Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 is in-process.
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Morphometric and Land use Analysis for Watershed Prioritization in Gujarat State, India[Full-Text ] Patel Ajay, Khalid Mahmood, Singh Vijay, Thakkar Paru P, Jose Joy, Patel Nayan and Kalubarme, M. HIn the present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate morphometric parameters derived from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) Cartosat-1 DEM-10 m data and LISS-IV data covering Viswamitre watershed in Vadodara and Panchmahals districts in Gujarat State. The Morphometric parameters like stream length, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, texture ratio, form factor, circularity ratio and compactness coefficient and elongation ratio are considered for prioritization of all the mini-watersheds in the study area. The land-use map of the study area was generated using the IRS LISS-IV digital data and used as one of the input for prioritization of the mini-watersheds.
SANDWICH-TYPE THEOREMS FOR MEROMORPHIC MULTIVALENT FUNCTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH A LINEAR OPERATOR[Full-Text ] H. E. Darwish, A. Y. Lashin, and B. H. Rizqan The purpose of this article is to obtain some subordination and superordination preserving properties of meromorphic multivalent functions in the punctured open unit disk associated with the linear operator the sandwish- type results for these meromorphic multivalent functions are also considered.
A Survey on Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Kajal Chachapara, Prof. Rajesh NigamCloud is popular buzz word now days. It has opened a new way of computing and added new era in technology. A cloud provider provides computing to consumers as per their needs. Provider tries to provide many functions to consumers; file sharing is one of that. When user will store file on cloud, user may want to share that file with someone sometime. Security is big concern because cloud computing involves many layers. This survey paper is focused on basics of cloud computing, security issues in cloud and sharing techniques used. This paper observes sharing of files through various layers of cloud computing keeping security in mind.
Wireless Power Transmission from Solar Power Satellite[Full-Text ] Shyma.S, Sindhuja.EA great concern has been voiced in recent years over the extensive use of energy, the limited supply of resources, and the pollution of the environment from the use of present energy conversion systems. Electrical power accounts for much of the energy consumed. Much of this power is wasted during transmission from power plant generators to the consumer. The resistance of the wire used in the electrical grid distribution system causes a loss of 26-30% of the energy generated. This loss implies that our present system of electrical distribution is only 70-74% efficient. Nikola Tesla is best known for his remarkable statements regarding the wireless transmission of electrical power. His first efforts towards this end started in 1891 and were intended to simply "disturb the electrical equilibrium in the nearby portions of the earth... to bring into operation in any way some instrument." In other words the object of his experiments was simply to produce effects locally and detect them at a distance.
The Land Market Assessment for Surat city– A Tool for Urban Land Management.[Full-Text ] Sejal S.BhagatLand is a limited resource. Land remains the most critical, valuable and unique resource, gifted by nature to mankind, since it provides the basic amenities of life to all the homosapiens and living organisms existing globally. Land is a originator, promoter and sustainer of human living. Land provides the platforms where all human activity involving living, working, care of body and spirit are performed. Land is major financial resource to a local body in urban areas. Urban land is also a major resource for urban development.
Applying “SEVALERPS” a Systematic Evaluation Method for ERP selection in a Public Administration’s Case Study[Full-Text ] Abdelilah Khaled, Mohammed Abdou Janati-idrissi, Boutaina Chakir, Badr ElmirEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems’ evaluation is an important activity to undertake in any ERP acquisition project. Empirical research has shown that selecting an inappropriate ERP system is a major reason for its implementation failure. Actually, inadequately selected ERP systems may affect companies’ market share and increase implementation time, effort and cost relating to these solutions. These negative impacts could even jeopardize the very existence of large organizations. A review of relevant literature has identified a need for methodologies, methods and approaches which could assist organizations in the risky, time consuming and complex activity of ERP selection. In this regard, we have developed in our previous works a systematic method, called SEVALERPS (Systematic EVALuation for ERP Systems), to help organizations to choose among the available ERP solutions, the ones that could best fit their requirements. This paper aims to validate the SEVALERPS method by applying it in a public administration’s case study. This case study helps to illustrate the method and to discuss its added value.
SER analysis for the best relay selection with interferences for DF[Full-Text ] Edriss Eisa Babikir Adam, Li Yu and Rabiu HARUNAIn this Paper, we analyze ther perormance of a new cooperative diversity scheme based on best relay selection with interferences at relay nodes, only relay node can be affected by interference.
