combination: 68.00% at ≥105 CFU/ml. The LE and NIT combination had a significantly higher predictive value of a negative test then either test alone at all two level of bacteriuria. Microscopic examination for White blood cells (WBCs) and bacteria, found that of the 178 cases were positive for LE, NIT or both by the dipstick method, Among them 115 cases were positive for pyuria, 45 cases were positive for bacteriuria and the rest (28 cases) negative for pyuria or bacteriuria. We concluded that though it is laborious, microscopic urinalysis is a good analytical tool. Taken together with dipsticks, we obtained a clinically-acceptable prediction of urinary-tract infection.
Effect of replacement coke breeze by charcoal on technical operation of iron ore sintering[Full-Text ] Naglaa.A.El-Hussiny, Ahmed.A. Khalifa, Ayman.A. El-Midany, Ahmed.A.Ahmed, Mohamed.E.H.Shalabi The coke breeze is the common solid fuel for iron sintering plants. The high consumption of coke breeze leads to its depletion as the most of the fossil fuels. Several researches, nowadays, focus on finding different alternatives that can replace the coke breeze either partially or completely. In this study, the charcoal was used as a supplementary fuel in the iron ore sintering process. Coke breeze was partially replaced by charcoal in sinter charge. The results of this work shows that the replacement of coke breeze with charcoal up to30% increased the vertical velocity of sintering process, strength of produced sinter, productivity of sinter machine and productivity of machine at blast furnace yard.
Satellite Image Matching using Kalman Filter and a cross correlation technique[Full-Text ] Wafaa Rajaa DRIOUA, Nacèra BENAMRANE, Noureddine KHELOUFIIn this paper, we propose a method for evaluating the displacement and deformation fields for pair of multi temporal images, one before and one after deformation; based on a matchning technique of cross correlation. First, according to the noise present in the images and the long computation time, a denoising based on the Kalman filter and a multi-resolution analysis of effiient optimization scheme are proposed to improve the quality and speed time calculation. Second, an algorithm for matching based on the gray levels cross correlation is intoduced to improve the efficiency on matching. Our method was tested on satellite images and the results are encouraging.
Analogy Dissection in Variability of Aircraft-Passenger Movement in IndianAirports[Full-Text ] Roshli Aniyeri, Dr.c.Ratnam NadarThis paper examines the movement of passengers through air transportation in India with more emphasis on the rate of arrival and departure in Indian International Airports. Although, people move for various reasons. The aim of this paper is to verify the trend of movement of passengers and flights in and out of the country for the period of (14) years, starting from 2000 to 2014.The movement of people from one geographical location to the other varies in relation to season and air transportation capacity within the country differ with respect to the number of patronage from passengers at different international airports.
Analysis and Design of Compact Planar Branched Monopole Antennas for DCS/2.4 GHz & WLAN Applications[Full-Text ] Chinmayee Singh, Tejbir Singh, Prabhakar Agarwal and Mihir Kumar JenaA compact triple band planar antenna for a digital communication system (DCS)/2.4-GHz and 5.5 GHz WLAN-Band frequencies application is presented. The two resonant modes of the proposed antenna are associated with various arms of the monopoles, in which a rectangular resonator contributes for the 5.5 GHz WLAN resonant frequency and two various arms are responsible for DCS/2.4 GHz resonant frequency. The experimental results show that the designed antenna can provide excellent performance for DCS/2.4-GHz WLAN and 5.5 GHz WLAN-Band frequencies systems, including sufficiently wide frequency band, moderate gain, and nearly omnidirectioal radiation coverage. The outcome of the experimental results along with the design criteria are presented in this paper.
Design of a Fingerprint Reader Enabled Remote Monitoring Module with Interface to Web Applications[Full-Text ] Nathan David, Patrick Ocheja, Paschal Udeh, Olisa OkpokoEngineering has continued to redefine the way we live and carry out processes. In the light of monitoring, control and consequently automation through to information management, technologies continue to emerge. This work presents a custom designed fingerprint monitoring module with interface to web applications for remote monitoring. Core design and implementation were realized through the use of ATmega2560 installed on an Arduino mega development board. For wireless data transmission, Zig-Bee wireless technology was used to provide connection between the module and a server which then synchronizes its data with all other connected devices. By way of testing, a lecture attendance monitoring scenario is provided in this work. This work provides a new design for future systems and possible ways of integration to existing systems.
