Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2020
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Face Counting and Mask Detection using Deep Learning[Full-Text ] Janani Prabu,Sai Saranesh, Dr.S.AjithaFace is one among the foremost important human's biometrics which is used frequently in every day human communication and due to some of its unique characteristics plays a major role in conveying identity and emotion. So far numerous methods have been proposed for face recognition, but it's still remained very challenging in real world applications and up to date; there is no technique which equals human ability to recognize faces despite many variations in appearance that the face can have in a scene and provides a strong solution to all situations.
ISSUE OF DISCRETE FORECASTING METHODS OF INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Yusuf QiyomovThe article examines discrete methods of forecasting the development of the industry and their application in modeling economic, environmental, and technological processes.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF "LEAN PRODUCTION"[Full-Text ] Inobat Yaxyaeva Within the framework of this article, the most striking examples of foreign experience in implementing the principles of lean manufacturing are considered as one of the ways to influence the competitive advantage of an organization. The results of their implementation are analyzed, a comparative assessment of their effectiveness is carried out, one of the main problems of the implementation of Lean technologies in our country is formulated.
PROCESSES OF REFORMING THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Bakhodir Begalov, Odil MamadalievIn the paper have been examined processes of reforming the national statistical system of the republic of Uzbekistan. By authors were proposed advanced quality management systems, improving the information and communication infrastructure for statistical data processing, modern information and communication technologies planned to be introduced in the future, growth dynamics of the statistical capacity indicator.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF FOOD MARKETING[Full-Text ] Zinora BoltaevaIn the paper have been examined the theoretical foundations of such a relatively new branch of behavioral economics as neuromarketing. The paper discusses the main methods and tools of neuromarketing. In addition, the article provides a brief description of the possibilities of its application in modern realities..
EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SOME SELECTED BANKS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Raimi Adekunle ANIISERE-HAMEED and Tosin Dare BODUNDEThis paper considered the effect of corporate governance on financial performance of some selected banks in Nigeria. This study employed ex-post facto research design and the study has been both cross-sectional and longitudinal. A standard multiple regression model also contains control variables, which are part of the models for this research. Arisen from the analysis of the study, the study reveals that board size have significant effect on the performance of the banks; board committee structure has significant effect on the financial performance of bank in Nigeria; board composition has significant effect on the financial performance of banks; and non-executive directors on the audit committee have significant effect on the financial performance of banks.
Detection of Skin Cancer Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Tulasi NakkaIn recent days, skin cancer is seen as one of the most Hazardous forms of the Cancer found in Humans. Skin Cancer is classified into various types such as Melanoma, Basal and Squamous cell Carcinoma among which Melanoma is the most unpredictable.
Fire Detection Using Image Processing[Full-Text ] V.N.S. Sheshma KumariConventional fire detection systems use physical sensors to detect fire. Chemical properties of particles in the air are acquired by sensors and are used by conventional fire detection systems to raise an alarm. However, this can also cause false alarms; for example, a person smoking in a room may trigger a typical fire alarm system.
STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF AQUEOUS PHYTOEXTRACT IN THE REDUCTION OF GRAPHENE OXIDE[Full-Text ] Neena.PIn this work, Graphene Oxide (GO) was synthesized by treating graphite powder with KMnO4 and a mixture of concentrated H2SO4 and H3 PO4.The experiment is carried out at room temperature without NaNO3.The effects of reaction parameters such as reaction time, reaction temperature and amount of KMnO4 on the degree of oxidation of graphite powder to graphene oxide were studied. The results showed that treating graphite powder with KMnO4 at 40oC for 12 h resulted in better degree of oxidation.
Potential Fire Hazard and Safety In Hotel[Full-Text ] Amit Singh & Dr Sandhya MishraSafety is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical, psychological or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the health and well-being of individuals and the community. Safety in the hotel industry means the prevention of injury that can occur accidently to employees as well as guest or any sort of damage to property, goods and equipment present in hotel.
