Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2021
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HIV/AIDS IS ERADICABLE, IF HIV/AIDS IS CURABLE (Part three)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueHIV-1 encodes the regulatory protein Tat (86–101aa), which is essential for HIV-1 replication and primarily orchestrates HIV-1 provirus transcriptional regulation. Tat protein plays a key role in the pathogenesis of both HIV-1-associated cognitivemotor disorder and drug abuse.
Readiness of College Students in Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic[Full-Text ] Dr. Flordeliza P. Ferrer, Dr. Mary Grace A. AquinoThe study made an assessment of the online learning readiness of the respondents during the time of COVID-19 pandemic and was able to determine factors affecting students’ readiness. In measuring the level of readiness, the Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) developed by Hung et al. (2010) was adopted. Readiness in terms of the following dimensions were considered in the analysis: computer/internet self-efficacy, self-directed learning, learner control, motivation for learning, and online communication self-efficacy.
Possible Reasons For Loss In Interest Of Nigerian Youth For Construction Craft Vocations And Remedy. A Case Study Of South-East Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nzeneri, Oluchukwu Precious-favour and Okolie, Kevin Chuks, Nkeleme Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu, Diogu, Elizabeth Obianuju, Kenkwo Franklyn ChukwujikeThe striking scarcity in the labour force due to the diminishing interest of the youth in construction craft vocation in recent times is a major concern to the labor supply chain in the construction industry. Thus, this study sought to identify the possible reasons for the diminishing interest using South-East Nigeria as a case study.
Understanding Efficacy of Workbook for Development of Entrepreneurial Mindset, Skill-set and practices[Full-Text ] Samir KumarWorkbooks have been utilized successfully in a variety of settings. The purpose of the study was to implement and examine the effectiveness of a workbook in Entrepreneurial mindset and skill set development. It targets a change in mindset essential to achieve this desired outcome. Despite challenges due to Covid-19 pandemic, the preliminary results of workbook with a group of learners at college level, suggest that workbooks may have potential in bringing about that mindset shift of becoming a ‘job-giver’ rather than being a ‘job-seeker’.
THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE BRAND LOYALTY OF CONSUMERS FOR VIETNAM GARMENTS IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 PENDAMIC, A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN THE NORTH OF VIETNAM[Full-Text ] Dao Thi Ha AnhIn the period of complicated and serious Covid-19 epidemic on a global scale today, the purchasing demand of people everywhere is affected seriously. It is a requirement to have a profer measures to maintain and protect loyal customers for any business to survive and get over this difficult time for its development. This demand becomes more important for the textile industry in Vietnam as it holds an important position in the Vietnamese economy and ensures many jobs for millions of Vietnamese.
A Novel Hybrid Model for sustainable marketing to the fragile nature places using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Six Sigma Marketing (SSM) Methodology[Full-Text ] Tamer Sh. Mazen , Nessreen El Saeed El SharkawiTourism in Egypt is one of the methods of national income for the country. Since the Arab Spring revolutions in 2011, tourism has stopped in Egypt. Tourism has started back in recent years in Egypt; but not at the same level as before, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. This research follows a multidisciplinary approach involving the deep interaction among two key disciplines. that interaction is considered as fundamental for proposing a novel hybrid model to a business ecosystem for sustainable natural ecotourism place.
Credit Risk Management in Banks in Northern Macedonia[Full-Text ] PhD Agon Baftijari Credit risk is one of the most significant risks that occurs in banking. Credit risk usually refers to the probability of loss if the borrower becomes unable to repay the debt. It increases with the possibility that the borrower may become unable to meet its obligations. Credit risk management is a practice of mitigating losses by ensuring the adequacy of the bank's capital and reserves to cover loan losses at any time.
