Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
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Hydrogenation of styrene oxide to 2-phenyl ethanol over supported Nanonickel catalyst.[Full-Text ] Sunil K Kanojiya, Arvind Patel, Gaurav Shukla, Neerja Joshi, Prabhakar Sharma P L Gupta, M Batra, Rajendra PrasadHydrogenation of styrene oxide to 2-phenyl ethanol over Al2O3, Charcoal and MgO supported nanocrystalline Ni catalyst in methanol as solvent is reported. The reaction is carried out in the temperature range 50-100 oC and in the pressure range 100-300 psi. A maximum yield of % of 2-phenyl ethanol with selectivity of % to PEA is obtained. Present process can be used an alternative to the conventional method for production of PEA such as Grignard synthesis and Friedel-Craft alkylation for synthesis of 2-PEA. The process eliminates use of costly solvent diethyl ether, explosive ethylene oxide reagent and corrosive AlCl3 as catalyst. The process is free from production of side products such as ethyl benzene responsible for destroying the aroma of 2-phenyl ethanol.
Assessment of Pressures on Spillways Using Aerators and Air Vent Pipes[Full-Text ] Giridhar M.V.S.S, Madavi Madaka and Anirudh RamarajuThe large quantity of water running in the rivers is to be harness and use it most efficiently for various purposes. The running water can be stored by creating reservoirs. In the science of hydraulics, many basic flow equations are available to predict the behavior of the flow of fluids but while deriving them many assumptions are made, making it an ideal situation, which limits their application to only for certain simple situations. The present study area is on Nagarjuna Sagar Dam, the giant among the masonry dams across River Krishna in Telangana State. A hydraulic model study was conducted to evaluate the cavitation damage due to negative pressures in terms of their magnitudes and locations on the spillway of the dam due to the floods in 2009 using the model studies on it. The experiment was carried out by providing a step (Aerator) with a tread of 0.025 M and riser corresponding to glacis slope at El. +300.00ft (+91.441m). For various discharge conditions and also by providing two air vent pipes of 0.015m dia in a bay on either side to supply the air so that the niche will have two locations to supply the air along its width. The experiments were carried out for free flow and gated operations for various discharge conditions. The maximum negative pressures observed at pressure tube points in vent no 2 duly providing an aerator and air vent pipes of 0.015m dia is 0.01 at P3 for gated condition at maximum flood discharge conditions, there are no negative pressures observed at pressure tube points in vent no.1.
Effect of pH on Shear Strength Behavior of Granular Soil[Full-Text ] Md. Motiur Rahman, TahminaTasnim NaharIn this research, the performances of pH value on shear strength behavior of granular soil have been studied. The shear strength of soil is an important term in most of the foundation engineering problems such as the bearing capacity of shallow foundation, slope stability of dam/embankment and lateral earth pressure on retaining walls. A series of direct shear test were conducted on two types of dry granular soils (taken from Rangpur and Rajshahi areas of Bangladesh) with different pH value (pH=0, pH=3.0, pH=5.0, pH=7.0 and pH=9.0). Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and ammonia (NH4) solution were used to monitor the pH of the solution for about thirty days. In all, 15 specimens of each type of soils were considered for direct shear test with dry condition at a constant density. The specimens were prepared by static compaction with different pH values solution (0, 3, 5, 7and 9) at same void ratio. Experiment result shows that the shear strength increase with increase of pH values of soil.
Hierarchical Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network – A Survey[Full-Text ] Shamim Sardar, Angona Sarker, Ali Newaz BaharThe area of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is one of the most emerging and fast growing fields in the scientific world. It consists of a collection of sensing devices and these sensing devices are known as sensor nodes. Each sensor nodes are deployed into the network to monitor the physical or environmental condition such as temperature, sound, vibration at different location. The data is transfer over the network and each sensor node consumes some energy in sending data and receiving data. In WSN, the lifetime of the network depend how much energy spent in each transmission. The efficient use of energy source in a sensor node is most desirable criteria for prolong the life time of wireless sensor network. So designing efficient routing protocol for reducing energy consumption is the important issue in the network. A large number of routing protocol has been proposed since few decades. Some of the most popular routing protocols are LEACH, PEGASIS, TEEN, APTEEN and HEED. This paper reviews each hierarchical routing protocol for wireless sensor networks and describe under the appropriate category. We also highlight the advantage, disadvantage and area of application of each routing technique. Finally, we provide a comparative study on these various hierarchical routing protocols in wireless sensor network.