AUTOMATION FOR INSERTING WPF[Full-Text ] Akshay kaswa, Mr. Vijay EdakeManufaturing of an front housing of MO2 and MO1 is done on moulding machine and all dimention are found to be ok if curing time of the product will incressed upto 3 min but 3 min for one single product manufaturing was to much time and we wiil not able to achive our daily production target due to this we have reduce the cycle time and curing time of the product to 1.75 min. but we have not able to achive all dimentions of the products to be ok one dimention which was very important for whole product which is not ok and due to this movement of bridgre is not happening and due to this whole product goes under rejection it will cost to much for the plant around 12000/product.
The Benefits Of Mineral Beneficiation To Liberia's Economy [Full-Text ] Ousman KanteIt is obvious that, for any country that is anticipating success in today's minerals’ sectors, that country’s sectors’ managers need to apply some sufficient efforts in order to render assistance to the indigenous mining companies to outcompete the other firms in the region. Among many possible activities, cost reduction in mineral beneficiation is regarded as one of the core areas presenting enormous opportunities for the West African country, Liberia. The country Liberia which is endowed with a notable stock of mineral reserves and has habitually be dependent on mining, namely iron ore, gold, and diamonds, as a major source of income is also encouraged follow the same. And it has also been predicated by some geologists that there are traces of another valuable mineral such as Uranium, platinum, and niobium.
Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Optimization Studies of Crude Oil Sorption Using Modified and Unmodified Husks of Bambara Nut (Vigna subterrancea[Full-Text ] Christian N. Chukwujindu, Livinus O. Ogiri, Fidelis E. Ileamuzor, Kelechi C.Chukwujindu,& Ibiem-Kenechukwu PeaceOil spillage in water bodies constitutes environmental burden to coastal cities around the world in view of the escalating cases of the pollution with the consequential damages to humans and aquatic lives. Sorption of oil spillage using agricultural biomass has attracted recent research attention partly due to the simplicity of the process and the availability of the sorbents. This work estimated the kinetics, isotherm and thermodynamics parameters of oil sorption using modified and unmodified bambara nut (Vigna subterrancea) husks as sorbents. The modification was carried out using the acetylation method, which increased the hydrophobicity of the sorbent, and the sorption study was in batch process using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer to measure oil absorbance as a direct correlation to residual oil concentration.
Development and Performance Analysis of Dual-band Non-uniform Amplitude Pentagram-Hexagram Star Array Antenna[Full-Text ] A. S. Adewumi, D. K. Adeleke and M.O. Alade This paper presents a newly configured dual- band non-uniform amplitude pentagram-hexagram six (6) elements Star array antenna at VHF and UHF frequency bands for multipurpose applications. The pentagram-hexagram (Penta-Hexa)gram Star array has been designed to control it radiation characteristics by properly selecting the amplitude distribution of the elements. The design was set out to achieve a very few side lobes and a higher directivity Star array antenna.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CONFINED CONCRETE MODELS[Full-Text ] Velu Perumal, Kothandaraman S, Ashok KumarAnalytical models for the full stress-strain relationship of confined concrete in compression are required for the numerical simulation of the structural behavior of reinforced concrete structural elements. There are many analytical models presented in the literature, which are generally empirical and are based on tests on reinforced concrete columns.
Tibetan Outlook towards China's Maneuver over Tibet: Case of Tibetan immigrants staying in Nainital, Uttarakhand (India)[Full-Text ] Dr.Vikram Vir BhartiThe very research paper is focused to make a query and search about the outlook of the Tibetan staying in India, regarding China's regime in Tibet. The universe selected for the study encompass, Tibetan staying in Nainital, which is a mountainous town and district headquarters of Uttarakhand state of India. The study tends to trace the present status and mind-set of the Tibetan staying outside their homeland, Tibet
Leveraging Innovation for Environmental Sustainability and Flood Risk Management in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Jamiu Adekunle IdowuFlooding, pollution, deforestation, and land degradation constitute some of Nigeria's greatest environmental problems. In most cases, the extent of the displacements, fatalities, and losses caused by these problems cannot be truly ascertained. Meanwhile, as stakeholders at the local, state and federal levels are increasingly in pursuit of the right approach to address these environmental hazards, innovation is critical.