Real Time Multiple Cross Platform Communication through Bluetooth[Full-Text ] Ms Prerna Hingle, Ms Shubhangi GiripunjeBluetooth provides low power and low cost connections between two Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth has high level of compatibility because of the standardized Bluetooth protocol stack that is available. To establish a wireless connection between two or more devices, the platform on which the application is working opens a socket. This paper introduces a concept to establish multiple connections for real time communications through Bluetooth, independent of the platform.
A Review of Solar Powered Steam Piston Engine Technology: Its’ Application to Concentrated Solar Power Plants[Full-Text ] Derick Chiosaabuofu, AgbidiSolar energy is an incredible resource, but one of its weak points is the affordability and affordable storage options. Almost all the power plant station in the world today uses turbine steam engine to run and turn generator to produce electricity and the most power use to generate electricity is fossil fuels, which emit carbon dioxide and other pollution. More importantly, fossil fuel will eventually run out.
Assessment of Coagulation Efficiency of Okra Seed Extract for Surface Water Treatment[Full-Text ] Yusuf Olabode RAJI, Lawal ABUBAKAR, Saidat Olanipekun GIWA, Abdulwahab GIWAConventional drinking water treatments are often inappropriate in developing countries, due to its high cost of its treatment, lack of appropriate infrastructures or chemicals as well as environmental factors. The present research deals with the evaluation of the treatment efficiency of natural coagulant obtained from okra seed (okra seed extract). The coagulation ability of the coagulant was assessed by the use of standard jar test experiment involving two water samples (obtained from River Rima and Goronyo Dam of Sokoto) with various coagulant doses. The coagulation capacity of the okra seed extract was measured on the basis of turbidity removal. It was found from the results obtained that okra seed coagulant was effective in removing the turbidity of surface water because the turbidities of the water samples considered were removed effectively at an optimum dose of 300 mg/L of the seed extract with optimum pH of about 7.0 from 745 NTU to 11 NTU for sample 1 and from 580 NTU to 5 NTU for sample 2. It was also discovered that the coagulant could be used to, effectively, remove the turbidity of the samples with initial turbidity of about 580 NTU to WHO standard limit of 5 NTU. Therefore, it has been discovered that okra seed extract is a very effective coagulant in water treatment.
EXPLORATION AND APPLICATION OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ikechukwu ikeagwuani .O, Derick C. Agbidi, Olusola O. BamisileConsumption of hydroelectricity and fossil fuel have had a controlling impact on levels of investigation and improvement for geothermal energy assets in Nigeria for the past a few years. The center of improvement has been in the regions of low temperature geothermal energy including the investigation and appraisal of hot spring assets essentially for recreational applications, which could as well be used to curb electricity problem in Nigeria. Sedimentary basins in Nigeria have been investigated for hydrocarbons for a few decades, subsequently the oil organizations gathered substantial subsurface temperature information premise. Anyhow very little is thought about geothermal conditions inside Nigerian Precambrian crystalline region. On the premise of BHT information from oil wells it has been observed that geothermal angle in Niger Delta ranges from 1.5 to 4.9°c/100m and in Anambra Basin (specifically to the north) it can achieve 5.7°c/100m. Investigation for geothermal energy in northern Nigeria focused around shoal water wells (down to 600 m profound) was completed in excess of 20 years back. The other part of geothermal investigation in Nigeria is researching of the warm springs and drainages, which happen mostly inside dregs of the Middle and Upper Benue Trough. The water of the hottest springs around there: Akiri and RuwanZafi have the temperature around 56°c. There are most likely just three geothermal energy locations in Nigeria. The Ikogosi warm spring (37°c) placed in south-western piece of the nation, in Ekiti state, the Wikki warm spring (39°c) spotted in Bauchi (North-eastern) a piece of Nigeria and the RafinRewa spring (42°c) found in Plateau (North-focal) condition of Nigeria. However, this paper surveys the current status of the geothermal, exploration, exploitation and application in Nigeria.