Air Stirring System for Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium onto Chitosan[Full-Text ] Mamdouh M.Nassar, Abd EL Hakim Daifullah, Joseph Y. Farah and H.KelanyThe adsorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions onto chitosan was investigated. The chitosan was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The physical properties of chitosan were also investigated. The effect of chitosan mass, initial chromium concentrations and air flow rate on the removal of chromium in batch reactor using air stirring technique have been studied The experimental kinetic data were tested using Pseudo-first order, Pseudo-second order, Elovich and Modified Freundlich models. Three error functions were used to identify the best fit model with the experimental data. The error analysis showed that, compared with other models, the , Pseudo-second order model resulted in the lowest values for the error function and thus fitted the data better than the other models.
A Synonymous Approach to Enhance Relevance in Search Engine[Full-Text ] Dr.V.Gomathi, E. Padma, I.Piriya DharshniWeb pages are growing at a galloping rate. Presently there exist 300+ million web pages. When a user provides search keywords in the existing search engines, the keyword is searched for its match in the titles, headings, or special fields called meta-tags and the first few paragraphs of the web page and displayed. But, if the meta-tags are framed wrongly either intentionally or unintentionally, this word matching technique may lead to an irrelevant page. To alleviate the above mentioned problem, this project aims to provide an efficient way of searching the web contents by proposing “Synsearch†- a synonymous approach based middle-ware. The novel Synsearch gives a clear separation between web content, presentation and the meaning of the content. This is more useful to make the web pages as machine processable and thus enhances relevance in search engine. Synsearch will unburden the users from interpreting results of search engines. The proposed method alters the ranking algorithm used in existing search engines based on probability of word occurrences. Synsearch further alters the searching mechanism by introducing a synonymous approach.
Being and Becoming MSM: a Qualitative Study of Rajshahi City in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Torikul Islam and Md. Kamal PasaMSM (Male Sex with Male) is one of the most important components of demographic studies in our society. This study is an attempt to exploit various factors becoming MSM, causes of MSM, a resist voice of MSM in the Rajshahi city of Bangladesh. A survey was conducted and a few MSM were subjected for interview in the particular area. Social view, Genetic view and religion view were found to be more influencing on becoming MSM. The preference for more resistance voice was observed in the study. Basically they play all kind of role in their society but they lead a measurable life. For that they think that they are the helpless person of their society. For that all the people of their society and others always neglect them. Otherwise at that place if there was a normal man that man would always be honored by others. When a MSM notice it at that time all the MSM fell helpless. In Bangladesh it has been analytically discussed about MSM. Some anthropologist also mentioned on it in deeply. They discuss about their economic life, employment, social control mechanism, political affairs, kingship, religious beliefs and rituals. There is also discussion about food habits, dietary rules, diseases, illness and their communication.
Mapping of Mass Movements Susceptibility in the Zoumi Region Using Satellite Image and GIS Technology (Moroccan Rif)[Full-Text ] Meryem Elmoulat, Lahsen Ait Brahim, Mohamed Mastere and Anouar Ilham JemmahLandslide susceptibility assessment uses geostatistical methods for the analysis of the relationships between landslides and the spatial distributions of instability factors. In this study, a detailed landslide susceptibility map was produced using an objective bivariate analysis method (weights of evidence, WOE) with datasets developed for a geographic information system (GIS). We applied this methodology for the first time to a Moroccan region known as one of the most landslide areas in the Moroccan Rif. The Zoumi sector was selected as a suitable case because of the frequency and distribution of landslides. The site covers an area of 613 km2 with a landslide area of 81 km2. Several data were used, including multi-temporal remote sensing data, topographical maps, geological maps, and thematic maps, all with 30 X 30m pixels. Statistical relationships among several landslides and causative factors were investigated to assess landslide susceptibility. All continuous variables were converted to categorical variables according to the percentile divisions of seed cells, and the corresponding class weight values were calculated and summed allowing the creation of Zoumi susceptibility map. According to the final susceptibility map, 22.91% of the pilot site was identiï¬ed as high susceptibility; however, 41.04 %, 13.32 %, and 22.73 % of the area were respectively identified as moderate, low and nil susceptibility zones. The high and moderate hazard zones are along overlapping faces of the case study, and cor-respond pretty good to the actual distribution of landslides.
