Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2020
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Effect of Drying Methods on the Vitamins, Minerals and Phytochemical Contents of Waterleaf (Talinum triangulare)[Full-Text ] Grace Oluwatoyin Ogunlakin, Ajekigbe Sola Olajire, Igbagboyemi Adesola Deniran and Shakirat Temitope AjuwonWaterleaf (Talinum triangulare) as a vegetable is susceptible to deterioration due to its high moisture content which leads to considered amount of waste due to lack of efficient preservation techniques. It is high in vitamin, mineral and phytochemical contents which may be affected during drying process. Therefore, this study investigated on the effect of drying methods on the vitamin, mineral, phytochemical and antioxidant content of dried waterleaf vegetable.
THE IMPACT OF EUROPEAN REGIONAL POLICY: SETTING AN EXAMPLE FOR NON-MEMBERS[Full-Text ] RUFUS AISEDION, BENEDICT OKOUMENLEN, JOEL OSE EROMOMENThe EU Regional Policy, or Cohesion Policy, is one of the EU's vital uniting tools. It aims to advance the countries' economic welfare that makes up the European Union and checkmate regional disparities. A more competitive region with stable economic growth and surplus employment opportunities is the EU regional policy's main aim. Despite the comprehensive impact on many member states, some have argued that it is not fit for purpose, hence calling for the policy's renationalization.
INITIATION OF BREASTFEEDING WITHIN ONE HOUR OF BIRTH AND ITS DETERMINANTS AMONG CAESAREAN SECTION AND VAGINAL DELIVERIES AT GOVT. SHAHDARA TEACHING HOSPITAL LAHORE IN PAKISTAN: A CASE-OBSERVATION STUDY[Full-Text ] Rashida Ghafoor,Humaira Rashid,Afshan,Razia HabibBackground: 22 percent of infant death can be averted by starting breastfeeding within one hour of birth. Several factors affect the practice of breastfeeding, including socio-demographic and obstetric aspects of women, and time-related factors surrounding child birth.
HIV-Sero-prevalence trend among blood donors in Federal Area of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Tasbeeha Saeed,Faiqa Anjum, Mamoona Sarfraz,Toseef ur Rehman, Aqsa Maqsood,Tuba Raheem Paracha, Bibi Zahida, Dua Zahra, Waqas Tariq ParachaAlthough blood transfusion is one of the known therapeutic interventions that cuts across a number of clinical disciplines. It is necessary to test all intending blood donors for HIV infection before donation. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HIV among blood donors at PIMS Blood Bank, Islamabad,Pakistan. A retrospective study was conducted in PIMS Blood Bank through the year 2019.
OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS IN DENTISTRY –Review[Full-Text ] B.Reshmi, Dr.JayalakshmiDentistry is considered by the practitioners and most of the public as being extremely hazardous.They are predisposed to a number of occupational hazards. These include exposure to infections,percutaneous exposure incidents, dental materials, radiation, and noise,musculoskeletal disorders,psychological problems and dermatitis,respiratory disorder, and eye insults.
Role of Biochar in Mitigating Salinity Stress in Tomato[Full-Text ] Raziye KUL, Tuba ARJUMEND, Melek EKINCI, Ertan YILDIRIM, Metin TURAN, Sanem ARGINThe problem of soil salinization is a scourge of global agricultural productivity. Biochar as an organic amendment has the potential to remediate salt affected soils, thereby alleviating salt stress on plants. This research was set to access the effect of 5% and 10% urban waste biochar in easing the harmful effects of salt stress on growth and physiological parameters of the tomato crop. The results of the study showed that both rates of biochar were efficient in improving overall plant performance.
FISCAL CADASTRAL SYSTEM REFORM FOR IMPROVED REVENUE YIELD IN SOUTH EAST,NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Felix O.Ukebho,Robert Egwu Out Iduma,Moses Ayegba EmakojiThe Cadastral system has developed importantly over the past years. Land, together with its associated buildings and developments is one of the most important financial assets in any country. The fiscal cadastral system is a system of generating and accounting for revenue in the state or country. The study was aimed at evaluating existing fiscal cadastral system and modern technologies in south east nigeria and the reform necessary for increase yield in revenue.