CONSTRUCTIVE REUSE OF POLYMERS INTO PLASTIC PAVER BLOCKS[Full-Text ] Rahul Haribhau Shelke, Waseemah Asis Gavandi,Vedant Mahesh ParnaikThe need for the construction sector to be sustained by innovative technology targeted at conserving natural resources and protecting the environment cannot be overlooked. The use of plastic wastes in the production of paver blocks has both engineering and environmental implications. These manufactured paver blocks can be used in pavements, compounds, and other areas which require surfacing. The project is aimed at using plastic wastes as a replacement in place of cement, in the production of paver blocks.
A Comparison of Two Image Encryption Algorithms with Chaotic Maps[Full-Text ] Ratheesh Kumar RTwo image encryption algorithms based on chaotic theory are compared with respect to security. The first algorithm works on the principles of DNA cryptography and pseudo-random number generation; its chaotic map is 2D Logistic Map. The second algorithm uses the principles of Bit-scrambling and Dynamic Diffusion; it has three chaotic maps - Arnold, Logistic, and 2D Logistic-adjusted-Sine maps. Both algorithms have their own merits and limitations. Several evaluation factors are compared here.
EFFECT OF RECYCLED ELASTOMER WASTE OIL ON PARAFINIC OIL[Full-Text ] Prabha Modi, Archana Chaudhari, Dipak RathvaElastomers is an essential part of our daily life. Its production and consumption has been rising very rapidly due to its wide range of applications in everyday life. Due to its non-biodegradable nature it cannot be easily disposed of. So, nowadays new technology is being used to treat the waste tyre. One of such process is pyrolysis. Under the pyrolytic and cracking conditions the tyro wastes can be decomposed into three fractions: gas, liquid and solid residue.
ENZYMATIC DEGUMMING OF RICE BRAN OIL AND PRODUCTION OF HIGH QUALITY FOOD GRADE RICE BRAN LECITHIN[Full-Text ] SUSHEEL KUMAR NIGAM, Dr. R.K.TRIVEDIA study of enzymatic degumming of rice bran oil and production of high quality food grade rice bran lecithin was carried out. The experiment was done on two different types of crude rice bran oil using Lecitase –ultra enzyme and found that the results were comparatively better with the crude rice bran oil having low acid value (10) and low colour (30 units in ¼ inch).Different experiments based on the variables like pH of buffer solution, time of reaction and temperature of reaction were carried out.
OHM'S LAW AS A TOOL FOR QUALITY CON-TROL[Full-Text ] Godspower O. Ashaka, Minaibim Ellerton Abbey, Ngiangia T. AlaleboOhm's Law was employed as a quality control method in determining the highest quality of a battery life span in this study. The voltage, cur-rent, and time at which five selected dry cell batteries discharge their stored voltage were determined using a Voltmeter, Ammeter, and a timer in an experiment.
Room Measurement Based on Machine Vision[Full-Text ] David Kabasha, Huixing ZhouThe 3D imaging system consisted of a camera, a cross line laser, and a Raspberry Pi circuit was used for automation and supported by python image processing. The system was able to calculate the width, length, and height of the door or window hence able to estimate the door or window volumes.
BEHAVIOR OF STRENGTHENED RC COLUMNS BY MEANS OF FERRO CEMENT JACKET[Full-Text ] Serag Ahmed Mohamed, Mohamed Zakaria Abdelhamid, Osama Al-heweiryThis paper presents an experimental investigation to clarify the behavior of reinforced concrete square and rectangular columns strengthened using Ferro cement jacket. Strengthening using Ferro cement jacket is relatively a new technique, which has a high strength/weight ratio, good resistance to cracking and impact loading, acceptable resistance to fire, and more resistance to corrosion than traditional materials.
Identification of The Suitable Type of Waste Dumps for Open-Pit Coal Mines in Cam Pha, Quang Ninh, Vietnam[Full-Text ] Nguyen Tam Tinh, Xuan-Nam BuiMining waste disposal is recently an important work of open-pit coal mines in Cam Pha, Quang Ninh, Vietnam. According to the long-term development plan of the Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (VINACOMIN). the mining waste volume of those coal mines is projected to be around 3.9 billion cube meters to 2030. However, the filled area and space are reducing over the years.