Study of Properties and Use of Lipid Biofuels with Environmental Impacts for Production of low cost Fuel[Full-Text ] Harsha D N, Mahesha D C, Suresh Kumar S, Mohamed Zafar FarooqBiodiesel is considered as a renewable substitute for diesel oil in the compression ignition engine. But the biodiesel is more prone to oxida-tion due to its chemical nature. The products of the oxidation cause the biodiesel to become acidic and to form insoluble gums and sediments that can plug fuel filters. In India, biodiesel is derived from non-edible oils sources, in particular honge and jatropha oils [1]. Oil-accumulating microalgae have the potential to enable large-scale biodieselproduction without competing for arable land or biodiverse natural landscapes. High lipidproductivity of dominant, fast-growing algae is a major prerequisite for commercialproduction of microalgal oil-derived biodiesel. However, under optimal growth conditions,large amounts of algal biomass are produced, but with relatively low lipid contents, whilespecies with high lipid contents are typically slow growing. Major advances in this areacan be made through the induction of lipid biosynthesis, e.g., by environmental stresses.Lipids, in the form of triacylglycerides typically provide a storage function in the cell thatenables microalgae to endure adverse environmental conditions. Under this review paper work detailed studies will be conducted for analyzing the properties and use of lipid biofuels.Here also discuss the enviornamental impacts of lipid biofuels
Implementation of Next generation DVB-T based OFDM in Modern Wireless Technology[Full-Text ] Rohit Kumar (M.Tech. Student), Asst. Professor Arvinder Pal Singh KalsiNow-a-days, life in the 24*365, in communication arenas video broadcasting is acting a key role. However, it is analyzed in terms of various wireless communication channels. Thus there is a need for development of next generation DVB-T. In OFDM the data is transmitted into parallel fashion by dividing high rate serial data into low rate sub-streams. By dividing the data into parallel streams the data rate is reduces, which results the increase of the length of symbol duration. The robustness of the channel and high data rates make OFDM as an efficient scheme for all the DVB-T applications and others applications too. So, we use one of the proposed OFDM signals of the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standard which is now used for the European terrestrial digital television (DTV) service. In this paper, the advanced and proposed module of DVB-T system model is mentioned, based on the analysis of some parameters, which will discuss later in this paper, on the basis of FFT via different channels, time and frequency synchronization.
WHAT DOES MEAN “SECULARISMâ€?...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis scientific research focus that in History of Human race (Anthropological science) the first “Human Ancestors†considered lived in “KACHCHA THEEVU†(3,00,000 years ago) of Ancient India even much before the “Sun†emits first rays on “Earthâ€. The populations of Kachcha theevu shall be considered lived as huge “JOINT FAMILY†also called as “SECULAR SOCIETYâ€. Further the Kachcha theevu ancestors shall be called as “DALITSâ€. Dalit shall mean “TRANSFORMED POPULATION†(or) “BLACK BRAHMIN†(BLACK OBAMA).
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of R.C. and Steel Structures[Full-Text ] Prof. Prakarsh Sangave, Mr. Nikhil Madur, Mr. Sagar Waghmare, Mr. Rakesh Shete, Mr. Vinayak Mankondi, Mr. Vinayak GundlaThe use of steel structure in India as compared to other countries is less, as India is developing country. In cities like Delhi and Mumbai, horizontal expansion is restricted therefore vertical growth of building becomes predominant. . Infill walls are probably the most important non-structural element in the context of seismic design. They helps in resisting the lateral forces. Due to their significance in-plane stiffness and strength, infill walls modify the anticipated seismic performance of a building. In the present work, three dimensional models of steel & RCC structures are analyzed by using equivalent static method under the provision of IS 1893: (2002) with the help of ETABS software. Where design and cost estimation is carried out using MS-Excel programming for all structures. Comparative study of bare & infill frame of four models of (G+6) & (G+10) RC & steel structures is carried out which is situated in seismic zone five (v).Masonry infill is modeled by Equivalent Diagonal Strut method.