Accelerating Financial Inclusion in Cambodia Using Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Anil K. MakhijaPromoting prosperity and protecting the planet at the same time requires us to end poverty and simultaneously promote economic growth and address social needs. This is also reflected in the form of 17 sustainable development goals agenda set by United Nations. Financial inclusion has been identified as an enabler for 7 out of those 17 sustainable development goals. Financial inclusion requires I\individuals and businesses to have access and ability to do financial transactions, payments, get credit and insurance.
E- Banking and Its Laws in India[Full-Text ] Kishan TiwariIn the present circumstance, individuals for the most part utilize the Internet in their every day lives. The Internet has become a significant piece of their fundamental needs, for example, food, attire and lodging. The Internet causes customary individuals to associate and speak with the world a ton. In this sense, introduction to data and access to data has gotten exceptionally basic.
DEEP LEARNING OF ATTACK DETECTION AND LOW RATE TESTS ON DDoS ATTACKS[Full-Text ] Dr. R. Rajesh M.C.A., Dr. M. Ramakrishnan, P. Ganesan M.EThe complexity of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is escalating swiftly, which makes protecting against these threats are bigger and very important for all layers. A DDoS attack may sound complicated, but it is actually quite easy to understand. The process of sending and receiving data from one host to another, data encapsulation, is possible due to the existence of a seven layer protocol suite presented as the OSI model. Although while investigating DoS attacks, rarely refer to various layers of this OSI model, special weight age is to be laid upon the seventh layer, the application layer. In essence, it procures an interface to end-user tasks, and facilitates programs such as web browsers, email services, and photo applications in sending network communications (e.g., SMTP or HTTP).
Sustainable HRM Practices-Organisation and Individual Impact[Full-Text ] Abhyudaya Marya, Riya Gupta, Adarsh Makholia, Abhishek DubeyThe objective of this research project is to investigate the relationship among sustainable HRM Practices, perceived sustainable or-ganizational support, job engagement, trust in management, knowledge sharing and employee agility by reaching out to employees in the service industry. The industries were diverse, in their domain and in the impact of the pandemic. We had participants from airlines, IT, banking, microfinance, education and many more.
Supporting variable and dummy variable[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaLet a=2t , t =r then we can get a=2r. Here without t we can not relate a with r . So here 't' is the supporting variable. But if a=2t, t=r ,r= 2b ,a=3b then without t,r we get another relationship between a and b and we will say that t,r are dummy variables. When we find some relationship between two quantities and again without taking the help of that we can get a new relationship between the two, then the concept of dummy variable comes. In case of geometry the axes may act as dummy axes.
Self- Reliance Through Operations Management[Full-Text ] Dr. Poornima YIndia lags behind many advanced countries including China and is dependent on them for many imports. These are Covid-19 times and businesses came to a standstill all over the world. This problem is aggravated by the attack of Chinese People Liberation army in the Galvan region of Ladakh. Prime Minister Modi became alert and called for Atmanirbharata or Self Reliance. Indian economy and people are in the shadow of China and its digital machinery.
Influence of Increasing Number of Epochs on Electric Power Consumption Dataset[Full-Text ] Md. Abdur RahmanElectricity energy consumption prediction plays an important role in short-term energy allocation with the increasing demand for energy in recent years. Predicting this accurately helps to make better decisions by minimizing the cost and making energy efficient. Nowadays, machine learning and deep learning approaches are used to predict energy consumptions for the individual home, building, or campus.
Recent Review On Load/power Flow Analysis[Full-Text ] Sagiru Gaya, Oludayo Sokunbi, Ibrahim Omar HabiballaThis paper presents the latest review of power/load flow analysis methods from recent published work. These methods are grouped into conventional (Gauss-Siedel, Newton Raphson, Decoupled, and Fast Decoupled), and non-conventional (Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network, and Other Miscellaneous Methods). This work shows a summary of the latest works in this research topic. This give researchers insight into the available information on the current methods of load/power flow. It also enable researchers to possibly compare all the methods, as well as improve on the existing methods.