Enhancement of Traffic Capacity at High Data using MIMO Technology[Full-Text ] Swati Kumari, Dr. Rabindranath BeraMIMO technology plays a vital role in wireless communication which uses multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver side. As the demand of data rate is increasing day by day, there is a need of high throughput, wide coverage, capacity and improved reliability. Integration of OFDM with MIMO holds the potential to drastically increase the data rate in future wireless communication system without increasing the transmit power and bandwidth. In this paper we mainly focus on the advantage of using MIMO-OFDM system and the drawback of using SISO, SIMO, MISO systems which have been verified using simulation. Performance of the systems is measured with respect to BER, capacity and finally the data rate is determined. The simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Cylindrical grinding process parameters optimization of Al / SiC metal matrix composites[Full-Text ] C. Thiagarajan, S. Ranganathan and P. ShankarThe present investigation reports the effects of the grinding process parameters namely wheel velocity, work piece velocity, feed rate and depth of cut in grinding of Al/SiC composites on grinding force, surface roughness and grinding temperature. The optimum values are obtained by employing Taguchi method. Combined effects of the four process parameters i.e wheel velocity, work piece velocity, feed rate and depth of cut on the performance measures grinding force, surface roughness, grinding temperature were investigated by using an orthogonal array and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) in grinding of Al/SiC composites. Optimal process parameters for each performance measures were obtained using S/N ratio. The S/N ratio values are calculated for each factor at a given level, allow the establishment of the best levels for predicting the grinding force, surface roughness and grinding temperature.
A Survey on Face Recognition of Identical Twins[Full-Text ] Kanchan Patil, Prof. Sachin BojewarRecent studies have shown that face recognition performance degrades considerably for images of identical twins. Human face matching capability is often taken into consideration as a bench-mark for assessing and improving automatic face recognition algorithms. Here, this paper will show human capability to distinguish between identical twins. If humans are able to distinguish between facial images of identical twins, it would suggest that humans are capable of identifying discriminating facial traits that can potentially be useful to develop algorithms for this very challenging problem. If humans viewing a pair of facial images can perceive if the image pairs belong to the same person or to a pair of identical twins. The paper consists of experiments results, which are conducted on 186 twin subjects, making it the largest such study in the literature to date. And observation will show that humans can perform the task significantly better if they are given enough time and tend to make more mistakes when images differ in imaging conditions. The paper analysis also suggests that humans look for facial marks like moles, scars, etc. to make their decision and do worse when presented with images lacking such marks. Experiments with automatic face recognition systems show that human observers outperform automatic matchers for this task
Feature Analysis and Classification of BI-RADS Breast Cancer Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Prakash Bethapudi, E Sreenivasa Reddy, T Sitamahalakshmi, Kamadi VSRP VarmaThe intended work deals with Genetic Algorithm which helps in predicting benign and malignant breast cancer cases more effectively. The breast cancer mammographic mass dataset (BI-RADS) was taken from UCI Machine Learning Repository, center for machine learning and intelligent systems. A 3-fold cross validation on BI-RADS dataset was used and applied the proposed Genetic algorithm. The proposed method’s performance was superior to earlier techniques. The examined results in partitioning the benign and malignant cases using genetic algorithm is more promising with a classification accuracy of 84.4% which is more prominent then many of the existing classifier techniques which used BI-RADS dataset. In the proposed method we also analyzed the prominence of sub features of each individual features like Mass-Shape (Round, Oval, Lobular and Irregular);Mass-Margin (Circumscribed-1, Microlobulated-2, Obscured-3, illdefined-4 and Spiculated-5) and Mass-Density (High-1, ISO-2, Low-3 and Fat content-4) of BI-RADS dataset and identified the accuracy in classification and more prominent features suitable for better classification of breast cancer cases.