Performance of Ecofriendly Nano Coated Suture[Full-Text ] Dr Hireni Mankodi, Japan TrivadiThe scope of meditech embraces all textile materials used in health and hygiene applications in both consumer and medical markets. Textile products are used in medical and healthcare sector in various forms. The complexity of applications has increased with research and developments in the area of medical textiles. The Aloe-vera coating on suture material would expedite the healing; hence tissue reaction can be controlled by standardizing such process. The Aloe-vera gel coating used for suture application and performance of coating and change in properties of different Suture has been analyzed. In this project the Braided Polyester Suture is taken to standardize the process and comparative analysis has been done for coating efficiency and performance offered by different samples of PP, PET, Nylon, Viscose and Bamboo Yarns. It is also possible to use other natural finish like Neem, Turmeric etc for Surgical Suture.
Analogizing And Investigating Some Applications of Metabolic Pathway Analysis Methods[Full-Text ] Gourav Mukherjee, Aditya Dwarkani, Tanmoy Kumar Dawn, Ms. Satarupa Bagchi BiswasComparing metabolic network analysis approaches which include the structural and stoichiometric modeling methods under which comes Network Based Approach and Constraint Based Approach. In Constraint Based Approach we have analyzed and implemented the Flux Balance Analysis Method and under Network Based Approach we have reviewed and analyzed the Extreme Pathway Analysis Approach.
Implementation Laguerre Pseudo-Spectral Method for Obtaining the Approximate Solution of Fractional Cable Equation[Full-Text ] Kj. M. AbualnajaThis paper is devoted to present the approximate solution for the fractional Cable equation (FCE) using an efficient numerical method. The proposed method depends on implementation an approximate formula of the Caputo fractional derivative derived in [14]. This proposed formula is based on the spectral collocation method with the generalized Laguerre polynomials. The properties of these polynomials are used to reduce FCE to solve a system of ODEs which solved using finite difference method. Special attention is given to present the convergence analysis of the given formula. Numerical example is given to show the validity and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.
HAPPY TAMIL NEW YEAR!..[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaIn Tamilnadu, based on ancient Tamil culture, some scholar observing “JANUARY 15†as New year day and some scholar observing “APRIL 14†as New year day. In CHINA, they are observing “FEBRUARY 24†as New Year day.
EFFECT OF METAL VAPOURS ON THERMODYNAMICS AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF AN ARC PLASMA[Full-Text ] A.M.A. Amry, G.A. Yahya and Thahbah G. AlzahraniTheoretical investigation of nitrogen-iron arc transport phenomena and an arc plasma model in stationary state have studied at low temperature i.e. between 3,500K and 15,000K at atmospheric pressure. Results showed that the presence of small amounts of metal vapours, which have low ionization potential such as iron, modify the plasma parameters. The solution of Elenbaas-Heller gives us some information about the effect of metal vapours emitted from electrode on the characteristics of the arc column. We concluded that a small fraction of metal vapours in the arc column modify the electric field, current and the axial plasma temperature.
Image processing technique to differentiate between a decoy and real objects[Full-Text ] Ajay PathaniaModern day warfare is primarily based on stealth and surprise. The surprise elements are achieved through various means, in which one of the means being Camouflage and concealment. The aim of camouflage is to hide the generic signature of a weapon system or human being in such a way that it becomes or appears to be a part of background or general terrain where we are operating.
Efficiency and Satisfaction Quality of the Health Care Delivery System[Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzy, Jason Harris, Rebecca ManteconThe focus of our project revolved around staffing efficiency and prediction. Multiple case studies were reviewed, allowing us to develop a deeper understanding of how various industrial and systems engineering tools can be utilized to improve healthcare efficiency. The case studies used gradually build upon each other, showcasing how more sophisticated tools can allow a hospital to build to a point where the staffing needs can be modeled and predicted.
Comparison of Conventional & New Multilevel Inverter Topology[Full-Text ] Anjali Sudarsanan, Roopa R, Sanjana SThis paper deals with the comparison of conventional inverters to new multilevel inverter topologies. Their performance is highly superior to that of conventional two-level inverters due to reduced harmonic distortion, lower electromagnetic interference, and higher dc link voltages. By using conventional method the performance of the inverter is low. In this paper a new topology with reversing voltage component is suggested to improve the performance of multilevel inverter. This topology requires fewer components and therefore the cost and complexity is low.