Microbial Examination of Ready-to-eat Fruit Samples (Pineapple, Pawpaw and Watermelon) from Street Vendors in Ogbomoso Market, Oyo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] A.O. Adeoye, E. M. Bankole, A. O. Onifade, C. A. Arotiowa and G. M. AdegbolaThis study examined ready-to-eat fruit samples which include pineapple, pawpaw and watermelon. The items were purchased in Ogbomoso market, Oyo state, Nigeria. The microbial analysis was carried out to include isolation of microbial load, biochemical characterization and antimicrobial sensitivity test using disc diffusion method. In the results, total bacterial count was 1.06 x 105 (cfu/g) for pineapple, 3.95 x 104 (cfu/g) for watermelon and 1.04 x104 (cfu/g) for pawpaw. The highest coliform present was 1.4 x105 (cfu/g) in water melon while the least 6.26 x104 (cfu/g) in pineapple.
Behavioral Study and Comparative Analysis of Crude Oil of Western Onshore Of India[Full-Text ] Prabha Modi, Archana Chaudhary, Abhishek PrajapatiOil is a major liquid fuel and it is also the basis of most other liquid fuels. It is formed by refining petroleum or crude oil which is a very complex mixture of components composed of many different types of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights. Crude oils are usually classified by the major type of hydrocarbons in the oil. The crude oil from many places were collected and evaluated to study the different parameters and to compare the difference between the crude oil produced in the different field of the western onshore of India. The SARA Analysis was done and the water content along with the associated water was studied using different Demulsifiers.
Tax and its effects on Business[Full-Text ] Ahmed Javed, Hamza Shahzad, Abdul Qadir, Shabbir HussainThis paper is focused on description of taxes, public finances, their role in business, its development, its reason of collection, different tax collection rates, tax principles, classification, goals and generically, their entire impact on the analysis of taxes. Tax analysis can be easily depicted by meeting amount of taxation budget of that specific state, meeting of demands and needs of its citizen and by economic development of the country. Main aim of taxation is to meet the demands and expenditure of public.
Calculation of Adiabatic Thermoacoustic Properties of the Seed Oils[Full-Text ] P. Johnson Son BabuThe thermoacoustic parameters, such as the ‘Sharma constant’ (S0,) the ‘isochoric temperature coefficient of internal pressure’ (ITIP) and the ‘isochoric temperature coefficient volume expansion’ (ITVE), the decreased volume, the ‘reduced compressibility’, and the ‘Huggins parameter’ ( ) were calculated utilizing the coefficient of volume expansion .
EEG Based wheel chair using Neurons[Full-Text ] Muhammad Yasir Saleem, Muhammad Muddasar SabirThe design of brain-computer interface for the wheelchair for physically disabled people is presented. The plan of the proposed framework depends on accepting, handling, and order of the electroencephalographic (EEG) signals and afterward playing out the control of the wheelchair. The quantity of exploratory estimations of mind movement has been finished utilizing human control orders of the wheelchair. In light of the psychological movement of the client and the control orders of the wheelchair, the plan of characterization framework dependent on recurrent neural network (RNN) is thought of.
PORTABLE WATER FILTER[Full-Text ] Mayank MishraThe quality of water flowing through the faucets for drinking is gaining attention from the public. There are still microorganisms and minerals that exist within the water that may damage human health. Hence, the target of this work is to develop a personal, moveable twin functions handy filter to supply a neater thanks to getting a safe, clean, and healthy drink for humans where they're going.
Geoelectrical Application to Well Site Boreholes for Groundwater Exploration on White Bandama Watershed in Crystalline Zone of Korhogo Region (Ivory Coast)[Full-Text ] Moussa OUEDRAOGO, Ismaïla OUATTARA, Abraham BABINE, Ismael SYLLA, Bamory KAMAGATE, Issiaka SAVANEBasement aquifers, which occur within the weathered and fractured zones of crystalline bedrocks, are important groundwater resources in tropical region. The complexity of hard rock aquifers, the lack of exhaustive studies regarding these aquifers lead to bad siting of boreholes drilling points. Geophysical investigations are used to obtain information about the weathered and fractured zones of the crystalline basement rocks, which relates to the occurrence of groundwater. Knowledge of the spatial variability of basement aquifers is useful in siting wells and boreholes for optimal and perennial yield.