A study of the awareness of of family planning among the rural population in Tamil Nadu[Full-Text ] K.UMATo assess the knowledge and attitude regarding family planning and the practice of contraceptives among the population of reproductive age group in rural parts of Kancheepuram Districts and to determine the barriers for contraceptive use among them. The study highlights that knowledge and awareness alone does not help in the use of does not. The need to educate and motivate the couples and improve family planning services to achieve more effective and appropriate use of contraceptives and to arrest the trend towards growth of population
Implementation of Real Time Video Surveillance System using Gait Analysis[Full-Text ] Sonali Vaidya, Dr. Kamal ShahDue to increased importance of safety and security, the use of Real Time video surveillance System has been increased. Real Time video surveillance system should be capable of detecting objects of interest, classify and track them. This can be done by using Gait Analysis for tracking scenarios and generating notification to an authoritative person. Gait Analysis helps us to identify people by the way they walk.For that purpose we used a new spatio-temporal gait representation, called Gait Energy Image (GEI), which is proposed for individual recognition by gait. GEI helps to represent a human motion sequence in a single image while preserving temporal information. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA) are used for learning features from the expanded GEI training templates. Recognition is then carried out based on the learned features.
Effect of the Environment on Content and Composition of Essential oil in Coriander[Full-Text ] Siddharth Priyadarshi, Babasaheb Bhaskarrao BorseCoriandrum sativum L. has a distinct flavour and aroma which is due to the essential oil present in it. The main component of the es-sential oil of the fruit is monoterpenoids and linalool. All parts of the plant are edible. The content and composition of essential oil is influenced by climatic conditions, agro technology and stage of maturity at time of harvesting, geography of growing region, abiotic stress such as salinity and process of extraction of oils.
Production of Activated Carbon from Watermelon Peel[Full-Text ] Gin, W.A., Jimoh, A., Abdulkareem, A.S., Giwa, A.Watermelon peel is one of the several unwanted by-products generated by restaurants, fruit juice producers and food industries in Nigeria. A great quantity of this waste is got rid of indiscriminately into the environment thereby causing pollution one way or the other. In this study, instead of discharging them into the environment where they normally negatively affect the environment, watermelon peels have been carbonized at different temperatures between 200 to 350 oC for 15, 30, 45 and 60 min for the determination of optimum conditions for pre-treatment. The chemical treatment of the resulting carbon produced using the obtained optimum conditions was carried out using different concentrations of H2SO4, HCl and ZnCl2 (from 0.5 to 1.5 M). The results obtained revealed that the optimum carbonization temperature was 300 oC while the time was 60 min. Moreover, the best watermelon peel activated carbon that produced the highest percentage reduction of the heavy metals considered was the one treated with 1.0 M sulphuric acid. Therefore, it has been discovered that local agricultural wastes like watermelon peels should always be considered worthwhile raw materials for the production of high quality materials one of which is activated carbon that is very useful industrially.
Search For a Biomarker For The Diagnosis And Prognosis Of Rheumatoid Arthritis[Full-Text ] Prasanth G, Sunil Rao Padmaraj, Vijayakumar T & Riju MathewRheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of the commonest systemic autoimmune disease. Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis is based on the detection of Rheumatoid factor (RF) and Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide Antibody (ACCP) .But these markers have limited use in predicting the prognosis of the disease. Hematological and Inflammatory markers are indicators of disease activity .Correlation of the various biomarkers would be beneficial in effective treatment and management of the condition .An attempt is being made to correlate the conventional markers like RF and ACCP with the newer marker Anti Sa Antibody (Anti Sa) and hematological parameters such as Hemoglobin (Hb) , Red cell Distribution Width (RDW) and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR).It was observed that these parameters together serve as better biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of RA.
The Effect of Temperature on the Nonlinearity of pHEMTs[Full-Text ] Brendan C. Ubochi, Ali A. RezazadehAn understanding of the nonlinearity caused by a change in temperature is important in the design of microwave circuits, most of which are designed using pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors (pHEMTs). The approach used here is to extract the Taylor series coefficients of the nonlinear drain current and then calculate the values of these coefficients at different temperatures. The calculated coefficient values are then used to obtain and analyse the output powers.