Analysis of Secure Data Aggregation Mechanisms with the Impact of Collusion Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Anita A.Gosavi, Sonali U.NimbhorkarWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) enables the collection of physical measurements over a large geographic area. Data from multiple sensors is aggregated at an aggregator node and only the aggregate values are forwarded to the base station .At present, limitations of the computing power and energy resource of sensor nodes causes data to be aggregated by extremely simple algorithms such as averaging. Aggregation using simple averaging method is highly vulnerable to node compromising attacks and through the compromised sensor nodes the attacker can send false data to the aggregator to change the aggregate values. Iterative filtering algorithms is the most effective solution for such purpose. These algorithms simultaneously aggregate data from multiple sources and provide trust estimation of these sources, usually in a form of corresponding weight factors assigned to data provided by each source. In this paper we analysed some secure data aggregation mechanisms and introduced a new complicated collusion attack with its impact on wireless sensor networks.
Improving CRO performance using stepwise approach for constrained optimisation[Full-Text ] S L Pandharipande, A K DixitChemical reaction optimisation (CRO) is amongst newer methods of evolutionary algorithms that are being developed suited in searching global solutions to varied nature of optimisation problems. It is, nature inspired meta-heuristics method and chemical reaction mechanism is the source of inspiration behind its. In a chemical reaction, the reactants; the unstable substances; are converted into products; the relatively stable ones. The reactants with some initial energy interact with each other through a sequence of elementary steps. At the end, molecules with minimum energy to support their stable structure are formed. Based on the present work, the results of the numerical experimentation, it is concluded that the values obtained from the stepwise approach are way better that those obtained using CRO without stepwise search and using conventional techniques such as geometric programing.
Evaluation of Static Frequency Reuse Techniques in OFDM Cellular Networks Using SINR[Full-Text ] Jayasankar.SThe use of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and WiMax cellular systems mitigates downlink intra-cell interference by the use of sub-carriers that are orthogonal to each other. Inter cell interference, however, limits the downlink performance of cellular systems. In order to mitigate inter-cell interference, various techniques have been proposed. This paper examines one group of these techniques, static frequency reuse. We present a comprehensive comparison of Reuse-I, Reuse-3, fractional frequency reuse (FFR), and soft frequency reuse (SFR), with varying input parameters, such as inner radius and power ratios. System simulation is used to evaluate the overall system performance in terms of throughput and SINR are evaluated. In addition to the overall system performance, cell-edge user performance, whose performance is severely limited by interference from neighboring cells, for each technique is also evaluated.
Online Students’ Testing System[Full-Text ] Lecturer Hana R. EsmaeelThe paper is concerned with the design of a website for Online Student’s Testing System (OSTS).the proposed system (OSTS) is designed and implemented using PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript and tested using WAMP server. It covers evaluation of candidates on web programming languages (HTML, PHP, JavaScript and Java).Before beginning the test, the candidate has to enter his name and ID number that will be entered to the database. Candidate is given a limited time (ten minutes) to answer the questions and after the time expiry, the answer paper is disabled automatically and answers are sent to the server then the mark and the correct answers will be displayed at the end of the test. The question will be randomly generated. OSTS provides the candidate with a certificate including his name, his ID number, his result and the date of taking the test. The purpose of providing the date is that each certificate has a limited time to be expired. Administrator has a privilege to access the database to add, modify and delete the test questions and answers by logging in using specific username and password. OSTS can be accessed from any client in the same local network that the server is connected to.
Consideration of indicators maintainability design[Full-Text ] Alami Ayoub, Naciri oumaima, Herrou Brahim, El Hammoumi MohammedNowadays, new products on the market are increasingly complex. This complexity stems partly from the fact that the functions that the systems need to require the integration of multiple components using different technologies. The designer must incorporate into its process all phases of the life cycle of the system and its components. Must opt for solutions that are simple to produce, inexpensive, very reliable, safe, easy to maintain and with a total cost over the entire life cycle that is attractive to the consumer. So to validate a feature or product performance, you must have indicators.
Outcomes of Laboratory Experimentation in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum[Full-Text ] Dr. G.N. Rameshaiah, Y K Suneetha, Shabnam Siddiqui, Aishwarya Sriraman, Namratha PrabhuLaboratory instruction has been a long standing component of the chemical engineering curriculum. Along with a sound theoretical foundation, firsthand experience in the field forms a wholesome educational experience since instruction in a laboratory entails a cognitive approach. For a student to develop a complete understanding, it is essential that concepts are made tangible. Experimentation improves the problem solving skills, critical thinking and investigative skills of students. Its most vital importance, however, lies in the fact that it provides the student with an in depth understanding of the subject, while making it an enjoyable learning experience.