COMPRESSED EARTH BRICK (CEB)[Full-Text ] Patrick NTEZIRYAYOThe sustainable and the affordable construction materials at low cost is needed in Rwanda for economic and environmental solution. Compressed Earth bricks (CEB) might be used as one of the solution of affordable housing. This research work was conducted on soil, kaolin, sawdust and ash powder.
THE INFLUENCE OF HUMAN ASPECTS AND CONSERVATION DOCUMENTATION ON AVIATION SAFETY: USING PEAR STRUCTURE FOR ANALYSIS OF 10 YEAR DATA[Full-Text ] MALIK ASAD, MUHAMMAD REHAN, MUHAMMAD ZAHID WASEEM, SHABBIR HUSSAINConservation is the important thing for the aircraft. In aviation using instruction or manual provide the aviation technicians to conservation the aircraft and complete their job with guidance. Anyhow, it’s not guaranteed that the instructions are correct and finalization of the conservation activity may be incorrect as instructions or may be the workers cannot understand the procedures. Errors of CONSERVATION have clearly result of aircraft accidents, an example of Pakistan flightPK-661. Objective is that how human factor linked with the CONSERVATION instructions has involved aircraft accidents.
ACCURATE DETECTION OF FACE MASKS USING DEEP LEARNING[Full-Text ] Shilpa Hariraj, Mohammed Furqaan Khan, Akshay Mohan Revankar, Vishwanath M Shantpurmath, Mohit vatsThe COVID-19 chaos has raised a range of challenges, there arises a severe want of protection mechanisms, mask being the first one one. The primary aim of the project is to find the presence of a mask on faces on a video stream like a webcam as well as on images.
Detection Of Median Nerve[Full-Text ] Mohammed Furqaan KhanThe internship included understanding of deep learning and implementation of computer vision techniques. It included tasks in which I was assigned to add noise to the images of median nerve for variability of data. I labeled the images using the LabelMe [1] annotation tool. We used SSD-MobilNet [2] to train the model and get the desired results.
Emerging Real Estate Trends in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Faheem ShaukatThis paper explores the core attributes influencing the real estate sector from the point of view of all real estate stakeholders in Pakistan and their reference to the real estate index. The data is collected from the State Bank, the World Bank and Zameen.com website and records - one of Pakistan's leading portals for properties. The promising variables of the study include housing, plots and residential properties and attributes such as loan prices, house funding, digitization and GDP per capita with the exception of government fiscal policies under which a strong relationship is observed in the positive direction.
Cardio respiratory coupling: A potential biomarker for the early detection of respiratory distress in COVID-19 affected patients[Full-Text ] Dabbu Suman, Ram Reddy B & Bhanu Prasad MarriThe world is facing SARS-COVID-19 pandemic. It is caused by a novel pathogenic virus which is highly contagious and spread across the globe and affecting millions of people leads to death. As per the clinical studies reported, most of the COVID19 patients who are under critically ill condition are suffering from the respiratory failure associated with cardiac dysfunction. COVID 19 directly impacts the lungs, where it damages the alveoli by accumulation of plasma protein on the alveolus wall. As a result, the lining gets thickened, and leads to hypoxia.
Extended Reality : It's Impact on Education[Full-Text ] Rishabh SharmaExtended Reality (XR) refers to all virtual and real environments generated by computer graphics and wearable devices. The "X" in XR stands for "computer-assisted reality," which includes Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR) (VR). This article discusses modern educational techniques, the recent application of XR in education, the scope of XR in various disciplines of education, market analysis statistics, and the technology's affordability in developing countries.