The Relationship between Senior Secondary Students’ Perception and Attitudes to Performance in Mathematics in Maiduguri Metropolitan, Borno State[Full-Text ] Mohammed Galdi, Mari LikitaConsistent failure in mathematics results in internal and external examinations continues to portray a cause of concerns. Among the many ways of solving the problem, require a re-examination of the attitudes and perception of the students about the subject. The study hence investigated the relationship between senior secondary students’ perception and attitude to mathematics. A total of 390 students comprising SS1 students drawn from senior secondary schools participated in the study. The method of sampling is random sampling method. The instrument used was questionnaire of 20 items on perception and attitude to mathematics and a test administered on performance of the students in the schools. Data collected was analyzed using Pearson product correlation. The result of the analyses shows that there is significant relationship between perception and attitude to mathematics. The calculated Pearson product moment correlation are 0.80,0.91, and 0.90, with 64%, 82.81% and 81%. Also the calculated t (11.39), t (18.76) t (17.64) at 0.05 level of significant was greater than the observed table value t (1.98). The study also reveals that parents who are educated send their children to private schools and perform better than those in Government schools and gender also play a significant role in the perception and attitude of the students to mathematics.
Adolescents’ Perception of parenting as related to family environment in defence officers families in India[Full-Text ] Dr. Jagjiwan KaurThe defence services have various service related strengths and stressors which are likely to influence the adolescents’ perception of parenting and Family environment. The present study was thus carried out on 240 indian defence officers’ families to understand Adolescents’ Perception of parenting as related to family environment. Results were analysed by using Pearson’s correlation and factor analysis. Results showed clearly that the adolescents perceived mothers’ child rearing practices as one unit specially in terms of behavioural aspects of child rearing like academics, recreation, nutrition, demonstration of love, personality development, health and puberty, thus supporting earlier findings that various aspects of parenting work in consonance with each other and influence adolescent outcomes . The II Factor reflected aspects of family environment such as independence, recreation orientation ,cohesion and expressiveness, clustering together. These dimensions related to fostering autonomy and family relationships of the adolescents in defence families. These dimensions also indicated the degree of commitment and support family members provided for one another and the extent to which they felt encouraged to express their feelings directly. Three aspects of child rearing practices related to social status and prestige of adolescents like economic, social and clothes along with the total scores emerged in the III Factor. In the IV Factor, dimensions of family environment, namely moral orientation, organisation and competitive framework emerged as a separate factor and related to family maintenance and effective functioning of adolescents within the family as well as the society.
A Survey of Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks[Full-Text ] Daniel E. Asuquo, Edem E. Williams, Enoch O. NwachukwuCall admission control (CAC) is a radio resource management technique aimed at providing fair quality of service (QoS) and grade of service (GoS) to mobile users in cellular networks. GoS refers the probability of blocking a new call request while QoS refers to the probability of loss of communication quality. This work presents an overview of the various techniques adopted for CAC bearing in mind core issues in cellular networks like coverage, capacity, throughput, diverse QoS requirements of mobile users, and blocking probability. We make effort, realizing these few issues, to comparatively analyze the performance of these schemes in order to highlight their suitability for a homogenous/heterogeneous traffic class, single/multi-cell environment in the uplink direction of a cellular CDMA network.
IMPLEMENTATION of AUTOMATIC TESTING SYSTEM for MICROPROCESSOR USING LOGIC ANALYZER[Full-Text ] M. S. Zaghloul, M. SalehThis paper is about design of inexpensive technique, to develop new methodologies to solve the difficult challenges facing us today in various processor and SOC design environments. In the past few years, some work has been done on exploiting techniques from test to solve problems in verification and vice versa. Adding to that this research is to provide success in providing an ideal environment for cross-examination of test and verification experiences and innovative solutions for testing Microprocessor using logic analyzer. This thesis is about design of inexpensive method for testing environment that simplifies functional testing of Microprocessor and complete circuit tester. This environment consists of the tester hardware and its corresponding software which enables engineers to experience the challenges of testing and debugging without the expense of costly commercial hardware testers. Simple digital circuits can be constructed using breadboards, wires, and DUTs, then tested using switches and LED's. However, advanced Microprocessor are often too complex to be tested, and debugged in this way, due to the large amount of state they may require and the larger number of input and output signals compared with simple projects. So this system in our study can be used to test complex Microprocessor. The system is described as the design and implementation of a compact, small, cheap, low-power and complete circuit tester. Logic analyzer is used in wide scale of testing digital circuits where it can observe the state of the digital circuits. The Logic analyzer consists of two analyzers. The first part is timing analyzer and the second part is state analyzer. Each has specific functions. Logic analyzer is used to detect the fault in 6802 Motorola microprocessor program In this paper, a high level quick checking method, known as Linear Checking Method can be used to qualify the functionality of a Microprocessor. This can also be used to check hard faults in Memory chips.