Comparative evaluation of depth of cure in dental composites after using LED light curing unit of two different intensities[Full-Text ] A dental curing light is a piece of dental equipment that was introduced to restorative dentistry. It initiated photo polymerization reaction of composites resins. It is used on different dental materials that are curable by light. The light falls under the visible blue light spectrum. This light has a range of wavelengths and different between each type of device. There are four basic types of dental curing light sources: tungsten halogen, light-emitting diodes (LED), plasma arcs, and lasers.
Measurements of Some Physical Properties of PMMA/PS Blend and Studying the Dielectric properties of Gamma- Irradiated Composites[Full-Text ] M. T.Abou-Laila, Eman O. TahaPolymer blends of polymethylmethacrylate/polystyrene (PMMA/PS) were prepared with different concentrations. The electrical properties such as the DC & AC conductivity, dielectric constant, and dielectric loss were investigated. The 2/8 (PMMA/PS) blend was then selected for studying the effect of gamma-ray irradiation on its physical properties.
Designing a Stand-alone Solar Charge Controller for 12V System with Over Voltage and Under Voltage Protection[Full-Text ] Md. Mahmudul Hasan, A.F.M. Ahasan Habib Mithun, Sheikh Md. RaihanIn this paper, we will design a stand alone solar charge controller for a 12 V system. The result will be discussed in two ways: in simulation obtained by Proteus software and by implementing on hardware. The overcharge and over-discharge protection conditions were maintained. We find, in this paper, the over cutoff voltage of 14.10V and the low cutoff was 10.3V.
Characteristics of Damage by Porcupine to Groundnuts in District Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Asim, Kamran KhanHystric Indica (Indian porcupine) is a nocturnal species which affect the crop and yield of the roundnuts. Moreover, it is a cash crop and could be found everywhere in the research area. Furthermore, the aim of the current study is 1) To assess damages to groundnut in District Malakand and 2) To quantify the damage and yield loss of groundnuts by Indian porcupine (Hystric Indica).
Study of a 1.5 kW vertical wind turbine[Full-Text ] William Sciacca Garcia, Moisés de Mattos Dias, Alessandro Sarmento dos Santos, Monir Goethel Borba, Patrice Monteiro de Aquim, Ângela Betrice Dewes Moura, Eduardo Luis Schneider, Jocarli Itamira Duarte Alencastro, Halston José Mozetic, Renato Mazzini Callegaro, Lírio Schaeffer, José Lesina Cézar and Luiz Carlos GertzThe aim of this work was the study of a 1.5 kW vertical Wind Turbine, made by Enersud, assembled above the Electronic Engineer Building of the Feevale University. The work consisted in the specifications of the Turbine (shovels), tower and control panel. This wind turbine generates 48 Electric Voltage Tension, connected in a 4-battery of 12V bank, that are connected to a 220 V three-phase inverter, and in its turn, is connected in a bank of resistive charge.
A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF TAMSULOSIN AND SILODOSIN AS MEDICAL EXPULSIVE THERAPY IN RENAL AND URETERIC STONES < 7mm[Full-Text ] Hacha Nayak Dharavath, Raviteja Dodde,Dr.Raghavendra Pradeep MS, Mch,DAMS, Dr.B.Naresh Pharm.DAim: To compare safety and efficacy of tamsulosin and silodosin in renal and ureteric stones as expulsive therapy and know the epidemiology.
Radiographic findings of a patient with acute severe COVID-19 pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital : A case report[Full-Text ] Dr Aysha Ghayyur, Dr Farhan Mustafa, Dr Samina Saeed, Dr Emman Salam, Dr Subhan Saeed, Dr Hayyan Ahmad, Professor Dr Tanvir Us SalamSince December 2019, SARS Cov 2 pandemic has emerged as a major challenge for the physicians starting from the difficulties in making definitive diagnosis and obstacles in suggesting an optimum drug therapy with documented efficacy and antiviral properties. The wide diversity of symptoms is well explained by the genomic variations amongst the different Covid strains.