Genetic Algorithm Technique to Estimate Yield and Capacity for Proposed Reservoir on Greater Zab River[Full-Text ] Alaa A. Abbas, Ali H. Hommadi, Ahmed Al Obaidy, Hatem H. HusseinIraq will be facing lack in water inflow in Tigris and Euphrates due to construction of dams by neighboring countries on both rivers and its tributaries, in addition to climate changes and its effects on inflow water by decrease in rainfall amount in winter and temperature increase of temperature in summer. The increasing of water needs for population and agriculture extensions will be challenges facing Iraq and all the world for supply and conservation of it.
U-Learning – The Design and Evaluation of Evocative Learning based Method for Futuristic Ubiquitous Educational Learning Environment[Full-Text ] Munazza Mah JabeenTechnology has travelled a long way from an analogue world to a digital age, where our interaction in the virtual world is leading us towards virtual reality. Ubiquitous learning (UL) can be considered as a pattern in erudition grounded on ubiquitous latest technologies usage through smart devices. The research has gaged the level of awareness of ubiquitous learning and analyzed the contribution of various factors that are responsible for the rate of adoption of UL
A Theoritical Overview of IOT Based Smart Home Automation System – to connect various facilities through the network[Full-Text ] Md. Alomgir Hossain, Md. Turiqul Islam, Rubina Akter Rabeya, Halima Khatun, Asjad Hasan Jim Smart Home Automation system is a feature of modern technology based on IOT. Where we will provide all the long-term smart facilities, which actually people need. Our system will describe that how can we made a dynamic connection by using computer technology, image display technology, communication technology to monitoring our smart home from any corner of the world through the network. A moving sensor with a smart camera will detect the antecedents of the user easily and also there will be updated remote control system to control other congenial equipment’s. The main purpose of making this system to make our home more comfortable and secure.
Assessing the Irrigation Water Management Elements in Amba 1 Irrigation Scheme in Assosa Woreda, Western Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Bekalu Melis Alehegn, Kassegn Asnakew SeyoumThe aim of this study was assessing water management mechanisms used by water users in Amba one irrigation scheme. Amba 1 irrigation scheme located in Assosa woreda having a total area of 90 ha irrigated land. Total of 120 households was purposively selected at the head, middle and tail of the irrigation scheme. The required data were collected by interviewing about Amba 1 irrigation management issues. The crop water requirements of the major irrigated crops were calculated by CROPWAT version 8 and the social data were analyzed by SPSS version 20.
EFFECT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT AS PREDICTOR OF ECONOMIC GROWTH: A STUDY OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN CROSS RIVER STATE[Full-Text ] Ehugbo, Ikechukwu, Ugboko, Lucky NwakegoThis paper focuses on the impact of entrepreneurship development as a predictor of the economic growth of Cross River State SMEs. The rationale of the study is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurship proxy by sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, and entrepreneurship diversity on economic growth. The study employs survey research. Simple random sampling was employed while Taro Yamane's’ formula was used to determine the sample size at 344. A structured questionnaire was used to generate data and the data was analyzed using multiple regressions. The instrument was measured and tested on the Cronbach Alpha reliability test and the result indicated that all the scales were highly reliable with Cronbach alpha of 0.76. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Inc. 25) was used as an analytical tool.
EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WORKING WITH CUSTOMERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL RETAIL OUTLETS[Full-Text ] Bobojonov Bakhrombek RuzimovichIdentification of changes in consumer behavior and knowledge of the key factors influencing behavioral changes in the effective organization of sales in the pharmaceutical market, as well as the ability to adapt to consumers is one of the urgent problems requiring study.
THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE FOR LOCALIZATION DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Sobinova Rano SolijonovaIn this paper, the impact of localization on the development of regional industry is econometrically modeled. In this study, we performed an econometric analysis of the factors that directly affect localization. According to him, the analysis of the forecast model of the share of localized production in the total industrial output of the country and the factors influencing it shows that the obtained MAPE (average absolute percentage error of the forecast) is 0.32% and Tayl coefficient is 0.001. the accuracy of the forecast on the formed model is very high.
ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT STATE OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT IN THE PASSENGER SERVICES MARKET[Full-Text ] Ziyodulla RaxmatovIn the paper have been analysed of the development state of railway transport in the passenger services market. by the author analysed passenger traffic and passenger turnover by mode of transport, dynamics of gdp and passenger turnover by all modes of transport and transport mobility of the population.
Response to Covid-19 in Africa; Discovered March 2020[Full-Text ] Zelalem, Kiros Bitsue, Dr. Martha Fekadu RahmethoThis IIb / III clinical trial program focuses on the COVID-19 with Co- morbidity illness in order to start a better development of combination therapy of (AZEE): Determine the Disease control rate (DCR of phase IIb/III of combination of (AZEE) in the COVID-19 with Co- morbidity illness Patients.
Improving Accuracy of Fault Detection in Power Transformers using Artificial Neural Network Based Digital Relay[Full-Text ] J. Chapi, G. N. Onoh, N. Aliyu, B. I. Okere, O. L. Daniyan, J.C. Iyidobi , D. O. Nwagbara, P. A. Okala, S. Falana, V.O. EzinwaThis paper presents a cost-effective technique for improvement of power transformer protection using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) digital relay. The model was developed using MATLAB/SIMULINK and designed to detect faults in power transformers. The simulated results show that the system is 97% efficient and thus can be used to detect fault and other abnormal conditions in power transformers. Hence, Transmission and Distribution Companies can deploy the system in power transformers for efficient and reliable working condition.
A Review of Gender in Agricultural Research and Development[Full-Text ] Truayinet MekuriawThe gender division of labor in agriculture means that female and male farmers usually have different technology and extension needs. However, technology generation and extension services worldwide remain dominated by men. Also women farmers play an important role in agriculture but this role often goes unrecognized due to perception bias. Gender plays a vital role from the farm to market. A variety of constraints however, impinge upon the ability for developing countries to perceive women as agents of food and nutritional security.
Naive Bayes Approached in Color Detection using Pandas & OpenCV[Full-Text ] Hassan Jillani Farooqi, Anum Anwaar Chauhan, Azfar Wajid SiddiquiColor detection [1] is the process of detecting name of the color. Here this is easy task for humans to detect the color and choose one. But computer cannot detect the color easily. This is tough task for computer to detect the color easily. So that’s why we choose this project. Many of the project and research papers are written on this problem. But we use different techniques for this project. Naive Bayes algorithm, Pandas and OpenCV libraries used in python languages. Naive Bayes may be a simple technique for constructing classifiers: models that assign class labels to problem instances, represented as vectors of feature values, where the category labels are drawn from some finite set.
Development of Next Generation Civilian Aircraft[Full-Text ] H Sai ManishDesigning a NEXT GENERATION FLYING VEHICLE & its JET ENGINE for commercial air transportation civil aviation Service. Implementation of Innovation in Future Aviation & Aerospace. In the ever-changing dynamics of the world of airspace and technology constant Research and Development is required to adapt to meet the requirement of the passengers. This study aims to develop a subsonic passenger aircraft which is designed in a way to make airline travel economical and affordable to everyone.
Causes of the parallel economy in Tunisia: The integration of a composite variable / quality of institutions[Full-Text ] Elkamel GhrissiAfter the 2011 revolution, Tunisia is experiencing economic difficulties that continue to worsen and those despite significant progress in its political transition. Indeed, the growth rate is too low and unable to reduce high unemployment, Budget and current account deficits are high, inflation has increased and the population is very unhappy with the economic situation. In fact, the growth rate stood at 1% at the end of 2019 against 2.7% in 2018, the unemployment rate remains stable around 15%.
Intelligent Accident Informer[Full-Text ] H.Keerthika, V.HiroshaanWith the development of modern technology and the expansion of road network transportation system also developed tremendously. Automobile has become greater importance in our daily life for various purposes. Along with these advancements, huge number of road traffic accidents also has surged. Road traffic injuries and fatalities have emerged as major public health concern. Vehicles use airbag mechanism along with the seat belts in order to reduce risk in the accidents.