Modern architecture tracking System using modern GPS module[Full-Text ] M. S. ZaghloulThis paper concerns the practical design and implementation of professional tool using GPS in tracking and fleet management, the GPS is the premier satellite navigation system in the world. Not only is it used for military navigation but also it has become a major commercial and benefit as new applications have been found and low- cost GPS radios have become available [1] , required for operation of all installed navigation equipments, aircrafts, ships, cars, trains, and most of tracking systems, etc. . A small system containing GPS receiver is installed in each vehicle of the fleet supported by GPRS communication module. This unit will allow the fleet manager to control all the vehicles’ movements: present, previous positions, start of the journey, and non movement periods. Using the proposed designed system we can track all the ships, cars, trains, vehicles all time, with GPS positions and sensor data being received every minute. Optional add-ons include cost management, integrated navigation module for drivers, two-way text communication, fuel control and automatic driver identification. Data collected from the vehicles is processed, to get reports. Those reports can be sent automatically to the assigned position mailboxes by email in right time. Difficult situations are also immediately detected and reported by email and SMS as an alarm. All you need to access system is an internet connection and a web browser at anywhere. In our design, GPS Module was utilized with the SkyNav SKM53 Series has embedded GPS antenna enable high performance navigation in the most stringent application and solid fix even in harsh GPS visibility environment [2], and microcontroller 16F877. For programming of the microcontroller, software PIC Basic pro was used, a window based Software. The complete designed system has basic and optional features as we operate in real time GPS tracking solution, GPS positioning, and use GPRS communication which is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM), vehicle status report, two way communication, automatic reports and alarms. Other optional features are SMS massages for mobile phone, cost management, anti –theft vehicle protection, and can be integrated for fuel status. More over the designed system will be demonstrated as anti crash or anti collision system.
Sound Mental Health : Key Predictor for Ecologically Sustainable Development of Society[Full-Text ] Dr. Zeba AqilHumanity stands at a cross roads. Depending on the choices we make now, future generations will either look back at our time with anger or with gratitude. Sustainable development is about ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come (HM Government, 2005). The natural environment is fundamentally important to both our physical and psychological well being, so actions that promote and protect our natural environment help to increase our ability to flourish in life. In turn, people and communities that are flourishing i.e. high levels of well being tend to be environmentally responsible in their behaviour and can therefore, contribute to environmental sustainability.
Jig and Fixture Design[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed AbouhenidiJigs and fixtures: it is Components of machine-tool installations, specially designed in each case to position the work piece, hold it firmly in place, and guide the motion of the power tool (e.g., a punch press).
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION RECEIVER BASED ON FPGA DESIGN[Full-Text ] Muthna Jasim FadhilIn a digital communications systems where the data transferred in bit stream, the processing need to be very fast and more accuracy than that use in traditional circuits of digital communication system. FPGA package having these facilities so the receiver digital communication carried out in FPGA package for that reason. Research contained two parts; the first part implements digital communication receiver in FPGA package. The second part compare between actual traditional circuit (AICD) and FPGA.The system has been worked in high speed action and high accuracy when implemented in Xilinix-XC-95 FPGA Package and good results have been recorded.
Study of Clearness and Cloudiness Index at Tropical Locations[Full-Text ] R. K. Aruna, B. JanarthananAn attempt has been made to evaluate the daily average clearness index (Hg/H0) and cloudiness index (Hd/Hg) and to find the relation between them for three tropical locations in South India (Chennai, Trivandrum and Visakapatnam). Long range 15 years (1993 – 2007) measured data of daily average global and diffuse solar radiation have been utilized for this study. Two simple mathematical models have been proposed for each location for estimating Hd/Hg in terms of Hg/H0 and found its validity for the prediction of diffuse radiation.