The Core Yarn Production Methods with Dref Yarn Spinning Machine[Full-Text ] Sevda AltasDevelopments in textile technology have led to an increase in production speeds in spinning. However, it is known that an increase in production only in terms of quantity will not lead to an increase in the market share of the products. The yarns produced must be of quality and quality that can meet the differences in the expectations of people from textile products in parallel with the changing lifestyle. For this reason, in recent years, with the changing lifestyle, more comfortable, more functional and longer-lasting textile products have been preferred. In order to meet these demands, core yarn types produced by combining materials with different properties have started to be used increasingly.
Development of a Secured WEB-BASED HEALTHCARE INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS) For Federal Polytechnic, Ile Oluji Community[Full-Text ] O. O. Olasehinde, O. S. Egwuche, J. T. Fakoya, M. O AjinajaPatient's medical records are needed for accurate diagnoses and treatment of patient, its proper management will ensures it accuracy comprehensiveness and accessibility to medical personnel whenever it is require. The existing manual system of management of medical records at the Federal Polytechnic (FEDPOLEL), Ile Oluji, is associated with problems such as delay in retrieval of patient's record, duplication of patient's, lack of security and privacy for the patient's records as well as lack of effective backup of medical records. The project aimed to develop a secured and Web-Based Health Information System (HIS).
An Extended Research Agenda for the Management of Organizational Resilience using the Resilience-Phase-Model (RPM)[Full-Text ] Manuela VarsaniThis article aims to encourage research into organizational resilience using the Resilience-Phase-Model (RPM). Using an interdisciplinary approach that draws from resilience theory in socio-ecology, this article develops several lines of inquiry. In this article the author addresses two questions. (1) How can be organizational resilience conceptualized to achieve a common understanding?" and (2) How can this concept be used for further research in resilience management. In a first step the origin understanding of resilience has been conceptualized with the Resilience-Phase-Model (RPM).
Assessment of Heavy Metals in The Muscle of Domestic Birds[Full-Text ] Owoso D.S, Adebisi C, Adebayo R.OThe main objective of the present study was to provide the information on the concentration and distribution of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), in the muscle of different species of domesticated birds (guinea fowl, Local fowl, Cockerel) considering both male and female species using Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Initially, the samples were digested with concentrated nitric acid, Hydrogen peroxide and Perchloric acid in a Teflon beaker.
Face Mask Detection System[Full-Text ] Rajat Sachdeva, Sonam, Harshita SharmaThe World Health Organization (WHO) reports suggest that the two main routes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiratory droplets and physical contact. Wearing a medical mask is one of the prevention measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases, including COVID-19. Therefore, it is necessary to wear a mark properly at public places like supermarkets, shopping malls. In this paper we have proposed a Face Mask Detection system to check whether a person is wearing a mask properly or not. There are only a few researches on face mask detection in video streams. It consists of a two phase architecture for detecting face masks and will be using OpenCV, Tensorflow/Keras, MobileNetV2 and Deep Learning to achieve high accuracy.
Effect of Slot Length On Microstrip Antenna for Triple Band Application[Full-Text ] Mamatha A G and Dr. Pradeep M Hadalgi A rectangular slot loaded microstrip antenna is designed to analyze the performance of antenna by varing length of the slot. the designed antenna has FR4 as a substrate with the height of 0.16 cms at 6 GHz frequency is simulated using HFSS software. the antenna shows the single, double and triple bands in nature for different slot dimensions and it is observed that as the length of the slot increases the virtual size of the antenna decreases.
WHY BITCOIN IS WORTHY OF RESEARCH[Full-Text ] Cryptocurrency is a digital currency which is created for the purpose of transaction as a normal currency. It uses Cryptography and Blockchain technology to secure its exchanges and limit the production of a particular type of cryptocurrency and keep track of each and every transaction in whole network. The Cryptocurrency laden with so much new age technologies and a huge market presence all over the world, but still, even after a decade of its existence, it has not attained an established image as a new age currency system among majority of the countries in the world and people are still sceptical about its worth.