Contributing Factors To Earning Management Evidence From Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shabbir Hussain, Abeer Khan, Muzammil Shakeel, Deebaj HaiderThis article takes a gander on the association among a company's market cost and profits control. Change in complete get-togethers is used as a delegate for profits management and change in the marketplace to e book quantity is used as a go-between for an enterprise's marketplace cost. This article intends to check and analyze the effect of corporate business enterprise, audit first-rate, company length, and leverage toward income management and its thoughts at the genuineness of the monetary reports, both quite or in the meantime.
Risk Management and Efficiency of Works: A Study of Nepalese Cooperative Societies[Full-Text ] Gyanendra Prasd PaudelThe people are achieving equal aims and goals have forming Cooperatives Society. It has made access to capital market for the people of poor, middle class, and illiterate in rural area where as this became one of the wonderful business models in urban area. Risk management always has been included, but different stakeholders most critical of all risks faced by depository institutions. Though regulatory prerequisite imposed to Cooperative has not standard as imposed to banks by central bank, and the number of risk has been observed in this sector.
Deterrents To India's Growth: Building Optionality and Resilience[Full-Text ] Dr Suchithra Devi SIdentifying the obstacles for growth in India particularly in this pandemic hour is very relevant. The impact of demonetization, the introduction of GST, the pandemic Covid -19 had also badly affected the state. The decline in GDP and the growing inequality in the state is stressful. To adapt and grow in the face of stress and shocks, to convert risk to opportunities and transform when condition demands, is the major challenge. Action from a team that includes the politicians, Investors, Academicians, Economists, Policymakers, and administrators will help build resilience.
INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON TOTAL VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (TVOC) EMISSION CONCENTRATION IN PARKED VEHICLES[Full-Text ] Robert, J. J., Oluji, A. O.This study considered the influence of two atmospheric variables (temperature and relative humidity) on total volatile organic compound (TVOC) pollutant emission concentration in parked vehicles at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni. One hundred parked vehicles (50 parked vehicles under shade and 50 parked vehicles in the sun) were selected for the study. TVOC monitor was placed right inside each of the selected parked vehicles to measure its TVOC emission concentration, atmospheric variables (temperature and relative humidity) for a period of three months.
Synthesis & Characterization of OxoZirconium(IV) Complexes of 4- [N-Substituted Amino]Antipyrine Morpholino Methyl Thiourea[Full-Text ] Dr. Ravindra Singh Yadav& Dr. Seema KohliNew oxozirconium complexes were synthesized. Schiff’s base of 4-amino antipyrine with different aromatic aldehydes were prepared which were then condensed with morpholino methyl thiourea to give ligands(ð¿1−ð¿4).The ligands were reacted with oxozirconium(IV) chloride to form complexes.
A Hybrid Service for Enhanced Route Optimization in Waste Management[Full-Text ] Ebubechukwu D. Onuegbu, Udoka F. Eze, Emmanuel C. Amadi, Anthony I. OtuonyeDue to the growth in population, there has been an increase in trash generated, which has led in the late emptying of waste bins, resulting in an unclean environment, air pollution, and other issues in waste management. A route optimizer has been designed to help reduce the time and cost associated with emptying of waste bin. The proposed model was analyzed and developed using the prototyping approach. This is due to the fact that it aids in the early detection of problems, stimulates immediate user input, and makes identifying missing functionality simple. Data was gathered using a key informant interview approach, observation, and published studies.
Risk factors for the development of anogenital diseases in women of reproductive age[Full-Text ] Pljevljak Bulbul AminaIntroduction: Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in men and women in the world. Human papilloma virus is directly associated with accumulative warts and cervical cancer, the second most common neoplasia among women.
The Development and Evaluation of Modules in Purposive Communication Subject for Online Learning[Full-Text ] Donalyn C. DizonThis product-based quantitative research was conducted with its aim to evaluate the modules to assist students’ understanding of lesson contents in online learning. The respondents of this study were 50 randomly selected first year students from Entrepreneurship department who used the module during the entire first semester of 2020-2021.