Emission Characteristics for passenger cars[Full-Text ] M. M. M. Salem and k. A. Abd El-Gawwad In several extra-urban cities, motor vehicle emissions are a significant source of air pollution. The newly rapid procurement of private cars has enhanced the quality enhancement of the extra-urban air in many major cities. True life cycle measurements of remote emission sensors to test pollutant characteristics. The present study will provide policymakers with recommendations for further enhancing emission estimates for motor vehicles.
The Observation of the Core Dref Yarn Production Methods and the Friction Property of the Yarn According to the Spinning Drum Speed[Full-Text ] Sevda AltasDevelopments in textile technology have led to an increase in production speeds in spinning. However, it is known that an increase in production only in terms of quantity will not lead to an increase in the market share of the products. The yarns produced must be of quality and quality that can meet the differences in the expectations of people from textile products in parallel with the changing lifestyle. For this reason, in recent years, with the changing lifestyle, more comfortable, more functional and longer-lasting textile products have been preferred. In order to meet these demands, core yarn types produced by combining materials with different properties have started to be used increasingly.
Correlation coefficient and path coefficient analysis for yield and its component traits in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm[Full-Text ] Aisha Sodagar, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal, Sadar Uddin Siddiqui, Qasim Farooq, Muhammad Shakir, Ahsan Rasheed, Asha MushtaqThe present experiment was carried out to evaluate genetic variability and correlation among different components of Phaseolus vulgaris L. germplasm. An earthen pot experiment was established by utilizing forty common bean accessions at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan in 2019-2020. For this purpose complete randomized design with four replications was followed in this trial. Data was statistically analyzed for correlation co-efficient and path co-efficient analysis that revealed high genetic diversity among common bean accessions for seventeen components that were under study. Co-efficient of variation for genetic and phenotypic variability showed highly significant observations.
Enhancing the Business Process Lifecycle Using Twitter Mining[Full-Text ] Hend Montasser, Hanan Fahmy, Sayed Abdelgaber, Yehia HelmyNowadays, reviews on different items can be found in blogs, social networking sites, e-commerce sites, and web forums. Whenever a consumer wishes to decide on the buying of some product, the opinion plays an important part. Before buying any new product, the buyer must refer to the thoughts or views of the people currently using the product. Customers who purchased the items will share their experience with the product online in the form of textual feedback.
Ligand Based Pharmacophore Modeling and Virtual Screening of PARP2 Inhibitors[Full-Text ] Bibi Zahida, Tasbeeha Saeed, Dr.Hafeez Ullah, Duaa Zahra, Kainat Fatima, Mamona Malik, Namra Shafiq, Tuba Raheem ParachaIn whole world malignancy in prostate is most wide reprted reason of male casualties and sixth most known reason of deaths in men. To cure PCa, ADT is the advanced cure leading to initial response and durable remission, incurable castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) invariably develops.PARP-2 the drug target protein, who increases AR-mediated transcription by binding with talready present factor FOXA, that is also a drug target.
Formula to evaluate the area of irregular convex quadrilaterals[Full-Text ] Anant SharmaThis research provides a general formula to calculate the area of irregular convex quadrilaterals.
Impact of polluted Yamuna water on the agricul-tural practices performed by the farming commu-nity (Delhi)[Full-Text ] Ms. Deepa Tomar, Dr. Rupa UpadhyayThis paper describes the impact of polluted Yamuna water on the agricultural practices performed by the farming community (Delhi). This study was undertaken to explore the effects on soil, agricultural practices, and cropping pattern due to Yamuna river pollution. For the study two locales, i.e. Mayur Vihar and Okhla were taken in Delhi. In Okhla, the land is reported to be more infertile and resulted in a decrease in crop production. In Okhla, 96.7% of the respondents reported that the quality of crops has been affected by the Yamuna water. In Mayur Vihar as well as the Okhla area, the majority of the respondents reported that incidences of pests have increased in the plants in the last 10 years